Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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'The Omaha daily Bee
Entered at, Omaha, poMoIflco u seooad
elaa matter.
, Sunday- Bh, m rear
rejuniey Bee. oa veer JI
Dally Be (without Sunday). one yeeT.H
i Daily rVe and Sanday. ana Tear pvui
Tftventnf Be (with Sunday), par mo...e
Isjly Bea (including Sunday). per ao..Oc
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Address ail complaints or trrerularltle
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Omaha-The Bee BulMlng.
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Chicago ISoi Marquelta Building,
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- Communications reletiroj, to on
editorial matter should be addressee
niMki Bee. Bdttorlal Derarrmean.
State of Nebraska, County ef Douglas, as:
i Dwlrht Williams, circulation manager
ef the Bee Publishing company. being
dulr sworn, any that the average dally
circulation, leaa spoiled, unused and re
i . turned curiae, tor tit month of Uacem
, ber. 1111, was eftits. .
Circulation Manacer.
( Subscribed IB my proaenc and sworn to
1 before an tola eth 4y ef JsnuarvJJU.
.! (.Seal) , ROBERT HUNTTRj
I I Notary PuhUa.
Why lot Gt Together
Snrfac Indications, a W ooeorv
them entirely from tb outside ra
spire the beUef tost a sincere effort
he the Interested Duties to t to
gether ui nd the Union Pacific
shopmen's strlk would hv a owiior
chase of success right now than at
amy previous time.
Th atrlka haa nw n on 'of
several months. While th line bare
been sharply drawn. It may ha aald
to. that credit at both, striker and
atrlkebreakara that, on the, whole, it
ham bean an orderly proceeding, with
comparatively little resort to vio
Neither of the striker nor tie com
pany will dear that the contest has
been a costly experience, the men
oat of work on (trie Benefits being
deprived of their fall wage whn
moat la need of them, and the com
pany being mora or less embarrassed.
even though not serioosly crippled.
All aoeh controversies, however,
must have an ending. If th sliding
could b now brought about on terms
which can command acceptance, it
would ba a consummation greatly to
b wished by th public, the third
party, whose interest always suffers
la arery conflict of labor and capital.
swkerrthrre leave aw Ike city
I lemaeewtlr ekewlS lute The)
, see aaalM te these. Addreae
j wUl V rhmaaeS aa tea a t
I Wfe new is jaat aae coal blU after
' Presumably, the decorationa In the
dome of oar new court house will b
'nigh, art ; ' ... .
Teu cannot expect th eemmoa
; herd to kick much against th Dia
mond trust
' Baltimore will not hae to esert
Itself to give th democrat! a warm
tlm la June. :
Union labor will tad much more
'to be dreaded la aoclallam than It
( finds la capital. :
The man who Ihventad the tur
key trot and grUxiy bear daaeea was
also a natur faker, '
Th trouble with most reform
wave la that they com back
atrosger than they go out
It might pay some ef as to keep
aa ere oa th weather maa thee
mild days. Every calm haa Its storm.
( beer op. it will not be lo Be
fore) we shall have th has ball a
son to divert our minds from the coal
bin. '
On ottenaibl advantag in being
a oongrssamaa-at-larg la that ba
doe not represent anybody In par
. ticular.
Now, everybody haa had bis turn
at this tlarvev-Wllaoa deal and It
moat be admitted that Ltttl J9 has
, called th turn.
Th additional new eoagressmaa,
it I estimated, will cost th country
I40M00. Dos th country !
them that badlyT
TTby could not Colonel Hary do
; th cocked bat act to Mr. Bryan and
thus restore himself to th affections
of Governor Wlleon?
Senator CuJberaon aesmi to kav
overlooked th $SO,80 opatriboUoa
to th' last Bryae eampalga fund
mad by th Kidder family.
Wonder if a policeman wantonly
assaulting aa innocent pedestrian
with a deadly weapon wall of duty
could get away with a In of f T.I
and coats.
Th Tint Delegates.
The Brat delegate to be commis
sioned to the republican national
convention in Chicago next June are
two instructed Taft delegate from
th Fourth congressional district of
Oklahoma. Th significant feature
I not a much that th Drat dele
gates should b instructed for sir.
