Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 28

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Omaha Grata Exchange Plans to
Spresd Seed Com Information.
Bert Ball, Srirr s( form I
srerrme.t t eaimlttr, Tells at
Other CasnpatEas ValTeTBltr
Aatawrltles l'e-operate.
Kins tor a whirlwind campaign In t!M
interest c better teed corn to Nebraska
were mad fey the Otnaiia Oram exchange
at a meeting at tv.e Commercial club
last rjght. Kminent agricultural authjr
Itlea tram over the stale vera present
and Knanitnously testified that th situa
tion Justified trlngent measures." A Jew
speakers helleved lucre was aufficlent
eed corn on the farms and In the ma
jority of cases In the crib of each farmer
to supply tb farmers, but the pre
poadrranca of opinion was that Nebraska
could not furnish enough good seed com
to Insure an oidinarjr crop In tbe state
this rear.
Among the speakers were: F. I
aialler, W. O. Whltinore. trot. C. W.
jPugsly. Dean A. E. Burnett, Bert Ball,
Chancellor Samuel Avery, J. C. Ilobln
laoa, 8. V. Miller, Frank OJell and rrp
iresentaUrea of the Great Western, Union
Pacific and llurllngton rallroacTs, Every
proffssloa was represented and all were
equally Interested in tlis vital subject
of better reed corn.
Numerous plana wer suggested for
testing seed corn, anions which was that
of Bert Ball of Chicago, secretary of the
crop Improvement committee of the
Korth American Grain exchange. His
method la to use a "rag baby." which Is
" new method designed to attract the
attention if school children and one that
.has proven very effective. The plan was
explained to the grain exchange. Com
mercial club and Ad club men and to
tit grain dealera from other lections at
the auto who were present.
Million I a erase ta Caaaty.
"Sir. Ball also discussed ag length the
seed earn campaigns carried out auocasa-
' fully In other states. It is his Opinion
that by careful selection of teal each
county In Nebraska could easily increase
the value of the annual crop yield II.,.
000. "The trouble Is we are in theory
twenty-Ova yean ahead at autoalvea In
practice," said the speaker; "too much
sweat and too few bratns art used oo the
. air, Wakeley of the Burlington and
, other railroad men suggested that Instead
at the usual custom of one special In
struction train being run this year tbe
-men backing the seed corn Investigation
secure. four trains oa each road or as
many as was necessary to enake tbo earn-
. palm In, say a week, in this manner
the two-fold purpose of educating the
farmers and getting them to co-operate
, would bo mors easily accomplished. De
tails of the excursion will be left with a
, .committee but several trains will be -
, that can be reached by rail and the seed
election doctrine will bo spread by able
, speakers from the University of Ne
braska and especially from the oxporl
meets! station, which was well repre-
- sealed at tbo meeting. !
- Co-operatlea ml lalverslly,
Trot. Pugsley. Dean Burnett and Chan
j atllor Avery pledged tbo willing co-opera-.tion
of the university men la the work,
-aach voicing a warning and calling at
tention to th danger of neglecting the
problem. They also advocated rotation of
crops) Prof. Pugsley paying particular at
tention ta this subject as one of import
evnc almost as great at that of good seed
jtern. ,
JVC Robinson, who for many years bat
Vaught and sold teed oorn. said until yea.
tarday ho ksd not been alarmed, but upon
' MamlBlng several samplee of corn' had
' found all tha warnings Justified by the
- facts. Mo has purchased !, bushels of
"good teed corn, but bat already told this
knd much of It will go to the farmers of
Nebraska, from which ttste It wta all
" secured. ' , -
' Mr. ltoblnsoa explained the condition
lhat have brought about tbo crisis.
f Utrrr, bo declared, had such an unusual
( condition existed. The corn waa dry and
tn a fine ststo of preservation and would
nmva germinated earlier In the season.
