THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: JANUARY 28, 1912. REAL ESTATE CITV PROPSCRTY FOB BAS.Si ANXOUNCE3IESTS After February 1. ml. I will he located at 4K-4 Brandeis Bldg. and will con tinue a general ml mate, insurance and rental btiAnexa. l'our continued patronage and butines 11 be appreciated. H. A. WOLF Piion Doug. SOK. 4M! s Bid..' 4-ROOM COTTAtisi SoX rath, talaoc tike rent at KIT Arena C. Council muds. Thte rt a neat, com fortable 4-room house, with city water, gat and electric light, on good high tot. two blocks ot Omaha car and city school. It la worth the money, at tUM. M'GiuE REAL ESTATE CO., lift Pearl St., Council Bluffs. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME IN THB SUBURBS OK OMAHA. (For Sal on Easy Terms.) We an now attaring oar country reat dencj. conulsttag or M acres, located on Military road, halfway between Benaoa and Irvtngton. b-ruorn bouse with all modern Improvement, tnotodmg bath room, furnace, laundry, hot and cold water, open fireplace, hardwood floors, summer dining room. etc. Also large barn. Ice house, chicken house, hog house, etc. Large amount of fruit, eeo eisttng ot nearly all varieties raised In tills ellanat. Paved streets Into Omaha. A little over a mile to street car. Good grade schools la this district. Only twenty minutes' ride In automobile to business center of city. WUI dtrld and tell s acres wilh all the improvements and fruit, If preferred. inquire if owner. B. 9. ROOD. M OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BUM. I will tell .0. choicest building lot In the ilanecom Park district upon the most favarabi terms that could be de sired. It you oontemplat building this spring, better see in sons. Lot located northwest corner Bd tnd Arbor. Tele phone Harney Set or South 737. Wllllaa II. Qoald, Jr. $1,750 4617 K. f?lh St., I-room cotUca. per lor. dining room, kltclwa and two Die tearoom, biff pantrr; il on on flor; nlely ptvpwed nd oecorMtvd, 11 oat up-lb-0at .euio llht ttxturaa, ca tty water, two full lot bj-totC fruit tr: rhrric, tUaion plnma; food onl tuu Khiia, hen houte; It on rrtri Wert front: two brock from ear, a food l-laco to raiM chicken. Cloao to a good school. Call Wabatar 8623 for particular. BENSON F, S. Trullinger A BIO BAROAIJf. BRAND NEW. NEVER OCCUPIED. Six room, besides bath and den, at rial y modem oak finish. Full two stories, near Kountae Place. Exception ally well built and warm. Furnaos heat. Full cement basement, otment walks, sodded yard, screens and storm wtd dow. In fin neighborhood. Price re duced to SI. 67, S3o sash, balance monthly Ilk rent. Phono Owner, Harney fcOO, for more Information. BALE or MR. LACaVTB REAL ESTATE, At exec-tor of ti estate f Mrs. Cath- -,i. t lj-v I win receive offers until February t, lull, at the United State Na tional bank. lor tne weat ono-naii ok sot three (). In block on til. In 8. E. Rogers' addition to the city of Omaha, This property ia situated on the south east corner of Eleventh and Martha Bu.. Hunting about 131 feet on Eleventh St. and 144 en Martha St. It wa occupied kv Mr lcv as het Bom and I lm- moved with tres, shrubbery, ham, a ,-room dwelling house la good condition, with apnea lor forth batldings. The property can bo purchased, if desired, subject to a mortgage of H.OOt, and pay ment for the equity may be made one third cash and balance in W or days. VICTOR U. CALDWBLL. EXECUTOR, United States' National Bank, 16th and Far nam SW.' Live stock market ofwest Whip your stock tee South Omaha. 8av mileage and shrlnkaga loor naign meots receive prompt and careful atiea- Stock Cans at lesion Merchant. ' Pyers Bros. CO. Strong and responsible VVOOP BROS., 2M-M Eichasgs Bjdg. "great Wott. Com. Co- Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH At SON just handle sheep. TAOO BROa handls cattle, hogs, theeP hay, Robinson A Co.. too E.chsng Bid. Interstate Co. Better remits. Ship to u. CLIFTON Com. Co.. ta Eiohange Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS CO.. 22S Exch. Bldg. Cox Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hustlera "Farmers L. S. Com. Co.. SB) Each. BMg. t-.rlt ni-nnej-la of ahlDnMMS lB fltOCk bank. Only bank at yarda Martin Broa. Co., SSS-4 Each. Bid. OMAHA, THE GRAI.N MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchant Conalgtunenu solicited. 71 BrtadeU. LEGAL. NOTICES. 1UIVTI1-K TO CONTRACTORS, Sen-rate bids will be received until I o'clock on Tuesday, February 12. IHl at the office of the 8ecrary of the Board of Regents. University of Nebraska, ' Lin coln, for the construction of a Law Col lege building, also for heating and venti lating apparatus, plumbing and electric wiring for the same; the total cost to bs approximately PA.tM, to be built oo the University Campos at Lincoln, according to plans and specifications now on file In tne Ol flu Ol tne up riiuenu ul w st ruction. Room 207, Administration build ing. University of Nebraska Bids must he sealed and marked with the bidder's name and the words: Bid for construcUoa of Law CUag building. Bid for healing and ventilating appa ratus. Law College building. Bid for plumbing, Law College building. Bid for electric wiring. Law College building. . . , written plainly on the eutstd of each Ud. respectively. J. B. DALES, Secretary. jji-a-a Ft. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Firm Fiap Ttn.M in tn WTiwt I - - -- a-v . Fntare Market. MAT OPTION IS A CIST HIGHER Despite Liberal Movement ot Corn That Grata Refaaee to Decline U Price) ta Any Appre ciable Ezteat. si.le limits for May were !0Sc and 61 Sc. alth last alcs W up at 6nTec. There was a noticeable sbeotxe of sell ing pressure on hog oroducts. The bulge in wheat appeared to serve as a restraint for traders, who wens inclined to take the short side of the market. At the close pork was dearer 'r to Wtlite and the rest ot the list i'-rffac to Se. Leauuig options cloeed as for.ows: Article- Open, i High.j Low. ! dose-'yostdy OMAHA, Jan. IT, lli There tu a firm leeimx in the wheat market today. May closed 1 cent higher man yesterday, onlv a spot under the nigh point for the day. May closed Sc aoov yesterday and September He above 7-Keruay. in sol to of the heavier movement, both cash and option price hi corn hold up. A narrow range characterised the option market and the closing prices were V? anoer yesterday a close Tho range wa narrow also In the oats market. Jdav cldaed Wc above veaterdav. July at exactly yesterday, figure and oepiemoer c lower. Chicago wired: " I'bere has been a aood deal of long earn soal out this morntag. Snippers are reducing their bids for cah corn, trying to buy It at a bigger dis count unaer May. The demand is very ught." Minn-spoils wired: "Fair demand for cash wheat, with No. I northern May to c unaer. Flour demand is enlarging a little each day." Liverpool closed 1t$V3 higher on wheat and Hd higher on corn. Clearance were u.ow bushels of wheat and m.J0 bushels of corn. miliary wheat receipts wer tw.s'i bushels and sbipments bushels, comrared with receipt a year ago ot eei.i bus belt and shipments o! busheta Primary corn receipts were I.m.00 bushels and shipments (-. bushels, compared with receipts of bushels a vear ago and shipment of Sas.vuv bushels. