10 THE OMAIIA' SUNDAY - BEE: JANUARY - 28. 1911 B I i f - I i 1 kA; ; - f yTTvC,, .... ... 1 : ? V 4 W A wi $ imrsiMEiTi. awi7 dumbs ti'lMEQWUF-'M fcSpciSsj X. - II i V I' -h X -D L-IU U.fttJ..?' III IV s UJO.JCUJirUiMrAMUMJ. XT 1 production of EJmuod Uar't III , r III -f 4 ,l ; :-k . 1 I com 10 Ibt BrndH to- III J , I II I L. .1 ' .- I t, I f .' 4 "CJE2 TONIGHT TIE HiaiTIEST OF DR1BATIC ftCRIEf EKE1TS lUWiEILUGErS 1 SS3PWK' 134 PEOPLE 20 HORSES Ro Play of Water Uf lfr FrwnW AchlJ-t Brnto-. -oc.frf "THE ROUND UP" PRICES Ctrl'! a. . SB. Tl. tl.tt . f I.S9 W vD. vlAT. SB. BO. 78. ftl.OO ) ) ii ImfTX 3 NIGHTS m STARTING CilASEI THURSDAY M Srl Prices 25c to $1.50 Scotch -l k f uu"" ASk Saturday Matinee FI2 B. 4-5-6-7 WED. MATI MEE FRANK McINTYRE In The Fun Feast "SNOBS" ' 1 I IDHE Of IAMILY BURLESQUL CATERING TO P0UTIAUDUNCC5 LAW ERLAXOER'S mtMIrt production of Edmund Uar'f drama, "Th Round Up," com to tbt Brand!! to night for aa cnsemnt of tour nlfiita and Wodneaday tba Round Vp" l ona of th putya that caa alwaya "com back." In triumph.' Tba battla aocna of Ilia third al la tha moat atupcndoua of iiaia (- ! facta. Tna apptaranca of twtntjr mounttd I Indiana rKHnf alone tba kdf of rock n dlaay hlhl. la a thrill Indeed, but It l far aurpauad In tht Inddfnt at lb and 'ut tha act. wrhera Wim" Hoovar, th ahartff, and a troop of oavalryman ara ahawa In actual hatid-to-hand flsnt frith a band of A pacha Indian marauders. In tba but act a troop of cowboys la shows rldlnar buralnt bronchos, a feature nvr bafora aata In what la termed an In door" attraction. Tba cast Includes Tup le. Holmes. llUcbcll Harris. '. Usreld lUrtacll. Harry Cowan, tviliiain II. Sul livan, M. K. Hclsty, William CnnUI'.n, rrank Vail. W. N. BaUey. IMaaid F. iaattla, Jaccjuc Martin, James Aemum, Oarda Hantua, Inea Macauley and Matt'. Edwarda. There arlll aU be e. lurse auxiliary company of genuine cavalry ' man. acauta, cowpunchers. Ha x lean, va jauewoa. Arlaona (Iris and twenty hlfkty I trained cow-pun! ca from tha Arizona Carroll of Carrolllon was to be set up In statuary hall In the capltol. H re ferred to tha commonly accepted story that Charlaa Carroll wrota th words "of Carrnllton" so that In raa tlx king's hanirman caino along, after tha algning of tha IJaclaratlon of Independence had bean attended to, lie ciuld not poaslbly maka any mistake and presumably would hang tha rlrnt or real Carroll. But, ac cording to th researches of th senator, Charles Carroll of Carrolllon had ben writing his name that way for a long tlm. having concluded that ha rouat somehow eaparate himself aa much aa possible from tha large and. parhapa. In creasing number of Carrolla whose deota he had been expected to pay.-Phlladel-phla Record. Mitioee Today 2:30 .Right 1:30 BEST. SEATS 50e iss New York, Jr. FRESH FROM BROADWAY Extra Coates & (.randy aid Their Famous WATERMELON TRUST Nothing But Fun and Pretty Girls "V II J J II II If-- mHtt I ' tola Oraaar. 1st tna musical aeaaaulon. i "tatse tradalaack." win bi tba attraction at tk Brandeis for three daya, atarttng Tnuraday. with a matinee en Saturday. Tha acea of tha operetta la laid In ptctureeque fktiai-d. with lis h'shlanda af beat her, brilliant plaids, bagpipea-and ancaatral balla. Mlsa Claaar baa tba role f a boant Ocouh laaaM, who la called ICsa Dadakacck by a doting foster- ; tathar. who brings bar up In Ignorance ot bar -aobie Mrth. It la said tha part la by . far tba best la which this chlrmlng i iwnnllsiine baa appeared sine "Dolly ' VeraesL" Tha tula la. wa ara told, at , a, very high mritr and la af tba Viennese acJMMl U which -ri Eprlng Maid" and "Tba Merry Widow" are samplea. Th aapportlng company