Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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Women Are
Doing in the World
.TXTKRET of club wonvn will
m centered the flnt part of
this wrvtc on the Nebraska
LsScSeI ('flrr lons. which opens In
MeMaw Omaha tad.v ami
through Monday and Tuesday, and on the
annual mertin of the second district of
tha Nebraska Frderatibn of Women's
Clubs. which will meet at the same time.
The club women of the district plan to
attend all the sessions of the conference
and will hold but two meeting In addition-
business meeting Monday morning
In ths public library and a luncheon Mon
day noon In the loyal hotel.
Following the inference mass meeting
In tha Boyd theater this afternoon, mem
bers, of the Woman's club of the Railway
Mail Serrtce will meet the, vlsltlrg out-i-f-iown
delegates ' at tha Rome hotel
and take tliem to their own homes for
entertainment during the meeting. There
will be presidents and delegates from
Mair. 'Benson. Dundee, Omaha. Papll
lion. South Omaha. Springfield, Valley and
Waterloo, representing eleven federated
women's clubs. Mrs. Vt G. Whltmore of
Valley, the district president, will be here,
as will also Mrs. T. J. Gist, president of
the slate federation. Mrs. Carrie Peter
son of Aurora, vice president, and Mrs.
trali K Meixal of Aurora, treasurer.
The committee of women of the Rail
way Mall Service club. In, charge of the
entertainment of the delegstrs. Is com
posed of Mrs.' John- Taylor, chairman;
Mrs. milium East and Mrs. Chester Br
ain. Mrs. F. H. Cole and Mrs. D. C.
Ixxlds are the luncheon committee.
The social science, current topics and
philosophy departments of the Woman's
club will omit their meetings this week in
order that the members may attend the
sessions of the Mate Conference of Chari
ties and Corrections convention.
The oratory department of the woman's
club wi:i meet Tuesday at 10 a. m In the
studio of Miss Fitch, leader, for a les
: son In theory.
The recently organised French clan of
the Woman club will meet Friday morn
ing at M o'clock. Miss May Mahoney Is
instructor of the class and Mrs. Benjamin
8. Baker, representative.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
rresbyterlan church will give a luncheon
i A at yie church Friday for the benefit of
vaun-n. a i p. u. . J unnicim s Ol-
vlston win be In charge.
Henry Co will talk on "The Orchestra
and Orchestral Instruments," before ths
music department of the Woman's club
Thursday afternoon at lit. Illustrations
on Instruments described will be given by
members at the Omaha Symphony Study
orchestra of which Mr. Cox Is director. A
program of miscellaneous musical num
bers arranged by Mrs. Cox will follow the
talk,' AH club members are Invited and
outsiders will be admitted on payment of
an entrance tea.
The open meeting of the year of ths
music department will be given Saturday
evening at lli. Tha Tuesday Morning
Musical club and the Society of Fine Arts
will 1e the. guests and each member of the
debartmrni la entitled to bring one guest.
The music will be furnished by tha Omaha
Symphony Study orchestra of forty mem
ber! and by Je Barton, basso soloist.
The-officers of tha music department of
which Mrs, Edith Wagoner Is leader will
be assisted by Mrs. M. D. Cameron, presi
dent, and other officers of tha olub and
by Mrs. Millard Langfeld, leader, and as
sistant leaders of the literature depart
Mrs. Anna Lasear-Allan will Interpret
Synge's 'The Shadow of the Glen,"
Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock at the
Metropolitan building.
"Mothers of the Bible" will be the sub
ject at the meeting of the P, E. O. sister.
hood Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs, V. C. Neweorab. Mrs. F. A. Cur-
ens and Mrs. II. B. Cameron are the
committee for the lesson. At the banquet
which the sisterhood and the B. 1. I's
the brother-ln-taws will have at the
Pa Hon the evening of February . Mr.
(Irorge B. Darr will be toastmaster and
Mrs; Darr, who Is president of the sis
terhood, will give an address.
"The Jacobean Drama" will be the
topic of study of the Mu Sigma club
Wednesday morning at the home of Mra
O. W. Noble. Mrs. Hslleck Rose, leader
of the day. will have a paper on "Ben
Jonson-Hls IJterary Rank"; Mrs. N. P.