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat No. : hard winter, 1 cars at H OC; No. 4 hard whiter. 1 car at tl.W; No. prlng, 1 car at W . Oats No. t wnite, I car at c; No. whit. cars at Vc Corn No. I white, I car at Hc; No. wait. 1 car at tUbc; 1 cars at toe; 1 car at eTc; No. I color. 1 car at kJV; no. eoiur. i tar at sic; i car at eir; No. I yeflow. i oar at t3 .c: No. 4 yellow. 1 oar at lc; cars at He: 13 car at SOV: No. 1 mixed, 1 car at V; cars t cc; l car at cc; ro. mixeo, i cars, at Or; can at fee; 4 ears at Mc; 1 car at .4cjl car at Kc; 1 cars at Wiic; no grade, 1 tar at vc: I car at t rare at Wo; 1 car at 7c; t cars at 64ljc; cars at Mc; I car at iMbe. Omaha Cnah Prices. WHEAT No. t bard. il.OWrtl.04t4c: No. 1 hard, JLltfl.V No. 4 hard. SiMitl.O. tviut-Ntt. a wiute, aanttitec: -o. , white. auelc: No. 1 color. tVn!kc: No. a yellow, 2tWc: No. 4 yellow, toft 1r; No. I. 41!Vifi3c: No. 4, iMl!c: no grado, KAWte. OATS No. I white. erUfNWc: standard, Mt0c: No. I white. tS'tHS,c: No. 4 whit. P4we: No. 3 yellow, W',Hc; r,o. e vetiow, wmitct BARI.RT MsJtlnc 11 flftffl.Sn: No- 1 feed, T5fl6c; heavier feed, aortigl Aa. Bi & No. X MH9c; No. J, IWuWc. Car lot Rre;pts. VVheaL Com. Oats. Omaha 177 S Chicago 17 tl ID Mlnneapolia JJ Dululh 11 Kansa City 41 101 l CHICAGO CBA1W AND PROVISIONS Feat area of tho Trading nnd Cloalag Price Beard at Trade. CHFCAOO. Jan. r. Belief that the wheat crop of France had been over estimated resulted today In a material aavaao in price. Th clrss ws firm t 91 gain over last nig in. Corn fin ished c to HOSc down, oats a shade oft to He up and hog product more ex pensive ay to lue. Rumors that Finnish miller were mak ing Inquiries for No. I red winter wheat from the United Btatas caused something approaching enthusiasm In the pit here. There wa much aMt that Import duties would be reduced. In this connection It wa a subject f comment that flour at Part had risen an amount equal to t cent a buahel for wheat. Statements wsre current that Franc would require ,000,000 bushel before th new crop In that country waa available and that only grain of good quality would fill th need. According to th bulla, Australia and th United State were to be looked upon In that can aa practically the sol sources of supply. Other factcra against the boars wer th itgatnesa of world shipments and the alleged poor condition of Mis souri, Indiana and Ohio winter wheat. Increased primary receipts, especially northwest, were responsible for much early selling, hut deale.-s who let go were competing afterward for offerings at a mack higher level, it was eald that aeed wheat would have to ho shipped Into North Dakota. During th seaman May ranged from II 01 1i 91.02 to S1.e01.l. to wind up ll.WV a rise of Wo net. Extensive realising by longs caused heaviness In corn. Anxiety to secure prof- Its was Increased by report of a big movement of country shipment. Weak ness wa cheeked, however, by wheat strength. May fluctuated between tB0 and IcV, closing sy i0Sc net lower at ffStC casn grades were quiet, zso. z yellow waa not quote 1. Oat took color alternately from wheat and corn. Th oiKoocne wa virtually to bring tli market ta a atandstlll. Out. "Si ,V P.S4SI V heat I j Jan..j Wy.lrH, July.iiMsH-sl Sept! riSi Corn I i Jan..' 4V Mav.TsT'iejV July. CTV, ept.l Oats i May. 4T, July.J6tai,J! sept. .-,: Pork j Jan.. i May.; Mat July, it 60 Lard j Jan.. May.i rss. July. I a Sept- Ribs ) Jan..) IN May.' so-I' July. : i M I W,! I es-j.i iv! l oat, i tvt ; no S4l !MSi -1 . o.V.1 644 7S, ;,: 7'4CiS 7,i :,:S"-tl C Slsj K-el is , est eAS'a! "- U l.i" M 5, 41 eu,'W ov'a li SB 15 75 i4 Ma ht wat nreo l 6 I a 14 ti 3 IP B4 1 4741 7H 111 j I 6i ItiTMbt JV 4Tw I i!J rs I l?S S Is) I I -ml 77 I ltlt,l CS-H as Cash quotation were aa follows. FLOUR Firm; winter patent, 4.9 4.S; winter stralghta 1Joh14.7; spring patents, li.Hr.(.. spring slralgtu, Ki 'lt : baker. Uo4... RYB-Nol t Sc. BARLEY Feed or mixing. SfcetLts; fair to choice malting. II !l t. fKKIS-Tlmotby, l.ntfUv. CloveT, 1IVC- P Ho VIRION S Pork, rneee. old. M5 Ofc new, U.s7 Lard m Uerceel, t.-l. Short ribs Hansel, 18.57V Total clearance of wheat and fhwir wer quel to 1M bu. Primary receipt wer bu.. cum pared with MU bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated revelpt for Monday: Wheat, 11 ears: corn. M can; oats, m car, hog'. 52.009 head. Chicago ash Prices Wheat. No. 1 red, W-rcfcll.o-i; No. red. W: No. I hard. H. OiOl.W: No. hard, x-i41.01; No. I northern, S111V1.U; No. 3 northern, l.Mj I. 10: Nj. 1 norUiern, H.2ftl.; No. i spring, tl.oifil..': Nu. J spring. PScrMI M No. 4 spring, cngl at; velvet chaff, 90c 0 al.06; durum, woAW sa. torn, no. a, (U4t V; No 1 white, m'1rec; f(. 1 yellow, 3'ra'3"c; No. 4. (lVirV-: No. 4 white, 6&i3i4c: No. 4 yellow. Oats, No. !, uOHc; o. l wnite. iwr; rso. wnito. Slftt.1V ; No. 4 white, sogarV; standard. 61u61H-. HtTTKit urm; ercjnne, zswwc; dairies. s.w:nc. K:im btrni: receip,, case; at maik, - Included. HH(SWc; ordinary firsts, SltRar; first, J6Hc. UtTAToi--eteady: receipt. H car; SSctll!.'