Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Candidate for Office Most Get Into
the Race by This Evening.
Biwull garreed In Gettteg l
Haa to Kate the Field and Raa ,
fa City Treasurer's
, " ffir.
.A revision of the computat.:on of the
time required by the Iw primary e'.ec
tion law tor filtryr Twtltloaa for nomina
tion, at the primaries has caused the de-
cunoa ta be -reaatuai. that-the time -will
not expire until i tfeieck tii:a evening.
Consequently Clinjs for the various of
fice will be cor.tluuiJ throughout today.
The moat important political develop
ment yesterday wcs the decision of TV.
A. Stone to chano kls caadidacy for
the republican nocUn&tion tor aldermaa
from the Second vri to alderraan-at-larg.
The caanze ws one satisfactory
to party manners 03 the republican
aide. While 1: tti!l cot insure Mr. stone's
nomination and election it la said it will
atrencthen the ticket. Mr. Stone "ll
President of the Retail- Grocers and
Butchers' association, and Is a popular
and successful younz business man 1 of
the city. He has lived during, the more
than twenty year he has been a elUsen
of the city In the First. Third ahd
Fourth wards, and In each a greater
length of time than in ( J Second. .
The people of the C.&, as well' as
those of the Second ward are very well
satisfied with the-worlr, that has been
done 1b the council by Alderman alin
Blck, and It is said they res-retted any
attempt to contest his nomination for a
Second term.
Urls ta the Third. . . .
Another aldermaalo candidate who
cam yesterday and strengthened the re?
BubUcaa ticket was Frank Levin of the
Third ward. , He has been - on of the
city's business. men tor. more than thirty
years and baa never sought political
office. He did not seek the position this
tima, but consented only after . It was
urged upon him. .
With the completion of the republican
ticket by th candidacy of J. P. Hast
for major, the work of reorganising the
city central committee was taken up. 0.
H. Hannan, chairman, resigned some
time ago, and until, the head of the
ticket was selected. It looked as If there
would be no central organisation.
Toe preference of al of the local lead
sir and the candidates .was for County
(Treasurer Mitchell, and yesterday he sc
aepted the responsibilities, with the prom
ise that he would give the best service
Be was capable of. '-'"?
The Increased activity of the renubll
' cans acted as a spur on th democrats,
and yesterday they . Induced Louie
Zurmuehlln, Jr., to become a candidate
for city treasurer to keep the office from
going by default to City Treasurer Frank
T. True, lie la now a member of the
Board of Fire and .Police .emmlastoners
and prominent in business af Hairs In
Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Among th other filings - yesterday
Were; C. O. Fraxer. 131 Orant street
rtp., alderman from "the Second 'Ward;
Kenry Myer, pi Benton street (dern.),
aldermaa from-the ' First ward: J. T.
Patterson, DM Broadway (reo.l. -alderman
Hath ward; A. C Brown. 17 Bluff street
and K. D. Fuller. 411 Harrison street, re
publican committeemen.
rounder of Bafaca
Unionjs Coming
Marshall A. Hudson,- founder and for
twenty years promoter of the Baraca
organisation, will be la Omacll Bluffs to
morrow and la expected to remain here
two or three daya He will derot hi
time to th Trl-Oty Baraca union, which
comprises all the diss is IB Council
Bluffs, Omaha and South Omaha. He la
on a general tour of th country In an
effort to Increase th . membership to
That campaign ha attracted much
pubile Interest, and ha j caused the
founder of th organitalloa ta be
designated as "Millionaire'; Marshall.
Although he has been a very successful
business man at Syracuse, N. Y and. Is
well 'rated in th financial world, th
term millionaire applies only . to the
membership of th Baraca cl arses For
snore thaa half a doara, years ha has
devoted hA entire time to this work, clos
ing a whnleeile buslneas that comprised
three large estaoUaamscta. Sunday even
ing jdr. Hudson wfD eddreas a larga union
meeting at th Audltmixna her and will
accanr th pulpits of aosaa of the CJcnaaa
churches during the day. string brief talks
also tn Sostb. Oct I; a. -
Omahans on the Cleveland
&h'i?M VI if
'i"-"- ,srrr TCTgn
IsW $1 Shirts 50C WW
is (rwa
. fitaadlng-Mies "Myro ' Breckcn'ridge, Mr.' and Mra Ralph Brackenridge. '
Seated-Mr. C. F. Weller. , . , , . i .
