THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 27. 1912. 318-320 .as S o uth 16 th. St. Goats J A A V s-A VVWs WAA W V A Our Hie!h Class Opens Saturday Morning at 8 o'clock Don't be confused by department store sales be here at this exclusive store. A bona fide clearance sale of Orkin J .Bros, high class garments and not goods bought for sales. This will be the 'P 1 f -.1 - . rr 1 t 1 11 f 1 i't 1 " r greatest sale 01 tne season as it oners a wonaenui couecuonoi Deauuiui ana pi actual v,uaior ai memo iui vwi jf ucvasiuiii ui viviuu,guvwkui uiuiunn. The materials are Imported Bread cloths,. Imported Mixtures, French Serge, Fancy Polo Cloths, White Pole Cloths, Sealettes, Plushes, Etc. OVER 1,000 GOATS to choose from sold at $35, $39.50, $45 and $50, . On sale Saturday, at ........ ; r3.jffaf-ffisfi 2 3 "" "" l 3 FJor the WUMLiN MIDWAY JURKMNOT AGREE Cratchfield 6 1 Broomfield Again Tried or Violating liquor Law. THUS m013 DO KOI APFIAR V. rui th Bx Jas Orsere th lilt la Secure Throe Mea Umm Imh lynllim , la Cart Noam. ' After belag out for over two hour. th Jury In th. cas of Jack Hro.mri.ld ana fWIMem Crutchfle'd. charged with selling liquor at th Midway after th. prescribed hour, reportnl at l:l,rtruay att.rnoon pat U oouid not air. Tli la la th aecood jury tht lia. heard he Midway case and failed I. agree, k ess ni probably Row ba dropped. VkiD th. Jury aa called by Judg Toaur It waa round that ttiree man wr kating. Tb.y . r Thomas Redmond, J. B. Robertson and T. C. ttlmpaoa. Court jofflrsr Glorer ss la.truetad ta lct ikre .tb.r Juror, from anwn th snec kstors la th. court room. II. chess C. U, jFwttw. U. Kohn and C. K Uv.r. Th. faithful thraa Juror, ar i. B. Reynold.. yr. U Chsmbere and' John McDonald. , Th. atata put three witnesses on th. Hand while th defene did not Introduce any teatrmosy. Walter Hangar waa th tint artine and ba toid ( sunrhtalng two drink, ot whisky at th. Midway, January a. i Chief Deputy W. A. Footer corroborated th atory told ky Hanaar. H. aald ha goun a tub full ot bjet aa th anond f!or and alao r.ral bottle, of whisky land tin at the bar. Ha took eom bear, whktky and (In a. Sheriff Me Chan aald h did not e Jack Broom- field oa to aacuad floor, but that he u ta chart ot the tint floor where the aarabllns wa ta progress. He .Imply eor roboratcd tb. testimony of th. other Boy Scout Founder is Coming to Omaha Lieutenant General air Robert Bi den Powell, found of tba Boy Scout will Mop In Omaha ok kla American lour, and rraniianta ar already under way (to entertain him her. Baden-IT.I ar rlve In A merle, from England n Jan uary , and he will a In Omaha on Wednesday, February at. On that day h will take lunch with the Commercial club. tn the aftwnooa hd will apeak to scouts and their parent, and In - the evenlnc a publle addre will ba glvea. He can under th auaptea of th local ecout council and I'emn-ercurl club. From Our Near Neighbors Don't worry about Mixes; we. will guarantee that any size from 30 to 52 waist is somewhere among th unaerpriced lot of trousers offered in tomorrow's final clearance. CLOTHING COMPANY C0R.a & DOUGLAS. Pants Sale Again Saturday The final endsthe short tots the total remain- v ing quantities left here from last Saturday's un . . paralleled selling have been held over for a Final Sensational Special If you're posted on clothing events you'll remember our sensational sell in; last Saturday, where we sold a large part of the 3,000 pairs of trousers