Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 12

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ratof Seciety Leaders Occupy the
limdiflU All Week. -
children ( t rr. Dis
trict rrveeat "Ctaderells-
, far (k Benefit at Ik -
rial Settleeseat.
Serial Calendar.
MOXDAT-Mjss EUrabeth P.ekenl. a.'ter-
MOD bridge for ilise iwrotny kuku
or kumi nty: Jtise lvpih wrm
mArr. Oroheum Mrlv: .Mr. Junes
Hon. ainuer fnr Kn rlna Jane
and Via Clara Harden or uaaalnirtuo.
f. C: Mrs. Augustus t.ockr, tuueh
eoa at Delft Tr rooms and matinee
nartv at tha OrLheum: Air. H. Barnum.
nrpheum party; lam Moon, c!ub dance
in Tsrner nau.
Tl'E8DT-irs. John A. llcShane, In
formal tra fur Mr. E. U Lamas; Mrs
kdvard j-orier Peek, luncheon tor alias
Dorothr KiueeJl ami alls Elsie run
hoiurr: Mra. II. P. Whit mora. Amateur
Musical eiuh; Mr. ana airs. Allen Psr-
nirr. evening ariose PSrtv lor Mrs.
Krmp Miodlrkauft of Denver.
WEDNESIMY-Jllaa Rose C'offman. at
ternoon knar for Mies KdJth Pairlrk;
Miss snd Brownell Heal feaunv,
"at home": Mr. J. Merni. Mrs. C
cfllsn and Mrs. A. Brown, afternoon
at th Henahaw.
T Ml' rW DAY alias I.oey rpdlke, tuncheou
for Miss With retries; Miss Helen Mur
phy, luncheon at ths Omaha clue for
Miss Clara Harare; Mrs. I. J. O Brim,
anrrnooo arldfa for Mrs. Edward
O' Br lea.
J-'RWAY-aleetlsi ef Fort Crook Bride
dab; Terns! Israel sisterhood, after,
noon brtdc; Mra C. K. WslOhT. L'naa-
'mo club.
PATITIDAT Mr and Mra, Henry Nett
las from 4 t t for Miss Katherlnt Bry
a at ot 8L Paul: Mlas Kntaenne Bahall,
artenwoa bride for Miss Ceo!! Mo
Osffrey; Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dunn,
! Th visitors eostlnu to occupy th lime.
Mght sextaHr. Several gueats will arris
this steak, asm of tit visitors art leav-
Inc. who others will bs hart a weak ar
I a tonfer. Man Xatherlne Bryant. n of
this aeaaoo's debutantes of St. PwU, will
arrlv Friday, t be th nest of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kelt. Satorday MM, Nott U1
live tea from 4 ts t for ar rueet Mr.
and Mrs. Caspar B. Tost axaaot Kit
Harold Bay) and MM Rata Cartas of
Oak Park. 111.. I arrlTS Tuesday ts a
their (nest Mrs. ana Ml Sayles hav
visited Mr. and Mra Tost kefsrs and
, ban many friends her.
Miss Grace Richardson of Erie, Pa..
who ha been th popular (uast of Vfr.
and Mrs. Jerora Mace. srtU sear with
Mr. sad Mrs. Mace Monday for Florida,
one still spend lb remainder of th Wa
ter at 8t AueTustln. sjrtoll Mr. and Mrs.
Mac still I to Glena Cove Sprint.
Mlas Mariarst Hswttt of Ds Moines,
who has been much entertsined whll th
Idest of Miss Kathertne Beeeon. leavs
today to visit her sunt,, Mrs, "WUllant
Ouihrla . f ' ' , '
la honor of VIIM Dorothr Russell of
Kansas City, guest of Mrs. Harry Car,
mine. Mlas Elisabeth Ptoksns arill n
tsruin st brldfs Monday afternoo and
for MUs nussell and Ml EM Funk
houaer. Mrs. Edward PorUr Pk will
tiro a lunch Tuesday sfternooa. Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Oro of K Tork,
uests ef Mr. an Mra CMenn Wharton,
ar being murk entertained. Mr. and Mrs.
