Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tlffi OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 28. 1912.
Ah Advertisement Without
Price or Exorbitant Claim
But Full of Interest to
Every, Woman In Omaha
You, perhaps, are numbered among the hun
dreds of fortunate purchasers who have secured
a IJenson and Thome Suit, Coat or Dregs during
the present heavy price reductions in case your
purchase has been delayed thus far, let us urge
upon yon the importance of an early selection.
- Sailing here ha been the htaviefct in many j cars,
bat ths wide diversity of styles, fabrics and colors In
tbc many remaining garments still offers many splendid
opportunities to th prudent., economical barer for so
actual saving of money tomorrow morning will bo an
' excellent time to matte your selections.
flAJnJJUiU liUS Atlt&RVVS.
Hold Conference at Set Moines Pre
, paratory to Contention.
Clark Mea la toalrel of Sesaien lit
Will Arraage Matter aa They
Fit Carroll luifi
Editor and Senator Duties Orer
Wilson-Hamy lacident.
Tlllmms Sara al Renews far Break
Wh Xat Given Owl kr Watler.
tea T. F. Rraa'a Kama
U Breegbt la.
Washington-, uu. r.s.wuot Bn-
Jsmla K. Tillman at South Careilsa today
declined le reply to Colonel Henry Wat
ferwm'l challenge of lest night In COB"
Section with Hi Wsttersoa-Tlllmea-
llarvey-Wtlaen controversy.
"I Colonel Wstterton has sny proofs
pf what be aars tie ought a publish
fhem. I hare nothing mora to My."
Tbtt ti Kenator TIHmen i only torn
mem... It had heea rapertal earlier la
1 ha day that he weald make a detailed
reply.,' colonel Wetteroon la the mean
lime had trailed another etatsmsah la
thick he saMj
. "la my letter to Senator Tlllmaa I
promised proof of any statement made
by me thai might ke disputed. Oevernof
WiHoa deelas that I bad any author).
Jiallea from him er say asaat of hit
te rale money for nil eerepelga.
. "I bare the proof that I net ealy
tar authorisation, but that 'I actually
fj'erd a considerable turn. . ...
"t held myeelf ready te furnish this
Proof to Sestets Tillman at ease If he
V' h how personalis, to sail
n aw, ae I am eonflned le my hotel and
Vannet eall oa him. It senator Tlllmaa'
kindle averment after mspeoting Ikli
proof be either squi vocal er Insufficient,
4 prensse that Uorerner WUaea same
two osnftdentuU frtosds.,1. passing two,
u tsur te nam a fifth and this court
Monday will be
Misses and
ren's Day
!On all eur yeuns womea'a, mlMe
and children's hlsh grade echool
shoes. In patent colt. vlcl kid, gun
J extra high tap In button.
ftS-OS Shoes, Olearaaee Pries.. Stag
' SS.M Skeea, Cheer rtee..H.T
M 00 Saoee, Sltarasss Pee...l.e
j. WAS She, Cliata Frio. . .HOI
- : off on mlaew' and ekildrea's
eaira klsk tap la oottea.
'. :1 off ea ten line of eur bora
' and youth a huh cut winter lane
4 with buckles.
t ehoee am etlll Included In eur Mid
Winter Clearance kale at great reduc
' Ilea In price.
it patra ef Men' tt.M pet
eat leather buttoa aad
bloeher cute broken let
I bat muet be (IOC
rieeed out, at .. lsV0
.' pclr ea th table, brekaa
, blueher, sua metal,
ralf. kid aad patent eolt,
li te. II S aad I flfl
ealea IUU
See pair tancy party aa4
areee (Uppers,, ti-
and t eu value, kram.
IMlrnt leather. SI AF
e iu
eaotd and plant
IP pairs brokea sites, faanr
reas ellppera. patent ktd
aad aeUa, 111 1 IF
aad raluee. I 9
1M pair of utl ellpaer.
nK ena eiue kis
VtS a4 It al
e. krafcea
Drexel Shoe Co.
: 1410 Funam SL
Hew York Shoe Sbioio.
r "
Ope for JSminesi Saturday,
'January 27th ,
Special Ladies' Department. '
All Kinds ef Preparations for C man
ic and Eyeing AU Kinds of
Com and Sea tj.
