Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 24

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AftlU, sales
vad seltrltsra.
energetic Aian with confidence
in himself, acquainted m
Omaha and vicinity, for a high
class selling proposition. Will
take care of reasonable ex
penses to man with references.
See Mr. William, Sunday, be
tween 11 and 3 p. m. at Mil
lard hotel, 13th and Douglas
Af Bale
M sad SeUeite
WA.NTKD A real Kilewna . mm a o
hu ability; who will work for tie hard
and cenedenttou:y as be would tor him
self, lo represent us exclusively In Ne
braska Hint be ready lo eomimna
work Juoirr 1. We haw a larxe. well
known and Mi ee-ery war first-class line
of exclusive caiendare and advertising
special tk-s. Our line la a attractive and
varied that each aad every busolnass la
every to a to) the country, without re
gard to Kite, caa be successfully solicited.
Our rood are very attractive, but mo
more aa than our reasonable pries, and
we know (rum the sxpertenee uf othera
who have been and are now In our era
ploy, that any bright, bustling man, can
make with tu from M to M per vreeX
Commission liberal. Our company was or
ganised to UK. tasitallxd tdO.miH We
are responsible and mean buhlnesx. 1( you
Ao, It will par you to write Bales ilanatier
Merchants Piiblleblug Co, Kaiainaxuo.
Michigan- Kncioee this s-veiuseincnl
with your application
" SA1S1I:. WANTfcll.
- w 4i tn um a number of exne. I
rteaeed salesmen te take cliente of dis
tricts la Iowa and sislst in !
aala of oar anode to their customers. Ths
men we take oiuet be experienced lu
selling goods to farmers, know live stock
and (arm eondulona, be In eyrapathy with
their eurroundUura, get their heart Into
the business, work tard all the lime and
be erohlttou to exc 1. They roust be as
BOiulely straight and reliable, do a aouai
baetaaat and be tioneat with themselves,
their customers and aa, and they oiuat
deliver reeults. To such men we 1U
pay a rood weekly advance and a much
In addition a they ran earn. It you
believe you are the mn we want, kit
full Information about yourself and ed
dreaa Klandard bMock rood Ceiapany,
Omaha '
NO COMPETITION, beg aaiea. large
profit, not sold tn stores, satisfactloa
gt.aranteed. Kwlckabarp grinds any
shape or lae knife automatically. House
wives enthusiastic, buy aa stghL (tight
kind of agents can get valuable appoint
ment. Be the first In your territory. We
neck you up with extensive advertiatag.
refer all Inquiries aad credit ail aala to
you. R. B. Decker, Sales Mgr, S K. Stk
Street. New York city.
Ail-XTS-Drop dead ones. Awake!
Grab this new invention. Low priced,
waterpower home massage machine.
Magical, marvelous, mysterious. New
field. Big profit. Sold on money back
guarantee. Manrwarth sold a In M
minutes; 31 In 1 daya" raraer Be.- I
first day " Vaughn, "yon- machine has
merit. Kxpreas doses," Free Informa
tion. Blackstooa Co., 3s Meredith, To
ll Jo. o."
8A1 Sil EN eara t weekly selling our
fine late of srt calendars, fans and novel
ties. Manager will be at rton hotel
hunday and Monday January and a.
Kacey Advertising Co, JOS Main St,
Kansas City. Mo.
WANTED Men la outside town to se
xist me la special work; n ca-rsslng.
J. E. Swansea. 411 Bee Bldg. ....
CHEW1NO lil.H-Kell to dealers m your
town; clean, profitable business built up
outckly with eur brands: (our flavor
novel package. Writ today. Helmet Co,
l.OCAl. aad traveling reprraccu Ives
ranted; also ageot to carry quick selling
aide una; protiu big. Write Nebraska
Farm Journal, tM Cimber of Coouaaro
buig.. omasa, ftc.
Aik;NT4-Cvupoa policies, best aver Is
sued; gl.VN death, 17 weekly benefit,
alro beattit for a:cl.lentai death from
atiy cause, sli for t).o yearlj'. licensed
la thirty-five states. (Saw) deposited (or
protection. Great Raster Casualty Com-
panr. feeri iepartment tu, inewara,
K. J
SALEXMAN'-Kxveiiewed In any line.
to sell general trade In Nebraska: anex-
oeued epe laity proposition: com raise loa
cuatraet; te weekly for expeases. Tna
Continental Jewelry (V. C'levelan d. Q.
WASTKI) AG EN Ta Hell rKA looaing
Imnortad xW rugs, si each. R, If.
srter. Milan. Tenn . sold Ut la four
dava. Ills profit. il. Ton can do as
well. Writ for sample offer aad unique
selling plan. Kicluwve territory. Conden,
Importer. Ptonington. Maine. t
8AMN-pecialty experlaaoed: ls
each deal: established trade: sxcellenl
future: producer with' ability to aarn
m weekly; refervma. Drawer 7, Iowa
city. Is"
WANTKK-ealcsman to sell line of
fancy fruit eMers tn small . oountry
towns: salary U per month and. ex
penses: prefer thus with experience. Red
Cmss Co.. Ht. lK)uls, Mo,"
MAN or wmaa la Omaha and every
city or town to 'handle our bouathold
necessities. Ughty article. Toilet r
tlelrs. sxtraots. spice, etc. 100 per cent
profit Appoint ub-agenta and make
money en their sales. On representa
tive siede tT e week. Work pleas
ant Write us. Address, Lock Box W,
lieek A n. Tripoli, la
KlCUPCH-TliUMAS CO.. Onclanatl.
want (raveling men for adrsrUelng fans
aa eld a line: quick money; u Fl
weekly! rouyrbthtad flee lens; selling sea-
eon bow on. Apply Fan Lept.
Ai IKNTd Livesi seller out. lis dally
sasy. selling book about Whits tMav
rraffta. rrea outfit nd for poet
age. Backing. Central supply Co., Edge
wood, ls.
HA1HM'RN wanted, high class real ee-
tate proposition: U per rent commission.
Tuysh (HI A (las Development Co., 1
1st Nat l Hank Blag.. Kort Worth, Tex -
MANCFACTUKKR of aew. sxclu.lvs
nnen heel and to guaranteed hostsry
wantg agent In every county: sale aor
mou.; re-orders Insure permanent la
creasing income; exclusive lerritory.
credit, rarkee ca, a tbestsut nc.
Philadelphia. Ha.
BVKRTBOUr needs rubber slatups. Blf
rnoney making them. tUmple prseeas. I
Vulratuser. Circulars free. Dtamp
Works. Newcastle. Ind.
cent profit, rlells for Jin. Kvery woman
sustonwr. Ureal, grand invention. New
snarvetous skirt supporter. Phenomenal
seller. Carry grasa with yon; U In a
-way. Mr. Killot sold tn n hour-profit
m.H. Mrs. rishsr sold In 1 famlly
snada tl.w. btsrtltng opportunity to mak
rneney (aet. Write ul dr terrttory.
lurhess Co., M Bales Bldg.. Toledo. O."