. POULTRY urm; turkey, uoisn; chickens. HHtfHHr: spring. UHt VEAL-ftea.iy; 7rc. chkickk eneady: daisies. l6$rLe; ltWec; youiig Americas. lfflic; long twins, ItVhlic: young Americas, lOHtflic; long horns, ieQi.c MEW YORK CKMCRAL xtABKET RAJLWA- TIME CARD KAILWAIT 11MK CARD. t .MIM IT Alio Voath and Ma Arrive. a;m a I gpn a l:UI ai:Hpm a pm a 7:27 am al2:S am a 4 Jtipoj a 120 pm a t M pm au):)0am b 1 JO pin laln Pacltle Depart Ban Fran. Orerl d L..aam i China A Japan F. M. .atpm Atlantlo Kxpres Oregon Kxpres all:Jpm Lo Angeles Limited, .an :4S pm Denver Special a I.wtn Centennial State Bps 1. all 30 pm Colorado Expros 1:30 pn Ole.un-WaJb. L'fd....aJJ:W pm North Piatt Local. .. t Uiara Grand Island Local. ...a u:36 pm ruromsburj Local bl2:ll pm Wabash- Otr.slia-St. Ixiui Ez..a:Mpm at 15sm Mall and Expros. aiscam aUrltpm Bianb'y L. tfrom C.B-l b I vOpm bis :14 am Chlraao, Mllwraakew 4k St. Pant Overland Limited ai:pm as.Ram Pen-v Local all (x pm Colorado Express a 40 pm a 1-2 pm Colorado Bneclal a 7 :4t am a ( te am Perry Local bs:lpm b-i.-espa t lease eroat Wewserw i-hlce mn Limited a:Spm Twin City Limited illpm Twin City Expresa.. Chicago Express Local rasse-ger... Iklcnao. Mark am at:m al sOpm a : pm .a : pm Pad lie , lalaad EAST. p.c-kr Mountain era aW Jepm Chicago Local Pasa....bhJ am b!0:10pm Chicago Day Express. a 4:46 am a4:Xpm Chicago Expre 4:Mpni al:Wpm Dn Moines Ltx-al Pas a 4:77 pra alt 12 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd M nm 11 am WEST. O.Neb. I., to Lincoln. a ll am a 1:63 pm icago-Colorado Ei..t 1:S rn nl4pm Chicago-Colorado F.x. al llpm 4 pm Okl. Texas Express. I.etpm aU:am Rack Msuat-ia Ltd.U:47 pm alZje am llllaol Ceatral Chicago Express a 7:19 am Chicago Limited a :) pm laawari Paeifte K. C. St. I. Kx....5sm K. C, St. U Kx....all:15pm CBIoaara c nrtbv?eatera-NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-St, Paul Ex al ouam Paul L t d.. a !:i om Twin City Expre.. ..a 7 47 am Hioog city Local .a l b pm Minn, ft Dakota Ex. ..a 7:wpm Twin City Limited s.,pm Minnesota Expres EA-TBOUND. Carroll Loral a 7:00 am Darl xht Chicago a 7:40am Chicago Local aU:upm Coiorado-Chlrato si:llpm Chicago Special a :2 pn, Pac. Coast-Chicago ...a 4:.i nu Iib Anxelet Limited. .a l:ViDm Overland. Limited a 7 :56 pm Carroll Local a4:J9pm Fast Mall a pm Cedar Kapida. Stous City and Omaha Centennial State L t d i: eiam WESTBOUNI. Long Pine a warn Norfolk-DaJlas il:im Long Pine-Lincoln a 2:15 pin Hastings-Superior ....b :15 pm Deadwood-Hot 8p'gs..a 3:i pm Casper-Lander a 3 fw pm Fremont-Aiblon bt:3Dpui at :44pm a :u0am a 7:4 am a i:Svpm a or. am al0:3 um a l a pm a S:li am a 7 :i am all :00 am a :1 pm all) Wpm a J .'S pm a pm a s 49 am IJlpm au:anm a Ham al:am a J:pm a J:JS pm ll:lSpm .11 -Ml al:l& pm a It 01 pm a :M pm a s:jv pm all 00 pm b l-M pm lirilT VnDV O TAPS' If 1 DFrT compared with HVOse.WJ U during the cor- SLl IUIV tll.UA BHIiALI responding period of last year Feeling of Peuimitm on Lxchtrife Produce Sellittg- Morement. RATLEOAD ISSUES ASSATLEU Large Block at necarltlea Thrown an Market nnd Price erasable Valoa Paetfl Drops Three Palate. NEW YORK. Tho growing feeling ot pessimism which has beea evident In Wall street during the hist few davs culminated today in an outburst of sell ing on the Mtock exchange, in the two hour ot trading 40X.UO shares were dealt In. Pressure we directed mainly against th railroad stock and was unremitting In the last hours. Large blocks of securl- tnrown on the market and prices cmmbld rapidly. Union Pacific Heading and Lehigh Valley dropped I points; United State rK eel's loss wa nearly 1 point. The other active Issue held up better, but lease were general. Th pessimistic statement of Hoaswell Miller, chairman of tho Ht. Paul board, m explanation ot th reduction of St. Paul a dividend rat from 7 to t per cant was largely responsible for th flood ot ailing order. Th statement that "there I no prospect of an Improvement In cen- eraj conditions.'- put the. situation In It most unlavejrabt light Th ater cheerful feeling of a few week go, when expectations of a trad revival were widely held, had been gradu ally disappearing la the fact of dimin ished St eel bvylng and poor railroad earn ings. In th test few days there has been avMvnc of a gradual weakening ot th aderton. Added ignlflcane wa at tached to Mr. MtHera statement on ac count of th general belief that M. Paul la etoaetT aaoeiatd with snen of th tersest buatneea interests ot the country, being commonly called a "Rockefeller road." Koine of the tobacco stock fell back today attar thetr remarkabla advance f th earlier days ot th week. American Tobacco rebounded IS petals. American Snulf, after gaining t points, tell back 6 Trading in Lackawanna wa light. Th prloe rose I points. The statistic of Idle freight car showed a considerable decrease during tne last fortnight. Th chain, wa at- trlbuted lo tho cold weather, Reading report for December dlsckMed a mall gain in net earning. The bond market was Irregular. Some of the speculative Issue abowed heavt. nea In sympathy with stock. Total sales, par value t, 744,0m. United tiiate , coupon, lost K on call on the week. Number of sale and leallng quotations on siocas wer aa follows: sarei Hltk. Lm. Oe, Aaotatloaa of th Day an Vnrlon te mm eg I tics. NEW YORK. Jan. J7. FLOUR Firm: Spring patent 16 .: winter atrahmts, H.; winter patents, HM"": spring clears; w.-4H.; Nantes straignt, h.iw , , D-. tfi..... . r.i. . . . UM1 u :u. 4. HO; choice to fsncy. 4 MUtft . Buckwheat flour, firm: S2.Mabx.ts per Hw pounds. COHNMBA1 -oteady; tin wnit ana yellow, )i.seul.i; coarse, L4s4Uu; kiln dried. t3.tR. KYR Firm: No. t, sac e. i. r. Burraio. WHICAT Spot market, firm: No. I red. tl.M1, elevator, export beeie, nnd 91-044, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. II. LIS f. o. b. afloat. Futures, firm, naih a good commission house demand and in fluenced ny cables, rirm shipments and less favorable reports regarding th con dition of the winter wheat crop, closing HiSu higher. Msy closed, l.i; Juiy, ii.ois. COrtN Spot market steady; export, TzHo f. o. b. afloat. Futures market, nominal. OATS Spot market, firm; standard whit. Mu In slevitor; No. 1, Re; No. nd 4, Wsc: natural whits and whit clipped, ttu&e on track. Futures, nomi nal. HAT Firm: prim. 1.K: No. L tLB; N. 2. BI.IbtkLSO: No. I. Kctjftl.. HIDES b.teady; Central A merle, Sc; Bogota, rmrsj'rc. LEATHbH Firm: hemlock first. K 27c; seconds, Iv&iic; thirds, tin; re jects, 15c. I KOVIKliiNS forx. nteaoy: roe, gn.os; family. nUOtrl.0; short clear. S17.0utrIs.SX