'15 South Eurteiath fetreet
of teoUetnen eatahllabed te detrrmln the
iMue betaeen ui."
' Itatemeal by Tlllmaa. '
Renator Tillman later dictated the fol
towmt; -t ' r: .
"Renator TUIman declined to be Inter
rlwed further la retard te the lactdent,
ayln( there was no lomrer sn hwue be
tween Colonel Waltereon and blmeelf.
The Issue I bow between Ooveenor Wikwn
snd -Ceionet-Wattarsea and they' mast
settle It for themarlraa. Be far aa he
was eouoeraed be considered the matter
et tied and ended."
Ilareey Will Keep Still.
NKW .YOUK. Jaa. tI.-Celenel Oeorre
Harvey, editor ef Harper's Weekly, said
today that be did not propose to y a
Uilmr about the latret derelopraents la
the Tlllman-Wattemon-Harvey-Wllson
The colonel aaid he bad read the oor.
reepondenre between Senator Tlllmaa
and Colonel Watteraoa. He would not
ay anything about the statement that
eorretpondeno had passed set a eon Oov
ernor Wilson and himself sines the break
whleh Governor wusoa was wllllnf
Should be made puklle.
Asked If he anient say snythlnc Ister
either en the Tlllmaa-Watteraon oorre
epandanee ar en hi break with Our ernor
WUeoa, Colonel Harvey laufhed and re
plied: . .
'Hot Wbbj ms. I dos t knew. I think
Til keep, sat at K iorerer from new en."
Wttoaa Alaa Slleat. ,,
BOSTON. Jan. n.-Oeremef Wllwa,
when asked st V4 Clly eluh today l be
desired le msks a statement retarding
the Tllimaa-WaUrioa-Harey- -eontre-
vsray.'saw he bad mnbli to eaytea.lhee
subject at this time.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MtJINK.S. Jn. (Special Teie
irram.) A ennftrence of the demorratlc
polliidans of the tate was held hre thle
evening. It ws called by Chairman Reed
, ft the state committee, preilmlriary to the
. state committee session on Monday W hen
the time and ptto for a state convention
will be fixed. ITie conference today wa
Informal In rharacter and had relation
to the condition of the parly In the stste
snd matters of organisation for campaign
work. Ths conferencs will he continued
tomorrow and Monday and It la certain
that some organttallua win be done for
eome of the candidate for president.
The Clark men Intend to organize a
tats club and open a headquarters for
publicity for tiie speaker. The itate
I committee will probably decide upon
I Burlington aa the place for the state
I convention aa that teems te be favored
by the dark men and they have a
! majority of the state committee, though
i Council Bluff and loaa City are candi
dates for the location.
aa early convention Is also favored,
probably about the middle of April. Trier
I a. sharp contest on for temporary chair
man of the convention between Mike
Hesly of Fort Dodge snd V. R. Mediants
of Mount Ayr.
Aid for the Chinese.
Governor Carroll ha agreed to Issue
a proclamation on Monday calling upon
the people ef Jowa to aid la giving relief
tor the starving Chinee In pursuance of
ths suggestion contained In messages
from President TsfL
The Woman Surf racist' ataocwtlon
hss organised twenty-two team for work
In this ctty to organist th voters of the
olty In favor of women suffrsgs and later
to commence aa active campaign to secure
th election to the legislature of members
IDA OROVe. la., Jan. 17.-(.Specll.)
The annual banquet and' festival held
here Thursday night by ths Bobby Bums
society of Ida county was attended by
l. Scotchmen and their friends from
sll over northwest Iowa and was ths
grestest gathering of the Scottish clan
ever held In thl section. President Rob
ert Todd, called the meeting to order at
t o'clock and mads ths address of wel
come. The audience then sane; the 123d
Psalm. A speaking program, ht which
many procslnsot Meets from her and
out pvsr th slat look part, lasted nil
after midnight,- ssd then oarae the ban
quet, followed br-danutna. The dancing
issted nil I S) r'rtady morning.
iflNXlAPOLld. Jan. ST -Darts' K.
