Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 34

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i Ana- '.N-- ' '. '' ' ' ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JAXUARV -8,' 1912. ' " ' ' " V - -
" "US BOYS" Things Will Be Quiet for a Little While Now
M(Mn United States Pateat Office.
By Tom McNamara
(iP "
feuf butsibfe qp wAr-v tt camT fee dome .
' ' yviimour a fAAKeop
!l 2
t. if
Omiha Bowlicf bttgut Tem la
, , 4 - Crack Work on Alltji.
' All Tenets Mailer la Esvctlaat
. Porta J. S. tree Roll S,TOt !
Teen leasee' ts Mela, Who
t a B,os..
Oe " Fraodeoo bowling lUera IN
Omaha Leagua rolled up torn lars
let Uat nltht at to Kranclsc antra,
all scores being rolled over LAW,
The Hare Clothing Co. teem Waa Uit
, Mar for Ui night getting a total of
I. t m, the loweet boarlrr getting K4 ant th
high man. Ttaltsr, getting C17. Francleot
rnd n. With lliMr total of tMO they
wen two ranif from th tlMla, th laat
tarn getnc tolba Moapra by tis ploa,
Ttia Mu taam, with Iwa of thalr recti'
laf plaran akaaat, miaa ap t,3. wlnntnf
tltraa run troai th t. . Crnaa. Tn
Craaa taa raUat tnolr raxalar tW, but
aatr task ana rants. Tar th Mtt bora,
. Tad. Natl rot ana kirk atittt a.
; KvarT aa aa tha taaat a( a of war
',) aooro, Maal, Bl ana ; Mub Mi
' Iaaaua Oi ItarUay Hit aiafcaaar B7.
or tbo J. a. craaa taam Caia iraa Utar
l Uh all aatUac Mrk war M7, ;
Tba O'Brlaa'a KaMlir KUU took two
from tb Aavo uam. la tha tint ran
tha Ktda amiM not bit tba hai4 pta, but
' thy pullod thnnailVM teUr Hi th
I awma and rolled ap IT Vor th
i Kldi Tonwa raa Wrh with HI and hlcb
tam lit a tb Advoa OJord wa th
war. KI, rrHebar tattltuj blrh tam tm.
! eaftd: ;" ..' !.. '. i
, Roorna
-..-it r , i int. Id, in. Tatal,
, WM 4 IM HI m ttt
, 17
:t i ( m
wnv liumaa ...... 1
Soaolln. , lit
ri IM Ml
' M tti
in 14 ti
m ii m
.Handicap .....
,. ta n m
..M M M .
total Ml IM
, 11. J. )m. v.i
" MeMariln ..." M t4
Franckwa In
Halarr V.l
RryaolA W
1 Ml
1M f
ITT 14
KH. l
1 If J
, aUSTZ WWB. ,
' ' ' in. M.
Kala ill
Utile 1',;
TVnmaa lt&
Martlry tit Itl
Hiakoiwy ....r ...
Bua ...i ...... 11
- Total....-.... ...... l M
, it a. CHOM.
' ,: r lot, M.
Cain .... Ill W
Wllry IS IM
Johmaoa 1 in
Veuwn MA J
May.tbMB IM 1S
1. Total,
in . M
M Total
-tui. ;...
Tracy .........
ttordo '...a.i.
SHnmiraiali .
- Total......
MaCarty ..,
niro ........
....... m
, M
m u
...i.i.. M '
....... 11
1.1. M.
1W 1
141 , l
.......i lot i 3ia
MS 1
lit 14S .
t tM
M. Total,
in tn
14 1 1
in mi
n ta
1.1 471
Total.... .......... til WW. 1."
Uaaaioap J! C.J
t- Total.... Ml W H t :
thaaro la liau City lcu aa Morris, a a
auy: '
art. M. M.
Art or IM 1U ' 1
MclM 1 V4) 1M
I. Mm j,... X nt l
AmaM 14 U? l
eVboeninaa ttl U4
m im in
lULXcoci-i'jtnsLH utho. ca
lit. m. sn.
Tbarbr I...'.... 14 111 142
Hofmaa ....A.n.u..... 1U uu IM
Jtturaaa tM M4 114
Run ...................... U ii lo
141 u. to
Kalmaa ...
Hoblm ...
