Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    v. "-.t
Spring Wheat Situation Bullish, Ko
Matter How Figured.
Stilt Bids tor Cars Arc stelae- Seat
ot y ieothera and Eavrtera
arm gltaatlea U
- OMAHA. Jan. S. IMi
Anr wav you figure the wheat situa
tion in the spring wheat states Is bull
ish, officially revise fi(urs make this
years crop a very short one.
White farm reserves aro figured very
low and receipts to date as very much
la arms of last year at this time. After
such sharp advances some reactions ara
probable but Uie trend of valuta ara
. higher.
The sentiment In corn is extremely
bullish. Southwest markets ara all higher
and stiff bids ara being sent out over the
-era belt by southern and eastern corn
buyers. The situation is a strong one
from both a cash and future standpoint.
Wheat continues to advance and senti
ment was more bullish as traders, con
sidered the late news on farm reserves.
Cub wheat was IfcHljO higher.
Corn was strong and higher. Again
bullish feeling was apparent on all sides
Shorts covered forcing higher levels. Cask
corn was He higher.
Primary wheat receipts were C95.O04 bit.,
and shipmcnuts were 3M.W bushels,
against receipts list year of I,0IX4 bu.
and shipments of .' bu.
! Primary corn receipts were 9Sl.w bu.
and slup.nnti were bu., against re-
avlpts last year of IBJW bu and shipment
of bu.
Clearances were ROM bu. of corn. 1
bi. of oats and wheat end flour equal to
I14,Ht bu.
' Uveipoot clwjd "d low.- to Hd higher
eti wheel and tj!i Uglier on corn.
The following cum sal'l were reported:
'Wheat, AO. J hard. on. ; rs,
!.!. No. 3 hard. 1 car, IlKl'i; No.' 4
hard. c; rejected. 1 tar. He: No. du
,rum: No. Z mixed, I tar, l 45 V Corn,
I Xo. I whhe, 1 ear. Sl'jc; No. 4 white, 1
.car. te'rc; 1 csr. al4c; a care, SUac; No. I
color. I car. bJ'jc; No. S yellow, 1 cars.
;V; 3 cars, ate; No. 4 yellow, Z rare,
ttUc: U cars, Sic; no grade, 1 t ar, &'e;
; 1 car. Sa',c; 4 cai. Wc; S csrir, S7c. Oat.
fiandard. 1 car, 4V; 1 far, eU'ec: No. 3
. ahlte, cars. :c; No. 4 wnlle, i cars,
'4r; .No. i mixed, 1 ca.-, 9'ic
Oasaba Cask Prlres.
' WHBAT-No. S hard. ll.olpMW: No.
I hard, tn onajl 3; No. 4 Hard. H.'tcfrli.OHs.
OtiKN-No. 3 .white, s3e-c; No. 4
white. l1,,c: No. S color, aai3V.
t allow. fc.r:i,e: No. 4 yellow, iHt4J
IV; No. J, fcusji.c; No. 4. avuitile.
OATrt No. : white. tJNtrfO-: standard,
4t4MV: No. white, w'.utjwVxc; No. 4
-white. 4kaifr.
FARLEY Malting, lt.0Urrl.11 :. No. 1
feed, TStrttc; heavier feed, Sec4)ll 40. .
KVE-N'o. 3. Wixree: No. 3. KMSOc.
(a riot Receipts.
Wheat, Corn. Oals.
Chicago 14 44s 117
Minneapolis 317 ... ...
Omaha SI IS Jt
I'alulh 31
western firsts, free cases. $16-56 per case:
current receipts, free caeca, $14 30 per
CHEESE Finn; New York full creams,
fancy, KSMTMc; .fair to. rood, ltVsfjlTc
eat ares si Ike Tradlag aad Claaelas
Prices aa Beard sf Trade.
1'HICAOO. Jan. a-Corn today sold at
the highest point of the season for de
ferred futures and nearly eo for May.
Jit forecast of general stormy conditions
which threatened to Interfere with the
drying out of the crop and retard to a
serious extent much desired shipments
was the tmmedlste reaaon for the bulge.
Closing figures were stesdy al SCrHc to
.c advance ever last nlnht. Wheat fln
lhrd unchanged to 'aftV up, oats KrrSc
and hog prosiKia ware lower by SMIltic.
Corn was easily the speculative leader.
"Traders of ali sorts headed by a number
rif notables Inched to the bull side. The
Mverpool market was firm and htgher,
aod statements that all of tle front r act
coin In Chicago public elevators except
one small lot of HOUti bushels had been
dtepoaed of to go elsewhere Increased the
eagerness of buyers. May ranged from
ev4liSe to 47V-. closing at 4;ia7c. a
ret gain of Htitc. Cash grades were
firm; Mo. I yeuvw waa quoted at 4yaWte
for earlela - ,
.Wheat waa nervous wlihla a narrow
range. The strength In corn waa aa Im
portant factor, particularly late In the
day. The falling off la receipts and In
estimated reserves both northwest and
southwest had a bullish effect. The offi
cial figures on I he Argentine crop 31,
BTU,44e bushels In exreas of laat year
served to restrain snttiuslsam. May fluc
tuated between SlOIVsl.vlVa and n.2'e.
wnh last sales wtrV.0 up at
Oats went to the topmoet notch since
last July. Outride limits reached for May
were leUc and filVatflo. The dose
V-ihul a net advance of He.
larger receipts than looked for de
preesed preA'lalons. ' Jn the end pork was
dons ettiee aad the rest of the list 3fet
leading options closed as follow:
Article, Dpen. Hlgh. Uiw. Close. 'yesldy
May.'l IS' 1 3H!l l'l
8ept. 14 (
lorn i I
Jan. I ;
Mar. Ci
Caia I
Jan..piJ, ,
Sept. . m 411,1
fork l
i 4aa..! j
lay.,14 re-
i M a II
July.iiaa;m t 4SSI
Jan..! r:w s
Ma . 47Hjl t M
T.lba J
) July.
' .pt
t2l CI
17 ....
is I i cii
F lb
14 BS
M at
t e
14 43U.
Daetatieas ef Ike Tnay aa Vartosjs
NEW' YORK. Jan. -FtOUR-rirm:
spring patents. la6.M; winter straights.
M winter patents. KtMKW; spring
clears, $4J64r4a: Kansaa straights, $4.
W4-75. Rya flour, firm; fair to good,
MTetMis); choice to fancy, Hj.
Buckwheat flour; quiet: fine white and
yellow. tl-SOmji; coarse, U-lsflLM; kUn
dried. !
RYE-iuleU Nlo. t c. c. I. f. Buffalo.
BARLEY Poor, market' quiet; malting,
spring patent. JeJuaa.a; winter straight.
H MaJu: winter oatents. S4.3iis4.7: aorlng
ai.mi.a e. L f. Butta.o.
WHKAT Soot jnarket' steady: No.
red, U le. elevator. export basis, and
ll3.. f. o. b.. aefloat: No. 1 northern.
Ouluth. $1 21 f. . b., afloat: futures
barely ateady early on the cables, but
turned strong and active with good de
mand on reporta of -small farm reserves
in both the winter i and earing wheat
states, closing Vic net higher to c lower.
jsay dosed at ll.ut'il'July, $l.n. '
CORN not market ' firm: export- new.
7re. f. o- b. .afloat; futures, nominal.
OATS Spot market, firm; . standard
white, fcvsc: in elevator: .o. X wc: Mo.
3 and No. 4. Uto; jiatural white and
white clipped, i&tasc. on track: futures.
nominal. ; -
HAV-Stesdv: crime II. K: Nc. 1. Il.D:
No. t tl.U4l.J: No. 3. abartfgl-W -
. MlutJS eJtedy; usntrai America, sc:
?oota. a.asc
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, t
Zc; seconds. IH&He: tliirds. 31fi32c: re
jected, lie. ....