pur. - . chased by us at 33o on the dollar from a New York maker whose name has been identified with "America's Finest Trousers" for years. Saturday we re. peat the inducements; price for price; value for value; all sizes; all styles; ail ' materials; priced as per following: Bays Pants worth up to $1.50 a pair 111 Bays Pants worth up to $3.50 a pair Buys Pants worth up to $2.50 a pair Bays Pants worth up to $4.00 a pair , Bays Pants worth up to $3.00 a pair Buys Pants worth up ta$5.0Q a pair . In BU addre. to th Jury. A. 8. Ritchie. avetlnf aa th attaraejr for th defrnat, aald the Mat had failed ta anna that Icruteb field and Brcomfleid were runntat ta place that He aald that the 'keanae treated th two men on trial. joaeand only a pace ef Wa feet oa tbe flret floor, and that the katror wa. told Ua the Mtd fioer, whkh wa. not cor red by tba Uceate. . Corn Receipts Ample to Meet Contracts Omaha fain man atat. that oarn re ceipt! hav. been heavy enough thle week to fill their January contract, and that their only troukl sow ta to tat ear for train awaltlnt ahlpmeat from . the oountry. Recipta wer light durln th. oold weather, and ' for a tlm it waa feared that the Omaha Internet, would be aertouely embarraeaad by Inability t. make January dellverlef. Irrlaa-taa. Oeort. Freeman ipent Sunday after aooa at Omaba. Mm, J. M. Andereon haa Juat returned kama after a abort vlntt. Mla riorenre Richard, wag th tueat ot Mia Mantle Wood duoaajr. Ml. Mlntrva' Krat ka returned to acbool again, after a bait year . abnc. William Henry HIntnwIretch of Irrlnt- ton died BuMay after aa nine of eleven week. During part ot Ihla time he waa n Inmate of the Swedish Mlaeloa hoe- pltaK where he died. H waa bora In bcatur county, Iowa. September M, U9l Mr. J. P. Chfnaworth of Florence, who haa been living with her daughter, Mr. M. J. Carnahan. for th. laat foarteea year, died Hunday morning. Her maldea name w.. Clarleea Footer. lh wa. bora In Campbell county, Kentucky, June It, lMt he leave, five chlldren-Mra, M. J. Carnahan of Florence, Mr. Bell. Lewi, of Shannon City, la.; F. (.'. rhena wortk of 8eco, Mont; a R. Dolem of B.rr. Mont., and A. B. Chen. worth ot Bbaaaoa Cluv la. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES TO . JOIN IN MISSON SERVICES Th federation of 'th Miatlooary 6 etlea at th Chrhul.n charehei of Oeoaha. Hooth Omaha. Council Bluff, and jlmnctoa wllr'mert In tb Flret ChrMUaa nrek of 8outh Omaha.' January 3k Uanckeon will k Mrved at U o'clock, lead th tollewlaa; program prill Basin at 1 clock. Hymn AU Hall the Power ot' Kama. Jayer Mr. Nathan Johnfon, Houth Omaha. )vodonal Mr. H. J. Bradford. Council Bluff. ' paetneae RVorta of eeeretary and treasurer. Rail call and report of societies. Fyr dare, J, S. William. North Bid Christian. Hymn Addre Th Buprrm Motlv for Scr- yloe aire Ullua R. Harford. Omaha. Music , .., penned South Omaha High ecnooi chonia. Mis. Knla M. Eaaor. Cosdertor. Uenedictioa llee. 11 J. Kiracaatetn. - ataat Vs'astaerfwf Hrallagv ' After osfferlag. asanr years wltk a or. Aao King. Port Byron. K. T . wa. cored .by : Bucklen . Arnica Salve, sc Vr ami by Bealoa Drug; Ca. - . . . -. . - Leuenerberg attended th. danr at Papll llon last Friday .vening. Mlasea Amanda and Auguata Keleon. who ateendo btstneee college at Omaha, were at horn Saturday and Bunday. Mr. Oaora Pailon gave a party but Monday In honor ef her birthday anni versary. Mr. Gallagher ot Booth Omaha wa. on of th guMts. waa aa Omaha war and Mrs, th