T. U liarls srO flv supper for them this
vmlng st th Country lb aad through
out th stsek many Intarmal affairs wtU
bs (Ives hi their honor. Mlas Clara Hay.
dea and Miss Kuna Jonas t Waahlnitos,
D. C. alll b her onlU tst, gusats of
'Mln .nell and M s Jor"b '"
Mr. Jams Hayden WUl nlrtia h in
Omaha Pianist to Play
I Ethel Mctiulr.
i L lite Kavan.
' k'srSref tvosrss,
1 lrma Stepank.
; ciicua eunk.
; Howard Jcurdan.
j Harold Botrge.
Harold M-uire.
Frank O'Bnea.
Hossr U BUM.
Toe Diets club gave a dancint party
Wednetda evening at their club house
on Carter lake. Those present were
Nettle Schoolrv.
Lillian Klnarrty,
Couodl Biutfa.
Katharine Muira'.
Marte Norgaant,
Mia Ward.
Ilia BcholimaiT.
Lucy Tltsworto,
Ethel Hlbbs.
C. .'. Currle.
Council Biuffs.
Ixiuls Hatner.
R J. Sorenen.
U. C. Slaughter,
U ConkilnK.
Kelso Morgan.
W. Y. helm. an.
Frank lJrumniy.
J. Holgord.
V. apeli man.
Alfred Blaufuss.
Lit. Hayes Gvanter, J. uunagan.
Mr. ami Mrs. John J. MrMahon.
air. and Mrs. Charles '.eui.
Mr. and M '. Rorsl Goff.
Mr. and Mrs. I . tl. llKunt,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. O'Neill,
Mr. and Mrs. (Y Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs. William llas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Haywood.
Mr. and Mrs. William Plainer,
Mr. auid Mrs. Oeorse Junnaou.
Emily Mulflnger.
lna Naogeie,
KUen Hort.
Adeline t)chaaeler.
Jiuepb MrGaire.
Major LearX
tornelius O Btlrn.
Luis entth.
Rose noueka.
lona ionahue.
Ha Bridget.
Mae Jacoosoa,
O. Jackson,
(iertrude Nelson,
ctaia Parker,
p ail Robertson.
Ciarenc Hale.
Kussell Evans,
t red Evans.
II. K Cronk.
Mllilam fcl.kis.
Percy Gwynne,
Claug Rife.
1H E. Johnson,
Hell Tate.
W. P. Bruetl.
K C Williamson.
Ed Lafferty
Mli.) HFXEN 8ArIU.
VUlo Will Olv a Recital St L'nlty Church n Tuesday Evening.
rodmothar. Th two proud sisters will
Rsth Wallao ssd Sarali. Bmealou.
Th moUwr will k Florenr Marsh and
th court hers Id Thomas Mortis.
of Mia Isabel Lowden's pupils
will srtvs. setrarsl dancing numbers and
Miss Wallao .will read Percy Mackays'g
'Joan d'Aro." ' . i
Th wemeo of. Hi .First Prasbyterlaa
church ' ar planning another of their
bfH luncheons at th church early In
April.' Th n Isst ntosth hat for th
ootal Settlement. The next on will be
for th Visiting Nurse association.
At th reading of "Th Piper," which
will be given by Mrs. Anna Lssear-Allan
for th Social Settlement st th Young
Womea's Chrlstlsg association Friday
afternoon under th auspices of th set
tlement board.
Th Brownsll Hall students will be
thr la a body snd among the S'ho
sill bav parties of ten or more an:
Maetlam Mesdames
F.ugsr omt, Harold tMffnrd.
a I U .b 1 1 J L.' .,1 .'
er for them Monday, rsbruory a. Mrs. Joslyn. A. C Smith,
Adoloh llors and Miss OphBa nay" . n. rngm.
" a
wlltgiv a rcptlon st th kosn sf Mis
tt..A far th visitors and Miss Hsln
Murphy M nisrtl at luncheon for
them at la Omaha dub oa Thursday.
Far Health aad etr.