PROVISIOXS-Pnrk. steady: mess. M7.M family, fJ.W.i; short olears,
tlT.OiifllTM). rW.sieady; mess. l.t.rilS W;
eamiry. $14.iwriS.ur: beef hama. tO-neOOdt.
Out. meats, firm.-, pickled bellies. 1 to
M pounda. ia.j: oirkieu hams, lli.oawii .
Lard, firmer; middle west prime. t3oH
: refined, ateady; continent. $;;
South America, t t.Hl: comnound, llt7Wa
T A I.L.OW Firm : prime city hogs-
heads, m at: special. 14.43; country, $S.2tt
4H ...
bull r.ll Meaav ereamenet. aneclaL
3r; extras, 37c; flrata. X-QlV-r.
CHrWJJIC Steady: state, whole milk.
fall an earlier average, fancy, ltc.
K.tiliH Klrro: rreaii gatlieretl extras.
Tid:c; extra flrstk, Stc; flrMs, tmnic:
second!. ICftSc: remgerator, special
mark a. first, : western gathered
whltee, mhltee , '364i3lr.
t OrijTRY Auve, weak: wealern chick
ens, 12til3Vr: fowls, lwiSHr; turkeys. 11
wiiic: drevset, dull ana lower: western
turkeys, 134lle; ehlckena, i:itJ15c; fowls,
I. I.eals Oeaetwl Maekel.
FT. IM:iH. Jan. a.-WMalAT-Caah.
firm: track. No. 3 red. Srrftil ana- No l
bard. $l.ail It: May, tl OOiii ocsa: July, 34c.
CORN Higher; Irai k, o. J, tMK&'ec:
No. 3 white, etae: May. 4SVc; July.
UATl Migner: tracx. ko. i. eac: No.
1 white, Mrf3Se: May, USStl'tc; July,
fSc. .
UVK l nrhanged; asa . '
FU n-tlteadt". red winter palsnts.
U.Vnii W; extra fancy and straights. UW
hard winter clears, n.wgi.H
flhr.i Timotity, $n.susra.. .
CORN M EAL $3.36.
BRAN Fu-m; sacked east track, $1 33
4)1.9. ' . - -
IIAt rirmer; umoiny aw.esRB.H;
prallle. IMOOBltOt.
I ROVISIONB-Pork, unchsnged; Job
bing. $l.OU. Jrd, unchanged: prime
stesm, te.;wlW:H. Dry. salt meats, un
changed; boned extra shorts, IV-; clear
ribs. : snort clears, r. paeoa. un
changed; boxed extra short, re; clear
ribs. Sr; short olears. He,
POULTRY Rteady; chickens. Mr;
springs. l(c; turkeys, ttttc; ducks, 13Wc;
geese, fr.
Ml 1 1 r it I 'tut, creamery, zkhc.
EUUsV-lilglier; lie.
Receipt. Shipment
Floor' .
Wheat ... T3.
Corn 174.WSJ I18.UB
Oals t,IM , 3.J0
Kaaaas lllr General Market.
Caah. unchanged; No. t hard. ll iMfM O):
No. 3, II IT.'Wl.o;u: NO. 3 rt, "srtjsi.wl;
No. 3. rtnwo; May, $1.I.M; July.
M4 sellers, .
tXJHN Ho wgner: pro. i mixed.
c; No. 3, 7c: No. t while, (MM: ..a.
J, KvyHsTtro; Mir, .S,iHic. leers.
OA'l t ncnsiigeu; ,o. i wnite, sifvvy
tSKir: No. 3 mixed, 4H. '
KTBSMlinc. ...
HAY-teady: choice timothy, . 3Hk
81: rhmca prairie, IllOritfltin
HUTTE R-Creamery, gjc prets. Kc:
sei-nnds. xac; parking slock, Wtfi.
KMi 8 Extras, 3be; firsts, ; aeoonog,
' Mlaaearells Oral a Market.
alar, i ..) lara.. -aeh V. I hl
II.eTH; No'. 1 northern. 11 OSHi"T; No. i
northern, li.wsyniaa: ce. a, ti.w:
FLAX-ai lfvo:
HARI.EY-Ml4l .
CORN-No. yellow, 34o.
OATS-No. 1 while. 41 V-
RYB-No. I. tVtfiDc.
FLOl. R rlrst patents, liOH4,; second
patents, H'.msoi; "ret clears, t3.Msja.llt:
second clears, (.'.hsgtM. j
Mlleraakee Grain Market.
northern. H HHH K: tin. t northern, $V4av,
41.W: No. I hard winter. Mr 04113. May,
S3 wlwl 01: July, KAttfWV.
CORN No. I yellow. c: No. I white,
sr: No. 3, HH; May, ITSe7Sc; July,
iKIaeler,. ,
OATK-iOMmlc. , , -
BAHLKY-Maltlng. 11.304)1.32.
i i...
i'a-h Quotations were as follows:
HjOl R-Klrm; winter paienta. H on
4 a; winter straights. $3-!Ho.K; spring
patreita, b xHj: spring stralghla. M e)
bmkara. t sVtJAM.
I RYE No. r PUjc
BARLEY Feed or mixing,,
l fair to choice malting. 31 lavrl tt,
, SKF:i-Timolk, Liaktn.M. Clover,
PROVIKIONS-Mgss pork, old. US. 37V, :
new. lam. ' la tierces), $i.3a,
tOiort tibe, llonsel, $ U.
Total clearaatcea of wheat and flour
' were equal to 3H.u) bu. Primary re
ceipts were tsVe bu.. compared with
gSMas) bu. the correspnadlng day a year
ago. Estimated receipta for tomorrow:
Wheat. 11 cars: corn. 374 oars, oata, 38
.cars: hogs, 2.ese bead.
htcaao Cash Prtcre Wheal, No. t red,
:Mfcr: no. 3 red, $": No. 3 hard.
IUMI 'i: No. 3 hard. fe4l M4: No. 1
northern, n.ioul US: No. 3 nca-therB, II e
erl.w: AO. i nortnem. tLeytfLWit: No.
1 spring. sctr41.C: No. 3 spring,
No. 4 spring, tlceejl OS; velvet chaff, tuaj
KM: durum, lecotl.av Cora. No. I, CViti
H'.c; No. 3 while. ',: No. I yellow.
4Se; No. 4. tlHSrSV: No. 4 white. aai
',c; No. 4 yellow, C4Pc. Oats, No. 3
white, lt(43c. No. 3. tec. No. I white.
se,$im,e. No. 4 white. WlvVc; ataad-
aid. Sftxil
, BIT! r.H-lHeady; creamertas. tMc;
alalrtes. o33c.
EOOS rlrra; receipts, 1,314 cases; at
mark, cases Included. lvfrixSe; ordinary
firvts. rrV: flrata, tc
! CHEESE - Steady; eels tea. 1.617c;
iwtna, PioiCic: young Amerlcaa, rV lie,
long horns. IV1.
1 POTAToE-tiiea4y; receipts, 7t car,
evcetl .
PjL L,TRY-mrm: tarkeya, ' UCIIVi
chickeaa, 13c: sprtnga i:Ve.
VEALtkeady, at ;t)14c.
I.lverpael tSawJas Market.
asesdy: No. 1 Manitoba, as Sd: No. 3
Staiutoba, Is 4W: No. I Manitoba, 7s
II So- F -mires, steady: March, 7d;
alar. 7 4Sd: Jalv. 7s tL
XiRN Spot, ateady; Aawrkaa xsixed
new. as VI: Amerlcaa mixed new. kiln
dried, as d: Amerlcaa mixed old. e lid.
JTucjraa, ataady; January, (a M; jrwbnt
ary. as JHaa.