Wlntoa, a lumberman of Minneapolis, In
the In vest gallon of fraud charges on ths
Whit Earth reservation, testified fodsy
that. ths faDurs of th government to
make award following th submission ef
kid n timber ef the reservatlea in 1M
had keen an tnjuatlo to th highest
bidder sad had deprived th Indians of
a large sum ef Barney.
Ths committee staled It Intention of
snowing that attsr the bids bad been
submitted In IP agent ef the Nlehel
Chlaholm company had secured th.
Jeetlon of an busHa ths submission of
which ths company had mat-end that
following thla rejection, legttlatlon In
troduced by senator Miae K. Clspp bad
placed the timber within the grasp f
the company.
WAgHINOTON. Jan. r.-President
Tsft left Washington at US thl aft.
eraooa ea a Sve-day trip that takes kirn
to Nsw Turk aad to three etUea la Ohm.
Cleveland. Colsmbws and -Akron, The
praatdenl will sunt tonight as the guest
of his brother, Henry W. Tart, aad will
etart for Ohio froca New York toatorrew
Haaaaet far HtlSretk riremea.
HlURkTTtt, Neb. Jaa. II.-iapeeuU.V-The
Commercial club and kindness nun
ntartamed th vowniaer firemen at a
mokcr bald la the Modern Woodmen ef
America hall last sveaiag. One hundred
mea sal down to a thi ee euuiss hiacheoa,
most ef th basis asta aad' all f th
flrcmta being preeeaL HUdretb son.
siders Its flremea the beat ht the aouaty
aad took thla met si at eapreaarag It
approval. .
ereheadle Takes) to Store.
BEATRICE, Nth.. Jsa. n.-tSsertal Tel
egram.) The marcnaadta ater ef Hall
A So at Clateala wss entered by rub
ber last night and about He wans of
goods ware take, mast of which wst
Iswelry. Tit robbers gained eatraaos to
the betiding through th front door by
us of a sksletoa key.
Caaaataewtal Clafc MeaSIa.
lUaTISUS, Keh. Jaa. IL-tSpedeJ
'Magram.H-Th eaeeutlve eemmlttee of
i State Association ef Cosnmerctal
Clabe today aaaosssced that May 7 aad I
I beaa decided aaoa as the data for
th eaaaai ooe vent lea ef the oriaal sa
fe la thl etty. TH-r were cImom m
uTraa with the Hastings Chamber
Of 0Mniawf"t7eV '
Baaaeet rttea lae Land) Beard.
k BARN BY. NeK. Jsa. r -8eertal -
C. a Raesitt ef Uthsea aad raytla
Ure In ths Keaeaaks lecnrJatara from
th Bineentp atetrlet pass, his fees aad
filed as a rsadtdkto aa th reaeMlcaa
rlrkat far eosaatlaetoasr ef publlo hands
and kulldtngi.
rhawtaawaw at SVatkeabaeav.
OOTME.NBLKil. ea, jaa. 8..
lalV-Oseaeakarg wtu haw n Pirst
chautaaqua east Bummsr. sastmg rive
dare Thtrrr-Be kakthsg hltjsi mea
have sigwad a centred wtth the West art
Rrdrath Chairaaqaa srstass. -
Warkataa pstlaaalp PJart,
LnrOtsUN. Jaa. - rial TekairamJ
-Jaha Flack, a aaitiasn. was made
d asrlisity hart wssbj Inad
i the Carter Tflaaslai ssa-
panyw saiHii ma A arh at saeks SspBaa
ever aad feci aa Wa, L
Baraed la Dealk. - ' "
BOOMS. la., Jan. Tl.-UHKial Tele
gTam.Wlughl Arthur, a child of Mr.
and Mr. LAndgvr Cay, was burned to
death today When I he lad pulled a kettle
of polling lard from a tkbl orer oa hh
Mr. Bargwyae Waata Divorce.
IDA OHOva la., Jan. R.-tHpectsJ.)-
Mrs. Wllllsm Bsrguyn. wit ef William
fMirgoyn. one ef Ihe eldest settlers of
Blaine tewashlp, Ida county, has mid
for divorce. last week Mr. Rurgoyne
hat the wife before the Insane eommls
sloa and the divorce case followed.
law Raws Sale.
