Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Water Company's Claim Countered
:.- bj Heavy Occupation Tax.
Irlm t Par xao,ee Reatala
: Water Casspaar m,n Cwgees
' icnai wltk SlClia few
Attempting to- collect , hydrant
nna doe from the city the Omaha
Water company vu met yesterday ey
City Coejwlrener T. H. CoasTove with a
counter proposal. In which faa screed to
par tee S3,M It tha watar company
would par occupation taia doe tha ctty
: to tha utn of tm.BI.7t. Stock too Hath,
treasurer ef tha watar company, refused
'lo consider tha propoaal an with other
efflcUls laid It at eoea before their t
ternei's. Stout ft Roam. Mr. Stoat said
ithia afternoon that no plan, had been
decided oa by the water company, hut
that ome act ton would be taken within
tha next few days.
Tha occupation taxes have been seen-.
' mutating el nee September at 130. It Is
.provided by ordinance that corporations
hall par a royalty of IM Per nenth
with Interact at t per cent after doe and
, per cent aa penalty after tha lapse of
mix months. The water company has re
Imed te opea Its books for examination
as to tha volume of Its business, aa that
I per cent royalty could be taxed, and
thls renders It Uaile for- the fixed tax
of KM per month.
' In refualnc to pay tha t. unless
She oocopatloa taxes with accumulated
interest and penalties was derfooted Mr.
X'oscTova made the following explanatory
statement to the. company;
Conforming to your refluent, " warrant
n the city treasurer has been authorised
and drawn, aggregating f3a,a parable
from the special levy of tha year 1912, lo
tn hvdrant rental Judgments, costa and
interests In Docket T. No. lev T, No. ISO;
y. No. M and 2, Ko. 3, of daw May a,
. In view of that fact that your com
pany la now delinquent in tbe payment of
certain occupation taxes, levied and now
owing to the city aggregating lm.SW.JS.
1 nave ta accordance with seel loo in of
the charter for metropolitan citlea In the
Mate of Nebraska, deducted front the
amount of tha warrant as above Indicated
the amount of the debt which your cora
' peny la owing tha city aa per the at
tached statement, which statement la
made a part hereof. This amount will be
held and applied te the occupation tax
interest and penalty aa shown thertn. The
-residue of aald warrant, aggregating a,.
4.11 principal of tha judgment and St.
443.11 Interest thereon la ready for de
livery ta you and sublet to your order.
1 A warrant aggregating K.10J .14 drawa
on the Omaha water fund. being tha real
rrcte of the Interest on aald judgments to
-January . 1U. Is herewith encloaed.
Tbeaa amounts axxreaste the principal
.nd accrued Interest on eald judament to
January a. Mil. as shown herela.
, Tha statement referred to la a tabula
tion of the occupation taxes, the Inter
est and penalty for each quarter from
'September. 1, IX. to January a, mi, and
'eiiows that Instead of H,tt being due
Ins water company there Is la reality
aly fvfjatax
Boy Scout Founder
jv is Coming to Omaha
lieutenant Oaneral Sir Robert Baden
rowel, rounder of the Boy Scouts, will
lop la Omaha on his American toor, and
, arrangements are already under way ta
f Biertla blm there, Baden Powell ar
Tlvss la America from England on Jan--nary
SI. and ha win be In Omaha en
.Wednesday. February ML On that day
lis will teas lunch with the Commercial
lub. In the afternoon ha will speak
no scouts and their parents, and In the
evening a public address will be erven,
fie comes under tbe auspice of the local
Mceut .council and Commercial club.
Discovery that John H. Banister of ren
der. Neb, who died In Omaha six months
ago. waa pssiissid of ptM worth' of
Nebraska farm lead, haa resulted In a
war between William 'J. Bannister of
ixaaha. a son of the old man, and Mies
lieoee C Jonas of Omaha,. to whoa ha
bequeathed his property.-
William B. Banister of New York City,
representing hla father. W. J. Banister,
appeared before Judge Crawford m county
seurt and objected to tha admission of thai
will to probata. Ha objected to the court a
Jurisdiction, saying that tha man's resi
lience at tha time of his death waa tn
render, even, though he died In Omaha.
