Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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, Eiitrnl at Omaha poatoftiee a seeood
1 class matter.
( Ptmday one year 12.59
J Saturday Bee, om year II. 5S
Imily Be t without Sunday), one yeer.R
I Xjeliy Bee and Sunday, one year Jb.'Jft
, Kveninr Bee (with iiaJa, per
I Pailv Bee liDclitdme Sunday), I mo . B
, Deitv Bee (Without Sunday!, per mo. ..c
I Address all complaint! or Insularities
! la delivery to City rin uiatloa Dept.
! vtetnlt by draft, express or postal order.
payable to The Bw Publishing ooenpany.
Only !-ent s'e.-npe received In payment
I of small accounts, personal checks.
j rept on Omasa and eastern excnan,, not
i sKsepuM.
Omahe-Th B 3uiMlng.
' touts Omaha Sit N. 8t.
i Council Bluffs 7S Scott .
I Unoolo-K Little Building.
' Chicago IMS Maronrtte Building.
Kansas I Ur "tellnnee Handing.
Washington Fourteenth rtu. N. W.
I Communis ".ions relating to,n"" ana
.editorial matter should be addressed
' "rrstn Bee. Ivditnrlai Kcparunont.
50,119 ;. .
I State of Nebraska, County of Dourlas, as:
Dwight Williams, circulation manascr
I of the Res PuhneMng oempanv. being
dulv sworn, says tbst the average daily
circulation, less spoiled, on used and re
turned copies, for the month ef liecem
ber. 1911. was .".
' Circulation Manarer.
' Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this tin dey of January ml.
Notary Public.
, Subscribers tearing la ttr
iemararl!y etseeld aav Tea
Bee BsalU4 Is) thews. Address)
I ertll b changed as aften as re-
: j
Apparently Senator Camming' pres
idential pre bureau li not ret full
I organized.
I-.: '
A' good drenching right no
would be a helpful adjusct to our
street cleaning force.
!' FreeldenT Taft will deliver a St.
Patrick day address which will offset
those St. Jackson day addreaaea. .
. It will take mora than this to
brlag the mean temperature for Jan
I uary aomewherenear the iverags.
The beauties of that democratic
(reform law providing for Jury trials
In the police edurt are exemplified
'right along." " '
If the length of the ballot fore
iabadowa the amount of the printing
i bill, the printing Job for our coming
gprlng primaries ought to be keenly
'ought after.
" Why 1$ It that Insurgency li ao
largely recruited from ex-office hold
era who have lost their grip, and ei
offlca aeekers who failed to land?
ioive it up. -
I .
- Now that it la known that that
'disastrous Illinois Central railway
(wrerk vai also due to human falli
bility, the bid question recurs, What
'are we going to do about it?
h . tt- r-
It goes without aaylag that ad
journment la taken every -week from
I Thursday' to. Monday to ears our
august senators from breaking down
j under the strain of overwork. ,
; Coal operators and coal miners are
begot la ting a wag scale to, go into
; effect in April' U the nreastime,
.coal consumers are negotiating to
'settle or' stae off their coal bills. .
I). Still another fertile field of waUr
'works lltlgurlon'ls opened up by the
proposal or the city comptroller, to
'offset hydrant rental Judgments with
'unpaid occupation' Uxes. The Jaw
jjers must Jlva, ''.,.; , -
' How fastidious our great , demo
jeratle leader has suddenly become.
There was a time not far back when
; he would never hare bothered to be-
; think blmtelf of the need of baring
I bis trousers pressed.
No Revival of Jail-reeding Graft
It is in accord .with-the. eternal
fitness of things for our new demo
cratic reform sheriff to attack in the
court the validity of the law that
put an end to the county Jatl-feedlng
graft by requiring the contract to
supply meals to prisoners to be let on
competitive bids. This law has been
in force for four years, in which time
it has saved the taxpayers of Douglas
county upwards of 125,000.
The money saving, however, has
been only a part of the benefits de
rived, chief of which was cutting out
the source of a festering sore of po
litical trading and corruption. Prior
to the enactment of thia law, for
which The Bee had fought year in
and year out, the feeding of county
jail prisoners wsg done by the sheriff
at a price fixed by the county com
missioners, who were regularly per
suaded, or cajoled, into making it a
good thing for the sheriff. To protect
this Jail-feeding graft, the sheriffs of
those' days' had' to see to it that
friendly county commissioners were
elected, and also to keep them
friendly after they were elected.