Pilate's Example
.Held Up as Sort
Not to Follow
A large. number. of , employes of the
Woodward Candy factory, ,' marched
from the factory headed by a brass band
playing very lively strains not altogether
of a aacred character but very Inspiring.
a spercn by wunam McNeil of the Fed
erated craft of th city and. a solo en
titled, "Jim and Me," by Professor Ma
gann. brought forth . much apiJaus last
night at th big revival now In progress
at the auditorium.
The sermon by Evangelist Hart was a
description of the scene In Pilate's Judg
ment hall.' with Christ before Pilate. The
text wa."What .Shall. I do .-With Jesus
Who Is Cslled Chrlstr'
Pilate had the Christ at' luVdlaposal.
and so hav you," said Mr. Hsrt, "The
roloee br Ood. of manhood,- and of' con
science, th monitor,. t th eoul eaid.
Release J.esua' The. voices ..of. Jeer, oi
cowardlca, of greed, of self interest, .of
political friends Mid, 'He leas Th Rob
ber." . j : .
"Pilate answered the latter voices, and
lost his own soul and mad hi nam as
contemptible as that of Judas."
"You must do aoraethlnc with Jeaus.
What will your answer be?"
After an nines of only a few day
from pneumonia, Mrs. Katnerina Run Iran
died yesterday at .her home, 63 Fourth
street. Mr. Pulllraa was a member of
on of the families almost entitled te th
distinction of brine aocwintetl ' pioneers.
She was 7 year old., and Dearly forty
year of her lite was psseid her. , Her
strong; character drew ' to her many
friend, and. the grief msplredl by ,nr
death .Is shared by a larger circle of
friend and acquaintances thaa often
She is survived by three ns and one
daughter. The sen. are John O. Sulll-
i, a successful contractor, with head
quarters at Webster City. la.: & J. and
P. B. -Sullivan of Council. Bluff and the
daughter la Mrs. J. 1 .Gibbons of Barm
boo. .Wla. Arrangement for the funeral
win not be made until the absent mam
ter of tha family can . be ; cocnincillmCBd
with and .win probably he delayed mtU
thrtr arrival .-' " t
Key ta tha Rrilloi TWe Advert lrtnx.
. - - t k v l
il ii mi i n i.ii a, i)i ijujiu ni in. .ii. m in hi as hiim
j ma ii ll " -i ill' i t- - 1 ' illinium .
It takes energy, brain-power.' concen
tration to make a livelihood. '
Vitality and the power tot keep it,
must be considered. 1 . ,
To be a Toweir of
Strength, you must have
staunch nerves, with
brain and body working
in harmony
is the best nerve, brain and
body - builder. It is part,
wholesome, invigorating.
ix DRuooiarrc '
Minor Mention
Tne Council Blnffg Office of
Lie Omah Hew It at IS
Scott Street. Telephoa 4a
Davla, drugs.
H. Borwlck for wall. paper. 1
Woodiieg Undertaking Co. Tel. Kt.
Corrlgans, undertak-r. Phone 14i. -FAUST
Iiewla Cutler, funeral director. Phone ft
Bee slocks repaired. 233 8. Main. Dick-,
arson. 4 , . , r
We trlve immlum coupons at the Puff,
4 -Broadway. Clgara and tobacco.
The bli 8) per rent d.scount sale now
going on at the Faublo Art Shop.
INGS., IL Borwlck, til Ho. Main St.
David Busha, accused of causing an
Improper letter to come into the posses
sion of twe' little, we arraigned In
po'lo court yesterday morning. , .
household goods, horse, oattl and all
chattel aecuritlee at a big discount of the
usual rases. Offlo ever m West Broad-
y. , . ...