Taft, but that th contest over In
structions ahould be, not with the
followers of I follett or of Cum
min, th only avowed Insurgent can
didate for th nomination, but with
those bent en endorsing Colonel
Roosevelt, whose attitude aa to bit
candidacy la enigmatical.
Th republicans of Oklahoma are.
for th most part newcomers from
th vaiioua northern states, and
hardly to be classed with those In
th black belt itates, sad their acUoa
may1 be regarded as reasonably free
and nntrammeled. . With thla start.
th selection of delegates will go on
In th different states clear no to
the fourth day of Juno, whea South
Dakota will complete th roster. The
results of th preliminary eon tests,
however, will undoubtedly have a
measurably lnluenc oa thos suc
ceeding. , .
Taking1 Their Owl Medicine.
Th Wall Street Journal relate aa
Instanc of a railroad directors'
meeting that was delayed, causing
considerable Inconvenience, because
th fastest train from Chloag t
Newt York, carrying th preatdant of
th road to the meeting, was three
hours late. But th directors eoold
not complain, as th Journal ob
serves, sine every on of them was
a prominent railroad executive re
sponsible In th ultimate analysis
for th lateness of any train on the
ayatsna, and tbey knew that th law
was Incapable of remedy. And the
paper adds:
It mtsht soften the etiMI eee4emne
tloa a Mt were tail read efrklals oftener
eeen taking thetr ewe avadtcln.
What grim and tragi realism doe
th fat of President Ilsrahan of the
IUlnola Central glv t thh sugges
tion. The train that cost Mr. Hara
haa bis life wa th Panama Limited,
th pride ef hie last years of railroad
operation. He dealgned It and put tt
tat aervtc and mad th run along
th Illinois Central from Chicago t
New Orleans and thsr connected
with ocean steamers for d latent
lands. If aa object leeeoa el rail
road offlctala taking their own medi
cine were needed, an Impressive one
la her In that startling and deadly
South Omaha has set a new high
water mark for hog receipts for a
single day. That ought to be a
good forerunner of money In th
farmer's pockets.
Well. If "Mar" HearyWattrOB
get into th running, th Nebraska
preardeoUaJ preferenc ballot wilt be
open t klm oa th asm terms as to
all ether candidate.
Our amlabl democratic coatsm
porary refers to the republicans as
"th groaning old party.1 Pray.
what kind of noises are being mad
by th warring democratic faction!?
Th woe of th county treasurers
aa developed la their assoclatloa
meeting ar Indeed many, bet worst
of all Is the dead line drawn by the
law that makes a county treasurer
ineligible to more than on re-elec
tion. .
A Nebraska CUy public service
' corporation asks th consent of th
Stat Railway commission to th ex
ecutioa of a stock watering project
Som other high financier will be
watching the ruling aa a signal
whether they ahould get busy.
Th dynamiting th th Doaglaa
county court house la figuring proas
Inantly la the federal iavestlcatloa
f the operations of th so-cailod
"dynamit crew.' If any one at thla
end of th Una was Implicated ha that
outrage. It ought to be ahewa up,
and the culprit brought to Justice by
a local prosecution. .
fairly well understood, whether it
cares to be or not Aad som definite
notions of it existed) even before the
witty ilr. Carnegie went through hi
little comedy for th delectation of
the Steel trust Investigation committee
Th Pimit Kick Back. ,
Th piraaites, which Mr. Carnegie
aid. infested Wall street and
created nothing, bnt fattened ea
vain,' are beginning t kick back.
Th Financial World, oa fairly good
term with Bern ef these "parasite,"
opines that if "Carnegie's damnation
of Wall street did aot com from
malic. It cam from Ignorance of the
tru fraction f th market, ' In
Umatlng also that through his almpl
Ignorance Mr. Caraegi may- have
been alpped In Wall street and there
for belong to "tbo Individuate
who bar tackled It and met with
losses are apt to look upon Wall
street as a brace game."
