Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1912, Image 1

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Daily Bee
Snow; Colder
VOL. XLI XO. 192.
'How Takes Up CouideratioB of
Xetal Schedule as First Measure
Prepared by BemocrtU. '
Prepared by De
Charge Pledjjes Repudiated and
t American Industry Threatened.
The National Capital
Mir, Jmarr as, 11.
The Senate.
Not to MMlon: meats I p. m. Honusr.
The House.
Met at noon.
Debate beerua en the tcel Uriff r.
vision W1L Geuer! debate will close to
morrow. The Mil may be passed late lo-
I morrow afternoon. '
Samuel t:ntermeyer of New Tork testi
fied before the rules committee rf erdliis
t the domination of the country's money
I power by fonr groups ef nnaiwiar.
Loom I. Brandele of Boston dlecuaaed
pending anti-trust Mils at a bearing be
fore the judiciary conuultlee.
! Protection Asserted Not Keeded for
Iron and Steel.
Peaaerlvaatea Aeeaees Democratic
Leaden af Fearing Bryam' la
Pattlaa; Metal Ahem af '
Wool Srhrael.
WASHINGTON. Jan. S-Tb tariff
'vision fight opened In this houaa today
.Than consideration of the metal tariff
bill xvaa taken up aa the first of the
nnoasur winch the democratic leaders
will attempt to fore through congress.
Attacked by the republican aide as a de
parture from democratic pledgee and as
likely to be destructive to American labor
,and induatry. the bill went through five
bourn of stormy debate, which will be re
sumed tomorrow.
1 Replying to charges that the democrats
: had abandoned the farmer by not putting
agricultural machinery on the free list in
the bill. Chairman Underwood of the ways
and means committee retorted that It was
not a part of the metal schedule of the
VWe have put In here vry item re
flating to the metal schedule." said Mr.
I'nderwood. "It haa been charged that
this bill will let cheap Chines plr Iron
In in large quantities on the Pacific coast
The gentleman who make such charge
ought to know that the matter of freight
' inerges alone is enough to keep Iron and
let eel out of the Mississippi valley and
all that great territory where the Ameri
can produces- has a natural monopoly.
rreleetlea JTet Needed.
"The Iron and Keel Industry does not
need any protection. We have put these
rate just a low a we can and still se
cure fair amount of revenue -for the
upport of the government. We do not
try to protect the profits of the ateel man
ufacturers any more than we would try
to protect the profits of the banker, the
baker or the grocer."
Rrureaeatallv Daltell, republican, of
'Pennsylvania, representing' the repuhDcan
minority on the ways and mean com
mittee, demanded of the democrat why
. they bad not first Introduced the wool
revision bill. The metal schedule, he said,
was cut to the oca la the Psyae-Aldrlch
law of JSCS.' while the deaeeerats bad a
" tared that thai wool tariff was the roost
unreasonable of all In the tariff cod of
the ceunUT. ,
Are yeu strain to encounter tne at
onlrm of tb peerless leader." be de
manded, "or It It not a fact that the ras
nlflcent report, of the tariff board has
convicted yon of Insincerity T"
'Mr. Dal sell paid his compliments to an
cither democratic leader, Governor Wood
row - Wilson. He quoted an article of
Governor Wilson's which credited the ma
, Jorlty member of the ways and mean
' 'committee of the keuss with power to
control the majority of all tariff bill and
the determination of amendment It any
would be permitted In consideration of
tha bill.
"That was written by tha then presi
dent of Princeton university." .ha said.
That la what be'thought at the time
he wrote It What be thinks about tt
now I do not know, since the gentleman
in the meantime has become distinguished
as th most expert lightning change artist
who ever by his antlca contributed to the
'joy of political vaudevUle." v
Palmer SEx plains Bill.
A crowded house listened for two hours
to the opening speech of Representative
, Palmer of Pennsylvania, who explained
the Mil on behalf ot the majority mem
bers of th ways and mean committee.
Mr. Palmer sal dtne measure would stim
ulate competition by permitting slight
Increase In Imports of metals produced
'and would thereby somewhat lower
price. He denied It would have any
effect on wages, or upon established In
dustrie in th United State.