Phltaaeiaaila riwdaes Market.
nod aeaand; wee lei a cresmt if srsrisl.
4k; extra. Jan. nearly prima extra. c.
I EsV-Prna; Peonaylvania aad ether
eerwe firsts, tree cases. I t s per case:
.wrest raceiauv tree cases. tlsJI peg case.
Previa Iflarttee, - -
pnnnIA Jan a-CORN-gteady: Na.
I white. 43V: No. 3 yellow, tie; Na. 4
yellow, ?tV; No. I mixed, 3e; No. 4
mixed. 2c: sample. Wtlfeo.
OAT8 Higher; No. 3 whHe. sWie,
ataodard. W.tfSosc; No. white, ire.
Metal Market..
NEW YORK, Jsn. ts.-METAi.-fttand-rd
copper, quiet; spot and futures, i8.BOt
u.w; iaxe copper elec
trolytic. fl4.37Wdll.SO; caning. tlS.WVMI
14. US: London market steady; spot. tKI 2a
w. riitures, tas las fa nn. nnii; spt.
tc.EiUrtt.SM; mures, SAttntrMOft ndon
markat steady: apot (1W: futures. (13.
Iad. dull: M. ton .', New Yorki KO
f-s), r.aaL et. i.oum; tonoon, us tai d.
Hpeiier. dull; l.. New York, and
$30tia.ja. Kasi at. Louis: I on don. tJt
La td. Antimony, pull; cookaon'a, 37 S7V
Iron. Cleveland warrants 4ts la lmdon.
locally, quiet: No. I foundry northern.
Sit Tie IS : No. I foundry northern, $ittd
14 7; Na 1 "out hern and No. 1 aouthern
ST. Uil.lH. Jaa. V-MKTAlJi-tad.
quiet; 34J6j4.37 Spelter, firm; 3W.3Kdies.wX
Kvawamted Apples aad Dried irrwlts
APC1.EH-tiuiet and stee.y; on the spot,
fancy. HVvlV; choice, H6e; prime.
URIEO FRUITit-Prunee, steady, with
a quiet jobbing demand; quotations
range from tc to llHc for CalKomias up
to aws ana rrom neve to ixe cur uregona
Apricots, anil, put prigas are firmly held
choice, lMiiiSc: extra" ehoiee. lettitw
fancy, l.ajiac. peachea, quiet, but firm.
with light offerings; choice. urllVc: extra
cboter. UHArlUc; fancy UOUV- Ratolna,
firm for seedless, with h(ht offsrinea. au
though aoma of the other i-arletles are
heavy; loose muscatels. leVflTc: ehetco to
fancy aeeded. 7Sc; seedless. 407c: Lost.
don layers. tLlotil.ta.
Cattwa Market.
closed quiet: mlddliog uplands, t.eic; mid
dltna gvlf. Mr; aalet. lis) bales. Putures
opened steady; January, 3.2fce; Februsry,
s.w; March, .e; April, offered. .SSc:
May, I; June, tat; .July. .nc; Au
gust. .74e: Kept e-n bar. .7c: October.
3.83c; November. .tc; December, tjuc
Futurea closed steady; dosing ens
January. Use: February, 33e: March
s.ctr; April, tile: May. 3Sc; J,lrn, gate;
July. Hie: August. .rat; September, .74e;
October. 3-llc. November, t.tK; December,
Tone of Trading Becomes Stronger
Without Defiaite Beuon,
Prices Rise Briskly I a til Maay Ie-
aaea Ara Eatablleked ea Level .
Falat or Stem A save Pre
vious Daye Lees.
NEW YORK. Jaa. 35-Wlth no appar
ent reaaon for a change In the course
of the stock market today the tone be
came dlatlnctly stronger. In the early
part of the day trading waa active and
prices roee briskly until many stocks
were eats bushed on a level a point or
more above yesterday a close, roe lat
ter half of the Sees on waa dulL The
Improvement In prices waa well main
tained. In the laet few minutes there
waa a sudden outburst or activity,
chiefly In St. Paul and Reading, both of
which sold off abruptly.
Trading was heaviest In the leading
railroad slocks, although there waa a
better. Inquiry for some, of the Indus
trials. Inion Pacific showed more
strength then for aeveral days. The
action of HI. Paul,' which rose point
early in the day, exerted a strengthening
Influence on the railroad list.
Indications that earnings' of the west
ern linee have been comparatively
poor during recent weeks were borne out
by the December statement of, Atchison.
Gross earnings fell ofl S.u0. altnouan
a reduction In operating expenses limited
toe oecune in net to nail tnat amount.
Foreign exohaaee rates rose snarmv
today. Demand sterling touched H.n.i,
toe nignest point since stay, win.
- American 'I'obaoco, common, waa taken
over today from the curb to the' slock
exeoange. opening at &, unohanged
from uie last sale In the outside market,
it rose to
bonus were firm. Tola! sales, oar
value. So.772.0W). United Mates Ja,
coupon, declined H per cent and the 4a
It per cent on call.
A umber of as lee and leallna ouotatlons
on stock were as follows:
alaa Utah. bow. Ckae.
tlllt-Oalweni aft 4
t in U
' 441,
ll 414
us ss as u.
S.M 1ST lett, lot',
let lent lsa 10114
let IMlt uts, l'
Wi'i lfct, leitt
let It Jl'i
SH IIS l"t It H
1.4M 3UH 331V 13114
HIV HIS llltt
Mt Ke
AaMrlaaa Agricultural
aawrkea IHat Sugar.... 3. lot M Ilia I7
AaMrkjaa Caa art 13 it 11
Aatemaa C. a r m u u It
Am. CMtea (III...., 1.449 wv u u
H A L. SIS .
An. lea terarlilM let n lata 11
Anerkea UaeMt ua a la II U
AsMrtraa a R M 1:14 71 tlv
am. a a. h. ars lms
Am. Steri KeiiKrlea ast t ceUj K14
Am. near katlniag..... MS 114 lllla lilt
ASMricas T. At T tM lei. let lMfe
Awenraa Toaaesa (4... 1.1H let Ml nn-,
Aaaraaaa Mlalag Co....
Atftkteas aft
AtlaatM uaaat Use
Balusters Okie
Seiaieaeai steal
sreaklra Raei4 Tr
Caaaalaa Paeltla
C.niml teataar
Catitral LaitMr pM.....
caairai at Nav jeraay
CbeMeaaae a Okie....... I.SM ftf.
.inBaa m ........ jej
CMrasa U. W let
Cdlrasa 8. W. nl. ...... 4M
CMcasa A N. W us
'alae, M St. P.... T.M) lMi 1US, ltt
, v., v. a .... sa
felaraile P. A I tm H H -1
Ceiaraae At Saataera I
waaMiaaiea oaa I.SM n la ltt
Cta PrsaiKia lei ut, le
rMlawara A Haaaea T1
Pearar m Ilia OraaSa.... let n 33 BU
P A R. O. st4 ) l) 4i as
ottilllerr eeruntla .... Ma lilt aiat 3iit
'le . 3.SW til 31 II
grle 1st eft tilt.
grle M aft i
Oaaaral Blectria MS let 1l ihi
Ureal Nankera eft a.SH ltt ) IMS
Oraat Nanaere Ore etb.. St9 41t 41 41 1,
llitRAla (.Mitral it4
laieraennixh Mat. I.Mt )l, 11 it
later. Met. alt t.eM It 144 Mil
latamatlaaal Hani eater.. 440 lw't 1J 7v
lalae-Marlee at t Sa
innMuMw ner ...... . aw Vt
latarnaileaal ruaip ......
Inwa 4a(ral
Kaaeaa iltj saathara..,
X C Sa. art
Lerleila Oaa
Uaierllle A Muavtlle..