KatfW .....
,,........ la)
. UI
It) :
Total Hi
lot. M.
runNkra 1TI IN
bf arphr . ISI r .- 14 .
Fall Particular of BriUik lit
! Oompetitioa ecfi Ear.
rllUb War. Olrto I ta Mar
Optra 4 Oar Aar Ma
rbla thai Wlaa
' frla.
MW TOKK. Ja. R.Tull partloulan
of tit BrMi War OffK krroplana rem
potltloit tar pri amoatlt a taVOM
roraatiy raarbtd thofflbar at tb Ar
Club of Amrrk-k. Two prtM ar a
to tb trorltl for tntiHIoM laad la thi
ooontrr, Th tlna It of HO, OH tut tb
ocond M,, Tb riat at th prlM
mohay to b rmiattrd for by BMtUh
ubjorti ouly. Th Rrttllh Wr offlc
I 1 hava tha oriloa o( pun baalnj i 0
H.oN aar Biachln awarded a pri, 1.
okimii of ton luarhlnti which ar tuo
nUtod to all tb dylnaj tan and ar not
warOed FrluC art .to trcMre ,KU for
aarh maobln 0 trMttd. Wilbur WMlht
ad Ulrrn H. Curtlr Mr bbth Katod
that they will probably intrr thrlr at.
blaiM. The followmt rondHMal ar
tboa roHUlml to b fulfill- ay a ttilll
wry arrovlaltt:
1. B aoilvrnd In I fxklntr com
atn fur tiauipon by .an. aa not t
CIWlllll tt iwt Ujr I u i4. Th
IBM lllUKt m i mi wuu o) ull to
Uotlllai baadHiin i .
A Lany a li had f M pound, In
aootiMi to It OMOipniXit m nutfu
imut. etu. With tool aad oil for tour
i.u un-half hour.
fly lur throa hour loaded a In
clan i and K.ulnUm an AiutuiM ot
4..i foot for on auur. In II rx l,
rtn bwait lttiid at th rat of m
loot a miiidte, wtnouah a rat c ri at
M trot prr numne it uirbi.
4. Auain A bod ut Mill bjt tbaM 41
nine or hour tm a Mint, leadrtt ia
uiauM it
i uu down to I round la a olm
from not ihoro tbnn trot ,tli iim
iPdi Oonit whtrh ttmii a hnrtauiual
4W.MK ot nt lew tnaa A0 tt muel He
o averted tior tououinc.
Him w.llwul lama;e uorn Ion
olirter r harrowed tieid In WO td In
a ralm, loaded a la KlaoM A -
loil withjut daatam on any cultivated
f round. Wdudln ruuan i,uw. in a
ralra. landed a In etluM A and pull
uu within yard of the pel"! at which
It tint loucnee tin rrouad when landlnr
on mith tut' In a emm. II null be
.( of beta terrd when runulug
atuwly on th rwia. - t .
A U cambl of enanr Irnm flylnr
trim to rood rmritiri trim and. travel
ltlir on It own wheelg or tin A trjllrr
en tu madi widih not t rieeod ten feet.
A l'rortd aconinuMdailon for a Pilot
and nbervcr, tnd th control biimi b
eapabl ef ua Mthar by pilot or ob
server. 1A Tb pllol'e end atxtrveT lw r
tho roimtry brlow tht.i to n4
tlanki hiuet be (ipe.1 A potell. and
they eiiwild be iilMsd from tb wind
ant able to conuuuuieata with a an
thr. I1 All part nf broplan' twitt he
atrlctly Intorohaiireaul, Uk part With
on another and with enie froin lnck.
It The maker mull accurately eui'jilv
Ibo follawina wnlmlin, whl-h will hm
veiined hr ULiitiel teel i lei Tha httree. I
tower and (lie ricd alvon ou tti btnoh !
f the ermine In a tin hour' run. (i.) I
Th n1n weltht, ewpit (nenoral ar-
ranireniini orawmi), aad eiuuiw air or
water tooled. r) Th Intended rivln
enoed, (dl The rl'.Jtrc BI, te) Welirht
of entire machine, (f) f uel aimetimptlon
ptr hour at dee. red horeepovrer. trj
nil ooneumtitlvn her hvur at declared
aorarpower. (h r!Ntcity of ttnke.
