Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Jeff Would Know that Face if it Was Tarred and Feathered
By "Bud" Fisher
mi flnlAI
Cee.tK i could
CiO er s chance
To "rw.K"to fv wire
1 -Qol'
t KNOW Hvr Ttu tx.
IIA. DiJtjUlStt taTfttrLF AND
1 Ejrrjnovjr
ir. .
TlA-TrW OjTwvf OlywUficJ
OM Hten T"U- UieMrV '
stttjHT PeVT HtcA.
1 r ,
. .,!, A
"a. aw . t vs. . a. . I v . - I I if I I T-tx. -. I i
Fomer Cttinpioa, Orertnined, All
, Out in ThrM Bosndi. t .
s4 of iwllil Dlrlalaa
Pata rwkn Dawa Tkrrv Tlam
tm Thlr Raaa Rlahl
arias Eaaa Baat.
KENOniA, Wit," Jn. k-Johnny
Coulon, banlamwolakt rhamitlen of lb
arorld. taat nllht knockMl out H. rurbta.
lha former champion. In the third round
tit a scheduled Itin-rouod fifht.
Tht nd ram hn tht round in too
mlnutea and thirty-four aaeoadt old.
rtht iwlnf to Jaw and eounUr to th
atonsach doing Uto work.
Forboa Mror had a ehane. Ha had
, tralnad to luch a flnt point that ha was
- outclanwd whtn ha tntend tlw ring. Ht
1 mada a fair ahoarlng during th flnt
' round, but by n mitlOIa of tlw aocond
It wbi vldnt h would Dot hut long.
On two occaalona ha wtnt to hla knraa
and raatad without balng hit.
Coulao quickly followad bla advantaga.
In tba third putting rorbea down threa
timaa, onca for nln asoonda and again
for alght'and than for ft final count.
Plakt by Maaada.
Round 1 Both aurtfd flahtliuf arly,
nantuui In tba caatar t to ring. Forbea
Undnd light Iffu to body and far. Cou
Ion dror a atltf right to th rhui. rork-
tng Korbe. KorbM awung light to rhln.
aod Coulon'a htid wrnt bark. They war
ialtanglng body atowa at tb flnlan.
Hound t It wa a alurilnc round. Cou
Ion aant left ta body. Forbaa drov right
awtnaa aad rltfht uuiiareuta to jaw. I'ou
lon arnt rlglita ta jaw. ' Porbaa awung
and mlaaed and want to kaaaa. A moment
latar witbout being hit ha want to his
kneea again, bvlng counted four, i'oulon
uaed rtghta effarunly at ta fad of th
round. ,
Round t Forbn mlaaed - twa right
awlncn. Coi ton aewt bia right to lh jaw
at wtlL At tb and of a mtnut Forbes
want dowa rrom a rtcnt cor nine aaconda.
)l cam up awlnging left and right
wildly. Agaia a rlgnt awing dropped h.'m,
this lima for th count of aighL As ha
alaggered to hi feet, his hand hanging
belpieaaly, Cotilo drora ham Ida two
finishing Buncnaa,
LA CROraK. Wax. dan. Ti.-X baas ball
playaa waat tafea th ordinary chances of
th gam aad unleaa ha la la esadttlon to
play club owners canat bs 'con pel lad to
pay blra, according ta decision of th
KaUooal commissi oa iwerirad htw today.
, Tb aweunoa was tendnid In tba cans
of Janea Craagl against th La Crass
dab. Crangl. who baa played la th
WtostrtBIlllnots. "Mtnny" and Western
Canadlaa leagua, and Is well koown In
minor lias bail company, broke aa ana
ta a game her la August whlls a mem
bat of tb 1 Cross club.
Tb club did not pay kua for th bal
ance of In season and a sat up th
claim that as a was Injured la tb serr
lc at th dub It should bs required to
aaep up bla salary.
Official Committee
, Begins Inquiry Into
Wreck atKinmundy
CHAMPAION. 111., Jan. B.-A com ml t
ta headed by W. U Park, VI ca president
and general maaager at th Illinois Can.
tral railroad, convened her today to In
vestigate th wrack at Klnmundy, III
which resulted In th deaths of J. T.