IBB. A St. teste
H . at. P. m I. I. M... IM in 111 11:
Mlanarl, K. A T las s nit ttu
M . It T. set..,, ice at at Hi,
Mlteaarl Parlfla sa) ela at 44
Killonal aiaealt lit
kaueeal Uaa4 11 at alu tm
It . H. at M. M fit.. - V t S Mt
New Tark Central sa) last, let leu
K. T.. O. 4 W Hi,
Norfolk A WeMara. 4 MS MSt, 144U 144U
Harlk Aaierleaa 1.M4 lt II !',
Nankara Padlla I est lili, 111 liti.
ParllM Mall Jl
reanarlvaala I.r W 1:4 1st
aat Wife latu. latu.
p . r , a 1 K u. let uoi, -luai, w,
rittaborsk Oal ITS
frnm staal Oar I Ill,
Sulinaa raleee (xtr let
Kalbvar Steel gsrtae .. aa
ll4lnf n.Mt 1ITH u W
saeaaiM siaai 1114
ftupaMM Waal sit .. tilt
Kara SUaae ce 1,1X4 ail, V4V tt
Reek Mead OS. set taa Sis IIS at
I, L t t I M pfi... 144 IIS 41 41
LVfel. g W aa
at U a w art 4 ..... la
He ltl.l4 A 4k L 44
aaleara rarHM aw
SMiiaara Ralleiy 1.104
Rallear '4
TwVswMawaTJj) OrfW! aaaaeeve see.,.
Tuaa A rVinr s)
T . It. U m W Mt
T. . at. i s w. era
tlalaa Paaltla
t S
tr 'l ITS T
aaa, 434 sis
laf-S 1VT
Ml 141
ltss 1!"S ltS
..... la
its its s
us lis US
an as a
St. ! 144S IMS 14TS
ratoa Ftelfle B'1 34 KS IIS at
tialteS slalaB Raalta... ..... salt
tatted stales gabber ..... 4
lalta4 Slates (uel 4t.4nt MS ti 44s
I S. aiael are. 144 HIS I1I 111
t ut rseeer l.tei us us us
Va -i.nUaa CBaealaal .. 3.M4 MS US US
Wateak 144 7 T t
Waaaab ft e MS II II 11
Weeara kUrrlaat 444 ITS tit) ITS
etlaakouae startrla ... aaa ?l tt ns
Waetent t'aMa 444 US at U
llaa A U 4
leatak Valler AW IBS 1S 144S
Calaa Oerer' rs MS
ar tkwaallaalM sw. ns "S 'S
Astarlcas aaeraa 1444 M4S tw X4
Taul aalee tw the ear. 144 144 aaaraa.
Bank of tiersaaay Utateaaeat.
BRRI.IN. Jan. S.-Tha weekly state
ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany
aliowa the following changes: Cash In
nana, increased m,i;ji.uoo marks: loans,
decreased ll.022.4tt marks; discounts, de
creased 144.il4.OW marks; treasury bills,
decreased Mi.ouo marks; notes in circula
tion, decree eeri lT7.9ai.onO marks; deposit.
Increased 66,340.01a) marks; gold in hand.
Increased U.471.01IO marks.
Ceffee XarVet.
NEW YORK. Jan. 3t.-rPltSV-Pu.
tures el said steady; net I point lower te
3 points higher; aalee. U.CO) bags. Jaanary
12.47c: retarnary. tiMc; March. liCo.
Aptw. May. June. July and Augwat, IXiftc;
tVptember. litOc; October, U-iac; No
vember. 13.&BC: Denemner, 73.Cc Spot
eotte. quiet; No. I Rio. 13V". No.
aantoa. rSc. Mild, qui 44, Cordova. is&Q
Xaav tanntakfc : -
Sew York Master Market.
call, steady, at tWnKJ. per cent; ruling
rale. 3S per cent; ctoelng bid. SH per
cent: offered at 7 per rent; Baa loans.
steady; sixty date, 3H3S Per cent;
ninety daya, f par cent; six months,
3141314 wer cent.
per cent.
KTTB7.1NO KXCHANGB-rtrm, wtth
autual bualneaa In bankers' bills at M.43i
tor sixty-day bills and at 34 7ls for de
mand; commercial bills, et.gjt. .
SILVE71V-Ber. S7V; Mexican dollars.
BO SOrJ Oovernment, weak; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wars
as follows:
B. t. rat. ta, rag.. .1 later. M. SL 4SS... 4TS
aa eaapaa 144 Jaeaa 4a fx
D. a, la. rag. ISIS 4a ISa tt
aa erases I41SK. C. sa. M la ... 71 S
p. g 4a. rag Ill L. g aaa. 44 tail.. US
sa eeassa 4a.... s
Allla-tSal. let la... SM K. m T. let 4a.
tea. Ag. aa. MRS saa. 4a t
a. T.' A T. 4. 4a. .1" Me PacltU 4a 14
Abl Teaacte 4a atSN. a. a. at M. tse MS
se 4a uisit. f. a g. S4... rs
4Araer tt Ok 44etlS aa sea. 4.. It
AtektuM saa. ta.... USN. T .t. It A kt
ee av. 4a ra"'S cv. 4a .....Ut
aa aa. ta MSN A W. tat e ta. US
A O. I let 44...... SIS 4e ev. 4a lets
BaL a oats ta aa-. racina 4a. M
a Ilea 't 4a la 1
SI t. ISa ... ). . L rMg 44 . Ms
(trees. Te. ea. 4a ... MSreen. av. Ise tett. r,
Caa. at (aa. to lis 4e aaa. 4 ...... .ls
a. Uatker as. ... ttSttaaalaa see. 4a.... US
r. el N. J g te..Cl A U A P. tg 4a US
Ckae A Okie 4Sa..IS ea aaa. ta. US
ae rat. aa.... US. U A W. a .. US
Cbataae tt A Ha.. ea IM goit 4a..... U
C IV A J. SA A U ta US
as aaa. 4a ITSse rac. eat. ea..... Ks
CK.tlr.lbmi fen. ti us
Ckitr.ta n aiant u W.
ea rt U USae. Rallaer U lars
Cele. las. U n a see. H H. :es
. uscalea isatrta ta....M4a
Ciltla ll US ea ev. aa. hs
p. at n. cv. aa ae ea ux a rac aa. . I.s
D. tt K O. 4a..... nsr. g gakear 4B....U4S
aa at k ear. g stsai M ...ia
nteiniare le tSVa.-tr. isaaa. ta. ms
arw a, I U. USVaaaak lat ta. iaT
ea gas. 4a. It ea 1st A aa. 4a... us
ae ev. ta, axe. A USUaaun MA 4a.... t?s
a sartaa B NSWaat. aaa. aa. to US
Oaa. ssaa. ev. ta-. tUSWax. Caataal to t
Dl. CXav Ml tee, 4a Uskta. ISa. ev. sa..... US
4t Wlajlaad Mtraeat,
tXINDOH, Jaa. 3k. The weekly atata
aeat of the Bank at Kngiaad abarwa Use
fDiMjwtng trraangae: Total itaaj (a. tn
creaeed V4 aa. rtreuiataoB. decrtaaed
tZO.-. baUlasaX. Iiatareasiil a-JtaS; otaer
aecwrltiea, locraaxaen t tt. (.-. a at aaa. re
srrve, lacreeeeal AtPLaXe-. government se-Mi-tOes,
aacbaagad. lag pnpvtioti al
Per cent.
Uataa stock Market.
LONDON. Jan. a. -American securities
opened quiet and steady lodar. Light
covering advanced prices s to a above
parity during toe first hour.
