The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page Copyright, 101 by American-Examiner. Great Britain Rights Reserved, r aw" rv .s. iv I Val iVl Ifefll ME. CAVALIERI'S beauty lecture to-iay is a practical lesson on how to get thin. Not satisfied with mere general rules, the take up the case of a woman who lost nineteen pounds in Eve weeks and tells how she lost them. The article is oe of immense value to all who are overweight or who have a tendency to excess of flesh. "Every other day take no din ner ive bread and milk, or milk alone." By Mme. Una Cavalieri SHALL I tell you bow a young woman lost nineteen pounds in five weeks? She found herself with all the symptoms of overweight Her face wa. full and putty. Her cheek muscles sagged, giving her face the jowl-like look that suggests the lower animals, transforming beauty's fsce into a beastlike semblance, and that beast not the handsomest, nor n.ost poetic, of the order. As she surveyed her figure in the mirror, particularly in the back, It looked broad and coarse. Moreover, she was conscious of her 'weight. Her aiovemeuts had become clumsy. When we are at normal weight, that is, when we are only so heavy as nature intended, and nature abhors overfleahed women, we are sot op pressed by our bodies. - We feel so light and our minds are so capable ot dominating our ood'.et that we scarcely realize that we have any weight That birdlike lightness ot body Is a sure sign that we are at our best My friend, having a long social season before her, when she wished to look her best, resolved to train down. B jt jow? She adopted none of the cure-alls prescribed by stout women we meet at Turkish baths. She did wu.-.t Is tbe wisest course when we are sble to adopt It, went straight to her physlclai and asked bis advice. This wss wise because her phy sician knew her constitution as she knew her alphabet He knew which way lay peril. She must not take the beet and hot water cure, because she was predisposed to rheumatism, and authorities claimed, and this physician believed, that in beef there Is at least seventeen per cent ot uric acid. Tbe body is able to eliminate only a limited amount ot the acid and tbe introduction into H ot such excess over that amount would In volve some remaining in tho system. This should be avoided in cases of what the physicians call "uric acid diathesis." Also his patient was nervous, so he must not permit her that stsrration system of diet which reduced her nervous force. Not being sn es pecially vigorous woman, he was un willing to run any risk of impair ing her vitality. Under his guidance, then, she be gan this reem3n: For breakfast, two slices of thin, dry toast If her breakfast satisfied her cravings he Insisted that the bread be dry. If not, she eprsad It vsry thinly with butter. With this she ate one medium-boiled or poached egg and drank one cup of coffee. Being of those who say, and prove, if you watch then, at the Drat meal of tbe day, "My breakfast is my best meal," ber physician a thin liquid In her mouth. "If yon do this," he said, "one-half the foi you formerly ate will Just as fully satisfy your hunger." "And that, which I didnt at all be lieve at first I found to be quite true," she said. The only luncheon permitted her was a slight ens of fruit. Try to get on with one spple or orange," he said. "If you are suffering from hunger sat two. But masticate, masticate, masticate." At night she waa allowed to eat anything aha chose, except the three fattening "pa" potatoes, pudding or pie. But again she was charged to take twice as much time as usual for the meal. And at neither of her meals should she drink water. At breakfast and dinner one cup of f black coffee waa permitted. For all the daye that followed, for five weeks, she had the same break fast and luncheon, but every ether night she had no dlnnsr save a large bowl of bread and milk. The milk contained no cream, but was skimmed. Meanwhile she, who had always disliked exercise, discarded her car riage and took two walks a day, one in the morning and one In the after noon. Her physician named no ground to be covered in these walks. "Walk as long as you enjoy It, but t not until tou are tired." he warned I lipr. First unanmietnn iwf vrallra L ' were jnly tnree or four short city ' squares, but alter two weeks, when nature tad become accustomed to Mme, Lina Cavalieri All An It if w 1 ft , . ill. J'i! ,', . f Ji v Viii i ,v C... .J ".