Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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" - M aaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaansaTaaaaaaSaaaatnal
Sack is tie Ealiaj of Governor Aid
. rick in letter fc the Boari
Leral jaatfcarilh-a Maiatala It la Ike
Dale af tee Mate la Oafs rn
Orals realise: la Slat
Gomitr Cbtr H. AMrk-a has sided
vttk Pr. W. B. Kern, superintendent of
the. state hospital for the -Insane at
Hasttnc. and wlU bol Interfara with the
dorter's a-adlnc ft cartas of ImaM
patients la Dowlas countr because tin
rountr has refuses to rT for clothing
fpua receipt of the sovernor's letter to
this eff act tns Boars of County Comtnis
siorjers tnstrarted In county attorneys
office. throufH Iteputy County Altoraey
tieorge A. Macney. to srrsnte wit a ta
Kovrrnor tor a friendly Isvsslt ta oraar
that the courts my arternun whether
'llw stud Of IS Cjpunty or' that at the
stats is rlfht i
Ilroutehlons for IU lor ctoUunc from
Hr. Kern are beinc held up by the county
loard hcraue It thinks It sttoula not
furnish clothln for Inaans patients sent
from the county to the state hospHsL
T ie annual coat to the county for elotn
Ine. thees patl-nts will be between W.WO
ai.4 KJXt unless It succeeds In fordnc
the state to bear the expense.
The trouble aver rtelhln- ths Douflas
county tnaarie patients started last sum
mer. Tie stati's appropriation for cloth
ing was rruwrfldeat and Dr. Kera called
upon the county to supply necessary funds
for c!otaln such patterns as had bass
'sent from hers. This was dons for s
tune, but Inst autumn tba board decided
thst tt was not bound to pay and the
county atuiraey's office approved the de
cision, Ths county pays Its share Into
the stats treasury and front the nuts
funds ths Insane are supposed to be
clothed. To require ths county lo fr
directly for ths elotbriif amounts to
doable taxation, ar-cordlnf to ths board
and the county attorney.
Threaten ts Retaea mtleala.
rollowtn "reseated reftnals ef the
county board to, honor the. reaulsltlons.
Dr. ern neilflea ths board that unleaa
they were honored he would send all fie
lieualat county patients back to ths
county la a ear ea January Jfc
Cemnrisslouer Klsasser. Commlnlonsr
Elect Hsrte and Oeorcs Anthea. bead
of t!ie county nudlUnc department, vis
lied Governor Aldrteh when be stopped
la Omaha for a ear and laid the Matter
before him. lis said he would look Into It
The governor In his letter says that
though former Attorney General Thomp
son held that the county aaa not llaMs,
the governor believes H U and will In
struct Kara not is send the patients back
ts Douglas county If ths county wul
sfros to pay for the clothing. Ths gov
ernor suggests It would be better for the
county t pay far ths clothing than ts
refuse and Jiav ts bean and cars far
tks patients as well as cloths them.
The county hospital could sat .possibly
commodate forty more Insane patients.
Bine Tells Ad Men
About Boulevards
and Parks in City
'Ths man "who Isn't fortunate enough
to. own an automobile knows about as
much of Omaha's boulsesrd system a of
the Islands odtho Blest,' said City At
torney John A. Print in mm Address before
ths Ad club at the Means Tuesday.
Thereupon he proceeded to- tell ths sd
men of each park and boulevard. ,
"Faraway fields are greenest." he said,
"and ws sre proas to talk of ths park
and boulevard bute at Kansas CKy
sd Denver, wbsa ws hars a fine system
right hers at boms. With Its mors than
Me acres of parks sad Its seres boule
vards. Omaha healths kuclens ef a great
system of parks and boulsverda. Ws
don't nerd mors property, except for
playgrounda; ws nsed to develop what
w have.' ''-.'!
Mr. Kin advocated for the slty char
ter right to condemn property for MP
foot on each side of a boulevard and
take away from property owners Insids
that M feet ths right to post-nf signs
and erect ugly buildings. '
Mo advocated baas kali grounds .and
public kxkers la all ths big parks. He
aid number of playgrounds should be
acquired and equipped fsr ths children.
nd suggested Twenty-fourth and Pa-
' clflc, . aUghteenth, and fomc Cuming
street sad boulevard and Dear- park as
g"d places for them, ,
After Manager Perfls Q.f tns publicity
bureau of the Omanerctal dub has told
the clnb of ths burean's-'sssapslga tor
good seed corn, Dr. Clark, aftkig ehafr-J
man, appointed-ths Mlowkut com rait tee
ta co-operate with tns bureau in tbe
campaign! C. P gcjiwager, B. . HemU
tan. U M. Whitehead, t. H. Hastings
ad W. B. Williams,
Fugitive is Back
in His Old Cell
Charles Csmptoa. who sscaped frost ths
county jail several months age, and
waived adtea to pursuing deputies as ha
boarded an outgoing freight train, is back
In JsU. He eoulda't stay away frees
Omaha, arid ha was arrested at Twenty,
fourth and Cuming street yesterday morn
ing, Whea tajfea be had flre-gaUon BiUk
can and a pah- of k tonga, believed to
hsve been stolen. ' When Compton es
caped be wee serving a aiasty-day ssa
trnes. .'