RAILROAD MAN LOSES OUT ON BOTH HIS JOBS fa closely are the ratlroado adhering to tba age limit in employing men that It la practically Impossible for man peat at years to secure employment Is the oper ating and traffic department! . And then era a mad that are holding mor firmly to tb K-year rale lhaa the Northwestern and Rock Island. '., t- t At Mason City. la., the other day, an agent of tba Hock Island, who had been with that company almost twenty year and had been a faithful employe, con eluded to chant over to the Northwest ern. H tot tn sew place at an to creased alary and waa at woaa, Hewevar, tb application bad been only casually looked ver In th Chicago office. Whea the thorough exammatloa wa mad It waa discovered that the man waa nearer at than year. He wa relectod for tht. reaaca and whea ha went keck to the Rick Island a few days later ha waa told that there wa nothing tor htm, aa b a as pat year, th ac limit far giving men employment 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS . H. R Roblnao. a pramlnent real aetata dealer od Columbus, I. la Omaha. Mlbw C Jon ef Psru, accompanied ky hi. wife. Is .pending tew say. la Omaha. J. Scherarti of Lexington. Keev, well know rattle man and ahlpper, I la Omaba oa l esirm v a W. K Wrrka and O. B. Winters, .pe dal (xamlner tor the lateretatk Com merae commteeSoaere, are in Omaha en route to Denver. J. H. MIetiaH at Ornaa Range. Moat, b a prominent western atockmaa who la spending a tew days kef. Mr. Michael uet aoM a terse ahlpmeat at cattle. C. W. Conkltnt. a prominent Tekamah banker, wa In Omaha far a few boars rld.r vlsnuia fr lends. Mr. ConHtng la on hia way boos frees, Mexico. A. H. Borwalt, manager ef tn National Envelop company, and Major H. D. Bow- key of the same concern, ere In Omaha to start neawtnuiona wit snerai local print mg firms. W. 11. Murray, assistant geerecal pas. emcer agent of the I'rrton Pacific, has gone oa a tear ac the com panic.' eastern aaencies. While abeeal h wlfl visit very rnlea Padflc agency la the cen tral and eastern states, goinar aa far eaalaatoa. P. Mangold returned from Denver Mon. day. Mrs. F. C. Kennedy spent Tuesday la Omaha. , Twin boy. were born to Mr. Fred Me Frtdey. Wayland Mage wa. bom from at Farm orar Sunday. Mrs. Lewi and Mr. Collin waa .hop ping ta Fremont Wednesday. Tbe run oMb from her Is ereotlns a hunting loos oa th Piatt rtvr. Mr C. Coilen and Ml Gertrud In'- gram were Omaha visitor Monday A alelahlng party drove out to F. Ohrts Tuesday aiurnooK returning Utter la the eveeUaa. Mra. Charlea Will cama ont from Omaha ftatuntay te stay with Mrs. Age while ah la III. Mr. and lira Qeorte McDonald at Nor folk arrived Tueertay evening for a abort visit wltk A. J. McDonald. , ArUaataa. Frank Reynold. Jr. visitor on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. O A. Marshall Omaha visitor on Tuaaday. Miss Myrtle McKtbhen, clerk at th postofflce, wu off duty last week ok aecount of atcan. . " from a heepltal at Omaha where a ka been laalug tptaUueat Claud Morlee returaa tax wlr ew Waterloo, la., where ha red heee visli. tug his brother, Harvey Morley. The drerlr I maklna- excellent hall way In straightening the KJKhorn river. It la n earing the Douglas oeunty line. Ueel Johnson dted Bondav a the age of year. He came ta thle Munirv in UGa. A widow and Mi hlldra aurvlva O. R Park.nlna1. who waa formarlv an aperator at the depot here, but now In Omslit, waa visiting frienue her Busday. Mr. and Mra. K. P. White