Whene'er the demand was made
tor a law to atop the graft, the sheriff
found It worth while to have friends
in the legislative delegation sent to
Lincoln, snd one sheriff actually pro
claimed In public that without the
jail-feeding graft the office wonld
not be worth having. This condition
of affairs was not confined to party
lines, but was msnifested under dem
ocratic sheriffs as well as republican
sheriffs, who helped protect one an
other, and no one could tell how
much the velvet amounted to.
. At last, when the law requiring
competitive bids for Jail feeding was
put through, by the almost and un
aided efforts of Tbe Bee and Its edi
tor, , the lid came off and the same
prison fsre for which tbe taxpayers
had paid 41 cents a day per prisoner
was supplied for 1 rents a day. Con
currently another flagrant abuse was
stopped which had grown out of It
by the sudden stoppage of the custom
of keeping prisoners after sentence
the full thirty daya In order to get
the profit of their meals, and the
delivery of tbe-conrtcte forthwith at
the penitentiary la Llaeoln with cor
responding saving to the taxpayera of
the state who foot 'these bills.
It Is to be noted that the objec
tions entered by our democratic re
form sheriff to the contract law are
purely technical. Wo do not assume
to argue the case, but we give due
notice right now that If the law la
knocked out oa a technicality, no re
turn to the Jall-feedlng gran will be
tolerated, and the legislature ' will
be called on to make a new law that
will fully cover the ground.
,t By the test of placing sixty cross
I marks la the squares where they be
long on the primary ballot the num
ber of intelligent voters among us is
j liable to shrink considerably below
1 customary estimates.
Some of the chronic local polltl
,clana now listed as progressive re
publicans have not progressed since
'they were put out of office ten,
twenty or thirty years ago. So they
1 have some progress coming.
The former president of Ecuador
ought to know enough to know that
it la not safe to linger around the old
1 neighborhood. President Diax of Mex
ico waa wise enough to bike to
'Europe without unnecessary delay.
Another Pctial Telegraph Advooate.
w nue toe talk occasioned by Post
master General Hltcoock's recom
mendation of the postal telegraph as
one of the fields Into which postal
activity should be extended has not
yet subsided, anothsr distinguished
member of the administration circle
speaking from an entirely different
point of view voices the earns conclu
sion.. Tbs latest advocate of postal
telegraph Is nous other than Dr. Har
vey W. Wiley, who contributes to ths
February Century an article entitled
"Back to the Farm," la which he
enumerates some things necessary In
his Judgment to make farm life more
attractive, aad Incidentally says:
Tbe stats bow carries aur letters aad
newspapers, and t doubt If any combian-
ttea of men who would desire to secure
control of tbls trans portal km could In
fluence the people of the country to take
this away from the state aad give It
berk to competitive business. Can any
valid reason be presented In opposition
to the stats's taking chirrs of ths tele
phone, the telegraph and lbs express
companies. In ths same manner?
Here Is Dr. Wiley proposing, not
only the parcels poet, aad the postal
telegraph, but also aposta'J telephone.
although, of course, be does not ex-
poet all o ft hem to come at oae time,
and probably none of them right
away. Rural free delivery was Inau
gurated originally, not to develop a
new and profitable busiaeas for tbe
poatofflco, but to give people living on
farms ths benefits of dally rommunl
catloa with other farm aad urban
centers. It is at least Interesting to
have the postal telegraph urged out
of the sams eonsideratloaa.
most welcome to the city, aad will
find that Omaha la. not only, char
itable, but ia hospitable, too.
Patting Him in the Wrong Class.
What shall we do with the man who
usee the thing the flac represents to ad
vertise himself or otherwise servo trivial
ends? There has bees Colonel Fanning
Bryan petition and the retaliation. There
is the petition of an obscure Ignoramus
to go oa the presidential ballot. There
Is Colonel Sore neon's perennial KS sena
torial filing fee for amusement purposes.
IJncoln Journal. ?
Here is where we object. We ob
ject, not on behalf of Colonel Fan
ning or of Colonel Bryaa or of any
"obscure ignoramus," but on behalf
of Colonel Sorenson, who Insists
he tan prove that the $50 be pays Is
his own money. Colonel Sorenson is
none of these cheap guys who go In
for offices that carry big salaries, but
for which no filing fee is required.