New, Juat because Mr. Carnegie
knew nothing of th natur it not of
th nisteno of the Sherman law, t
no reaaoB for presuming too far upon
hla ignorance. Mow was it that he
trimmed his friend. Rockefeller,
boasted. W trow there la a good
deal about Wall street that th gen
tle Laird of Skib kens. And on
the surface, of thing, it la a little
dlftkult to see Just why he should
bear it any malic for anything tt
has "do" t him. He, It appears,
ha beea la ea th big doings when
ever bis fortunes were Involved.
It is undoubtedly true, as th
financial World say that maay a
maa' antipathy for Wall atraet dates
back to being bumped by th maa
wheen h went to banco. But all
th Borons agaJnat what 1 popu
larly eoaeeiTed or miscoaceJred.
the case may be, against th tnatJ-
tntion knows as Wall straat, doe
not come from any sack source. WD
street may be mnth tnistnderntood
la Its mission, yet It is coming to be
Fraternal Inrarsace late. -The
Modern Wood meet of America
la only one of twenty-two fraternal
insurance orders with convention
ecfrfdu'erf (or action upon the mat
ter of increased rates as outlined in
a plaa formulated aad recommended
by th stat Insurance commissioners
a year ago at Mobile, Ala. Sixteen
fraternal bav adopted th plan.
Strong opposition arise in th ranks
of th Modern Woodmen and, no
doubt, will arts la other orders.
Th feeling strongly obtaias that it
Is wrong In principle to raise rate to
increase the burden of Insurance
with age. hut more Insistent demands
urge that it Is better to lnerjas that
burden than jeopardize the Insur
ance. The remarkable showing was made
at the Modern, Woodmen convention
In Chicago that by January 1, 1(14,
th order would have attainable as
sets of $300,000,000, less than
enough to meet th face value of Its
policies. From experience, th ex
perts ar convinced that a higher
level of fraternal Insurant ratea
must be created if fraternal Insur
ance is to continue. This proposed
action is not th result ef any abrupt
or sudden discovery. Wis head
have beea shaking at som of the
low ratea tor many years and pre
dicting Just what la bow taking place.
Th Workmen and other order long
ago found It ec canary te rais their
schedule. ' They sustained some
temporary losses, but gained in the
Fraternal life Insurant has been
a boon t many thousands and should
h kept up. AsJd from th financial
relief it afford in crisis, it till a
distinct aad targe soclsl sphere
through Its lodge meetings and af
filiation. In som communities
thee ar th Tory center and core at
th best social life. Many men,
womea and children find la them
their chief diversion. Th Institution
ha msd its wa plae In th social
and economic life and should not ba
aacrlflced, but to perpetoste and In
crease Us effectiveness, It must be
pat en a stable basis. j
Democrat After the Appropriation.
Th democrat seem to bav agreed
that their anxiety for economy In
appropriation shall not ' Infringe
upon Jh pork barrel, otherwise
known aa th publto buildings bill,
and the river and harbors bill.
Leader Underwood baa don a fin
Job thus far steering th pruning
books around these measures. It
takes Urn, f course, tor two rea
sons, chiefly; first, som ef th
newer or less skillful patriots bar to
b tutored la th whya and where
fore of preserving thee perquisites
Intact, and, second, It would not do to
act hastily for fesr f arousing public
Th potency of a pork barrel bill
oa th v of a national eampalga Is
thoroughly appreciated by every
astut politician and Chairman Un
derwood would be a stupid leader of
a militant democracy If be misguided
It at this crucial point A good msny
communities ar involved la a public
building measure carrying approxi
mately $10,000,000, and possibly a
good many vote. Let th heua
orator contlnn to prat about econ
omy, but let them curb their seal at
th proper plae.
Already th democrats have mani
fested th Intention of conducting
their 1111 eampalga ea th floor of
ongrss. Look to asm oa beside
th cunning Oscar Underwood, there
fare, to- make the e (regions blunder
of kicking ever - th appraptlaUoa
bucket or even knocking oft a hoop
at thl early stag of th gam.
1knw in (Win I
r mmniMJ ritvrei su r
JA.V. S3.
Thirty Tears Ago
The Robert Buns celehraUoa leek
phxce In the Masonic halt weere the re-
arraafed program waa carried out with
th addition of bagpipe music by .