And how th bull pup is having his
teeth brushed to preeerv ' " mnd
natural buuty ot iprsoston. Wba th
beloved canine cam forth clad In motor
coat snd togglta and boots ths old-tlm-rs
looked disapproval. Nw thst th
prtd of th household becotn th
subject of bcsSity cultur plain minded
persons wonder what nsrt cold creata
! and hair tonic mayba.
j An Omaha society maim noted for bar
i devotion to her thoroughbred Boston lr
,rlor was greatly wsrHd wlatn bor
'blooded pet drooped and boeam awtary
I ef Ufa. Th veterinary said that ths
! pup's teeth had bee aesieoted and that
i his Indisposition cam from that causa
So now th most Important activity of
iths dsy for doggls snd his mistress ts
; th tooth-brushing. Bridge, luncheon,
) teas snd motoring have sunk tat Insig
nificance la th Hunt of th buU sups
I health and beauty. Armed with tooth
', brush and paste, and with a maid hold'
I mg th unwilling oaalao stoady, lb
' young matron twlc dally goo through
; th tooth-bnuhlng process,
i ,i , i
, ! Benefit Affairs.
J On of th most interesting of th ben
' eflt affairs to be given befor Lant will
be th Play of 'Xanderslla." which will
! bs performed by some small boys and
girls residing )n th TVest Fsrnam dis
trict. Th slay will bs put oa st Brownetl
1111 February 17 nndw th direction of
Miss Mary Wallace. Th prooaads. r
put of them, probably U1 go to th
Social Betthtmrht on South Thirteenth
Little Miss Best Trimble, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs, C O, Trims! will bo CIS
derails. Hulburt Mactarlsnd will be th
prince. Polly Bobbins wUI be th fslry
Mllten Barlow
w ii binsham.
H. Hugo BrafldeW,
Victor Caldwsll,
T. U Rinrwsit,
W. C, Shannon,
J. A. Tancock,
Jeasi Millard,
Janet WJlc.
sMphemla Johnson.
Clement Chat.
F, t;rotci,
tl. tmmont.
Campbell ralr.
Harold Ollfora,
Paul Hoasland.
K. '. Nash.
Oeorg A. Jolly t.
Ten Dollars in Gold
lAJtixr oaxT.
Almost all woman bav practical
Ideas concerning tint bom I will
gtvs th aoovo amount to th won an
who will send m th boat original
floor plana, with suggestions for
color rheme. finish, etc., for a ( or
t -room .-tottag or bung-alow, t be
erected on lot tl by lt feet. Just
east ef 1i 24 Poppltton Avenue. Ue
out aad look at th lot; not sis and
contour of surrotmdlng houses AH
plan muwt. Include a roomy sleeping
porch on th south. Ceanmualcatlona
will be re!vd only by mail. Posi
tively m relephoning. owing to Uio
time Involved. Additional In forma
tloo. If Ca1rd. can b obuiood by
Including stamp for reply. No
plana accepted after February It.
Judges jre Mra H. W. Connell, Mrs.
McMillan Jones. J. a I Vises. Cut
at this notice, a wlU sot appear
Andreas SB. FTCSBS.
ti 01 ty Mstiomsl Bank.
Tn patronesse for th sifalr are;
K A. Benson.
Warren Hie. Swell.
II. V. Hurky, .
M. D. Cameron, ,
Miar Hcott,
A. C. nmith.
C. M, Wllhelm.
A Iks Buchanan,
Anna Peterson,
Joy Hlgglns.
Ixiwrls Clulds. -tieorgs
B. b&rt.
Leonard Ersit
of Council Bluffs,
A. N. Ferguson,
H. V. Oraff,
M. R. Murphy.
U. w, Hoidrege.
Howard Kennedy, ftamuel Rata,
Thomas KHpatrick, Myren learned.
s Mtatey. Herman Hounta
Morsman, jr., W. B. Millard.
Thomas Mtakey,
B. M
Phllls "otter.
Harry Merpont,
W. A. kmirk.
Charles Offutt.