consists at twaaty , oft tight opera artiste, several of whom have-song In gmcd opera both. la .this country and ra Europe. Titer is a!o a aalancad caorua of forty pteked voices and aa augmented orchestra. Prominent la tha cast ara: Thomas Richards. George Orahaa, Jack McKay. Arthur dough. DmrA Tarraaoa. William D. Oiaarr. Anna licuter. ' Bertha Holly and Allc mltlvaa. - a . . -Trash Mclntrre. tba heavyweight fua- aaakar. who. for tba past three aaai baa been the Bob Blake of James rorbea' aomedy. Tba TraVellog pslesmi eamao to tha Brandna, February 4 to I ta "Boba." a aatirirai farce by George mroxaoa Howard, m which e .has . ocorad triompha at the Hudson theater, Xew Terh. and "trj Ilunetr theater. Cbl- caco. Tba b g eaaxdiaa ta -alaoba- asaaya i tba ra of , a. milkman, who becoraea a duka And enters, aoclety's fold. "Snobs" la handemely nrsunted, and m ramark ablafor .tlm fact that Ita cast consists entirely of hlgblV apaclallsed' playara Prominent In this array ara- Myrtle Tane hlll. Eva HcDonald. Katnrtn Stewart. Maria' Kltagerahf. John Cumbsrland. Roy Falchtld. - Orlando Daly - and Prank Browalea." v ' ' - "A round -tba Clock." by Prank Huff man, .w J b . music .and lyrics by I. O. 8ralth and Sebastian Hlllar. will be th attraction at the Boj tonight and Mon day. Pew eornedus caa boast of a liberal . sprtnkUng of paatomlna and vaudev Dl aa caa this. Tha management secured "Around Oi Clock" to further exproll tba talenta of tha Ritchie London Comedy cempany, who will ba best remembered for their Inimitable work In the bk A original act that haa coma to thla country from abroad ta yeara. "A Night la a Lew don Music Hall." Mr.-Ritchie agata la his clement aa tha youth who drinks mora titan his limited frame caa hold. Mr. Ritchie s Impersonation ot the "drunk" waa ona ot tha exceptionally enjoyable feature m "A Night la a London Music Hall." in tha new comedy, though hla opoertunitlea ara batter and to use the Trrnecular be more than "make good." Tba staging of this high elaaa ahow la In tba best possible manner and tha costumes are elegant ta tha extreme, while the musical numbers ara of tha Jingling popular order. . . ' y . ." -The etory af Charley. Steele, aa told by Sir. OUbert Parker la "The Right ot Way." and done over Into a play, is to ba tha offering at the American thla week, with the new leading maa. Dexter rauott,' la the role of Charley Steel. Mies Lang win hare the part ot Roaalte, the anald Steele mevtr ta the mountarna after the second part - of hla Ilia haa begwa. .The . etory la. one of abeorbtng lataraat, and loeea. Bona at Ita or are ma tie awarltlea mad Into a play. H has so many lo- tnaata of Intereat that to psearrve them all preaentad an almost tmpoeslbl task ta tha dramatist, but II was so well ac complished that tha play la aa full of power and light aa tha story. How tha current of Charley Steele's Ufa waa turned, and how ha becam aa i little child, then was awakened to full memory of tha past and bla atruggle with tha problem presented, and Ita solution ara tha elements on which tha fabric of tha drama rests. It Is a deep study ot a man e aout, and la ita solution It pra aente hla regeneration through love. A number ot aplendkl charaotere mora through tha play, among them that ot Jo Portugal, the half breed. All ara outlined with care. The eocnio equip ment, too, la of Importance. Tna first performance wilt ba at a matinee thla afternoon, and tba play will run all week, with tha usual matinees. The Mil .at tha Orpbeum thla week Offer a number ot well known artists and a great variety of acta. Tha head line attraction will ba "Tha Busy Belt fay," a sketch presented by Pat