NORA KPRINOd-t;. E. ),,.
tor of Ins psatotium, was aerlouely
vuriivo in an eaiHoeion oi gaaojine. in
nsnt arm was rooked from wrist to
elbow. If his srm I saved, whea he re-
oover urricianiiy aew skin will have
to so grafted on.
StASaiM CITY FYs ns It naren was
found guilty of catching prairie rMckena
my nieaa or eaiiing a noes with oorn.
Th bird would swallow the corn and lust
above the hook wa a slip noose made
ef here heir, whleh quickly etreagied
the bird after It reached the throat, it
s quite iisejy me human soctey will
have him arrested. His srwent fine cau-
aos saoeea siw.
f N) 1
kV asfmrnm.i, mm
PR. J A3. H. EA8L.EY.
Iowa Pioneer to
Be Buried Today
at Hamburg Home
HAMBURG, la. Jan. 'r.-(Speoll)-The
funeral of Dr. Jas. IL Easier,
pioneer of thla city, who died Thurs
day morning will be held Sunday
at lb residence where n has re
sided since lttT. Dr. Ktsley bore
the distinction of being one of ths oldest
Masons of ths stale, having been made
a master Mason in 1&4&. He was born
In Kentucky In Utl, being In hi tth
year st ths tlms of his desth. lit
fought In ths Mexican and civil war,
having raised Company E Third lows
cavalry, and serving to the close of the
wsr. Ths funeral will he In charge of
the Grand Army of Republic snd the
Masonic orders.
(Continued from First Page.)
end from the replies of Viscount Uchlds,
th foreign minister, to Interpellsttons In
troduced at a matting today of th com
mittee ef the house ef representative.
M. Inukai, the leader of the nationalist
party. Who baa fust returned from Bhang
hat. asked th fore Iks minister: .
"Is ths Japanese government adhering
to the principle ef the Integrity ef Cblnar
Viscount U oh Ida replied In the affirma
tive. . .
hi. Inukai strongly criticised the un
steadiness of the governmwit's Policy as
regards China, continuing:
"It ht now aa open secret that the
Japanese government' sympathy leaned
first ' toward ths reigning dynasty in
China. yM policy was artenrerd changed
under the cover of strict neutrality, Th
result Is that confidence la Japan exists
both at Peking and aatong tb revolution
BIOCX FALLS, e. D, Jan. I7.-tpa.
cil.)-tHrtckea with paralysis, and yst
performing hi day's duties sa a rural
mall canler, wss ths rare devotion to
duty displayed by Alphonas Ulbson. a
rural mall carrier oa a route out of
Beaver Creek, near Slous Falls. Al
though In a semi -conscious condition sfter
th stroke, he continued bis Journey aad
made so mistakes la delivering the mall
along hi rout, leaving each parcel of
man at the proper plaoa. At some f the
piece ae stopped te deliver mail he com
plained ef having a fearful headache H
Is unable to recall snythlng that hap
pened after be delivered mail at tb bom
of a farmer named Robert Gilbert, and
ret apes hi return to Bearer Creek after
making th ootnaiete circuit of hi rout
h put hi her la the barn, carefully
blanketed them ea was hla practice, and
the delivered Ihe outgoing mall at the
postofflea. Not . until reaching the post-
efflre did he eouepta. Th stroke ef
paralyses effected pi bead the more
severely, although the spine and neck
are affaeted to some estsat. His condi
tio shews seme Imprevemeat.'
CHICAGO. Jaa. T7.-A Indictment was
returned by the grand Jury today, charg
ing Mrs. Rene B. Morrow, with murder
ing her buebaad. Chariea B. Morrow, an
Inventor, whose body Baa found daeens
ber a ea the rear porch of ha home.
Witnaese told of quarrels between the
has band and hla win and denied that
asoney nutters Ireahled htm.
CasamlaataweWa Peel alaa Affirmed.
WASHINGTON. Jew. r.-48pecl Tees.
gram. The secretary ef the Interior baa
afnmted the deelalea ef tb ccewielsatoner
ef the land at tea la the case at Ctsarlle
arr. r, astvinet Pfmnk W. Johnson to
holding for cancellation a hemsetead entry
of the latter located la the Alliance lend
district. Nebraska.
tle ad Sill Advaaeed.