Feilj will read "A Tribute to Shakes
peare"; Mrs. c. W. Russell will give a
talk on 'The Cheshire Cheese Coterie";
Mrs, P. M. Conklln will review one of the
playa of Beaumont and Fletcher; Mra
John McDonald will give a sketch of Mr
Walter Raleigh.
The topic of study at the meeting of
the Society of Fine Arts Thursday morn
ing in the public library will be "Fre
Kapheelltlsm." Mrs. Warren Blackwell,
president of the society, will be leader
and will talk on "Pre-Raphaelittsm, Its
Origin and Development." Miss Laura
Scott will have a paper on "Ford Madox
Brown, the Founder of Pre-Raphaelit-ism,"
and Mrs. Leonard Brerett of Coun
cil Bluffs will have a paper on "liolman
Hunt, the Staunch Pre-Raphaelite."
Nathaniel Hawthorne and his writings
v III be the subject of study of the Ben
son Woman's club Thursday afternoon at
the . residence of Mrs. C. II. P Prague.
Mrs; U W. Itaber will be leader of the
ksson. Mrs. L. n. Iloyt will read a paper
on "The Marble Faun" and the club will
license "The Mcariet Letter," "The House
of Seven Uablea" and 'The Blilhedale
Romance." Mrs. Ray Lawson will re
port current topics.
MlS. A. W. Rebner and Mrs. A. C. '
UriflVn will be hostesses at the meeting
of the Imogen club of Florence IThur
tiay afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Crawford and
Mra P. A. llnsktll will report current
events. Act IV of Shakespeare's "As
Toa Like It" will be studied.
Stories of heroism will be to d at the
I Dieting of the Story Tellers' league
Thursday afternoon In the public library.
Mrs. C. W. Axtell will be leader. Miss
Low's Stegnfr will tell the story of "SL
George and the Dragon; Miss Isabel
McMillan. "David Livingston;" Miss Fsy
Townee. The Golden Age;" Mrs. C. L,
Ransom, nHecelaneous stories.
Miss Margaret flam.llon mil t-ll of
"Nature Study la the Public Schools" at
: in
ffMV'ttlV a.i"V "-am.--"" sb
'5 1 G i
ARV GARl'EX is certainly s ,
very marvelous woman. Kroi'i
the moment she coms cpjn ,
iIm. ataire ithe l the absolute !
R?ivjj center of every one's attention. 1
VT r She Is the artist who has !
puiied the Cblcajw grand opera season !
through financially. Saturday afternoon i
when she sang "Thais" the nouee was i
packed clear bark to the walls. 'For no
othw performance did I see such a crowd. -ia Hindu diuirtx-r Hong .Harriet Ware
Keven for the first performance of -The' Iti"" Rt'Vr
wi-wci vi we aiaounna alary uaruen
has a distinct and radiating personality
(b (.'atatiiic (lj Rrine dc fat-a)
111 l)er Tod unit das MadVhen. .Schubert
Ibi lVr KrlkiH.ig Schubert
tc Ich Grolle Ntchl Schumann
(at Aria de la Cieca La UlaconAii
lb) Aridio (Dedicated to Mme.
Keache) Paielll
4 nan":
tat Nocturne Usst
tbi Tarentrila I,eschetisk
Mr. Adams Buell.
the meeting of the Mothers' Culture club
Wednesday at S:IS with Mrs. J. M. Tax
gert at the Loyal hotel. Mra G. IS.
Mickel will have a paper on "The Use
of Natural History and Geography In
Child Tralulng," and the club will dis
cuss "Nature's Provision of Taking Care
of Animals by Special Physical C'harac
teilstlcs." ' ,
Prof. Paul A. Grumann will give the
last of 'his series of lectures In German
mythology and Interpretations of drama
Monday at 4 p. m. at the Young Women's
Christian association. The subject will
be "Myth and Literature.''
Miss Carrie Boutelle was chosen presi
dent of the Wyche Story Tellers' league
and Miss Callsta Reynolds secretary and
treasurer at the meeting of the league
Thursday In the public library.
The American Women's league will hold
Its regular business meeting Tuesday at
2:3 at the Woman's exchange in the
Board of Trade buildlnr.
