Desperate Desmond tJ Heroic Claude Eclaire Falls Into the Hands of W Justly Dreaded Manchu Cavalry ByHershfield 6 ' f'tinvr-itrhf 1911 ' KftrlnnnL Ksewa A nnria linn Yfi WkkN-reftiTe cijT Mi -4; J&iiu3. -K4U .4 PA &, is je- KWY A 7NmKA 1 IN a , u t. lootiwt thf -sreRfv. i The iMrftiALVk v tA VV9 wsoda -r& scu r X 7 Ti fJPtowrv wmt ss, . VvJ ' -1 Vr itHJ f J A , har -me crash of . -irooi havs- w&wssjRSk gggiaraKa LEO A3 I Desperate- Desmond. Ik, International crook, finds himself In a precarious, posi tion on tha none too secure roofs of a pagoda, which is surrounded by China revolutionaries. As Desmond Is known to be an Imperialist he will set no mercy from the crowd below. Claude, seeing that the villain cannot eerape, enter the pagoda la the hop of finding his be loved Rosamond, who baa been spirited awajr and concealed. In the pagoda the first object that catches Claude's eyes Is the great statue of Buddha, and as there 1 little els to be seen he conclude that bis Rosamond must b hidden there. A Utile tnveetlga ' tlon disclose a door In tb pedestal, and Claude quickly find hi sweetheart In side. To keep her safe while the struggl for Desmond I continued he lock Rosa mond up again In the statue and goes forth to aid tb revolutionist. In tb meantjm Desmond baa not been Idlsi Knowing well Ms dancer from the ' excited follower of tb republican stand ard, a look about for a way of foiling thsm. and In tb string of alectrt light on tb pagoda roofs he dlsoovcr one. Tb glas bulb will make a An popping on the ground, and tha pieces of broken glas will make tb going pretty hard for th unshod supporters of tb republi can cause. Tb Chinese who are fighting for the overthrow of tb Itancbu despotism are -many of them Insufficiently equipped. So when those surrounding th pagoda In which Desmond Is perched, try to rush th building they do some ground and lofty tumbling as their bar feet com down on th broken glass. The villain laugh at th contoriona of bis enemies, but even yet ha Is far from safe, Tha -tb roof of a pagoda la no resting place. In tha distance th ound of th break ing bulb comes to th ear of a troop of Manchu cavalry. The mercenaries ' of tb Imperial government decide that th revolutionaries are destroying prop arty and act out at full speed for th pagoda, on top of which Desmond I roosting ilk i a villainous sparrow. . . They are a ruthless lot, these cavalry men and wo to tb republican they capture. Tra a plltty slick Mellcan man!" cries Desperats Desmond. he and tha im perialist move away with tha captlv Claude, who will be doomed to aom ter rible fat for bis sympathy with th revolutionaries. The Manchu have also taken the statute of Budda. -In which, unknown to them. Rosamond la hidden. It Is another triumph for Desmond and th fates of Claud and Rosamond will be shown tomorrow. WANT ADS Want ala received at any time, but to insure proper claasiflratioM mast be presented before 13 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:. to p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such boars srlU bare their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." XIASri HATKS FPU WAST ADR. , REUULAIt CliAHSlFICATlON One Insertion 1 cent ner word and 1 cent per word for each nbseqnent Insertion. Kadi insertion made on odd days 1 rent per word. 9iM per line per month. t f' Want ads tor The Bee may b left at any of the following drag tore oa Is or "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The. Bee and yoar ad will be inserted Just promptly and oa the same rate aa at the mala office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and rsroara Streets; . Albsch, W. C, th and Farnam, p uamDrug Co., 2631 N. Mth tit, Itenson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Iteinls Park Pharmacy, tsd and Cuming. Jlersnek, H. A., 103 8. Mth lit ftlske-rJrendtsh, riherman Ave. iaughaa, c. 1L, 47 I,vnworth St. f'ermak. Emll, l4-t A lth Bt. fllfton Hill Pharmacy, Ell Military Ave. f'ooney Pharmacy. KU B. I Mi St frlssey Pharmacy, 21th and Lake Bt. J:hlr Co, Stfi Leavenworth Bt. Kreytag, J. J., lilt N. Mth St. Fragger Drug Co., IX N. Itth 8t. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. ttreen Pharmy, Park Ave. and Pacta fireenough Co., lot h and Hickory, tiotdmaa Pharm y, Mth and Lenvenw'th. lohanaoa Drug Co., Mth and tipauldlng. lohnson Pharmacy, 32 Kartuun lit. lanecwrn Park Pharmy., 1S01 a. 2Mb A v. I inter long Drug Co., list Ave. and Far. Joist. Jake. CM N. llth st luff, A. 1. 