i PART ?IVE SPORT SECTION PAGES one TO FOUR The Omaha Sunday Bee I sports VOL. XLI-NO. 32. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOBXIXG, JANUARY 28, 1912. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Right Now is the Magnate's Time; the Players Will Soon Have the Field f f FORNEBRASKANS f Gridiron Battles Next Fall Will Be as Hard Fought as Those of Last Season. ' STIZHM IGNORES WOLVERINES Overtures Kot Made to Either Mich igan or Minnesota Teams. COKFUCT BOTHERS MANAGERS Hawkeye Girls Who Go in for College Sport Both Ames and Missouri Clamoring for Game on Same Bate. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FLAMED Nebraska U Again FWeed Oo North Met Gophers, tat They Are Always Drawlngi Oar A sal a at Tkat Teas. ' LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. S7.- Special. - Nebraakas's tentative foot b ill schedule, as announced by Alt Tear Coach "Jumbo" Stiehm, provides for practically as stiff . a season as In 1911. when the Corah us- kera were forced to face the hardest series of fames In their history. Under the proposed arrangement Nebraska will have four bit games cumins" on consecu tive Saturdaya, The announcement of the Michigan . schedule Thursday night does not settle the doubt concerning (am with the Wolverines next season. While many of the alumni were pulling for another game with the Wolverines, Coach 8tlehm would not yield a point In hi negotiations with either Michigan or Minnesota. While the press dispatches stato that Nebraska was left off tbe Michigan schedule, as a mat ter of fact, the Cornhuskers were never applicants for a place on the list Formal negotiations were never entered Into and the cry whleh want up from Michigan men Immediately following the game with the Comhuakers greatly disgusted a large number of the followers of the scarlet and the cream. Another conflict which la causing con siderable trouble to the Cornhuaker management la arranging the schedule Is the application of both Missouri and Ames for the same data or for a gams on November 1 The management la squally desirous of scheduling a gam with each school and It la feared that the one Turned down for this particular data oan D4 be secured later la the season. ' The Tentative Seaedale. Following la the tentative foot ball schedule as. arranged by Coach Stlahnu October I Practice game, probably with x Peru or Healings. October 1 K annas Aggies at Lincoln. October It Minnesota at Minneapolis. October Missouri at Columbia, November S Ames at Lincoin. November Kansas at Lincoln or prac tice game. November IS Practice game or Kansas at Uncoln. November SS Wisconsin at Lincoln or Texas at Austin. Under the tentative schedule only two of the eight games may bo played away from the home grounds, with a possibility of the third also on foreign grounds. Ne braska is again forced to go north to meet the Gophers, but as the Cornhuakers are always a good drawing card and the trip Is financially a strong attraction to the management It receives the heartiest approval. Manager Earl O. Eager left Tuesday for Chicago to attend to closing up the de tails of the Minnesota-Nebraska game and also to confer with the Wisconsin authorities. The Cornhuakers are exceed ingly anxious to bring the Badgers to Lincoln. There Is but one game for the closing of the season which would attract an exceptionally large crowd to Lincoln and that la either with the Badgers or Wolverines. Stiehm was optimistic over the ar rangements with the Wisconsin author ities and thought that the game with his alma mater was assured. On the other hand, Nebraskans refuse to accept the report emanating from Ann Arbor that Michigan wants none of the Cornhuakers' money next season. On the otlier hand. It Is positively stated on ex cellent authority that the Nebraska man agement can havs tbe choice of two dates a game on November 2 or the dosing game vf the year. If the November 1 date was accepted the game would be played In Lincoln, but if the Cornhuakers closed lbs season with the Wolverines the game must be P is red In Ann Arbor. Either place It would prove a tremendous drawing carl and financially attractive to both teams, although it is conceded that a bigger crowd could be secured in Lin coln aith Michigan ss tbe attraction than l:i Ann Arbor with the Cornbuskcrs as t .o opponents of the Wolverines. Ilaakers May Co booth. Lven should tbe negotiation with liichlg-n and Wisconsin managements fall tnrougii tbe Huakrrs will not be with out a big game to close the season. The Texas university team, which mads a remarkable record on tbe gridiron and was accounted one of the strongest teams In the south, hss written to the manage ment asking for a date, preferably toe closing game to be played In tbe south. Nebraska will again meet the leaders In the Missouri valley conference, with Ames, Kansas and Missouri on the sched ule. Both the Ames and Kansas games will be played In Lincoln, while Missouri Is to be met in Columbia, The Aggies and Jayhawkera are both excellent attractions for Lincoln and the management should reap rich returns from both games. Tha gamo at Columbia la according to the agreement entered Into hut season when the Husk era resumed foot ball relatione with the Tigers. Columbia is noted for a toot ball town and stoetun baa his Weather eye open In scheduling a game there. ' -a- -'-m( y j "Vy iJ) ): ft te f'V t " 1 ' " ' -" ' ' -...