Ilarahan, F. a Mslchsr, K. B. Pelrc and
t E. Wright.
Besides Mr. Psrk, th following parsons
form th committee: Dean Gross of (hp
1'nlvarslty of Illinois, J. B. Berry, chlsQ
engineer 01 in iwca isiana roaa; u. i
Plttlnger, Onlrslla. III., capitalist;
represenlatlv of th Railway aMl Wars.
hous commission snd a represenlatlv o(
th Interstate Commerce oommlaalan.
Th In.iulry was ordeiwd by Mr. Park,
who Invited tb auiar t tola kin.
, Members ef both trala craws Involved
In th eellMea wre called. Kngiwssr
Btuart, wba wad In charts ef tlw fast
train that hit tba private car la wklrh
Ilarahaa aad his party were alee ping.
waa able t report for ami nation today,
Neither muart ner J ease (lithe rt were ad
seriously Injured aa first re parted. Both
were expected ta testify today.
CH1CAOO, iaa. n.'Arraa-amerts for
the funeral ef Ike three CM cage asea
killed In the Illlaol Csatral wreckj-J, T.
Haranas, F. O. Maloher and C B.
Pelrce were comgletad today.
. The funerals of Mr. Harahan and Mr.
Melcher will be held tomorrow. The
body ef Mr. Pelrce baa been teksa to
the former home at bia wit. Fort Bmlth.
Ark., where funeral services will be bold
Mr. Haraiwaa body will be taken to
Memphis for burial on a special trala
leaving bare tomorrow night Mr. Mel-
cber will be burled la Rose H!U cemetery
here. "
MEMPHIS. Tean.. Jan. n-TUDeral
ssnrlcea tor Major B. B. Wright, who
was killed In the llllaata Central wreck,
will take place her Wednesday.
Among hundred of m sea res of con
dolence received by former War Secre
tary Luke H Wright wag' on from
President Vaft.
ClriCAOO. Jan. a -Pitcher Cbeaey of
the Chleage National lesuree club today
signed a contract for the 1VIS aaasoa, ao
cordlng to aa aiuwuncemeat made by
Prcstdeat Murpky.
tnun Wrewtllaar Mat eh,
HARLA.V.V law Jsa. a.-epexial.-A
wreMlmg snatch has been arraatced h.
tweew feter Promm ef thta ettv and
itareld Culnvaa ot Missouri Vsiiey, to
be beid Wedneeday evening, January 24,
at ta Kalrak club rooen. These two
bur are the same ag and about the
earn wetarht and botk are reputed to be
taeL Fromm la th men whom Ren
Hervea t Uuthrt Center axreed te threw
three time In sa hour, but erne threw
Reeves after twenty-seven minute.
A IkMSjeswna Wmb4
is rendered anaseptle by Burklen's Ar
nica naive, the healing wonder for aorea,
burns, piles. rKseeaa aad salt rhatan. Sa.
Far dJa by awaua Drug C
Standard Oil Co. of
New York is Fined
Bl'FFAUO, N. T Jan. a.-Tbe Stand
ard Oil company of New York waa fined
W.0O by Judge Haael la the United
States district court here today for Ml
flotations of the Interstate commerce
law In accepting rata concessions In 1M
and l from the Pennsylvania and New
Tor Cantral railroads ea shipments of
oil from Clean, N. Y., to Burlington. V'l.
The oomnany. which waa Indicted
Jointly with the railroads, was found
guilty of federla grand Jury doccmbot
1 Both railroads had previously been
fined. The Pennsylvania M.M following
coovlctloB on mora than Ms counts, and
the New Tork Central tX,Cu after plead
ing gulMv.
Th maximum po4bie fin ta th
Rtandard Oil case would hav been fl.Me..
Mr), or tas.da) ok Sack count.
J --,jrr
Big Sane Throw! Ordeman Twice
. at Auditorium Hatch.
First Fall fee? Ordeasan In Eleven
Mlaateei Peewad aad Third! t
Weatvrgaarn la "event
aad ievea Mlaare.