2934 Leavenworth "t. King, H. 8. ttth and Farnam eta, Jiountse Place Pharmacy, U N, ttth. lAthrop Pharmacy, Mth and Hamilton. Mare. Fred. l, loll Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, tsd and Ames Av, 5atriek Drag Co.. VM N. Mth . . . i fiaratoaa Drug Co., Mb and Ante Ave. chaefer'a Cut Price, Mth and Cntcsgo.' feller Drug Co., ill N. lh 8U V.rnal, P. J.. AH Pierce Ht. W alton Pharmacy, Mb nd Orao Bta StVainut Hill Poarmaur. Mb sad Cuming rUCATsIi AA D rtmERAt. KOTICKl. CTROtTRKB-a. J-,' died at hi bom in ' Iwnver, Colo, Vutiday morning; aged ts year. . . Funeral from t Brtdgef church, Mth and r eta. South Omaha, Thursday mnrning at I a. m. Interment Bu Mary cametery. sJVTHAO-Mr. toulse Krebe, aged it ieare: January . Ilt Funeral from tesidenca, ltn e. tl; AV, Friday. I N p. m. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. ; CARD Or TMAJIKt. f ewlsj to expreee my sincere apprecla ' tlon and beartfelt thanks to th many v friends and neighbors, especially th Ht. phlloma's branch, U C. B. A.; th ladies' Hodallty of th Bacred Heart rburch and th D. of H. No. 17. for tb many acta of klndnea and aspreasloa of sympathy shown during th times and at th death of my beloved wife, Jennie. ' Henry J. Ilaegen. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS COURTNEY'S ' "Omaha's Pur Food Center." If your local dealer don't carry It w e. Bend for eatalogu tree. Freight paid on It purcbaa witbia a radlu of fifty mllea DR. BURKS FtiR MBN. Before yon commence treatment for any and all forms ot chronic diseases, call or writ for information and advice free. - DR. BURKE. t Douglas Blk. Omaha. Neb, laiS. BUTTER. POULTRY.' Htgheet market prvee paid. Writ tr auotattons snd shipping taaa. BROWN PKODUCK CO., Wholesaler of Flab, Oysters. Celery. im Howard St. Omaha. Neb. THK International Correepondenc Schools offer each male student, 21 years er mora of age, finishing th L C. 8. Kaleemanetiip eourse and passing th final examination a position as L C 8. salee maa. when he may earn from I7i to 1-30 a fnonth. There are no strings to this offer. For full Information call or address INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE BCHOOlA Dept. O. Thecal office, ta-& Braadel Bldf . Tel. Douglas CM, A-t Omaha, Neb PAYING' i POSITION f-CARM automebtle anrlneerlng la ear large training nop. Hundreds of success ful gradea. Complete eotupment of aotomobie and machinery. Address Aato Tfa.ning Association, HI Brandeta Theater r' s , Omaha. Neb, J. A. GKXTLEMAN, ':R embalawr. 114 Chicago Pt D. W. B-wi. IIULSE & BELPEN.j? "J 1'NDERTAKERA I LEAKEY & EEAFEY, Moved to act Farnam. A-339. H. 9H, IiIIFW&BOT.ATr. Tyier toTt. Ind. A-lnii. BAEKES BEOS. PAINT CO. t0O Farnam Be Dang. 5i. In. A-JKIt A beaotirul assortment of stencil out fits and Sherwta-wuiiam goods We do g&tziag and ptctura framing at moderate prices. i Cinders Free V,"K triU, MAKE CONTRACT TO ftrPPt.T flNDEHS FREEOFCHAROB. JltOVIOKO tAMK ARE HALLAD A W AT KVERT DAT. Bffi BUILDING CO. iTib and farnast Bim. ANNOCXCEMEjrra KI.ST1C stockings, supporters and bandages; stock always new. because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed, w. u. Cleveland irug Co., th largest surgical supply house, iUO-U Harney (M. M. K. Morrill, china paint S3 Brand els Th NORTH RUP Letter Duplicating Co.. CM Paston Blk., circular letters, any quan tity; oldest estsbllshed company; experts of Multigraph snd Neosryle. Upholstering, piano, turn, rep tXA For. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Twenty per cent leas than Omaha pries. IfoMB Fl RNI rURK CO., ' Twenty-fnurth and L Hta., South Omaha bd. Barrtck. gravel, lar roof a lth A Lake 8. H. Cole Wkii Co. D. nm. Ul Farnam. OOLD leltenng on books, purses, leather gooda. K. A. .Tyron Co.. ulf Farnam, IVJV K.U arwvye we n'l7 l, jwur wwi- ding ring come from Brodegaard's, 1U a. lath St. At the lgn of the crown. Neb. Meed Co., IX Jones, Both phone. Muggard Van A Btorage. Pack, move, tor and ship H. H. goods. D. 1M. B-M28. GET your diamond at Brodegaard's. . TO LOAN-IXW ' rat. In sums to ult. tie Be Bid. Phone IJouC. uniun lub CO, MONEY MOV1NO picture machine and supplies Nebraska Film Co., Hit Farnam Bt, DOUOLAM printing Co. Tel, Doug, it I. BO ILK II. sheet iron and tank work. Omaha Hiructural Steel Works. J. r. O'Loary for shoe. H N. K bo. Om. Justice of (he Peace, Oeo. H. Barker, t Paxton Blk. Red. fes); A-1M4; Res. H. B7I AITOMOBILK8 FORE lXiORS ."'o -. . tops. - MlltWlt Douglas tit Pfelffer lipover. painting. Carriage Works. DRUMMOND tlAtTM tear top. M I I IM ft muH wheel Vlk HERB'S TUB br.HT PLACa IN OMAHA lth and Harney 8ta BISIXKSS CHANCES. FOR HALK Vaiuabi patent right. Zl t ou, i?o. vmaoa. no. bjv. hVIU BUM U.