A warm spall followed Intensely cold
weather and the oorn went through a pro-
reas of "sweating." Then ctme another
freest and the kernels were frosen, to
. that few of them will now germinate,
Ta feet Dearer Iteaala.
One speaker declared that the farmers
, wore ellve to tho situation. but wore
.too careless. C. Rosewater asld that
?"tie present campaign Included tbe post-
lng of "danger" signals a every place Is
nenraska where farmers eoiurreaaied.
, la addition to tho discuss loo of tha ased
com situation there waa a generally ex
pressed opinion that tho state had treated
- tht state experimental farm "niggardly"
ln Its appropriations and some of tha msa
present begaa planning to put ap a strong
. scrap la the next legislature for a larger
appropriation thsn the tUSOt doled out
mis year to tbe station.
Chorus glrlo of the Three Uika
pany, which la appearing at t!:o Krug this
7 . waited as tlicy never wslked be-
; vn iv i .a sisse last night. It waj
-the walking contest inaugurated hv it,a
ger rranke and the girls walked tor
, P ana a M prls. They are expert
eaeed walkers, several havlnr had
Met In marches to tha accompaniment at
. ;-Ob, It's so many miles from Schenectady
- Tnr. and when you get to Troy n't
. a darn long walk to the gay rtalto," eta
t Forty-five times the sirli with
t track on the stage, the total distance
sing a tall and a quarter. The crowd
. Pinked favorltea and cheered them during
tha walk. M'ss June Marlsr.d won the
first prixe; Miss Helen Delator, second,
and Hiss Louise Darllnj. i.drtt
Traveler Uses Few Words to Express
Pleasure of Visit
Ceaaaasrat Raises Hie Rat Rack
Tisse la Ackaowledgsteat of
' Repeated Cheers by Blej
Crowd la Seer Vork.
NEW YORK.- Jan. ZT.-Aa ho boarded
ilia private car at the Grand Central sta
tion tonight to return to Ottawa after
Ave days entertainment In tbe United
States, the duko of Con naught, governor
general of Canada and undo of King
George V, turned to Ambassador' Reid,
who hat been his host here, and said:
"We are very much impressed by the
hoepitabiilty of your people. Wo were
treated royally by tha press and tht pub
lic. Tho ducliess and myself art very
grateful to tho people of New Tork and
wt shall look forward with great pleas
ure to another visit. Our visit this time
seems to have been too short." ,
Tho dukejs party. Including tho duchess
and tha Princess Patricia, Lieutenant
Colonel Lowther, Captain Riven Bulke
ley, atlas Felley, lady In waiting, and
eight servants, with thirty trunks and
sixty handbags, arrived at tho train
sates fifteen minute before scheduled
time and before tht police detailed to
guard their departure had arrived. A
large crowd had gathered near their
train, but It was altogether respectful
snd the station guards bad little difficulty
tn controlling It.
Repeated cheers wtrt given to tht royal
vltltora and tht dukt each time raised
hut hat In acknowledgement. Just at tht
train whistled for departure, tht duchess
and her daughter, tht Prlncera "Pet"
each empracrd sirs. Held, and all the
members of the party warred their bands
as tht train drew them out of tho ter
minal at T: o'clock. Tht train la due to
arrive In Ottawa at U o'clock tomorrow.
Isapmalaas of Waahtasjtaa.
fn answer to a nott tent Into Hie Rei'd
resided aa today requeuing thf, .duke's
impressions of Ms visit ta WajibWtoif.
Colonel Lowther sent out tht fotlowlng
statement: .
IL R. It. was much pleased by hit
visit to Washington and hit reception by
Mr. Taft, Speaking at tht embassy after
dinner In response to Mr. Knox' toast
of Tho Xing' last night U. R. IL replied
as per the attached notes.
"Observe that at last visit attended tht
Inspection of a body of artillery on tha
ground where In embassy now ttaada
Was Impressed by tht remarkable ef
ficiency of tbo cavalry escort
"Thank to Mr. Ttft for hi words of
welcome. Regret that second visit took
place to long after first, forty years ago.