NEW TORK. Jen. r -The FSenderd
OH eeenpanv has as rasped the price ef
eoaMelK oil SMlvared by tank wages)
from I M I cenla a gallon. This nwaet
a lent edreara as ieral ell atnc th
fleet of the year.
Engineer Shoots
.Freight Conductor
In an altercation, the causs of which ha
not yet been disclosed, V. B. Smith, ns
Franklin street, conductor ef a Missouri
Psrlfle freight train about to mart for
Falls City, wss shot and killed by E. K.
Koonts. III? Madison street, engineer of
a twitch engine en Ihe earns road, yes
terday afternoon at 4:eV The shotting
took place In the Missouri Pacific ysruS
neer Fifteenth snd Nicholas streets.
According to the evidence, Koonts got
down out of his engine and want oref to
where Smith' train was standing, where
ths shooting took pise.
PIERRE. & D.. Jan. !7.-Bpecial.)-
At th regular monthly meeting of the
state railway commttlon yesterday, the
matter of telephones received coneider-
shls sttsntion. The Nebraska Telephone
company, which ha recently taken over
the Independent lines, ths Interior and
Western companies, operating watt of the
Missouri la the southern part of the state,
through their commercial superintendent,
filed a revised schedule of toll and ex
change rate, which show a general re
duction. The schedule wss adopted by
the com mission, subject le revision at
any time. The Great Western telephone
filed It arhedule, which waa referred to
Comratssieaer Smith for aetloa. All Reed,
who OP rale Independent llnee north and
east of Btaraia, filed a schedule, which
was. accepted sb)etd te revision at
any time. The Farm and Heme Tele
phone com eenv was ordered to msks con
necctloae wtth the Missouri Ilivsr com
pany at Wagner. The matter of tele
graph service asked by Ihe people of
Butler wss referred to Commissioner
Mariit'e of Former Omaha Girl
Hastened try Groom's Buimets. .
Brtdr Will Br Raked la (itsa Ware
by Her Mother at Her Wedding
Elaborate Ka aetloa la
Aadrewr Jekaeea.
OOTHENBVRO. Neb.. Jan. K.-tSpe.
clal V-Andrew Johnson died Wednesday
night at the home ef Oeear Ptresn wast
of town, where he had been making hla
home aheet a year. Hla son. Allen, (rem
Massachusetts, wss the snip relative
present at his death. Deceased was bora
In Shooing. Sweedea. He was S years
eld. Fuaeral service were held Satunlay
at the Ptrora home. Interment wa at
Lindberg cemetery.
Chart W. Nayea.
FT. JOKRP1!. o-. Jaa. S.-Charles W.
Noyea. a tit. Joseph wholesale merchant
and pMlaathrootrt. died la Law Aageles
hast night of apoplexy. He gavw freely
to chart tie and built and endowed the
Heme (er Utile Waaderers here, aa In
stitution for the ears and education of
orphaned and ahndned chiktrea.
i From a Staff Ccrreepondent.)
WASHIKUTO.V. Jan. Zl.-tSpeeial Tel-
eerram r-The marrlsge of Mlsa Marthena
Harrison, daughter of Major snd Mrs.
Itueeell B. Harrison and granddaughter
of rormer President Benjamin Harrison,
to Harry A. William, jr., of Norfolk,
Vs., will take place in the Washington
home of the brtde t parents en Monday
evening. February i. in the presence of
only the members ef the fsmlUes snd a
few intimate friends. '
Rev. Charles Woods, pastor ' of the
Church of ths Covenant, where Prrstdeot J
narriaon and his family worshiped dur
ing hie administration, will officiate. -
The bride will be attended; by Miss
Anna Former, a eeotemporaaeoua bud
with Ml Harrison, maid of honor, and
Miss Alice Thornton Lewi of Cincinnati !
and White Sulphur ftorinra and Mlsa
Katharine May Brooke, bridesmaids.
suae Lls aod Miss Brooks a,- cousins
of tts bride. Miss Lewis is a grand
daughter of the late Irwin Harrison of
Indlaaapolla and a great-grnddsughtsr
of William Sheets; one of the pioneers
of the city and one one of the wealthiest
men In the stats In his time.