Rooney and Marion Hunt. Those who ara fond ot singing, dancing and comedy will be delighted with the act for It contalua a large number ot pretty and catchy I songs, bright dialogue, and beautiful daaoa. ftaaer Mldgkey and company will offer a farce called "Early Morning Re- flectioaa, which ta full ot runny situa tions, most at which result from "the colonel's nkfbt off." Th valet aad tha maid make It very lively for him the aaxt morning. Moaber. Hare and Mother, wtl give a Mere performance with daring and difficult atunts of all kinda. .The Kteholaa Staters, will give aa amuaiag black face art Impersonating young aegro gtrm. They ara both good danoara aad alngera. Tha Arltngtea Pbor eompoai d - of Brenor. te. Manny -and Roberts, will glvo an entertaining ' act consisting of onga aad dances. Patty and Lpeek, aassational head bal ancers, will gtve a thrilling acrobatic performance". One of their moat difficult atimta as to walk . up and down ataira upon their beads without touching hands or fret to. tba steps. -Mia New Tork. r.." owe of the dev. -burtesao show ra th country wtth lb YVatermeltm Trust a aa added attraction, will ba tha bill at Ilia popular Krug theater for the week commencing with th usual Sunday matinee. Among tha atars with the company are John J. Black, Bert Weslon. Krancla Reynolds, James Fsirburn, Bennett Mitchell. Fay Odell. Myrtle Franks, Sophia KrsnU Pearl Black, and Myra Pumont, The twenty-two chorus girls sing and dance delightfully and ' tak part In tha marches, dancee and concerted bita with :ll tha precision of regular soldiers. "Up To Data Married Life,'' la tha title ot tha opening piece in which th whole company takea part. "Fifty Mile Prom Denver," la tha title ot the closing aomedy. In tha vaudeville portion of tha she are the following acta: John J. Black and company to a ono act play let entitled "A Mother" Last Wish." Franks rasters In a black face sister act on the etagc Tha dancing Mitchells In a nsw Parisian sensation called, "Tba Awakening." Fay Odell, alngtng come dienne, rendering her own novel eong bite. , Oua Fay, ot tha "Big Gaiety" com pany, which will bo the offering at the Gayely tor the week alerting thla after noon, haa proven that legitimate stars have a place In cxtravaganxa ft they possess personality and unction to a aufflclant degree to make their work ap preciated. Able and worthy seconds to Mr. Fay ara Al Herman. Eddie Lovett, Clara Rarkett, Maud Pool. Al Barman, and tha rlasateat ehorua on tha Columbia circuit. Tba opening satire la "A Florida Enchantment." . Tba ueual amount ot novel and surprising eoaemblea will be Introduced. An excellent 0U0 of vaude ville novel tlee will ba Interpolated In tha entertainment by Al Herman, -the black laugh"; Wast es Benton, singers and dancers: Majaotlo Musical Four, emperor of harmony and that Jumble of laugh chancea. "Fun m JalL" Ladles' dlf matin dslly starting tomorrow. AVl'MHEtiTI. HE MIIMMIIillfo DOTD'S 2 d- TONIGHT Ritchie's Famous London Comedy Company AROUND THE CLOCK EFFERVESCENT FUN, FROLIC AND S0NO EVERYTHINB UP-TO-DATE NEW. NOVEL, NATTY BEST OF ALL MUSICAL COMEDIES i FRETTY GIRLS POPULAR TUNIS POPULAR PRICES SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME ' ' . PRICES: 2S-50o-75e-SL00. 