Qreat admiration of tho energy and
progress or all sides. Hit brother, the
lata King Edward, oftea tpokt with
pleasure of hit visit to tht ttates In 1M.
At governor general of Canada, wish
to say that, whatever political changes
may take placa In tht Dominion, tht
ttntlment of tht Canadian people I aow
and alwaya will be ont of kindliness to
tht -United States.
"H had been delighted to have this
opportunity of moating tho president of
tkt nation and tht opportunity of meet
ing tht American public ha bad been
received In to cordial a fashion, and ht
now proposed tht health of Mr. Taft."
i A. G eI
Harriman Railroad
Heads End Meeting
,. Deny Talk of Strike
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. rJThe
operating heads of tha Harriman rail
road ended a two-day conference here
this afternoon. This meeting waa secret
and tho only fact liven out waa that an
extra fart" train between Chicago and
8aa Francisco for tho Panama exposition
travel was considered.
Tho train do lux. It run at all. will
not msks tht journey more than onot or
twice a week. Tho Harriman officials
still deny that they discussed tht shop
men's ttrtkt and refute to comment on
tht story that complaints from tht gov
ernment over tht delay tn handling mailt
call for a settlement of tho ttrtkt or a
rearrangement of train schedules.
Missing Southern
Girl in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, Ua., Jan. zL-Mlss Edna
Ford, whose strong disappearance after
leaving Beaver Dam, Ky January U
was followed by a search through three
states, wta found In this city tonight
through the Young- Women Christian
association. Officer of tha Young
Women's Christian association announced
tha end of tho search Just at tho poltct
started an Investigation, following the
finding of Mis Pord'a trunk In tho bag
gag room of tht Union station.
At the Young Women's Christian astso
ejation headquarters tht officers wsrs
reticent about their part ta finding the
girl. TMoy declared they bod been re
quested by her parents to take up the
search and that tha girt waa now In soft
hands and on her way to school.
The Problem of Little Homes
ly Arthur CL Clanaea.
T Is a proverbial fact, that tht
average homebuilder comes to
k; architect with a "cream
anretito and a rklm milk
gjST'l pocket book." Ho will want
ammmHtl a colonial manMon wtlh por
ticos, side wicg acd posterior porches
for tbo exterior, with Interior arrange
ment of reception hall, living room, lib
rary, dining room, etc., at least two
bathrooms, with privets lavatory for
each bedroom, tht best grade of hard
wood finish "and then If palb:e," a
brlrk exterior and a tile roof, an for
&0us. lie Is only one of a thousand
such, and still ha wonder v.hy architects
turn prematurely gray.
It teem to be contrary to the laws of
human nature fur a run to keep his
want within h!s means. Ever- man
strives to build a larger home than he
can afford, liven tho man who builds
a three-room bungalow gooa Into debt
before the home Is complete. In order to
have it a little better than he might get
along with, for a while, at least. The
man. who (without persuuloa from hit
trchltect.) voluntarily decides to see
how small ht can build a noma, and
have It fill his needs, would b a curi
osity to tht sverige builder or architect
Tht planning of a small home is more
difficult than tht planning of a larger
oil; to meet the requirement of the
ram family. Not because tha arrange
ment can not be ts convenient, for any
thing built on a large seal ran be built
on a small scale, within a certain rea
sonable minimum, but becauio the aver
age perron ha an exaggerated Idea as to
how much room they need, for living
When sitting In tho parlor, with two
or three friends, the actual space that
I taken up together with tho usual par
lor furniture I not considerable, when
tht dlnlnf room It openly connected with
the parlor, the effect of dlstanc prevent
a cramped or etufty appearance.
In tha dining room, of course, th ,-.e
of tho table, together with tho fact that
a pa snag must b maintained around tho
outside of tho seated guests, establishes a
ten foot minimum for the least dimension.