' Representatlv Hill of Connecticut
Conference on Child
J-abor Endorses Bill
Pending in Senate
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Jan. X.-Wnil dele
gate to th conference on child labor
came her to discus problems, they did
not let theory stand la tha war of prae
tic at th opening session and they
changed the enttra order of busuien to
rush through resolutions, urging congress
to enact -Senator Borah's Mil creeling
children's bureau in connection with the
Department of Commerce and Labor. Dr.
Samuel McCune Lindsay left at once fur
Washington to present th memorial.
Word wss received at th asm lime
that Dr. A. J. McKelvay tad learned of
th pending measure, winch Is to be voted
on Tuesday, and turned bark after start
ing for Louisville, In order to work for
Its passage. Richmond Pearson Hobson
also cancelled his engagement to sneak
here 8unday and announced his purpose
ot Joining th lobby for th Mil.
Seven busy, sessions will occupy th at
tention of the delegate during th en
suing forty-eight hours, relieved only by
a reception at the Woman club late this
"Street trade and public schools," Is
th subject of the first morning session.
presided over by Edward W. Frost of
Milwaukee. On the program are S. T,
Potter ot Buffalo and I. N. Copper of
Or. Helen T. Wolley at Cincinnati wlU
open th discussion on "Industrial train
ing and vocational guldance,"'follovfed by
W. H. Elson of Cleveland, Alio P. Bar
row of New Tork. Annie B. McCord of
Pittsburgh and Paulina Wltberspoen,
Former Popnlaraldol Shot by Angry
People and Afterwards Beheaded
and Burned.
Handed Orer Leadership in Prorii
iona OoTernment to Another.
Crowds Displeased When He Escaped
with Prison Term, .
(Continued on Second Page.)
... A
zr r,
The Weather";
For Nebraska 6 now; colder. -For
Iowa Snow; colder.
TeMrperatwree at Oeaaba Yesterday.
' "' ' Hour. . De
TO. !vm " S
A J a. m
sSli 11 a. m
Tt 2
s ;::::::::-::::
NTF 4 p. m Jt
ev aj p. m ...
Is. m
I p. m 9
t eraparative Laeal Reword.
. 111 1911. 01. Sss
llichett yesterday 4 44 m H
leeot yesterday 11 S3 X! II
Mean temperature S rt 41
l"reclp5tetloe W T .i .
Temperaiur and precipitation depar
lire from normal:
Normal temperature tl
fcaosae for th day 17
Normal precipitation jk torn
1 ef Ictemy for the day 00 Inch
Total rainfall sines March 1....M.U laches
jrtciencr for the day 11 s7 Inches
eflclency cur. period lsr....lLinohe
Excess cor. period. IMS 1st Inch
spans free ItaMeas at T T M.
Station snd Stat Temp. Hick- Rain-
of WeaLher. . Tp.n. est." fall.
4-heysnn, clears at M .
Jiavenport. cioodr Ss as .a
Ijenver. part oloudy 3 M ',.
Vs Volnea, cloudy 9K .an
Iwdxe City, clear v "
lander, clear ! 38 ...
f.ortli Platte, clear 9 .r.
Omaha, cloody..... JJ 44 .
pueblo, dear -...f ..
Xavtd City, ekwdl a .")
Halt Uk City, doudy...
.rents Fe, rlear. l.... i M .
VieMldaiw part ctioay.... tl c .
Sioux CIUT. douiy
VsJrntlna. etootf
i T mascot trace of precipitation. -!
: Li, WILMS. Lscal rorocasur.
Official Trapped
by .Woman Deputy !
; Appears in Court
' smmwsmxasaw. T
KANSAS C1TT. Mo.. Jin. tWoha P.
Maddox. county clerk of Pallas county,
Missouri, appeared before Judg A. 8.
Vsn Veftenburgh, In tb fsdsral court
hsr today. I niwr suit against
Dal at county to compel It tsj tsey tan?
of 170, W to apply on railroad bonds of
11 MMNo, issued la IMS and at held by
astern capitalists.