Vhls evening Fidelity council. No. ISC
Iteyal Arcanum, will Initiate a elaas of
about twenty-five candidates into the or
der. A. lunch will follow the evening ses
sion. ' '
Council Bluffs Scotchmen went to
Omaha last night to join their brethren
In. celebrating the birthday eunlveniary
of Hobby Horns. There waa a large
crowd and an unquestionably happy one
when the hour arrived to take a car for
Omaha. , , .
Aldermen Ellsworth. Boobe and Evans,
appointed as a committee at the last
meeting -of th council to Inspect and
assess a large amount of cement side
walk constructed by Contractors Wick
ham and Nelson, hav performed the
leak assigned them.
The 'Council Bluffs Commercial club Is
aeeletlng G. - F. Emerson, a flour mill
owner of Stlby, S. L.. to find a aultabi
location for a mill which he contemplates
erecting la this vicinity. Mr. Emerson
Is tn 'a position to divert wheat shipments
lrom the beat hard wheat district of fa
kota ' and there are substantial reasons
why the wauts to elect a milling pnt
In this portion of the Missouri valley.
He is favorably Impressed with the ad
vantages offered by Council Bluffs.
Janitor Fowler, accused of unusual eon
duct around the home of several people
In -the vicinity of saghtb avenue and
HoutlrNtoth 'Street, wiu b In pouos court
Uili moraing to face hi accusers. Ue Is
eapecKd to produc his witnesses proving
his claim that at the time he waa dis
charging hi duuen a a special private
deuotive, . employed to secure evidence
ta be used in a davorc suit In waich
an Omaha 'baatnes man la Interested.
rrler has. been bid under bands.
Xlbre Tbornell yesterday ordered tha
dnawtag af a special venire f nftaen
ItBrman for us during tn present tana
of court. The following namea ease out
at 'the drawing: Joeepft IX Pederson,
U R. Brsoaa, Amrust itrenasina. W. U
Landon. X W. Minwell. O. It. torppard.
A W. Franrea, C 1 Whitman. John R.
Totif, W. W. Aynrs. J. a Long, O. W.
Arcner at Cwurll Braff. H. K. Palmer
et lwls townshiii, J. B. Bchalta of
Garner, and P. Balduff Kane, outside
tha city limits.
F..H. Coantsi of rBdwrwood. one of
the steunenrn mlpporvn of Prof.
Hssdra'a adiwcy far Uia lawn sover
leihn, was la th city yesterday read
lag .the net act in n uncertain
te the wo were tncibied ta credit aom
et tae charge that have been mad at
fttai and lea Mainee. He I awn- le
a ai.h can, which will be naranderaale.
.rarry rwttawatami zor the great
anostle of god eeed oaVB and medarB
seetnada of farmlnc. Mr. Kkjvelng de
clared with great earnesto that Prof.
Uetaon Is the seM and Biggest man in
the- state. '
Th leral ancle held a Important
meeting lat night and Initiated a lot af
new nembrT. They will hold a still
or tererestins seartm thai evwtuag
when one of the "eld faanianed" enter
talamast will be tarn for the benefit
f te members and their frtanda The
UTflaCon say "there will be all kinds
of -muaioal and athletic erunta with
olenrv to eat and seine trtnwnlngs." The
aroaraai wur beau i aarted at I
.'clock and will but seane Una. Each
tuber Is em tiled to invite ow. Mead.
and air dtscrimiztailoB is required t.
pick eat Hh meet daaai ilug frlaas as
each naeraber has an unuaoally larg
auntber anxious for preferment.
Lines of
Blocb SocC
At Exactly
A Reduction on Shirts That Should Tempt You
Tin's store ut-ver dot anything half way wlieu we offer our merchandise on sale at reduced prices, we al way a reduce
enough to make it an object to our patrons. That's the reason we are so suocesful in business we always give the
best values for the monev whether in the height of season or the wind up. At present we have a very large stock of
men's shirts, such brands as the E. & W MANHATTAN, EXCELLO nd SAVOY. Every one a high
grade make-some are broken lines and1 some very slightly soiled but worth up to $2.5qeach, that we y Q 1
offer on sale Saturday at. i ......'
Other makes that sold up to $1.50, at ' -?0C ..