IIATDKN 8 cemblnntlon hardwood floor
brueh and pollsber; light weight: easy
running; polishes hardwod floor beauti
fully; exclusive leentory; s per sent
profit. H W. Hayden dt Co., Toledo, O.
$100 MON'THLT and aipsaaea lo travel
aad distribute semplss lur big taaaufao.
r; steady work. a. BcUerrsf. LAW
Bidg.. Chicago. i
i inr Bit.t;il.-M WANTED In and
but of toe city. Uvl leads furnished.
Property will bear atrlctest InvaeUgatlan.
ICxprnsef of Invest l tutors lor prospec
tive purchasers paid by ua Thorough
Balling Instructions. Perfect, simple, un
elerstsnaabl literature; unusually liberal
xnmmlsauml splendid ee-opersAlon. Tie
firm Is on of the strongest complete
land anrsnlaationa In America. Address
lrewer KM. Chicago. '
" WANTt-D-Tlty salesmen to r.resnt
ail locally In ths aal of our coffees, tssa
pices, extracts, eto. Don't reply unless
capable of handling tit largest and tesl
trade. Must furnish bond. Olv referenees.
ass and experience ftret letter. Whoiesals
t ottee, Wh-s CIs rk Avs., fl. Louis. Mo.
"SXKS PO weekly taking urdera for
cut rat grooarles. Ouifll fis. Wandard
grocery Co.. - Arcade. Cleveland. Q.
AUtlNTH IS a day ehould a aaslly
"tatda asl'tnc our nonalcoholM flavors,
bsrlume. toilet preparations; Quick sell.
rs; good reptatar; xperlencai oiimo
aary; fin sampl case furnished t work
rs; be first in your territory; writ quick;
Bow. Asasrleaa Products Co, MU eye--nor
ML, Cincinnati, O.
arivrrn-ThMs eaeraetle salesniea for
Mrmananl position worth few or batter
.,,! ii, nnidiusara: heavily advertised
trade boosting pln for retailers: leads
f um1shd; reierencea, a. ii-, x
Iowa (tty. Iowa.'
DON'T slave for wagea-, earn ft IB lit
aaily; b your own boss; we -Sow,
free. Dsl Bon. Box W, l-
yerton, Ce."
, i.--i-a uiMTI'.!) evervwhera
ae selling K proposition. M daily
D.,ii.,i,r. free. J. U.
Moor. tl Cf press Av 1U aaaa City,
AGKNTw I J IfTEN I Our Bubstltutas
for Slot Machines" ell Ilk wild fir.
kNo capital requireu. rii i-
. . j.- A ,1hmh lnd
av.noersoo using ..w, . -
ASTl-Solashsr. Patented UU. Bam pies
and particular free. Avwag man r
'woman woraiog few hours dally can clear
m profit Lt us prove ii.
Mfg. Co.. M Read. New TorV
u ivTtri-Malcarnen of ability and neat
ppearanc to call on all merchant In
...i. ,-rritr.rv raeaant sldellns. convan-
lent to carry. Good commission, prompt
remittances. Belmont Mfg. CO., unan-
nU. O.
i-iKTKrRHi and general Bate
agent to sell our new Autouieilc Wrap
ping Paper Printer. Hells at sight to all
merchant. AutomaUa Co, KJ si. Clark
en.. Chicago"
AONT lust coining money selling
n Imnroved auaranteed hosiery di
rect from mill at belt price. Mak I
slly. tverybody buys, over 1 per cent
proflta OutPt free. t-T ll given, ou'
vert en Co.. ee ptymoutlt. Clilcago. -
aids Has which I staple welter, 9 per cent
commission. Any territory. A. w.
Thoma. Mineral Point. Wb.
axt.yjK.V to carrv side tin of ad-
Vertlaiiig novtltlea. bell to all etaase of
trad. 25 Par cent eonunission Address
liet. O. P. O. Bow , New York.
WAMTGOi respcruillile pertlea to bandls
our patent ostrich feather euner. tmiy
a on tb markat. W par cent profit,
ead U cent for earn pie. World Supply
e-o., tM Broadway. New Tork.
PF.R CENT proril Olldluc casters
fust aut: tc sat. Sell U to KB at- lie.
first visit A child caa put them ee la
two mtnatas. Won't seratch floors, save
carpets, ruga, furniture In home, hotels,
rasnauranta offices. So ae righted they
send you to neierhbor. 8end 4e for
ewnpies. Evrrgrln Castar Ca, B v. arreo
st. lpt. r. i.
man to travel mldul west territory by
Rocawood A Co.. chocolate manucactur
era; must giv bds: stats references of
last emptor er; n attantloa given other'
wise. A "lares I h. car of tee.-
WK VAT K a week Bad expenses to
sa with rlas to introduce) poultry com
found. Tear's sontract Imperial Mfg.
fa. Dept. IK Fsrsons. Baa
S'lCB business; r . oapltal needed; IA
PUS weekly profit; writ quick: either
x. Address A. I. Dextsr, Bartngfleld,
Cterleal bb4 Off see.
TANry-Hlrh-gTsd posnlona. m Vsa
FL'LI. dress suit and warty drssse (or
nls; also for rent. U to UA a night.
get In touch wik soma first class jwal.
Uuns: .
CREDIT MAN, must bar ixpenene IB
credit. llTe-av.
eAlJbMAN. t automoMM . aisrisno.
11,'AXJ. . ..,..'
TstxiRAPNzn, and ornc oierc m
auvsrtlsing department of larg whole
ala house. Spieuold chance for advano.
msnt. Me-n.
UfUMlKR CI,rftK and stenographer.
Come experience. 15. i i
HTKMlUHAl'HKIl. spHmoia cnsnc to
get road position In abort lima. a'A
in l.MXllul'HKH, ana BaBpT,
manufacturing firm. 7e.
CtsHT CI.UKK. wholeeaJ grocery g.
parlencw. IM.
r rv HK ArTi r.n, out ox nty. ee
HiRKMAN. luatber yard, must be sx
The above are BONA FIDB openings
for Inunedlats accetitajtcs, it WUAU
'IK1 call Monday,
(Beteblished riVB TKARH la Omaha)
1014-1 City National Bank Bldg
States a vy offers opportunities as good
aa those offer In civil Ufa aad la th
eaasa of aora men opportunities that are
oisttnatly rlKTTfclt
rr. In addition to steady, regular pay.
a a a la th Navy la given systematic
aatranaant. I given all tu Bring ex
pense, fata first outfit of f joining, free
medical atendsjiee if sick and the chaoce
and lnoenUv te ATX MONET.
Of even grveuar value la th training,
physical and sneotal. the beaitty, regular
life, the companainshlp with ambitious,
self respsctiag. aalbfal aasociatas aad ths
ehaassa t broadea by study aad trasei.