Nat Oartmell. former- University of
Pennsylnnla sprinter, new a profei
slena I, Who Is pre.jarlng to go to Aus-
Irs'.la for a match race with Jack Don
aldson, the antipodes champlrn. Cartmell
I world's champion over th Bo-yard
dlsldnca, having won trie title from
Pontes last year. There will be a side bet
of fl.M n the race.
ClUCAOO, Jan. a -Alack Johnson.
chamPMei puglUst. ancouared today that
be bad a telecram from a K. Phefskt.
Salt Lake city, ef re ring h!a a.0 to
wreetl Frank Oo:eh In that eHy. J
"I've decided I'm the mas ta defeat
Ooteh and beMejw bath the cheat pto
PugtUet and ebampioa wrestler. Maybe
I couldn't threw him. but 1') willing ta
take a chance." said Joknsea. "I'D wrestle
la April or May and tight Flyna la
Pat Power called on Johneaa today
and asked hi -a te fight la New Tort so1
time la March. Johnson at wtlling te
accept the offer, aa be wants to et tb
ruling barring bla appearance tba-e. The
chm pi en will laavn far Ktw Tern gun.
.14 I .
Petition CHarges
Telephone Company
is Monopoly
WASHINGTON. Jan. S.-The peUttoa
ef Oeorge Lambert, a Jjstica of the
peex ot Pelham, N. T., for tlw cassolu-
t ot th American Telephone and
Telegraph company on the ground that It
a monopoly In violation of tba Sher
man anti-trust law wa received by the
Department of Justtc today.
Th petition was referred to Ajalstant
te the Attorney Oeneral Fowler.
NEW VOIUK. Jan. a-preeldent Theo
dora N. Vail of the Amerlcea Tetephoae
and Telegraph company when seen hi re
gard to a petit lea filed with Attorney
Oeneral Wlckershint for a dissolution of
that corporation Midi
"Aa regards the American Telephone
and Telegraph company being a monop
oly In violation of th Sherman anti
trust law. 1 can only nay that any act
ef this company hi tba matter of ac
quiring other concerns baa been done
either after a direct appeal by th com
pany or with the acquiescence ot the
rancarn. Every act baa been passed sa
favorably by th nthe.itis."
ORaUORr. 8. D, Jan. B.-apeolai.-Bruodlng
ever the action of a Jury la
returning a Jvdgment against htm KsV
ward Holbert. a wen known tonteeteader
ot LAodleg creek, baa become mmne, and
It has been necessary to send him to a
private snnfuutaai for tiialaisat. Hol
bert waa defendant In a dnmaga suit b)
which Hart Partsh sougbt ta recover
damages la th sum ef tt-eta Th Jury
gave Parish a Judgment of CR and coats
g gainst Holbert. Tba nnAwtvnate maa
la about ( years of age and ha a fam
ily ef grown up eeaiMren, all ot waeel
an highly iss peeled.
Jesa Weeterannrd Monday wen a
wrestling match, from Henry Ordeman,
th Minneapolis giant at th Auditorium.
The first fall waa secured by Orderafta
In thirteen mlnutea with an English bar
hold and a haif.nelsoa. Wsetergaard
cam back aad took tb second fall 'la
seventeen mlautes and four seconds with
a leg hold. Hs also look the deciding
fall In eeven mlnatee and flv seconds
with a reverse nelson.
In th first fail Ordeman was ths ag'
gressor and It seemed that he would hav
little trouble In winning the match, but
V eetergaard came back stronger, than
before and waa filled with a determln
tlon ta win.'
Yusstf Mahmout challenged th winner
of th match by telegram on condition
that the match be pulled off in Omaha.
Weatargaard will take advantage
of th challenge.
