Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 26

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Railroad House
Sale .
Monday, Jan. 29th
. AT 10:30 A. M.
On the new Rock Island Freight Terminals, 18th and Mason.
Ample accommodations will be provided in our office on
jthe grounds for all who attend the sale, where you may be
warm and comfortable regardless or tne weatner.
Phene n for further information.
McCague Investment Co,
Main Offices, Dodge St, Douglas 415.
, Yard Office, 1029 South 18th Street Douglas 23-42.
Are the heat values offered m the north
bride today. Beautiful lying lota meat of
Mhem ever JCO ii deep, giving you penty
ssi ronm for gardening And raising fruit
,mmi ehickene. All lot an ett feet wld
aod have about 1-foot terrace, food solid
c Tha Jocasimi to eonvseaVnt to cart.
-ton, eehoole aad ehurabee. All lots
Jiave city nwr, Hir, gaa and ormeat
"iidewalke, all ready lo build an at anee.
. Naw hum have baan built around I nil
Mock and Uia price ara way down, about
M ear cant laaa than any other lot can
fee bought for la thta loaallty. This block
located between Wirt, spencer, Lothrop
aod Kmnwtt Bta, on Mb Ara. ,
The Prices
L . $G50, $750, $850, $900 .
; For Choice LoU
! ' Remember thaaa an tha boat choice lot
Jeft In Uvla locality. Call at our office or
''"by phone aad we will bar on ef aur
wbtaarnan abuw you Iba luold lota.,
n ' Hastings & Heyden
.' 1614 Harney St.
B.tore you dacid to bur jrou
sfrrnTTRRA'Nr TTmrF.
w would Ilk to talk to yon about our
. Tbt beautiful suburban property la
Situated right on Ilia Ballavu tiilerurban
ar line, eomniaading a neat Interest.
.-tag an ptetureaque view. The araat .
V. piece for
lo be foand anywhere. Prices and term
0Neil's Real Estate
8r Ins. Agency
Cai TYler KM.
fth iB.
Ml Farnam ft '
Ind A -Bll
Mth at, tooth Oman.
lad. rout.
- Her Addition Lots
"Tukey's Terms"
, At jrawl prises lota la tbla addition
bra tha boat lnvstatnt ottsred todav.
jTbey ar socalad eutb of llanacora Park
-be aaoh aid at tba CM Ave. ear Has.
hrltb paved atraat nuuiiug through tb
banter of tha addition.
We are Bailing lo-fuot lou from taos to
tut eat the sallowing terms: S oaab and
S oar nsattb. Wb tnf beard of lata en
bar Una sad aavad atraat, ta ana af tb
Ut rial nar i dlatricu la town batat of -(and
at suck arkaa and taraut
A. P.Tukey & Son
frol Donar. tWL aK-Mt B4. Trad ldf
I Hanscom Park
, b-rooaa. atrlctly nodrra bouaa, loeatad
luat a trlfla aouth of liaoaoaai park In
rratfbton'a lat addltloo, laya baautltul
4a oa of tba bt pan of tn city; par
tor, iaotww balL dioin room, kltchn
and - ooa bad room downataira, 1 bd
rooma aod bath apatalr. wry larc lot.
rnBarty ooat vLta last roar. Uwlnc to
rhanfa of plana owner will atll for IOC.
at tbtnk C rt.
" Bemis-Carlberg Co.
. t-tlJ Brandrl Hilrf.
Income $8,400
i Price 55,000
. Tar aaartraaata. flya ram a ad
batb etwrfe. BKtrf madam canoaeleac;
only S yvara old. B looauoa on tba
-tVtat rantam HlU. ta.40 wiu band la ft.
t a about tbia. ,
Annstrong-Walsh Co.
Ty1r IS
n o. Kth etract
Cheap Business Lot
: 42x100
Ob vart Blda Mtb St.. nctwwca
ftpuMcr and BrtMol Sta. Prtoa Kit; pay-
in aj fmn. Jaay lama.
The Byron Reed Ca
m & lit at,
West Faraam Home
tlS.oa For a Tory auracllva, wll
loeatad, iibunUally built
hump, bavlnf 10 rooraa. In
eluding hrr rrrptioa hall,
also maid room and bur
rtor room on tha Ard floor;
4 ftntahd In lctd bard
wood. Ut floor. Ha btl
hard room, fumaca room
, and laundry room la baaa
, inrnt. Tbr bouaa at drco'
ralwl throua-houl. la axcaf- '
lent reir and la a vrv
attrnctrra pnrpoaltlon at th(
VpHoa, mn.UI.dnf It loca
tion. Rraaonabla lane.