Tho dining room should bo made a little
longer than It narrowest dimension, to
permit extension of th table on special
occasions. This extra length la often
obtained by projecting a bay, which when
properly designed adds to tho attractive-
ess both within and without
Homo people think they simply cannot
get along without a den. Th writer ad-
f . ; . , : ' .'t, 1
" 'a P-VV CI'
"Tht Art Science and Be aliases I
of maatsbnUaing."
-titty chapters, 900 Illustrations,
Xt covera a wuxe raage of subjects,
Ineiasing the pUMuuag of bungs
lo. suburban and city hemes,
costing f rax SMOO to 130,000, lot
tug tuduuiii oaootuxg aea&offcus,
ptwper assign of astraac, wa
uowe, firtpiaoet, ate. Msw tatrd
edition. Met, , postpaid, HjDO.
Address, Arthur O. Olautia,
Architect, 1130-37-3 X,aabi ax
change, Hlaaeapolts, Mlnnssota.
mil that he I one of those people A
little place, even not more than five feet
wide, In which to etudy, writ, read or
converse privately I always a convsnlent
accessory, placing a comfortable couch
ta It makes It an extra bedroom oa spe
cial occasions. In a small noma, how.
ever, this apace can be distributed be
tween tho other rooms, and en of tbe
bed room furnished to tak Its place.
Th number of chambers Is, of course,
established by th number la th family
and the number of expected guests.
A fireplace i always a tplemlld thing
In tht house, for Its cheerfulness and
th heat It affords on mild winter day,
at well as being a splendid ventilator at
all times, but they are expensive, and
tak up altogether too much room for a
small home. They should, therefor, be
I omitted, together with such desirable but
j unnecessary luxuries a first floor
toilet room, large pantry, and aoaMrva
For th best appearance, a homo of
mall dimension should Bet to full two
sterlet high. Making tha height of tht
first story net over Dine feet Increase
tho six of tbo rooms In appearance snd
maket It unneoeaaary to project th
second atory quit so high Into tha lr.
While it must be admitted that a slant
In th bedroom celling I net th most
desirable thing, still when tb slant
starts not lower than Ova and a half er
six feet from th floor. It I not In tl.e
way of bedroom wall furniture, and does
not Interfere with headroom, -area at
five and a half feat for do en stands
or walk against th wait When tbt
slanted part of tho eetllhg It Insulated
properly from th weather, and tbe room
I properly ventilated. It doe not make
th room slther hotter or colder. In tie!.
It require a little less heat radlailso
In winter.
Prom aa Investment standpoint. It I a
significant fact that small homes contain
ing a sufficient number of room and
all modern conveniences tell better and
at larger profits In proportion to the In
vestment than larger or more eoatly
homes, which would Indicate that th
average homebuilder would he content
with room not quit so large, aa It
thtnkt It necessary, when planning a
home. If he could only eee a home In
every wy meeting hi requirement, with
room Just large enough to be practical
and homelike.
1 TTTTj ' f 1
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V1 , .1 6''? erA . j ij CrtaiH CHeVSbU
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I 1 I Tav'Lu. j J Ickoi.: j
, Ssaearllaassaaer- s.a-aaxaasxa. i. immimmimimm
---lw ( 0ttH ARTHUR C.lLAlrW
k aruj.. jxi . J arc h itcct1 ZJUDb
avis -rgLriAc ss U Stcxop
H IsAieAToiit Aiii ripost
r-tT T-L-OOW. j
- 'I
.-POSKe moof
X Mr. P. T. Klrkede,
Mrs. P. T. Hichoui. aged CI year, died
ex the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. w
JalU at U Lafayette street yesterday
a.tteraova. ful lowing a short attack of
.pneumonia, the hi survived by three
"'. bildrea. air. Hill, C. a Kichots and Mrs.
Jlary Hilt Th latter Ores ta Coffey,
'?Il. the body will be moved thai mora-
lilf to vtatcrroo. la, tb childhood
f tht wcccascd.