Thee ara things which in civil Ufa are
rarely combined with a buatne propoee-
There la great variety of work. too. A
man may be employed aa seaman, elec
trician. Manographsr, machinist, Dooa
keepw, firetnaa. aierk. biacAsmith. musi
cian, shlpfltter, steward, oook. plumber,
carpeatar, baker, coppersmith r la tb
bosDltal enroe.
Tlts Navy department deatrM that those
cpportunltlea be brougat I tn axteatn
of all sauna ssea of aood ctractar over
17 years sf ag. No other are wanted or
accepted. The Navy Recruiting Office at
Potorrus one Building, lavas, ceo.,
will gladry explain all the wppactualtlea
aad requirements. Call and have a talk
with him. or wrMe (or full Information.
Bog MB Bwraaa of Navigation. Washing
ton. I. C
slat-r aad Chatteja,
' ' tumwt to uaax.
Vr cllexits Bars confidence In th sta
bility aad furtur growth of Omaha. I
la, thereare. In a position ts loaa oa
resnoenea aad Bnstnea propercea in suxn
sf tl up t any aass-nt ditred. wber
BufficWot security Is offeswd. aad wlu
agree ts accept from M to a per cent
of loaaa sa any Interest data, loans
clostd promptly. Tour b fines acuclted.
w. h. mux AS,
m Ftrst National Bank fndg.
DIAMOND LOANS at S and I per cent.
rATATJ. lilt Dodge. Tel. Red UTS.
GET IT OP Miss Snow. C. I R. at
Star L aa Co. M Paxwa Bia fa U tua,
without seewrlty; ts suit you.
sne j use i iwv i v
portunity. No matter where you Hv
If yeu want ts maaa big money and es
tablish youraeir In sa INDKPENDKNT
ws will teach you, by mall, all ths se
LAW COVRKK, Hat with you readily
salable prspertias, es-oprats wltA and
assist Tt)U to permanent Soroses. Our
(4-PAQHI FREE BOOK fully explains
our -roe ti ode and tails what It mesne to
bs ths looal representative of th eldest
and largeal Co-OperaUve ' Realty aad
Brokerage Corporation In the . ""rid.
Writs today to INTERNATIONAL
taa nuitatng, tmisri si-
f BM !, m.
They don't wander around
tie streets looking for signs
la windows.
When yon need good
' advertise la The Be.
. Be want ada ara read by
gee , eaergeti men echo
wish to better their condi
tio. Rats a 1 oer word if
run w or mors times o
eeou lively. Tsesabons Tyls
Get into a
Lm u-B automobile engineering In our lrg
training aboa. Hundreds sf u cosset ui
graduaiss. Cemplets aulpmnt of auto
mobliee and macory. Address NaU'
Auto Training A sea-, M Brandsls Thealaf
Bldg, Omaha, Neb. ;
li-ll WKKKLT (or moving Pic
operator. Ws teach ran bow IB U day
and get won a BealUon. Intaneatlsaai
Motion Ptctur KcbooI. l Be BWg.
1,00 OOVKRNMCNT lobs PeO. Writ
far rrea tun. rranklla tnstRuta, Dept. U
1. Hocbsstar. N. T.
W ANT KD Collector now employed who
can handle a few monthly accoonta on a
ommlaslon bss, g1 r-feiis end
full Information. W. Mead, McClurg Bldg.,
HKN II t A Is prepare for Railway
nent famlna-
lion May 4th. Be tuple questions free. In-ter-Ktat.
Box W. Cdr Rapid. Iowa.
Mil rtrrvloe. salary puo is Mart,
promotion to Il.-n. parman
ARB you thinking ( going to an Auto
mobll. school? If d writ u first and
get tb history of all the local school be
fore you pay your tuition, as. "
OOVERNUHNT railway mall clerk,
boos keeper, examinations . everywhere
soon: aet prepared by former United
States ctrll servlc examiner ; writ bow
tor free booklet, rattersoa i
School. Box 1171 Rochester, N. T.
together with a little ambttion and a
thought for ths futur. If you possess
thee and will call at eur office for con
fidential Interview, we will be glad to
show vou ths advantages of beina listed
with ua We have opened ths way to
better opportunities for hundred of aisn
In th past nine years and can do the
same for yon. DON'T OKT IN A BIT.
RkH'SBKH TU In BrlVlt. E9 KKF-
rfs:nt thv tini.i makkittahi.e
AHMsrr Ton pombJB and you
POOSIBLR FOR THEM, if yoa are aot
getting the highest price now, sse us aad
w win fan you now to ao it.
161 onutha Nat 1. Manx Bldg."
"two extra nice black Shetland ponies,
each wall broke; ye r w.
r,cll. -Jl at a bargain If ld n;
short of bara room. V. M. Breom. But
ton. Neb.
fsctery sad 1 raao.
Drug stare (snaps) Jobs. K nlest. Bee Bldg
WANTE3) Competent sine tchr for
commercial photo engraving shop out
of town. Address Y Ills, care Omaha
PIPH flttera wanted. J Ilea, car of Bee'
WANTED More asopls ts rale pool-
try wllit tn Old True ty laoubaier. Writs
for tree catalog vie.
Center, Neb.
M. at, Jobnsos. Clay
You ARB WANT tD lor government
Jo.- M.W month. Kend postal (or iist of
poaRkxia opeo. Krankita lnaututa, iep'L
Us L., rtocnester, n, i.
AMATKCR o( ability for dramatis
show. Apply director, ISM Harney, be
tween l a. m. ana p.
bodied unoiastied asm, between tb age
of II aad : ctttxens of Lolled ntatsa, of
good character aad temperate habits, whs
can speak, read and write the English
language, ror mrormauon appiy xo re-
cruliina omcar. ink and Douglas gta.
Omaha. Neb.: T7 (th lullou City, la.;
u pi. luta at. 1 nooin. nen.
WAN TED Mea te leans the
trade. We have the lobs walling. Pew
weeks exm spiete by our Ften. Free
shaves afford steady practice. . Xpert in
structions eniallfies to fur ton wegea.
Everything la Hi bustnesa taught prac-
tioaiiy. Toots given, uiptotnaa gran ten.
Positions waiting la country and city
shops. Hundreds of graduates seat tu
us (or help. Writs at once from dlstaaes
er call from city. Molar Barber College,
ii H. let n m.
lUSSTilt rash by wire hours' easy
work. Writ amen. Incwss isms.
Sou, Information Bureau, . B-JX,
Memphis. Tenn."
vrrtiuH DBTKCTIVfJ Kara $150 b
s nmh. traveling. Band fltamp
for particulars. Writ Fred-1rk Wag
ner, Ava. N. T.
""KAkN lld esekly. l.itr
rut rets groosrlcA tH)TT rTl-lw
"sndard Oroc.ry Co, Ul Arcade, Cleve
TtL'vnTJrTvMs ssrn 110.44 weekly.
raising mualirooms all winter, In cellar.
suV boxea. etc Market wsJt ng. F
Booklet, Hiram Barton, s wesi avm
glrssl. New xorx.
Uarasa aad Vehlele.