Grain Men Are Shy
of Table Number 13
Ts accommodats the- Inereaie la buel
nnsa, two new marble-topped ssmpls
tablea hars been Installed on ths trading
floor of the Omaha Grain exchange.
And still table o. U remains vacant, be
caus members say It Is hoodooed. Every
man who has used tt kaa slthsr died or
becoma bankrupt.
DTaamlte W reeks aiMlaga
s completely as coughs and colds wrack
lungs. Curs them quick with prv Klqg'g
Kew Discovery. S0 nod La. For sals
by Beatoa Drag Ca.
. r
The tide in the furniture affairs of the housewives of Omaha is at its
flood. Taken now it will lead to the best and cheapest funmhing of home
But time in this greatest January
sale of furniture is flying fast, and
the bargains of today must be ac
cepted soon or else you will regret
your hesitancy in months to come,
THIS sale is much like a train that is
ready to start on which there it still
plenty of room.. There is PLENTY OF ,
giving the starting' signal, and you can
get aboard with the hundreds of others
who have accepted these bargains if you
will come bef ore Wednesday night, Jap-
Kir Q1 Xftca flii. rrotn onA xr mi will
Udljr . JJ. iTAtOO lino .uaiu uuw j n m
have to take the regular, which has regular prices. This is the furniture special, with every article lowered
to once-in-a-year prices. The excellent assortment of furniture affords a wide range of choice for every home
furnisher. We invite a visit here, whether you wish to buy or not See the things beautifuland you will
know what to buy when you are ready. BUT IT WILL PAY YOU WELL TO BUY HERE NOW
1312 JANUARY .S J V .- ' -
$2150 Oiiffoniar-oldeV oak; 19x40
inches; French plate mirror, 18x23 inches;
four commodious drawers; very beautiful
article .. $22.00
126.00 Princess Dresser Solid oak; three
large drawers; size, 21x46 inches; Frenoh c
plate'mirror, 23x44 inches. ........$23.50
11100 Dressing Table Golden Oak; thor
oughly built; size. 18x28 inches; French
plate mirror, 14x24 'inches....;.. $10.00
$70X0 BuffetEnglish oak; sliding silver v
drawer; two spacious drawers; two com- ' .
partments J $30.00
$20.00 Morris Chair Fumed oak frame;
imitation leather or tapestry seat aad back $15.00
$70.00 Bookcase UngliBh oak) uullioned . ...
doors; five wide aJielves; sue, 48x60 . 1
inches .' V. $38.00
$30.00 Dining Boom Table English oak; K .; ; '
claw feet;' 04-inch top; very strong' and
leauiiful ........ i..... $23.50
$32.00 Senring Table English oak; one
large drawer; very durable $20.00
$34.00 Hall Clock Fumed oak ; high qual
ity; accurate timepiece; decorative $17.00
$10.75 Chair Fumed oak; all-over; Span- V
. ish leather seat . . $ 7.50
$8.50 Chair Fumed oak ; Spanish leather -
slip seat? strong model ............. $ 5-00
$1175 Arm Chair Fumed oak; leather
slip seat; very strong: excellent quality.. $ 9.00
$8.00 Arm Chair Beautiful fumed oak . -Spanish
leather seat; highest quality..... $ 6.00
$22.00 Princess Dresser Solid mahogany ; ,
' 21x34 inches;.three large drawers; French i
plete mirror,-17x36 inches; three com
, modious drawers... ........, $16.50
$30.00 Dresser Mahogany; 23x44 inches;
" French plate, 21x28 inches; very excellent
quality .. $23.00
$17.00 Bungalow Brass Bed Dull finish; '.
five three-quarter-inch fillers..... $15.00
$32.00 Post Brus Bed Built for beauty
and service; very substantial... $20.00
$34.00 Brass Bed Dull finish; two-inch
post;' twelve three-quarter-inch filler;
strong and durable $25.50
$22.50 Brass Bed Dull finish; two-inch
continuous posts; five one-half-inch fillers;
beauty design; strong. $17.50
$48.00 Auto Valet Quarter sawed oak;
six large drawers; size, 33 inches wide, '
21 inches deep, and 60 inches high... $43.00
$105.00 Buffet Mahogany; massive and
durable; plush lined silver drawer; large
linen drawer; 54 inch top; mirror back;
10x48 inches $60.00
Established 1884
$28.00 Brass Bed Two-inch pout; nine
one-inch fillers; made to endure for
$39.00 Brass Bed Best quality; two-inch
post; seven one-inch fillers
$3100 Brass Bed One of the prettiest pat
terns; two-inch continuous post; five one
inch fillers ..'