.BtoYBXxam or oczasr sKreaMzats,
-npt.r. Bui..
'rlo , ew Ta..... .
,llvlKrtOI Hawrte ..,
esltf-TX Ciwia.
,Krl.rt P.XE,. a-jmm guaaea
. SUMIUt...
- IJ'IJiOiLiA...(i.-le. ........
IiM.:fi ,.reawfalaa.n..,
- e-tw:sTOW!.... . amHa
France and Italy
End Their Dispute
PARIS. Jan. 5T.-Th Franco-Iullan In
cident arising out of the seitur of the
French steamers Uanaoba and Carthago
by Italian war vessel ws settled today
sa Oaf act only to both nations. This an
nouncement waa made tonight at the
close of a meeting of thcbioet, which,
after examination, approved tha term of
tb not agreed upon by Camilla Barrere,
tho French ambassador at Rome, and th
Marquis Dl Pan Clullano, Italian minister
of foreign affairs. Th Bote will be pub
lished la Home by the Italian government
The key to success In biuineai a) tn
JudlcieuB and persistent ee of newspaper
advertising. '
Culled from the Wires
A receiving order -ss made v the
bankruptcy court of lndoa agalnat toe
marquia of Queensbury oa th petition
of a money lender, A figures re ui
vulged. .7 . ..
Welter 1. Johamn. w ef in pioneers
and beet Spowt, 've'- ' v . ,
dd in a sanitarium at Rochester, X. Y
aged it.
The a apellate dlviston afrtrmed the
teven-yeatr eemeace on Atom MKianl.
cenvicuo In March. HI, of attempting
to blackmail Eurico Cams, the teaor.
Percy O. Yndereef. treasurer of the
firm of Van Keurrn a Thornton Co
dealers in white gueoa, plcu.o au. J
a there; of grand larceny. Vandroef
wa indlrted after 'hie flrat diacovensl
he wa short lie,:
Deaa of University Delivers High
School Commencement Address,
Proeldeat at Beard af Kdaeatlon
Clvee Vtaag Mea Bad Wosaea
Their Reward for Srheal -Kadeavor,
Twenty young men and women of the
Omaha High school were given their
"sheepskins," showing that thee had suc
cessfully completed four yeaia of meri
torious academic study, at tb second an
nual midterm camineucvmetit exercise
held at the First Congregational church
last evening.
The church wa attractively decorated
In maroon and whit, th class colors, and
th raised platform on which th twenty
graduates wore seated during th exert
cites ws banked with potted ferns min
gled with masses of red and white blooms.
Superintendent K. U. Uratf presided
and Introduced Dean Charles Edwin Bet
sey of the University of Nebraska, the
speaker of the evening, characterising
him a one oC the best loved educator la
the stale.
After tho Invocation by Dean -. A. Tan
cock of Trinity cathedral. Dean Vtessey
delivered ht address on "Thins Worth
While." His theme abounded with Inter
esting facts, tee gist of which were thrust
home In the muds of hi list en en . Hi
many little metaphor war sparkling
with truth and th benign way la which
ha used them placed the audience la a
humor to hear more.
Urt Proper PersBWeftT.
"Let us look sanely at things." said
Deea Beesey In opening, "and place the
j erapbasla oa those that are of most Inv
: Port a aces. Let a remember that while
; some things are really worth wptie. others
tare of little Importance. Strive for the
better things la life aad let the other
"Hero are the vital things that are
worth while: Health, play, friendship,
repute lion, ability and knowledge.
"It is of vital importance to keep In
good health. Do not Vpee up' the body j
by the as of stimulants and at the same
time do Bet slow down your ambition by
indulges; frequently ta narcotics. Above
all, endeavor to keep yourself In the pink
of condition la order to meet the daily
battles of life.
"By playing I do not. mean games. Th
little child play as soon as It leave th
cradle, th youth play and th grown-ups
ought to play. Orgaclssd play promises
to become a very prominent feature of
community life In the future.