Ctiaanla u. T7 t.tSTilnlile A Naah-.laH
aa aceeaat TTSMe., Kas. tt Tax. BS
Aaaal. Oaasar KtNn Tark raastral..llS
Aaaasoda 7SNarlaU A Waaxera-ltl
Aacalaaa uls ea eft
aa al4 lat Oatarta tt Waatera. xas
Bakiaaaie tt Okla..ll7SPamaaylvaala - est,
( -- Pacirla . m 4taa4 Mtaea ...- 4s
CaaaafMaka A Okie St Reading IVSi
CkL Great Waatara. loatkara Bj MS
cel.. Mil. At at- r.111 ea e(4 - ns
Da Beers M Soataem Parlll4 ..1I1S
Dearer tt turn O ... lltalaa Parilla 1T1S
4a 4(4 4TS aa pit
grla ...r. 1H.U A Slaal us
aa lat 4(4 13 4a aft
e tt I4 tlSVakeah IS
O.-aat ruTak Mi, So gtt . ... U
llllnoia Oatral ....1441,
SII.VEU-Ber, steady at i-Hd per
MONEY-lHWi per cent. '
The rate of discount In the open mar
ket for abort bills Is 3;j3 13-W per cent;
for three months' bills, 3 ll-M per cent.
Bestow (lock Market.
BOSTON. Jan. Sa Closing quotations
on stocks were as follows: .
Aliases 44 lliaaal Career ...
Aaaal. Cesser MSUaaawk
A Z. L A g Nevata Coa. ...
aaea (Saa. INlataaias Mlaea .
1 tC C. It 11 ISKerlk Katu ....
Bulla Coa Htm .... !1 Nartt Lake ....
(Si. 4V Arttoaa II OM IJomlaiaa ...
CaU tt Hacle.......Ut erienela
Caatanaial .: :.. ll-Qulacr
Or. Raage O'C... IrttShannaa
Eaat Bulla C M ... UKrKirMrler
Praaklla llltsuearlar tit.
Otreux Caa.... ISTaaiarack ........
arasey One u u. a. I. B. A M
Greeee (aaaau IS 4a pfd 4TS
lala Hoeato Cesser. HHFUfc Caa .v It
Kerr Lake ' ISUiak Conn Ca.... 394
lake (Sesar M Wlnaaa S
U Salle (Vw( . S eavtelraviaw ....... U
Ea-tlv. "Ae4. , ,
Seer Yark Mlalag Klocka.
NEW YORK. Jan. 36. -Closing Quota
tions on mining storks were:
Alice rs.Llttle Chief I
Cam. Tun oal ataek... KMeikae 4
le tmaae ITOaurla Me
Coa. (Si. A Va TSOahlr 141
Irae silver ...llotellew Jacket U
euatrille Caa. 14naeaars U
... S
... 44
.... its
... ts
... 21
.... 6S
... 44
... Tt
... 1
... IT
... 4S
... 34
Mlleraakee Redaeea Dlvldrad.
NEW YORK. Jan. 3f.-The dl rent ore of
tha Chicago. Milwaukee 8t. Paul rail
road this afternoon declared a semi-annual
dividend of 34 per cent, placlng'the
stock on a 4 per cent basis. Since llmJ
the company nag paid A dividend 01 T
per cent per annum.
i BUTTKR-No. 1. 1-lb carton, aftr: na
t In Mb. tubs. 3Sc: No. 3, Kc; paoklng.
CHErTSIT; Imported Fw sa. c: Ameri
can fwiss. I4c; block Swiss, ioc.StwIna,
ItSe; daialea, JOc; triplets, 30c; young
Americas, toe; blue label brick, UHrC; tuu
berger. Mb, Itc: Mb., 30c
POIJLTRT Broilers. Si 03 oer dog.:
springs, lie; hens, lie; cocks, lee; duoka,
lao: aeeae. lac: turtle. a. fo: niaaons. nar
dot., SIX. Alive, broUers. USc; hens,
lie: o'd roosters and atags, ac; old ducka,
full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered.
lor; turkeys, lac; guinea fowls, 36o eaco;
pigeons, per oox., ;ac: nomera, per doaV.
H.aO, aqua be, No. 1, 11. to; Me. 2, Wo.
F1SM- (fresh frosea) Pickerel. Tc:
white, 10c; pike, tc: trout. He; large crap-
piea, uniuc, opanisn mackerel, io; eel,
13c; haddocks, 13c: flounders. 13c: green
catfish. 16c; roe snad, 31 each; shad toe,
per pair, etc; salmon, 14c; halibut, Uci
yellow perch, (c; bulfalo, tc; bultoeeu.
H'v, No. 3, WUr; No. 3, Wc. Loins: No.
i, isc; ko. I, use; No. 3, Hue cnucke:
No. I, an; No. 3. iSc; No. 3. fc. Rounds;
No. I, nte; No. 3, W.C; No. 3, M.0. Platea;
No. 1, tuc; No. 3, tc; No, 3. Hac.
ski. its. Etc APPtes. cooking varie
ties, par. bbi, $2.71; Jonathan and Qrlmesf
Uolden, per bbl , 4A; Men Uavta, per
otvl.. n.m: fancy wineeaps. per bbi- aa-w;
fancy Misaouil Pippins, per bbl.. 33.40;
fancy Uenoa. per bul.. 3371; California
Bellefiewer. Per box. 31. A: Colorado
Jonathan, extra fancy, per box, 3.-64);
Washington Mpitsenberg, per oox, x- no;
Washington K. Beauty, per boa, KM;
Washington Hlamao Wineeaps, per box.
32.14). Hananoa, fancy select, per bunch,
tl.:i;w. Jumbo, per Winch, tt7fcatt.7e.
t ranaemea, Wisconsin laicy. per doi..
SlO.u). per bog. S3.aU. DateA Ancnor
brand. Maw, 3D 1-lb. pkga.. In boxes, per
box. 13.3b; Dromedary brand, new, 3 1-lb.
pkgs. In boxes, per box. 13 00; bulk; In 23
and sO-lb. boxes, per lb.. IPs. figs, Cali
fornia, per case of 13 li-ox. pkge., sac,
nee oase of 34 13-os. pkgs..': per case
of M a-ox. pkgm., 33.U); new Turkish, t-
crown, m -io. boxes, er in,, uc; a
crown. In SO-lb, boxes, per lb, lac; 7
crown. In 30-lb. boxas, icr lb , 17c. Urape-
frull, riorlta, ex- aixes, per crate, xa.iai;
H0-t-44 elses, per crate, SI 6m. araiaes.
Mslsga ill bole. u.Moe w. , lewona,
LlmotieJrm brand, extra fancy, Mt sue.
per box. 14 1; 30 Mxe, per bor,
Loma lamonelra, fancy, 3UO-3H sixes, per
bix. tt.Ou; 34 and 4 alxes. Wo per box
less, ureogea, CalUomia Navels, extra
fancy, sues, per
box, 7.7t; 134 41x44. per box, K.X.
virriKTA m.Krt Cabbace. Wisconsin.
per lb.. (Vac. Celery, California Jumbo,
par dog., sue. Cucumbers, nothouse, per
dog.,, Kggokant. fancy. Florida, par
do., tXOO. Oarlie, extra fancy, white, per
lb-. 16c. Lettuce, extra inncy leaj. per
dog., tie. Onions. California, white, per
lb.. le: Wisconsin, yellow ana red, in
secka, per lb.. 3Sc: Spanish, par orate,
Sl.M. Parsley, fancy aouthern, per dug.
bunches, DUy or. j-oietoara, aaiianeeota
Early Okie, per bu.. 11.33: Wisconsin
whiia stock, per bu.. 31.35; In K aaok lota.
6o leas. 8wert potatoes, Kansas, per bu.
bsk., r 0U. Ituaaosgaa. in sacxs, per lb..
ISo. Tomatoes, Florida, per 4-be, orate.