'urtber contest win be, made en the
ground that fraud aad nodus Influence
.were used to Induce the old Been to cut
off hla sua and bequeath hla property to
Alias Jones. - ' -
,- Miss Joaea Is the daughter of a former
marriage of Mrs. Joha A. Goodrich. The
Uoodrlchee formerly lived In Pender and
were neighbors of Banister. When he
was taken III ha cams ta Omaha and
stopped In the Goodrich noma. Tha Good-
riches and Miss Jones gay ha decided te
make bis home with them the balance of
his days and willed tha property to Miaa
Jones to repay ham for their kindnesses
aha... .-. . - , . . r , .
' Do yon know that mare real danger
mrki m a common con than la any
ether of the miner ailments? The safe
way Is to take Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy. a thoroughly reliable arepanv
tics. and . rid yourself of the cold aa
muchly aa possible. Thla remedy g for
en by all dealers.
PB. a W. TODD, j
461 Brandels Bldg..' '
Dear Doctor:
'. If anyone had told me aix months
ago that I eeuld get teeth that would
make ma feel like , a new man, I
would have thought that tha person
telling n.n of such good fortune was
craxy. For J ears I triad ta get some
relief and com'rt from soma Bridge
work aad up to tha tuna I waa recom
mended to yoa I, tried five different
den thru with the same results .
- I waa almost desperate with pale
and disappointment, but star yew
fixed ma ap with year new eerltary
teeth I ones mors feet human.
There Is no way In which I caa bet
ter expreas my thanks ta yea than by
iwcemnuBdug any ef my friends aad
acquaintances who may be la need of
dental work, te start your office, so
that 4ner- n.ay reap taa benefits
which corns from roar new invent ton.
" Again thanking yoa and with beat
sashes for year further success, I am
' Very 'truly yours,
' VT. R. CARR.
' - Benson, Neb.
n mf
Sir flnlfMy I 5 J:
aral J 4. - ' - - ill 'T trick
at T- 1- , gel .1 -J J Plamee,
10. hT! R" J i tj 7
From Our January Sales
. Our great January gales have been in progress all
month. Thousands of remnants and odd lots have accumu
lated, which we hare held for this great one-day remnant
sale the last Friday in January. Such bargains as these
have positively never been, equaled. Every remnant in
the house will be forced out at a sacrifice.
Remnants of Silk aid Cotton Goods, 15c Yd.
Big purchase of silk and cotton remnants which we bought
from an eastern manufacturer at a great reduction. We
place them ou sale for the first time Friday. In this won
derful lot are all the newest patterns and evening shades,
in lengths from one to fifteen yards. Dotted silk, Tus-
6ahs, foulards, dimities in dainty floral de
signs, black and white stripes, silk scarf
ings, etc .These silks are worth up to 40o
a yard basement bargain 'square, yard. ....'
U bilk, J.UO-
Finest linings, including
black and colored sateens,
worth up to 25o yard, all
odd lots and remunnts, at,
yard ..7X,C.
Finest plain and fancy Silk-
'olines, 36 and 40 inches
wide; all odd lots and rem
nants, at, yd. 5c
Bleached ' muslin, various
grades and lengths, all odd
lots and short lengths
yard wide, at, yd... 30
Very fine India Linon, that
sold formerly at 23c, Fri
day on special sale, at, per
yard lSV-C
35c WASH GOODS at 10c YARD
r?rfect, new mercerized and silk finished fabrics, in
stripes and every color also black and white for dresses,
waihts, etc The 32-inch novelties are very desirable for
making pyjamas and men's shirts; finest poplins, madras
cloth, English repp, etc? A better wash goods bargain
never.before offered on special bargain 1 fin
squares, at, yard 1 vi
All Small and Odd Lots Various grades and kinds of
plain and printed cotton goods, at, yard 2yac
Remnants in January Linen Sale
Sollod Tattle ClntlM at tiff To cleaa up all our odd clotha and
... ... . . , i i . in M 1 1
soiled Clotos irom oar January mieu aaie, we ui sen u i
ixt, ix2i, US and large banquet cloths
At J tut a trie January naie irHT.
at h orv
1 mmganaati dlsDlsv of beautiful
fancy linens, which were museed
and soiled during our January
aalo. Including hand diaara work,
retU'lisaiic- and hand t.joroid-
treii pi exes at one lia.l on
Largs assort innt ot ' splendid
quality huck toweia .
nrtk ii n to 16a each. at.. Jv
UAMANK t 83o YAl'.U.