IW.ftlft-T'or a practically naw. brlrk
. aad itucoo hotiaa, looatod
naar btr Joalynt fin rwl
danra, bavins la nr. Uvtrtc
room, acroaa anttra front of
houay. flnlnhad In oak, arttb
' ftna rnanla1 and flreptatta;
dlnteir room baa window
aval and ak panaUad walat
arottiiaA anoond flonr baa
lam bMrooma atrrtlrlv
f monad aad 4ooratd, ajao
larc . M.plrR pnrrb, alao
mald'a rooVi aad bath oa rd
floor. TK.VJM t awn faat,
A atrletry up-ta-dat. attrao
tl baaia, UBimaadrd by
nw bouA ahra valua
ara ataadlrr advannHur. For
. furlh.r IntarovUloa aall oa
or addrea..
George & Company
iwionai Mai
D. 7i4 oV A-l
a-ll City Natl
Bank Bltr'
Two bouaaa ta Wait rarttAm, aj
"r tratod, isto fvr yMrj; Boa (o
CAtlon; ,7S9; two houta, alkia
Ultlaara, Toomt acli, rtstad Ttr
Hl por y-r, 14,650; two boaaaa.
th and JDoaglat, S rDuataaca, il
wajra iwoUd for 1 3(0 par year,
$3,100; corner lot. For further par
Payne & Shter Co.
Sola Afrntt,
Slith rioot Omaha Natl Bank Bldf
WB KNOW and w want you to know that you can buy a bom. right now
very mum ckaapcr tbaa later la tb aprlne", and wa ausxaM you START NOW,
Get our full !.t.
CtSO-Flv roam, two atoriea, an modern, corner, aouth frost, facins the bottle
rard; tH raah will handle. I
Uan-sam MTKTLE AVE.. An corner, aii roorsa, modern; yery attraetrre borB,
pavinc all paid. S0 or lesa
-3 myktljc AVE., room all modern, cornea, wall bum, well arraacea
rirr piterKitTT re walk
and rood vaiua.
room, modera, flreplace.
full south front lot ea pared afreet. Ra-
bot water tieat. Owner
every convenience, and
decorated tbroaihout.
ebicke houae
Htirht room, lanro mr lot en tb boulevard
baa left the city, that's why It'a ao cba p.
5 SlW RKIirCRD PRICE fln. hunnlnw nf nun
mrre let on beuioard; built la bookcase, buffet, - nicety
St. tabTwo lots. 7-rooma. all modern, wood bouaa. blab around.
vaw-Naw bouse, ! rooms, two (to rle. oak finish and double floor throuah-
eut; Immadbit poaseaalon. only KM cash needed.
M.MO Practically new alx-room all modern home oa CBpltot Ara, handy to ear.
easy payments.
M.AU-BUNGAIjOW, nwdam and all The bungalow features, en Capitol Ave., and
bandy to oar. .
IMW-8RAND NFW, six good room with the living- room across tb front, ran
two etorlee and attic With tha hunalow uidmium- bn. mmlmr hat' buffat
built In: bookcase: Areolae: beam eetllnn all decoeated. asc Handv to car.
paved etreet. and reaaonaMa terms can be made.
.20-BTLi:ro EI'NUAIW. up-to-date In even- way; built for a home and
Well constructed: Ideal arranaemarit : 7 .wul ennm.' hi. water heat: hardwooA
flni.h: built In butf.t: bookcases: brick fireelace: beamed orlllnca. etc.
IP ITf;RK8TKD IH ni'NDKR. you've got to sc our list to sea the beat
that la offered In either bounce or lota Make your want known to us.
SMnbffiX rooms and hall, hot water he f eut frrat m tk. bmilwrerd neae
AVira-Beven room an tba car line. Bear Martha St.
l,Ws East front en tha car Una naar UiHh, S miu tnnAmn and well hullf.
hardwood finish: good barn: tl.oW rash will handle.
IMbe-Ofl of tha beet houses la Cretan to, l.t w hi,lt. .Mrrthln.
tie beat: full east front lot, garage, driveway. Full particulars if mterrateZ
Terms easy.
C5vH8iK moms an.! ball, twa atoriea. aoAdera Aeic tlnlali ftlelv Aeerteit-
comer lot. t blocks of High School.
4.;a-Nlne rooms, modern throughout: five good bed rooms and large attic;
oak floors; very well built and gxi repair, driveway and garage; rented at 56;
only 4 blocks of Hlrh school. II Ten cj"h wiu handle.