The West Side Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon at the residence of Mrs. L. F.
Mra. W. A. ChsJIla will give' a reading
Tuesday evening, February , at o'clock
at the First Methodist church under the
auspices of the Friendship Phllathea
(Continued from Page Two )
to his taking examinations for the naval
academy. Mrs. Morley returns to Eng
land, but will visit her mother here In
Among the out-of-town guests who have
arrived for the wedding of Miss Cecelia
McCaffrey and lr. John Murphy, which
takes place February 7, are Miss Bess
Kennedy of Amsterdam, N. Y. ; Dr. and
Mra. R, J. Forhan and Miss Forhan,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy.
Dr. and Mrs J. P. Kennedy and Miss
Margaret Kennedy of New York are ex
pected next week to be the guests of
Mr. and Mra. Owen McCaffrey.
Glee Club Concert
to Be. Social Event
The Crelghlon Glee club, which gives
Its local performance on Feburay 16, la
going Into the affair on an elaborate
It Is planned lo make this the big social
event of the year. Committees have been
selected from every class In the university
to serve as glee boosters. Mr. Fremantel,
Mlsa Munchhotf and Mrs. Crofoot, who
will take prominent parts In the concert.
are enthusiastically engaged in making
this a big social event. The concert will
be given at the Boyd theater this year.
Tickets will be placed on sale within a
short time.
Dave Bowman, foot ball Ikto. was more
worried Friday night than ever In jrtidiron
atrucKle. It was because the auto of his
stepfather, F. D. YVead, was stolen from
In front of Chaimbers academy, where he
left It while attending the hlsh school
dance In the iradtmy.
Uave paid t taxicab fare to get his
fir! and himself homo end spent a sleep
less night trying to locate the auto. The
police found It at 5 this morning just a
block and a half from the academy. It
evidently hsd nut been run far, as the
supply of gasoline apparently was not
The Theoaophkal society nil! met at
the Omaha School of MuR-. In the Weed
building. Eighteenth and Farnam streets,
Sunday evening at I o'clock. Mrs. Walter
I. Smith will deliver a lecture, her sub
ject being "The Evolution of Man.".
Mrs. Smith ts the wife of Federal Judge
Walter I. temith of Council Bluffs, an
able speaker and is entirely familiar with
he subject she presents. The meeting Is I
public -
Her tinging cornea less Into the uuestloa
of her crnius than any other asset. She
has a wonderTul. lithe, expressive body,
dominated by a persistent and virile mind.
For some reason she has chosen to
sing rather than to speak her dramatic
situation. Her development of the
story of the beautiful courtesan and
the high priest was a masterpiece of
acting rather than singing. Her sinxlng
In "Thais" Is. however, most enchant
ing, ghe has the mastery of soft, sweet
melting tones such as one seldom hears.
Her range of voice la like a painter's
palette with all the colors of the rainbow.
Some tones sharp and decisive, but many
Just blending away Into each other and
not to be measured by any normal rules
of the correct method of singing. She Is
the exception that proves the rule
great enough In a few directions to be
able to go her own wsy In all.
Four men seem to have borne much
ot the aucess of the Chit ago season upon
their shoulders; all French, I believe, too.
They are Charles Dm I mores, the tenor.
who this winter adopted several Wagner
Ian roles and sung them unusually well
the struts "Tristan thla week with
Fremstad lent from Nesf York); Mario
Sammarco, who la always fine In every
thing that be undertakes; ' Hector
Dufranne, with his rich resonant clean
bass-baritone, and his Intelligent acting,
making people almost forget to mlsa
Kenaud, and Basal with his lovely, ap
pealing tenor.
Haggle Teyte, among the new so
pranos, seems to have won a warm and
permanent place for herself. She Is tiny
in physique and very fragile looking.
with a sort of fragrant charm that la all
her own. Her voice Is very sweet and
very lovely and Just on the verge of be
ing dramatic She uses It most amas
Ingly well.