11 The enrln timet be rapknlo of ho
Inr itarted up by th Nlol lon
14. Other ilrelrabl attribute ar: )
tndHI! with ernfln runnlnf wltrmut
beinv hellt. KnKine nraforablv eanahle
of being tartd from oa board, ibi KI-
reniv iiiericer tltsea to engine. let
Rtrln on pilot en wnall a porelbl. d)
I'leiibMIt ot eoewu: tn allow af lanatnae
and ohrvatluii bet it mad at alow
epew.e ir required, roecrvlrol a huh
acceleration for work In etron wind
let Oo.'i1 rlider. witii a Wtd rente of
eeie irorle of deaeent. t allow at ittnle
of iaadtnt ptaee tn ran of nniw full
ure. id It la deotrahle that ties tin and
number of man reuutred for th rhana
from flrtnr trim to road trim, or parked
t'r iranepon oy ran, . ami nee vra
hoold he email, and thee will bo ran-
eMered tn Judelnr th macliln. The time
for rhanitnf frm road t1m and parked
aiiaditloa 4 ftytnt trim t Inolnd up ta
the moment of Tearing tho yreuad ta
1111, allowance, iin maoe lr nun
ooily In etartliMt angine. le) PtahPttr
and (uitahtlltr for uee In bd Weather
end m a wtnd avaranna- ie-enty-l,ve
m'lee an boor thirty teei from ti.e rnmnd
without nndu rtak r th piloi. ftabliitr
In filuM t at treat Imnwtanr. ml
The parkuic reee for rail traneiKirt to b
raetly (Unmanned '3d iMembid fnr uaa
tnd when diemimlrd ahoiUd occupy a
mall spar tar Mora,
Iowa Boys Who Are Hustlers I
1. 1. i 0J eeMieeeeeMleeeyeiweweaeeieMaeeeMWMWweeeejeeeeewewiii uli ii ii ii uti.a J'.i ' iii.i.mi m l
dl . i H.
4 Uvt v.hJ. vf-cb
r i.
" '' Top Row: tfl io !tlgbt-Corh Pierre. Bmlth, Fullmer, Crahtre and Oil. Mlddht ftow-Nolan, AnnIA Weinberg,
t'nderwoed, Alborll and Frank. Front How-Offlror. Whitman, furode. llubbiird niln, Rohlnaon, Crow! and Barton.
Pataw .
Ta ' 'tit' A3
Metro. 11 laa Uoaarar.
In th Metrapaliraa leagu tb DtW
Waolaa Mill took two eat of tore from
'tba mora Botteri but HHTht. Hull of
tb Darby Woolen brill bad hlgb Urbl
and total. M and BA ttcaroK
le. IA. ti Trial
ftraw - Mi 11- u.
Hoi) .a s let ii m
Tooum . m m IE H
TwtAbj ... a S. .urn
. UTOf-J BOTTUSf!. .
' let. iL Id. Tfral
Hatch Ml i 1Tb in .;
Hvrwaui Ml 1 Itl M
Oil-bam BT iM 19 4X1
. A-tal n
Dooin Claims the .
Pennant . for His"
. Philadelphia Team
FHIIjAUKLfltlA, Jan. tt.Slnr Char.
fey tKMta mad hla peas with rrml
dent Horar Fog el and dgnetl up ta man
tle th Phil lie lb onre.toppd leader
ha atarted la mak pradletloaa. H la
th tint National Leagu manager to
dlalm th .
'Whll I do ndt Wlah to lparag Id
th lean th work of In Olanta la th
hurt oampalrn." ray Dooin, "I ut catv
tldent thad had th Phlllle been a free
from acrid ei aa Mathaw' mm w
would bar copped th bunting, or at
I Met Would bar ooa to oloa t H that
w enuld hava made H mighty Intereat
hut Hgbt Up la th flnhth.
"II t th lima I Wa Injured w had
played half at aur gam with th
Olanta. Of thee tleren game wa had
won aln and toet amy two. Bat after
my Injury tlx taw war turned, aad
during th rut at tb graon wa oopped
only twd gam from MsOraw' man
Whll they were trimming a for nlna,
"Kae bAII player ar alway opti-
mlatlc, aad I am to enceytlon t th rala
Therefor t cannot boiler that o much
HI luck Wilt follow 111 In another year.