-aT ' lvN ."'. "'iv--S.;'.. .v- -Jrr -:,v.;: re-' . . ,'. - ,." V ' . -a ' 't, f fs "Thin toast, one en and a cup of coffee are the an ti -obesity breakfast." 2i.'';;' ! Yurr i i knew that this light breakfast would at Drat be a bardsblp. He therefore urged her to eat very slowly, mas ticating her food until It turned Into Just Watch Yourself Go By Get Behind a Tree Ofen and Look at Yourself Critically and You Will Improve That Man Called Yourself. the new regimen, sne wss able to walk four miles a day, two before and two after noon. If, aa sometimes happened, she returned from her walk faint, she was allowed to drink a cup of hot but very weak tea, and If nature eeemed to demand more sustenance, she drank twe cups. But from these cream and sugar were sternly prohibited. Tbb resulti I have told you. And my friend never looked so lovely end she assures me she bss never felt so well. There was no expen sive journey trr stay at the bsths; no dully masbee. The loss of tbone nineteen pounds cost ber only self denial, the one fee for her physician snd the tailor's charges for taking in all her (towns four inches about tbe hips end two at the waist Beauty Questions Answered "AT, what's the use in taking stock in all the things we hear, Why rip the lining out of Jones and make Smith look so queer! Tou cannot always tell, my boy perhaps it's all a lie Just get around behind a tree and watch yourself go by. VTou will find that things look different; the crooked parts are straight, That Smith is not the only man who sometimes stays out late. Perhaps your wife's own husband sometimes gets all awry, So get around behind a tree and watch yourself go by. "In business as in pleasure, and in the social life, It doesn't always pay, my boy, to let yourself run rife. So try and do the best for those who in your pathway lie. And get around behind a tree and watch yourself go by." A. A. L. asks: "Will you please oblige me by Informing me if you know anything that will reduce the size of the bust? My bust is en tirely too large to be in proportion with the rest c as? body." This Is a harmless lotion that I have been assured by those who ex perimented with it has been suc cessfully used for the purpose you wish. Apply bandage wet in tbe Time to Use it Mrs. Spinas: "Where is the ' money you have bees savins" for a rainy dayf" Mr. 8ptsks: "la the Stvtass Bank." Mrs. Spinas: -WeIL srve me a cheque (or eom ot It. 1 want a new aaackio-loib." lotion at night Alcohol Gum benzoin T. B. H. writes: 1 ex. 'a Pint "I have been 'Try to get on with one orange at luncheon." suffering with a swollen Up for over a year. I have tried different remedies and have consulted doc tors One doctor said it was caused by my strained nerves. All rem edies have proved a failure that I have tried as yet I hope that you may refer me to some remedy to cure ft" Unless the protruding lips are caused by some bad habit, as tbe Improper meeting ot the teeth, or the protrusion ot the teeth them selves, this lotion applied to tbe lips by means ot moistened bands t! muslin worn on them at nlgbt, may diminish their slxe: Csmphor water.... 6 ore. Tsnnle acid 15 grains N. B. 0. makes this Inquiry: "Of late I have noticed two or three wrinkles under my chin where my collar touches my neck. My collars are not tight, but close-fitting. Could that be the cause? I am thirty years old and I hardly think old enough to have wrinkles. Through my own annoyance from this cause I have noticed others have tbe same trouble. Can you help me? I would so greatly appreciate It" A famous physician agreeing, and sll physicians, however they differ on other points, agree en this: A collar that Is not loose will cause lines, crease and wrinkles In the chin, advised the use of adhesive plsster bands ever the lines of the neck to support the drooping muscles. After loosening er wholly discarding your collars It may be well to try these adhesive plaster strips for a month or two, giving them plenty of time, for blemishes In the personal,, appearance cannot be remedied In a abort time. But This Is a preparation that can be mad at home: ' Alcohol 1 quart Powdered borax..... ...... 