THi: BEE;. OifAHA, WEDNESDAY. JAMJABY 21, 1912. $2 to $5 Sweaters $145 Ladies, Girls ia. Kisses Just now one really needs a Sweater for skating, coasting and every outdoor moment it's the most practi cal all-service garment one ca to have. These sweater! are made of pare? worsted yarns In . V-neck styles; colors red, blue, gray, brown, maroon and white: they're comfortable" fit perfectly and . sever sag or toes shape $1.45 Biys' $1.50 Sweaters 98c V-neck styles in gray, blue snd red, sizes 7 to IS years; and .comfortable and a splendid t 1.50 value 98c Boys' $2.(0 Hoys' IJ Oft Boys' 11.50 collar . . Sweaters. Sweaters. Sweaters, with Byron 'HI TXM MMT9 cm s 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET HADLEY IS FOR ROOSEVELT Goyeraor of MiMoori Sayi He Is von Coloiel'i Hoainataoa. THOTS HE WOULD ACCEPT Statement Bare Kersaee frs eldest to (hate ef Ro-pablteaas ef Ml, snarl srad that He Is Pb hr la Other States. .. JEfTrSRHON CITT. Mo.. Jen. la Go vernor Herbert B. llsdley, la s state SMnt today, said ke favored the nominee tloa of Theodore Iloosevelt se the repub Ucaa presidential candidate. Hie state meet follows: From Informailon that has recently come to aw from ail part of the elate, I am convinced that a large majority of the repuMlcane are In favor of the nomination of Theodore ltooeevelt sa our candidate for president and a large ma jority of people are In favor of his elec tion. "While they hold Mr. Tuft la high eeteem end are not unmindful of many food things that have been accomplished during his administration, they feel that the candidacy of Colonel Itooeerttt will laeure success m the state and nation In . the . coming campaign and, further, I ' think they feel that Colonel Itooeerelt repreaents as no other man rrpreeenu thoee prlnclplee sad poilcias of govern mtnt with which hie name te aaeortated and which appeal so etrengly to the American people, without cetera nee te party. Peosjn Wanted Mtea lata. "In IMg I kelteve a majority at People wanted te give him a aommeUea, and It was enly hla posture declination that prevented It, ' "While It waa under Me leadership that Tfcxt Tijits- - i cf Stsctsl) tanned by forsnatros) of Kasrasoas Users, from I adigewtrd Food . . ' Htopoed with a fttaart't llyencmsia Tablet. Trial raekagw free, t When yes feel as It year atomaeh waa being tightly choked when the pain la tnteaee and ou hresk eat la a oald and elammy perrptretioa and there Is a lump la year threat and yoa are weak sad aaeeeated all yea aaed la a Stuart's Dyepeeela Tablet to clear away . the wreckage of andlaaated food left In the stomach and tateatlaes aad restore yeu te year eeit again, -And thin can all be accomplished within ft few momenta II warm l E2.00 1.50 roll II ,.S1.25 I m i i Ides hoines life is sold that be waa unduly Influenced. W. & Bales of Dea Moines baa filed suit to - .. . .; . break the will of hie brother, 1. H. Bales. A,V T r T;....J -t i formerly president of the First National 014 low Company luposed ef to tanl( of lhu pUot lUt. u n)ati national of Chicago. 'at jie.soo. i nder the wtu the widow - . - i - " land an adopted sob received all ef the BIO SUj4 PAH) FCK Tir.AT.;csute but a bequest of ta.W whkh waa . given to v . j. Murray, present preti Dee Melaee City Ceeecll Orders Sale " " " r, euonmi ed Tw el.ets la Order te Start Ereetlea ef Market Heoee Train SerTlee Waated. PACKERS' BOOK ARE ALIKE Nationals Stopped Hide Credits Same Time a Others. (From a Surf Correspondent) ! DES MOINES. Ia. Jan. rt-(8psriai Teb-gram.) The old Dee Moines Life in surance company of this city has been sold to the National Life Insurance com- i paay of Chicago and today an arrange ment was effected with the advice of Governor Carroll and other state offi cers for rewriting the Insurance of the Iowa company. President Johnson of the National Ufe came here and personally attended to the businei. Tte price said to have been paid for the Des Moines company Is nOt.CW. The company had been managed almost from the atart br Mr. and Mrs. q, B. Kawson, but owing to the Illness of Mr. Rawsoa others have been connected with the company la re cent years. It has over fSMOttst of In surance In force, - Starts Market Heaee r reject. The city council today ordered sold two plots of ground that the city has long owned for the purposes of erection of market houses, and directed that as soon as M'ls ground la sold the proceeds , be used for construction of a market house on the site of the old city hall, now part ) used far a market bouse. Repre sentatives of labor anions appeared be fore the council and demanded that ac ! Mason City House , Owners to Be Held for Mulct Taxes Missouri was taken from tlia solid south and piaoed In the republican column, 1 am confident that the seallment In