-ll t..n. -A -. I - v.. ..- .... - rv lcij iwi I rl (II, nin tables; owner leaving clva. Address, E UM, Bts, BUSINESS PERSONALS Artesian Wcjla. U B. NBBEROALU Mll-U City Nafl. ED HOWE, well boring. Benson tel. " Attorney. O. W. Shields, attorney. 127 B. of Trad. I.1BTON L. HALL, LAWYER. X Bee. BUSINESS PERSONAL HELP WANTED FEMALE Optletaas. B. P. Worn, fitting A rep'g. let Brandela Osteopatliy. Allc Johnson, tM- Brandels Tha Bldr. Katheryn Nikolas, 344 Brandels Theater. O raters, David Col Oyster Co. Whole! only. Atealag aad Tenia. OMAHA TENT CO." Tel. a Douglaa Baggag and Taxleahe. THB ONLT WAT. Bag gags checked to destination. Taxi cab and touring care. Tel. Douglas U4 Bag Manufacturers. BKKIB OMAHA BAO CO., Omaha. Neb. Boa and Package Massfsstueri, Wooden Bog A Package Co. U14 N. Mth. Carpentere aad Contractor. Bt even son, carpenter, cont. Both phones. Chiropodist. DR. ROT. Hot Farnam. Douglas W. Cigar aad Usswe, THB Sanitary Crown Pipe. Ill g. Wth. tlothlag Maaafactaror. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. K. Smith Co. Coal Ooalor. ITfiAl. 8Pdal Price by ton, t 1 VA"'AiJ II. 't el. Doug. H7t, B-ZK1 bo. for Butter Feed Coal Co., tm Far. H. hi. C g. Joh nsonr coal, lttb A lsard. I phonea RtKDtK 1'UKNACB COAL. D. Utt Charles A. Wester field. A-IMX CITT COAL AND SUPPLY CO. W furnish city ecale weight tickets with vary loan, r-non u. yits, ino. A-len. , ItEBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS ' T. L. T-oaasenser... Tea r ..' "Passenger .V..... I.WO t. F. limousine 110 A Arf t-paasenger. ad BJCVKRAl, OfllKR MAKKS OF CARD AT KKlll I EO Villi J. J. J. bcatlOHT COM PA NT. Mil Farnam 81 Omaha, Neb. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. Why not sell your old automobll and buy a new en er, maybe, you can us th money In some ether Way in lthrr event. Be want ads will do tb work. Rats l& cent per word It run only one tint or 1 cent per word If run two or more times consecutively. OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autogenlou welding, general machine and auto repairing. Pattarn making and special machinery designed. Kxpert die wots. rai. a rawing. u h. ittn Ht. u. bb.fl. Murphy Did It IBPAIRINO. I Al N i l. NO. TKIMM1NU. BUSINESS CHANCES An Opportunity . FOR INVESTMENT In an established manufacturing business, doing taeisn bualness th first year; by aa additional investment ot can double or triple th business for the second year. Owned by young men who nave naa year ol. experience In this Una, We want tb additional canltal to strengthen our credit and develop th beat opportunity In Omaha today. Can us a live man wttb the money In an executive position at a good salary. Excellent chance for anyone wishing to locale In Omaha permanently. O nff Bee. TO get In or out of business call en OA.VOESTAD, Be Bldg. Tel. D. M77. Motion picture machine and film bar. gains. Om. Film txclL. Mth A Doug. bts. MORTGAGES, 6 ON GOOD FARMS Savings bonds secured by first mort races and our capital and surplus of few,. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bond tor tlM. tat and up. as suits your avtngs. - Maa your money bring you a good Income. Ask for particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1Mb and Farnam Bt.. Omaha, Neb. INVESTMENT. On BSC to !, Investment In good rahstantiat and established bustness We will guarantee Investor 1 per cent. This pro position is open to your Investigation aad invite your attention. All replies treated confidentially, galea will average WW yearly, niranw. V, m Bee. ft . UlbWlHV .... ui . a. ........ .. iu. w .v, mmiu w mm For address write to Y An. care Be. SUCClfsWUL Chicago corporation, high standing, desires ta secure services at mmM i .n, .Hi h and adioielng territory. ICxclmuv state eencr. tieaequarxers, uaua email tofMlMMl Kir, . K-..!,it a)v mmMtr ... ary aad commission, other state agents right persoa to engas in profltabie bun neaa. Court investigation. Dept. A. 13s) Keener Bidg,, Chicago. I1L SPECIAL sales reduction oa auction sales In th general merchandise itoe a specialty. Tb Nattaoai Muei Ca, Omaha, Neb. A GO"D cash butcher business in a Uv town ta central Nebraska. T K Bea. BEET grocery and meat saarket la etty; very thing new; thr ssrnnex f tut. Be. KL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Bog of K, prepaid, C; try a half osea. If not aattataetory money refunded. BKATON IillUO .. ling Farnam 81 Miss B. Hi 11.1. tK. pubue atenograoher. lUt City Nai l Ba, iioua. X er A-aill. COAL and kindling. Wagner, Ml N. Itth. KINDUNO. M load. H. 6ros W. HsC -' 1B teats. HIRAM A. STUROIS, patent lawyer, V. a and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; year' experteno. M - - -ret., twug. sess. D. O. BarnaU, Paxton Blk. TeLRed TUT. i.itu i-ui, iww city Nat- Bank Bldg. r-riatlag. ' Lew W. Raber, Printer, Doriir,ph BCK BUUtJ. EIVTKANCBI ON COURT, Lyngitad Printing Co., isth A Capital aye, sei. inq. rmi tor good printing. Lt th CENTRAL PRINTING. CO. do your worn, mi uougia. Tel. u. x?M. AM. Printing Co., am Cuming. D. tS47. Rles-Hll Ptg. Co.. V 8. It. Ind. A-J524. rbwtosjraphera. Rlnehart. phetoaraahar. lttb Farnam. Phaaearapha. Edison phonograph. Sholts Bros., lm Far riatlag. " OMAHA B1LVKR CO.. tU a Mth. Baotaaraat. - Clark Cafe, bom cooking, ltll Dodge, th habit, eat at Unoeda. Cap. Ave. MORRIS Cafe, borne oooklng. Us a kith. Steel Tank aad Calvert Cewsgaalu. NHBRASKA and Iowa Bteel Tank Coin ny, 14th and Nicholas. O. 3s8. loaaerrmher and Coairt Hsisnsn. Myrtle; A. Kelly. Wl Bran. Tha D. Ml Coraloe aad (eJ Celllaga. CARTER gheet Metal Work, Omaha. Vroaaaerle, Dalrle aaA gapplle. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COl JC CHKAMKKY COMPANY. Daaolag Aeadaal. Mackie's Dancing Academy, Ult Harney. tony cisasc won., i nurs., sat. evenings. 11188 KSTHKK KtmMITHH School of uancing every Tuesday evening. Assembly s jj p. m. Mr. rKiifUi.iTAW niuio. 19 'ons Monday or Friday, 1p.m., at Prtvste leeaon during the day, tL Deteetlvea. Omaha serret service deL aawnev. Tne bonded, ta t Psxton Blk. D. Ills. A-111A U W. LONONECKER, 111 Karbach Blk. JAMFa Al.lJtN. Neville Blk. Tyler lUt Oeattata. Bailey, th dentist. City Nafl. Pi Bt "Maeh Mach, Id floor Paxton. D. Met. Drsaa klag. DRESSMAKING, Wit Harney. H. IMA Terry' Drens making college, 10th A Far. 8BWINO by day la families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Web. iMa Kverythlag Klaelrlcat, ( Burgees Oranden Co., 1511 Howard. t. ttl Electrio lighting fix., wholeeaie and re l all. Kvorythlaaj to Wesaoa. CONSULT PR. BI RKB. el Doug. Blk. Fred Mill aad Stem. read, all hinds. Olsnco Mills, fta Tsard. FlarUts. BENNKTTS, cut flowers. Douglas MT. A. Donahu. 17 Farnam. D. 101, A-1WL HKSS A SWOBODA. Uii Farnam St Btjwart's. Florist A Seedsmen, lit N. It PAULSKN. florist, 1711 Brown St. BRA NO EI S FLORIST. Brandels Bldg. t HENDEHSON, ltll Farnam. D. liA "BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bldg Feaadrtea, lgeDeeiald k Mna k-ma ftual., .1. minum. On, lead castings, lent Jacasoa. Haraeee, Saddlery, Leather Swada. Wlchert harness, leather good. Ot. S. It Mospttas. WISH MEMORIAL, Mth and Hsreey. AlfrPfl C TTpriruwIv Fir A Tor. - 1 nado Inaur- ance, tm Firm. Nat Bk. Bldg. Pong, nt Rhedee-Mnettgomcry Co. In. Raiege Blt Ira a aad Wire Falaa Anchor Fence Ca. ItT N. Tf. Tel. Red tit. Laaoher. Groa Tnmber wrecking machinery a nuns zist no raui. Laaadrtea. FRENCH Hand Laundry. TL H. BX GUARANTEE Laundry. work. Douglas tTk. Miga graiS Skmner's macaroni and spaghetti loc ptg . Moaasaeau aad Mateas, J. T. Bloom A Cek. rth and Cuming Sta Mevta. gtearasto aa Clee iala, KXPRSS8MEW8 Detrvery Oa Mevrng fornrture packing, nreproor otoraga. city office. x 8. rnn. ixwt xss. ino. b-im. Terta City Expree. Ult Howard. Both Tel. rumitur Ban, 2 ansa Bperhr. W. JM. EMMA A. TB1.LER, til Barker bk. Dm. J . Talisetag - R. A. Williams, clothes altered. M A Laka Out-ot-Ute garnjeiim ex-tur new. t. mm Tenia aad Avrasas. OMAtfA TENT CO. Tel. W Douglas. Traak aad Salt Cases. Ftelmg A Stelnls, 14 Farnam St " ' ' Wig Maa a fast are re. P. 8. Ortftith, wig mfg. it Frenser Blk. Wiaee aad Ltejaor. MAT A CO., family liquors. Hut Douglas. wii.tiw u,..i.. i I, r. -. v. , iiuuur, I'iser. '- " iv-"- ip, eeios, isua tougias. Loftinao. t-yr-old why. 10c drink. M A liar, vr nn i v i a mot mt t tla Klein Liquor House, ta N, lttb St. EDUCATIONAL ; BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR t Complete course la Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Bervloa or Salesmanship, The catalogue ! fre for th askmg. Call,' writ or Shone for It at onos. Address H. B. Jvlf Prealdenu Boyle. College. Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "BEST IN THB WEST." . Day and evening (esslon all th year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture. Civil Service. Salesmanship, E. A. jgartman, Prax., mil and Farnam. Tl'TORINO. 1st to ltd grade. H. ttM. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL Learn to earn: enter now: 9 subtests: personal aid; practical Instruction; ex pert men teachers, smsAfeea. Tyler ISA HELP WANTED FEUA1M Clerical aad Office, STENOGRAPHER to act a Private secretary. Must be nest, competent aad osaee execuuv anility, w , CO-OPSRATIVE RKFERKNC-R CO WlaVlt City National Bank Bldg. raotory aad Trade. W IV'FL T T-t, Mi vii-na IIANENT POSITIONS. APPLY WED NtSDAY AND THLR8DAT. 8PIES- panur.n, iff if rsitnAM ST. Mas ckeeper aad Owaaeatlc. THB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Be will run your Domes tlo Help Wanted ad FREE until you get tb desired resalta Bring your d I Th Be offlo or telephone Tyler naa. WANTED Maid for general house work; good wages. UM S. ttth Ave. Tt Harney MK. WANTKD-A girl for general house- Sort: .m.l 1 r. n. 1 1 V mA . .n. Capitol Ave. WANTSD-Otrl for general housework; small bouse; a cooking. H. MA M N. nth St. WANTED A girl ta assist la general housework. U 8. Utt St. A GIRL to assist with boo teed n aad phn In omnibus aad transfer company. rem eeaw ewe. ,-.-.t-T , . .. in family. Phone Harney JM or Ind! n.. , uwu nn ivr gi lie, ai work: emaJI family; good wage. Mrs. 11 R Aiiatia rim.. Han-w V. . WANTKD-Otrl for to taa ear f small obiidrea. Phone Harney oa. TOCNO women coming t Omaha aa rt ranger are Invited to visit th Young Women Christian association baiidiag. at Bt Marys Ave. sad ITth 8t.. whsr they wtu be dnweted to suit Ma hoarding place er etherwtse untaxed, lawk for our travelers' guide at the tike (talkta. AMATKl'KS f ability for dramatic haw. Appiy director, llt Harney, bo tweea It a. aa. aad I p. ss. . Miscellaaewoa. : AX exceptional opportunity Is open to a woman of Intelligence. I need several addition representatives at once. Many of those 1 already have earn from IDD to fta weekly. My business Is a high das one and offers s good future to smoi tlous worker. Write for particular now, before you forget It, to Harriett Met a. Mult 82 B, S-s West nth Bt, New York. HELP WANTED MALE A grata, Baleeaee el loiters. WE WANT local agents for th now model Fox visible typewriter. Writ us for our liberal proposition. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co., Western Dis tributers Inc., 16 Farnam. MAN or woman in Omaha and every city or tewn to handle our household ne ceasltie. Eighty article. Toilet articles, extract, apices, etc, 100 per cent profit Appoint ub-gents and mak money on their sale. One representative mad t7t.K on week. Work pleasant Write us. Ad dress Lock box 17. desk A 17, Tripoli, Is. AUKNT8 wanted to sell patent lamp burner. For particular writ Noah Delay Mfg.. Clarinda, la. SEVERAL good solicitor wanted. Giv phone number snd address. M list Bee. GOOD sideline for cigar salesman. Jack Miller, Wl Z St. South Omaha.- Phone South two. ' . , Clerical aad Off to. ivwiirferDva wtA mi. An anma atenograpbio work. This I aa exceptlon- uy gooa position. se. CRKD1T MAN: Do not apply unless you have had year ot experience la credits. tl7-tA W.lXitJt tiers ana isnogrspaer. ess. cuter CLERK, arooary xi alienee. t&O-Wti. . , tAKrKKATl V Hi Hbf t HC;.l -n w, lOla-lt City NaUonal Bank Bldg. "CANU" High-trad poaitlona, X Bee. FULL dress suit and party dresses for sal; also for rent to tl.W a nltnt. JOHN FELDMAN, tat N. 17th. P. Mils. , factory aad Trade. . Drug tor (snaps) job. Knlest.Be Bldg LOST AND FOUXD PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up tb office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day Bra turned la and the company is anxloua to restore them to tb rightful owner. Call Doug las 4. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Triangular fraternity pin with ruby and pearl seta Five dollars' rewan for return to this office. OFFERED FOB RENT Apartment aad Flat. . HEATED APARTMENTS. HO.tU-IN CENTRAL APARTMENTS. -4 rooms, thoroughly mod. and com plete in every detail. Can be seen ny time. 626 S. Wth St. D. V. SHOLE8 COM PANT, ' Sit City Nati Bank Bldg. TeL Doug. . t ROOM apartments, brick, residence section. Phone Harney KM. MEDICAL DR. RACE, specialist; nervous and a extreme disease. 2321 Harney. Red JSC MONET TO LOAN Salary aad Chattel. - MONEY FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU S0MI AT THE , ' RIGHT PRICE ' Money Is always a necessity, but nev. more so than at this Urn of the yea with it Increased cost of living. If v, are wrestling with this phase of tl money problem and aeed financial assb anc we believe we can help you. We will negotiate a loan for you o your Real Estate, Personal Propel i Household Goods, Piano, Warehouse i; celpt. Bank Book. Automobile, Wages, t on your Plain Note It permanently en ployed. Mouey advanced quickly, pi vately and confidentially. YOUR C.U. WILL BB APRECIATED. f RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor. 808 Paxtoa Block. 217 So. ito St Phono Done ltll FOR RENT Psrtly modern 4-room .art menu alee location. Webster tat ttexwea aad Cottage. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and tor aided; cheap freight rate; moving and luring. Expressmen' Delivery Co.. TeA . ouglss Hi. City office, lit & 17th St. ee Bldg- . " 7-HOOM house. Kit; t-room, ttt Han cm park; modern. Phone Harney lMt. MONET loaned salaried neanU. eam.n keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 87 prin cipal cities. Tolnisn. ha Omaha Nafl nana mag., formerly Pi. T. Llf Bldg. WANTfciD A tinner who has some knowledge of plumbing and la willing to do general work about a aarowar uw. A steady lob for th right man. . A. C Fie. Oeorge, I. Jtlsoellaaeoaa. WANTED Mora neoDl to rata poul try with th Old Trusty Incubator. Writ for free catalogue, at. ja. sonaaoa, via tenter. Neb. 1W eiUllBV .w. - job. tM.w month, bend postal for list of position open. Franklin Institute, Dp'l its 1.. , noonester, n. s. Uft tut MONTH AUTOING. S AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. 'Vti:u.r.ntMi mora actual repairing than any three other schools. Com . lUirtl'Hi of ability for dramatis how. Apply director, l< Harney, be tween Hi a. m. ana i p. m WANTED FOR U. . ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men, between the age of U and K; ehisens of United States, of good character and temperate habit, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to re cruiting officer, 19th ajul Dougias Sta., Omaha, Neb.; 77 tth St., Sloua City, la.; lav w. lot n nt.. uincoin. pea MHN wanted to learn the barber trad. An lmnonant announcement lust now. Wa teau:h by fre work and sav year of apprenticeship- Tool given. wages la ftnauiing department r.o natter wark. Jo always waiting, tte our of fer. Moler Barber College, lit A llth Bt nam aiiiuun nra iw i in., clerk, government service; examination soon; ss.ary tl M; bait time off; common education sufficient; particulars free. American Institute, Dept tu, Dayton, IIIIO. lanftUllArn posiliona ivsiuims iu by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In ur school. Practice on R. R- wire. Ad dree for particulsrs, H. B. Boy la. Prs. st KM. XQ ta al veara old. wanted at one for electrio railway motormra and conductor; see to nw a rnonm. no -perleac necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Writ lmmedltely for application blank. Address T 10. Bee Good men are hard to get They don't wander around th streets looking for signs in windows. When you need good help advertis in The Bee. Bee want ad are read by kee u energetio men wbe wlab to better their condi tion. Rates lc tier word If run two or more times con secutively. Telephone Tyler liMo. STOP! READ! 3H; training a bop. Hundreds ot successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto- moOiies SdO macoiaeiy. .. Aula Training Assn.. ta Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. Neb tift la-ir.KWl.r for moving picture opera tore. We teach you how In It day and get you a position. International Motion Picture ecnooi. us nw pma- Writ ?ena nnvERVURNT Ion for free list Franklin iastttut. Dept. tit L.. Rochester, n. I. 5Tv WANTED WITH RIG TO TAKE CHARGE of sole of our mediefne, ex tracts, eptee. caps, perfumes, toilet artt etca, stock and poultry preparations, etc. Ht your county, une mmu paw sv week. Steady work guaranteed. Work .