Palrchlld of Blair. The literary erer-
deea were followed by ball, and th af
fair was pronounced ea of the most eue-
eeeaful ever gives I Omaha.
The maay Men ef Rev. Jeha WB
aama, peat or of St. Barnabas' chureh,
aad hi wife, smite la tendering them
sympathy la the loss ef thetr Bttle sea.
Jobs Silver Wintams. who died from
diphtheria yesterday.
A teiegm atsned by Senator saua
dera and Van Wyck receive by Mayer
Boyd says that Omaha need have so ap
prehension as te the removal at tb mili
tary headquarters.
Aa part ef th show not oa th bill, a
pat between Catherine Refers, pterin
"Camllle," at the Academy of Music, and
J. a. Halbert, manacer of the academy,
ascaied of holding out on her, entertained
the audience after the fourth act.
Charles Baswtts, a well-known young
man of tbie dty, la laid up at home with
crushed foot remittee from a railway
Bishop Morty of Dakota, who Is visit
in Bishop O'Connor in thl city, ba
eons anted te dettver a lecture at the
cathedral some evening.
The Omaha Miaietertal assoclatloa ever
the name of A. F. Sherrlli, president
and Jl. W. Shank, secretary, baa sent a
protest asalnst Morineiuera te the mem
ber of tb Nebraska, eelegatiea In con
Kresa. A recent tea wa sivea by the Standard
etu to Mr. aad Mr. Dave Kaufman as
a welcome to hi bride, whom be bad
brought te Omaha,
' T. . Clerksen. a grata btryer of
Schuyler, Is res 1 stared at th Crelshtoo.
Qeerg iL Thummel of Grand Island 1
atopst at Ike WtthnelL
J. A. Bushman, a brother ef Henry
aad William Bushasan, la vteltlng In
Tweerty Years Ago
Rev. Or. Duryea conducted the funeral
services ef Mrs, Mary N. Clarke at her
late realdeeca, tut Davenport street.
and th body wa tajun te tlm eld aotae
In Massachuetta for burial. The aur
trtvla relatrve In Omaha are W. N.
Whitney, a brother; W. T. John, a eon.
aad Sam Keen, a son.
General rassenser Agent E. L. Lome
of I'm I'nloa Pacific railroad returaed
from Cblcaso wear be was sa aa arbt
treuoa committee.
Mrs Catherine Beekman, wife ef Han
Bookman. M years old, died at their
heme, UBS Capitol avenue. She waa tb
mother of Mrs. Heart Bella and Mrs.
0 J. Bternedorft Her sickness endured
but a few dare. . 1
Five thou sand people were at the Coli
seum last eight te witness the start ef
a two-days' bicycle race In which the
contestant were thee local amateur:
PTxley, llolton, Denma'n, Wort. Mockett,
Edward, the little 4-year -old eoa ef Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Stsrkey, 0 Seward
street, died ef diphtheria.
Tea Year Ago
Forecaster Welsh had hardly more than
unfurled hi essi wv flag than the
mertury scooted down to 1 below aero,
continuing te rait aa the wind arose. In
complement of the bllssardy conditions
J. & Long gave a graphic presentation
of Hamlet te tb Eye and Hand olub at
603 South Eighteenth street, his mute
performance leading added eombreoess
to th melancholy Pan.
Mrs. Samuel D. Caldwell of at. Louis
waa th sut ef her mother, Mr. John
Wlthnell. SM 81. Mary' avenue.
William H. Taft. "civil governor ef the
Philippine Islands." passed through
Omaha al it o'clock at night making no
stops untH he reached hla home la Cin
cinnati. It bad been advised earlier on
the route of the dealb ef hie mother,
Mrs. John W. Merrea, and quickened hi
pace therefore. With kbit la hi prtvsie
ear. Mayflower, were Mr. Taft hla three
children and physician.
Job A. MeCall, president of the New
Tork Ufe Insurance company of New
fork. peat the say la Oman tb guest
of Oeneral Agent Smith.