There Is no use talking. It is a blessed
relief to see a really young, really slen
der hero or heroine upon the operatic
stage. Vot so long we have had thrust
upon ua the golden-throated hippo
potami. The time la surely passing
when the eyes of the listener will be re
garded as entirely unnoticed.
aladame Oervllle-Reache Is young and
beautiful. She has won her particular
triumphs In Chicago In "Samson et
Oallla" Mlsa Sorenson announces that
thla fine artist will appear In song re
cital under her management on Wednes
day evening. January Jl. at the Metho
dist church. A large house should be
present, for Madame Reache has had
much success. Her program offers many
Interesting features.
A few timely words might be said about
noises at the Young Women's Christian
Association auditorium during concerta
It may be the new superintendent's lank
of knowing what thlnga are likely to oc
cur. It ahould be her business to see that
bells do not ring for classes during re
citals and that singing organisations do
not meet for rehearsal evenings when
the auditorium Is engaged for soloista I
really hate to mention the radiators, but
there Is a perfect devil up In tha gallery
that all but upset Professor Orumman
one Monday. It thumped and thumped
and nobody came to Ox It. Finally a more
than brave listener walked across and
screwed the only Available thing there
was to screw. It proved to be satisfactory
and stopped much of the pounding.
On I he mornlnK of February the
Tuesday Morning Musical club will pre
sent Mr. Henry, Karnes In a Richard
Strauss program. Mra. Iutse Jansen Wy
He will sing a group of Strauss songs ac
companied by Mr. Jean Duffield. The re
cital will be at the home ot Mlsa Jessie
Millard. Mr. Eames Is at Present on a
two weeks concert tour In Pennsylvania
and Ohio, giving etxht recitals.
The evening of February 7 at the Joung
Women's Christian association auditorium
Mrs. Louise Jansen-Wylt will give her
first song recital before an Omaha audi
ence. Mrs. Wylle has been giving suc
cessful programs for several years; her
criticisms have been flattering. Her many
friends In this city are anxious that she
should sing an entire program here. Mr.
Duffield will be the accompanist.
I regret not having beard Mra. Welp
ton's recital. When she sings a whole
evening It la an event. She never falls
to give much pleasure.
Maslral If e tea,
Mme. Gervllle-Reache, the contralto.
who Is to give a recital at the First
Methodist church Wednesday evening
under the direction of Miss Blanche
Horenson. hss recently sung "Carmen" a
number of times with the Chicago Orand
Opera company and haa achieved the
greatest success, as she la particularly
adapted to this role with her Hpanlsh
beauty and warm temperament. Her ap
pearance in thla opera on a recent Satur
day night drew the largest Saturday night
audience of the opera- season and her
work aroused the greatest enthuelasm.
to which the members of the company In
the audience, including Mary Oardesi, Mr.
and Mra. Campantnl and others, con
tributed. Her program for Omaha la:
W-ta J'al Perdu mo Fjiryd.ce ur
t-ial flaiair d amour lt Martini
tbi t'hanson Wave Chsmlnade
tct 1,' Anneau di argent. ...Chsmlnade
di Hat lull t'ooiiard
te) 1' una Prison Reynaldo Hslin
Mr. Adams Ruell. who a 111 be remem
bered here for his splendid work with
S-'uttl. will be the sccompaPlit for Mme.
On Tuesdav evening. Jamtarv at.
I'nllv church Miss Helen Sadilek. pianist.
agisted by Mlsa Alice Kennard, soprano.
will present a proa-ram tinoVr the ait
Jilces of Vnlty Fellowship. Mis. Georae
itclntyre will be tre accompanist. The
proa-ram ts:
Imprompto. op. U No. 3. (Andante
ad Varlatonen) Shubert
Etude, op. Iv. No. 3: Prelude, op. ,
No. S; Impromptu, op. X: Hallade.
op. 47: Berceuse, on. e7.and Scherso.
ol. 31; Chopin
Nina Pergoleel
N'tKhttnxale Song Nevln
berenaue 1
MIhm Alice Kennard.