Beef, firm; mess, tll.0Otyia.6O; family. Ilt.604ils.00; beef hams tf7.6Ou.A60. Cut meats, qult; pickled bellies, W to 14 pound, nitnv: pickled hams. Utilise 1-ird, steady; middle west prim, Hi .W; refined, steady; continent, ; South America. IS 30: compound, H'iWl'me. TALLOW-4Julet: prime city hhds. sc; special. to; country, 4lHo. BUTTKK Firm; creamery specials, XUc: extra S7tsc; firsts, tStiKHc KOOS-Exclted and higher; freeh gath ered extras, toifllc; extra firsts, MiiHc, firsts, T.UXc; western gathered white, 3MH1C. ClIBBfiR-Flrm. POULTRY AIH-c. steady: western chickens, l!BI!4c: fowls, msUHc; tur keys, LVdlfic; dressed, dull; western chick ens, ltVkSc; fowls, llSlrc; turkeys, miMc. lilis-iiawrs .... us s -aieu4 Casper ... tM II C4 Aweifii Asnesltarml ie tt si AeMCIaaa KM ess.... w H H Awerlrss Can left 13 11 aaurlrae C A P I- i 1114 ineflen Cera Oil..... a M Me iawlMl M L. He II II An. Ire e rltles. set sr. ltl, AsMrlraa Uhm j ..... aweeleaa LaewaeUve AaerKea g 4 H t,V U t ta ana pre An. Ousar fupelag-. Aawlisa T A T I u4 '4 I 4 "e lS is n Ml, ll IIIH Berllagt gtatiew , Tenia Mnaan Barliaartea ! ititi. Arrive Denver California, .a 4:1 pm a : 15 pm Puget Bound Exprea 410 pm a s 45 pm Nebraska sol n is a t:3 am a :i pm Blaca D 'ia a .m pm a I pm " fi mii.n pm Northwest Expresa ...all s pm a 7 o pm Nrbrarka points a S.3) am a :l pre r,er" . ... - - bui A ..-W p Lincoln Local a m am Sohuyler-Plattsmouth b S: pm bio 30 pm Lincoln Local b S-i ra pittrooth-lowa ... a :IS am a : am pm a 2:4 pm Chicago Special a 7:15 am all:15 pm Eienver Special all 35 pm a 7:oo pm l.nHw.v 1 . ' apiB Chi. Fast Exprst.... pm a Mo am lows -c4 "n am: am Creatoa Ia.) I-wJ...b Z pm bio: am St. Louis Express a 4:16 pm all jo am K. C. St. pm a 44 am K. C. A St Joseph... :U am a :lt) pm K. C. St. Joseph... a 4 .15 pm (h) dally except Sunday, (c) Sunday cnly. t dily. Webster Statlow IStk and Weawter aflasaarl Parttle Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b J 66 pm bli:55 am Ckleago, St. Paal, MlaaeanoU A Sioux City Kxpreea.-.b 36 pm bU4C pm Omaha Local c 1 .26 am e 6.35 pm Sioux Ty rsi bSJS pm : Twin City Pass b :4S am I Emcraon Local b iM pm b t.l am Kt. 1.abI Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 27 WHEAT-Caah. steady ; track No. t red.; No. 2 hard. Sl:',til.l3V-; May, Sl vuVi; July, Mite CtiRN-Wenk: track No. J, 4t4eo; No. 1 while. Vvtrf7e; May, Ue; July, 4740. OATS Firm; trck No. S, He; No. S white, tic; Msy. iir; July, Gc RYE Unchanged. ,e. FIOUR Firm; red winter patent. S4S0 4J4.W; extra fancy and straight, S3. WO 4.46; hard winter clear. S3. 40. CO. SEKD-Timothy. COKNMEAb-K.30. BRAN Strong; sscked, east track, SJ S6tl-i S. i'HOVISIONS Pork. JobWnr. SIM. Lard, higher: prime steara, Ss -.'t..' Dry salt meats, ti '01: boxed, extra aborts, SK.60; dear ribs, ssbt; short clear, SS 7.1. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra liorts. If it): clear ribs. SK.50; short clear, SV75. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10c, springs. 11c; turkeys, ljc; ducks, 13'tC; geese, kc. BiTTlCR-Dull; creamery, 2St3Jc, ECOS Higher, at 3c. Keceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls J. 7.3TO Wheat, lm 44.0CI0 Mt Corn, bu Ji,) !. Oats, bu 64 x a7.00 Kaasaa Illy Orala and Provision. KA-NfJAS CITY. Jan. 27.-WI1KAT-Cakh, unchatiiied to He higher; No. t hard. S1.04i rrj',: No. 2. n.icgl.; No. S red. Ht,c4.l.M; Xo, S, ?(,. COP.N Uncliangrd; No. 1 mixed, ffl&t iHc; No. i; SiVic; No. 1 white, k, No. i, ft "ac OATS tnrnangeo: io. z wnite, nut 7ty: no. z mixed, mrgoic. KTin -ric. HAY Steady; rhoii-e timothy. Cl.OOts ti m: choice prairie, Sl4.Oot.14-M. Close or future: WH EAT May. $1 (Cfcl CS- sellers; tyiRN May. 4'c bid; July, Wc bid. BUTTER Creamery, S?c; first, Kc; eeonds. IV: packing stock. M)c. EOOS Extra. Khc; firsts. aVtac; sec onds. Sc Receipts. Shipment 4.oo Jiot) Wl.o w.oonj l,ww 1S.IW Wow York Meaey Market. NEW YORK. Jan- r. MDNKY-O rail, nominal; time loan, firmer; sixty days, tvtpl per cent: ninety days. 2Vf per rent: six months. seIH per rent. PH1MB Ji r-HC A NT I La, rAfl-K-.l(4 per cent.'ij KXCHAVOB-Ftrmer. with rtul business In backers' bill at MS for alxty-day bills and at KRJ lor de mand: commercial bills, St.OW. SILVER Bar. 67c. Mexican douara, BONIri Government, steady: rauroaa. trreguUtr. Closing quotation on bond today were aa follows: U. s. M. ta. re.. .10 tsue M. M. 4S.. t 4o ojetse ie Jimi e 1 0 1. Sa. n 1S 4S. 1 ....m,K. 1 a, im IS 14 C. t reg ll L A ett. ei US1.. S cease i I. X eel. 4s m AUI01.VU. 1st te... U SI K. A T iat 4S . Mi er. A is lo see 4s ft T. a r."iM rin tss . Tisiron 4s ... MSN. I. Hall H I1 as mws T. o. a. it... ri A-xwr A Oa 4e.. 4o 4ek U a. 4s.... M4X. Y. X. H. A a. IV. 4S ! CT. W It et. Is ltN A W. 1st a 4s.. ent 1 aa 4. Ml s n. 4s U sal. A Okie ss. rscHto ta Kei, 4. IMS te . S41 e. a ... o a u rM ... -nk. Tr v. ... yeea n. se 111!., art. Tee. u. a -w 4a eae. 4s !s rH leslker U ... 4FUHas sen el .... M 4 1. I a wil Lttr. k A Okie 4Ss. le 4s aae W 1 s. u w e 4... II Chlca. A A. IHs.. 4e 1st rM 4s It 4i a a 4. ! "s A. u u asa, 4s tea. 4s " !,. Pee. eL 4s ... e a a t r 4 4s s a ta. mh C. A I. f a a Ttte s as rsf. 4s. , rfs 4e SslkSe. iuiim. a. isr Pus. In4. niai'stsa rvtfta 4s....ias CeW. HI4. 4s 14 s. av. to let a A a r. A a ties "t 1st A tel. 4a. rit v- m n c. nnuo M....W.14 U IK a ta.-srst'. um i. . i-w ret. Vae. (teat, tesw DiMlllars' la nS'Wsfcu isi I. in Erie L 4s e 1st A as. as.... Ul . 