Our Congressman Lobeck warns
hla constituents that if a parcels poet
law I enacted th moRhandlalBg of
tb country will tall into the hands
of a few big merchants, froextng all
other out of bums. That latter
will male latsreating reading after
parcels poet bag been in effect a few
years. r
Stilt, It must be Irritating to those
who turned that fir insurance deal
at Lincoln te be compelled by Adl
tor Bartoa t give back th bonus
which they got a a rake-of.
Th Nashville Democrat proclaim
Itself te be th only democratic
daily la middle Tsaneassa" What
la republicanism growing like that in
the south?
Both Tom Teggart and Bogsr C
Sullivan ar member of th com
mittee oa arrangement tor th
democratic national convention. Lin
coln papers, please copy.
Where would th laird of Sklbo be
but for th handy middleman, whe
som folks would pet eat ef bsnrlB.
Fwefcla; th Aeaelae Ctsa.
Tb author f the ansry that the a
trust win earnest CnltmeJ Wooes i oil for
Use SarassoakJa, la tact
If eare (a ass. take to pu SmCs a the
aienihsrsbt. U dab may a anUUa by
the oosBin oosrentian.
People Talked About
William reUkMpk Hearst haa egd
a suit of eighteen rooms ana a rooi
garden la Balttmor hotel far the
democratic aaUeaal convention, end there
will be Mmethtnc doing whew WHttaia
mix with th also.
Whea putthaj ea a petticoat that had
belonged to her mother-in-law, Mr. Her
man Nleoley. of Norwich, N. T.. heard a
ruatUn ta tb garment and en ripping
It open found seven certificate of de
posit en various bank for sums amount
ing te tJ.t0.
Forrest i. Drydea, who has Just suc
ceeded hta father, the late ex-Beaator
John O. Drydea. aa prealdeat ef th Pru
dential iBeuraac company ef America.
began work with the eeeapaay aa a elerk
and baa served It la nearly every capacity.
He I 47 year aid. ,
Ira Webb, the eldest voter la the
t'atted Staiea, la deed la Bins ham ton.
X. la hte MStb year. On ala Mfl
birthday anniversary he occupied a (eat
a tb pisiform whea Ooreneor- usea
spaa In that tows. Mr. Webb bad
always cost a etralght repuMleaa ticket.
C. McRaynolds. who waa re
ay the government aa special
pr assenting attorney la aeverel proceed
tass asalnel com bine tloera under the
Sherman aatMnst law, haa srrered at
with the gga-RUDst and
take aw private practice la New Tork.
The tailor ef America la aeaveathsa
sssmslsd say Paris style are created
here whea It come to men's clot Sea
A sbvaca at the high haia worn la Paris
111 Breve ta any AmorVaa that th
immaure sale ef Waahmgtoa. TO. C-,
feed th aristocracy of tb eld world
with the regalia of pomp. . .
Mrs. MacVoce-B. wife ef the secretary
ef the tifsuij. has a many lew el a, tt
said, that sew haa te have a card eata-
loeree system t heap traok of them. la
tbJa eatsuegw t a recosv) eeeh tndV
vtswel pate ef Jeeretry, Bm preaamt k
tsea, Rs onneTlrbi aad whether at nat
Around New York
Btso ea Comwt at Life
as See la th teeat Aaasrscom
Meero peles frees Bur Bay.
Searetty f Esspleyaeeeet.
AecerdlnaT te Sswre oeeopUed by tb
caarltabl organ it Hon f New Tork
there are sew eo lee tna sUBed
mechanics and laborer vainly seeking
employ meat la the city. Many bav
beea attracted there by the reverts ef
betrmlng work ea the new subway, bat
for every job there are from fifty te let
applicant. Tb snteasely cold weather,
which ha brought aemrly all outdoor
labor te aa end, has greatly agsnuratad
the sitae tie, and tboueaade of men are
forced accent charity who Bva aid
before, "No mechanic ee la Korea: erwtd
come ta New Tork bow sal be ba
sufficient money to support hlnssetf for
three months," say aa offldai. "Thar
ie a marh better ebaaee tor them la the
industrial centers of tba middle west.
It they rrmda ber they meet be, an.
sept charity or starve. Tba outlook la
aot bright
Ceereeey ta Ceo ok.