.. - -
MiSCb.U.AtarAl.'O niawwaa, aauraa-
gone, per lb., Ik'te; In Back lots, lo less.
Cocoanuts. per sack. oa. rMberts. per
lh.. lac: la sack lota, io teea, reanuta.
enaalad. DOT lb. Sci raw, ' per lb., W
Pecans, large, per ISk. l.c; in aara rate, ic
I. Walnuts, new orop, 4ii, vakuitrmie.
per lb.. 17c: In sack lota, lo less. Cder.
new Nehawka. -per U-gal. S bbl.. KM.
tas-aal . bbl.. 36.18: Nsw York Mu.l t U bbl- S3.M: per 30-bai. W.I..
4 se. 1 tones , new, a irwnivab '- iaui,
per la-gai. keg. per e-gai. aax, a.4V,
W laconatn. per Te-""-. ae-
Dry tie a ate Market.
The cottoa goods markets la the domes tic
end ara growing eteaony tinner ana
broader buvlng movement Is generally
reported. Tarns are higher, fine grades
or men a wear iwr aaui ' - "a ""
steadily. Rough areas goods for spring
tn llgrrt colore are la better demand la
the JOtJDIBg aouaaa. , .
gaaar Market.
. KIVT YORK. Jan. 8UOAR Raw.
easy; Muscovado, at test, S 8aV; centxifu
eaJ. S test. 4.4Sc: HKilsssas sugar. M teat.
t.!c; refined, easy. ; .
Waeal Maurfcet.
ST. 1XJVIS, Jaa. 3S.-WDOL Steady;
territory and western trued hrme. ltuiec;
fine medlams, la17c: One, MUlec.
Kanaaae Uy Live steek Market.
ceipts, 141 bead. Including SA) anutherns:
market ateady lo Wc lower; dreaeed beef
and export staere. SAtatat : fair to good.
tUoOoaiU): - western steers, sVtt7.3t;
steekere and feeders, t3.9(atxa.S; aouthern
ateers. tft-vMBVutl: southern cow a XI uora
Aeu: native cowa C 7Hi eV oatrre heifers,
H . Ja. baills.; caJves. .TStyT SA
111 im tteceupta, y.atw neaq; market
steady to ac lower: bulk of sales, te-Auif
tM. heavy. . 31.2414: pickers and
butchers. MM6V3; lights, 6.7iJ.3aV. pigs,
SHKKP AND IJOfBgRecerpts, e,E0
head: market steady to weak; yearllngx, KWtrVW: wretJaars.
H4xerAa: owes., steekere aad
Cattle na Light, Demand Good and
s Prices Steady.
Loathe Test Ceata ar Mere Higker,
with Sheep Streag ta Teu Ceata
Higker All Grade Ara'
- Higher for Week. ,
I .
SOUTH OilAHA, Jan. 3, :t
Receipu were: Caale. Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday- irrs io.4 7.2B4
i tr i t. . .... q. .,a ami
Official Wednesday"" imi 6.33 laumiay .... x,avr u,.wv ,ww
" Four days this week.. 17.713 .J1 .5
Same days last week..U.o Ki.JH 31.467
same days 3 weeks aa 17, fcx extol sa.ta.
Same dava 3 weeka aurn IS 319 liJ
Same days 4 weeks ago 15,773 17.977 lt-.tu
Same days last 34,144 31.SH!
The followJng table shows "the receipta
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date as corns area wiui
last veer: Itll 191 L Inc. Dec.
Cattla ..... 73.7l .7 ft34i
Hogs tm.mi m,m in,
Sheep J,7a 13,593 J.UH
. Tne following table shows the re-ma of
prices paid for hogs at South Omaha lor
the ' last tew nays, witn cumjanauiw
Date. mi. l81l.lttM.!W.ji9W.1'7.'l
Jan. K.1
Jan.. 17.1
Jen. If I
Jsn. 13.
Jan. N.
Jan. SI.
Jan., a.
Jan.1 S.
Jan.. 24.1
Jan. 'S.I
a ;
t CX4
7ti ,4ltS
71471 'titMSSt
T T8 S 4t 9 4 231 ( el S r
JM'3 331tl9i J,-4at???
7 i I 811 OH! 4 17 a SI
7 ff.'l Ej 6 171 4 M 4 B
IS 4 13 H
T S3! I 40 4 Oil 44 i
7 ., t J; I 4 1( 4S 31
St); I ti eo a il a a a ta
I 7
- Receipta and disposition of live slock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
lor twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m.
KtSCEiri 3-CAKO.
Cattle. Hoe. Sheep-HTa.
C M. St. P. Ry.. 3
w abauli K. R 1 1
Missouri Pacific Ry. .. 1
Union Pacific R. R. a 34 W
C. tz N. V. .. east.... 13 H I
CAN W., west... lo 1
C. Ut. K. VL O.. 13
C. H. Q . east... I 3 i I ..
C. B. tt U.. west.. J 64 ' ' la 1
C, R. I. a P.. eaat.. 1 1
Illinois Central Ry.. e ..
Chicago O. W, Ry , . I
Total receipta .. M 17 , 36 1
- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 3U 1.73d 43
Swift at Co ;. 6S 3,J SwO
Cudahy Packing Co.... 4,a 3,13 M7
Armour tt Co ISO 4.KH m
Murphy ,,v l.aiS
Morrell 4
W. B Vansant Co 61
Hill & Son 134
J. B. Root A Co 14 ...
L Wolf . at ,
Mccreary A Kellogg.... 7
Werthelmer A Degen... 3 .....
H. F. Hsmllmn 43
Lee Rothschild to
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... t .....
(line A Christie 4 67
Other buyers t
Totals S.7S 13.M3 .
riTTi.r Recelnta of cattle were very
light today only eighty-one cars being
reported In. For the week receipts foot
up 17,711 head, a falling off of about l.
head aa compared with last week big
run and of about a,4UU head as compared
wlih a year ago.
Th.m waa a verv fair demand for beef
ateers and buyers were out In the yards
early In the morning, it mo noi
(hem verv lone lo clean no the few loads
of desirable killers In sight at prtoes that
were fully steady wltrt yeateruav. amoni
the cattle were A few good enough to
bring t7.w. .... ...
The market on cows And rtalfere did
not ehow any very new or Interesting
fUUres. AS A rUIS salesmen -r
Ml.. net,... tuaa ahMIt BtCadV With
yeettr3ay there being no quotable change
in eimer uirenvn.
rtiM wars not enough Blockers er
feeders In first hands to talk a boot, but
what there were sold In about .yester
day's notoli-a. 1 The feeling. In fact, was
steady on all klmia.
Quotations on i-attie: uoon in enwo
1 . ,tMra sa MaMl Tt: fair to good beef
steers, Kenitf .'; common to fair beef
steers, K lXaaai ; good to choice heifers.
Snooty.: good to choice cows. ll.60itj.eJ;
fair to good rows and heifers, 3a.76i).aD;
common to fair cows and heifers, SJ.Ouu
174; good to choice stockers and feed-
era, Xa.4jU4je.Ov; I Sir I? gooo. aiocavra aauu
leedera. au-itaiAw: coimuou lo fair atock
era and feeders, S3 6vr4.7u; slock hellers.
3Aatl.90; veal calves, si.vugAuf; bulk,
ataga, etc, xx.ata.ul,
llepreeanlallve salsa:
Na Av. rr. Nu. Au. Pr.
4 lilt I U 14 Hut. 4 U
It IM I U It lilt t 44
It HIS lat I... 1147 4 44
M MWI 4 14 M..., 1UI t 4
7 Ml 4 It II.... 1M4 4 71
II Ilaa 4 a M UH 1 U
U IMS f M .....1441 laa
I I1M 4 M 7 Uat I U
COWs. .