Miss Brooke Is a granddaughter of the
late Judge John Neal Scott of Indianap
olis, snd a great grsnddaughter of the
let Solomon A. Gorges of Indianapolis
The beat man will be one of the fraternity
brothers of the bridegroom.
. The wedding hss been hastened con
siderably berauss of the basinets Interests
of the bridegroom In Florida, where be
will take hla bride Immediately after the
wedding. Th bride, who Is a beautiful
girl of the blonde type, will wear her
mother's wedding dress modernised snd
ths rare point lac which adorned that
Brlde-to-ne F.atertalaa.
Mlas Harrison entertained a company of
her girl frlenda at luncheon today In her
home here and several entertainments
nave Been panned for her nest week. Her
luncheon guests Included Miss Ruth
Hitchcock, daughter of the Nebraska sen
ator; Mrs. Larimer Graham. Miss Na
talia Drlggs, Mies Hsnna Wlllerd Taylor,
daughter of the former United States
minister to Spain: Mis Dorothy Brooks.
Miss Mildred Bacon, Miss Anna Port-
ner. Miss Pauline lockett and Miss
Katharine May Brooks. The color
scheme wss pink, ss ths color scheme
of the wedlng will be, and the souvenirs
will be perfume bottles of cut gists with
sliver flllgr trimming and cut glsaa
vases with sUvsr trimlngs.
Tiis place cards were exquisite hand
Painted figure. Mies Former will enter
tsls at a "shower" for Miss Harrison
on Monday. Mlas Harrison's grand
mother,' Mre. Baimdars of Omaha, at here
for the winter, and Chartoa Saundert, war
uncle, I expected to aerlv th middle
of next wek. for the Wedding. -
Exquisitely Patterned Silverware
from the Albert Edholm store is one of the most delightful
possessions of the home. Its quality is lasting; its beauty
entrancing. " -
As a gift it is peculiarly appropriate, for it directly re
flects the judgment and character of the donor.
As a personal possession it is highly prized
everywhere for its permanent qualities and ex
ceeding beauty.
The Edholm store affords the highest char
acter in jewelry, engraved glass, silverware and
. : diamonds. Prices are as
Adiscw pea.- , : reliable es
tablishment in the United
States. They are exactly
the same to everybody.
Don't Merely
Buy Invest.
Editors Endorse
Governor Hadley
KANSAS CITT. Jan. tT.-Ths national
sd ministration of President Tan aad that
of Governor Hadley of Missouri war
Mrongly endorsed by th Missouri Edi
torial aatocletlon at Its final seasloa
here today. The resolution ef Indorsement
stated thst President Taft had redeemed
his platform pledget and that Missouri
under Governor Hadley had done honor
to th republican party.
At a resumption ef th querry box f na
ture of th meeting. Charles Morris ef
St. Joseph, republican stats chairman,
startled the editor with th anneuoce
men that aa editor "had no business be
ing a postmaatr." and that while la Ihe
past he had "pulled for" his editor
friends desiring poatof flees, the time had
enme te stop M.
"This la ths day wha th editor must
glv hi undivided attention te being aa
editor aad leave the poetotfloes alone,"
hs said.
Captain Henry King of St. I-oula was
re-elected president of the association
to hold the position for life. Harry H.
Mitchell, of Springfield. Mo., was re
elected secretary.
No More Windy Windows
One hundred cubic feet of air blows In around the aver
age residence window every minute when the wind Is blowinc
30 miles an nonr.
The same window in the tame wind admits leap than four
ruble feet S minut If made tight with Monarch Metal Weather
Ho rattling' windows. So draughty floors.
Let us take measurements and give you lump price cov
ering s few of your north windows and your outside doors.
Prices' approximately $2.60 per window or $3.00 per door, In
cluding installation and guaranteed for s year.
Permanent protection from cold In winter snd from beat,
dust ssd rain in summer.
Monarch Strips installed only by our own experts.
Phone or write snd our man will call. We in it all Mon
arch Strips inrwhere Is the west . ,
Sunderland Bros. Co.