Th road for which th bond war is
sued was never bunt,
Sine tha suit wa filed la December,
1MI, by David Tost of Philadelphia and
others, th Dallas county official have
avoided service. Paper were served upon
th county clerk by a Kaasas City sirl, a
deputy United Ststei marshal, who
trapped Maddox by peeing a a book
agent Recent attempt upon th part of
th deputy marshal to serve a subpoena
upon th assessor of Dallas county havs
Charge' Against
W. J. Barnett is
" to Be Revived
,3AX FRANCISCO, Jan. M.-A resump
tion of criminal proceeding against Wal
ter J. Barnett. the lawyer-banker, In
volved m the collapse of th CaHfornia
Safe Deposit and Trust company in IMf,
with a loss of mors than to Its
depositors. Is contemplated by 01st riot
Attorney Fickert
Barnett. who la in New Tork, was con
victed of embezzling l,o securities
and sentenced to nine years In tb peni
tentiary. Th supreme court hold that
th securities war not th property of
th bank and reversed th cue.
1 Barnett Interested H. P. Wilson of Kew
Tork and other -eastern capitalist la a
proposal to rehabilitate th bank and th
depositor agreed to dismiss th indict
ment against him. No reorganisation
followed and the depositors began further
bivestlgarioa. which it Is said have
ceased the district attorney to plan nsw
action ssjalaat tha'baakar.
Knox Offered Race
On Supreme Bench
WASHINGTON. Jan. M.-U wss reliably
reported bar today that President Taft,
before consider! n any ther candidate
bad offered to Secretary f State Knox an
appointment -0 tb aupram court bench.
Circuit Jodg W. C Hook stlli Is, sup
yoaed to be tbe leading candidate consid
ered, but th delay 1n aniwmclng a obolce
baa given rise to renewed rumors that
Secretary ef Coaasserc and Labor Nagel
may be finally selected.
General I A Kara and General Pars,
Seised at Same Time, Are seat
t ttalt and Will Tried
la Capital.
GCATAQC1U Jan. St General Pedro
Monter. who recently wa th popular
hero of Guayaquil, wa yesterday shot by
the angry populace, draargxd into ths
streets and beheaded and burned-
General Mentero In November, last, was
proclaimed president by tha troops sta
tioned ln.Uauyaqull, but handed over the
leadership in ths provisional government
to General Klavio Alfario. A revolution
ary army went from Guayaquil to meat
th government troops from Quito, who.
under the command of General Lsonldas
plana defeated them and eventually
forced Guay skull to capitulate.
General Montero, with other leaders,
faa captured on January ! and last
evening ttte general wa brought before
a court-martial and aantenoed to sixteen
year' Imprisonment In a penitentiary.
When General Plana, who presided ever
th court-martial, announced the sentence
crowds of angry people who had sur-
runded the government palace awaiting
the result, ehouted violent protest. Tb
excitement Increased rapidly and some
of them rushed Into the court room, fid
dled General Monter with bullela, seised
hi body and dragged It Into the epea air.
Tbere they hacked th heed off the boul
der, gathered fuel with which they
started a fire and thea oast bead and
trunk into the flames.
Tli excitement lasted throughout the
night and revolver shooting occurred la
many parts of th city.
General Hoy Alfaro and General rkei,
who aver raptured at the same tint a
General Montero, were. It hj reported.
it to Quito at midnight. They wilt be
tried by ceurt-manial in th capital.
PQlishJ7omen Try
...CaJil.;Thfiir .Saviour
LODS. Russian Poland, Jan. M,-Th
timely arrival of th nolle today pre
ventad a band of fanatical earn en from
crucifying a man whom they had adopted
as their "saviour." -
A new sect was formed recently by
woman of the Moravian community. They
elected a man named Kowlaskl, whom
they worshipped aa their saviour. They
urged him to allow himself to be cruci
fied so as to enable them ta prove the
truth of their tenet by bl resurrection.
Kowlaskl faith, however, wavered
and he strenuously opposed the carrying
out of the auggaetioa.' Ultimately thirty
determined women took bl house by
storm and were proceeding with nil Im
molation when th police appeared.