He is no moocher who wants to draw
cards and stand to win without put
ting up an ante. When a man like
Colonel Sorenson shoves j0 In real
coin of tbe realm into tbe Center of
the table, be does it as a genuine
sport, and never "boilers" It his
cards are low on the show down.
For Colonel Borenson we therefore
object to baring his senatorial boo in
let put ia the same class with Colonel
Fanning's vice presidential aspira
tions or Colonel Bryan'a presidential
air castles,-
Advance in Kexico.
Forty-odd years ago a captured
emperor of Mexico stood with bis
back to a wall, facing a firing party.
A volley ended tbe life of Maxlmllllaa
and tbe empire. Today a general of
the republlo is on trial, accused' of
conspiring and engaging 1n armed re
volt against the republic. But we are
assured tbst be will not stand with
his back to a wall, while a aquad of
hia country's soldiers use him as a
target. Ilia declining days may be
spent in sequestration, perbsps In
confinement, but his blood will not
stain his country's soil.
This advance In methods in Mexico
Is a most hopeful sign.. It waa appre
hended at the time General Reyes
was captured that bis shrift would be
short, aa his treason to the Madero
government was said to be. flagrant
Whether President Madero is In
spired by genuine notions of modern
ays, or Is merely a consummate poli
tician, his course towards his cap
tured enemy commends him.
Several county officers have noti
fied their employee that tbey will not
be permitted - to continue on ths
county payroll aad devote their time
to running for city office. The rule
le a good one, aad ought to be like
wise promulgated la tbe cltyj ball In
the - verloes department of tbe
municipal government It may be
all right for elective city officers to
stand for re-election, but thia habit
of every one from Janitor and street
foreman up filing for office Just to
bold on to his present Job under the
new regime, ought to be discouraged.
ThisDsW inOmnlra
A J.1-X. 27. ' f J
Thirty Years Ago
The board of trade banquet In honor
of the opening of this new elevator by
Messrs. Htmebaugh and Iferriam, was'
a grand success, many visitors from
out of town being there as well aa home
folks. The oratorical outpourings Oil
over four columns in The Bee.
The young friends of alias Inea M.
Haskell to the amnber of about twenty
rive, rave her a pleasant surprise this
'Teams wanted to haul ice when
weather Is suitable. Wsgcs SUA per day.
Inquire at Boyd's Packing bouse."
A local grocer offers oranges and
lemons at 30 cents per dosen.
It Is reported that a large bath house
built on the metropolitan plan will be
erected In this city next summer by a
wealthy gentleman of Omaha.
Mr.-Ueorse W. Holdrege. avneral siu
perlntendrnt of the R aV U.. Is rejoicing
over the advent of a little girt that came
to his residence, a few days sines The
fnion Pacific rant enjoin him In this
The Boston clothing store will re mow
to UlS Kamam street, one door east
Hugh Murphy A Ci. the newer con
tractors, are now employing forty men
on the letters!, which It Is eapeeted to
finish In ten daya, Thirty men are com
pleting the sewer at the foot of Farnam
As improvements In his office. County
Clerk Baumer, has added a number of
new pigeon ho lea and purchased a step
ladder tor his ova and ths public's con
venience. The Women's Christian Temperance
onion have rented a room In the Jacob's
block for the use of the society and a
publle reading room. Tbe committee In
charge is Mrs. Burroughs, Mrs. Bell, Mrs.
Uaraovsr, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Charlton.
It's a poor campaign that does not
enrich our vocabulary with a few
spot-touching words. , Here's the In
dianapolis News commenting on the
account of the convention In the
Fourth Oklahoma district with the
declaration that "evidently tbe peo
ple are not going to be rough-rldered
or ballooned off their feet" That Is
pretty good for a start in our .quad
rennial political aviation meet
Bswaadwrark at daea.
Nw York World.
Ia the midst of all tbls excitement ever
the high price of butter Is there ae room
for mention of the high taxes ea oleomargarine?
Heapee-Haw rarvatal Saarwaiaeri
Chicago Inter Ocean,
"rather does all ths talking for ear
family," says Theodore Rotsevelt, Jr. Ap
parently the Ilooievelt family just now la
a song without words (
i , Senator Culberson's list of con
tributors to the last democratic na
tional campaign fund omitted the
names of several who would have
been promptly in evidence demanding
high appointive Jobs bad Mr. Bryan
landed safely.
; Our amiable democratic contem
porary goes to great lengths to warn
the public against the danger- of
city government by amateurs.
Even "at that, city government by
i amateurs may be Just as attractive
as city govern meat by professionals.