, ; 1614 Harney St., Omaha. 'if
rt.,- . -- - liU. sV-reae,
T. iTl mU
.feW,. 1
tie s. jb iiii,, - - j, ns'j . i a
fwiriteirr.t i
CORDOVA, Alaska. Jan. r.-A phe
nomenal change In the course ef the
Japan current which bring It cleeer to
the Alaskan coast was reported here to
day by Captain J. C. Huctsr of the eteanv
shlp Northwestern snd C&ptala P. A.
Obert of ths steamship Edith, arriving
from Seattle. Captain Hunter said the
Northwestern wss set fifty mile eastward
ahead of the log running from Caps Flat
tery to Cape St. Ellas
Vnusual weather renditions, believed to
s due to the change la the current.
have prevailed here for weeks. The
averse temperature baa been forty-four
degrees above sare and there have keen
heavy rain.
rteperta from the Interior, tbow temper-
stores there fifteen degrees warmer than
ever before recorded at thl time of year.
Warning by wlrt less kavt been seat
te steamships now approaching Cordova.
Have just received fresh aupplv of
Specialty Lump and Nut-Price $4.25
per tna delivered (head screened)
: We cam deliver prompUy; place) yuur ordor now
. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co.
(The Hone of Vuality Ooal
Phone, Doug. 412; Ind. 8-14.13. 12S3 Nkhola St.
Best Sport News in The Bee
theater Will Oa ta
PARIS, Jan. ST.-W. Morgan Shorter.
uy Treaeeeer general or the Pee-
aei anient, wiu leave for lonilaa
rrsw. la tiaadna be win ha aivsai
a dinner by the Sntlsk Persiaa seat-mitt.
la earning.
WkKT POINT, tieb, Jaa. K.-oipaclaM
-Mairbvg hVanam have been Issued dur
ing the Berk ta the following: Joseph
ruchtmaa and Miae Clara Schula. both
of thla rooaty; Theodore Nerdea ef Sher
man county and Ml Christina Beerbohm
ef Elkbara: Emll. Raabe ef Stamen
costly and Mta Antoo'o Fullaer of
Trsaa ICetweaBta b Abatlag.
DAUUtP. Tex.. Jaa. r-Pu iiss that
has marked attempt ef pAvaMtans t
enmbat Its spread of meniaerttle and ths
gradual eradicaUoa ef the eptdemle has
develoead auch optima aanoear aTflelala
an eitiaena tnat public echeoie aad thee-
ere an
sill reopen ea Monday.
HILDRBTH. Neh.. Jan. !7. - Spec !.
Mlas aanma Keff aad Harry F. Bethuse
were married at the home of the bride's i
mother. Mrs. Ke beers Neff. They will
make their home in Denver. Mr. Urtbuae
Is inspector ef locomotive boiler for the
Interstate commlaelea. Out-of-toww
guests were: Mr. sad Mrs. Martin
Bethune of Omaha and Mkn Agnes
Bethune and Mr. McCtellsa of Uneoha.
Is Peculiar to Itself. There is
no real substitute for it. Dont
be led to take any preparation
said to be 'just as good," but
insist on having Hood 's.
Get it today. In usual Mould form or
chocolated tablets called 8areataba
Life lawmtsKw
may be made pay
able to ns and pro
vision for Its dispo
sition or ths Income
from It made in
your will.
aVbselast aa-etoeUoa
to thee aassed to
ta hdllg ass la
set! weal er fanes is
there? sea an end
the lavagse ef enestlt
I laeestansats
wills drawn
without charge if
named Executor r
Trustee) snd all
trusts carried ont
carefully snd. eco
Quality Laundry!
In keeping with
our progressivene88,
we have just com
pleted the installa-'
tion of a water treat
ing system. This
' insures us absolutely
pure, Boft, triple fil
tered water and re
dues the laundry wear
m yuur clothes to the .
ar a tar, i
Mrs. HatUe M. Fox
- North ISO, strere
Who had her Barn baraed. wishes to
announce that the Is prepared to at
tend to business as before ss only a
portion of her property waa baraed. I
TeL Webst .67; lad. B-2ISL
JJoth Phones.
WapMiB Everywhere.