The patterns are exceptionally pretty. The styles are plaited fronts, plain fronts, stiff bosom some with separate
cuffs and flannel shirts with the French cuffs all this season's merchandise. .
' Saturday Special All Silk French fold Cravats, $2.00 values; go at ........ .'. 75c
, All Winter
at 25
This Season's
Stiff and Soft
Romjh Hats,
$3.00 values,
at $1.45
Cognsugnt Beceived with Little
Ceremony at White House. .
Taft Attend Dla Given by Pedt.
i eater General Hitchcock, While
Deke la Ueeat of Aaibee-
vador Bryee.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-The duke of
Connaught went the American -uace" In
hi visit to th national eapital yestsr
day. '
Arriving lata la Ihs afternoon, he was
whirled first to the British embassy,
spent forty minutes In the While House,
where he waa received by president and
Mrs." Taft, than waa motored back to
th embassy, where he efaa th guest of
hohed at a dinner te which Ik most
promtoant members of ths dlptomatl
corps, war Invited; vlelted the National
Press club, and then, tired, bat "de
lighted." aa he expressed It, Bought hi
private car. Ha left a boat midnight lor
New Yor.
Th duke, th first royal visitor to
Washington In many year, having vis
ited th White House, President Tan
returned hie call at the British embassy.
Th duke had no official -message to
bear from Knglaad and th president
had none to give. Their conversation was
of the most general eharaotar and the
only formal weleom to hi royal high-
aeas waa that extended to him when he
left hi private ear at th Union station,
by Major A. W. Butt, President Tatt's
personal, aide. .
(ere si ear Waived.
The reception In the White House was
a unceremonlal as Stat department offi
cials and th British ambassador could
mak It. Tha duke waa presented ta the
president by Ambassador Bryo, and thea
Mr. Taft presented him to Mrs. Tart and
Mis Helen Taft. The members of th
cabinet and their wive were presented
by Major Butt.
Mm Jamea Bryo. First Assistant Secre
tary of 8tata Huntington Wilson and
Second Aassitant Ados were the only
guests oatatd th cabinet. The duke'
aid. Colonel Lawtber, who cam with him
from New York, and the staff of tha
British embassy, were presented to Mr,
Taft. Kail wing th formal reception tea
served hi the red room of th Whit
Hons by Ml Helen Taft.
Th duk chatted with all th pre!
dent's guest, hut spent most of hi
tioM talkin; with Mr. Taft and Secretary
of Mat Knox.
Th BualBUit' return call at tha em
bassy waa mast Informal. Only Major
Butt acaompanlad him and he waa re
ceived In the drawing room, where hi
royal highness talked with the president
for about twenty minutes. 'The president
walked bark to th Whit House.
Taft llltrhewek'a finest. .
Iat Bight Mr. Taft waa the guest of
Postmaster Oeneral Hltehoock at a cab-
net dinner ana tne aus waa m guest
of Ambassador Bryce at a dinner at the
embassy, which ha left shortly before
midnight to visit th National
clan. , - ' . - -
Real-Rotate rrusrer.
Real estate transfers reported t Th
Bad January B by ta Pottawattami
Qrrnty Abstract rsmpaay of Council
Bluffs: '
Prank K. rjlandon ta J. A. Glaadon
s et i-5-u. w. d..-. xt.a
W. B- Kimball and others to J. H.
Xeuaal a nw ee4e ew4 and nw
ti ae Mr, and s sW. sw 14
and Bw aria nt w of t-H-41.
w. d Kt
A. P. Handler and wife t T. R. .
Adam, lot Ji. la blcrk IX. Ben tier.
la, w. d.
jena miunau ana wue 10 w.
PaJk-n. lots Lit end II. Atid'a
rubd. of srcreCons te 32. sad 0-77-44
lets U and 24. tal i subd. of ae- - I
cretlons to secusna f and
W. Tt. IsatDew. 'and" wife to "m!"r." U
El'ls. lots 7. and . In bloc k M. In "
Central subd tn Council Bruf fa. I
- . " 1 j
LJNOOIJJ. Keh.. Jan. aV It waa an-
aouneed today by tha general contemn oe
committe of the noveath Day Adveatist
seaatoB of th Central aad Northern
Unloa eonferoocea tha. th sslsalanary
MliaT-rrs la Meztea would be increased
and two young workers from w-e North
er Untoa coafarenc were aaleetefl te
g te that field.