Our pettte solleexsm da' sot glv visiting
crook the bam' rush any mora, any
th New Tork correspondent of the Cin
cinnati Time Star. On the ether band,
courtesy and cossMeratlaav enter into
their dealing with tb underworld. Evea
a confidence maa has feeing, yoa us
oerstaad. But th effect seen ta be
about the same. Tb ether night Sec
ond Police Commissioner Dougherty waa
standing oa a corner, watching Broadway
go by. A tall, well dressed man. (winc
ing one of the shepherd's crook- canes
that Fifth avenu affects nowaday,
wearing a eemerel checkered cap and an
air ef Intense ennui sauntered along the
pavement. "La, Billy," said Mr.
The tall, well dressed maa swung
quickly oa hla heel. He waa surprised,
but perfectly calm. As he tapited hla
leg with hi can aad talked to the eem
mlab, he smiled easily. They mlht hav
been a pair ef friend met casually, Th
quality of th U11 crop of kitten might
bav boon under discussion. 'Must got
In from CMoag half aa bear age," said
tb maa addressed aa Billy. "Didn't ex
pect to run s oross yoa quite aa 0000."
"Have a cigar, Billy," said Commie
toner Daugberty. "Te bad you're start
ing west a sl tonight, tea t it? I would
have beea delighted to talk wit yoa
bit about eld times."
BUlr looked at Dougherty with a ques
tion la hi eye. "Oa the level, commis
sioner." said be, T, haven't don a thing.
I'd Uk te stay la town bm enough to
fet a polish. I've been In Chicago too
Kg." 1
. "Tour polish." said Commissioner
Dougberty, "test New Terk toe muoh
money. Mr. Adam win as yew to year
1 spall In ar eeasntng or ace,
Mrs, Mart Ortefea, ef Btamfcr.
fast, sal ibs ala It re neatly bar MMa
Tsb-thday. has eweavwx a bar
faadly. ImiiirTle bar bsshsii end x
toe calCdrwo. aad sea tar teas faiheo.
Mra. Csrmks suss tba )rty year eg hoy
Bte taaVa as tba Theyyev ha Italy aad
snShos saw tea IX t tba hoatttrfal
A detective wne had been unobtrusively
figuring In the background came up at
the Dougherty Bed. He shook band cor
dially - with Billy upon Introduction.
Dougherty allowed- that th wester oper
ator would take the first train back to
the pee-rslrte. Th three mea smiled la
appreciation ef th tiay little jest. The
Billy and tb detective started te stroll
toward th Orand Central station.
"Sa kwg. eerenwealooer," said th crook.
"Bye-bye, Billy," said th eomrnis
sloser. Apeweeletlea ef rtr Ftshlera,
While soma fifty firemen, shivering
tram the cold, were stlU pesytn sees on
the burnlnf rain of lb Boultable bulld
rng a the seeead day of the fire, - a
middle-aged maa wearing a allk bat
brooked throuia th pouea llaes and In
quired tor tb man la charge of tb tire
me. "I wea't tee) yea what my name
la." said the allk-hatted one. when he
met th Are leader, "but here, take this
aad buy some coffee tor the men; tbey
need ft." Fear baodred dollar ta SIM
bill were thrust Into th hand of tb
fh-e leader. Tee aavmlaned fur utterance,
the fir chief looked St tb money. He
could barely belter hla eyes.1 suddenly
smU broke out aa hla face. He thought
of new much coffee he could get for
tm Whea reJorred from uty be fig
ured the problem and found that et.S9v
sea ooej each have a cup of aotfee
from what could be purchased at whole
sale rate far HA Th money win go
te the general eoffe fund of th depart
ment Ancient ledoarfc Rased.
Th oldest frame bouse la tb United
Staiea la being rased by workmen In
Southampton. L, I., by order ef the au
thorities. It waa built ta Me by Thomas
Sayre, an Enilsh gentlemaa wh earn
to thla country la Oerawaas rhn end
was one ef the original settler near
Beathaaaste la MM, The Sayr heuee bt
In th center ef the vUlag and has long
a a Bewet of Ms torto intersex. With
proper care-taking th eld house would
have stood for a eeatury yet. hut It waa
allow ta decay and crumble.