1219-22 City National
Dougr. 3963.
Very Fine
9 Plakaav ftf A miwi, mnA keth-
bard wood linlsh both first and second
noers; large Hying roam oros antlr
front at bouaa, with paneled wall and
beamed canine-, buiit-a. knMu.
plao and mantle; bUa attic roam: gull
cemented basement; entire house very
nicely arranged. On a corner lot In a
very goad location. Price, tt,m.
tU? Plnkney Rt. New s-raam alHetlv'
modern: hsrd wooeT finteti hnth firat and
second stories; four fine bedroom.
kitchen, ran try and refrlaaratar room.
very nicety arranged. This house Is on a
corner lot and very convenient to tb 2ttk
street car Una. Pries, t,3o.
tSIf Lincoln Bmilevarrt New and
trlctly modern l-roora hmise: with hard
wood finish aad hat water heatmg.lOne
of the nicest arranged bouses In the ettv,
slat ding in aa ideal location on a aouth
front lot, with plenty of shad trees, aod
vvr runing nu aiutea a beautiful noma
rncs, s,te.
l Uncoln Boulevard A naar strictly
medeTTt It-room houaa bard wand finish.
both first and second floors, with three
atony rurnisna oed rooms on third floor
aaa nol water neauna. verv nice rtsturea
large paatrlea and refrigerator room, full
cemented easement, this Bouse Is located
on a south front lot. on the boulevard.
and right In th very heart of Hernia
rarg; alley ts pave and all sneetsis paid.
win majte an Meal heme far any one
wishing a house of this sta. Price, IJ.luu.
G. W. Garloch
Phone U. Mrlki tm BawtberB Ave "
That new five-room cottage t UM Ban
street le lust finished and ready now far
mspeatwn. It is rust a little Meor Utah
any thlmt else wa know of fur lha wamav.
Kmlsaed in bard wooda throughout lth
tne -very east or heating. Ilgiulng and
ptumbtag arrangements. In sn excellent
naMrbborboad two block tram th Par
nam ear and tba aame dlaiaase from the
new cathedral. We can make reasonable
terms of one-third to one-uuarter oeahi
hu ,e hmm. Hivnuiiy. ia woi rati
to aae tbla before you buy elee alters. We
have two mar rackr-)ack cottages ad
Joining tbla, but taey are not quite fin
ished as yet.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler tMt lt Ho. nth atrret
Omaha's aeweet addition, where the
monthly payment are only K per month.
M tots from wblc to mak a selection.
All lew to grade er upon a ought Mr race.
This la otose-ln property, convenient to
all work. Three schools and two
ehurchee writ bin 4 Mocks. Only b. black
Mo uet ear line.
.teached by the eraea-tsvra Una. Oct
off at Mth and Bancroft Sta.. and walk
on block east to tb property. Plat
will be mailed upon application. Vboaa
H. M. ChliBtte for an amotnement
VO Famam fH.
Tels tvosg. Net ind. A-leat
The Place For
Your Home
Teu can awn a well built home In Ben
son a easily a you can pay rent 'In
r. . TRrujNOFrR. brxson
West of Creighton
Kouth front, KHlSS.
Ttiree room and hall dawa.
Three-room ad bath ap.
One block to Harney line.
Two blocks to f uming.
Reaaooabl alter aaad this wreak.
1! Omaha Nai l.
Kvenhte it.
Douglas or A-&K
Cathedral District
Brand new s-room. atrtrtty asedern.
first floor eak. tlmsbed Up stalra tn birch
wttb four bedroom aad alleging poreh
full base meat. One block from Parnam
Cumins; ear 11a. I blacks from eatbsdrai.
D. ar AM. s16 Omaha Mai. Bk Bide.
Keeninga. H. gatz or H. tlA4
Rare Bargain
Ona close-in and one Dundee; all m . '
era. new l-raom bouse, at a aacrltica
oa th beat of terms. Teiephoa ilar
aey 4. Harry . Putnam, alt start 8L
Brick Factory Building
About 1M teat floor apace and beat
ing plant; acre of trackage: oneaa at
gss.m. asri anvner wanu oner;
J. f. Rasp Co.
m Brudeia BulMtof .