-.A.. , Champion Olris Hockey Team af the University of town. It Is the Team Representing the Jnnlor Clam of (he School and Has Defeated All Other Classes In tne Annnal Clash for Ilia School Title. Those In the Picture, Reading from Left to Right Are: Mildred Bykes, Frieda Kurt. Helen Beers, Ruby Keesel, Elisabeth Nutting, Kills Willis u. Mabel Smith, Koae Broderlck, Anna Patlsek. Fannie Walker and Johanna Buses, WESTERN LEAGUE MEN TO MEET AT DES MOINES 6T. JOSEPH. Mo-. Jan. H. These Western League officials will meet In Ues Moineo romorrow for n conference: Holland, tit, Joseph; Deepaln. Lincoln: Rourke, Omaha, and Falrweeiber and IsbeO. Dsn Mnsaea. They wtB epooet 'gestae; tan aobeflalo ustlnf next tnontb ac Denver SCHOOL PRIZK ARE SERE Beautiful Trophies Are to Be Pre sented This week. TEHEE PENNANTS AWARDED Silver Lerlag Can Donated by Charle Rardlag One of the Finest apart TreWkles Ever Given Mere. . All of the grade school athletic trophies which will be presented this week to the schools which mads the best showing in the recent ear lea of athletic contests held under the direction of Raymond L. Cams, local supervisor of grace school sports, have been received. The handsome silver loving cup, the gift of Charles Harding of the Harding Creamery company, la one af the finest sport trophies that has been seen In Omaha for some time. It la elaborately engraved and when mounted on a pedes tal stands about M Inches high. Three pennant will be awarded, one to each school that made the best showing In each of the three classes which were la vogue under the scale of competition of the athletic youngsters. Tha first clsss banner Is a blue and white one with gold embroidered letters. It measures SixM Inches. Ths ether two are similar to the first except that the second class Is a red and whits one and tha third class done m purple and white. Tha first-class pennant hi ths personal gift of James Richardson of the board of education. The second banner was do nated by C W. Wlihelm and ths third by Casper B. Tost Soldiers at Ft. Omaha Improve in Bowling Boms good scores were made by the soldier bowlers at Fort Omaha during tha last week. Sergeant Andrew Clark, tha athletic officer at the post, running up a high Individual average of US. The rivalry among the enlisted men Is very keen especially among the six five men teams, which comprise tha Fort Omaha league, and, considering the fact that the solders have been bowling but a few weeks, tbslr work is most credita ble. It Is the intention of the soldiers to enter a five-man team in one of the downtown leagues before the cod of tha season. Following are last weeks si. or saw LEAGUE STANDING. P. W. U Ave, Headouarters - IS S 4 .at7 Signal rorps School II ! I W Kxtra Duty Men .. Company H ?orpe Company Hospital I ..11 JM ,.U S T .417 ..it 4 1 xa INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Sergeant Andrew Clark .. Prtvate Lcnaler Private Voorhees Private Collins - Privste Debo rorporst Haggard Sergeant Abl Private Ducker Corporal Foots ' Sergeant Fhke Prtvate Hart man Prtvate Grolx 15? ......4 .......JM 1U 115 M 133 - . ...a....U .U 1 IS HOLDREGE WINS FROM HASTINGS AT BASKET BALL HOLDREGE. Neb.. Jan. StWaectaL)-! By whirlwind finish, tha Hoidrego Hurh school basket ball team last e renins; de feat ad the Hastings High school five, r to St. in tha high school gi asuiiu. The Hastings boy maintained tho lead throughout tbe first half of the contest the score of which was 17 to 14, and looked like winners. In tne second half the local IsOs, however, plsyed a much speedier game and kept tbe ball near their own goal most of the time. Though a dis puted point was placed to the credit of the visitors at the close of the game, tbe home team still held the lead by one notnt. Superintendent C M. Barr of Hastings and 8. M. Danlap of Hoidrege served as referee and empire, alternating Na, tbe posfttoos. Fred Bradford to Manage the Storz Triumphs This Year The Stars Triumph, conceded to be the leading local amateur team last sea son, hsa reorganised and under the man agement of Fred Bradford, who Is well known ta all tho followers of