FROST, wagon repair. 1 Leaven wth.
. a- mm mmm. one Iimvv. handmade
single or doubl horse, wsgon srtd e,
black Mrs (or sal: l.W II-. H. Topp
A Co.. l'Wt Vloty Doug. r.H.
PCRaONS aavtng last soms article
iLrTl JLil t., S no the sffles sf the
Omaha A Couadl Bluff Street Railway
MmP-ry ts aacertaU wbetbsr th Isft It
In th street car. . ,
Many arOclea each day ara turned In
and th company I anxious to restore
them to Ua rightful owner. Call Doug-
luuun a i i.v i " . .
ii uiiiflf kaivMfl I and I e'clook. S
gold soroll pin set with pearls and enamel
lorxet-me-not. between Francis and
CaMtoi Ave. IHmdee, llanscom Park sad
Dundee ear. Reward. Harney liut.
is wi Place, gold mounted ere-
glaseea: reward Mrs, tthepard. Wirt.
t iTVrx terrier dog. male, wnite.
with brown head. CaU Red CM and re-
celv It reward. sm w. inn r-t.-
BILVER mesh bag containing about
A between Ust and isia m. xwnos
car line. Reward. Harney ITS
LOUT Black onyx pis with spray of
- . Hetura to room a roaru oi
Trade Bldg. and get reward,
Harney '
or paon
POCKETBOOK eontaUung owners busl
neea cards aad money. Reward. Paoae
Heresy Is-.
LOST-On miak skin off snuff. Pboos
Harney ITaV
sleet terms See others, then see us
and be convinced that we will save yoa
Car. lith A Doug. St. D. em Ind. A-XU
onEUi von rext
Beard aad
O. If. E. hsuU trunks. T. 431. A-JXll.
SOUTH WTH. mot Rooms and board,
strictly modem, walking fllstsnce; rea-vnabie.o
ON K furs la bed room with tn beet of
board, for en or tws young
Harney tL
LAN DON Warm rooms, with
(11 B. Mth St.
300 SOITH S.TH AVE., elegantly fur
nished south reom; artrata lavatory;
first-class board
Ml & MTH 8T. warm singl and
doubl room, with first -class board.
HT. MARY'S AVENCK. 8: modern,
slrurje or doubl rooms; breakfast If de-
Vnnlssisd aUssaaa.
FOR RENT Tee furnished parlor
reams with heat and gas- U4 8. ltd St.
New, while people ore look
ing (or mors comfort bis
quarters. Is th tuns to ad
vert your room for rent.
Rates lo per word wbsrs ths
sd runs two or more times.
MODERN, well heated, comfortable
room: rental reasons s. uf S. 21 fit
DESIRABLE furnished room, private
family. Kit N. th. Tel. Webster mi.
NICE, new modem room: private fam
ily. IN S. Wth St Ha rosy 47tL
A dandy suit of rooms for three or
four youag men. Oss, bath and telephone
Rewaonabis rent 4M A 14th Ht
ROOMS, slngls or a suits; privets
family with or without board.
Harney int HI S. Central Blvd.
1TW Dodge, extra warm transient rooms
FOR RKNT-Nleely furnish sd reom In
beautifully modern country kosns, with
or without board; ao coll Ten. Fhoaa,
Benson let.
SOITTH USt- ST.. m modern furnished
for light boueekeeplng rooms.
NICKLY furnished room a
privet family. Harney 1361.
car Ua;
MODERN, well heated, newly fumlebed.
hot aad cold water; sloe In. 114 a Wth.
MODERN room; steam heat; private
family, go fV tut St
t 8. nth Asa., nicely furnlahed ata
heated rooms. DewgUut 1T.
NICELY furnished reom. Else trie Ugat
Ii per month. H4 Douglas St.
MODERN, clean, well furnished room.
Few other roomers M17 Jonea.
"two nloaly furslshed, healed roe mi.
Til N. 9hlh. Ind. B-B7
N. MTH, IH Well
weeet Deagi F.SL
heated reom, UK
A WIDOW, Uvlng a block BortAwest
of post office, desires two or three gen
tlemen roomers; breakfast If desired;
reorns beautifully (umls had; only best
of people need apply. Address H 11. Be.
CI4SAN. steam-healed noma, .W par
week. 414 S. Uth.
COMFORTABLB room In modem
raferenoss If desired, lad F amain.
raralahsd Msassheeplagi steems
THB MANTJEL-Tws-reom apartment.
140. Th Howard, s-room. prtvat
bath. tuoo. Sat and Howard.
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping; modern. XXI Sherman At.
"wToTTiTH I or I modern rooms and
suits, complete (or light housekeeping.'
TWO front rooms, oonnaeted: modern;
furnished (or housekeeping. Ul H. Sid.
D. e4.e
THREB connecting rooms for light
housekeeping, close in. walking distance,
good nelghborbood. Phone Douglas rt7.
HT. MARTS AVE., s -Two niosly fur
nlahed modern front rooms; complete (or
llsht housekeeping
THREB tarnished house keeping rooms.
privets family, s axn
TWO or these nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, XII Davenport 8t
iraralshed Mass es.
FI RN1SI1KD house for rent In West
Fsrnsm district Phoas Harney (TM.
. tlafaralshsd Reeasa.
4 MODfnuf rooms, parlor floor, near
park. li R. Bth.
Metals ad Aasrisssa
Dewey European Hotel. Uth A Farnam.
tlemen. THS CHATHAM, lit A Uth St
Excellent meals, Jul N. Mth. So. Omaha.
Howard Hotel, elegant nna wot Howard
HOTEL Flomar, 17th and Capitol Ave
BurUagtoa, nice rooms. block to depot.
OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate
Douge, ruaaina hot i
ephoees In sawry root
id cold
-prices the
water; tel-
A part eats aad Flata.
(-ROOM flat ea Sherman Ave Web. 174.
t-ROOM apartment In the Uintah.
41 Omab
iglaa IBM.
ply ell Omaha fiat I Baaa otos. er anons
I ROOM apartments, brick, rasldeaos
section. Phone Harney Sea.
FOR RENT Partly modern 4-rooai
apartment; nice location. Webster ttet
I office rooms ; also vacant apace ta
ft on Id floor. 1S9 Doiujlaa.
UK. miAm. eve mum
Chronto dlssasa B Harney.
and all
Rsd ass.
i UHili HHUre.
C.ITARANTKK, blxher ejwal
Itr aradisxtes. More ears
and actual repair work than any three
western schools: let as PROVE it
u. s.
KENTUCKY distillery wants local reo-
"resen ttlve. xelusiv- or side line, ts
-sonctt tn saloon ana a rug rrea s tor
-Kentucky whisky, adopted by govern-
m snc W ood nd Co Dept. S, Covington,
A GOOD salesman (or Iowa; a chance
to make V per day; we give yoa an In
terest; no obligations to assume; no
money needed. Charles Bailey, 23 Little
Bide., Lincoln. Neb.