Forest Hill Park
Beautiful Home,
; Cut Price
III WHUam su. Thm large, snlendldly
aanatruetao, wrantoaiiy new, all modern
house can be bought (or -less than ooat If
sold aeon. It Is situated on.ene of the
losat street In this obolc addition, i
blocke from Burngtm aod Vnlon Sta
tions: close to H. PhUornena ehurch,
on block le 10th m. car Una: paved
street, paving all paid. Th bouse ts
finished In butitlful oak, with eak floors.
all large rooms and Is a full two-story
square bouaa, fine plumbing and beating:
beat of lighting fixture. All wells dec
orated; arreoa complete; sodded yard and
cement walks. Here I a ehaace to step
bit a complete home, close In and In a
good Besgtiborheod. Price, ,): K.40V
cash ranulred; belanoe WB per month.
Norris & Martin
m Be BBIIdmf. Poug. tt4.
Atfrsma store and flat building, about
oas bill from center of town, all In first
olaaiXcondltloB; nsw modern fronts, etc
A goad corner, meres and flats always
neted. Total ineome, gl.Wt per annum.
A practically Bew dnplet brlek flat
tnilldma- Iwltb fur apartrarma of all
rooma caAh, producing a total annual ln-
eama of al.b. The location is eiceilent
am" Aba tl
tan wiu ataad tba closest la-
The Byron Reed Co.
Beth Phones.
St . 17th.
Owner Has Left for
and -we ara 4Bsrractd t aall tb up-toasts
B-raom brtck rseldenr at at? North
enh street. That ts no old shack, bat a
compajtely snorters borne with every eon
vensiu the Bwst fastidious ootid ra
qutre. dcated oa tha West Parrnam
car line, jaat aorth of tba fires Joelrn
property. Teu eould net BoaMMy build
tba bows far twice the aawant we are
authorised to accent, price IVAns. One
thrrd cash will handle It. balance per
cent Interest. Kotmug like It b Oraaaa
tor the money.
Armstrong-Walsh Ca
Tyler KM
If So. rrtb Streets
As Omaha real estate Is boom to ad
vance In value let n abow you soma of
the following bargains:
fl,lS i room, aearly new bourn ta
iTaerte fars. mat leauurui aoai
tJon. luat aorth of Ames Ave.
.sato-room bouse la lees son. do to ear.
witn lour iota.
Clbsb-roeea house. 4 room down, t up;
juat aorta or ivruc far. Fun
oemented baaement. Two ttlO lots
and very beautifunr located.
tl ale North side, brand new s-room pot
tage, aat: aa tb ground; tot WxlX.
i Street I paved. lou eoudn't build
the house far tba monea.
CMD-Usndr little i-room cottage ea
Decatur ex.. wttb a good hot water
heating plant. 41 oaab, balance
34 per month.
War fcnek. Deualaa 1R1. A-I1SA
Braaa aad Buaaya call Webster UM.e
, Buy a Home
In Benson
Just completed Tcreom cwttaa. living
room, dming eoasa flaatbed la oak; bal
ance yellow ptne.
More cottages under omasa inaction to
catuma 1 bloaks from car ime. eoM oa
easy permeate. Phone Benson ) ar call
at S3 Main street K. C. Fuller
New Dundee Houses
tM Cor f-room, t-atory
modem houaa, decorated
turougbouU hot water beat.
near ear Una. Lot Mxij fet
1 Reasonable terms.
KK for new, T-room, mod
em house, never occupied;
having oak Oniah flrat floor, '
with library, or dan, on Bret
floor, which eauld be used
tor downstairs bedroom, if
desired, and t good slseu
bedrooms and hath, eeoond
floor, deoorated thrangbeut;
has full cemented baaement,
loeatad en North front let
WxlS feet. Ona ef th best
buy for th In Pun
da at th present Urn.
Part cash, balance monthly,
t" .00 for food 7-roora, mod
arn house, havlnr large liv
ing room across entire front,
dining room and kltohea flrat
floor 4 nloe bed rooma and a
bath aacond floor; full as-
m anted baseraent aouth front
lot I8xl feet, with large
aned trass in front, anly one
bat from tb car Una. The lo
cation affords a fine view
north, east' and southeast
I7.0M lor a new roam, I
story, modern house, conven
ient to ear line an paved
street. First floor ha Urge .
Hvnf room, with handsome
brick fireplace, dining room,
kitchen and sun parlor; sec
ond floor baa t large bed-
room and sleeping porch;
full oemented baseman t, hot
water heat On of tb beat
house for tha prioa bow of
fered la Pun dee. Investigate,
George & Company
Mt-12 City Naf 1 Bank Bldg ,
Phone I. M or A-KS4.