' Through the attorney general Gor
jeraor Aldrich will at least keep aa
eye on the grand Jury Investigation
fttto tbe "egly rumors" of official
graft ia Douglas county. The county
attorney could.. If he would, make
even, this unnecessary by going to it
Mmself la a way that meant buaineaa.
State Charities.
Ths sessions of the convention of
the State Charities and Corrections
will bring to Omaha a number ef well
known workers la the philanthropic
field whose presence here will be
welcome for the cause they represent
Whatever else may be aatd of Ne
braska. Its' people have undertaken to
solve practically the problems pre
sented in tbe care of tbe unfortunate,
from whatever cause. With no great
flourish, the state has provided and
Tbe Retort Ceartoaaa,
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Governor Wood row Wilson's statement
that Colonel Watteraon Is a fine eld gen
tleman esuada eminently respectful, but
there are reasons tor doubting Its ap
proval by the object of the unsolicited
Twenty Years Ago
A good-tooklng young man appealed to
County Commissioner 8t en berg for work.
8tsnberg, knowing that Commissioner
Paddock had some wood to be chopped,
directed the good-looking young man to
him, aad the youth, without chopping a
great amount of wood, left with Pad
dock's axe.
William Tyndall. an Omaha Indian,
came to the city from his farm near
Bancroft to take steps preliminary to
asking Uncle flam for a soldier's pen
sion, aa he was mastered out of the army
in IMS.
.County Commissioner Stenberg proposed
a new system of buying supplies for the
county other than' of awarding to the
lowest bidder, which, while 6a Its face,
looked like the best method, he said en
tailed enormous padding and waste. Mis
scheme was for each department htad
to list what waa actually needed and
ask tor bids only on these things.
Home forty friends gathered for aa
evening of pleasure at the homo of Dr.
Panter, 4M Ersklne street, la honor ef
the seventeenth birthday anniversary of
Mies Jessie Panter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Millard entertained
a few friends st dinner.
Mrs. Mot'auley, wife of Cantata Mo
Cauley of the army and children were
the gueets of Mrs. George W. Ames, en
robts from Portland to Chicago, where
the captain was stationed. - -
Tea Years Ago -
Six mills wse fixed by the Board of
Education as the school levy for the year.
F. Johnson waa named as paga te the
Board ef nn.utlon for the year.
Julius Kruttschnttt came to town, giv
ing out this statement: "I came here
direct from Mr. Hsrrtmaa for tbe pur
pose of conferring with Mr. Burt rela
tive to the plan for Improving the west
era portion of the Unlea Paciflo system.
It Is now definitely decided that work of
enormous extent will be begun at enos."
Us said ths most Important of thia work
waa to be ths building of the Liucla
Ogdea eut-off, which had finally been
determined on. '
Uovernor Savage appointed Ouy R, C
Heed to sHCOesd Benjamin 8. Baker, re
signed, on ths district bench.
O. N.- Bateetlaad at the Nebraska Cloth
ing company waa the guest of honor at
a dinner gives at the Iter Grand by ad
men of the papers and stores. Mr.
Bwwetland waa about to depart' for Kan
sas City to take charge of the com
patty's store there. , "
' Judge Lss a. Esteile granted a restrain'
log order again setting off the trial ef
John Bedell, suspended Are chief, re
straining action by Mayor : Moorea and
h Board of Ftre and Police Coram tt-
il oners.
J, C Buckingham was made asaiataat
general passenger agent of the Burling
ton, succeeding Arthur B. Smith, and Ouy
II. Cramer waa made chief clerk ef the
passenger department. . . .
Hamate Blow far Bsperte.
IndlanapoUa News
The unconditional pardon by the presi
dent of a man who was falsely eoa
vloted of a crime oa the testimony of
handwriting experts may further con
vince you that handwriting experts should
confine their skill mainly to the paying
teller's depart meal of banks.
People Talked About
In Other Lands
Side Llarhts aa What is Traaa
atrlagr Antaeus' the Near aad
Far sTattaaa at Ike aUrtts.
neaeaaably Safe. .
' Cleveland Plata lealtr.