All th material In th old building,
with th axooptio of th glsas. was
home-made. The Umber, boards, ahmglee,
bub and brack were turned eat within
Mook or two of the house, and even
the Bails were manufactured by the eld
village blacksmith. Hug fireplaces were
seed te worm tt
During the revolutlensry war the house
wss oeed by British officers. Tb prop
erty Is owned by a direct descendant ef
A Scooter tm
The highest speed ever mad ever te a
th Hudson to the record of th "auto
(eeetar, a motor tc boat., which k) pswr
tn tb sec ea ties of th annual Ice carni
val at Red Bank. N. J. Tba aatecceeter
has been axatched with th fastest of
th ordinary beaut entered for the ear-
nival and as passed them aH like a
rocket- Oa a measured trial tt mad more
than etghty miles sa hour.
Tb ali) son star haa aa ordinary auto
nasotl rbsssls sad s bsrse power
motor. It m eqvrpped with lens, steel
skates ta pate ef tb front wheel and
a coaxed aha aa the rear wheel for pro
puiaiea. It la built very low and after
maa reefer oe te the wind. Its owner
believe that with a Uttle more practice
ta th eperatloa he will be able to snake
aw snnea aa hour aader Ideal caadltni
A rcwoio Whisa.
at eras sassiuan knseiisdre, reports the
New Tork Saw, that at U leek nooa
the VewaKay brewwcaUe ta aQ the poor
sae ta toe no
ill Mil is ever store and factory ("rat
bag, and seed them small proei ills f
tens"-. Llsrbnng or aeoaey. Tb biewery
gjatliaxs elans peeeeaeed a eecspaata.
We don't ear stand there en account
at the fainso, said an euTortuamta.
wh had beea reoneated to vacate the
trunk maker s grattn. "He wont grre ts
anybody who smells beery.
TC- S-1
Heaee Art.
OMAHA. Jan. aV-Te tb Editor ef Th
Bee: I wish te sV Just a word in eoov
rn sedation of yoisf editorial In this saorn
ras's Bee oa "turt House Art1" Tea
state the case vntll In sy1ng that "The
only food reasdti for going Into this
decorative feature Is u raise the art
level Ud to stiliulate the appreciation
of art and astrk-Uc beauty ansong all
rises as of our peojnle."
Of eoura. tbsMst svauranc that an
"art aroodrr" will not b committed In
th moral sointifcgs far tb new court
bouse la the aelctie :, of a competent
assist to do- th Wort. I not that one
of th bidder fog the Work offera the
of Edwsrd Bimmens for the
mural paintings, ffl I th only nam
proposed by the different hidaers who is
kaowa as a great krOst. ills moral palnt
laa adorn th wails ef the Congressional
library, the BosU n pubile library, tne
Minnesota cestui building and many
of here asaon the flneet suMlc buildings
la the country. Tl ie employment of Mr.
Simmons to do tl e mural paintings la
th new court houW would give ample
assurance of art value" of the lug heat
quality. MARY C Bl'RNHAM.
Mala Vp tfce -ltetioe. -
BRADSHAW. Neli, I Jan. -Ta the
Editor of Th Bee: permit me to en
cumber, slightly, ytpuf! ; valuable Letter
Box with a few thi lurhi warding- th
present poliUral alt latlen. Having just
read P. A. Barrow's fcomenuntcatloa under
tbe above caption, vi bav thought how
easy It is for personfc traveling, or ether
wise, to find political MtuaUona about to
their own liking. WVe have done no ex
tenstv traveling, butt are have come in
contact with many hf those who have.
It U surprising toVhear men ted how
tbey find the situslloh and how positive
they are that they harte the correct con
dltions figured down.!1
Our Information Is
from commercial m
mostly the hotel loft si ea, and as such
oaght to be able, it any class of men
are able, to give sei
status of th real altliatloa. bat ee they
do so, or do tbev-t do so? Net by any
means a we set IC The La Follett re
publican when aiKed hew he finds the
political aiiuatlon bjtcrne red In the face
and with a vole fun of gusto win say.
Everything for la Follette, you bet.