Cheap Properties
1,400 Five-room colUge, with,
aawer, water and faa, at 8608 North
28th St.; aaat froat lot 40x120.
$2,000 8vea-room house, mod
ern except furnace, in aplendld or
der, at 2625 Decatur St; tot 24x117;
a well built houaa.
12,000 le-roon houae, modera
except furnace, at 2604 mmet St.;
0-foot aouth front lot. on paved
Vestibule, ball, , parlor, alttlag
room, with fireplace costing; $350;
dining; room, all wttb oak floor;
kitchen, with hot and cold water;
cistern, with pump; five bed rooms,
aod modern up-to-date hath room on
second floor; stairway to floored at
tic; large porch; house In beat of re
pair: lot 60x124. with paying paid
for, at 2017 Spencer St; only $4,600.
Two acres, with houae, barn and'
sheds, at 4th Stand Cants Ave..1
for only $1,000.
60i95. on. snath side of Burdette
St., between ieth and Hth, with
sewer, water and gas; on tha street.
perm cent sidewalk, only $400.
30x140 On 20th St., Just south of
wuiia ATa., with faring paid for, for
W.H. Gates
Office 'Phone. Doug. 1294.
Residence 'Phone, Web. 268S.
$44 Omaha National Bank Bigg.
! M e0ArMMe Mhh, ,Me Mock- M tie
t e i t-ssa m, uar In.
tr,M-On Parnsm, west of Btfe. Probably
tha beet purchase tn the down-
tv wn MGUWL
Brick improvesnente! renting for
eo.e,w jsunsea m lua nsmrx os ues ciir.
swny J am, v swstsm, uvduss
thaa the price asked with Improvw-
snenm eeattna nearlv t&IAfl Fte.
est proposition for first class
aoanineata. eiua botms, private
boapttal or sanitarium. It la a
real snap, investigate.
$4J0-Kear Mth and Bart tTxUS feet
with eery good twa story S room
KSu-On Uaveaport, near nth, XSxlS.
rlaht In In.n a. -tl MukA ,
renting $t per sao. and water
rent. Price for Quick sale. Oet
BJ80 Near IStb and teaveii worth, very
excellent, well bum s-room house
therougbly modem, practically
""i uiusneu in quart er-sa wed
eak, beautifully arranged Inside,
ST.HBO Jfeae WleM elK v,.., , i .. .
- ' . . .uwivuamj mm.,
up-to-date, s-roora house, nearly
' new, finished la quart er-ea wed
nak. eek rinses Kei.,1.
beaotlfal grounds, ftxUS tt This
$TJ0-O3 8. SOth Ave-, MxlM ft., dandy,
good, no-es-data, hot water heated
realdeneA flu ai. -
stairs. One polished oak floors
ii arioso m eemunatlon
fixtures, large bara for horses, ear
rlaaaa or i nn. w,k j
Oenslder cash proposition with a
,t,.e aurount, or vary easy termi
tU.OOO Field elnh ihsHM JL.
uuuaunuy wen duik ana attrae-
lltie lu-v V.. . i
- ,wv wwn roonra,
hot water beat fine blllard room
tM,J0--vVeat Farnam district, verv choice,
mrnt waar iront comer, we
w square; excellent, well built
modem MLMul.t. s ,
n wn, BOUW,
T , . oaneeomoiy I in-
wbed. A dandy home and ohaap
flteoO-Haiidaome west Parnam home, loo
- . w anueuaiir gOOO IP-T.
", wmhmu i vuu aarage,
etc. Obolc location. Take smaller
but good place up to K etn, balance
$5J0--IM Chicago, well built two-story
st-INrWim lMaaaaa a .-1-.
(uxlH (est Tak smaller house uo
to M.00O In trade. BaJanocash o?
VI ty National Bank Building.
Phone Douglas or ind. A-SOiT
Mid-Winter Bargains
wlPILSi In safses-iW Wl L. a .
, . - sava. weviasj, iPiutj. aJTrTTl Crr,
! 5-ilrhborhootJ; iiirhtb location;
' ' ir-MJi mr Wk oonvs. arHr 100.00
sttea mum. -A 4 a a ....
.ww, - uisiii. uvui iou ?MCII WrfIK.
rLtht."l1 Dn nXbbor-
bood. Block and half from car: (teu each.
, isuaBOe fl per month.
sew T-room house; oak finish; large
story: attic; full cellar: cement walka'
a st front; large tot, aftiMi fee. Ternui
very easy; netgubortoood lgh elaas.