A. C. A. Loach.
Th Asseclaxlon of Collegia. Alumna
held a luncheon Saturday at th Hamilton
eats st Which Mrs. Gertrude How
BrtlUn of Chicago, on ot th princi
pal speakers at to stats conference -of
Charttle ssd Corrections was th out-of-
town guest and gavo a talk on her so-
eMogtcal work. Th members present at
ths luncheon were; , ,
Abba Bowea,
Helen Davis.
B Dumont.
Vara Fink.
Mm Anderses,
Edna Cole.
Bote Oellecker,
Annie Fry.
Eunice tHebhins.
Janet Waliac.
Margaret oulnri.
Brneet Johnson..
William rutmaey.
Elisabeth Kelwitt,
Anna Peterson,
in Eackett,
Ida V. Jonta, ,
lunulas Btegner,
Mary Herbert, .
Mary Wallace.
Mary Mcintosh.
Ella Phelps,
ttarah Kan born,
. Uereldlne U'Urady,
Mesdames '
Fred lAomis.
H. B. Newbrsnch.
Pleasiires Past
Dundee Thursday evening, when twenty
couples were present. Th next dsnc
of th winter aerie given by this club
will b February 15.
firs. W. II. Karls cnlrrUlned Friday
In honor of het guest, Mra nicker, who
will leave th city aoon. Mrs. W. Morttt
gavo severs! musical selections. Those
present were Mosdsme Rlcker, Wlnqulst,
Brown, Johnson. Heft, Mortis, Adams,
pain. Wears, Hchalckenbtrrer.
Several dinner parties were given st
Fort Crook Friday evening preceding
the hop. Th gueats from omsha war:
Misses MImcs
Margaret Adams, Elisabeth Swett,
Dorothy Rlmrwalt, Kathryne Mc
Mary Rlngwalt, Clanahan,
Messrs. Meaers
(Vsorge J. Duncan, Bar.aistrr.
Taylor Belcher.
Mrs. Ben W. Cotton entertsined In
formally at luncheon Saturday at her
homo In honor of Mra W. K. drov ot
New Tork. guest of Mia Glenn C. W bar-
Mo. Covers were placed for:
tMttt flrar Richardson of Erie, Pa.
Merdaines alesdames
V: K. Orove. Thomas L. Davie,
Olenn C. Wharton, W.' t. lioafunL '
Jerome Mage. - K W. Cotton.
Th members of Kappa Kappa Oamma
sorority who had luncheon st th Hamil
ton cafe Saturday were:
Misses Misses
Ol Belle Harvey, Nan Cunningham.
Elisabeth fanny, Edith l-orke.
dhertd. Ann liennla.
Mesdames Meedames
W. M. Howard, 'William Klser,
gush Myers, , Uesnor Haumolater,
. Tj. Havle, V, H. Meyer.
Arthur Walsh,
Mra 11. N. Wood and Mra Hai-vry
Mllllksn of Chicago entertained at a
musical st th horns ot Mrs. Wood Sat
urday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Wli
I lam Rlghtcr Wood. Mrs. William Robert
Wood and Mrs. Ronsld Patterson, all of
ahem were In Mra Mllllken's wedding
party. Th program was given by Mra
Mllllken and Miss Adelys Wood st th
plane and Mra Charles Wright, soprano.
About thlny-ftv gueets were present
Mlas Ophelia Hayden and Mra Adolph
Slots entertained Informally st luncheon
Saturday In honor of Miss Louis Btort
snd Mia Olga flora, who lesv Wednes
day for a trip around th world. Covers
wer placed for:
Marie Woodard.
Claire Helen Wood
ward. Ixiulss (Mora, '
oigs etun.
CIsr.:h8 Soreasca
. Teachtr of Singing
304 Boyd Theater -
Maw FwwUa Bsstsd ST ea days or by
Mrs. Thomas D. Ileelsn entertained st
cards Thursday sfternooa. Twelve guests
wsr present.
Mist Elisabeth Pickens was hostess at
an Informal luncheon Saturday at her
bom, la koaor ot Miss Edith Patrick
Covers war pieced for tea guests.