AG EXTS to handle the Cadillac ee
trlc Vacuum ("leaser: retail ; will sive
exrtustve territory. Write oulck: big seller.
Iletneats Mfg. e, Chicago. III.
WAKTKD (talesmen: aplendld aids line;
Luatr fsrniturs. puine and auto polish;
backed up by strong advertising; liberal
rvimmisslons . Lustre Manufacturing Co
M Hveih La halls St.. Chicago.
TEL1X1RAPH positions guaranteed yea
by both Union Padfle sad Unaots Cen
tral railroads If yeu gain your traiBlag la
eur school. Practtcs en R. R. wires. Ad
drees (or particulars, H. B. Boylaa, Prea
Boyle CoUeaa Oenaha, Neb.
x to 44 years etd. warned at
railway motormen and
he) MEN.
once lor electric
conductor: let t 114 a moats
perleacs nsrssssry: fine opportunity: ao
sink. Write Immediately for application
blank. Address T O, Bee.
BE your own bo i: start mall order busi
ness at home. Fre booklet tells how.
Boyd H. Brown. Omaha, Neb.
sist aad Chattel.
Money Is always a nsrsseWy. hat never
B re ss thaa at thia time of the year,
with Its hvLitassd east sf living. If yeu
are wrestling with this phas ol th
snoney pre el em and need financial assist
ance we he eve we eaa bsi p yoa.
Ws will awgvtiela a lean for yea ss
your Real kxuate. Personal Property.
NOTU. if permanently employed. Moner
jadvseoed owlckiy, privately aad confi
dentially. YOUR CALL WILL BS AP-
Sd Floor. SOS Pxxtoa Bkxk.
J17 80. 1SU BL Phone Doox. 1411
MAN wsnted with rig to take charge
of sale of our Bwdictaee, extracts, spices,
aoapa, perfumes, toilet artlelea. stock and
poultry preparations, etc.. la year esuafy.
One man made ens week; steady work
guaranteed; work healthful, pleasant, very
profitable, t lerences requires; writs as;
ws mesa business. Shores MasUer Canv
paay. lea. a, xnpeu, .-e
MONET loaaed salaried neoola. w
keeping; house and others, without ss-
cantyi easy paymenta, otTicee Is pna-
ci pal cities. Tolauin, lot Omaha Nat'l
Bank BMg.. lortnerly N. T. Life Bldg.
MONEY ea furniture, pianos, at very
low rate sf bMenevt Nebraska Loaa Oa
St BisVUi
Deug. tJBS A-UsA
High grade, 4 room, full modern, pri
vate halls, bathe, pantries, cl casta shades,
gas range; Janitor; free hot water all
year, tme leu at so, winter: (is lees.
summer. Why pay he) for nut aa good?
Reference required.
Sole Ante, stk Floor Oat, Nat'l Bk. Bldg
11-room modern Tat. Ill S. lfch SC
THO W. HAZKV, Wl hlcCsdraa.
Phuae D. -Ml
lionk at apartment No. I tn THB 8TER.
UNO t corner 1Mb and St. Marya Aval.
(our larva, seaatirai rooms with re optica
hall aad bath; soath and east frontage;
modern in svery dctsll. Opsa for inspec
tion today.
Bole Asia. th Fleer Ora. NaCI Bk. Bldg.
Tws beautiful a-room anaitnsania. aae
oa the second floor and one ea th
tturd noor ea. Htnt. hot and sold water
and Janitor airvlce the year round. JThaae
apartments are practically new and
alibis wa Jag siataace of tb dewatowo
district. i
One easy 4-room innasst located oa
the corner of Shefoud Ave. and Bher-
maa. Meat, hot and coed water aad good
janitor senrK-e. ,
Tyler lie. M so. 17th Utreet
ICS 1 BDtCV BT , tr
At the ncrtbeast corner sf nd and
c k.. a. rw .. . .
' ,i. WHS JOWfltl
will bs finished by February first and (or
Four roosna, 1:4 ea,
Twe rweeas. ..
4Se them today aad tsks yoar pick.
Tyler W. C . rfth terreet
BY Feb. IS, the finest loiated. strictly
sooe m v-rvvta xia is lAna s SB. a U-.
aey xov
Aparxaacara aad 41a la.
111 In the Central Apartment, 4 rooms,
thoroughly a td era aad einlete in
svery detail. Caa be seen any
time, tia south llta gt
lit City Natl Bank Bid. TaL Doug 4A
tia-i-rocm. aU mod. brtck fit Lotus
Oat. 1508 N. Wth .
iiXjv-J-roora modera flat. XM Na. ast
IlLtttt-room mod. flat tm Wini At.
ll0.6-room flat WUlis Ara
ii-t Nice e-rooca mod. flat, n Cum
CS Paxtoa Blk. Phone Doug. 4U.
at- In v, II suite.
'Phon D. la.
4-ROOM suite. The Thalian. m & loth
Are.; new, every convenience; terms
riirht to desirable occupant. Phons
-Doug. Hut. w. Eedgiey.
Look at JDS Howard St- a strictly mod-
srn Louis' fiat, wunin. vary et
walking dJata-cs. 9a,
Sols Agts.. Ith Frasr Ore. Nat'l Bk. Bldg.
nffv B!W V 1 L-CV Th and Sr.
room, all modern, with Janitor service.
i?lh ana JUftie ma s ana ev
D. ie. MBNOKDOHT. Web. tTli
ileaeee aad Callages.
HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed and for
warded, cheap freight rates; moving aad
storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel.
Douglas 24. City Sines. SI a. 17th Bt,
Bee mag.
7-ROOM house.
cosi park: mode
Hi; I-room, $3 Hen
ri. Phone Harney 1M.
TTnuspa ln " Peru of the city.
XlUUBeo Crtlgn son, Co.. Be Bldg.
MOD. S-rom eottsge. Fine rep'r. H. MM.
MOVING. Beckln and suurlnc o( house.
hold goods and pianos la our business
Omaha- Van A toraga Co.. fireproof
storage. Ut A llth, by tlie viaduct Branch
office. M B. 17th 8t Tel. D. 41 tt A-IU.
674 8. 3th; t rooms, completely mod
ern, 137.60. 171 8. Uth: I rooms, com
pletely modern, S Than. F. Hall, 43
Ramge Block. D. 74M: A -4404.
0 & 17TH. 1 rooms, 130.
lilt Chicago, g rooms, mod..
isrss yara, eve.
sea t apitoi Ave,, v rooms moo., g
BS Burt, I rooms, bath. $11
SIS oath had Prau. 4 rooms and one-half
lis-vs Frmnkiia, I rooms and Data,
fco 3M0 Seward. I room modern,
ts HOI N. llth St., rooms modern,
tw-lll S. tsth St. rooms modern.
s3u 1211 Binncy. 11 rooms modem and
good barn.
t-17S & Mth St, I rooms Vary swell.
R7.M- N. Uth BU I room nodsra.
Oak finish.