With Earl Moor and Orovsr Alex
ander aa a nucleu our pltchliul elaff
ought to bo right up to anuff. Don't
ororliok thi fallow Aloxandor. Any
youngaiar who too luto th National
and tb tint yar out win twonty-nln
gam and loee amy eleven mut hav
om ttutf. Walt, lie ba It. I bellev
b ha mar pd than any other pitrlter
m th National league, and he ba plenty
of other Muff to gn ainoc with It. II
haa not atgned hi contract a yet. but
I m wot worrying a bit an that eeore, a
h will a In lib when tb training era-
eon ftart.
I still think tbst th new fanwti
trade I mad with riarinnatl a year ago
wa a corking gnr4 or for we. In Lo
brt o got a htwtUng hiflehtrr. whs
urely did bl part toward making th
team a citeeasafu) a tt w.
S bid . Cat 1.4U
WAtHISClTON. Jan. K.-eVt tb end of
tb fourth wee t amuhca af lb wt.
era InteroolltaTlat Klfla Shooting bmgur
tb Majaacbaaw Agrloalitanal Ua
kept Ita lead by defeating Alarrard am
Twretty. Ml ta SC O.krr reaalt were;
rumeioa waararat-y dei waled laideHn
t-Mm amiTWralty, M to at . rrraratty ef
PaatayrraalA defaalael Warwick aoieralty.
KI U C 'a Wgliiaa antrantty do
foated Man laad Agrtouitaral eolleaav AM
i '7- IcUwar caflnr daAMtod !!
rlamarhh roilrcr. K3 t CA Nenk
Oeorgia, AarVoltaral cailac twtmeri
V. R. OoUcg of Vrervnorr Sargaana.
ta A. lay dafnhl bta-.a Carrorttrr o.'
lowa t at!U la tb bud ba tt
laaiu. . ,
WEKT rolN'T. Neb Jan., !?.( Special.!
The meeting called to rnaaMer tb quee
tion of tb rwvlral at baa ball In thi
vicinity wta Tery well attended. Ad
dresrt were deilr.'red by Colonel J. c.
Elliott. hlmnU no tyr Hi tba gam?.
Chairman AlcMjlltn and Dr. H. J. Well
and a roan enthastactle evhlt wu de
vil oped, which agur well for the futur
of tb national gam bl thM locality. A
coffimtttea w appointed to caiiraea th
city to aacerbata lha gwral antlmont
and thi romnutte win report on Monday
evening heau Wbaa II ta confidently ex
pected that tba KUhort Valley leavgn
UI b
Oill'i Motor Stopi Wfcilt MikiAf
might at lei Anreln.
earby tarrte Away Moat wf Dm.
ara af Day by Wlaatag lywed
Hare ahd Maklagt Hhtl
fal nia-bia.
LOS ANOtUCa Cal., Jan. H-Howard
W. Olll af Baltlmora, flying a Burge-
Ciirtta aeroplao. had lw lib broken and
Buffered ether minor Injur! when bl
motor atopped whll ha wa mf"
night flight near Dombagu did tonight.
A I peed tar followed by an a..uue
duet, both In a driving rain, featured the
Math day of th third International
aviation meet an bbmlngue field. Th
conteManta war Unooln Baachy and
Phil 0. Parmale. tb crack aviator ot
th Curtis and Wright camps, rospoc
lively. Shower, and A Mff Wlhd cur
tailed th day frrngram, but tnoat of th
ebU wer (utrtrlentiy thrilling for th
small crowd la attendance. .
Reach y took moat ot th honors, win
ning th face Irttrmt pArmtle. aad both
mad aeneatlonal aplrai to th ground
after reaching tn altitude ot mar than
feet Weidon B. Cook of Oakland
dlAChrd h! hold h duration honor af
th meet hp nmAlnlng In th air two
hour and thtrty-flv minute. Whan th
storm broke. Cook raised hi plana,
soared a sere tb rain and wind and dur.
Ing th greater part ot hla flight, remained
above th clouds.
Farnam Fish, a Los Angeles boy, alas
flaw during th (term.
Early la th day Frank M. Sllte. fly
ing a Curtlas biplane, wa Injured in mid
air by th flying part of a broken cylinder,
lie retained control ef the machine and
landta safely. Me was able to tak part
lb a far utter la th day.