bass ball since the day of tha Nonpareils, ' will start tbe ceasing sision with what loose to be an exceedingly strong lineup, Any weakness that may develop during the sprink games will be strengthened ss quickly as possible, It being up to the new manager .to give the brewery a ball team second to none cutslde of ths professional rank. Behind the bat will be seen last sea son's favorite, Walter Hachten, and pos sibly Harry Williams should he decide to remain In Omaha. On tns slab Ueurge Probst and possibly Wes. Baker; Wslly Drummy, easily the best first baseman of hue years; George Dougherty and "Dusty" Hall, a tossup for eooend; Dur kee on third and MoLain short. That tbe outfield will be well eared for with Art Onion and Harry Welch, two of the hardest bitters that ever donned a West era league uniform, and Jimmy Malady, the south side wonder, la a foregone con-elusion. HOLMES ECEIYER OF CLUB Ducky Has Been Famed to Take Charge of Lincoln Team. m EFFECT HEX! TUESDAY President Desnaln Sara He Expects to Get Moaey te Pay Off Mert asrea front Charles) Caanlakey, . LINCOLN. Neb,, Jan, r. William (Duckyl Holmes, former manager of the j Lincoln and nloux City Western League baseball clubs, was appointed receiver of the Lincoln baseball club by District Judge Stewart this afternoon. The appointment goes Into affect next Tuesday at 1 o'clock. President Das pain has announced that he hoped to be able to pay off tbe mortgages, on which George Truman had sued for a receiver ship, by that time, H expects to secure the money from Charles Comlnskey through the agency of President Norrts O'Neill of the Western League. If be falls In this effort. Holmes will take charge of the club and run It under order of lbs court. ROLLER WOULD LIKE TO WRESTLE JACK JOHNSON Dr. B. F. Roller, the heavyweight wrestler. Is looking for a little easy coin and sends the following lettter, which ex plains Itself, to the Sporting Editor of The Bee: "I see by The Bee that Johnson has offered to wrestle Gotch In Salt Lake City for a),JO. Plesse say for ma thst I'll wrestle both of them for half that amount and guarantee to throw one of them or not take a cent sincerty, "DR. a F. ROLLER." CAPTAIN OF TEE IOWA BASKET BALL TEAM. 1 iC" ! I ; ''itM ill ' V 1 1 , K Swedish Athletes JVre to BeAwarded Prizes Won Before Local Swedish athletes who were win ners in the outdoor field meet bold at Elmwood park last September will be awarded prises at the third anniversary celebration of the Svea Athletic olub which will be held at Fraternity hall this afternoon. The award of prises, which consist of three sliver trophy cups, gold, sliver and bronze medals, and ribbons, will be made by Ounner Carieman, secretary of the club. A short program of speeches by severs! prominent Omaha Swedes will be given previous to the award of prises. A banquet will be held following the presentation ceremony. Drummers Secure an Eastern Player Ous Soffel. who played with tbe Bart, ford club of ths Connecticut league last season, has been secured to play second bass for the Drummers this season. Hs goes to tbat team with a good record and well recommended. He la a good fielder and likewise a great batter, and hs will be relied upon next rear to bring In many runners with his trusty club. HARRY SCHMIDT. BASKET BALL TO BE PLAYED BETWEEN H. S. CLASSES A aeries of Inter-das basket hall games will be scheduled by C. B, Reed, athletic director at tbe Onnha High school, to morrow, when a meeting of tbe class tram captains will be held to decide on the dates of the contests. There is emsldtrably rivalry among the class fives and all the games promise to be hard fought and well attended. They will be pulled off as preliminaries to the regular Trl-Clty league scries. The following ars captains of the class teams: Seniors, Finley Jenkins Junior, Carl Storz: sophomore. Bar! Clark; fresh men, Arthur Rouner. TIRE FILLER COMPANY IS TO LOCATE IN OMAHA R. H. Bloomer of Council Bluffs has Invented an automobile tire filler which prolongs the life of the expensive tires and which prevents punctures and bow. outs. Mr. Bloomer says his filler will not melt, bunch or crystallise as most tire fillers do and he believes that he has an article that will prove te be a suc cess. He hs established an agency in the Board of Trade building and he wti. plae has brvwatkn en tho market at Nebraska Speed Association is to Meet Here Feb. 6 Secretary N. J. Renin of ths Nebraska Speed association ha sent out notlcee calling for a meeting of the association at tbe Hensbaw hotel February 1 The meeting I called for the purpose of ar-' ranging dates, classes, purse and I election of officer.. - - "Nebraska towns which ars not mem ber of the nsaoatatloa ar requested to file their application with tho aeoreiary