Maiden's Wish Chnnin-Uszt
Lieuestraum So. X tlnomenreigen IJszt
Fledeimaun Walsr Mtrauas.Schiitt
Helen .Kadilck Is a daughter ot Charles
Ktaiiex ot Omaha. Khe was born In t hi'
caso and Is an American by birth, but
nonemian oy descent. ne was educated
in Omaha and la a graduate of the high
school. After tttiidylns: piano and voice
in Omaha eh went abroad for two years
ana spent tne winter seasons In Berlin,
studying under the world renowned
plsnist, composer snd conductor. Xsvier
scnarwenka. and attending concerts and
oiras. The first summer she spent three
weeas in Mwltzerlsnd wttn Professor
Scnarwenka and family and also spent
aome time in Inneabnirk, Munich, Nurem
berg and Iresden. I,aat summer, before
returning home, she visited her father's
native country. Bohemia, spending one
weea in t'rague.
An all-Kngltsh program of songs and a
recitation to music will be rendered by
David Hlsphatii. the great baritone, as
sisted by Harry M. Ollbert. pianist, at
the Lyrlo theater on Friday evening. Feb
ruary t Program:
Songs, Classical and Modern, by
Hear me. . Te Winds and Waves
(SclDlo) a. F. Handel
I Attempt from Loveslckness to r1y
II. Purcell
When Two That Love are Parted
A. tieochl
I'm a Roamer (Son and Stranger)
F. MehdeJasohn
Th Monotone (Rln Ton) F. Cornelius
When I Waa Pace (Falstaff). ...(. Verdi
Caecllle (Helnrlch Hartl.. Richard Htrauas
Edward Loewe
Nocturne, op. jr. No. ! V. Chopin
Rhapsodic. Ko. I. :B. Von Dohnanyl
Jlerrr M oilbert. ,
PART II. '' :
Recent Compositions by Amerlcsns.
The Bong of the Shirt t (Tom Hood)'
Kidney Homer
How Do I Love Thee (Mra Rrownlng)
, Harriet Ware
Calm Be Thy Sleep (Tom Moore)
:...Iouls Klbel
Pirate Song (R..L. Stevenson)
a. .Henry r. uiinert
Recitation to Music. .
King Robert of Sicily l fellow)
Kossellcr u. cole
, zi p?
Little Tot Rallies
from Severe Ordeal
Utile Msble ' Wlttkowtkl baa rallied
nicely from the severe operation which
ahe underwent Thursday at the Child
Saving Institute, when the congenital
misplacement ot the hip, with which she
waa afflicted, was reduced by the Lorena
method. The little tot suffers somo pain
and will for some time, yet. through the
oi.'eal the cheerfulness of her disposition
curls about -iter wide e)es and pretty
The members of the St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church held their annual
dinner In the church parlors Friday even
ing. The Farnam circle of the Ladles'
Aid society served the dinner, at which
lbo participated with the pastor, Rev. J.
A. Jenkins presiding. . In the program fol
lowing. Miss Josephine Urant, secretary
of the Story Tellers' league, told a Celtic
tale. "The Haughty P'rlnceas," and a
numerous story. "Master ot All Masters."
J. R. Hopkins ot'the church choir ssng
several solos and Mra Harvey Mllllken
of Chicago played piano numbers.
The. Smith Brick company Is besieged
with requests from Omahans to let them
know when the next Indian mound Is
uncovered at the brick plant at Twenty
fourth aid Wool worth. Every month or
two workmen find a "mound" of some
prehistoric race, uncovering human
bones, pleoea of pottery, Implements of
war, fishbone needles and fish hooka '
I Clearing Sale of Furniture
Savings on Dependable Furniture that will mean
I much to the economical buyer.
Continuous Post Bed
$7.50-.This is a larjcp
'I 'm. continuous post
biti, guaranteed in
every way. We have
' only ,"i0 of them for
sale. Has 5 heavy,
tube fillers; is worth
Same size bed on sale
s $5.75-Tiis bed has
has five siualler.solid fillers: is worth $9;50. .
Sale lasts oue dav. . . :
Some Odd Lots onJSale 50 odd Irou Beds, scratched
and damaged more or less; on sale for, each 85t
Wood frame, Woven Wire Springs for wood beds,75c
Steel Sanitary Couches $2.75
Combination Mattress, worth $o.OO; on sale . . .$3.75
(.'otton Top and Bottom Mattress $2.95
' We have only 10 in stock.