Why, aire, I find hundreds of republicans
who positively declare they will vote for
a democrat beforel tbey will vote tor
Taft" Tbe next man we have an epor
tuntty to question la,' Taft or admlntetra
tlea republican, wfto answer us In s
cami, dignified manner and assurance
that he Ie correct. J "Tt'elL .aire, I really
find tbe Taft sentiment much stronger
than I bad expectedl There Is not a doubt
la my mind la regard te his getting the
repoMicaa delegatlan from Newraetra.
Now upon what are w to fix tba baste of
ur ooadusion? We will tell you. Severn
oat of every ten wheen wa find talkinc
most toodiy for I Follette, by a little
questioning, we find belong to the eld
free silver taction of the republican party,
and are of that radical eleaient ef man
kind that would rather tear things up
than mend them. There la no question
In oar mind recardms the situation, la Ne
braska, aad that tbe La Follette boom
Is less powerful today than tt waa a
month ago. while the Taft sentiment la
proportionately stronger sad that tt will
continue to grow every day.
rindpslly gathered
whose home are
Mrs. Brooke Ton don't suppose there a
a smoking room la h rev en, do you?
Mrs. Rivers-No; th other place haa
the smoking room. Chicago Tribune.
"Why Is the crowd chasing that man
down the street?"
"It wants to eaten mm.
"V hat has be doner'
"Why, be waa so indiscreet as to claim
that he saw the first spring rottta thia
morning. "-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Ma expects to be blamed tor every
thing anon."
'Pa says he's going to swear off amok
lug again." Detroit Free free.
"Pride has Its up and downs," said
one young man. '
Tea," replied the other. "I used to
make fun of a friend of mine who tried
to cell me a sleigh for gl.aV. Now he
looks at me with scornful superiority ss
he takes my best girl out ridings-Chicago
"I ran prove by figures women's su
periority over men."
"Show me
-len t a miss aa good as a ml)?".
"And doesn't tt take a lot of men to
make a leseue?" Baltimore American,
"hats onv
Good brother Welsh
Yoa've made your mark.
For you gave the "kids''
A Jolly lark;
A ehane ta as
Sleds new and bright
And old one too
By day aad night
Tea worked cahoots
With Santy Claue
And sure won
Heaps of applause:
When you spread snow
And Ice galore
On vale and hill
And thea aoasa mora.
There are broken bone
And bumpe I guess!
And frosted ear
And noaee Teal
There re bueted pipes.
And burned out graiee.
And lenrthr bill.
Aed damaged skates.
But there's a cheer
A leud "halloo"
Small voice cry t
"Hats off' to yoa' '
For all your efforts '
Are duly prised i
And the "kid'
' You cajinoniaed.
will bav
eh..... ...LJaXia
in th Circle.
m every Padiaga of the Genuine.
otwjg wmxn CAUin roa. althooch thct coulo
maxs A LAaon raorrr rr ulumg uwixio racrASA.
IT tt ajojfT TO DO SO AM rOR THg COOO OP TNgia
cusTOhTwa 1 whsr m loam or ttrjaxwrA such
.Trass, auu aim tsmmurr
WKTJI etrfsvQ ,
Notet&eM Name of tfw Gompan
IEiixnie : ii
-coirtiKiiTr?nri ::
cikt. nr t cowoty 'jj Jj
luirmoswemax a ;j j'.
urn' 1
sUl j.t
susmust rtrTutt
vug axax.Noi THg tor or rvtsv rAcxAcc.or tmx '
ctmnioL en aizx onlt, roa sau bt all lxaung
tmuccoTV atcuAS reirx so, rut bottul,
gnu' or nca awp nmm or mwwa b tkx on.y rtxncr r amb.t laxattvt.
. sWtrrATtiec. DesaJTATxes oa canweo. ano THiaxyoag 00a not BrrcxFTJut m urr
way wrm Bu-sKcm oa rtiouat rr atrfaawiwn-n by aauioia or well.'
troshaTi raarnjgs, who suesw or m valuc fbom rouofiAL ml to ccr m
am J d ! sS
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You do not need to make long and tiresome per
sonal trips to transact your business. It is a waste
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To might writ or teVfirrapci, bat the trlrphoee la
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ject yonr personality fate the message.
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