4s 1 Waaler MA 4s til, Oe re. ta. Mr. A. BWeM. glee. v. is.. SI ee swim B Tt WW. Caoliel as K4. Sea -toe. la.. .ias aK PM. re. la... n III. Cae tat ref. 4s. Hw'reaasui ts mi later. Mat. t!s..... Ol OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Most Kinds of Cattle Steady for the Week. HOGS STUDY WITH A WEIK AGO Fat Sheep aad Lasabe Have Flarta ated 1 p aad Dowa, bat at tbe t'leee of Week Are Tea la Fifteen Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 27. IMS. Reelpts were: Cattle. Hora Sheep. t'lticiai aionday Official Twesdsy Official Wedn-sdaj.. Official Thursday Official Friday jailmate Saturday ... Six day this week Bam day last week Saw day t w k 711 Sam days I s ki ago r,-i Bam day a 4 s ki ago li.esl Hani dava last year ..34 460 Th following tab1 shosrs the receipts ot cattle, hog and sheep at South Omen for the year to dtte as compared with last year: in nil. Inc. Dec Cattle SO.iiaS M.iKl V. Hoar aa ieg wi is, lts.aM Sheep 1XU44 tsaSIL S.I11 To foltowlng tab. ahows the rang of pric paid tor hog at South Omaha for the last fw dy, with comparisons: LX7R UI.S4V 4,464 S3.4N S.l 4,lK H 6.SS tSS) 1S.S4 4,M m T 69 4.7U AO 6.IOJ .... l,I7 7.44S 2S.IM tied ,7 SSii M 3.Slt gl.ial 6,211 I S3, 448 .S".4'De 4.1.44 MM wether and yearlings were poorly tested throughout. Total receipts were moder ate, as weii. so that anylnmg good ia th way 01 matured muttons usually soiaj readllv. Prime ewe are now selling up to Rsf ahiie wetners wouid hardly pat tne aa.oe niera ai oca.. usd vaini to 16. Weather has ceased 10 exert1 any appreciable innovnc upon th 1st stock trade as the refrigerator car semes is almost back to normal and product la niolng rreely. Feeder busine-sa lately has been lacking I both In volume and activity. Th country outlet ban been very restricted and offer ing bv not been very attractive, sev eral loads of thtn stock showing up front the Wyoming range early In the week. The four days buy on country account doe aot exceed 4.0.4 bead, according la packers tab. Quotation on Sheep and Lamb-. Lamb: Good to choice, S&4S: fair to good, te Shu S5. Yearlings: Good to choice. tti.lvMi0: fair to good. S4 ana -. Wethers: tiood to choice, S4J694-6; fair to good. S404 Si- Kwea: Good toctMNO,. 'S.j4.'B. fair to good. P 1641. . CHICAGO 1.1 VK STOCK. MARKKf Jan. II. 1 4 llei I sai Ui tan Jan. N.I S 96V 7 s, S Sll i3j 4 R U Jan. IV. 17 1 S r S . 4 SC Jan. St. I-H S33i4i;:il Jan. SS.) 6 tMsi 7 I tu 4 t S t Jan. K 6 w,, 7 ! S S I 4 161 4 4ti i W Jan. 25.) I so I 7 t S 06! S 0i 4 21 t 41, S IS Jaa. Ml t S6l 7 AA; I !!: ( 00, J, 6 13 Jaa. 17. j J i s na S !! 4 S7 ilk riearlac Howe Bab Utateaaeat. NEW YORK. Jan. r. Tb ttatemeat of clearing hou bank tor th week show that the bank hold l46.tu,0O ra aerr in xra of legal requirement. This I an Innrean of t.7M,AI la th proportionate cash reserve a oeanperwd with hurt week. Th statement follows: DALY AV'KKAUK. Amount. Increase Loan , H,S77.M7,s) Sal.tiaiiOo itpea-i im,;m.i), noo Legal tender 1JW. -771 10 Net depooll .. IXIi) SS W tni CirculsUon 0.77t. -.oi Exces lawf I reserve 46,M.ab) S,7ti,M 0 PlWtfAasne. Banks' caah reawrv I vaurta.4tlt7r.0M Trust ooaipanlra' cask reserve Ia vault -. C14S.4M Sunday. Receipts tnd disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yarda South Omaha tor twenty-tour hour ending at S p. at. yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARS. CattlaHoa.irr'. i-.. t. at bl r Wahaah m Mlswur! Pactflc Union Padfle CAN. W east.-.-..., C. N W.. west C, St. P . li A O C. B. A Q . eaet .... C. R A U.. west . C, a I. A P.. east....... llllnol ContreJ Chicago Ureal Weslsra Total receipt , D POSITION-HEAD. Cattl. Hog. 11 til's in. SW 144 1M IH s HI m tt M m w wits . II hi n 11 , Aas Met, lei. mH , lus4 44 llil, Ul4 l l.tea Ml 1044 iaS te lisj 11 ,114 I.ata TH 74 aa souk ni m Its !t li 144 , it titt tik n a e ' , l.aa 111 1414 W"t , 14. w 141 lea-, least . 1,4a ai us Tal Aswrtass T.M ft.. Asberleas a Mia Aaseoeea Bising Ce.... Atrhlsoa AlrkiMS St4 Allenus Coast Uae,... aillaase A Oaw PetsMMas B4M4 Broeklm Rapid Tt t'saeeles raaine Ceatral LMlbar Central LesllMT pf 1 eMiei aa saw Meaey Cs isasisae A Oblo..... Cklraca A Altaa. Csleass O. w Okies. O W. Hi.... ajiirste A N. na-.. is. A m. r. Cklso tsipper r,, c, u, a sr. u. , Ostoraes P. A I Worses A outturn.. CoaMlKsts Osa I Ceea PreSuet D.ieer A Uudeoe Dsbtw A RIs Orasat... D A o, pM Dlanuare tscantUe ... Brie n la sft Brie H sH OMieral Rlaclrta OrMt Neclhera I4..... IM Naetbera Or att.. 4M IHlaa leBtral iHlrMesagh Mat, 1.14 lalar. MM. fit I.M Istsrsatleaal Bareistar. a latsr- Marina pM 4M laieraallanal Paper Lit lata wltensl ramp lows tentral Kaasaa Cltr souther.... 144 a it n. ofa urim os we mn Wat L-sisvllle A Ksskeille. . , 41 1.14a Ule Ul Miss. A St Lmis .. u , si. r a i. M.. ta lit m Mtaaoari, K. A T 4' f I". st . K. A T. pf4 1H W1 Missouri Psalllo Its) ' '. Nslloasl Blarwlt Nalloasl Lea4 M. R. (t. ef M. M pf4 S'a Yar central Airgregat rash reserve StTTvlakON Trust oojnpaalea raeri with laring housa member carrying SS per cent ceea reserve. SW.4J4.oM, Actual condition: AnSbiint. Increase. IMum Sl.SM.6st.oos sn,uoos Rperl Sfil.ia.oa ltMOno lyegal tender lin.7U ilt 1.iH r-a Net depuatla IS,Mi out Circulation hi,A0 . Exi-eea lawn reaerv M.7O.0M I 'ecreaee. Banks cash reeerv In rauks. .S4I. 114, M Trust eampanlea' caah reserve la vaulu Omaha Packing Co.,, (twin and company Cudahy Packing Oo , Armour A to W. Murphy Other buyer , A r negate caah reawrv tm.tU.m Trust oompan rwserr with clearing house member carrying M per nsat cash rsserve. S7A.oni. Summary of state bank and trust com panies in Greater Nw York not report ing to th New York clearing hou: amount. urrea. Loan Bt.uM.JO0 Specie . tt.ipi -sw iia Lgai tenner .. u.wb. .vs m.sbv Total deposit aW,n4,lM l.lst.tW 'incrcaa. m a ti 11 n I res Mi, ... aa i4, im um lit, iei let, in n im 44 114 II N14 S .... 4tt tno ltll, III W tea itet us iist, 4 44K, 4 4 U4t tea 11 its ith lit H, Mi m ua4 lati, PS My, tal, let 14 I M n4 144 IKa 4 M III S5 Ms 144 144 H I44 hit M4 . M.SM 114. tl ass it r, tea 1114 it 4 I.JM 74 Tt . l.SM III, 114 . .la sr.. sai sa . I.MS li 1U 1" ian lass I4JS 1S 14S It 14V SMI 1I Mi iT5 4S 44k II 1U 44 4 N. T. a A tr... Norfolk A WMter. North Asesriesa ... Nortkera racltia .... PsrttVi Mail PMnprlranta -. Pwple s ties r . t. CAM.-.. Pittsherfh real rnawl steel lsr rullnus Pklses Ckr Kar Usaeelldala S.B Rait ar ttaal erlst KeaSIa RMuklW ItMl 71 DaaaiMIs MM pt4 It Rork bias ( 0 1.41 Rerk Isles n. Pf l.M It. I A I. P M art... It tt. Levis w s. L w. rf4 tliea stlantall 8. I. test-ar rartfle seethars Rsileay .... So. Rallarar sft TaaMsiss Caoaer .... TaisqA PsrltK.v T , St. L W T . e. U A W. pM. I'slM rrltte t'nlm rarifte pfi .... rnllM StaM keallf . I'Mom ttstae kehtjer. laitoa CtatM at Ml Tt.ans kit 444 r kimi f m )ii 111 ttiah Cbeear Mae H u Vs -farallsa Cheauesl WsMati Wataeh f4 naaara Karrl""4 WMttnelMMM Eiaetr! ... WMtere Usisa WserttB ALB Lebtt Vsllsr XI Tsl ssIm far tse ay, TH let 1144 xt 14 144 re !M tt MH to ian l, 444. ta4 I". 41 14 "4 "t i"5 nt itt 1.44 II K'i ' jte 'rfit 'it ' M D XI 1 ltt 1: let u MH 77. iirt ian, It R H 44V 444, 4t 44 Mt t ri . 