-. i.HCti aieasant very orofttable. Ret- eratcee required. Write us. We mean buslnees. nores mustier v-oidisu., Afpt. 1. Tripoli. 1- 5. HELP WASTED MALI OR FBxt ALB IS per sseotb esy; without capital. Nothing to buy or een. t mean tm. Drop ua a postal. Pacific Addressing Co. Elgin. Ovsl EARN good pay espying ddreaees: par tleulars six stamps. Hlacfaey, 17t Mmdle sort N- T. UYK STOCK FOR BALK Baswes aad VehteAea. FROST, wagoa repairs. Ml Leavssw .U. MONEY en furniture, ntanoa, at verv low rat of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co. tW BEE BLDG. Doug; IM. ... A-Uot. SPECIALS. !.....! Burt St, t and I-room flats in first class condition, brand new plumbing, newly papered and painted throughout; mod. ex. beat. First floors, 116; second floors, 2t; third floors, tm Building ha : been remodeled throughout; very thing clean and nice. 8M.M-25U & Xfd St.. t rooms, gas, water and toilet; one block from Han com Park car line. $U.aA-iMfc g. ait, St.. t rooms, elty wster, gas snd toilet Good condition. Close to church, school and car. & l&th St., good 7-room house, all mod., good. condition. tat.Ot-uu 8. ttth St. good 7-room boos, sll on one floor, mod, ttf.oteiW Harney 8t, good A room house. Itnorougniy moa., excellent repair. In Highland Terrace. West Famem district S. ttd St., I rooms, thoroughly mod., good condition. ! D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. tit City Nst'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. . j CHEAPEST t-room bouses In Omaha, newly decorated throughout. 3b)-U Sew ard Bt, IZZ.W, OM Hamilton St., I rooms, suitable for two families If desired, t. 217 N. ttth St., t-room oottage, hot water heat, t2& U rooms. ta7 California St, fins neigh borhood, tw. F. 57 WEAD, WW FARNAM. DIAMOND LOANS st S and t per cent njtTAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red mis. GET IT OF Miss Snow, C. L. B., at Star Loaa Co., ttt Paxton Blk.. It to tUO. wiuiout ecunty; to suit you. CHATTEL I,OANS Lowest rate. easiest terma be others, then see us and be convinced that w will sav you money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN co. N. E. Cor. lth A Doug. tVa D. 4!&. Ind. A-K1L OFFERED FOR BENT ' esurd aad Boeaa. O. M. B. hauls trunks. D, 111. A-ttll. ttOUTH jVTH. loH-Rooms and board. strictly modern, walking distance; rea- sonsDie.- ONE furnived room with the beet of board, for on or two young men. Phone Harney sjoi.- - , VarataheA Ressu. FOR RENT Two - furnished parlor rooms with heat ana gas, laa s, xtd m. Now, while people are look ing tor more comfortable quarters. Is the time to ad ' vert las your rooms for rent , Rates Is per word wbere the ad runs two or more time a MODERN, well heated, comfortable room; rental reasonaoie. us a. ao w. DESIRABLE furnished room, private family. Ml N. PMh. Tat Webster svra. NICE, new modern room;, private fam ily, ut 8. ttth Bt Harney 4761. nrtnuit--Single or en suite, nrivat family with or without board, rterereuce. Phone Harney 1711 tW 8. Central Blvd. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern, tam Sherman Ave. SOUTH ttth Ave, UA Fin room In modem home. lvr7 Hamev. large front parlor, nicely furnished, well he ted. electric lifht. strictly modern nouse; term reasonaoie. biasa neeieu evum iwiu win, m.u and running hot water In new brick aoartment building. Suitable for two. No other roomer, isu aiapie uww 0- A dandy suit ot room for three or four young men. Gas, bath snd telephone. Reasonable rent p. isip et -"riWDodge, extra warm transient rooms YT7 itarnev. nleasant front room, mod ern house, electric light well heated. 2.eA Vanished Meaaekecplas Moesaa. THB MANUEL Two-room" apartment, taus. The Howard, t-room. private bath. KVvOt. net snd Howard HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Breakfast If desired. Arit St. Mary a Ava, Doug. CO. 1 WV 1 1 rwiIIB. Ifnni.ll. ,uai,uvw for housekeeping, to N. tsd. Phone D-tWA A'aralehed aseaaea. FURNISHED bouse for rent In West Farnam district mono narney s.m. . taetes aad Apartsaeata, Iewey European Hotel. Mth A Farnam. Kirir.i.T ruRNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THIS CHATHAM. 