Kitchen Cabinets," full size, flour bin, drawers, 'bread
board, large cupboard tops, worth $12.00.... $5.00
Ariel Wood Beds, the latest style, worth up to $20.00;
on sale for . . . : $8.00
BalldlaaT r era. It a.
T. C. Effner, tlot North Ktrhteenth
street, frame dwelling. t2W; P. li. Hmlth.
Kl Vinton street, frame dwelling. aM); I.
J. Harris.' spa Florence boulevard, frame
dwelling, .'.
The Congress Hotel
and Annex
Formtrty Known $ Auditorium Annis
Located on Michigan Boule
vardChicago's most aris
tocratic thoroughfare Two .
minutes from the city's ac
tivities. ... Convenient to all
theatres & railroad stations.
fwy ,. . . . vrtcapv
jyJ ""jaias .te.amni.lllt lniai.asaaaati, Saasuaas gj
jjjxpstat.wrsAS m MaxUTaicaa p.wlC. aosaaajWaEmj
There's no reason why you should
not have a good Sewing Machine
in the house.
It's a hardship, aud an unnecessary one, on the
housewife not to have a machine and there's nothing
more discouraging to the average woman than to try
to do neat work with a poor machine.
Take Advantage $f the Grtat
January Clearance
. , Bargains This Week at
Our big stock must be
radically reduced and that
quickly, and in order to
accomplish this we're of
fering; you some splendid
special bargains.
Haling Tirmi'of Pay mint ml to
Suittht Convtnitnc of tht Purchaer ;
Bt) New Home Machines '.'.''. ' ; '
Vt Dnpleg Maclilnoa '
23 Goodrich Machines
III thla Sale, All New Machines, at : $15.00 11
1 Singer Machine, in good con- 1 Wbeeler ' and Wilson ma-
HHIon $8.00 chin, map ......$12.00 .
' 1 Drop Heat! Domewlic .Machine at $10.00
nraaqnarten tor rawing Diamine nuppnew. -Pmiglaa
2O0. Ind. A-1131.
IPtMiglaa 2000.
The Doctor's Answers On
Health and Beaut) Questions
y sb. Lswia BAnrn.
The questions answered below are general In char
acter; the symptoms or dieeaaea are given and tha an
swers. wall apply to any ease of almilar Datura
Those wishing further sdvtce, free, may address Tr.
Lewis Baker, College HI'ig . ('oilege-Gllwooa Bta. Day- .
ton. Ohio, enclosing aelf-addreaeed, stamped envelop
for reply. Kull name and addreae must be given, but
nly Initials or fictitious name will he used In my an
awerm The prescriptions can be filled at any well
stocked drug atora Any druggist can erdsr of whole
saler, v
nheus and Eurydlcer..
and Kur)'dlce)
John I Ken-tedy r;l?ns to erect a large1
residence In colonial style on h!s twelve-'
sere tract In I"alrar. es neit aprlng. A
garae will he built and. the grounds
beautified with trees, shrubs and flowers. I
Thla institution Is tha only one
In the central vest with separata
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely
distinct and rendering It possible
to classify eases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to lbs
treatment of noncontagious and
noo mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The o(her Rent
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
ot select mental cases, requiring
lor s time watchful cars snd spe
cial naming.
David Bispliam
WlMe.1 My
HARKV .M. (illjIlKKT, Pianict
Hear Him oa the) (itstphopiHrne. Irngrani in Koglisli.
"He has absolute mastery of the human voice."
February 2nd .... Lyric Theater
Kesprrrd Hrmt hale Opran at OWL lKI(i CO., Mon.Ujr Morning,
January 'JittU.
-DiitrW trllN
Kf hair to otir
an4 sjtr-Kgliaf I
yam covM 111 m
AAMhlBK ts) IMlU n
wit n4 ftuftr. It
cwi tT MMran."