Blanch a SrOtt ot Rochester, It. T., A
Women aviator, mad a flight.
At th conclusion of th day proTm
Phil O. Parmale mad an exhibition
flight In A W tight gilder. Jt waa raining
tt lh time, but Parmale reached aa
altitude of About thirty-five fast la th
rsororfeea biplane, which wa tawed by
a autbmobuw.
(Ooatlnwed from Pint Page.)
New Owners of
Des Moines Team
Send Out Contracts
Tom Falrweather and Frank libel I.
tew owners ot th Dew Mom team,
bare beirua I ret a Una an their 1MI
Flayers and hava seat eat contract I
twenty-tight players. The new owner
bar received th hearty co-operation f
th commercial rganuations oi ua
Molnea and everything been rat to look
Ilka bright season for th Hoeefula.
Tb following . player hav been tent
Pitchers-Plymottm. Northnfp, Huston,
Owens Hersche. Mitchell, ftflgg. Dong,
la, Thompsctl, Sweet and Schnelbsrg.
Cther-flauiwikl. McOraw, Lynch,
Stehtnt, Allen.
lnflldr-ColIlgan, Oraham, Korea,
Smith, DwyoT, Meref. William.
OutfieloWra-Cttrtit, MAyw. KUly, Oll
more, Choalnard.
.PAeaiy a
Fsank Cbaaca hi at a baary aft tar
Qrct baaataia. eswa If a lb uaable ta
play tha bag blmaslt &e ha Mi timltalfl,
Hoffman. Sales. Agbsr aa paacTats
aaartsaa availahas
OAKLAND, lam. IT. Th funeral of
Wr&uui- Francs tWltvl Deiajier. til
tamoaa trataar. was heal hero today aad
the bedty waa) crarmaard. Aaoording to the
dead Bmafa wish ihar wr n rellclaot
ar odttf oarcmonWa.
a trad
Daeala baa I
Law t-Uanity Dreajontrn
sral aeeurad by TopeAa. ta
wub Pa Rso-ke Mat smaurer. baa baea
old ta Oehtaad ef the FaWtkr Canst
nam IrataiB wa toi ceerti nlaa4
taa owl two aeao.a' In iniai aripareauy
put bin ta tb bad and ru-aad hie aSe
ttvsneoa. Ba waa a UkeneJ aniew and
evaryoa wbw knew turn will
of the Western league m thia department
hut season. Ma la picked by all the
critic ta so lo tb Mg leagues after tht
r work.
Jack Holland baa osa firmed a report
that Jlmanl lsrbaai will to back ta
Wichita thM year. Tba t. Jaaawb teuat
regret thta a the raartcr was -
Mdedrf popuiaC wtlb th Ptxiabapara. Bat
It la aailciatawd whan Dwxhaja left Pwabta
laat year that h would be back wttb the
team after Mat ywaf If h waa warned.
Tha detail af hi rettrro ta WTridla
reanaln t a afiaasrdl bat Wlchlla fan
ar anawred ttml tbe elajorjr t-artrsrr wTJl
b meraaar af ttmt tnaa tha taa ami
Question of Remounts
is Puzzling France
NEW TORK. Jan. Preach writer
oa tuff topic In a recent review of the
racing (Ituatlon sittea:
Kotwlthatandlng all tba effort mat
hav bam mad t ncourac horse breed
ing In Franc. It I surprising to learn
that there M still th prospect of a thort
Ul of horses for military purpose.
Thirteen year ago an anneal credit at
n,e.9 waa eeneidered auffhjlent for
remount: but thlt has sine bean con
siderably Inert1, and the government
It to be asked next year to provide
.9Atd tec th tmrpea af tasprevia
ta duality and quantity af cavalry
mounts. Horse ar (till being bought
from Ireland and ether eoantriea, a
many ef th French farmer da net
find It sufficiently profitable to keep
mar and maintain their produce fr
four years, notwithstanding th advan
tage offered t them by th gover anient
tn tha matter ot stall Ion. It la th aim
f tb minister of agrtcaiture ta have
all bone far th French army brad ta
Freae. and so make th army Indepen
dent cf outside assistant tn on af way."