before tho date of tne meeting. The old member of the association are: Wy- mere, Auburn, Columbus, Hastings and Nebraska City. These In addition to the present member ar Invited to be pres ent at the SMstlng. O'NEILL NAMES KNAPP ON HIS UMPIRE STAFF Ward has bean received from Louis ville, icy, the bom of Louis W. Knap P. who umpired the latter naif of the IsU season In the .Western league, that be has been appointed by President O'Neill to again handle an Indicator in this league this season. Knapp was on of tha near good umpire In the league last season and It la thought by many tbat he will make good thl year. He was Inex perienced last year, but everybody agreed that he bad ta making of a real live umpire. Hi li ft fearless young fellow and would not take anything from any of the player or manager either. This was svldenced when be slapped Bob Unglaub's face at Sioux City when the latter got personal in his remarks. ST. PAUL'S P1UDE AS EE REALLY APFEABS. 1 Mike Gibbon, ths wonderful racing St. Paul welterweight, who battled Jack Denning In New Trk ea Monday night (January 8.) BASE BLL MINUS PAY SAFE Conference .Allows Amateurs to Compete in Unorganized Games. FORGIVE SMALL SINS OF PAST Kesweaentattve of Blar SUght at Closing! Meeting areata Michigan Will Still Be Kept Oat la Cold. nwawsnasssaasj CHICAGO, Jan. n. -Stud ants of the western con fere nee universities hereafter may play m miner baa ball with teams not under the national agreement or members of "outlaw" leagues, provided they do not receive directly or Indirectly, salary or gift for their service. This was decided today at a conference of repre sentative of the big schools. Students may procure, before the clow of ths ua college year, absolatlon for past minor violation of strict amateur rules, npsn application bo their faculties. It was decided. . The eonfarses also decided: "Flagrant" Infractions of the rule such a participation m professional base ball game or engaging in athletic under as sumed names, will not be condoned. No other athletlo contest than ths bi ball specified, may be engaged In. where a prioe of any sort Is offered, regardless of Its disposition, A committee consisting of Prof. T. F. Moran of Purdue and Prof. T. A. OoodV enough of Illinois will recommend action on the Ohio Stat university' petition for admission Into th conference. Michigan will remain a stranger to tne -Big Eight." A majority Instead of a two-third vote hereafter will decide questions of policy In ths conference. Intersections! athletics wll be permitted again aftsr a year's suspension. Student may represent other organi sations than their universities In purely amateur events without procuring per mission. They mar not, however, repre sent sn athletlo club. These chsnges In the athletic code must b approved by tbe universities repre sented. A protest within sixty day may open tbe question for declelon at a fu ture meeting. The meeting of th "Big Eight" dels- gate closed tonight. Des Moines Owners Get Park This Week Frank la bell and Tom Fatrweather spent tnany busy day hut week as reel dent owner of th Des Moines ball dub. True to their promt ee their first act was to search for a suitable downtown ball park site. The results of their investiga tion may cause their choice to be differ ent from any that hare been suggested ao far. It Is probable that the park may be situated just west of the city where there Is considerable high, dry bud which would make a wonderful park. It la ex pected that a site will be definitely de cided upon by the two owners thl week. PA RODRKE GETS SIX CONTRACTS i Signed Papers from Youngsters Art Coming Back to Management i Slow But Sore. j TERMS SATISFY TEE FLAYEES' Letters Accompanying1 Contracts Say' Salary is Ail Right. MUCH EXPECTED OF JUSTICB1 New Shortstop Comes Well Reoom mended for that Position, I STAR PLAYERS FOR INFIELD Peer of the Beet faflcMer in Miss Leagw Baa Ball Will erae the ! Ossahn Liaenp This Season, l Say Rears. e, j Pa Rourke has received the signed cores tracts of six of his numerous player; for the ISU season. A letter acconipanled i each contract. In which th writer stated! he was entirely satisfied with ths terms i named In the contract. Those whose' contracts have been received by Pa are: Robinson, pitcher; Wanner, second base man; Bcanlon, Infield; Arbogast, catcher; Coyle, outfielder, and Campfleld, catcher. There Is little danger of holdouts thls season, as every player, with th excep tion of one, has sent Pa word that the contract hsd been received and th term stated satisfactory. These letter whlcal have been received has caused BUI j Rourke to wear an unusually wide smile 1 tor the last few dsrs and he asserts that Four St. Joe Men Go with White Sox Four of the 1311 St. Joseph players