Uth and Farnam Bt. Doug. 17tl. A-11IA
Lara store room, divided In rear for
living, net no. Mth ot rvm paper and
paint for I II
Small store room at 171 Ke. Mth Si..
only KIM.
7V7 Ho. 17th BI Bios bum taller a sa.
only eU.,
ltll rim BU e-r- mod. ai. heat with
barn, t.u.
2l Dewer Ara. I and -r flats: mod.
except heat, for small fainillss only; tW
and lit per montn.
709 bo. 17th Bt i upstairs, -r, net, sxoo.
1M Ho. Sfth St- l-ruum. Fins location.
only 190
n. r. iHirxi- co., ntn aad tiarney-
t-rooin cottage, strictly modern.
No. Uth St American Security Company,
ah) S. 17th Bt. Phones M7 .
OI'R LKTTi:R duiiUcatlng work Is un
excelled. A trial will convince you. Both
phones, wsstsrn duplicating ts. o ilea.
A smsll cash payment and
The Rent You Pay In Omaha
Will Buy a Better ilombe la Borneo.
I.R.. 1AM 8. tan St.. Bear Ha scorn
Park, fine larg yard 430 0
e-R., and barn, WIS Elm St. only..., Jo oo
e-R, ll R Uth Ht, only.. T.40
t rooms, T A 17th St 140
1 rooms. ! Dewsr Av -. 11-10
t rooms, Mth and Ohio, colored .... 4.4
8 TOR 1-3.
701 N. Mth Bt, largs room W
704 8. mh St, small room.. It H
171 N. Mth St., small room li.i
N. P. doixik at to .
16th and Harney Sts.
411 N. mth St. rooms, all modern and
tn good condition, nearly new, 10.
TIM a. ta Ht. T rooms, an mooem, an.
Ml 8. Uth Ava. I rooms, all modern and
in fine neighborhood. 170.
KM Dodg Bt, U rooina, all modern and
suitable lor a rooming nous, see.
THS MV Hi IN Hm:kii lllsrAlt X.
phone Doug. Ayr, A-JRt. Si 8. 17th St
Slid Spenser Bt, t-r., mod., $9.
tn Corby St, new -r. mod.. HI.
Sail Ohio St., T-r, paf mod.. DA.
Hut Bristol Bt, e-r, mot. sx. heat. 111.
1470 B. Mth Bt. -r. mod, ex. heat-
J. W. RASP CO., t Brandsls Bldg.
t-ROOM callage, gas, city walsr.
4th Ave. j
ie A
aa e -., sa.ll
on of our ooplt printed UMtv .or milom
m to raU you onv W bv houtkes of
ll wUI iC4l from U up
Sols Agt . th Floor Om. Natl Bk. BMg
asi. -r all mod, aad barn. Mm -
h St . . ..
r l. t-r, mod., ex. next a luiwm
tl. S-r, mod. sx. heat. WN4.4lhAr4.
t2L -r:. anod. ex. heat. 171s No. Md Bt
K 4-r' mod. ex. heat, ait One L
tto! l-r.7 all rood., tm Mason St
US, l-r., mod. ex. heat, U14 h
..r? .11 ml heat furnished.
ssia favanworth St
$3ts. 7-r . all rood-, tPt Bo. Bth let.
XT, X14 no. eetn -v., -Le
4-r.. new, all mod.. Set Chicago.
IIS VtL mod., sx. heat 141! Obis.
L Ir modt ex heat 6. W. Cor. SO.
nd eSahler. . .
ut, -r., moo. ex. nesx. rs..
4&. t-r.. all mod.. 7 Harner 84.
S t-r, sil mod, Harner
l -r.. all mod, s No. Wth St.
a Bee Bldg. D. 47t4-v k-VH.'
rnD BrtrT.
q it. xsiis '
VM7 N. Bth "t, 4-r. cottage -y..
w-. v exta Bt.. i-r, mod. ex. far...... el
1 Blnney St. -r. cottaia water.
sea. aswer eie.......--
tin Spraru Bt, s-r. eotiag. war,
gas. etc
2T14 l trace 8t. -r.. modern U
123 N. Mth Ave, -r.. city water, gas.
RHJ Center, t-r. cottsxe. Hty water.... w
W . u. orir ven,
. 1MT Omaha Natl Bank Bldg
t.rM v, 1 . Varfha 8t la-
qulre at tBi N. Uth St.; U. Teiep-oae
a sv
... k uu f. as. flat 1B0.
sit Bo. STth tit. Arm, fUt f.
xa So. Sd St, aad Arm. Oat hoth.
pre. .
e e ao, td Bt, T-rm.. wm, e
IHVS2 riranaesB J nvw.-
ir R Sth St, rms, all mod, MA
M Cap. Ave, rms, sil moA. tX.
4 R Seth Avs, rms. all mod, tn -SA
sax -Bart SU furnls-ed house, t rms,
jew cap. avs.. n, , "-!
U0 P. 34th St. rms.. rood. ex. heat,
J Clark. rax, mod. ex. heat, lit
la 8. wth St. stars. I rms, Hi-,
ra N. h Ave, t rms, city water, B.
N. la St, 4 rms, city water, gas.
MeCAGVE INVa craie-vT tusrxBt,
Tel. Doug. 41i Est Dodge St.
4-room hosss end asm, tat N. Mth 8t,
e t a ejnl N. h Ave. fit.
aad tettsgws.
tA Hsrnry, rooms, M floor, mod., 141
771 Jackson St, I rooms, modern, let.
U So. SKA - 4 una- mod, ex. heal.
Ult So. rth St, rms. dty water, Ills
tm So. kith. rms.. dty water. 11150.
Lake St, frma, Id floor, city water,
Ot .
at No- ru St, 4 rooms, dt water
(upper). .
mt Ames Ara. I rms, rear Td Soar, tA
SSI tsancer St, 1 raoeas. modern, let
m So. avth St, t roon , hot water
heat. f-A
liil So. atth. T rooms, raodern. a.
Ill So SKh St, I rooms, modern, m.
M Karnsry Bt, i reoma, saod, except
1 rnscs, ,
Ml No. 24th St, T rooms, dty water,
gar. t
04 HamtHon St, I rooms, modern, ex
cept furnace. .
til No. Kth tit, T room, mod, except
furnace. Uu.
sth sad Dooglaa, I rooms; city water,
tm Nd. Itth Pt., T room, modern, ex
cept furnace. 117 St
433 rraakUa St, I roosos, dty water,
-S Dewey Ave, t rooms. cKy water,
fit So. Mth St. rows, dty water. tlA
2517 Chicago tit. I rooms, city water, t
all No. i. I roams, city era tar. tu.
ru Yates Bt, 4 rooms, cUjr water,
toilet, tlA
04 So. Uth Rt.. I reorns, eMy w-ter. tk
tost Blondo St, S rooBut, auad, a-oapt
furnace. S
Ess Blondo, rooms, (well),
MM Harney at, t rooms, 1st flaor, EA
St Omaha National Bank Bldg
For Rent
f J!! Bart St. 4) and t-reoca flata
ln Srwt-eisas cendltlcw; brand aew
plumbing, newly decorated; med
. era sxcept heat First floors, (14;
second floors, 114; third fleers. 111
$li lo4 south lid St, rooms mod
ern: good condition.
