Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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Philippines Now Have Good Government! WILL PROVE FREE
if i&y fi mm
'''": H s) eft nffu
l. I 1 J -ssaaaSSSSWl 11 fc ssa sWaaesssssaaSSSI
The Speaker
(Copyright. llt by Frank 0. Carpenter.
ABItlNGTON. a C.-I want to
till tell you of Uncle flam' work
VV I ,be hllPna Islsnas. We
neva na poaaeasion or inem
for over twelv year end It
t bl(h time w wen taking
account of stock and knowing what has
been, ion. They arc, a you know,
under th War department, and tha bu
reau of liuular affaire la In eonatant
comimnkf.tloB with them by traveling
omciaii and by letter, and cablegsanu.
ao that tb exact situation can be at any
time known. I have apent thla week talk
ing with Ganaital Clarence Kdwarda, the
head of that bureau, and In looking over
the report whtoh nave recently com. I
have also aean many of the officers who
are just back from there and aa a reault
can glv you up-to-date news. ,
.The PhllllaM la 101 U.
Most of ua know mtchty little of tha
Philippines. We think that they are a lot
of tropical lalanda on the (Dlher aid of
rsciiic. ne ntva near inac mo
archipelago bumpa Ita head against tha
Island of Formosa, which. now belongs
to tha Japan, and that It klrka It
feet about LM - mile farther south
against the Jaltnd of Borneo, a possession.
or th Hutch and th Brltlah.- We have
heard that China la on the west and
Hawaii somewhere out In the Pacific on
th east, but Juat how big the lalanda
are and what they contain la a problem.
That I shall leave for geography. 1
will only aay that the archipelago. In
cluding the water within it, would cover
about ' one-fourth of the tnlted State
proper If It could b dropped down upon
It; that it comprlaee something Ilk 3.000
volcanic mountalnoua lalanda and that
from east to west It la greater than th
distance from BoaOn to Pittsburgh and
from north to aouth about aa long aa
from Philadelphia to Omaha.
Tha lalanda altogether have aa much
land aa New England. Luson la uiKr
tlian Ohio; Mlndoro and Xegroa are each
aa large aa Delaware; Mindanao would
more than cover Pennsylvania and Samar
la tha site of Connecticut.
Th lalanda Co Main, according to our
own last cenaua aomethlng like 4,409,0!)
neoDle. Of these l.ouo.000 are aavacea or
eeml-ctvlliied, believing in aplrlta and
wltchea or In tb prophet Mohammed,
and th other T,U).M are Christiana with
th same Uod aa our own. Ttaf waa what
we got for th OMOMX we paid for the
archipelago at th doe of our war with
, EatabllahlaB m Uevermaseat.
Ves, w got that and more! We got
on of the biggest dvlllalng jobs of all
time. Th people had bee misgoverned
for centuries. Justice waa bought and sold
and bribery and graft reigned supreme.
Eighty per cent of the people were Igno
rant and all lacked faith la ttnir rulera
Taxation waa heavy, extortion waa com
mon, and non had any right w'hlch the
lUttra were bound to reeTMrt. There war
practically no public Improvement a. The
road were Impaasibl for a greater part
of the year, schools were almost unknown
and vvery locality had Ita brlranda and
bandit: In addition waa the chaos
enneid by th war, and out of th whole
Vaeia gam had not only to create a gov
ernment of the people and for the people,
but to start the wbeela at our modern
It la thla work he ia doing. I traveled
about the lalanda In 1VH. when we were
about taking charge. The army was Own
re-eatabltehing the governments of th
towns. A soon aa a municipality waa
conquered the officer called the people j
together and bad them elect a -town
council and mayor. They vrganiaed mu
nirlpallttes of that kind throughout the
archipelago, allowing each town to gov
ern Itaclf. and from that they have gone
on until th Philippine are now prac
tically arlf-governtd. not only aa to the
anunfeipaiitlea, but aa to th provinces
and. aa on great bland whole,
laete Maa Cewtrele the Maehlaery,
This baa been duo with our national
rnnrmnni at the back aa adviser and
dictator. Uncle 8am still controls th
machinery, and he will eon Una to do
o notwithstanding th cry of th Filipino
agitators for Independence. President
Tuft, Oeaeral Kdwarda and our other
official who know th Philippine brat
realise that to allow a free hand in th
present condition would reault In anarchy
aid chaos. It will be long before the
lalanda can be absolutely free, and their
futur seema to be bound up with ours.