Benson & Carmichael
t fax ton Block.' '
Beautiful Bungalow
M1 K. lyth St., brand new, atrlctly
mcalern, built of first-class material and
win bear the cloeit tnapeotlon. Has par
lor, den loan be uaen1 for htM.mi
Ing room, itltchen, pantry and vestibule
tor Ice boa: oa first floor; two large ben-
rooraa. oiaeete end bath room on second
floor ifumaoa bear, ant m Ia-a ..4
laundry sink, cemented basement; eulskle
grade emranoa. Tins bungalow baa some
special features nut usually found,
namely, built -la buffet In dining ropm
made of solid eak aad handaoaiely fin
ished, colonnade anenssr with kmtnu.
In the pedestals beta sen dining roam and
pwior, csoriwooauv arxisxio camnmauon
lighting flxturea. The downstair room
texcept kitchen I are finished tn oak; up
stairs, hard ptne: bath room white en
amel. Vuok at this place at once, then
us about price and term.
Payne & Slater Co.
CT4 Omaha Wat. Bank Blrig. Both Phones.
$7,000 In Bonnie Dundee
Nine-room, strictly modera bouse, aeuth front eenvenlent to ear Una,
$6500 No. 1102 South 32d Street
Eight -room modern dwvlltng. east front corner tot Mini, both streets paved,
en car line, good barn suitable for garage, abundant space for addtUonal build-
$2,000 No. 2510 Rees Street
Bight-room bouse, payed street, south front 43xha Mock and a half from
car line.
$4,500 No! 4117 Farnam Street 4
- West Famam district modera house, in good condition, lot extends tram
Farnam to Harney street and both streets ara paved.
$1,800 Vacant Ground Near Rock Island
House Sale.
lOeilSD feet ef vacant around, baring an east frontage on paved street Worikt
divide Into three Iota, at) street bat woes Hickory and Shirley street.
$1,050 Southwest Corner 45th and Harney
Three vacant lots. lSexint water, sea- er, gas. Bear proposed boulevard and In
good nelgliborhood. A snaj, i
$900 N. E. Corner 32d and Boulevard Sts
. Vacant lot HxUO. having a south and west front oa PS red street and .car
Una. Assume five unpaid installment! e t special tax.
$350 Blondo Between 34th and 35th Sts.
Vacant lot a) feet aouth front- water and gas In street convenient to school.
three blocks from car linn.
Alfred C Kennedy
Telephone. Douglas 725.
Why Pay Rent
Five-room press brick bungalow beau
tifully finished In eak. Parlor, dining
room, kitchen and twa Mo bedrooms
with the latest up-to-date modern light
ing fixtures and plumbing. Oemeat baae
ment and good furnace. Near good car
Una and school. Term to suit
PARK, $2,500
Six-room cottage, modern, except heat.
Parlor, dining room, krtrhea, two bed
rooms and bath en flrat floor. One bed-
ss upstairs. Hectric lights. Large
steel ranee attached that goes with the
house. Cement basement Large south
front lot- dlrken house. 'Wire fence.
A bargain for tf.Mt. Good terms.
$3,500 BARGAIN
Six rooms. Strictly modem houae. Re
ception hall, parlor, dining room and
kitchen on first floor. Three bedroom
and bath on second floor. tp-to-date
hot water heating plant with latest mod
ern lighting fixture. Full cement base
ment with a modern water power washer
and a gaa stove that goea with tba house.
Bast front In a fine neighborhood. ITO
ash. The rest like rent
$100 CASH. $20 MONTH
eHx-coom cottage. Modern except heat
Hail, parlor, dining room, kltcbea and
batb on first floor. Three nice bedroom
on eeeond South front. Near ear and
school. A bargain at M0i
$300 CASH. $12 MONTH
Four-room cottage with city water.
On large lot Twelve fruit trees. Chicken
bouse and fence. Naar car and school.
A snap for ll.Wu.
Burner Stronger Better.
Between Farnam and Harney.
South nth et.- Phones SM?
$260 Cash let Payment
MIX North Mth street good t-room eat.
tag, gaa in kttoh.n. good well, S blocks
from ear. Price. CMP- Balance on easy
monthly payment. Vacant, Immediate
possession. -
near Mth and A me Ave., good 4-room
cottage, all modern except heat: paved
street, on car line. Atiwt be sold, and
want an errer -quick, see us.
near Mth and Caldwell, good t-room cot
tage, all jnorern except beat, paving all
paid; claee to car line aad within walking
Birkett & Tebbens
433 Bee Blflg. Phones: IX 4TM. A-HM
MS Wrst National Bank Building
Rent Talk No. f
If yea bay pal 4
rent for sine years
you have paid tha
coat of the bom
vou live In
'''ho owns Itt
That's the t.