In th preliminaries Burns won from
Britten In a tlm matoh. Breedlove of
Council Blufln took th match from
Kohn of Omaha In eleven minutes with
a reverse nelson. Jack Myers of Omaha
and Paul Byers of Burlington, la., each
took a fall and Byers then gave the
match to Myers owing to a sore ear. The
first fall was taken by Byers In two
minutes with a half-nelson and the see-
end went to Myers after forty minute
with an English bar and a half-nelson.
vxTZEAff looma ahiad
Despain Telegraphs
Will Keep His Club
LINCOLN. Jan. ML Th teas tall prob
lem la Lincoln has been solved, accord
ing to a dispatch received tonight from
D. C. Despain. owner of th club, who la
in Chicago. . Despain wired that with tba
co-o Deration of President O'Neill of the
Western league hs bad assurances of
sufficient assistance to enable him t
meet obligations and retain control ef th
property. Tb signing up of pmycra for
tlw Mil team, h said, would begin Im
The receivership hearing was held In
the district court today and George F.
Truman, principal claimant, nutated a re
ceiver be named. The court' derision on
this matter I pending.
Jacob Hana.
EilFRSON. Neb., Jan. aWKpeciaO-
Jaeob Haas, an ld resident of Nebraska.
died at hi horn four mix weat of
Emerson Sunday at 1 o'clock. Mr. Hass
was Tt years old and leaves a widow and
I ante family of son and daughter
and grandchildren to mourn bis de
parture.. Th funeral services will be
held from the reatdenc Wednesday af
ternoon. Tb deceased was known and
loved by a whole community, and will
remembered aa aa eathsjstastle mem
ber of th Orand Army of the Republic.
Mrs, Lnalaw Miller.
BEATRJC7E. Neb, Jan. aWSpeclnl
Tewgranvr-Mra. Lu1ae Mirier, aa old
resident of Beatrice, died Sunday after a
brief ill nee of pneumonia, aged M year.
She waa a native of Germany, and had
rd In Beatrice for thirty year. Bh
Is survived by thro sons, all of whim
are residents ot DcetrV.
j t- -." A', s
1 y -Aw.'.. t
1 .'fa- '
I Ir;i1e.-.V
I r:: ft
33 J
I .airy Lajol, veteran a tar second
baseman of the Cleveland Naps, who de
clare that ha expect to experience ane
of hi best year during tb oomlng
Omaha Business Uei Defeated by
Sextet Across Biver.
Vlrlera Were Old Haada at the
Ceareet and Proved Tbelr Raperl
rlty Over P la re re f the
tb Cat City. .
The Council Bluffs Business Men's team
defeated the Omaha business men's sex
tet at volley ball last evening at the Coun
cil Bluffs Toung Men's Christian aseor.a-
tlon by the score of K-. tt-1 and IS-HI.
The feature of the threa game waa the
snappy playing of Raymond L. Carns, lo
cal superintendent of grade school ath
letics, and Prof. C. E. Reed, athletlo di
rector at th Omaha High school, both
members of the Omaha sextet.
C. E. Swansoa at th net for th Bluff
aggregation was the hardest player of
th evening.
Last night' match was th first of a
series which will ta played this winter
by the twa sextets. The two teems will
meet In a return match at th Omaha
"Y" gymnasium next Tuesday evening.
Th lineup:
Council Bluffs Men. Omaha Men.
Town netv Lynn
Rwanaon - net Reed
Wallace center , Denman
Leverett back , Melle
vtoooDury naca Ralney
Brown back Carns
Hcore: 1W; l-le; li-l Referee: C. H.
Parka of Council Bluffs. Ltneomen: J.
H. Beverlrige and w. H. Kllpatrtrk.
scorer: t-neriee waiter. Time of g
nrteen minutes each.
: gam:
Miss Ekri Moore, daughter of Piatt
Moan, and Edward J. Hbetoulat -were
married by Rev. Charles W. Savtdge at
hk resldsars Monday afternoon at 1
Persistent Adrertisiaf la to Bond to
Batexna. . (
Lumber Dealers Are
Trying to Show that
Prices Are Lower
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. a-With
two dosen wltneeeea for th delense yet
to be Introduced and a table piled with
documentary evidence waiting to ta ex
amlned, the bearing ot the states' ouster
suit agalaet tweny-elx lumber companies
charged with violation of the anti-trust
taws resumed today. It waa evident that
th hearing would eootlnu throughout
toe week. Cmmlrskoi It. M. Rtvnelda,
sitting In th case, will at its doss tile
bill ot tacts with the supreme court
covering in enure slat us ot the suit,
pans of which bar been conducted In
8L Louts. Jeffersoa City and la this
Further effort waa made today by th
defense to show that other products, es
pecially grain, bad Inert and in price
evea more than lumber during th last
few year.