A at cr: Mur ttew eu)4 ko aMm DmhM
fl If tktr'ttU Mtt. ftff tMJr. 1 can toil ym
vwt svint rB4r. that win mii
or tulr aert aa4 flufft. u will ears 4mminttt,
rht0 araia and jMtlaa ami UHlnc hair. Aak
rr 1rwsgrigt nr t tt Jtr ( aiaia "allow
ttifal 4 wm acaartlag ta alraHtoaa, aa4 ymm
HI ba ajrriaa4 l aoia tka 4l(frafK la rar
a a
rra4 W " vnua: - M(r with aslaHsX
Miawwtlan, aarTBsja 4Mlllf mnd aw alaa ikla
aiaxaat ta taa aaacar aotaL. Wkai ama ka aaaa
far Mr
Aaawatv Ta raa wy raacsllr triN tlraa
atlfkaitMa Ivr aatac tkraa-araia kvao-atKlaiva
lablau. TtMT ara pti up la aaaiael urtacsa
Willi fall 4lrw-t Hsatv. TVwa arw higbl rsjeaaa
wadlast ay iJiiritaBa, ar.4 If mmi mnor4nt ta
' airctaa you ill aaaa la rM W iMadacM, yawr
; Ia4igpsil9a will ha tona a4 yaa will fata fraai
; 16 M asMatls. TltssM uMMi rikaaM ha taiaa
rafjularlv tar aavaral awaitm. and yaa cava
' aaa4 a aaialag th-
I ' a
1 ' !" writ: 'I bava trtas) a tnanr ma-
adlaa far iautat that I aa alantK airalsl
1 tA try ? taf. hit If caa tali aw a aura
, eur t will try tt."
Asuawr: Oa aot ha 4tftantaS barama yw
baa nit aaaa !. ta ft4 irfaerhrar that waall
rj riiswsaailm far faa can a rsi if yog
will Uk. what 1 tall rv Gat frnaj tha drwa
srifr laeltaa ot prtasaiuia. ' 3 drama; Muns
aktMylaia, tmsi: visa f rolrhlcwm, an half
oj. : csmbiv tu4 saalmwart. I 0 : eB, afwnr
rtHM. t : ayrwa arapartll. ft a m.
aKl tal4 a immmmmfmi at meml (IsM a4 agaia
brtor lOtag i hatt.
a a a
Vn" wrlM "I haa aaffrr4 wt'b a ha)
! r-tHisrh fr. mh tlata 4n I am ale wtak aa4
tlraa aiMf r tn na, i laimt ta ua
ta h csssjsrkms- t'aa yaa giv bm a
Hotel Flanders
. 1X1-137 Weal 17tK Street,
x. v. cm :
lm Feet Kasi of UroaUwaj.
A TiHrfeni flrr proof htt?I lt lite
1-rart of the thwatr, club an4 hot,
diatrlct; cofivwnleot to all car llnsa.
A n exrw lonal orr h-i ra. Ri-wn
wtth private bath $ psr day.
Prwm Urmnd Vntraj Ktatlon. Broi
way cam without tranVr. From
Pannaj'vanta Htatlon. 7th Avnu
rani without transfer. Booklet va
H. B. SHARtS. Prop.
16th and Dodge
A convenient, om Tort able resting
place for tired shoppers, where a
dainty lunch snd not or cold drinks
can be procured. The "Harvard,"
24th and Karuam, is similarly equip
ped. The "Owl," lth and Harney,
serves hot and cold drinks.
Sherman McConnall Drug Co,
4.- akartt t
i u M rarv4
i 4aa ta tha
hr salac tha
wh!n. ho !
WIOwllM tM
amtsM-lai1 a4 raVa mcrmtit : 4lrar4tawa
aa the etta. thaa ttka a iMa-Maafal avarv
baar ar taa a-ni tha futH la rara4. Tkte
atakra a fa'l 4at af Ika varv bant ae -i Mfaat.
vsaa ayraa. It jmr tiMttiwt waaa aot kava
wn ssw-laVk'M la hiai arier tt tar joa af
U wkolnair firms
a a a
IsvWnr: ."What raa I taka fr a ha4 raaa of
Miixw-. I hM aarrrra4 wHb 11 far mrnnj
paara aw4 aathla I iLa tvsHaa at alt I mm
ataa bmt4 with fttaMiaattsMi.