of Beatrice rived tn tewn Monday and have com. need heusekeeauis In the im.ii. Rickmeyer houa .n fieventk s treat , Herman Orlssalmaa returned last week W. C. Brawn left foe Tb.nv.p i... atnrday. He will go from there to Malvern. Ark., to work fr a railroad contractor. . , . . Revolt in Mexico ' Awakens Country to Its Possibilities C W. Conkltnt. promkient banker of Tekamah. who tr tbe last few months aa hoe la Mexico near Chihuahua ex amining soma of his mlninf properties. s ta Omaha Friday morning visiting for a few boar with Ross I Hammond, and h aays that tbe recant Mexican up rising has awakened an taUreat la that oountry that could sot bar been aroused la any other way. "The trouM hag quieted down and In most parts ot th couatry verythmg I at pose. - Interest Is reviving In buji- , affairs, and Americans by th hun dreds r rocking down Into tba rich mining regions. Th mining resources ar la snoat caa. la th ban da ot Amer icana, and they are making th most ot theml Agrlcuirur la rapidly developing I th rich country will b no longer the land of lasy asnors and senorttas. Th revolutloa ha don much for tn oountry, for It has awakened ft, and that la what It seeded. From what I can learn the present admlntstratkoa at likely to stay In power, and th confidence ot the people is rapidly returning. Mexico hi such' grand place that I often wish It waa part ot our wn country.". aralldlaar Pwemlts. P. Jaesbeea. tai south Thirty-fifth ave nue, fram dwelling. II. M); K. Brown, cement oiock gan&ge. Uov: Wll south BlxteeB.4. alone drove Wharton t'enstruc- frm VtU Em C. rt building. mvjn. g. H I TaUey. J I-awreac Cor returned Wedfltedar from an extended business trip la th est ... C. B, Ntehol waa called to Omaha Wednesday aa aecount ot th Illaees of hss Bewher. Th Valhnr Castle It oval Highlanders held Its Installation of officer Wednes day evening la Kukharda bail. Mrs. C. a Mcaola wont to Omaha Tuarday la aaeiet In caring for Mr. Nich ols mother at the bom of Oeorg Hilt Tba rverumr martins? at the Woman's ejub will be held Pride r afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. ft Sddy. Parttmentary drill aad domestic adene will b th pregreja tor th afteraooaZ The regular meeting of the Woman' Muawonary society ot th Presbrienea church, waa held at the horn of Mr. Ingram Thursday afternoon. Th society xpecta to send a box of clothing to th City sn lesion la Omaha this week. - Th Millard Higk school girl' team and tke Mead High school boy- team met the Valley High school team in bl at th Valley Opera house Saturday evening. The eroreo were: Girl, 1. to 3 In favor ot the Valley girl and U to B m favor ot the Meed boy. lion company, few Corby, frame dwelling, 8,000; M. F. Jensen, Fortieth snd Ida- rum dwelling. vi: J P. Bhae, das Wirt fram dwelling, UW: Pater Petersen, tea South Twentieth avenue, repair to fram dwelling, . Perwistsnt Advertising hi the Road Big Returns. to Miliars!. Mra I' M. Thomreoa ot Omaba wa a Millard visitor Monday. Mrs, Baldwin and laughter, Ruth, vis ited in Oasaha Saturday. Prof. WVksand spent ftatarday aad Busv dar at his home In Valley. Mia Frieda Hoteteln. who ntlbnd school at Omaha, wa. boms over Sunday. Mrs. Karar of Omaha visited eeveral . VMk with (HeeMla eiul mI.IIvh bere. Mr. Fossler visited from Thursday to i Saturday of last week with friends at: Council Bluff.. , I Mrs. Okrts Hoist - n and daughter, wn- ; heimina. vtettid -a'.lvee at Pa pillion I Sunday etfteruoon. 