Beat grade Imported mercerised
labia daniask, ( and 72 Ins.
wide, lengths ot lVk to 4 yds.;
worth up to 15c a OC
yard: at, yard aCOC
Good fine weave Unco buck
towels, worth to S9c; silently
mussed and tolled; at, l(J
each .. IDC
AU our remnants of art linen ana linen nncis. many one-nan on.
Remnants From Our January Sale of French 1. C.
and German vaL laces ana inseraons
Pure linen torchons, ITench torchons, riatt Vala., neat cluny and
... i a .. I, . a. iaiAi4ri 11 n in 1na aa was rA '
at, yard 2t 5
sisnii anri Ra.mnl Picea From Our Januarv Sale
' jlfcTJUtf a-ve arw.s.s.
All kinds, ya to 1 yrd in Piece lrgatn, square, ea. 25c
Manofacturer'a Sample Pieces Fine Embroideries
Skirtings, ftouncinga, allovera, wide bands, etc; "thousands of
pieces suitable tor making aprons, yokeo, etc; at, 2c5c
Remnant Pieces-Odd Suit and Skirt Lengths-From Our
Januarv Dress Goods Sale
Many short pieces, remnant pieces and odd lengths of all
kinds of dress goods, at one price on Dargain i rQs
square values up to $1.25 yard, at, yard ...... UVC
Matched Pieces Imported Dress Goods Samples
All wool dress goods, many as ten of one kind to match. All matched
and pinned togetiier. These lengths are about OR. QQ.
one yard to each sample and very useful; each asUV WOV
AU the odd single pieces to 114 Tarda In length, only one Piece of
a kind bargain table; at. each ....10l ana 19
New, early spring dress goods, bargain square, yd. 50c
Poplin, Durbar cloth, Himalaya, etc mill ends of OOo
aud 59c fabrics, in a great variety of styles, IZp
worth up to Site, at, yard .1.... Ufa
One table of nienV $10.00
Suits and Overcoats, this
season's styles and pat
terns, rYiday at. . $5.00
Oak table of Boys' $1 SulU aad
Overcoats, double breasted or
Norfolk style suits. RuaeHan or
convertible collar ove-tvoafv
Good values at $t. QQ
to clean up ...aPXeaO
Brains inMl AIR GOODS
Human hair natural wavy Switches,
shown in a large assortment of nil
shades escept gray; 24 and 2G inches
long, regular $3.00 values,
Friday at . .... V
28-inch natural wavy Switches. 3V2
oz $10 values, at $5.9S
J J Important Sales for Saturday K ll
Men's Shoes at 91.00 Picture Framca-Umbrellaa 1 Vjr
mm mm
Silk Underskirts at Less Than Half
$6.00 to $8.50 Values at $3.90
There are about 500 in this lot made of high grade chif
fon taffetas in black and the most wanted colors. The most
handsome styles to choose from and prices that formerly
ranged from $6 to $8.50 at $3.90. The sale is for Friday only.
Fin quality Jap silk kimono in a splendid tin of
pretty patterns and colorings, value An ) )
to $10, Friday, or while they last, at fjfj s j
THER REDUCED. Bilk, eatln. chiffon and net walets are now quoted
at such little prices aa $IJ9. sji.ta and $3.95. Many of them are
from some of our best 19.00 and $10.00 lines.. A great saving In each
instance no matter what price you pay.
75c aviation caps at 25c .