11 A Mth St Excellent meals. Til N. SUh. So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant ran. KM Howard. HOTEL Fhimar. 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice room. 1 block to depot. OXFORD end Arcade, special wkly rate cirfAHi. i-.a a i -! ! Inm ik st am heat hot and eel 4 water, riecial weekry rate. I . 1 nt Oat e,Alr- 111 ephene in every roews-prtces the earn. Apartsaeat aaA b'tata. t-ROOM flat on Sherman Ave. Web. sTtt. g-snokt aoartment la the Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg- or phone oougias im- 8 w. 3tth and California, i-r- heat water paid, buffet, shades, etc. S Dewey Ave., -r. once. : itoors. . O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. IKt Omaha Nat l, Doug, or A-213. FOR RENT Ten-room modern house with large grounds, near Kth and Far nam Bts.; t per month. J. H. DUMONT A SON,,. , Phone Doug. tW. lfS Farnam Bt. Omaha. 127 8. 2Mb St., t rms., sll mod.. tA tost Cap. Ave., t tmt, all mod.. Ho. - ta a Kth Av., I rms.. all mod., VIM. tNn Burt St, furnished bouse, t rms.. Its. - tm Cap. Ave., T rms., all mod., tJ7 M. tat 8. ttth St, nns mod. ex. heat. 13. Kl! Clark, I rms.. mod. sx. beat, tit. tl 8. ltlth St., (tore, t rms., taso. J7TI N. wth Ave., t rms., dry water, tit. Mt N. Mtb Bt, t rms., city water, gas, tit, McCAOUB INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. Doug. tit. - IBM Dodge St. Cretgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. MOD. t-rom cottage, Fine rep'r. H. 544. t-ROOM modern, house, MOt Bristol. Webster 1701. STRICTLY modem t-room house. t71t Capitol Ave. TeL Harney MM. MOVING, packing snd storing ot house hold goods and pianos hi our business. Omaha Van A Storage Co., fireproof storage, tW S. Itth, by the viaduct Branch office, M 8. llth St Tel. D. tltt, A-Uot. COTTAGE for rent 600t N. else W. IIS. OUR LETTER duplicating work I un excelled. A trial will convince you. Both 'phones. Western Duplicating Co., M Bee. 174 S. 2Sth: t rooms, completely mod ern. I37.ta. f7t S. 28th: t room, com pletely modern, 13- Thos. F. Hall, ill Ramge Block. D. 7M; A-MOS. A small cash payment and Th Rent You Pay in Omaha Will Buy a Better Horn he hi . F. 8. TRULLLNGER, BENSON. NICE t-room cottage, modem ex sent furnace, located at Tut N. 3th St tit per month. VINCENT D. DERMODT, - 1114 City National Bank Bldg. - 2771 BURT t-room house with range. modern except heat. Inquire within. Kft. FOR RENT New ten-room modern brick house, hot water heat 369 Harney ' St T. J. O'Brien, Henshaw Hotel. Phone O. Kli or Harney WW. Houses. Ins. Ringwalt, Brandel Th. Bldg. Absi Farnam ulstrict New modern brick house. I rooms, 1 bath. Red 2Ni. COTTAGE, t rooms, gas, bath; tit N. Jnth St; Hamey tout. tun Kent or Sal Cheap Beautiful new 7-room house and barn. All modern. Nice ' location. Telephone. Florence 1st. HOUSES FOR RENT. fist 2917 Douglas St.. modern except heat rooms, Zi&t so. Mth Ht. modern xcept heat t2U.0- noma zsis orant Bt.. sew. modern. rooms. Ult Madison Aver, mod em except best SO t-room fist 2U7 Farnam St., modern except beat t3D.-g rooms, set so. inn Bt, mooera except heat lea.oy-a rooms K34 Mandersoa 49t, strictly modern; good bsm. Iso.oo-t room", ss llarney st. moo- ern. fine repair. Two ana tnree-room apartments ta Lafxvette. I7tlt Ave. and Jacksoa St. Including bath, refrigeration, vacuum cleaning, laundry and janitor eervica. Rental, and g ft per month. D. 75 or A-ITst. Mt City Nat Bank. Until March M-IN WALKING DIS TANCE lie 80. Sth Ave, f-r. mod. cot tage for !. FT KNISHED MODERN COTTA8B at a Seward St. t rms, bwrgaia at 13. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. AGENTS. lea Farnam Bt S2i No. ttth. corner California. t-r hot water heat near Crelghton, AA. terra aaA Ofileee. .. - frrORK rooms, steam heated, fronting alley at Me? and turn Farnam St Have merchandise entrance. giaa fronts. Thus. F. HalL 421 Ramge Bldg-. Both Phone.' WISH to sublet suite of five rooms la City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 412. ONE large and one small suite of rooms ta Baldrlse-Wead Bldg, W. It. WEAD, Ittt Famaai St. 1