Tay are Ernest Johnson of the South
Dakota conference and & I Spencer of
the North Dakota conference. Mr. Jeba
soB. bora. I sow ta Iledfleid. a. D..
where he is the nreeeptor ef th Plain
view academy.
Mr. Bpeaeer will also labor la ataxic
City aa secretary-lie aiiiet f the Mex
icaa mission. Ills horn la at Fargo.
It waa also planned to bold aa duoa
ooaal convention at tn bem Unda
(CaU Medlral colleg next Jvn.
Argentine Envoy
Leaver Paraguay
BITCNOB AYRKf. Jan. M.-PlplomaUe
relatione between the Argentina republic
and Paraguay hav been broken and th
Argentine minister at Asuncion haa re
tired from his post.
The Argentine minister of foreign af
fairs. Krnesto lloech. has received, a
telegram from the minister at Asuncion,
announcing that as ha had not received
a reply from the Paraguayan govern
ment (o Argentina's demand for satis
faction, hs had withdrawn from tha lega
tion this afternoon and with his whole
staff had gone aboard the Argentine
gunboat. Parana, lie added that he
would arrive at Buenos Ayres tomorrow.
On January M, the Argentine govern
ment ordered the despatch of four war
ship to Paraguay tn anticipation of th
breaking off of diplomat! relations. The
Argentine foreign minister recently In
structed the A. -gen tin minister at Asun
cion to present a formal claim for com
pensation for th attack on Argentine
shipping and property. Th Paraguayan
government refused to dlaous ths mat
ter and the minister waa then Instructed
to demand satisfaction within twenty
four hours. To trouhl arose through
ParTlityan revolution! at firing I aa
Argentine veeeele lying ta Asuncion bar-bor.
Marrlaaw Lleai
Marriage licensee were Issued yester
day to the following named persons:
Name and Address. - Age,'
Hana Frederirksen, Omaha ul
Minnie Brown, Omaha
C. M. Morfnrd. Malvern, la T
Alio M. Enteric. Malvern, la a
At Fountains & where
Tki Original sni linulni
Tki Fitd-drlnk fir Ul ltn.
At fcBUurixita, hotek. Bod fowtagu.
DeJickxa, 1 ind gusukikt.
Keep 00 yew aklcboercl at home.
Dc't trsvel without Z
A truck hack prepare ia a nbelev
TaadMtmiUtkm. Jatiy"1.0ElJCIl
Not la Any ttllk Trust
I Schumann-Heinle INCW
Victor Records for February
A splendid ofTerino' of vocal and instnimntaf mnu-
among which are these three big features:
Two delightful numbers by the greatest of all tenors.' One
a beautiful operatic aria; the other a lovely Neapolitan sonf
that you'll enjoy as much as any of this artist's operatic
Three superb selections from the famous baritone's greatest
roles. His singing of the "Largo al factotum" is a marvelous
performance, while the Gioconda and Otello numbers are
gloriously sung with a rousing refrain by the Metropolitan
Opera Chorus.
Two interesting songs in English and an impressive number
in German features of her recent recitals which exhibit to
perfection the wonderful beauty of this most elorious and
sympathetic of true contralto voices.
- Out today
Hear the recordt at y Victof dealer '1, ,nd
ask him tor a February supplement which contains
a complete list of new single- and double-faced
records, with a detailed deacriptioii of each.
Victor Talking Macakvs Co, Caaado, N. J.
Th key o soccess la boslness Is th
Jodldows and psletdil as af newapssei
- - NaZyn
gW 3 rj fl MsT 1- f n. I nl I sw ,
m m sw 1 m snm t . -rsfiv urn . sw
""S eew-eaMeaesr eeneaesnOa
and Ac
cessories, On Sale at
A. Hospe
CEO. E. MICKEU Manager
15th andHsrcey St:.,Cnjha
334 Broadway, Council Bluff ,
1513-15 Douglas St.