SI. SO aviation caps at 98c '
Girls' SI. SO sweaters at 98c
Children's St sweaters, 49c
75c knitted petticoats, 39c
$10 and $12.50 coats for
misses and girls, good variety
styles and colors, Friday, $5
The $ale of women' shoes in small
sizes only at $1.00 is contin- d
tied. There's a onnd r)nrlhu nb m
of styles and leathers. Values up to $5, for only
isanaaassssniii I
Stylish Corsets
Are Offered at Less Than Regular
Prices for Friday's Selling .
It's a most seasonable sale the cor
set department offers those ,who find
time to come, to the store Friday. .
, A corset regularly sold for two dollars and
fifty cehts, fashioned from this season's most
popular models, with the stylish low bust and
long hip; ia-the chief attraction. It haa a
skirt ''hook-and six-hose supporters and la
beautifully trimmed with lace and wide ribbon.
Kvery woman will need just such a garment
if she is particular about tha spring season's
styles. Secure yours tomorrow at this great
Regular $2.50
values' for.
Twenty five Dozen Popular
' Priced Corsets go at 39c? each
Our corset buyer baa secured twenty-five doien
popular priced corsets at such an advantageoua figure
we will be able to placet tbem on the bargain tables,
Friday, at tbe extraordinarily love price of 38o for
your choice. There are only three hundred and fifty
In the lot ao we advise you to come early for yours.
Good models, that will prove to your tikiug, for
house wear. .
Odds and Ends of White Ware Underpriced
1 63 dozen pierea to be closed out this Friday regardless of cost
or former selling prices.
3 bowls. In foar sites, worth tl.J'i
tn $2 i.9 dusen, to close, each, as
L 1. ue white covered dishes. ..t6a
b 60o white covered butters. ,.100
15 )0o white gravy boats 100
(- see whits covered sugar bowls
at ..10e
Jio -ln. h white Plates, worth
tha dozen, at, each , as
It. white saucers, worth S0o the
Uuxen, at, each la
Over 1, 000 Pieces White Lined -'
Blue Enameled Ware at 50c
Triple-coated goods, with enameled covers, positively guaranteed ,
against chipping: Every niece strictly first Quallty-not a damaged'
Item In the entire lot. The assortment lncludea-
14 quart dish pans. .- .- SSc to
12-nusrt water pails I t. e t
lrgo tea kettlea with enameled covara..... Values
lS-quart preserving kettles
a-quart Berlin kettlea. enameled covara...
;S -quart coffee pots, enameled covara...
I -quart tea pota. enameled covers
l-qi.trt rice boilers, enameled covara
Are Cut Price Days in The
Big Pure Food Grocery
ike. BmBrrruaTXH
BUOaJt (or IM
l-ib. can Bennett s fapt
tol baking poader and
mo stamp for M
Bennatt'a beat coffee and
J atamna. lb.
I lbs. Bennett's Beat cof
fee and S atpa...tl0
Bennatt'a Capitol floor,
ack -JHf
Assorted teas . and ii
stamps, lb. .' eo
Tea aiftlngs and I, lb. las
1 lie cans Pottawat ta
rn te plnnut for .... ssa
XMrrBu st airra oa
iu atrmmiaTa
Full cream cheese enl
IS stamps. In. . . . .SSs
Virginia Kwlse cheese
and IS atampa, lb. SSs
Medium aour pica lea and
1 stamps, at las
Dill rtckJee and ! st'ps .
doaea - -
EnWer'a pork and beans
and IS atampa. can. ISe
: carta Benett'e tapltol
KvergTeen corn and !
, statu pa :...... ...tM
Quart can Franco-Amar
k-an soup noa
Btamark apple butter
and IS atampa. Jar, see
Btamark preaerrea, as
sorted, and 1 atampa.
Jar SOa
t cana hulled beans with
chicken aad 10 atampa,
fur saa
Bennatt'a Capitol (rated
pineapple and 1 st'ns..
ran tOa
Ben net fa Capitol oats
and pancake flour w:th
1 atampa, 1-lb. pkg
for ....loo
Oalllard'a olive oil c
at pa. medium bot. See
Beauty green aaparagua
and IS stamps, can, toe
Snider catsup and IS
limn, Iwitfl eaa
Amber zrrla yras-epa
es e.ev n a e-ia.