Affattaor Tnsj aVr4 Mt Sej.4-t taat rta
an4 rpt raat ta. aa H laa4a ta awra aar
twaa IrwUt, arr fraauaatlf atajaalktwia .
la eaaaa4 hr thla asglaci. itagia at am an 4 I
Uk tabtata trtapapuaa. Tm ara aa-ka4 la '
aeala4 cartvaa with full tjlraaiaaa far Ufclag. t
"Iaara 8-" writ.: 'I ara aa tlrl an4 war-
toaa all tha UaM that I caa acarralr 4rag ana )
raot altar tha athar. It la wrr har far M as U.
I hara ta warm. Jfj aaoctila ta ataa vary, .
'Antwar: , hmt yoa ara ta a gt4 tanla
raatorallta traaaani. Taka tha toala araafrthM, 1, ,
halow ar4 yum will aaoa ht atraag a4 haaitkrl...
aa4 wtll aa hara that tlr4 faa4la. Yoar warkt""
will hraaia a alaaaara la ya- &rwB af hrwo- a.
hhoaakltaa gotap. 4 ata,. llantar cadnajaaa, I j n
aa., am, aa4 taka a twupaeoful kafora aart ,
BMal. Thla i koala ha eaatiawwl for attarak f
waaaa aalil you (rat arrlai-tly atiwag. I
Wftlaa: f
ut arfactlva laaiaiy for radwatac
7 knew af a rata, j-
aanalaaa h
waicht. alaa
Atkawar: Parthaaa thaaa taa Inrrrttoata t I 1
tha arac at ara aa4 taka a taaapaaaftil aftar
aai-h aaal for tkraa 4a). taaa aaakl tha aaaa.i
roatlBalaa far aararat waaaa ar aa tang aa aac-
aaaary: Aroaaitc a4Ulr, ft aaa. : lytri axbalaaa.
I aa, Mit br riuktM wall la a houta aa4 ai 1
wia akaka hafor aaina ft . la wU ta Bar?'
caaaa tkasa acparai! to avoui -aabatuattao,
"Aaaa W wrttaa: "i' haa Ukaa a.wJklaa ;
froaa Mtaral aartora far lltar and k4aa-
traabla aa4 oaaMlMtloa, a-rt tt aaaa aoC aam i
help aia at all. My ahla la aallaw. 1 hw ;
aaataot iMadacaaa. aa4 41uy apalra.
aaall I 4r ..
Anawar: Taa haat rrasarjy- that T kaaw far-
roar troakta ta thraa arala aaipaarw ukitM ' .
4aat tatakar Uh:aUl. Tkraa ara aa-kj la aaaU I
tabaa atth tall gtrartlano. Moat af tha ' I
rani41aa calr relt-a. hut tf vaa taka tha rl-
Hrm tabkH rtnlny tor a w a will !
ra rar4. TM will tnrUy tha aloa4 aa4j four ".
U a am haa that aallaw look.
a a
"ftaar MMW'--Ba4wtttBir eta aa aaallf
cora4 la rktUraa ar fl'taf tkara tha fatlawfaa;:
Ttartara rataam I 4raia: tivrrttrra rhaa arwaaU-.
S 4raaa, aad raaio. Owt4 halaiwart, 1 ' a. orw . t
fnai it It U araaa la waiar aa haa? hrfara '
esra aMai.
aaa' i
tswrtar: -f aaaa a arr aad caaa af atarj I
of taa haa4 aa4 a- MMaarh. haawia an4 ttoM
ara alaetaa. 1 auftar graatlr ao4 waa!4 Ukw -
a rafa." . - ,
A. Q trvattarnt ahaala aa mri a
folswwa: Oat S aaa. at aMlaefrtla Tllaaa aaw4or.. .
Vaa a half taaai afal la a at at af warai vatar;
ausilT tha watar fnaa taa nalai a taa aa4
throaaw ha aoatna two ar tktao 1in a 4ar.
lkaa maka a rdtarrti kalaj ar talxiaa; a larol taa- -
aaoafal af Vilaaa aavoar with oaa aaa-- of- "
Taaatiao or Iar4 a4 aeal? U tha aoamia aa
far aa aa prwubto. Aloa taka a taajaaanral foarC
tlaa 41.7 'f tfea fallawlAc: araa aanaaarti)
eaea 4 osa.: caao. flai4 haJaswart. I ctm. . fteasV-
cmt. haeha, 1 am, Mix aa4 akaka watL
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