1 Misses Msraaret tderi and Hslda Dager-' ma nattend.4 tb dttc at Pasiluoa I kvrt Friday evening. - Henry id sl and Mawry gxssaUa aad raffeea Peroeoaoh $1.50 Ptae TaO. ored aad Uagerle ' Waists, 50c The Famous 16TH AND FARNAM ad Ptoe Or IXeOrerey s aad lOo Ban. Last Call on All Winter COATS and SUITS -' Choice el my cut ii lit (tore 2.95-$5-$10 T 1 . t A OetAAA . , . f - Acgai vauuea up so aoo.trV. . - ', Choice oi Any Suit In the Store, SIO . Saturday Only- Fifty New Spring Serge Suits, in black and navy, in all ais, fined with Skinner satin, real $20.00 suits, for. '"-! Choiotj of 100 Skirts, values up to $7.50, for.i.t $10 2.50 scnooLs. i THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO ENTER ' Bellevue College Second Semster Opens January 29th, 1912. , Courses Adapted to the Needs of AIL BELLEVUE COLLEGE BELLEVUE NORMAL SCHOOL BELLEVUE MUSICAL C0NSERYAT0BY BELLEVUE ACADEMY Constituting OMAHA'S HISTORIC COLLEGE Located In Omaha's moat beautiful guburb. -Th. kdvanUsi of tbe city, combined with th. aafatr and quiet ' of the country. . . STRONG FACULTY OP TWENTY PROFESSORS ' Representing Harvard, John Hopkins, Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Wisconsin, Iowa, Lelpglc, Edinburgh aad Oxford. Thorough preparation for a BUSINESS CAREER , Graduates of the College and Normal School GRANTED STATE CERTIFICATES on the same baala as graduates of th State University. THE GROUP SYSTEM enables the student to make the most direct preparation for the ' PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL IN LAW, MEDICINE,' THEOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ETC. , , Work Accepted In Leading Universities. SUCCESSFUL ATHLETIC, DEBATING, ORATORY and COLLEGE JOURNALISM. Philadelphia HaU for boys and Lowrle Hall for girls ot High Bcffool ,ag under careful supenrialon. Expenses moderate, scholarships for Honor Students. - Send for free Catalogues' and Bulletin. Phone Bellevue 10. Sotna Practical Courses Not Found EJsawnor f D9 Moines, .Iowa beat ot mo Sj V . S&EZ rekeaavy aotk .ViSiiH fllUlH rlllll rr T HTirTrrr1 J-J steetsl eoerses te sll evades of relies work. Including tbe t'Lsssieai, KctaoCflcetttl kaetseerlQS. E:eetrri Raalaesr tns aad Msrhsnlcil Eegtaesrlag Coane. Neraal aad Preparatorr Comes keclaalair as alvaeosa tlsiisi wtq se snail Me. B an onsl. PrisisiTTrauihuisne Frepar aMT sasieet. riftt irlU trs aialatslnr. I all "Wacaj rewired r aor graea ef eeru scale. Pbaemarw sectaaias as. advaaeeS stoaeats ' IU seaassliuut a bota the rere Bsrra.e.ea.tamueesrs'Crees ta raar suev. Tela hike best B ef the rear osier Ik Spatial lev ceanM at Paaraaaey. if voe are tan isilnilhiaayef theomiises sveli si tafornsj uje relauve to muses efferea. Practical SWt ltiaeri-t Ctwrsts XeerelaeaesvnimerasalaeS ta theeae-vear Steais. Kleeuleal. slerasaleat Dmeta. s ckla bts' ss SaKHDoene keeaaaiets' Coanea. Alee ta tke twelve week's steen sa Gee Trsi Hs Ea giamriag. AametoOUs aa fees aSsta rnei Msik an. Orxlory trr-lt,T, asssr tse euesea la Unto se. Oraurr nrsrocai H wail as at tke eiguuuaf at a sceeel year. fafnatirriil Courses cissm wm se xessascToaj uoM m tae see- aeasOoarna Stnruias aal Trpewnuac. s. "r " -t Tilinank mines neg stove, ro shoal vrtas foe caiamsse ul ermennoaaasm aaJesjeaaa. .tax eoerse is eiuc a a LONGWDi, Pros, HsgMasJ TmA Collesw, DES MOINES, tOWA Comic Section, The Sunday Bee With Happy Hoohgan, Littls Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids and tht whole interesting family