Mra Jo M. Steinberg snd Mr. A. Sil
verman gave a Japanese party Thursday
evening for Mts Elisabeth Croasmaa of
Denver. Twelve guests Were present.
Friday evening Mis Marguerite Mc
Donald entertained a erowd of twenty-
five bo)-, assisted by Mis Frieda Ranch.
Music snd games war th evenlcg'g dl
vers! oca
A surprise party wss given last evening
for Mr. snd Mrs, Hugh McMaoua. 41
North ForUeth si.eet. in celebration of
their twenty-ninth wedding anniversary.
About twenty gueets wer present.
Mr. ssd Mrs. F. W. Ohg entertained
th Eighth B graduating class ot Long
school snd tbelr t sex her st their hem
Thursday evening. In honor of their son.
Morris, who ts a .srniber st ths ctss. .
One of th larger daodsg perls hut
week was thsmor hop gtvtn by th
das ef tru of Crelghtoa College of Phar
macy at Cretghten Institute ball. Etght
eanth sad Doug'.as street i, Frloay va
ln. v
Miss Grace lilebsrdaoa Sf Erie, Pa., ths
popular guest of Mra Jarome Mageo.
was the honor guest st a bridge party
sir by Mra Harry Tuky at her bom
sMnrday afternoon. Flv tables of slay,
ere war present.
Th Dundee Dancing club gass an a
JoysMS dancing party st Harts ball ia
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ottenhtlmer of
Hartington. Neb., announc th engage
ment of their daughter, Helen, to Mr.
Harry U Morris of Chicago.
sir. and Mra. John E. Brady of Omaha
announce the engagement ot their daugh
ter, Gertrude to Mr. Morrnn Coleman of
Msrthtlltewn. ' The wedding will teke
place In Juno.
January 28. IMS-Dr. John -C. Anderson
of Omsha snd Miss Annie E. Requa, i
daughter of Isaac E. Sheldon, the well i
known New Tork publisher, were married
tn St. Bartholomew's church by Dr.
Greer. The wedding was absolutely
private. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson apent
most ot their honeymoon in Bermuda.
January st, MOT Mr. Charles B. Lehmer
end Mist Grace Allison were married st
the home ot the bride's parents. Mr. snd
Mrs. Irving Allison, In Florence. Rev.
Dr. Isvttt officiated. Miss Mabel Allison
acted as maid ot honor and Mis Shirley
as bridesmaid. Mr. Philip Lehmer wss
the best men.
belong to the Junior class The party,
thirty-eight la all. occupied the lower
Done, chaperoned by Mrs. John W.
Towle. Mist EuphemlB Johnson, principal
of the ball, and tws of th faculty. Miss
Grummaon aad Mitt Cleeson. After the
matinee the party adjourned to the Delft
Tea room tor refreshments.
The Old Reliable Coal
We have at al! of our yards a good
supply of freshly mined high grade
Economy Certified Coal
Tie price is seven dollars a ton and we can furnish
either nut or lump sizel .
Economy is a particularly strong, durable coal,
makes no clinker, holds fire a long time, delivers a
steady heat of great intensity.
'' For twenty years we have sold Economy coal to
tlje people- of Omaha. It is a good coal.
Sunderland Bros. Co.
Main Qffics
1614 Harney St.
SO Fins Teams
50 Tell-o Wagons
Personal Gossip
Card are out announcing th wedding
ot Mis Bessi Cogswell and Mr. Karls A.
Davenport. Th weddtng took place at th
residence of the bride's parents In New
Tork City. January 3. Mr. Davenport,
who Is the son of Mr. and Mrs, A. O.
Davenport of this city. It the manager of
a plantation at Belletlew. Fla, wher
lb young peopl will reside.
Mra Mathewson T. Pstrick he Issued
csrdt for the marriage reception of her
daughter, Krilth Mathewson. and Mr.
Mylet stamlistt on the evening of Wednes
day, February 14. The wedding Is ts bo
a smsll home one. only relatives and a
few Intimate filerds being baked, but
will bs follosTd by a large reception from
l.9t until !: st the resMenu of Mr.
Patrick. 1M North Thirty-eighth avenue.