4; -1 sevw w v w . V amtraTagaasa and Vaudeville ITWIP.F ngiir "uaT TODAY WBM - gasday Matinoe Cartaia at t38 JACOBS iTmuoT BIG GAIETY COMPANY Xselaaiag ' SST CUS fay, B5iS5 "Half the people ara aqulrrala and the other half nuta." Gu Faya Philosophy. Clara ttongla Backatt, Will Wast, Alice ixaada Pool. Bddle &, BeaJah Beaton, WU1 T. OoUlaa aad Big Oompaay la "FLORIDA EX CHAN MEST" A ew Maatoal Bsxravagaasa. XX AM TKAT BI.ACX aAVOst, AL , BEBUAXI lag "TKAT BAB TXsCa TfOUaT." tCnt from Puck MAJESTIC MDSICAL4 JZSZZ, west-beitoii "zrzssr riifl II Jill" Maaaeaaloal Jaamsla 9 mm saj wetas. of XAegh Hata aad ( btldrew. Dr. Bertha C !" at a luncheon In Worcester. Mass.. eloquently pleaded for her tax on chlldleea husbands There woutd bo fewer rhiidleaa hus bands," Dr. Dosser ended, "if there were fewer extravagant wive. Take the rue nf hala alone. It la nothing for a woman to decorate her bat with aigrettee and paradise plume worth M w Ml Few nam can afford aigrette, paradise , plume and children at tne same tier. ViTiv." said Dr. Downey. "I heard a story tha other day about a maa who said: 'Brown seema to be succeeding bow. What as the earret of ttr " -Well.' waa the reply. 1 west Oobsa Oolde a daughter, an belreaa. who spenda fl.we a year on hat alone, and " And, of course, he married her, en" "No. no' He married her milliner. Washington filar. ' Carroll af CsunraUle. Th late Senator Dollrrer toM us here what be believed to be a real new story ot Charles Carroll of Cnrrollton. the tgner. some of who deocendante have arrived here hi America Intending to live with ua agwn. Mr. DoTaver ae gather ing saaterial for what proved to be a most eaoquent atKlresa to bo Hrrered la th senate whoa to atatao at Chart rhonea, Doug. 494. Ind. A-1494 Kverjr Night, 8:15. Matinee Every Day, X: 15. Deer Header: My message to you thla morning la that Oua Fay talwaye enter taining) haa bo many new Jokea up hla sleeve, he haa to wear a kimono to hold them. Don't over look the olio with thla show. R. . I JOHNSON. Mgr. Oavety. Bvaaiuga east Sunday axauaao 100. nao. as ii . xee. "jMats. 15c & 25c? Chew gwm If LAD1K3' TICKETS Baby Carriage Oarag In tba Lobby; Certified Milk . for the Asking. If At Any Week WW Day Matinee. '-axaamassas- 1 . , Gsrville-Resch e i Prima Soaaa Casrtralt &JAN.31 soew . sjy First Methodist Church sat tie, tLOA H-so. ta.au. . MAsagaiaaat M3sa Blanch loraaaoa. AdTanccdVaudcTillc Week Startint Mititves Todir Pat Rooiey and Marion Bent . Preaentlng "The Bny 'Bell Boy" Soger Midgley & Co. Present a Not Farce "Karly Morning; Feflectiona." Mojhcr, Hayes and Masher Direct from Alhambra Theater, London. The-Nichols Sisters "The Kentacky Belle." " Song and Sayings Behind Burnt Cork. The Arlington Fonr Brn-var. Lao. Manny. Roberta) The Singing and. Dancing Mea- aonaxr Boy. Jane Boynton and Mane Myers The Piano Girl and Violinist Her Patty and Desperado Sensational Knropean Head Balancers. Introducing an Ex traordinary Feat of Turning a Pomersault on the Head. Kinetoseipe Projecting lb Latest In Animated Photography. Orpfieum Concert Orchestra I (Talented Artiste U Price Night lec. lie, Mc, 75c. Matinee, lac. beet seat. Sic. ex cept Saturday and Sunday. aUa AMERICAN "theater 11 0. B. WOOBWAJU), MABAOim All Weak Coaimontrlsg Buaday Xat ant Mate-, Taea-, Than, aad Bat. ' MISS EVA LANG AJTD Til , WOODWARD STOCK CO. Appearing la the Act Braata r. Pre by THE Right of Way Prom lis Hlbrt jParkaT's BovsL NEXT WEEK "The Prince Chap" L I Dickerman ! inj and Voice Recital atY.W.C.A. Monday Evening, January 29 . sReaerred UeaU 10e. ' (biano recital Miss Helen Sadilek Aiwisted by Mis Alio Waaaard. soprano, tTWTTT CsTlTBCH, ITTK ABB CASS. Xaeoaay, Jaaaary tota, at O'clock. Seats on wale at A. Hoop Co. Admlsnion !.. For 23c The Bee, evening and i Sunday, delivered at your home Our Chef Spare no erfort to make our StuMmy Ihanem the acme of perfection. When a good chef extenda himself the diners ran expect a treat and they get It here. Sunday Table D'Hote. 40e and 60c. 11 A- M. to P. SI. Belmont Restaurant 1311 Dodge 8. V. X. Ball, Pryp.