The United States, aa R appears Is the
sews columns. Is setting ready te seed
C0S troops to Cuba, tkete te Hawaii and
other detaehrneata to rarloua disaffected
points. That leaves nobody but ordinary
cttlaens to protect the home from the
Invader. We're safer thaa we have bean
tor a long time. -
FertlfTtas; aa Old 8artea
Baltimore American.
tr - u ,K .. a k i. - 1 A
maintain. Institution, that are splen- L. thtt th. fool t m
didly equipped for the comfort and soon parted, the gorarnmeat can offer
convenience of those who are in any tbe doubter substantial proof in its report
war delinquent or deficient. It Is not e easy marks- of the country
pretended that the end of effort has
been reached, aor that these Institu
tions can sot be Improved epon; but
It will be urged that Nebraska has
not only been liberal In its cars of
tbe unfortunate, but has been enter
prising and progressive la its meth
ods. The sessions of the convention will
serve to give the public a better no
tion of what Is being accomplished,
aa well as the tread of thought la
this field ef philanthropic activity.
The delegates and visitors will be
annually pay ever to the workers In the
rich muves of human credulty the amaatng
sum of P7.fno.aJS.
Give the Coesasae- a, Shaw. ,
Brooklya Kagie.
While It ?a legitimate to make two
blades of stub grow where only one
grew before, the lnaa who would help as
to make oae pound of butter at at eeats
swell Into two peaads, with a cheap
milk filling. Is condemned by law. Neither
are any steps being takea at Karons
or Washington to prove that eieocnarajr
Ine will produce aa many hard Mows aa
the anew qauntttv of batter. An the big
Inteiwets are working against the esa-
Out la Denver, where the mercury plays
high and low at the game, the Republican
says, "Same men who want their wives
te live on love never supply anything but
hot air, aad they renege on that during
tbe winter months.".
Three doctors 'snd a package of chlore
form working together saccsadid In
stopping a spoil of laughing which at
tacked aa Iowa woman on reading a
local Joke. The cause of the attack
le suppeatd te he the spurtoae lore letter
from Editor La Fayette Young te Sen
ator Albert D. Cummins.
Although never living more than forty
miles apart, aad for many years only
ten miles from each ether, Mrs. William
Schetrer of Cementoa. Lehigh county.
Pennsylvania, and her daughter, now the
widow of George Barrows, a former Phil
adelphtai. did not see each other for
twenty-four years until recently, when
tbey were reunited.
One of the Ptttsburgh millionaires, who
put hla first wife and children ea the
alimony shelf, grew weary of putting
up she coin to the tuna ef (MM, sought
relief la the courts and got. the cold
hand. The federal supreme court. In
dismissing the appeal. toM Mm te abide
by the contract. Both parties have
married again, the divorced write te e
prince who likes the ssoaay.
Politicians who wonder how Tom Ter
ra rt managed to etea back" la In
diana might flad a due la hla pretty
speech to the members of the state com
mit ton "It strikes me." he said, "that
wtth this talk about paMletty. nteretare
and other things, there Ia else a Bead
of having the treasury ef thia oeganlsa
ttoe' snpptted. What t hay te say ts.
call ea me for w hatevef ytm-' want."
Tbat'a tbe talk that reaches the spot.
Oversea lavasloa.
A leasoa of Impressive force on oversea
Invasion ts being drawn from July s raid
on Tripoli. Embarkation of troops began
the later part of October. Js three weeks
an army of a,WS men had reached the
coast of Tripoli and most of the soldiers
had landed. It Is estimated that the army
has been doubled In the succeeding eight
weeks. With tbs figures fuvt given aa a
text the .London contemporary Review,
squinting over the North Sea, swings the
hammer on tbe Hobsons ef Eiland with
these words: "If It takea S,tOS troops al-
nost three weeks to carry out an oversea
attack, with no opposition whatever, bow
long would iW.dOO. or even Te.030 men. take
In tbe face of some very dangerous op
position, even If the bulk of the defending
Meet Is out of the way our coastal tor
pedo flotillas are always oa the spot. As
far aa the events of this (Italian) war
afford an indkation. we ahould Incur no
undue risk If-ws dispatched our battle
fleets to the Cape of Good Hope or In
dian Ocean, except to our trade routes
near home waters." It la only M miles
from WMhelmsharen, the German naval
port on the North Sea. to the English
coast. From Naples to Tripoli the distance
IS a little greater. It Is only necessary to
apply these calculations aad observations
to an assault on the United Mates for ths
east or the west with S.0N to 7,00 miles
tytng between, and .the absurdity of the
proposition ts clear enough to regale the
Inmates of a feeble minded asylum,
Changed Ma ef Africa.