For f he Future
The TJtn Moore cl Jb will give Ht nest
dancing party Monday svenlng.
Mrs D. J. O'Brien will entertain st
bridge Thursday afternoon at her apart
ments at the Hamilton., In honor of air.
Edward O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kinney will enter-
lain at dinner this evening st the Roma
Their guest win bs Mr. and Mra C. B.
Kllgors snd Mr. A. J. Kllgor ef Chicago
snd Miss Nettle Dchooley. Following din
ner they will attend the Orpheum.
Mill Lucy t'pdlk will entertain st
luncheon Thursday In honor of Mist Edith
Patrick, who will be a February bride.
Miss Hllds Hammer will entertain at
dinner February as In honor ol Miss
Kultli Patrick snd Mr. Myles Blandish.
Mrs, Adolph Jiteri and Mis OphsMa
Hayden have cards out for a large after
noon tes, to be given Thursday. February
a. at ths horns of Mis Hayden. for Mist
Clsrs Hayden and Mist Edna Jones' of
Washington, l. C.
Th Olympian club will hold Its first
dancing party at th Mstropolltsn hall.
Tuesday even, February t, One hundred
couples are expected to be present. Th
club directors are. Frank Walker, Loo
Hevertdge, Oeorge Kilty and Joha Mc
Caffrey. Bed snd white, the elub's colors.
will predominate ta the decoration of tne
Clara llaydei of
Edna Junee of
V aahltigi3n
Rather Byrne.
UDheila Harden.
Meaaamee aiesaames
John Msdden. Joseph bvmo,
K. A. lllgglns, AJolph btors-
Mr. snd Mrs. Carl F. Benjamin. C(
North Twenty-seventh street, entertained
Informally Friday venlng. Refreshments
were served and ths evening spent. In
dancing. Mrs. Fred Disen ot Blair enter
tained the guests with several piano selec
tions. Those present:
Mioses- Mlssee
Fern Oreensrat. Myrtle Mitchell.
Verde Pilling. Mesne West.
Nell McCUnon, .
Messrs. siessrs.
Da UreenalSt. ' '. F. UurnalL
Fred Dixon. :
Mr. snd Mra George A. Kaus, ,
- Mr. snd Mra U B. Wolfe.
Mr. snd Mra Carl F. Benjamin.
Mr. snd Mra R. W. Meore entertained
at cards Isst evening tor Mra M. A.
Wallao ot Peoria. 111. The guests In
cluded: , ,
Mra M. A. Wsllsce.
Mr. snd Mr. F. w. Csrmlchael,
Mr and Mrs. O. VY. W'lckersham,
Mr. and Mra K. V. Cola
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. White,
Mr. and Mrs W. J. Cuiley.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thoroe,
Mr. and Mrs. O. 1- llarfe.
air. and Mra O. W. Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pegau,
Dr. R. 8 Whttenmb,
Mr. P John-ton,
. Mr. V. T. Howe.
Mr. M. W. Moore.'
Mr. C. J. Moore.
Miss Helen Ingwersen entertained see-1
oral of her high school friend st a deno
ted party st ths Normeadle a part menu
last evening when ten couple were pres
ent. Mis Juns Oshas chaperoned the
gueets. Those present were:
Mlssee ' Mlseee- 1 '
Naomi Towle. - ' Ruth Henrtchs.
Katberlse Crocker, Helen Pearer.
Dorothy Gale. Marios Towle,
Helen Ingwerses, June Uahaow
Ruth Flitter Id. . Messrs.
Messrs Hermaa Jobst.
Herbert Davis. Horace Blake.
For Porter. Gilbert Kennedy,
Frederick Buchola,- Ellsworth Moaer,
Robert Kdward.. Phillip Ollmore
Ralph Campbell,
A ssrsrlss party wss gives by Miss
Dolly Marrietta la honor of Mlaa Lena
Xaegels Frtdsy sfternooa. Those preeent
At the Country Club
An Informal dancing party was given
last evening at th Country club by soma
of th man of the younger set for th
debutantai sod visiting young women.