"Friendship Is one of the primal requi
sites for succ and should always be
cultivated among young and old. Alwaya
have a few tried and true friend who
can be relied upon la time of trouble."
- Reatatlea Worth While.
The speaker laid especial stress upon
reputation being worth while. "The
mala gist of repuusMon." said Dean Bee
sey, "Is the oplnon which other people
form of you. Young men and women of
the present day should take an active In
tel est In Industry, honesty,, faithfulness
nd ateadfastnet. Forget the 'don't car'
sttltude and believe that things are worth
Uvtng for." - ,
"Ability Is another 'necessity for the
young people of today, that Is, tb power
to dosthe needed thing t th right time.
If a man can establish an artificial Ice
factory In the heat of Havana h la a
genius and worthy of respect and con
sideration a a personsg af ability,
"Tbe final thing which la worth while
1 knowledge." declared Dr. Beesey with
emphasis, ss hs pointed to th graduating
I clar which wa seated behind him. "We
nhould learn to, read and Write, and,
above all, acquire a wider experience In
different languages. The ability to cal
culate clearly should alao be stressed
CesseU Blaft Predaew Market.
Th following quotations showing price
paid to producer are corrected dally by
William Hlggeson. city wclghmaster, for
publication In Tho Bee: ' '
Corn. CttOo per bu.; wheat, fi- per bn.;
oats, .' c per bu.; her tlouee). Il?x
M.M per ton; alfalfa tioesr), tuaCttiu
per ton,
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Evenly Heated Piano Storage Room
:M vVv . a 1
, j!
Mala Ofrica III Ss-IEibSL IriKses-lll Sa. 1 7a & 1 1 21 la. 1 la $!
Tlphae Oeegtae 41T sod htaV, A-I33C
Features for 1912
A greater year for a greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the news that is real news.
Mutt and Jeff
Character creations from the pen of "Bad"
Fisher that have made all the world laugh
and turned many a sad face into a smile.
Looking Backward "
This day in Omaha during the history
forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago, '
briefly and interestingly reproduced for
Bee readers. '
The Bee's Wedding Book .
A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of
Omaha's own people, simply and entertain
ingly detailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry
Tad's dog-man invention who has more
trouble than anyone, but trouble that is t
so funny it makes amusement for every
Bee reader.
Katzenjammer Kids ;
These two youngsters who are the source
of Sunday fun for thousands of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
for this year.
Nell Brinkley Drawings
, Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pea
drawings, and her sketches of men and
women caught by Cupid, not only have ar
tistic beauty, but also always teach a lesson.
Sherlocko the Monk
Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to
many people, but Monk, the picture-detective,
is more marvelous in the fun-wuy
than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in
a serious way.
Nothing so amusing has been run in any
western newspaper in many years as these
humorous play-on-words lines by Tad.
Desperate Desmond
A stage villain transferred to pen pict-jrea
and revealed in the most laughable light to
make every Bee reader roar and hold hit
Happy Hooligan
Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow
- ing more entertaining, and now he is on
the road to new situations to win smiles
, from all followers. .
Carpenters Travel Letters
No writer of the present day sees events
and situations in such interesting light as
. . Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes
them sq graphically. '
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black,
Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran
cis Oarside, Ada Paterson, and many others
who 'write for women, what women want
s to read.
Each, week in the Sunday issue
, Several big special stories of particular
interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa
readers. ' ..
Comic Section in Colors
Besides the laughable comic pictures and
the specialrticles by women for women,
The Bee will record dramatic events of im
portance; present exclusive human interest
stories and give an accurate account of
events of politics, with absorbing sidelights
on the two big political parties, their con
ventions and their presidential campaigns.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all over the civilized world every
day in the year.
If you negket to -
Read The Bee daily during 1912
Ton will miss these exclusive features, the
greatest series ever published in a Ne
- - braBka paper.