7 114i f nt 64 ai a 44 14146 14U, 144. Iteslea ttoek Market. BOSTON, Jan. fl. Closing quotation n iiock wr at ioiiowi: Alleuw 4u,nsohok tt A-al. 4ar 4aNets4a Che 14V, A A. L A 1 Wlpaelng MUM a B. m v. v. a a aa. a avert awe ya ulie (eallnea .... a Nwth late l ral A ArtaoH Mtl)l4 rwaitBMa ...... At, Mrad. A Heels... uweeu .u.....Uaia ttseueslal imualaar .. fit ce. Kansau ti..., aiHenasses w Ksa nut te c. is.... iai.sus.ner ............. rr rraaklls Iltsssarler A k St .. 44. Olroui Co. 4 iTesireok TT eMilrast- na .... II 11. A a M. A R.. . 144 Oesaaa Caaaaea .... W to 4 .... 47t Isle Karat, cjasaaar.. m vis t Keer La. skl-ta Ospser Ce.-., 414 satawiees ... I ...It Bit. MW.Ierle , Asks. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu...., Oats, bu Minneapolis brain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 27. WHEAT May. Sl7'v: July. SI 04. Cash: No. 1 hard. tl.l: No. 1 northern, P 7fl.7H; No. S northern, StMl aV. No. ), n.ut il3V,. FLAX SlI5aS 17. BARLBT-SUCI1 S. 4XIRN No. S yellow, IV. OATS-No. S white, 4Mro. RVK-N'o. t (He. BRAN In KO-lb. aacka. fJ4 SOtrJl 75. FUlUR-FIrm; first patent. S 2Stn5 J: second patents. St&'gVtO: first clear, S3.CS tsS.K: second clears, iZMiii.l. Philadelphia Pi-dnes Market. PHILADELPtnA. Jan. 27. BITTKR Firm: good demand: western creamery, special. 40c; extia, Mc; nearby print, ex tra. 41c EfKIS Firm: good demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free cases, til 14 per case: current receipt, free ce. Slew) per case: western first, free oasos. SL1.20 per ease: current receipt, free case, sin) per case. CHEE8B-Firm: New Tork Ml fancy, irc; fair to ood.( Wwllc l.eadoa Stack Market. lXXDON. Jan. 27. American securities opened around parity on th stork ex change here today, and then declined on light liquidating Reading Issue wer firm exception. The market etoeed y, with price ranging from unchanged to V lower than yesterday's New Tork closing. London closing stock: Obesoia. sussy... 17 MaLee-Tllle A !4 lit ee aieseet . ntsL. a A T t' Asasl. Oepper.... .. tru,.!. T Ceatral Ill's Anareees 71a Norfolk A W 11! AUkSMe S. pM.... SI ee pel let Oetari. A W t Bah Inter. A Olde.-.tfajpessaf Iraale tr. t-asHliM raellK....-Raa4 MUM 446 eaa a o.... ,4tRMahis ai Diteaco 11. W IIMKm Rr 5a t Chi. MIL A St- P leat . a Tt Da kTaere Itr-ia-Kkaae raeine...llZ, Dearer A Rte 6.... tltaVsies - Pacina 1794 4e pM 4st 4e pM sat, grte tll,D. g ttaal trej s. 1st pf4 K1 ee sit 1x144 s. M sit 4.Wsbs-h 714 One Traak 4s St - UH lUlaeta Untral latt SILVER Bar. steady at 3tS-ltd per ox. MONEY-StS4 per cent. The rata of discount In th open market for short Mils I SV per cent; for three months' bill. tsM0S per cant, w Vark Mlalac Stack. NEW TORK. Jn. 17 -Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Alhe -ootsttle Cblat I aa Teessl stack... llMake V ee hoeda rjyjurie la. Co. Oil. A Vs aAaeir jH I e nar l"ae-4 a neAelll. O. tTstieo Jsrtet It ufre 4. lask Ctrarlag. OMAHA. Jan. ST. Bank clearings today were R4M,7Jil against li BS.'k.. on th corresponding day In 111. Clearings tor th wk ending today are ftt,7l.4tt1e La Sail. ' Hiesd Cbpeer o-iwiswis. OMAHA CBSIEslAti MARKET. 1 1 'I tr o V a l.l .-in- aan, affa 1, In W-lb. tub. SWc; Ma t, SSoi paoklng, Mc. CHEFS E Imported Bwtsa. tic: Atnerl. can Swiss, S4o; blook Swiss, Wc, twins, ItSc; dalslea, 9c; triplets, Mc; young America, SOo; bins label brick, u berger, l ib., Ire; 1-1., SOc. POI'LTKlf-Brotler, MM per dot 1 tprlnn. lie: hns. lac; cocks, Mc: duska lac; geese, lio; turkeys, 26c; pigson per 40., U.1H. Alive, Broiler, uo; aena, 11c; old rooster end stags, 6c; old ducks, lull feathered. Me; gsese, full feathered, iOc: lurkeya 14a: itiiast fowls m aohi p geons, per do Tec; homers, par duA, 61 60; squab. Na L SI M; No. :. toe, FISH- (free frosen) Picker!, To; whit, lc; plk. Sc: trout, 11a; larg erap pies, 12t16; Spanish mcrl, 7a; eel, lac; haddock. Uo; fitwutora, IS; greet catfish. Uo, re nad. Si trach; ahad tee, per pair, too; salmon, Mc; ball but, 6m; yUow (Utrcn, tci buffal, tcj baUhtaa, He. UKKT CUT PRICES-Rlbs: No. L 17c; No. 1 uvc: No, A Wc. Loins: No. 1, Uo; No. S, 14V; No. S, Uc CKk: No. 1, He: No. 1, 7e; No. S, lo. Sxownua; No. I. M: No. 2. Sat: N. S, lfo. ila(e No. I. v,c: No. S. 4c. Mo. I Sc APPi-b--C7ooklng vorleoee, par bat. SS76, Jonathan and Crime Onlden, per bbl , M B); Hen Davla, per bhl.. SAoO, fsncy WinesaaW. par bbl.. S4JW; fancy Missouri pippins, per bhl., XM; fancy llanos, par bbl., 14 00: California Pell flower, per bos. II. ii; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy per box. 12 Uu: Washington Snitsenbsrg per box, S72.60; Whington K Beauty, per bog, SS.60: Waalilngion tUman Ineeap. per box. Sf,6. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch. n3fMfr2-60; Jumbo, per bunch, B76 e176. Cranberriea, Wisoonsl fancy, per bbL, SKLev; per not, M aw. uataa, Ancnor biand. now, SO 1-lb.. pkg. in box i, per box, P.2S; Dromedary brand, new. St 1-lb. pkg. in box. per box, turn, rigt, t--ati fornin. per caee ot IS U-oa. pkg. Vs per ras of 3 12-os. pkgs., : per caw of 6 4-os pkgs.. S2.VV; bulk. In S and uO-lb. boxes, per lb., Mc; New Turkish, 6-crown in 16-lb. boxes. Per lb.. 16c; crown In Sv-lb. boxes, per lb., He; 7-crown In JO-lb. boxe. per lb., lie Drape fruit. Florid. 4S-M else, per crats. S6-00: S0- M-tt sixes, per crate. 71 Urapea, Malaga grape In bbia, SbaetpatB, umu, urson elra, selected brand, extra fancy, Sae si. ner box. S4u: Loma tjmoueir. tancy. BW-IOS six, par box. M S; 24S and 4B trie, too per box less. Oranges. California Naval, extra fanrr. SaVUs-17-l-ASlo-2M Isea, per box. t 00; extra chotc. alae. tier box. t7o. VKlliTABLJX Cabh)te. Wleconrln. per lb. 2V- Celery. California Jumbo, per dot., 90rtyL. Cucumber, hot house, per dot., 12'w. Kag plant fancy Florida per dot., K1W. uaruc, sxtra lancy, wnite. per lb.. 16c Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per do, tie. Onion. California, while, per lb., Sc: Wisconsin, yellow and red. in sacks, per lb., Se; Spanish, per erst, li s. prxlev. fancy southern, per do, butvhes. SotfTic. Potuies, Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu.. SLS6, Wiaeonsln whit stock, per bu-. li ft: in 10-sack lou. ic lees. Sweet potatoes. Kansas, per bu. bsk., S2 00. Rutahagaa. In ck. per lb..luc Tomtoe, Florid, per 4-bsk. crate. M OS. MISCIU.LAN KV L'rl AltwincU. Tarra gona, per lb., 1V; In tack lota, to las. Cocoanuts. per sack, B. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack tot. o lee. Peanut, roaated. per lb- Sc; raw. per lb.. V Pecans, large, per lb.. 17c; In tack lot, lc leas. Walnut, new crop, Dlt Califor nia, per lb. 17c; in sack lot, lc Jess. Cider, Mew Nehwk. per U-KSl. ' bbl.. S307 per 30-gal, bbl.. b: New York Mott's, per 16-gal. bbl.. Xt 'M. per SP-gal. bbl.. thSD Honey, new. !4 frames, tJ.Ti Kraut, per 16-sal. keg. KM: per 4-gal. keg. S1H); Wisconsin, per H bbL. SS.. Data 1 181. iKU.llino.,Lu.iiMi.iiii;.iU. S 4, t i Si 1 4 .. is a i " i '.. i i i 1.S7S S.l.l l.:i aui TJM Total CATTLR For a Saturday ther war mora ottl in than usual, but still re clots wer too llcht In mk a market. For the week the total foots up M.Sfl head. a falling oft of ever S.0M head aa com pared with last week aad of ever AouO head aa compared with the eorrespomitng week of last year. At has been th oat for a good many weeks back, the quality ef th revel ot ha keen very ordinary. thu Is. thr ha been a:i witlr bee nee of txictly Dtime beef stesrt. Th market on tat cattl. wtrll ahowtng to sue lltue f uetuauton trota day to day, ha really xnaod no marked tbanga At the begiBning ot th weak price bad downward leniency, But tnit toes was ntltwly nravered Inter on. so that th weak closed with Alt market back jutt about whet It wa at th clot of il week. Cow and nelfer hv fnllewed along th same tin a beef ttr. During the early part of lb eves th market oiinea. nut niter 00 recovered to mat th deetrabla kind at the cloe of th week ar eelllng steady with last week On tb other ), th common grade did not recover during th latter part ot tne wees an may ar roun lespwni lower than last week. Mer than that, can ner aav kese ratrr slow (ale all th wl Uulte a Httl demand few Developed for stock cattle and feeder during th week. A receipts wer extremely light, price naturally strengthened up and at th cloao ar ttftly ISifSuo bihr than last Wek. auotallon on rail': flood t choir beef tteera, M bta)r7.74); fair to good beet steers, Montr at), common to fair beat steers, tk.euaM.n): good lo choice heifers. M ton. Of; good I objlo oows, Hkiaya.SS, fair to good oow and heifers, S.;644 ia); o mmon to fair ooa and heifer, S2-6HV S.Ti; goon to cnoloo tockra and reot'. BaCuU-kA. fair 10 good Blockers and feed ers, KMf6.sU; common to tair, stockert and feeders, Mioi4 ; stock heifers, SS St 04 tt; veal ealvts, KWtJ.0ii; bulls, Maga te., SASuIpsA. HOUO-ia point ot activity the market for hogs was little different from most Saturday satona, non of th lrger buy er seaming very aaxioue fur killing ma terial. This annuo wa partly justi fied br very heavy runt on the first four days at the week, Tuesday making a aew record wttn H.IH head. But plenty of order exulted despTt th apparratly dull demand. Prices ruled steamy lo a nickel lower, the bulk aentng late, with heavlea In genarai favor at Iigur that were well sustained. Reeeims. matched with recent runt. had A very modest appearance, th ettl male calling lor only 6.IIM haad, but th upp.y fiurs wer Ignored In packing olrolea, and it wa well (long toward midday before a creditable eieaianc was matpe. Strippers and sr)eculatur bought a larger percentage of the run than usual, taking fully a doxen load in all. 'lb bast heavy butcher hog on sal msved at M logIt, th Utter pric being identical Willi yetiuay tup. ruittie butcher (tuff, bacon sverages and high mixed grade so id I ait ay under th Se mark, attraotlv light finding an outlet around St.. Strong weight, scaling at m t St pounds, landed at la moat iMtatvcea Compare with a week ago price av eraged steady or very neariy , but tn range la value has widened mora or lea and 16 to Sun-pound olfertngs are selling a httl lower than they did at last week's close. Total receipts, Willie failing short t jurt week's record by about . head, hav been remarkably heavy, but the de mand on most day na bean bioad and iiionbly actlr. iad for Cattl. aad Sheen WeaU Hogs Lower. CHICAGO. Jn. -rt.-"ATTI.E-Rclpta, l.Ofst heatl; market, dull and weak; beeves, H 7041. Texas steers. t 4fti 76; western, steers. Si.4i.4i7.ui; etockera and feeders. Uat-taH.; cowa and heifers, ellotje.tii calves. S6.o0fili.-1. HOtiS Reorlpts. tsnro head; market- slow. 6c oft. light. Sliojji; ; mixed. 65 VH.S&; heavy. ei.Mi.S74; rough. t66ts 0: pigs, ti.U.S.. bulk ot sale, S6.6 ((4k M. ailL,Kl' AMI t,AMjsri neostpis, x.. head: market, aeak: native. SAlstHTSi wester- ts idCt 70: yearlings. M tkiu6 ait lambs, native. HrMMit); wester. M nam. 1 Kaasaa trty Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. I?- CATTI.IC'-Re eelpts head, IncliidHng 60 sou t herns mrkt ateady; native steers. S6.60tla.0o; southern steers. Snu)j ; southern cow and heifers. U.iiut. native cow nnd, heifers. S3.6fuhav.36: stocker and feetlere. KntHSS: bulla SSTeSj to: clvs. SS.769 7.M; western steers, Sa.a9i.ts; wtatertk cow. HOGS-Recelpt. 4.000 head: market steady: bulk of Mle. S5 (.: ksavy, a: i,-- : an. u.l.. . k.. . .. -as is a 490; light. Stva1.4e.IO; pig, hllrli. hmkkp and iAMJ4ri Keoetpts, nonri market steady; mutton, SS.iAti4.7t; lambe. l0itt.7a; lad wether and yearling, S.ta tgAMI; fed twee. t7o4.1. Bl. t.oale Black Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. .-CATTLr-Rsclpt. Sou head, moulding luu Txan; market ateady; native beef steers, StSoo!" cows and heifer. S3.tVuK60, stockars and feeder. gi.Muna.sD; 1 axes and Indian steers, tt Outyi tit; cow and helfera. Si uO, calve In carload lots. S6.tXa-4.6o. HOClS-Recelpta 4.0W head; market steady; plga and light. S4 ewuKM; mixed and butch aa-t, laliVASSi god heavy, SASStJI SHEEP AND LAMBS-Nona. St. Joeeph Stack Market. ST. JDSrll'H, Jan. r.-rCATTLB-ne. ceipts, I no head; market steady; steer. St totiS tS; cow and heifers, Sl.totjt.tlJ salves, M.004) .40. HOtlB-Kerlpt, 4.00 head; market lower; top, M ft: bulk of sales, K.Sft&S.lO. BHEPvP AND LA M BS Receipt SM head; market unchanged, lambs, K.7m S.SB I Stack la lgbt. Receipt of live stock at th fly prtru 1 clpal was tern marksts ytrday: cattl. Hugs, BhMpa ... 400 klUU ... 