Nevertheless, the whole country haa
been politically reorganised. The archi
pelago ha been divided Into thirty-eight
provinces. Seven of these are inhabited
by the Horoa and th noa-Chrtatian
tribes and In these there are governors
appointed by th governor-general at
Manila, who la at the bead of the Philip
pine commission. Th other thirty-one
provinces practically govern themselves.
Each province choose It own officials.
It ha a governor, secretary, a prosecut
ing attorney and other officers elected
by th people, and consequently natives.
Kach haa also a treasurer appointed by
the - govsrnor general, and thla last an
American of known honesty and skilled
In account. ,.
livery municipality baa It praldent.
vfr president and city council. There
are K town which have that kind of
government. Th council Is an honorary
position, and ita member serve for th
prominent- which It gives them and for
th love of th town. Th taxes collected
In tb town are apent by th town and
th Insular government get it support
from Indirect tax. Evary town ha Its
body of police, which keep order In It,
nd this In addition to th Filipino con
stabulary, which maintains order In the
rural districts throughout th Islands,
The Pblllpplae Lrgtalatare.
Th Philippines. In short, are rapidly
coining to have a government like ours.
They nav thla town government, where
th officers and pollct ar elected by the
pple. They have tha provincial govern
ment, .which ia like, that of our stales,
and they have what might b called a
aeml-nallonal government, tha president
of which Is th governor general, ap
pointed by th president of tb United
States. H must be aa American, and
ia addition there are seven commission
ers to advise him. Of the three are
Americana and four sre Filipinos. This
I tha eaecutiv branch of the s"wv em
inent." In laws are now made by a congress
consisting of this commission and the
Filipino assembly. Tb assembly at
elected by the people. It first mat In
1S07, and it has held a number of ses
sions since then. It contains eighty
members, all Filipino, and all elected
from th various provinces. Including the
Christian part of th Islands. Th Mo
hammedan Moras and the wild men
have no part In It.
Tbia assembly makes the Isws and
passe upon tb appropriations. Ther Is
only on reservation, and that Is If It
should not make apprepriationa, tha ap
propriations of the preceding session
are re-enacted until another assembly
should meet. Were It not for this tb
assembly could hold up tha government,
and stop all th salaries. j
There are two political parties, and
each stump the country In behalf of Its
candidal. Th assembly meets at
Manila, and Its members, who are
dressed In spotless whtt form a fin
looking body. The speaker stands be
hind he deck, on a rostrum, with ravel
in hand, and ever blm on the wall hangs
the American flag and I'nrle Bara'a coat
of arm.
The Civil Service.
A great majority of the government
employe are natives. This la so not only
at Manila, but throughout the Islands.
All are appointed by .civil service rulea
and most of them have to take examlna-
tlona In kngiiah or gpanteh or both. Pro
motions go by tnerii. and a record Is kept
in every oftica ahowing the relative effi
ciency of the employe, so that man's
record determines bis advancement per
sonal habits, physical condition and per
aonal morality are a part of th testa.
Th laWs require work to th amount of
sht and one-half houra daily frera each
clerk except during hot weather, when
the time W cut down to five hours. Clerk
ar also allowed from twenty to thirty
five days vacation., according to salary
and rank. Those who get the moat money
have the longest vacation.
Moat of the clerks ar honest. At this
writing the loes by defaulter among the
employe has been only about S per cent
President Taft says that the supreme
court of the Philippine Island Is equal
to th courts of any state of our union.