1 ex. Gum myrrh. ox. Strained honey 1 ex. Red asunder wood 1 ox.. Strain and keep In a glass Jar for ten days, shaking it now and then. Vp-to-Date Jokes, 'Mm Bomee ranoy. Mrs. Bangs threw saueepan at her husbaad beeenae ke at en her new bat. better then this, In my opinion, af ter, of course, looaenlno the wrinkle. ,"r htt "14 aever o , , .a thlo Use that causing collars. Is a long course of Mr. i,, ,,, . massaging the neck with tissue me so tfwiy, en, pett feeding oils or Cold creams.' Olive " Home xe-ee. Besides, I aares't ell Is good skin food, though there . "w ' . , , . . Is some prejudice sgalnst It bscause Mr. LttM.rwt-Dootor. whet did ye it I yellow, and there Is a belief tell me was your special treatment Cor that yellow eile and cream In time aieepiessnessT . . cause the skin to become yellow. .Jtf4 th at the . . . , ' entln ot the trouble. The Kentucky er rose cold creams Mr. don't W Weft, for which I hsve msny times glvsn ynv wl th, m othr ths formula, are good fsedere for only, don't strike at him too hard, relaxed tissues. . a A. sends a query as to tonic "Here's aa article la this masaalne that may defer the hair turning entitled How to Meet Trouble.' said ..... Mrs. Wcdderly. "Shall I read It to your B, T,,10 rW!T f "K WW WW. scalp. Better develop tbe tutural hurt.B(l .Uow 4o(, lroubu oils In the scalp by massaging It bran4 of information I'm looklu ' and so releasing the oils from tbe for." sebaceous glands. But if nature ' . .... . . , . Father I never smoked whea t was falls to supply sufficient oil it must yollr ,ffc wm F0U thai be provided. This mixture Is re- .to your sonT liable. Not sM kMP my faee as Spearlne 1 ex. Olelo acid ox. Oil of bergsmont........!4 ox. Msssage this Into the scalp every night until an Improvement la noted. E. N. sends a request for a for mula for a tooth-mouth wash. How They "Ride the Goat" io the Congo" Above Market Vahe LAUT CUSTOMER (pleseantlr) I ' hear yon are aboot to sret mar ried. Mr. Wbbs. I suppose I must con fratulate you. ilr. Rlbbe, the local butcher (doubt luUy) Well, I dunno so much about congratterlaUona. mum. It's coetlns me a prr P01"' 1 uu Mrs. Ribbs aa la to be. she wants 'or roo know; an- thea there's While the San Shines. . He (timidly): "Now thst we are en- The PeniStent Inquirer. cased, I I presume I mar may kiss Small Girl (eatertalninc ber mother's ' much as I please, mayn't It" caller) How Is your little girl? She (encoureslosly: -Tea, Indeed. Caller I aa sorry to say. my dear. M- th mo' ' your time. dear. that I haven't any little (IrL Small Girl (after a painful pause la conversation) How la your little boy? Caller My dear, I naven't any little boy. either. tknall Girl What axe youra? There's no telllns how Ions an encase ment wlU last nowadays, yon know." last So! tha furnUhiu". an" the Ucenae. an' the , Chnetma present from the anarela. parson's tees; aa' thea I iave to r-ve Rupert used four) Weil, taamma, U or an' er sleter a piece ot joolery wo lay alas away earefoliy and doa't each Aa. wot with one thing an' use hi a. we eaa sire him to eooM taoUiar ehe'a a 'eavy woman, aa yon body else next Cartatmaa. known, mum. ISO pound! an" I reck- a sie'U cost me best part of (SO - J(ot the Word. lor 1 Sit er omel Were yoa emberaased whea yaw pro of the 24.303 world's poetise stamp, poeed to me, Tom!" the British Empire has Issued over T.eoa, Awfwtbr; I owed e er $0, She Wanted Bonge. Wifey Why didn't you call at the chemlst'a ahop yesterday and (at the thlnce I asked you to? Hubby Well, my dear, I remembered thst 1 promised you never to do aay. thing to bring a blush to your cheek. Why the Sleeping Draught Failed. Tjugusted Patient: "Tour eleepts draua-ht wasn't a bit of good, The beastly thinga wouldn't touch If Amazed Doctor: "What thlnm?" Patlmu "The cats that keep mo aeake." For tho nret time la history portralta ot the Tears of Russia are to be placed en the .postage stamps of that country. 