Only two little black svots-Ab sslnia
and .Liberia remain on the Jilt model
map of Africa to distinguish native con
trol from alien grab. The rest .of the
continent bears European colors, France
has grabbed most. Including the eSahara.
Ita total African possessions slncp the In
clusion of Morocco last fall, amount to
4.a23,a4 square miles. Ftgurra themselves
give ao Men of the new French empire.
greater by far than any Napoleon ever
claimed. France's African possessions
alone are larger than the United States,
Mexico and Central America. Next comes
Oreat Britain whose hold ea Rrypt now
baa been fully confirmed with toot. Ill
miles, an area a little larger than that
of the United ttates. Germany la third
with an area fire times ss large aa Ger
many Itself. Then norma Belgium with a
tract slightly smaller s.4 miles. For
togal has 73S.S") square miles. Italy, In
eluding Tripoli, haa M.80O squire miles,
and Spain has K.H4 miles. European In
vasion give eoma-edea of the population
of the great continent. It Is approximately
12s,f0,onfi people, of which considerably
over lnsM.oos are blacks. In this respect
only does Africa's remain "the dark con
tinent." ee
eeeeraaesl Owaersale. '
Government ownership and open Hon of
railroads In Franos. far from being a
model to which advocates of the system
can "point with pride." The Frankfurter
Zeltung relates that during a rash of
fruit from Franoe to Germany last Sum
mer aad fall tbs transportation facilities
proved a costly failure. The value of the
fruit, when started, aggregated H.aAOOO.
The average dlsuace from the fruit
gr ywing districts te the frontier may be
put down at MS miles and the
average time taken waa two weeks,
thougk sometimes six weeks were re
quired. The same wagoas and trucks
harnessed to German engines, were deliv
ered at distanoes ef from IW te MS miles
la twenty to thirty-ilx hours. In other
words, ea the French railway French fruit
Progressed at the rate of about twenty-
four miles a day, whilst, Inoludlng the
customs formalities, they quickened up to
about JW miles In the twenty-four hours
as soon aa they changed bands. Dosens
of wagons never reached their destination
at all. owjiur to the rickets befhg defaced
or the chalk scrawl on the psnel of the
truck having been obliterated during the
long pilgrimage.
ee '
Coot at Brttlah Election.
The legally recognised expenses of the
last general election in the United King
dom waa hearty C.ayyOOO. The average
cost ef eaoa, vote, estimated on tlls
basis, works out at at Sa,about si cents.
Had each candidate spent the maximum
amount he was legally entitled to spend
the aggregate axpease ef all the candl
dates would have been 1X,I7S,SM. The
actual aggregate of the candidates' ex
pensea was The actual number
of votes polled was t.XK-.rj, showing that
leSMlS electors did not exercise their
privilege. The average cost per vote in
England and Wiles waa as M. In Scot
land the cost was t cents less, and In Ire
land t cents less.
ajWalry B Xbtw Belldlaa-.
In the rivalry between the- maritime
powers of ths world for sea supremacy
Great Britain still manages to maintain
Ha lead. Its German rival having
lately built the battleship Moitks. with
a teenage of 11,70, MOM horsepower And
a developed speed ef a.7 knots, the Brit
ish shipyard answer with the battleship
LJoa, JUee tonnage. TS.00S horse power
and aa accomplished speed of S.T knots.
The Llea Is a remarkable big and pow
erful ship, one of the wonders of present
day naval construction. Ita length Is
CSS feet and normal displacement Jt.OUO
tons. The btrgeat United Statea war
ships In commission, the Utah and Flor
ida, are. all feet long: their normal dis
placement la ZLXB tons. The Uoa. a
sister ship to tbe Princess Royal, wul
have a primary battery of sight lU-lach
guns, aad twenty 4-Inch guns to repel
torpedo attacks. A speed ef XI knots
would therefore make the Lion one of
the meet formidable warships afloat.
, SOAI0& cTrxxnis is wnixsG.
f-t Louis Globe Democrat: Senator
Cummins says squarely that be will run
for president, which Is candid If not fas .
io liable.
St. Louis Bepublic: Senator Cummins'
announcement that he la a candidate for
the presidency la interesting chiefly bo-
cause he tells tbe people of Iowa that he
has learned "that mora than two can
didates win be seriously considered by
the national republican convention." We
are wondering about the other two. Who
are they?