Thla I la ability and honeaty. I doubt
whether tha earn could be said of th
provincial courts. It I difficult to get
good Judaea. Tb old Spanish Judiciary
was corrupt and tha American Judge did
not understand th language or dialects.
They wer not familiar with th local
laws. On th other hand, th Filipino
Judgea were not familiar with our Idea
of equity. There waa a distrust oa th
part of th people and tb government.
I am told that thla ba passed away.
and that the FlHptno ar attaining high
rank aa Judgea, Out of twenty-nine Judge
ship fifteen are held y Americans and
fourteen by Filipinos.
Th lawa ar enforced by th police,
and til paper of th Justice and th
court r served by them. There la now
a police force In every . town and this Is
so. even of the, colony of leper which has
it own' government For some year af tar
we took, hold et the, Inlands th policing
waa don by our army. Thr wer brig
and everywhere, and almost (very bam
boo clump hid a bandit. Th town had
to be protected from Invasion, and every
public road was guarded by auldlers. Aa
It la now, the provinces and municipali
ties protect . thrroserve with their own
paltc and th aid of th constabulary.
' Vaele Sasa'a Police Force. ,
trot I want to tell you something a bo at
thia constabulary, as th government
police fore 1 called- It la th develop
ment and improvement of th old guardla
civil of th Kpaniah. It now consists of
about 1.000 men. who' ar scattered all
over th lalanda, acting as advlaer and
aids to the local police, a the protector
of th road and aa th guards of the,
wild men. , Ther iaa detachment of this
pol'c In or near every tribe, and Its
officer I a part of th coram unity where
It I stationed. lis guarda It from thieve.
He I ever on th. lookout for disease,
and he hunt up the stolen animals and
quarantines tha akk one.
The constabulary baa completely wiped
out brigandage. The records show It has
captured U.UU bandits and killed mors
than 4.0tax It ha retaken about loot
stolen animals and returned) them to their
This government fore consists largely
of natives, bains; made up of fighting
men from all part of tha Philippine Is
lands. Home of the men are Moras, soma
Igorrote, eome Vlsayan and some Mae
abeebea and others. All have been
trained by the soldiers, and we have a
training school at Bag'llo where they are
Instructed. They make excellent fighters
ud are proud of their positions.
Th neloraa at lb Prisons.
Sine wa took posseasion of the Philip
pine we hav brought about some of th
greatest prison - reforms of th world.
Tako Blllbid, which wo once about th
most horrible penitentiary of the far east.
It prisoner were flogged, and th only
mod af execution waa by the garrnte, a
machine which broke the neck of the
victim, or rather screwed th head back
antil th neck cracked.
That Institution is now one of th finest
pel sot ia under tha American flag, and one
of tb largest of the world. Th build
ings hav been remade, and the Institu
tion I now laid out Ilk the spokes of a
wheel, with a tower In the center. There
is a great wall around It. and upon thla
ar twelve guard towers. In six of which
stand American soldiers, armed with Gat
ting guns, shotguns and revolvers. In
the other six ar native guards, also
armed, but not with Galling. In the
center tower stands aa American guard,
with a loaded revolver and three rifle, j
Thia man ha control of the Hahtlng of
the prison, and he can. In an Instant, turn j
off th electricity in any wr all the build-
lnss- He has telephone connection, and
cart call out the force on short notice.
When I visited Blllbid it waa dirty and
filthy. The prisoners are now made to
keep clean, and overythlng is spotless.
Ther is no wast nor Utter. Th men
are on their good conduct snd they may
rise from class to das as they do better.
At present ) per cent of the prisoners
are In tho first dass.
The prisoners arc well fed and th?y
seem to be contented. They are taught
trades of ail kinds and they do excellent
work. There Is a carriage and wagon
department which makes wheels which
are sent broadcast over the islands. There
are also silver making shop, weaving
rooms and departments where ther make
hats and baskets. Some of the prisoner
are carpenters, some polishers and paint
ers. There Is slso a tailor's shop and a
large prinling establishment. There I aa
execution ward wher th murderer ar
banged. Th garrote haa disappeared.