Amerieaa IU Will Sara Stiff Con
tuts at StoekhoM Maet
AaerlcA Meet Have Algse aad
Met lew tie-ergmtlawa I tslyasptaa
4aas tnaa) U4 t Matw.
lain rmcy.
KSTW TOttbt Jen. K Th TlclOrV of
American athletec tn paM Olympian
game bar been si consistent that every
other competing country 1 maklaf spe
cial efforts t break tb chain ot triumph
I th eomlng game at Storkbolm next
Jdly. 11 M expected that entrlc for th
track And Odd event. will b tecatved
from dec to two-scar nation sod ub-
aidtary territories.
II I evident, thcrsfor. thai the Ameri
eaa team lot th tM Olympic meet will
have to b bigger and better than ever
before In order ta maintain th wpramaey
And statu achieved in th preceding
times. CToas.followcn cf athletic in
this country bellev that th mammoth
meet ot next summer will b mer oloacly
enntetted than vef betor and that new
Olympic records will bd attabllahed In a
number cf events.
That ear track and field performer will
b A big and perhaps winning factor Id
th International game appears certain
from a comparMon of th latest records
available. In order to secur A definite
Idea of what fftay ba atpeote th writer
haa mad a eompanaon of the record!
made In the varlau national champion.
ship ef tM leading dottatrles supporting
aack-sport dorms Mil-, , . ' , -j
- Mtkd al Meaaarwatenl.
nm tarlancs tc.hdtlcAtbM In th gen
eral IM, utd It must alts b borne la
mind that th track venti , tn th
Olymplo games are rnumd tn mater
instead of yards. Th meter 1 dbout
thre tnd ons-dutrter Inohe longer than
the yard. Sine most ef th leading
athletic cciumr!, with th except ton of
Sweden, mtasur m yard! th Mm
pArisnrli afford fhtret1ng stody. repre
entlng at they do, th Work of wltnen
tn national chtmpicnshlnt.
Ttktng th 100 yard th opening
event. It win he found In the title meets
of America, England. Ireland, Scotland.
Canada tnd Awm.Ha, thre competitor!
ran tht dlttanot in M tMend flat Amtrt
cani won the united State and Canadian
events. Burton Won th Maltiourn hun
dred tn even time. No foreign tprmtcr
equalled J. Nehwn't Umt of B4i teoondi
for the &f yard dklh At Pittsburgh. Th
earns It tro cf lAnberg of fh Chicago
Athlttld association, who did tht K m
ft tecendg flit
lit thd mlddld-dittAnr rah btefvm
Sheppard' time of 1 mltltitd Wi second!
for tha 190 yard ta better than that
shown by tny winner or th other country
meet! mentioned. Kit-fat of th Irffh
Amerteaa Athletic club won tbe American
Athletic anion mile title at Pittsburgh tn
I minutes IM aerond. The nearest ap
proach to the lime waa made by D. F.
McHkol of the PotybKhals Harriers la
the English American Athletic aatect
ttlca ehamptonehip at Stamford Bridge oa
July I The five-mile run en the Ameri
can Athletic anion program waa not
duplicated abroad, so so comparison la
pswslble In tht event.
Xete calender'! Porta raia aea.
In the hurdle A. 8. Shaw's record ot
1 ttecad ta aurpeared by that ef a.
Keddell in th Kcw Zeatand meet threw
tenth of a second. Th Mft-yard hurdl
wa not ran In the foreign title games.
Tbe bole vault and Ugn Jump rwoarrm In,
the American Athletic anion meet wers
not equalled In any of the contest mere.
Boned. In th broad Jump, however, Ker-
waa hi the English clutmpl one hips did,
about five mehe better than Piatt Adams
af PIttiburgh.
Cotttlof down to fh WaigM crentl. II
It shewn by a comparison of the vsrton
record that membem of th focal athletlo.
dub did fur better th fh American or
Canadian (thistle flit meet than was
the case In the championship eampetrrtona
inroad. Th margin of advantage M oom-
parailfely safe In all tho rnntesta. AH
theae perfnrmsnosl wer made close tu
a year ago, but When th American team
for Stockholm M selected it M certain
thai tt wfll contain athlete who can
mamtafn the American athletic standards
with reasonable consistency.