Indianapolis News: What la certain,
however, Is that progressiva politics fat
getting very - badly tangled. Apparently
it haa been Impossible to bring about a
combination on Senator La Follette, who
was auppoaed to bo the official candidate
of the progressive wing of the republican
Party. It ia even said that he was so
weak In Iowa that It was necessary to
bring out Cummins In order to prevent
the state from falling under the control
of the Taft men.
Washington Herald: ' The Cummins
movement to secure the delegates in Iowa
and aa many other states aa possible la
not primarily la opposition to the grow
ing power of La Follette or the still
greater power of Roosevelt, ahould hla
friends continue to urge his name as a
candidate, but It la to divert a portion
of the del crates to the Chicago conven
tion away from the president. That la the
object of La Follette and that la the ob
ject of Roosevelt'a friends.
Boston Transcript: Two Interesting
questions ate presented by his announce
ment How many friends haa Senator
Cummins In Iowa and how many outside
that stale? "The Iowa party" Is In sym
pathy with the Insurgents, but not so
sympathetio as to prevent 'It from In
vading the field which La Follette has
oflklally pre-empted. Senator Cummins,
It will be remembered, waa prominently
mentioned In IMS several montha before
the convention of that year assembled.
It. Louis Gtobe-bemocrat: President
Taft la so much In earnest on the sub
ject of economy thst congress Is some
what pressed for tune to catch up.
Cleveland piaindealer: Three men In
the publle eye ahould go Into partnership
the Kansaa candidate for the supreme
court, the mayor of Lima and the mayor
of IndlanapoUa. Hook. Shook A Shank.
Sioux City Journal: Colon! Harvey
says he "co-operated earnestly and loy
ally In advancing a movement which was
Inaugurated solely In the hope of ren
dering a high public service." The word
of the distinguished publicist wh rose
from the common people, ought to be
good for that. He haa withdrawn from
the movement by request It would have
been better for Wood row Wilson to have
died In the love and confidence of his
friend. '
Philadelphia Record: A politician of
Colonel Watterson s ' long experience
should have understood that It ts essen
tial to an effective explosion that It
should come so late as to wave no time
after it for recovery from the confusion
created' by tt. ' On the eve of the con
vention, or just before the roll of states
waa to be called, hla deep sorrow at dis
covering the governor ef New Jersey to
be a schoolmaster and not a statesman,
and In no sense a reincarnation of
Samuel Jones Tlulea, might hare had a
decisive elfect. But six months in ad
vance ef tbe convention there ts plenty
at time for the aotae te subside aad tbe
smoke to blow away and the smell to
evaporate, and there la imminent danjer
that before June M the ahafta of ridi
cule may be sticking In the skla of the
Kentucky Warwick. ; .
"Uncle Joe, do you believe In votes
for women?"
"No. sah. I dent, Manda's got sit da
money dat's good for her no." Cleve
land Flala Dealer.
"Miss Ganderprest," said the- bootees,
allow me to present Mr. I'rendergast.''
-Whv. can It be possible?" exclaimed
the charming young woman, "that any
body has such a name as that?"
"I hope my daughter will marry either
a baker or a buuber."
"Why sol"
"Because If she marries a baker, he
knows how to raise the dough, and if
her choice is a butcher, he can contrive
to make both ends meet." Baltimore
American. .
Clerk That new customer eers his sn
reetore tame serosa with the Puritan-.
Grocer What Interests me more is. csn
he come acrora with the doug a. -'Boston
Transcript. "
. ;
Too always judge a cigar by ita band,
don't you? .....
Yes; if it hss a band around it I don t
buy it. Chicago Tribune.
Knlcker-How' did that dentist build
up such a good practice?
Booker Has moving pictures for his
victims to look at. Judge.
"The voung man who la vtstrlnx; El lis.
hss msde a great deal of money manu
facturing wax candles. 1 hop he means
"Mv dear, cease to worry. If he I In
the wax candle trade his Intentions must
be cereoua " Baltimore American.
Ttiat politician used to have a knife I
up his sleeve for you."
Yee," replied Senator Sorghum. "'But
I have observed him at luncheon and his
knife Is not going to do me any harm.
He's too busy eating with It." WasirTng- j
ton Stsr.
"Hoes your wife win at bridge?"
"I don't know for sure." replied Mr.
Meekion, "but I think so. The women i
all look as if they disliked her verv
much, but they keep on Inviting ber to
play.'1 Wellington Star.