About twenty young people were present
Csrdt were issued Saturday y ins en
tertainment committee ot the Country
club for a fancy dress ball to be given at
th club St. Valentine's day. Hearts and
flowers and other valenlln symbol win
be eoasplcueu In th costumes ssd dec
orations. Quests are tspeeted to arrlvs
early is the evening and supper will be
served st 11 o'clock. It at expected that
this will bs th largest affair at the club
this winter. . A
Theater Parties
The Junior snd senior classes of Brows
ell Hall wer the guests st a matinee
party Saturday afternoon at th Brea
deis gives by Mis Marioa Towle, who
A daughter was born to Mr. snd Mra I
Harry Steel Friday.
Mrs. E. R. Lynn left Friday evening for I
a two weeks visit la Chicago. I
Mr. and Mra Arthur Gross ar spending:
a fortnight In Chicago visiting relatives. I
Mrs. Colt Fernawarth left Friday to;
spend two months at, Kama Barbara. Cat
Miss Balcomb is 'spending two weeks
In Atlantic City at th Olaslyn-Chatham.
Mrs W. O. McKnlght and Mlaa Irene
McKnlght ars spending a fortnight In
Kansas City.
Mra J, F. OJ-eary and daughter,
Marlon, leave today tor Kansas City to
visit relet! vee.
Mlss Rot Brrgmsa of Lincoln Will ar
rive Monday to be th guest ot Mis
Elisabeth Richards.
Mr. and Mra R. W. Moore hsv st
their guest, Mrs. Moore's titter. Mrs. M.
A. Wallao ot Peoria, III.
Mr. snd Mra Our L. Smith will cele
brate their first wedding anniversary by
spending a week la Chicago.
Mr. and Mra. K. O. Hamilton left Sat
urday for California and will ssll Febru
ary M for a trip to Honolulu.
Mr. and Mi. Frank L. Ilallcr left
yesterday for Cuba, where they expect to
remain alt week or two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Myers of Dubuque
srrlred Saturday morning to visit Mrs
Myers' mother. Mra E. W. Nash.
Miss Stella Vend rford, who hat been
very 111 st Ht. Joseph's hoapltsl for sev
eral weeks. Is improving snd) has returned
to her home.
Mr. snd Mrs Victor Caldwell will leave
Februsry It for s month In California
part ot the time to bi spent at Hollywood ;
a guutt of Mr. snd Mrs. Wattles. j
Mlat Carolyn Birkalow expects to goj
to New Tork In .JVwuary to visit rela-
lives, with whom the will take a t,p to i
the Bermudas before returning home.
Mr. snd Mra Ben Cotton and children I
and Mra 'Isrman Kountxe expect to;
leave a week from ioday for Virginia. I
near Old Comfort, to tpend several weeks.
Mm. Oervllle Resche. who give a con
cert Wednesday evening, will remain tn
Omaha ovir Thursday, when some social
stfatr will pre batty be given In her honor.
Mr. Ads L. Hertacbc ot Portland, Ore.,
who has been visiting her sister, Mra J.
M. Metcatf. for sever! wceka expects
to return to her home In Portland th
latter part of th wek.
Mist Charlotte Adams ot Jamestown.
N. T., who has been vitlllng her sunt,
Mra Charles C. Hosowater, will go next
week to Fort Crook to visit her cousin,
Mra William Nesbltt, and Csptsln Nes-
Mra J. M. Oerhsrd snd sea, Clement,
who have been spending four weeka with
Mra Gerhard's mother, Mra F. Stapsn-
nortt. snd sitter. Mrs J. J. Dlnneen, sett
Frtdsy to Join Mr. Oerhtrd ta Misrldaa.
Wya, where they will make their future
Mrs, Harvey Mllllken of Chicago, wno
Is the guett of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. N. Wood, will leavo Monday to epenu
. .... UIIUI...
a few dsye tn rremont. sir, a.......
will tpend ths latter part ot toe wee
her before returning to her homo is
Chicago. '
Mra E. W. Hoah. wits ot es-uovernor
Hoctt ot Kansas, who bas been visiting
Mra Albert N. Eaton, wss joined hers
Friday by Mr. iloch and they left for
Washington, D. C. Mrg. Hoch will stop
tn Omsha as the guett of Mrs. Eaton on
their return.