Morgan Will Bring
Art Treasures- to
the United States
NKW YORIC. Jan. M.-J. P. Morgan Is
withdrawing a large part of hi collection
from the Victoria and Albert museum In
London simply because be wants them
In this country and not because at any
dlssatlrfactloa with th museum nienaee
ment Thl was made I lain In a atate
ment given out today by J. P. Morgan, jr.
LONDON. Jan. M.-TI) authorities of
the Victoria, and Albert museum are
greatly disturbed about the withdrawal
of tb magnificent collection of art ob
ject lent for many years by J. P. Mor
gan. Ths director of the museum. Sir
Creil H. Smith, has. It la reported, gone
to Egypt to attempt to persuade Mr.
Morgan to reconsider.
Bank at Vancouver
.Robbed by Two Men
VANCOUVER. B. C. Jan. St-The
Royal bank branch at Main street and
Seventh arenae wa robbed of all Its
caah by two robber at noon. Manager A.
A, Stevens and tb member of has staff
were sacked Into tb vault and locked
there) while tha robber helped thsmsalTO.
Tb mm .Ukaa e high up la tb
Hunter and Two Dogs
. . - Killed by Wolves
KAGLS OROVR. Jan. - St-The
partially devoured remains Of aa uaWea
ttfVal banter and sis two dag wars
found Bear bar today. Tner were vt
dence of a terrific etrenie, as arby
were tb bodies ejf four wotvos, am par-
tempt to withhold J. J. McXamara'
checkbook from th government' in
vestigation of the dynamtt conspiracy
were blocked by Federal ludge Anderson
today In an order directing Leo M. Rap
pa port, an attorney, to appear at one
before th federal grand jury and turn
over tb evlSeno required.
District Ararney Miller arauad that th
grand jury wanted tha Vnarkhooks to
find out whar McNasnara did with th
tl,a a month si owed him aa ecreary-
ti assurer of th International Associa
tion of Bridge and Structural Iron Work
em. That money,' said Mr. Miller, "was
expended t transport dynamite -and
nitiualyvrgli a shout the country and to
pay tne expense ot men who blew up
Better Cut It Off, John,
: ;
From th Minneapolis Journal.'
Majunf Excellent Progress Organis
ing- Nebraska Clnbs,
flnrvn Hi ST mvn tut niirPATnw
The Beut
wkh Tht
Sunday Bee
l.larala Saainltst Caltse evt
Iraer Aldrirh ) Debar Bryaa
' Retam fiaas laws Trip aad
Ma ICerthlag ta Say,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. ABpeial.)-tiera
tery Curri of tha Stat Taft learua la
making excellent proaree In organising
Taft clubs over tha state, Sarpy county
I th first m tha stats to report ja ugi so
ta every township, but Gag I not far
behind. - .
Other counties have mad a good start
and there Is an ancouraalng prospect that
long before th tlm for th primaries
practically every township ta th state
will bav a Taft club.
Th work of organising I proving even
easier than anticipated, and when R la
completed It will not only concentrate th
Taft strength for tha prlmarlea, but prove
a big start for organising for th election
campaign to follow. With aa organisation
of republican already formed In prac
tically every township In th Stat the
work of tha slat committee will be much
easier and th big contest can b shaped
up rauoh earlier In In campaign.
Ernest M. Monro at She! ton filed today
aa democratic candidate for superintend
ent of public Instruction. '
Racialists Arraaa Meeilag.
The Lincoln socialists bar arranged for
a meeting Thursday night at which Clyde
J. WrIglnV mt socialist candidal for
governor, will apeak oa th McXamara
can. He will aak Governor Aldrich to
appear and debate tb question from tbe
earn platform. .Tb formal Invitation
has not yet reached lb governor and
what answer he will give can only be
know when it I reoelved. Th socialists
pla ato cemmeno their campaign la Feb
ruary, and for thl purpose they expect
to brine In several prominent speakers
from outrode th stole. Th first meet
ing will be In Omaha, followed by on In
South Omaha. Lincoln, North Piatt, Bo
atnc', llavelock, Fremont and other
place not yet announced.
Bryaa Bark from Trip. .