"In UK," ald W. C. gcarrltt. of coun
sel for the defense, "forty-six bushels
ot barley would bay 1.M feet ot yellow
pin lumbar, while In ISC, thirty-five
bushels of barley would buy the same
amount, same grade and all."
Th reason yellow pin lumber has not
Increased In value according with other
product la because th coat ot manu
facture baa been simplified. Mr. Scarrttt
8T. LOl'IS, Jan. H-Federal Judg
Dyer announced today he would ask Fed
eral Judg Charles F. Amldon or North
Dakota to alt In th trial ot E. a. Lewta
and alas hear the case In which th
Identity of George A. Klmmel I oues
ttoned by th former New York convict
A. J. Whit.
Basket Bail Team From Minnesota
Trims Iowa 35 to 16.
Mold Own In Artaal Mlzapa, Bat
Are Finally De fee ted Because ef
Lack at Experience) aad
Pear Team Work.
IOWA CITT, la.. Jan. 13.-(SpscIa! Trle-
gram.r-Aa at Wisconsin on Saturday
evening, Minnesota put up th roughest
gam seen o th Iowa floor m year
last Bight, winnlg from Iowa M to 17, la
a bitterly fought game. -
Tb Iowa players were coached to meet
the Gophers at thla style ot play and
more than held their own la tba actual
mixes, but were beaten because ot lack
of experience and tram work. Lineup;
Lawler R.F.IR.F Gardner
Frank L.F.IL.F rJchmldt
Wlpperman C.IC Leo, Kmbree
Hawyer .11 O.' R.O Bcirv. Brother
RobllUard L.U '1-.O.. Maiden, llanna.
Field goals: Wlpperman i. Sawyer (21,
RobllUard It), Lawler (1); Brothers .
(lard ner, Schmidt. Leo, Bmeroa. Free
throws: Lawler, In eighteen trials:
Frank, none In one trial: Schmidt, t In
ten trials. Referee: Hyland ot Iowa.
I'mnlre: Hawk of Denver. Tim of
halves: Twenty minute.
Iorn City rilabs score.
IOWA CITY, la., Jsn. 2L-( Special
Telegram.r-lowa city High school rlfl
tram scored fc In lis match against
Portland. Me., today.
Strike Breakers at '
Houston, Tex,, Strike
HOrSTON. Tex.. Jan. 3,-So-called
strikebreakers numbering V4 employed In
the Harrlman line shope here, walked out
today. They declared they had decwl
to assent to a (charge of 0 cent per day
for meals beginning yesterday. It is said
the company had been giving them frea
board sine th Inaunguratlon of tu
strlk here on October 1.
lria .aw"
rrt Clnr Abaadeaed.
The paesih f Fort Clark. Texw from
military to medical uses began today
when th but company ot infantry ata-
tioned there, the Twenty-third, left for pot ta. It la proposed to eatataVKk
a state tuberouloei. sanitartura on tb
fort s si'e. On eompany of cavalry, tlie
Third, H etlll ajuartered at the fort, but
ks expected to leave tor tb Philippine
aext June.
t y zzk s
gucoessorg to
Neatest equipped dental offle In
Omaha. Hlgbeat-grade derustry at
reasonable prices. Porcelain tUitnga.
)' 'b ,th. Ail lunruC'u
carefully aterllised after each opera
.uen. Comer lath aad Tare am Bv
Tamtn nootL. parTosT bloc.
ectat Diseases rnrod witbont a anreieal
sxTcratjon. Ma Uiioraiorm. Ether or caher eea.
raj aaoasthetic ascd. CURE GUARANTi-E-D
toJastaUFB-TUlE. aTluaiuen e.e.
a. ea, aaa v, si