Make up your mind to be your own
landlord. Nothing Impossible about It.
To mak th talk a long en would :
spoil It. Tfe will be like the OOOLI
preacher who knows when to stop. '
W need more email house end good j
ones to advertise la ear "Rant Talk"
We have more of the customers than
w hav homes. List yours with us at 1
Tou ar again urged ta reread Rent '
Talk, where we advertised large lota or :
extra lots with plain houses for plain
people, to grow Independent raising gar
dan and chickens. Bight on edge of town '
near good schools, a fW minute drive
(sometime near attest car) to a great ,
city market of one of the few biggest j
cltle of th world OMAHA, TUB MAR-
If yu have not sera thus wa will send '
copies free on application.
m South lh Ht. (Cor. Hedge fI
UJOevrill buy the beautiful stucco houae
with lot eOxiw-n . tjs N. nth m.
Has hot water heat, hardwood fin
ish throughout and aaa built by
tbe day for a home. Will be glad
to enow you through it
It see-Will buy the new A-reotn modern
cottage, -to ee tirueneo tn oax ana
birch, at asm Hamilton Bl.: can fin
ish 2 or 3 roam on the second floor.
See it while it la building.
tt, Will buy the nice -raora cottage
Ktl B. zxl Hi.; newly painted and
papered uoae tn. .
flwnPf HilC T t(t ePirwr
ss- itMVi ssag leVIt VAALT I
Must bell at Once J. W. KUoDllNd
4 Modern Cottages
'Tukcy's Terms"
At th aorthwest corner of Mth and De
catur we are selling few 4-room cottages;
an rnodera except heat st prices and
on terras that will ault you. Only one
stock from the Haraey ear Una, Each
haws Is la good condition. Tk bouses
front east and there Is Cxi! feet ef
ground with each bouse.
Three of the houses are now vacant
aad can be eccoupled at once.
A. P. Tukey & Son
Tel. Peng, atl. tU-M4 Bd. Trade FKg '
Dean Place
The borne buyers are beginning ta re
el lee that thaaa lots are the best In th
city for th money, situated an block
north of Hanscom Park. All apsdala la
and paid, tvery lot has a frontage ef
IS feet
Price tl tt. Terms only tm cash, bal
ance 1,1 and 4 years.
133 Farnam t
Tele Doug, bill Ind. A-Mt4
ACWW with
Beneea stT ff.
Trwtt aad ether
" ."
2 Acres and
An kind ef fruit. 1 block from ear line.
SM et mt frontage ea K. W. Boulevard.
AJae B lets (Being Bewkeeard. t to !
a easy term. Tat Web. TS! after f p. m."
JJt South :th BU about one-half
DiocK norm er vtootworth Ave; in fine
looauuo; aiuiatea oa tfxl2 ft lot
paving all Bald; four aloe eoante and
nau on tne rirst rioor aae four bed-
room and bath on th eeeond floor.
House te rnodern. permanent walks,
steps, fin yard aod shade; two blocks
rrona c rose-town ear lino and fou
blocks from east side Park line. Owner
naa lerx Tne cny and must sell at one.
trice, sitae, a us Tor terma
1414 Harney Bt
On Easy Terms
$10 Cash
And 6 per month buys a large lot ta
Block x. Monmeath Park Addition. Sfx
south front lots on Fowler Ava. aad sta
Borth Create aa Lartmore. All bwtween
Mth Ave. and tutu High and sightly. 3
corner lota Prices are fits and tl M lower
tnaa real -vans, sjoob taia ap at once.
The Byron Reed Ca
Both Phone.
tl 8. 17th s
84 Houses at
tt'e have the lot for von. Fire east
front lots gist and Castellar streets at
tm each. Terms cs cash, and tbe balance
only per month. .very lot to grade.
133 Parnam St v
Tels Doug. -HSt-Ind. A-ISSA
New, modern e-room cottage at MS
Pinkney street: tot 61x124: mat bur
porch and fine shade; street paved. Houae
la finished In oak la the parlor and din
ing room: ail roosn extra large: flrat
elaea plumbing: combination lighting fix
ture: excellent furnace, atuilt about two
years. A real soap.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler ISM
8. trth Street
PTNE lot near Xetb and Klliston Ave
east front far only SaS. IS cash and It
par Bwata a us is a aargaia.
ta) BrendeJa Building t
for sals or Lease.
till N. Mth Bl.. t rooms, all modern.
narhr new cottage. In ealendld neteh-
borbood. Occupied by young couple less,
than six months. Hall, Uving room ana
dming room fimsned in oak: wmaow
seat and pedestal opening: aplendld ar
raacement throughout. Large floored
attic, eauld finish two additional rooms.