William J. Bryan returned today from
hi extended trip which Included such
lively Incidents as a ship wrack and
"run-In" with his fellow of th demo
cratic national committee over Colonel
Ouffy of Pennaytvania. Thl morning h
pleaded a wa too tired to talk politic
and that bj fact ha bad already discussed
pretty thoroughly all th political bi
dden Is which bad com to bl attention
sine last he was la Lincoln.
C. W. Pool, on of the democratic
candidates for th gubernatorial nomi
nation, ta ha tbe city today. He asaerts
that any talk of bis pulling out of tb
ontest is pur rpt sa'l that be is in the
raos to the flnL-h end that be la much
encouraged over th outlook.
Missouri Republican'
Convention Will Be
,. Held in St. Louis
suit republican eonveatloa V select
delegate ta th national convention tb
Chicago will be held In St Louis Thurs
day, April Sa, according to th decision
of th stat central committee, meeting
.In this city today. .
Another question schedule to he con
sidered1 by the committee wa th raising
of funds to resist election contest now
being prosecuted by Judg J. B. Gantt
and Judg H. C. Tlmmonda, democrats,
for tb place on th supreme bench held
by Justice Kennlah and Brew. Th
contestant alleged technical defect In
th registration of 190 St. Lout repub
lican. A trace prevailed la th committee
when that body went lata executive ses
sion at noon. Thar waa a general agree
asant that neither tb Taft nor th
Ronaevelt forces should "start anything,"
which wa taken to mean that tb com
mittee would endorse neither. At tb
seme time both sides claimed they wer
In control.
Th committee . marked lime at tha
morning session ' discussing plan to ob
tain fund to .carry on th elect Is n con
test In Mt. Louis, growing aut of ths
lection two year ago.
Republican Editors
of Missouri Meet
KANSAS t'lTT. Jan. M -With an at
tendance greater than at any piaviou
meeting, the Republican Editorial Asso
ciation ot Missouri began a two days'
seslon her t 14 o'clock today. ' Th
morning wa given over to lb bearing
of reports and th appointment of com
mittee. The program for th Aeraoon meeting
Included an address by Judge Seldln
Spencer of St Louis, oa "Rlectioa Con
test. a talk by Walter M. Dickey, of
Ksnsaa City, on "Missouri River Trans
portation," and th opening of th ques
tion box, which 1 th stg-nal at th
editorial convention for a fener! dis
cussion of political questions.
Tonight th association holds Us an
nual banquet. I'aptaio Henry King, .ef
SI. Lout, president of the organisation,
III b toast master. Tb guest ot honor,
who will addresa the editor at th bsn
uet. Include Charles Nasal, Washington,
P. C; secretary of Commere and
Labor, C. A. Newton, ot the Depart
anenut ef Justice), Washingtoa; Frank A.
Raid of nilnot; Governor Herbert S.
Hdly of MlaaouTl, and Charlee. F.
Scett, former coagrsasrean of Kansas.
aral Bernardo Reye wilt not be ht
for Inciting a rebellion ngalnst th Mex
ican government tor which crime he is
in prison In Mexk-o City. That opinion
is expressed by Prestoe-nt Francisco I.
Madero In siB-ned reromunlcsiioa to
the Fan Antonhj Express.
.Instead, President Medero thinks Gen
eral Reyes will probably get a aentence
of six U eight year in prbwa.
in tbe ram ea-rnmunk-atton President
Madero says control of the National rail
way will coBtiBU to be vastad in and
execled by th Mexican gorernxaant,
and finally declare be sees a new era
of progress for tb ce-uratry.
Governor of Xausas Joint MoTtment
to Nomlnats tht Colonel,
' eiaoaeaek at West Vir-
rtata Take Laaebee with P et
as e-r Prrsideal la W Verk -May
Mak ratesaeat,
CHICAGO. Jan. M-Ocerner Ntabbe
of Kaaaa and Governor Hadley ef Mis
souri teasy joined Oararnor Oebom of
MlrHlgan and i-Oovror Port of Now
Jersey in scceptlng nvmbrhlp la th
Roosevelt national onmmlttee.