Runkal Premium . choco
late ana ia stamps,
rake . ana
ls-ib. aack yellow or
wbite com nieal..,lse
. arrmn, tsaxa
Fvidsjr and lUiunt.
we will nlsM uu
several hundMj luiiinri.
ef tbe famous Saaraay
Pnaaiaiy Barker, put
up in sealed cartona and
IfaaraatsiS aae saaad
special price of
Fancy Red River potatoesbushel.
Fancy cooking apples, peck ,
Fancy eating apples, peck..........
Fancy Hubbard squash, lb
t large beads plain lettucev in.
Our famous Redlands Oranges, tbe doien, 13c,
SOc, 2.V, 30e and.......... sjc
. .SSc
KKHi South Sliteenth Street. Paxton Block, three
doors aorta of Farnam. Look for tbe aama.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler1
. IX1H waatk atrsssatk atrwrt
A Round-tip Sale of Remnants and
Odd Lots Friday in Our Big Domestic
Room Come Early.
for Saving
If Ever
a I
If I ' "EUABt:.
snHr-T in in i saw ssawaawaaaal
A Clean Sweep
of AD Odd
Lots and
Silk Remnants
Less Than Half
Hundreds of remnants of plain
and fancy Silks, Including
Poplins, Taffetas, Liberty
Bating checks, stripea and
novelties of every description,
lengths of S to IS yards; val
ues to 75c, yd. 18c and 28
75c Silk Pongees 48o -36 Ins.
wide, natural color, ' firm
weave, fine quality. -
85c Foulards at 68c 100
pieces of beautiful new- foul-
' ards, all most wanted colors,
white and monotone effects
included, beautiful new de
signs, 85c values; yd., gg
80-lmh Black Silks Chiffon
Taffetas, Meesalines and Peaa
de Sole; $1 yd.' val
ues, at ...r.......
Dress Gccds
Less Than Hilf
300 remnants of ' plain and
fancy weaves, in wool drees
goods, 36 to 52 inches wide;
fabrics that sold at from Tic
to $1.50 a yard; choice,
at, yard ....S8e) 68
Imported Wool Taffetas 42
Inchee wide, all the most
wanted spring colors; $1 and
f 1.25- yard values: SO pieces
for selection; at. yard.. 78c
91.25 Sergea 8o' A splendid
line of 60-tnch all wool serges,
in all new spring shades
. worth tl.ZS a vard. at-.R.e4
10c Claoy Laces 5c
Wide ..Cotton . Cluny Laces
edges or inserting to match;
In white or ecru; also ma
chine, made, linen cluny laces,
10c a yard values; at. J?
yard aJC
Friday Is Remnant Day
In Our Pomestie Room .
A carload of remnants, mill ends, etc.,' of tbe new goods for spring
of 1912 all up-to-date goods white goods, wash goods, ging
hams, prints, percales, etc. on squares;
t. yard St4 10 12
Irish Linens German Linens and Scotch Linens, 24 lo 4 yards
worth up to I1.S5; at, yard.... 25 C9t 49 594
Toweling by the yard, In long remnants, worth up 1p 25c a ysrd; at,
yard 3 5t 7H 10c 12H
Muslin Sheetings brown or bleached worth up to 10c a yard
long remnants; at, yard .....5 6H 7H 8f
Odd loU ot Sheets, np to 75c each; at, each... ,39t 48g 58
Odd Lota of Towels to close, each.. ...... 5(V 7 ft 10c 12 Hi
One lot of Cotton Goods; to clone1 at 3 Vic
Special Clcannce
Yonen's Outer
Women's Hllk Waist To $3
values, fine assortment cf
colors and styles; at, choice,
only S1.50
Tailored Bulla All alsea and
colors, to $12. SO values,
at : 85.00
Children's Dresses In all slses
from 2 to years; to $1.00
values . 50c
Children's Winter Cnata Val
ues to $6.00. all nevest styles,
colors and materials; choice,
at -Sl.OS
Children's 50c Rompers, all
alzes 2 to 8 years, all styles
and colors, at... 25
Speeiil Cliannce
of I7inter Underwear
Men's aad Boys' I' nderw car
lies ry fleece lined ahlrta or
drawer, at... 25c
Men's Heavy Winter ' I'nder
wear 75e and $1.00 values,
fleeced or Jersey ribbed; on
sale at......49 and 35t
Men's $1.50 and $3.00 t'mler.