1. tan tu
a it is,
U Ml t U
14 JT t 41
....lew 4 Tt .
....l4t 4 71
.... Ml 4 W
....leu I H
..,.1044 I U
.... rtt t u
...-11T4 IS
..'..Hit aial
....ltee t at .-
....iai tu
mt tu
it lit: t la .
- rtr.irn.ris. :
4 tm 4 u sa . an t u
ft 4 4..:...... TU tu
M 441 III ' Ml i u
M IP) 4 U T Ul I U
4 ... 411 4 41 II Ill I It
HI 111 11 11U t 14
5 tie I U 11 4 I U
Ul 4 44 11.. HI t U
u ter I re ' it.., . Tit la
t... tea is ... we tit
u.. ..... 7U tu u. Ml IS'
M...........U4 tu
1.......1MS 3 U
j! tu I ;t
I. ..-.-I.. Ut. I Tt
I TM 4 a
1 11T4 at
1 1r44 4 U
kt . ..ItU I H
4..I.,, 14 S H
I Hut I U
t..... la 1 44
t II t U
. Ill I 44
t Kt I ta
U M la
II Ul t M
I4M 4 U
U ...1IU 4 44
I.. ......... lit 4 44
f..... ...... Ill IS
Ut I M
i. us s u
3 ..U44 IU
1. .1414 tU
1...., 1T44 3 14
1414 t '
tu ta
.IM u
. MS 7 ae
. 144 T
.114 T U
. 144 T 44
. iu 1 a
n lie t u
t m
14 MT T H
i ue I it
At. Jteaarsttl Mew Stack Mtutxaut.
Reaaaeptxt, l.TUt bead: market, awaavdy:
sierra. et-Sak3S.CS- cows aad kstftrs, 37 tiaf
14P-. ealvea. CeOb&U.
HWaaa-Racerpu. bead: market,
ateady: top. U44-. bulkevf sales. 3S.tsey4.l5.
8HEKP AND 1-AirtirJ-BecrlT-tl.
luaxa. awaraet. stxaaaty. jaauaay iiasl gT, .
1 U4 . t M t
u 1 It I
a. MITl 3......
I 444 ( 1
UT t U I
t ... us i a t ,
1 tie t u
i r in is
. i
,. IN IU I
b foe K Etui AND FEEDERS,
t tu l w ui t a
S .. tat t TO I M It
t let t M
1J 4U 4 U U A... til t 44
n iit I a it at m
S at is it tu a
n ;u I a tu t u
4 TU I a MT t U
u tit t a a tu I
A. ...a..... Ml t a U Ul 4 14
HOG,-Another big aupply of nogs met
with a demand that appeared to be
slightly spent, owing to the Immense re-
eeleta ea previous oars mas area, reva.-
era assumed aa attitude that was mote
... baa indirreren: at tne opening, ana.
aside from some little btiness at steady
to airone flsrurea. the market was late m
starting. Viewing trade aa a whole, prices
ruled uneven with the trend easier,
bulk selling weak to a met el lower than
eaialilt )" hutch. re and attractive
tea vtea were favored At well atlstained
riguna. while light stuff, commuting the
tug bulk, usually atoved at shaded ngurea.
ithipoers bought wtth a fair degree af
rreedooi early, but outside orders were
limited and diaranca of fully per cent
of the total openoeo sue
Heeelpta were eetlnaated at li-ae bead,
making A tour daya' total sgrea-ate of
BvegS bead aa oilnaparad with the record
Hi days' aupply last week of la,7t etaad.
Tha beet heavy hogs oa sale moved at
SUa, aa uaiiilaait.l with ywsterday'a lop of
34.1a, while light averages eoud froat tkM
toaraward. Butcher claaeea feaaad aa out
let at St-sMrvet in xooet rasss. the prtoe
range Vrtweea choice heavlea and poor
ghts being a little wider than usual.
KayraaamtaUlv sales:
ta. Av. ga. r . , Ne, .A, aa. re.
tea. ne ... I Ti.J.Jat la
U Ml st taa la xu ... IU
I- iu ..i 4 aa h ta
., in i 4i .43 m 0 tm
:i.....iu ... a u u a ... I tm
tl IU ... II 7B.......21I Ul tU
MM Ul ... I it . lit ... 4 04
IT IM ...171 U....J41 ... U
u.. im u I a a ::j ... u
a... i:i ... tti T1.A....94 i.s m
U lit ... t u. .nt 44 IU
u M 3M I U u m ... uru
it at ... it n ui u i u
w ut ... 6 e n.......m u u
it iu ... t a xx ... t u
n. iu ... s s ts ..m ... i u
ii a ... ta-" Tt :: ... iu
K. 1:1 ... i u ti :;4 ... it,
fi.......iu u tu ;e.....ia ... in
a ii ... in a mi-m iu
It IM ... i U 15 !11 Uu 4 4.
U 117 ... IU 43 ......Ml ... II
Tt tu .... I u . r ui te i te
17 Ul .... iU t.'.;....JU . ... t 14
U IM ... I Kb 74 Jj4 ... Ill
U 341 W in Tt T17 ... I M
II 114 ... IU ,47 341 ....lit
ft in ... ii Tt tej ik in.
a at ... t si n ;ti ... u
44 Ui . ill Ti. JU ... 4 14
tl.; IM ... i li tt HI ....111.
lit U i K . 44.. IM at I M
:m ... ik, 17.. i:s ... i it
Tt :t u I u au Ml Ua ' I it
U ..2M7 ... t 61 ?T ... IU
U IU U IU U.......tta. ... M '
II, JM ... ITS 13 ,M ... 4 14
SHEEP No complaint m heard In
willing circles about the condition of
sneep and tamo trade., the market scor
ing advances of A or more under
the stimulus of A brisk; demand from all.
quarters, rat lambs acted better than
fat sheep aa a rule, .the latter class of
stock frequently selling at levels no bet
ter than strong to a dime htguer. The
main reasons for improvement appeared
In A moderate supply, a healthy consum
ing demand In the eaat and refrigerator
car service that la almost back to nor
mal. '
The best fat lambs on sale were high
grade natives that sold at Se.TS, as com
pared with yesterday'a top of tt for
fed westerns. The price range amounted
to fully however, and medium to
cull varieties ranged - from St-Ce . down
ward. in the market for matured muttons,
tide fat ewes brought aa much aa St,,
while strictly good offerirura moved at
Kixqeue. Tearllnxs and wethers were
scarce, the same aa recently, toppy weth
ers selling up to 34.54. with yearlings
claiming a Quotable limit of tUU -
Compared with last week's close, fat
lambs are closing fully a quarter higker.
while fat sheep, principal I v ewes, are
selling at levels aoout loolie up. The
demand has been much more active on all
daya than It was last week and clear
ances each day havo been early and aat-
tsractory. , -
There was not very. much business In
feeder stock, for the reaaon that thin
strings were the exception to the rule.
Prices remained nominal and , the trade
uninteresting, the three days' buy
amounting to only (sto head.
Quotations on Sheep and Lambs
Lambs: liood to choice. KSUtaVTa: fair to
good. S7.i4i.;.2a. Yearlings: Good to
choice. S.l6S.5e; fair to good. 34.7547? la.
Wethers: Good to choice, Rifct-&; fair
to good. M.QI)4M.26. Ewes: (kind to choice.
ueone.a; isir to goott, a,3OAsa
13 fed ewes
117 native lambs ...
34 fed ewes .,
134 fed lambs
104 fed ewes ,
47 fed ewes ,
14 fed ewes
33 fed lambs
It fed lambs ........
71 fed ewes .........
: fed lambs
44 ted lambs
47 fed lambs, culls .