Ty CdMS ears that all Alhlttbna war
far tha CATQ at bMAWr,
andcrsAand fns aaavfiy
'of fh tws ttabbers. At M ths baa AKA
Ty. baas alls.
Ba taa i
Minnesota Wants
Game with Harvard
ST. PACL, Mlaa., Jan. t: -btlnneoot
lad llarvard anlversttle win meet
the grldlran In lb east next tall It
bryetse phut ef th eseebe et tba Iwa
Institution artatenallae.
la a letter tt Track Coach Dtcn Oram
at th l-atvwrcty af Minnesota. Pi
f Haughton. head foot ball coach at
Harvard, iigr hWnH In farat af
anealnst AthletM rslstisna betweea hla
aaheat and Mlnasapta.
CAMSRtDOet, Mas.. Jan. IT.-It WW
b Impeetebt for Karvard to put the
VMrerstry et Minnesota a ta IMS toot
ban Schedule, aceerdlnd t the stalestent
ef William T. Oarcsien. snradwAt aaai
gar ef athletics tonight.
Harvard weald Ilk t pot Minnesota
en both the track and foot ball sched
ule,- ee!d Mr. OareeioB. -but It ta tm
seasjbt. To takl thsa ea for a track
asset wesRd mean tha dropping at Dart-
aaawta, wktrk I Mt ef the aaestion at
lata time, At Harvard haa a defeal at
rha aaada at Dartmouth ta scttta. To
take them oa at teat bad would mean an
added expense with aw gxtn end llarvatd.
cannot afford te do so.
ftenreM Andrese of th StooK
City Western lewgn chib bad announced
thd purchase nt Outfielder Corbta and:
out,.e rvihnhatl ffrrnn th fkalla Slab
of th Texas leagua, and Joseph French,
of th Cattletakurg, My., etiia, amosa m
mtrkabie ability as A abort stop waa
tipped off to Andy by a major laagu
scout, Csmpnell tntehed for th MMblgan
mlvarslty nm last tprtneT. aad Carbta,
wa sold by Waehiagtnn to uaiias.eass
vear. . . j r
, . - i
te.k Unlland MenSC tt th St- Joseph
h. a. ball club, fb-ld his first gun of th
Wit ball season last week when ha
mailed thirty contract to player isitn
nv im itniiand It not anticipating any
great trouble la Bains ap hit playing
talent. Moot ot in mmowr o
year's taam wer tfted with th pro.
pent for WU reason whea tha rae o4
Mat summer and n tronbl Is looked
tar from th youngsters am her boon
recruited. i
t wlveretlr Pan Wta.
BaVATRICB, Mob.. Jan, tt-Bpclel Tel.
esrm.l-Th bseket bell tenm from tTnl
venlty Place, easily defeated the high
. l h..kM kail ..-n Af thla die I h le
evening by a ecore of 4 to M, Beatrice
wtt OUICitaSCO in every oeperwneni. vii-
ouain and Allen for the visitor led la
goal throwing and played a Mar gam.
Oary Defeate Laraea.
CHtCAOO, Jan. ?. Thoma Gary to
night won a decision over "Chuck" Lar
son t Chicago Heights He knocked Ler
son down In the fifth and aevertth rounds
and Referee Eddie Sentry gave him the
fight If wa announced that Oary waa
matched to meet Matty Baldwin March
I In Los Angeles for a twenty-roand bout.
Are now being eerved try tb
HowArtl RestAnranL W eater
to thopper as wefll at.buslDeas
facn. .
Howard Rettaannt
J800 Itowarrl Street. '
U'm. Baamncister, X. Sevcrin
mt, Propciotors.
-1 : The
Finest Cafe West of Chicago :
, . To Alter Theater Parties: You are cordially in
vited to attend the opening of the New Mandarin
Cafe at 1409 Douglas S3., on Tuesday evening, Janu
ary 30th at 9:30 P.'M.
The Grand Opening will take place Wednesday
evening'. Jan. 31st at 7:30 P. XL, preceded by a dis
play of Chinese fireworks at 7 P. XI.
To Appreciate th gorgeous faniiihinrs of thit cafe will
require a persona! visit We havj, managed to secure the best
mplojrses that money can obtain, and our chief aim will be to
give tn) public tb best ot food and the best ot service.
The Mandarin Cafe