Oovemor Stdbbs dropped Into th nv
nilttee hesdejnartera her today to aa
ounce bl willlngnee I accept a mem
ber h!p.
"Ilooaevelt I th logical man for th
republican party to no -nana," h aaid.
"He would carry Kaaaa by at least TV
M and carry Missouri, too. Thar I a
strong sentiment in favor ot him la my
section of th country."
Th governor was on Ms way to New
fork and Washington. Asked of hi visit
to New Tork had any significance In con
nection with the Roosevelt movement he
smiled broadly etnd replied:
"Not a bit.
Governor Hadley wired tb committee
today that he wuld accept a member
ship. Clesereek ta ks Reeevelt.
NRW YORK, Jan. sl-Oo-rarnar Glass
cock of West Virginia took lunshsoa to.
dsy with Colonel Roosevelt aid It w4
reported that lie would ask th colonel
If he would accept tha nomination for
president, Governor Glasscock, It was
further said, would ask for a definite
answer. . ,
Before th luncheon Colonel Roosevelt
was asked:
"It la reported that Governor Glasscock
ta tb neara- of a not signed by saveral
other governors asking your position In
regard to a nomination for th presi
dency." "I don't knew ef that at all," replied
Colonel Roosevelt
It I understood that after th luncheon
Governor Olaascock may hav something
to say. ' ' "i
' Colonel Will Mot Talk.
"I think Colonel Rooavlt will .never
be a'caodldat. I think he will bav to
be nominated without being a candidate,"
aid Governor Olaaacock this afternoon.
Do you think Colonel Rooaevelt will
deotlne a noral nation ,
"N man baa ever yet dedlasd," re
plied Governor Glasscock,, ."i. am, soin
back to West Virginia to work for Colonel
RooMvelt aad expect that West Virginia,
will send sixteen delegate for him to tb
republican national convention."
Governor Glasscock said lie. had no auJ
Important Developments Are Ex
pected to Follow Premier'!
Visit to Throne Today. .
Palaoe and Government Intrigues
Are Still Rampant.
President of Red Cross Society Ap- .
peals for Funds.
Disturbed Ceadltloaa Mak Aid tram
Ik Oalslde Absolutely Impera
tiveRelief Week Welt
PEKING. Jan. SSPremlar Tuaa Shi
Kai I to pay another visit to th Im
perial paloa, Saturday and Important
development are " expected to follow
quickly. Palace and gorarTimant In
trigue are rampant and th panl among
th Chine Inhabitant corrUnuea Wrlnce
Chltuj, th former premier, who mod
erate view bav bran considered a hope
ful factor in the situation, has Wen
sTraatsd an additional ten days leave
Th troop la th garrison at Efean
Chang Tee, In southern Manchuria, north
of Mukden, aa wall a th aollc fore,
of that city, revolted and demolished tb
headquarter of th governor because
they had not received their pay. Th
governor fled to aiukden.
arts Near Pskaw.
SHANGHAI, Jan. H. -Sharp fighting
has occurred oa tb railroad from Tien '
TUn ta Pukow. Tb Imperial troopa.
under command of Chang Hsun. formerly
commaadar at Nanking, came lata ana
tact with th rebel eeventy-atx mil
south of Suchow, where Chang Hsun baa
hi headquarters. Tb result of tb bat. .
tl I not yet known.
KXTJA. Chines Turkestan. Jan, tt
The tnsperial gorammant troops, who
cam n contact with th Chinas rearo
lutlonarl at Tautl pas oa January St,
went ever ta tb revolutionary aid wttb-
ut striking a blow, Tha combined foroa
la now dvancang so tb dty of
TJrumptal. north of th Tlaa Stiaa moun
tains. ' '',-
Red Ot A apeal fa Faa.