Mr. snd Mr. O. Lund berg of Chicago
are the guests of their niece, Mra Fred
Hill, snd srs en rout Us Denver, where
they will reside. Mra Lund berg wss for
merly Miss Florence Hsrdy of this city
snd hss received considersbls praise for
her musical compositions.
Mra Arnold Morley, nee Opal Touazlln.
formerly ot Omaha, srrtved from England
this week to put her eon. Edward K nar
row, st school !n Annapolis, preparatory
Monday's Bargains
....IN OUR....
Grand Glean-Up Shoe Sale
Will Bo Fully Equal to the Splendid
Bargains of Saturday.
Howard & Foster's $5 win
ter tans, button (?0 OP
and blucher, for. . V s09
Johnson & Murphy's $6.00
Gun Metal, lace tfl IP
and button, now. . V
S. & M.'s $3.00 Gun Metal
double sole, button 0 "JP
and bjueher, now .?) I
E. T. Wright's $4.00 Gun
Metal, button and t QP
blucher, now. . . . .V0tJ
McDonald & Kiley's Patent
button and lace, tfrt JP
$5.00 values, now . V 6 I
Holland's $4.00 winter tans,
button and blueh- tft OP
ers, double soles. . VU0v
Six lines Fry's $5 Patent
and Gun Metal, A OP
, button and lace... .VasoOil
Boyden's $6.00 Patent Colt
and Gun Metal, $0 71
button and lace. . .Ttlt 1 tJ
All the broken lines of $4.00
and $3.50 Patent and Gun
Metal Shoe9 go J
Laird & Schober's $6 Gun
Metal, button and fl f Mj
lace, now v1it
Wright & Peter's $o hand
sewed patent and nr
gun metal, button.V w 9
Eight lines of Fry's $4.00
and $3.50 Patent and Kid,
button and lace, tf ir
now Vassifl
IL II. Gray's $5 black Suede
button, plain toe, 7
now ....VI0
Ziegler I?ros.'s $5.00 Patent'
and Dull, eight- . tfQ
inch tops, now. . . V 9
Young women's $4 tun high
cut Skating and in OP
Outing boots, now VassOw
Ziegler Bros.' $4 Patent and
Gun Metal, button OP
and lace, now, . . .VassOil
All broken lines ef $3 and
$2.50 Patent, Dull AP
and Kid shoes. .
279 pairs small sizes $4 and
$3.50 quality, (1 ft A
your choice
See Display of Bargains in Windows. ;
Northeast Corner 16th and Douglas Streets
tConUaued on Wge three-)
Viola Vaste. A sues Petersen.
K st herine Swickard. Hnieo m nser.
Iwily aiarlelta, Jebaaaa aisstraad.
The Famous
3d Floor
New Oc aad
10c More.
Spring Coats, Suits Desses
Including Whit Serges.
$10 and $15
We do this to Gtart the season
with a rush. We are on the 2d floor
where the rent is low and enables
us to offer values no other store
ran. Our goods are shown ia real
daylight and in the finest equipped
storeroom in the city. Monday all
balance of our Winter Coats and
Suits left
$2.95, $5 and $10
First Showing- at Fine Baring Tailored
Street Hats from. .. .$2.50 to $7.50
You will be amated at tielr boanty and
elegance and will compare favorably with
any $1M sad $15.09 Hats.
Hovsep Nahigian's
colltction of
Oriental Rugs
are on display and sale at
rooms 204-210 City National
Bank Building, Sixteenth
and Harney.
The balance of the stock
has arrived and now the col
lection is complete.
These rugs are of the
highest quality in Persian art
and are sold at the lowest
possible prices.
The special valueB offered
during the remaining few
days of the sale should in
sure many quick sales.
Prospective purchasers and ad
mirers of this textile art are invited
to inspect.
Art Dealer,
Reprtnting Nahigian Bro., Chicago