$46 looe-f Harney St, rooms sacs, all
' Swd, good condition: la Highland
Terrace. Wsst raraam D trtct.
Ill Qty Nat. Bank Bidg. Tel. Doug. 41
For oris rnonth oa Ins Uow 1gl
hi mil . I .. so iiiii
Rsl-au Crmries, l-r, entirely mod.
-u-iiil Locust, t-r, mod. ex. best.
MO Tit laml, -r, moA ax. heat.
t : Fawler, T-r, mod. ex. heat,
eA-s--Ckrby, Ar, entlrery axed.
t-sl Vinton, -r, mod. ex. heat
HI and tisThrs t-r, sotlagwa, la walk.
tng dlstaaes.
Iis-axa Mason. -r, mod.
tls-114 A pth. t-r. sottaga.
114-119 N. 17th, Or. mod. er. heat
i 41 Heward, t-r., sntlrely ssod. fux-
nlihed cottage.
N. Tth. Ar, entirely mod.
1471 Farnam .
Hsaexes ssd 4TttaaTea. !
You Are
Still "
IXninit ths hut week yoa have given
ths miller cf ewalng your hems mors
serious eons Ideration, yoa has talked it
over at home, perhaps, has considered It
from different view points. Yet you have
not fully made ap your, mind, possibly
for the reason that yoa first want bt i
know more about Bra son. Benson Is high
and sightly; ten-minute car service dur
ing the day and until I o'clock at nlglrt:
five and alx-miaute eervtoe morning ami
evening: population between 4.1M0 and M:
main streets are paved; phone eervlce
ame as Omaha: electric light same aa
Omaha; water work belooas to city of
Benson and rates are lower than Omaha:
well organised and very efflctent fire de
partment bow expending feaxt for equip
ment, wagon, etc. Three schools, good
high school. Ton wfll Nke Benson, there
la Be tjuastio about It Then, too. re
meaaber, yea caa plan yoar own home If
you prefer; have It built after yoar own
Ideas; yoa can watch the construction and
know for a certainty that R Is well built.
And remember also that "'the rent yoa
pay In Omaha will bur a better home la
Benson." Give this matter Mill more seri
ous and careful conrideratlort for one
mora week, please, until see week from
Phone Benson
til A 17th St, I rooms, strictly modern,
tH. J. 1, Kemp, SHh aad Leavenworth.
Doug- WA. Ind. A-1MA
aad AtfJesa.
STORE rooms, at earn heated, fronting
alley at nWI and Us) raraam St Have
merchandise entrances, glass fronts.
Thee. F. Hall. s Rsmgs xUdg,. Both
M CAOCB BUILDING, lath aad Dodge,
Attractive offloee, stngle or en suite; hot
and cold water in nearly all roams; rents,
eV-40 to 110.40; service complete. Apply.
Store at 1M4 Haraey St, new. , .
OfXlo ar salssroom at loth, aad Bant
nor. new, ,
sd floor at 1MV Ttarcsv.. new. ' -
M floor at Uos-1 Harney, new.
nusnii at ious-iu uarney, new.
Of Oca at 1417 Farnam.-- second floor.
O. C REDICIC Atusrnay.
Ul 7 Farnam St
Stsr at CM Cuming St.
Store at fie Cuming St.
Store at an N. Mth St
Store at ax7 N. Mth St.
6 tare at AI N. Mth, Soath Omaha, -a
C. RBDICK, Attorney,
ion r arnem nt
Mil CARS STREET, ( reoma. S7.0ft.
HI Caatsllar St, t rooms. III 00. ,
tm Charles, t rooms, barn, 1AS
1707 Center, 7 rooms and bath, OS. (a.
Flat, KUt Leas en worth, rooms, 130 OA
41S Cummgs Bt, I reoma, barn, I HO.
SW4 North Ed, medera. ( reom. A
41 North Uth St, t reoras, A -llff
South list e-t, W room.
JOHN N. KRRNzfcR. Both 'Phonea
Aroom detached bouse at tbS Far
Ht will nut In sued aoadltioa. KSL
s-reoen. t-etorr. modern detached hctma
with ksrge msrd. for tM. 4m Farnam hv
411 Omaha NaCI Bank. Tel. HA
" room flat. Id floor, IU N. 14th.
4-room flat. Id door, Mt N. Mth.
Aroom bowse ItWN. 17th.
t-nxuo houss at 41 H. 17th,
Os RJCDlCK. Attsrrxey.
1417 Farnam St.
woerter-sawsd whit sak fialsa,
K par month.
UK A Hd St
Ttion Harney IT.
imti rooms, modern, mi So. tfth. Fin
for two faml lie. U ISA
NICB modern t-roont oetug on Feor-
ence car Una, Larg cemented cellar.
vapor beat, gas and letr!a light, large
yard, t b per moatn. Webster e
Ul N. hMh. near Cnlghwa. Ar, hot
watsf heat.
CO If. sxb. eppoxlta cauisdrrai. -r..
east front
8.-W. Atth and Oallforala. t-r. new
apartment, heated, water paid, decorate
to suit
4f Cti an as. l-r, an mod, S famiDes ir
not newer. I-r. asw hrlcK. Moss In.
171 N. Mth Ave., north of Cousins, f-r,
water, gas euaaro, I lets.
arm lkeeAWortn. -r. eortaa
1K1 N. Aft. T-r, aew square, big bar
ill B, Mth Ave., -r , all nvoasm, etcee in.
tut Templeton, t-r, sot wsier nest.
IU Omaha Net ! Doug, or A-sUi
sin bibi-,i ,
modern except nasi inquire win s
rvn nsv.. KH-,w, . .
brick house, hot water heat tot Harasy
St T. 1. O'Brisn, Heaxhaw Hot-sl. Phone
D. UU er Mamey ..
Houses. Ins. Ringwalt Braadaas Th. Bldg.
e-nivi 1 ii-. 1 1 . ,
Uxeon. list sad xUeoa Sts, ttu.04. Tsie
phon Douglse 167L
AROOsl atrtcUy modem house, 4 n
Farnam. J. 1. Kemp, KU Lea van wort .
Phone Douglas US er Ind. IPs.
AROnM atrletlr randan house. UU
Jones, te per month. J. I. Kam P. Phone
Imugias res or ino. a-ig?e.
eier rvii :rit x X 1 rooma modern axespt
beat. M per month. Tel. Douglas urn.'
5-Koom Cottage
One block from the Walnut tllll oar
an paved street; good, high ground; lot
StrxUO lest; good snsds tree ln front and
fruit In back yard; alas good bara. Not
a new bouse, but a good horns, partly
modern, well kept OB. Owner has out
grown It Bud nai-a low pries at RMA
Harrison & Morton
Ml Omaha Ned Bank. Tat P. H4
lt-r Bwrtietl St, I
, s null ill exoest Beat
gao.os 4MB usorgia siaii a "1 wej
gsod beating aratafw.