W'ASHINOTON, Jan. SV-Th appJ .
ud taroBtb ordinary ebann! bavins
failed b ealielt a reeponae la any way, .
eommenaurat with th (Itnation. Preei
dant Taft, today, paraonatly, a prestdent .
f Ik AArtaa Red Gross, sent ut art
appeal toy fond to relieve th (amine
strtoken people f Chins, Mr, Taft's plea
"As presrident af Did American fcattonal
Red Cnaas, R becomes my imperativ
duty ta all t tb anantloa of th peopl
of tba United Statee, th condition of
awfnl deetltutlon. which now crlat fa
certain prevlnc ef China. Peourrent
tnuniatlorri by th Tans Ta and other
rivers, bar destroyed crops and pre
vented th oulUvatloa af tb kanda Mil. -Dana
of human being are now facing ,
St emtio n. An agent of tb Amen can Red
Cras wb has recently traveled through
at th ftunln duitrtct. reports ooall
tlona af starvatloa f th most tarrlble
and appalling rharaotar,
"Until Pease la restored la China and
tb function of tftclmoy government
are established, th condition must
ontlnu save a relieved by tha ahartt.
able effort ot other countries.
"Th central China famla relief com
mittee ba created a strong and efficient
organisation with a aad as established
tnroughout th affected districts. This
boor, which oomprlsea In its membership ,
Rev. - Bishop F. it Grave, chairmaA,
Rev. M. C Lobenateln. aecretary, aad
twenty or more ot th loading Amerioan.
European and Chin merchants aad
mlaaionaiie in Shanghai, will rndr as- r
latanc aa mean may be available-Able-bodied
natlvsa will be employed la
preparing dyke, canals and, road and
thu be enabled to support Uiemaelve
until new crop can be harvested. .
"In the nam of humanity , tb Red ,
Crose calls , on th American peopl to -corn
to th roll! of a sister nation
with that prompt generosity which haa
haver failed In tlm of great emergen else.
"Contribution, should be sent t th
tat Red Cross board treasurer or to
th treasurer of the American National
Red Cross, room StL War department.
Washington, D. C. .
Death from taaeaal Cawee.
CLEMON8. la, Jan. aL-Georg Ford, a
well known farmer living near here, la
dead today a th result of a broken ! tn4rt,T t' P1' toe Colonel Roosevelt.
leg sustslaed several days ago. According , b"t lxui only for himself.
to physicians, some marrow of th frac- WASHINGTON. Jan. Representative
lure waa carried Into bla blood and had
formed a clot on tb brain.
The Only
J and
See Sport Page.
Nirhola Longworth. recently returned
from a visit with Jill ' father-in-law,
Colonel Roosevelt, waa a Whit House
caller today. 'Mr. Umgworth -would - not
say whether b talked politic with th
president or with , tbe colonel '
PHOENIX, Ariz,, Jan. M -Joseph Klb
bey, former territorial governor, and
Dwlght & Heard, two ieader of the
progress! y wing of th republican party
In lh new etatei launched a Rooaevelt
club today. Member of th club are
pledged tol"us all honorable, means" to
teeure the nomination of tbe former pres
ident '-
Fourier Car Vml lata Ravlae.
ACKLKT. I:. Jan. as. Fourteen cars
of a Minneapolis) sV St Lout railway
northbound freight today plunged through
a bridge a mil north of here, 6 feet
-to tb bottom C a ravin. Tbcy oarrted
part of tba structure wHk tbem. Non
waa bur.
NRW TORK," Jan. .-Fir this morn.
Ing routed the roam bar of tb tamOy ef
Paul A. ' h'org. th mllllonair tobacco .'
maa, from their apartment on East
Thirty-seventh street, ana reused much
excitement hi tb mllllonair colony In
th neighborhood. Th bom of Bradley
Martin adjoin, the boas whar tha
fir occurred, and Henry PMpps, th
Pittsburgh millionaire, lives just scroas '
th way. Mrs. Borg wa aarakeasd by ,
a Kensation ot suffocation aad found th
suit filled . with. amok. Sh and her
husband awakened other aiembar ot tb
family and with their eight servants, fled
to'Uie streets. Th fir was confined to
their suite, whlrh was badly damaged. )
Leave your Want Ad for
the big Sunday Bee at the
Bee Office before 7:30 P. M,
Saturday Night.
" ' V"
If pressed (or tiro as tba Tel
ephone Want Ads telephoned ia
will receive tbe- came prompt aa.
tention as when brought to tb)
Telephone Tyler 1000.