194 fed lambs .,
30 fed lambs
.. 116
.. M
,". MS
.. 71
.. 7
,. 11
;. us
.. R
,. Ill
... M
... 47
... 31
... M
tot -
3 71 :
I 76
4 Id
4 1
i Ti
4i '
Prices ea All Clavseea at Sleek
Leaver at Cleee.
CHICAOO. Jan: ii.-cATTLK-Roceipts.
.DUO head; market HafrMc louter than yes
terday; beeves, 34.7644.90; Texas steers,
34.901. 10; atookers and feeder. S3.6n ;
cows and heifers. fc.oOtjl, calves, 16.309
HOOS-Recelpts. 31.n bead: market. So
lower than yesterday's average; light.
36 si.36; mixed, tt.0Attt.2S: heavy, 34. lot)
45; rough, S75ra.u6; pigs, t4JO06.3; bulk
of sales. M.lerl.aa.
HHfclEP AND IJKMBS-RecelpU. IS 000
heed: market, If-BJac lower than yeeter-
day; natlvea, SJUxhCK; western, 33.604)1
a 4u MarllnM SaMaiaaR. Unlu tiaJlva I
K4Sri.7t; weatern. 36.tUt34.7a.
I. I.eels Live Sterelc Markat.
ceipts, tie head. Including 400 head Tex
ans; market steady: native shipping and
export steers, 17 ;; dreaeed and
butcher steers. 33.40tc6.tlO: steere. 1 00 lbs..
33.264je.l0; stockers and feeoers, S3,0iar4 ;
cow a and heifers. 31 7TtHO0: ranners, 33.0
tti.03; bulla, 3a.U0tl.)6; calves. - 5.Sil.76;
Texas and Indian steers. 34. 7.09; cows
and heifers, SSnnrSOO.
1 IOOH-Receipts, ll.ast head; market, Ee
lower; pigs and lights, 34.26434.30: mite
and butchers. So. Km 40; good heavy, Sa.30
4. - .
8HBEP AND U.v lieceipts. s.wai
head: market. leartSc higher: n at lee mut
tons, S3.764H7S; lambs. 36.0Ut.SO: culls and
bucks, Sl.60tJ3.36; stockers. i.wtrs.uu.
Stewfc Iu elaht. -
Renelnts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yeeferday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha.......... L 13.700 4000
St. Joseph -....I. s.ew . Ataa.
Kas aaa City 3.4TO .W th
St. Louis 5 " 14.n 3.K
Chicago 3.0O) 3IJM lAeVI
ToUll. 17.M 7AX 36,600
Gerwaaa BreeVa Aertujlawa Iteeerd.
BBRLIN, Jsn 36, A new endurance
record for A flight In aa aeroplane car
rying tha airman and three passengers
waa created today at the alrdoma at
Johannesthal, by Dr. 13. Ullch. who. with
three companions, stayed ana hour and
thirty-five mimosa la tha etr, In his Har
lan mono plane ..
Persistent Advertising II rue Road ta
Big Returns. - . '
President Speaki Kindly of Oaialut
Friends and Senator Brown.
MaaU Bealaree a Utile Slaw la Sew
larrk, Where There la Pleety .
f Meaey Weltlag Ckaaace
. - for laveetaaeat. .
J. H. Millard, president of the Omaha
National hank, has jnst returned from an
eastern trip, daring which he visited
W ashington. New York and Boston, ac
companied by his nephew, Exra Millard,
aeslfjtaxt cashier. Speaking of his obser
vations. Senator Millard says:
"In Washington the first call -1 made
was at the White House, where I paid any
respects to President Taft, I found him In
a. most happy frame of mind, la good
nralth. with the exception of A alight
cold. Tha president made Inquiry tn re
gard to a number of his nd friends In
Nebraska and Asked especially after tha
editor of The Bee. Tha president spoke
most kindly of Senator Brown of our
state and said that his relations with the
renator, officially and otherwise, hare
always been satisfactory and pleasant. I
think tin president feels very kindly
toward- Xebraska and Omaha and has
every reason to tliink that tha stats wl'l
be for htm both at the national conven
tion aad at tha election nest fall. I assured
tha president that, to far as I knew In
this behalf,' bis belief was wed grounded.
"My call upon the president was of a
purely social nature, and upon leaving
tha White House I oalled upon the secre
tary 'of the treasury to pay my respects,
and later called upon the comptroller of
the currency, tha attorney general and
the secretary of the Interior the , latter
being out of tha city. '
Senators Congenial.
"At. the capitol f found our two sen.
atora In good health And In excellent
frame of mind, and what I was especially
delighted to seer-they are enjoying cor
dial personal relations with each other.
Tha friendship subsisting between the sen.
atora from Nebraska is just what It
ihonkl be as between the senators of any
state. Politically, of course, they differ,
but personally they ars on good terms.
Senator Hitchcock very kindly invited my
nephew. Earn Millard. Into tha reserve
gallery of the sar.aUe, walla I eocom
panied Senator Brows on the floor and
met a number of Biy old assoctstea. I
missed many who wars there during xny
term, notably tha two senators from Ala
bamathe lata Senators Morgan and Pat
tue the former senator from JjoufHana.
the lata Senators Clay of Georgia. Daniel
of Vlrglna. Allison of Iowa, Proctor of
Vermont. Plan of New York, Hals ot
Mains and a number of ethers whs were
at that time tha strong men of the senate
on both sides af the chamber.
"I was pleased to sea tha klad consid
eration shown ts Senator Brown of our
stats. It seemed to ms that senators on
both sides are most kindly disposed
toward him. and I can sea that the sea.
a tor la making excellent progress ta the
senate. In my opinion it-would be a
very grave mistake not to re-elect him. A
senator, to be valuable to a stAte, should
be permitted te servo Ions enough, not
only to. become acquainted with all the
senators, bnt with tha duties of his high
office. This fact M exemplified partic
ularly la tha oasa of Utah and Wyoming,
whose senators havo perhaps aa great In.
fluence as senators as those of any a tats
In tbo union. - V
- Baalaeaa Slow la Jlew York.
"In NeJ. York I found business affairs
wars gains along very slowly, there
being a feeling that business would not
Improve much until after tne next presi
dential election. That seems to bo the
opinion of bankers with whom I ipent
most ot my time. Tha same feeling pra
valls In Boston. Money is abundant, but,
buMness Is slow.
"While tn Now York I called at tha
office . of The Outlook . and paid my
respects to colonel Rooosveit. The offtes
was full of people waiting to see tho
eoloneu-tn fact, tho an Is-rooms reminded
me of tha waiting crowds always to bo
seen at tho exaouttve offtoes when tho
colonel wss president. The colonel Is In
excellent health. In good honor, and I
believe has no desire at tho present time
It least for the preeldentJal offtes. I
never) saw him looking In better heailh,
and he told me that ha bad never felt
better. My Impression Is that ail this
talk of his being a candidate Is dis
tasteful to him,
"My impression Is that the people of
the east who, a few years back, seemed
to look upon tho people of this section
with disfavor, ars now not only glad to
see us, but take a great interest In our
affairs. Inquiring ta regard to general
conditions in that section. I ass nothing
In tho general conditions of the country
to causa uneasiness, on lees It be the pos
sibility that, generally speaking, bualneaa
will be slow.".
Try It Some
Cold Day
a, . '
- Place your household electric fan on the floor
near a steam or hot water radiator, point the fan in
the direction of the radiator, straight at it. You will
notice a difference in the temperature of the room in
a few minutes. - ,
The fan makes the radiator warm more air
without the consumption of additional fuel.
Try the experiment suggested and see if it
.doen't help you save on coal hills.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Compony
N. R We will move our offices to the new U. P.
building,. February 1st. The Contract Department
and Cashiers will be located on the first floor just
east of the Dodge street entranc. - '
"7"""' 11 11 11 "