1i tons Sod , ... ' 4M0 ...I - ,.. tt 4 OKI ... ...l.tut) Jt OUt IBM I South Omaha.. Bt. Joseph Kansas City... St. Loui Chicago ...... ISU alias ITS. Total..., Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt NEW TORK, Jtn. J7.-BVAPORATED APPLKS-teulet and barely steady; on th spot, fancy, KHetrHeV; choice, t4(rHei prime, rS0Vr. DRIED FH11TB Prune, dull; and, rather easy with nm'hdtng of prlcesi quotation rang to to lSiaj for Califor nia up 10 SV-4U and KeVkc to liki for Ore gon Apricot, quiet and about stedv eholc, ftup-lMac: extra choice, Hnntiyi fancy, 17tlsc. Pach, firm. In sympsthy with th ooaat; chotc, IliJUSsjc; extra choice, UHtrl2c; fancy. 120 Utc Raltliisk quit nut ateady, witn mn onoringsi lues muscatels 6a?o: choir to faiwv seeded, 7 Vc; aeodl, Atflci lABdofj ' mviw .--r-M- rattan Market. NSW TORK, Jan. t7. CtrTTON Fue turns closed barely stsady; January, S Mc reoruwrr, e.M., mm run, r.c; apni, S-4sr Mav, I Ifr; June, I Co; July, S.r; Au gust, S 71c Beptarmber, S.Tte; October, , t , November. s.9c; Decembar, t rie. Spot eloeed quiet, I points lower; mid dling upland. S.nV; middling gulf, S Jc- no salea. LIVKKPOOU Jan. r. -COTTON Sot In fslr demand; price thre point) higher; American middling fair, 1.17c; good middling, l.7tc; middling. StSc; toes middling. A-ai; good ordinary, 4lc; ordle nsry. 4.4V. Th (alts ef tht day werw 10.00 kale. Kaprsottlve salea: No. tt.. Aa. ....IH ... r ...m Ssgu Market. NEW TORK. Jan. tJ STJOA FV-Raw, steady: Muacovado. 4 ttat, S Se; osn trtfuaal, st teat. 4 SSe: moltsnt augar, at teat-; refined, qolet: cube, 6. tec; fin granulated, S.aec; powdered, I 60c u 41 ... 7 n Tt.. n.. u 11 .... 14 ft M .... TI m ti 74 n n T II As. ss. Pa. Na -.itt ... I tt 71... ...114 ... I It tt ... ...lit tat 4 it .... ...lit ... til TI.... ...144 ... 4 7S ...111 ... 6tl ...144 144 I IS ...lot 4t I 71 ...i4i ... 1 n ... 1 4 Mis, ...141 ... I ...I) ... I 44 ...141 ... t as ...111 ... IM ...m ... I ...itt IM I st ...It AIM ...14 ... I A -..IM 44 6 IS ...IH h I a m 4 m ..-14 IM I A US ... I A ...IM ... 4 ...Ul ... I M ...S94 at S H ...SH AIM ...IM ... IM a.. ...It ... IM 4:.. ...M1 .. I M it.. tia I 114 M . M Hi ... i . -4 ID ... IM PIGS. Tt ... 4 IS 7 SHEKP Sheep and lamb trade had It usual barren Saturday appearance. Ab sence ot either stl or fresh offerings producing a market that could only be uuoted nominally steady. During th week condition locally have shown quite a little improvement, but th trend to values, etpecislly an lambe. has been more or leas erratic and current price averag no better that 0f16c higher than ouotattona a week ago. This advance applies to both sheep and lamb, vesterdar' decline in the latter branch of the trade wiping out a good part of tbe full mid-week gain. Lamb, high-grade In every reamect. are closing around to.60. but the discrimination agalnat medium to poor varieties 1 very pronounced and the range in value amounts to ovr Si. No Colorado of cofoquenre bav been coming and very few ar expected during the next tew weeka Week's top 00 lamb is S4.7S, a price that was paid Thursday for a string of choice native In the sheen market, fat ewe made tip the big bulk tt offerings and price for 1 Sf. 6 t I M I M I M I M I M J Mt I M IM ... IM .134 ... I SM ... It .ru s is :n i 111 w tas ui ... t tu ... 4M W4 44 I M .US ... I M 41 ... 4 40 .: SM 4M .IU ... IM 111 ... 4M .Mt 41 I A 1 MSA .144 SM 4 M .144 IM I M .mi at t a Ul 44 4 a m ... im su ... it Ml ... t it Tit ... 4 11 ill ... 4 li .171 BIS I M Osaeha Bay Market. OMAHA. Jan. 27. HA Y No. L SliOSl No t. SH OS; coarse. 112.00. packing ttoek. SS.tl0: alfalfa. S17. Straw: Wheat. S7.M; ry and oala. Ssoatu 6L Wool Market. T. I1OUI8. Jan. I7.-WOOL-8tedyt territory nnd western medium. Ie.l6ca fin medium, I617c; fin, lOtsitc. Coffee Mnrket. t KKW TORK. Jan. f7.-COFFEE-Fu- turt opened ateady at an advance of S to'. 1 point in response to steady European cables, covering of short and a llttl Kuropean buying. Testeroay a lata re ports of a better spot demand appeared. to hav attracted sotns buying and price Improved a Utile during the early trading, but the market later turned aaler under realising, with the close steady at a nee-. advance of 2 to point. Hale. 4S.0M bag. January. lmc; February, UL'Sc; March.: April, May and June. 1S.7X: July andv August. liSOc: Beptembrr. U.SIc; Octo ber, 11 Tar : November, 1! TV-: December,' 12.710. Havre waa to . htghar. Ham burg waa 14 to H pfg. hlghsr. Rio, ITS rela higher, t w:7t. Bantoa 4s, so Ms higher, at Ttwo: 7s. unchanged, at Ttouu. Receipts at the two Brasllaa port wr IK.aj igs. against 1&on last year. Jun dlahy receipt wer 7 bairs, agalnstl X.a) last year. New Tork warehouse de liveries yesterday wer 10.OM baga. against ' 10.23 last year. Rain wa reported la four . out of five district In 80 Paulo. Son coffee, steady; Rio No. T. lCc; Santo No,' 4. 164c. Mild, quiet; Cordova. iutI7c,. nominal. Dry Ooada Market. NEW YORK. Jan. !7.-DRr OOODS-e Th cotton good markets eloeed the weelt ateady with buying showing n normal In crease, staple prima percale, heavy brown aheetings. napped good and bleached cotton ar In fair call and or der ar being placed at agents' prices. Cotton yarn market la firmer. Terpentine nnd Raala. SAVANNAH. Oa Jan. 27 -TURPEN. TINE-Firm; 4tc Salea, IKS bbls.,; re ceipts, 42 bbla; hlpmanU, M bbU.l slocks. M.S27 bbla. ROBIN Finn; stocks, 126 412 bbla quota, tlons: B. SAW; D Si; to. S."y4iv: K. S6 ,4!x4Je.'A; Q, ti.itK.iVt; H. St. 4Hr4.i; L t : K. S4.9t; M, fT; N. 7-Si WO, S7 l ww. r . Pewrta Mnrket. PEORIA. Jan. 27.-CORN Lower: No, ' 3 white. 41Sc; No. S yellow CfMrtatc; No. 4 yellow. lajiSc: No. t mixed,' CV: No. 4 mixed, lM'rc; Wuiple, 6oKiiC. OAT Unchanged: No. 2 whit. Slot atsiKiani, ul, white, 60c No. 1 Whit, SSc; No, Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 777. A'H KA T No northern, SLUSl.-fl; Na S northern, 11 en-an.w-: No. t hard wintsr. SLStsi My. II OS; Jly. !. CORN No. S yellow. dUBC; Ko. I white, . 44 V; No. S. -c; Mar. 47c; July. 17. OATS-Stanlard. 61tllKc. ItAU-EY-Malting. 1AUU. j l.lverwoel Grain Market. LIVEJtPOOL. Jan. C-WHKA T-fpot, steady: No. 1 Manitoba. S Srd: No. I Manitoba. S Sd; No. S Manitoba, ta UM: future, firm; March, 7 VA. May, A SM; July. 7 Ssjd. CORN-Spot. steady: American mixed. new. aa 7?o. evaw 1" w. am a, nTW XI. fl dried. id; American mixed, p'd. ivusa; rut-re, xirm; January, gaoniary, mo.