Cement wails, bricked up. cemented bot
tom. Hot and cold water for laundry,
cellar drain. Full oVft. aot House was
built en honor, and le a good buy at
Sa.ixsX Kaay terms. If not sold at once
wUI lea. Vacant Feb. 1. Don't loae
anv time If rou want to get nicely lo
cated, i
P. a. KTSBR.
1301 Uarney St.
Tel. D. 1O0. H-tlR
We Will Build
You a home
If roa have a well located lot.
clear of all incumbrance, we ran fur
nish the money, and roa can par It
back lik rant.
Payne & Slater Ca
Sixth Floor Omaha Natl Bank Bldg.e
Corner Lot
Southeast comer Kth and Mason ts..
ISxH feet; paving paid. Th lot Is below
grade, but lust the place to move four
or five old house, price for aulck sale.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
West Farnam District
Must Be Sold
At tm North gist St. we have a bean-,
tlful S-eoora houae, modem, complete and;
up-to-date in every setts ox tbe word.
Large living room.
Front and back stairways.
Four bed rooma.
All oak floors.
large screened sleeping porch,
Full basement.
iauadry tubs,
lest of plumbing.
Beautiful fixture.
"Fin decorations.
Thai hi oiks- th Very finest residence
districts In Omaha, fronting on th beau
tiful residence of H. W. Tstee. This
Place is worth .x, hut it can be bought
for less moeey tbls week. It is brand
new. never neon occupied ens
represented. To see It 1 te buy
Norris & Martin
t Bee Bldg
Doug. 4Ke
Hanscom Park Home
tl.m rash and 43 par
month, buy in exception
ally well constructed l-room
modern house , built of
rireased brick and white pin
umber with quarter-sawed
white oak finish, plats glass
window, mantel and grate
ta living room; 4 attractive
bedrooms, stairway to
floored attic; full basement
with I briok partitions', lo
cated near ttnd and Pacific
Sta. Owner baa cut price to
a figure that should move It,
account of having left city
caused by change In busi
ness. Houaa along could not
be built for anywhere near
price asked, which is onlv
M Ian. Excellent buy for oa
who appreciate good con
struction. Key at oar office.
George. & Company
Phone D. 7M or A-ITX
X-H City Nat I Bank nidge
Lot Bargain $300
Mock uth of Leavenworth Bt
Acre Lot $500
Ettatt front tm IWIa m s kUtsf .Mam. -
Fort St.: near end of the Mth St. paving
end near oily school; rieh garden lanuT
rasy terms.
Harrison & Morton
Pis Omaha Nafl Bank. Tel. D. 4
Boulevard Lots
Near Mtb ami net ... .
the Florence Blvd.: one I corner front
ing southeast on boulevard and Elllston
Ave. They are Si-foot front and U to la
feat deea. Vn h,., .
foot sidewalk aad 0-foot' boulevardTall
paid for. Prices only tl.Hs) and tXxkl
Harrison & Morton
-is omswa Nsri Bank. Tel. D. tit
Tyler UM.
a South tTth Street
Near 3&th Ave. and Iavenworth St, a
eva T-room, modern house to be sold at
bargain. See us at one for fust her
91 Bo. nth St Ground Floor Bee Bldg.
Ctose-Ii Lot
fttaTxt ire Mw'A era.
Ju aorth of Hodge A Ton
"t often get a chance to rVk ap a
snap Mae thia, ao hurry. If r'a ha sell
to av ea we -IH build a house t7im
you aa thia to. T;". ""l
on easy monthly payments. T
llie Byron Reed Ca
ttftifw - - -
M 8. T7lb.
B. & M. Trackage
About ; acres between Omaha and a n
with paved street to it Might divide very
cheap at IT.W.
Harrison & Morton
Modern ti-Room f'nrtnrr.
Twa eM nUI- -. . .
, T -"TO"s aoa storm win
dows; Mr IM feet, east front lot sear Mth
and Ataea Ave. Will sell on monthly
payments er take vacant lot as part pa-
Brand eta Bldg
l-room all modern houae, hot water
"t Nine east front lot; served tret
iw. prhiCiyi" oer
P. O. NIPiaEv.
m Omaha Kati Bank