$24.00 Oak Dresser Swell front; four
spacious drawers; French plate 'mirror,
" 23x29 inches
$10,00 Storage Chiffonier Beautiful oak;
five large drawers, size of chiffonier, 19x32
inches ..
$50.00 Turkish Chair Harrington springs ;
full of comfort;' "very fine-looking chair,
with thorough workmanship showing in
every line
$100.09 Book Case Solid mahogany; 48
. inches wide;' 54 inches high; roomy
shelves . . .. .... . .'. .' . i
$22.50 Dressing Table Mahogany; beauti
ful artiole; one; large drawer; French plate
mirror, 15x20 inches ''
. $34.00 Cheval Minor Solid mahogany;
French beveled plate, 19x48 inches; very
excellent .article, ....... ................
$80.00 Storage Chiffonier Solid mahog
any; four spacious drawers; two small
drawers; 'size, 22x36 inches
$100.00 Davenport Pane plush coverinf
upholstery; mahogany frame; rest-giving..
' $90.00 Chiffonier Mahogany; six-drawer;
siie of chiffonier, 23x34 inches; French
plate mirror, 19x25 inches
$200 'Serving Table Solid mahogany;
two large drawers; 18x36 inches; durable
$65.00 Mahogany Table Very strong
made; 48-inch top; 8-foot extension ....
$60.00 Dressing Table Solid mahogany;
48-inch top; 8-foot extension
$83.00 Buffet Solid mahogany; three
larg drawers; one roomy compartment;
21x54 inches; French plate mirror, 14x36
inches; very excellent material ...
$110.00 China Cabinet Beautiful mirror
' back; solid mahogany; mullioned doors;
superior quality; most excellent bargain. .
$70.00 Mahogany Daek One large and two
small drawers; very well built; detailed
construction; beautiful design; size, 31x34
inches; heavy writing bed ..............
$68.00 library Table Solid mahogany;
massive model; size; 30x48 inches; highest
type of table
$30.00 Over-Stuffed Chair Very acme of
comfort-giving; strong and durable
tte wart
The Tog-Policy House
- , , .1 Or
$80.00 Davenport Crotch - mahogany;
very pretty design; brown upholstery;
78 inches long; comfortable and strong.. $65.00
$115.00 Davenport Upholstered in panne
plush; mahogany frame; 66. inches long;
strong $56.00
$100.00 Settee Solid mahogany; green
denim upholstery; very high quality .... $57.00
$12.50 Storage Chiffonier "White enamel;
five large drawers; very beautifully made $11.25
$20.00 Dressing TableWhite enamel; .
two spacious drawers; French plate mir
ror, 16x25 inches $18.00 '
, .
$28.00 Chiffonier Circassian walnut;
four large and two small drawers; beauti- Si1
ful; French plate, 15x19 inches $25.00
$32.50 Dresser Circassian walnut; thor
oughly made; decorative and durable;
French plate, 21x29 inches; two large and
two email drawers .......... $27.00 .
$25.00 Poster Bed Solid mahogany; full
size ; built for long service ; artistic in every '
line $20.00
$54.00 Cheval Mirror Mahogany frame;
beveled plate, 19x55 inches $40.00
$90.CO Dressing Table Sheraton Btyle;
solid mahogany; three'.large and, three '.
small drawers jrench plate mirror, 30x36
inches .i. ...... .......r,... .......... $75.00
$66.00 Storage Chiffonier Mahogany;
Sheraton model; very high class; strong
and durable $55.00
$110.00 China. Cabinet Solid mahogany;
mullioned front; six feet high $65.00
$42.00 Buffet Early English oak; three
large drawers; two compartmentta $25.00
$25.00 Brass Bed Very attractive model;
2-in. post; seven one-inch fillers; full size
and durable $20.00
$29.50 Backer One of the most substan
tially erected rockers in the store; filled
with the comfort idea $23.50
$16.50 Table Desk Mahogany; 32x24;
disappearing writing bed and drawer,... $14.50
$80.00 Mahogany Parlor Suite Three
pieces, rocker, chair and Bettee; leather
seats and backs $65.00
' $32.00 Golden Oak Dresser Serpentine
front; French plate mirror, 23x30 inches. . $20.00
$26.00 Princess Dresser Quarter sawed
oak; size 21x46 inches; three large draw
ers; French plate mirror with beveled
edges, 24x40 inches ..... $23.00
$60.00 Oentleman's Valet Mahogany;
double doors;- size, 44x22 inches; seven ,
npacious drawers; sliding mirror; large
suit section, with hangers; necktie and .
whiskbroom attachment $54.00
esatoE Coo ;
413-15-17; South Sixteenth Street
MMSIIIIIIbIm M-ataaaH-af-aa-at--