'HE ancient and revered cere- I mony of "riding the goaf as practised In our lodge and college fraternities as psrt of the initiation programme is a tame pro. ceedlng compared with certain rites celebrated by the Congo savages. Among the Bapendee people, who inhabit tbe southwestern portion of the Congo, the principal event In a man's life occurs when he becom.ts a man that Is, when he attains his majority. This event is slgnalixed by the most elaborate initiation ceremonies. Tho boys wear masks and their whole body is covered with a rough dress, made ot raphla fibre cloth. During the Initiation process, which lasts for several days, the boys must neither see nor be seen by women, and for that reason they retreat to the bush, it is common ly believed among them that a woman who sets eyes on the boys at this period immediately becomes HI and soon dies. This is no mere superstition, however, for the death of the 'unfortunate woman usually follows. The Initiator dresses one of his assistants in a costume of network fibre and covers bis head with a hideous mask, called "dele," mean ing ghost. This assistant's function la to mgnten tne ooys in every wsy th LLAOkR . tKUtoMV IS possible. He comes out at night. tub ioxvo. 119 y " A let i r -A. X WlUle Not and keep straight aa you do. popi She Speaking correctly, John, should I uy "I will have a new bonnet.' or t shall have a new bonnet?" Bo Speaking correctly aboolulely correctly my love, you should say, "I won't have a aew bonnet." "Tou know," ho waa saying, T souldB't oeo a woman stand up while I was an ting." 8a too itve her your seatl" 'No, 1 doeed my eyes and prateaded be asleep." 'My busbend, fifteen years ago,' saM e e e uttering the most weird noises, and T.. f m? time wo passed through a tunnel, pounces upon the boya in their But B0W. eh, gm a we,w sleep. Mis make-up Is enough to -Now," she said, -be takee a loas scare anyone, -rn in broad daylight pull st his travelling Oask." but at night. In tha bush, bis sud- den sppearsnce must be even more Salesman (recommending blue neek- effectlve tie with largo pink spots) But wouldn't A meeting is called to order by bu Uk Ta the eoundlng of the friction drum tocu.umr-loddl V, in the village. This Instrument clever of you. I'm sure, consists of a hollow piece of wood . Clara I must say I think your young man la very forward. It ho ware mlae rd alt on hUn. Gladys ut that's exaetlr what I de end he seems to enjoy 1L covered at one end with a piece ot parchment. Into wblcb la fixed a stick. This is made just moist and the drummer rubs bis hand op and down the stick in manner which produces s loud and unearthly noise. As soon as this hub-bub is heard tbe women and children are sup posed to hide. Some ot tbe chil dren, however, are invariably caugbt and slain In a most cruel manner. The next day charcoal is sent to the bereaved mother, who think sot thus learns of tbe fate of her child. He Tea. unices be happens to be These meetings are presided over an aviator up In the air. , ay a native known s the Makenge. He wears a htghly-colored mask, the ILfl'TLT Jf ' main part being in bright red while '' Z'uZ 'tZT, u. tbe larker lines and other marks are circuuuoa." worked out in blue and black. It is decorated vitb shells of various Hiss Singer Did my voice All the colors. A picture ot the Makenge drawing room? who presided at the recent initia- Mr. Stinger No: It filled tha coa tion ceremonies at Mlsuniba - is rvatory and garden every oao went shown on this page. out there. "So you are bill collector?" . "Tes. Hero Is one" "Keep It, my boy, keep tL Tm seem to have a nice collection there. Far so It from mo to break It op." e e She A person Is aa Idiot te bother a lot about bis descent Don't yoa