:4-l7at he. 4th St. 4 roe-
isixauia fv mth Asa- T re
19 40 Near Field dub; f rnnaxs; modern.
0ssu4 est So, mth St, 1 rooms, medsra,
bam, dstera aad larg yard.
Ti ler lMti. It 17th fHreef
lilt -Anderson SU rawms, sDSdars, xm,
R H. Landeryou
Tel IX H 40 woara sx Tiwna-
n,i , k He O
bath, lasndry. etc oak flahed.
ciaaes water ens.
ROOMA turn
Mat Parksr St. rooms, mod era
heat, gaed leea flea.
M - r. wt-j vnsAtf
a iru-i ss 1. 1 r
est Bee. D. JUL
SES cor special sd In for sale column.
Bee aad Km Rent talk. It Is worth
reading. TOU uuwiw" a-a wssex
taansa a- inan a
mx e. sfts ax.
OOTTA for rac Ml X. 4t Web.
NICB srooen eetiags, wiec-w eev
furt-ce. located at K N. Mth St 14 per
BM city National Bank Btdff
February I.
Cass St
on rtance.
house, t reoB as. . BXOdsrB.
Fins coDdiUoo, waiiung
. FOR Reat ar Sale Cheap Beautiful new
7vsoen hoses and bara. Ail modern. Nice
Teepttone ru renee ssz.
PAD I r krib
about five acres Hisyrsssd grounds at
Hceraiaa Ave. and Soroes St.; very sxet.
a Ims for club, hospital ar Institutional
heme, es well as privets res m en cc-
w -c- w MmeF railfenla a-, k i
water heat near Oetghton. tt
VASUS jir.sii as , s
Fworth and fifth floor Avery Trifle-,
M07-U Leavenworth St.; wholesale dis
trict, close to freight boose: floors Ms in
feet; sfrioes, ste-atora, two switch tracks
and loading ptatfornia
Inquire O. W, Perrtn, Mgr. Avery Co,
Office entrance, dlrecuy cppoaita Union
Store room, mxs. Cuming 8t, and folk.
THOB. W, HArEN. HI MoCagu.
1 steam heated poorne la Davldga Bldg,
suitable for offices, dressmaking or stu
dio, tm. Store room with baaerf ovens
and shelving, nof Cuming Bt, 440. New
store en Farnam Dear Mth, pan or all;
reasonable rent,
OFFK'B room on second floor facing
Sth afreet, but So. Mth Mt. room Id.
CHINA elosst. kitchen cabinet
other furniture. Phone Tyler lalA.
I BEDS, leather couch, tiookoasea. ta
bles and chairs far sak, cheap. M4 Lan.
don Court
LIBRARY table; fumed oak; practically
new; to largs tor us; dla-nsion. 4xJ ft.
must sail ulcsU Seed th toots, liArney
NEARLY new hard coal stove (SolsrJ
Tel. Web. Hut. Address B3 Hpragus.
A MAHOGANY bed as good aa new fo
saie cnean. n. jstn at.
OOLDCN oak buffet Harney 4134.
RARiVAI ; A SAt h.ellnv .I.v. will
burn any coal; used 1 months: ! ftes
Janitor at Alma atiartmentav lith and
Harney. Harney Xxii.
Ts dass aa set la the mideieten.S will
offer for sals at pahllo auotlon ths en
tire contests of an elgbt-room beauti
fully furnished private borne, including
furniture, ruga, draperies and ornaments;
asi will be held Tueeday, January to.
Mil, beginning at N o'clock a. m, at 84
Park Are,'
I.'l RVITI PIT f . ni iu . ...
. ... .3, j luimnDm
eight-room house, will sell at a bargain,
good reason for sellliist Address 1L.
11W, Bee.
M las isa I laatrameats, .
11 EN AND OTHERS. Ws sell, repair
and rent more auto matte pianos thaa any
other concern west sf Chleags; modern
shops tar repairs; always a number ef
xoallent Bargains ln second-hand In
str meats. Call ar write,
lh aad Harney sts, Omaha. Neb.
Used Automatic
Pianos at Greatly
Reduced Prices
Bisrireet Chance- in Years, for
MoTing Picture Theaters, Con
cert Hails. Urar I5torcs. CaffK:
-Wliard Ilalls, Eto.
of t so rnstmnv-its hav been
Sk m 9Wm n t , -tit. -,, . . .
' 1 noiudJbtin
company. svoaacsrMged the world' best.
Kveryjplajio. harp, slanlna, pip. plana
ar XUSM jesiene 1 bee Ii.sii ,.w -t.-nL .
own ehope and wTU be guaraatsed te per.
101 rise bvv mvrrwmetil.
I- HA V- ON HAND liiE roTow-
1 . -ia 1 1 . -m ., , - -
..v m -.vo, .rial XXAV
' ' BEEN C8X
Ami SfmlS . n. .U I .
V, - ,.,... s-i yw. 1 p nCCX
eonditlon, aty A, list pries, H.00. price
One Wur-tser Ptpa atana. stria A In
good eondltioei. pries tas.
On Wuiitaer pta-e. -sofa, rrrlssmti
finish, tn perfect condition; prica 4iA
One Wtlrlitxer, t-r t plssa, . snklen
oak flnk , Is perfect condition, teuO.
One WarHtxer tVaots IB u, mlsaloa
finish; price. A
Two ma arte 1 la guartettas. ' mission
finish, la perfect endluoa; prica tKO.
Two fnandu-a euartettss, mission
finish. In tread o nd Won. 10.
oa snaaaoim guartstts, smslsa oak
oleb; prtce tZa A
One Wurlltxer tdsntfi role n esk
finish; price 138.
one w urutxer rnsgma. go loan oak
finis-: Price ll
(ins Wurlltxer ancelmna, wtth twe
rolls; price tut.
On rsrl ess plane, la good 00 drtioo.
without nickel slot, C3. ' :
Four h-rps, mleylon flnlxh. In perfect
ceredt-ea; price. Ut-
Three aa rps, sntoelea d. la aerfeet
condlrton; print tatt.
tws aarvs. goides sak finish; prica t-A
Twe heuva. stria A. ansdaa oak finish:
prica, txe.
u yea lee oat of town write soon, be
es the eh -1: est heroxa are gobbled
; tf yea he la the are sail ad a
us 1
KIMBa-IaL ttM-gaa, I-UMt KTlc-: bt bar-
ffalB. ftst H. Hub.
VTsR AAIX A as Wi.h. a-
tl sn fl mTTafsrwi l4-rtw 11 at) " - A ,
Cpcr Trpgwrttt-T Cx pgttvt. int.
TT Phi WRITKll Al-I- W a mr c
MW ar Tmt. -ftrcrt atx; be bfxtra.
-rT2-Cs- KMU tm WnM.