will train with th Chicago Whits Sox next spring. Thwy are. Borton, Jones, Kelly and PewwU.' Secretary Grabtner of th Sox made a vtstt recently to St. Joseph and had a talk with Bertoa and Jones. Borton held out for some time before signing. He would not com to term with th White Sox until Grab! Tier trade his trip to St. Joseph. Wichita Faaa Active. Those Wichita fans are come hustlers and they must be given credit for It, too. Of the S2-.U00 fund they started to raise a week ago over taCOOO 1 now subscribed. On tbe list ar tan subscribers for S90. eight for S3 and tblrty-etx for titu, Two women ar down for axehsxarlbera, each for CM. nothing can now stop htm from landing' his bunch of youngster at ta top of. the list next fan. Pa 1 optlmlatio over! th nay hi baa ball matter ar round-, Ing out and I now busy at work getting; up a schedule wMch he wlU submit at th aohedul meeting which wilt be feldi In Denver February T. All Peeittssas Strew g. Every position In th field for next season Is about settled upon by Pa and he I loud In hi praise of th tn field, which, he assert, wlU be th beat be hs had In several yearn, From present In dications the Infield will look something Ilk this: First base, Jimmy Kami sec ond baas, Johnny Wanner: third base, Bert Nlehofr; shortstop, Phil Justice. Arbogast and Campfleld win do all ths catching thl summer. Hsd Pa had a good tnfteid last season there I little doubt but he would have been fighting for th top plan all sea son. Between Jo Kneaves and Charlie Pick tbXrty-asven game war lost. No on would hare kicked on these two men but for th fact tbat their work was far Inferior to class A ball playing. Pick would Invariably throw a gam away by heaving th ball way over Jimmy Kane'a head at first bass. At any crucial stag of ths gams, when an error by an Omaha player would mean th loss of th gams, Jo Kneavea would drop an easy! grounder or else In hi anxiety to gat l to first h would throw It Into th bleacher. . Thl year th story will be a great deal different. Wanner and Jostle nave played together and know each others' playing Ilk a book. They ar said ts be heady players and critic all over th country are high In their praise of th two tnfielder, and an eager watch will ' be kept on them by th big league aeoat this season. Kane at First. Jimmy Kan need no boosting; HI work her I well known. Previous to) coming to Omaha ho was with Pitts burgh, Outside of baa ball Kan la known to be en of th greatest basket ball players in tbe out. He played tha best has ball of hi career last season with Omaha, when he waa easily con sidered the beet first baseman In th league. He Is great hitter and can either bat tbom out or say them down. He ta fast and when at bat he is fight ing th ball and keeping th in field guessing. He hs hiipiosod greatly tn bis fielding, and if he I not picked up by one of the big league next season, bass ball Is a funny game. Justice la a new man to Omaha has ball fan and he waa purchased outright from the Cleveland club by Pa Rourke a few weeks ago. He was drafted last fall from Fort Wayne of th Central league by the Cleveland crab. Hs Is sj hustling fighting Uttie short fellow and, waa th causa of so many big league scout visiting th Fort Warns park hut season. George Huff, a well known big league scout says that Pa Rourke ha picked a whirlwind, and a wonder In thl cub. He hi said to be th beat shortstop tbat waa aver turned out of th Central league. Wanner WeU Reeessaseagsa. Johnny Wanner come to Omaha wall recommended by n long list of great playing at second baa In tow different league Wanner waa not la the gsxne hut season having contracted aularaU fever while playing with th Memphis team of tn Southern association tn lliA Ha, however, has entirely retoiaied and It Is predicted by critic that h will put In the best year of hi career as a pro fessional player next season- Wanner ha been m the gam about five years, la 1S7 Wanner led tbe Three-I league second basemen while playing with Hock Island. He finished the season with a fielding average of -W& In IMS be played with Joailn hi th 8ontbrn sssocistion. That year be also led the second ha semen and fielded JO. In BO, hi heat year, ke played with Hartford af the Cbnnectlea league and led th second ssaamou for th year. HIa fielding average for tbat year was .7a Bertie Nlehofr. next year's third base man came from th lota of Denver right Into Western league base ball, having played three years with Dca Moines from which lie waa purchased by Pittsburgh and from there by the Omaha dub. He hss averaged around the je-mark ever sine breaking Into the league. H ac cepts and take mora chances than any other third baisnun hi So league. Ha M a great base rsnner and was th etar tfnntiiiued on Second Page,) ' !