wear Heavy wool shirts or
drawers, at. .08e and 75,
Men's $10 In km Suits, 754
Ladies', Under Vests or . Paats
Jersey ribbed, all sixes.; oa
' sale, garment 104
Ladles' $1.00 and $1.50 Union
Suits; on aale at 75 49c
Sweater Coals Men's and
boya, at 49
Notion Bargains
Gold Eye Needles, paper lc
Cotton Tapt., per roll. . .lc
Hump Hook and Eyes,
per card '. ... lc
5c Pearl Buttons, doz. SVC.
200 yd. Sewing Thread,
dozen 21c
Nickel Plated Safety Fins
5o values; at, card,.2!C
25o Needle Books at. .4'c
Hayden's Mammoth Grocery Dept. It's the Talk ef Omaha
avis at IS te 10 (or the Veepls.
il-lb. sacks best high trade Diamond
H Family Hour, nothing lisi It
per aack $M
1? lbs. beat Granulated Sugar. .$1X0
Four 1-lb. cana Condensed Milk.. aae
I Iba. beat White or Yellow Corn
meal ....ISe
Iba good Japan Rica e.saa
Callon rana Golden Table Syrup.. ase
Oil or Mustard Sardines, ran 4s
Lara bottlea Pure Tomato Catsup.
Worcester Fauce or Pickles, as
sorted kinds, bottle S'se
IS bare Beat 'Em All or Diamond f
Soap Saa
g cans l.ii ftcourlng Soap. .'.. .saa
Dried rrsita for Bases, flea aa
California Muscatel Cooking Ralslna,
per lb. 10a
California Muscatel Heedless Ralslna.
per In. tea
California Cooking figs, lb SSe
Cleaned Currants, lb ...ISSe
The best Lemon, Orange or citron
Peel. lb. toe
1 pkgs. best Condensed Mince Meat
for .BSa
ust m atrrns Ttnrr
o-g iirnim,
Cheaper and better tiian lots of
t lbs. Good Buttarlne saa
I lbs. Good Table Butterlne......3Se
I Iba. Fancy Table Butterlne aoa
The very beat, 1 iba for 46a
Tha best Creamery Butter, lb. . . .0e
The beat fresh Eggs, notbtng finer,
per dozen Mo
Tha Vegetable Uerket sf Omtha,
3 bunches fresh Beeta, Carrots, Tur
nips, B ha I lots or Kadlanew for 10a
Fancy Cauliflower, lb .....TM
t heads fresh Leaf Lettuce Sa
3 bunches fresh Parsley-.
Fancy Cabbage, lb Sa
Irga Ouetunbera, each. II He and 10a
Rutabaga. Parsnips, Carrota. Beeta
or Tumi pa. lb me
Hothouse Mushrooma, lb. box..., .40a
Bmasela Sprnuta, lb ,.16a
Yellow or Red Onions, lb me
Bigslsnd Mavwl Oreafea Beat 'Im
AH far Quality aad V laves.
Per doa. ISa. tOa, He and SOS
Orange Rpoons. each 10a
Tsacy Oraaar racked Applea, per
Try HAYDEN'S First
Griffon Brand Shirts
Reiilar $1.00 1 $3.00 Values
300 dozen Sliirts, manufacturer's samples of the famous
Griffon brand Shirts new, clean, perfect goods in all
styles new. spring patterns, all guaranteed; ff
not a shirt worth less than $1.00 and "up to' ) P
$X00-choice. V V W
The greatest of atf opportunities to buy perfect fit
ting, high-class shirts at a fraction of their worth. Come
Saturday. 5 " :
The Bee for AH the News ,69c