Oar Peaal Cwlaay at twaklg.
On of th moat remarkable of all pris
ons la th penal colony at Iwahtg, mad
up of lite prisoner, murderer and others
who have been sent ther aa a reward
for good conduct at Blllbtd. Thla I on a
little Island adjoining Palawan. It con.
ststa of a reservation of it square miles
occupied by prisoners' who are engaged
In manufacturing and farming. Three
oonvlrta govern themselves. Th only
Americans connected with them are their
uperlntendent, Mr, II. I-amb. and an
agricultural expert brought In to teach
them to farm. They elect their own offi
cer and make their own lawa They hart
Jury trials In which th vote et th ma
jority convicts, although th uperlntend
ent haa tha right of veto. Bark at the
convicts a break the lawa may be flogged
or sent back to Blllbid. Th convicts oan
marry It they wish and ty may bring
their wive and families to II v with them.
Ther ar now forty-two women In th
colony, and six marriage hav occurred
this last year. '
Each ot the convict Tanner ns hi
own separate holding. He doe his work
on th shares, half ot the crop going to
the prison and the other half to Mm. Ths
colonists ralae their own meat. They hav
bert cattle, consisting of crosses between
natlv cows and Indian bulls. They hav
also a fishery.
Th colony Is now going Into cocoanut
raising and It haa already set out B.OUb
tree. Thla will not only render It self
supporting, but will enable It to turn In
a great deal of money to the support of
other prisons on the Islands.
General Edward, tells pie of visit be
paid last year to, Iwaliatf. Hs waa rowed
from Ills ship to the shore by a murderer,
and he found a couple t murderer act
ing a th family aervanta of tha gov
ernor. Mrs. lmb la the only America
woman on the island and has tw
llttl children. Her cook Is a convict.
Th Health at a Naltsa.
' A great deal ot Unci 8am' wrk haa
had to do with tha health ot th Phlttp
plnea Th lalanda ar being cleaned op
and the cities worked over. Manila haa
new sewers, which cost about $2.00.joe.
and It haa a water supply brought m
from th head water of th Marlgulna
river, which are held back by a dam sixty
feet high. Tlie reservoir there contains
hundreds of millions of gallons, and H la
fed by a wild mountainous region where
the water Is pure.
The musuultoes are being cleaned out
of Manila and otherwhere. Th canala
bav been dredged and th moat tilled
up, and parka have taken their places.
New hospltala hav been built, and thla
ia ao in moat ot th citle. not only for
tb Christiana, but for th wild men as
well. We hav doctor connected with
the leading tribe, and the aavage. la
stead of making sacrtftcea t pacify Hi
spirits of disease, are now cusnlng1 In fur
castor oil, liver pill and rargical treat
ment. A Campaign af Health Edaratiaa.
A campaign ot health Instruction has
been undertaken and doctors ar going
bout with lantern slide lecturea showing
lit denger ot disease and bow to pre
vent It. Hyglen la taught In th public
schools. Ther are training schools for
nurses and a hospital for tb Insane
which now haa MS inmate.
There haa been a great fight agaiaot
cholera and the rats hav been s'augh
lered to wipe out the bubonic plague.
The bone piles of the cemeteries have
been taken away and the dead are now
buried according to law.
Tlie h-laada have aa antl-tuberculusts
society, which Is waging a war sgalnst
consumption. This Institution baa the
aid of the government and rt will estab-
Ub tuberculosa tarn pi and will teach
the people how to take care of such pa
tients. The bureau of agriculture on the
bUiOda proposes to kill ail animals wnka
have tuberculosis, and a quarantine has
been Instituted aaaln-t the Importation of
diseased cattle from Australia.
A great deal baa bees said about I tie
health of Americans lu the Philippines.
L'acla 8am Is keeping track of that mat
ter and the death rate Is now text than
six to the thousand, which is not one
half as high as that ot our beat Amer
ican cities.
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