"What struck ynu most forcibly during
votir visit to the city. Uncle Hiram?"
asked the village oracle, 1
"Wall." ruminated Unci Hiram,
"when 1 cum to In the hospital I'll b .
goeh-dtngrd If I could ree lect whether I
It waa a trolley oar or one o' them
darned ottymobiles." Philadelphia I
The Doctor Most of the sickness comes
fro 71 what we est and drink. People ere
not half particular enough about what
they put Into their months.
The Professor (nulfftngt No, they're
not. Do you often smoke such a ciss'
aa that? Chicago Tribune.
' W. D. Nesblt In Chicago IHist.
The party should select a man
Who's known.
One who can carry out a plan
A man of independent thought.
Yet who by reason could be brourlit
To change his mind, if so he ought.
The party must take every heed
And choose no man whose leanings lead.
Prom the great principles which made '
The party, yet who's not afraid
To claim saw thoughts must be obeyed.
Tbe party must not blindly cling .
To one i
Who thinks that when he says a thine
"lis done.
It must awsks. and realise
It needs a leader who Is wise.
Who publle whoop and whim defies. ,
The party must have one who holds
Hla friends.
Yet while his hand a hand enfolds
Contends . .
For what Is good and right and fair.
And for the worker haa a care,
Yet gives to capital Ita share.
In short, 'tis hard to say just ho , ' '
' Te choose.
The proper man would not dare' to "'
Refuse. .
He'll answes to hla land's acclaim. ,
But modesty handmaid of fame
Prevents my mentioning his name.
t - i L - . . r.
Made from Pure, Grape
' Cream of Tartar .
Surpasses every other baking
powder in making delicious,
healthful food.
Protects the food from alum.
Baaewt Merit Awarded.
New Tori Bun.
v Tbe Thane of Ski bo la entitled to hla
Kta mileage, but he would cheerfully
have paid $i,KM out of his weekly
pocket money rather than have lost the
Washington . opportunity te testify to
himself, W wjlt new sing the affect
tag eld lewiand ballad
"Ut's siller I haa and the'gind red gold.
And the pokes e ateei bonds handy;
I love my neither man, bat wee I,
I'm a penfcr ehiei." eaya Aaay.
Wse Caa Draw th Liaef
Iadtaaapsita News.
Another -rather aom plicated Job wonld
be Involved In the auggestion of Chief
Peatoraea Inspector Sharp for the en
act merit ef legislation defining - "the
herderiand Between legitimate nndertak
Inga and criminal schemes." This twi
light none la such a peculiar rwgioa that
aoraa people manage te get 4nto aad out
at tt again without knowing the differ
ence, or at Isast without letting; aaV one
ttse suspect that' they knew' the differ-'
Kansas City Hot Springs Express
Leaves Kansas City 6:20 p. m.
Arrives Hot Springs, ArL, 2:25 p. m.
This high class terries will be placed ia effect January 29lh,
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cifle S:!0 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 5:10 P. 11. Connects with tbs
Kansas. City-Hut Springs Express, j No change of cars. Solid trains.
Coach, Chair Car, Sleeping Car and the best of Dining Car service.
For full Information -call or address
. TOM HUGHES, Traveling Paasrnger Agent,
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- - . -
1423 Faraaaa Street, or Union Station,
Omaha, Jfeb. '
Assets, January 1. ltH ........ i. .. ...... . .$90HtMl
Resterve Fnad January 1, 1913 ..... -...w,.., 18,
aejesu-ities wtth Stat IJeaawtxneBt January 1, 1013 ...... t43,VW.0w
- - (To Bscwre Oar tnawraaos Cen traces.) - - . - .
- Ran) per thonsan4, age Su 4tiver ages In proportion), M.7S." :
Mortality Cost per fl.OOO Jnsuraace Mean Amount, leer 111, tU.lX
j - Depository BanJu Appelated. taM. i ;
TUB ssel ia Oaltfaraia, Xaaiaaa, Iowa, nawsaa, atoatana, aTebraaca, Wert
. Dakota, Oregon, tenth IMkeea, Xaaa. Wasaiagtoa, rexaa aad
WrosalDg, aat srepanjur to eat lUiaei aS auehls-aa.
Ilea capable ef preSaaiaw tbe beet oUss of hasrsirs wasted aa State Kaaajvo
. - aad aoUereere. ' .
look xrt ovm xtBcema. . - --
Home Office: Brandeis Bttfldiiig. Omaha, Nek
- Telephone Doag'i 7021. ' - - - .