favor of his nomination la not confined Is this state. It appears that there is the same demand for bla candidacy In other parts of the country as there la here; and to that demand I am confident h yield by indicating hla willingness to no sept the assalaaUon If tendered. "While I win oppose, as I know he would oppose, any efforta to secure dele gates In favor of hla i.omtnatlon by poltt leal manipulation, I will also oppose any oolltlca! manipulations In thla stats to prevent It. "The methods provided for the selection of delegates to the various congressional and atate convent lone ehtuld give a full snd fair opportunity for the expression of the wishes of the members of the re pttbtloaa party In thia aula aad It such methods are adopted 1 am confident that expreitlba will result la the selection of a dalegatloa to Aha Chios so convention In favor ot tba nomination of Theodore Hooaevelt, Raeae-velt eaters Bsey la Okie. COUTMBl'S, O., Jan. Jt-That an ef fort will be made te bring about the nomination of delegates front Ohio to the republican national convention , wao favor the norat nation of Theodora Roose velt was made certain today. ' Political headauartera were formally opened here, from which the campaign for Roosevelt delegates la to bo prosecuted. Repubtteaa Bute Chairman Walter Brown of Toledo, who returned yesterday from Oyster Bay, today declared that he tBrown) had opened the beadquartera sa Ma own account and without otnmn.tlng Colonel Roosevelt In any wy! ' Associated with Mr. Browtt. m. 4he ! MA.SON- CITT. Ia. Jen. .-8pecisL)-There Is weeping and walling and gnash ing of teeth In some parte of Mason City today, but as a reault there tTil come Into the possession of tbe city treasury some thing like tu,0a. At a recent session of the Board ot Supervisors they secured the ferrets, now here checking over the recorda or the county, to give them an accurate description of all the properties In the cky where the occupant had either been found gully of selling Intoxicating liquors or had pleaded guilty to this charge. They hare turned this list over to the assessor and It Is- now In his hands, and he. following the directions of County Attorney Rohlnson. levying a mum iax or na on every one of these properties. As nearly as can be learned mere are twenty ef these. Some of the nign-ups In the county are awakening to the fact that on property ther own and have rented there la an assessment of . These men have rented their houses careleesly and did not seem 40 know what eort of business was being carried on. The police are confident that the assessment and collection of thia Ux will be one of the beet thlnea to nr.v.. tlon be taken looking to starting wort ; indiscriminate bootlegging that has ever for a market houne. j been done here. People who own rei- . for Street Mah is. dences to rent will In the future be more ' The Welsbarh Street Lighting company r'ul "W the r tenants u. the build- . 1. i . l. - r.itui emirt I men sun in iv - wi,-w nwaacemeat of tbe Roosevelt nvritj la Ohio la Malcolm Itarenaer, repasuasa leader la Columbus. HARVESTEK AND ' t . STEEL AT OUTS DAIRY COW BRINGS GREAT WEALTH TO STATE OF IOWA MASON CITT. la., Jan. .-8peclal Tel- egTam.)-Twenty-rive million dollars worth ef creamery butter, aa much dairy nutter and R.SM.0N worth of lot cream, la about the . wealth brought Into the atate from the dairy cow during the but year. mate Dairy Commissioner Barney said today that thla amount could be Increased folly H.N. per year by weeding out poor milk sows and wing pure bred elres. fuly SM butter makers are in ailenoance at the atate convention now in session nere. Ia tbe Batter soaring contest conducted b. P. H. Kelffer of New xors, J. Brunner of BtrawWry Point-Woo -by a st m. T. JS.. Sadler of Oelwin. (second, with a acors ot n. This wss the yrhote milk clesa ' In the hand separator class w. 11. insp mM of Woodbine, won by a seora ot Pi aad Hermaa Hansen of Cylinder, waa second with a score of MH. (Continued from First rage.) ( 1. V That Zaetty reollaf st the Wish eh Is Battawad by a Stuart's Bya pepeta VaMst. Tkeusasda of people bars learned so well how sure aad dapendakle Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta are far all stomach Ilia that thef are never without a pack, axe at boms aad at the' of flea, and epon any indication that the atomaeh Is a little weary, they Use a BtuarTa Tablet after each meal for a few daya until the dlgeetlve org an a get rested ap again. Thla Is a splendid plaa to follow and always results In msch good. The ap petite la Improved, the food is relished mora, your sleep la more refreshing, and your disposition will make yea friends instead of enemies Per Indigestion. Soar Stomach, Belch ing. Oas. Coated Tongue. Intestinal la- digestion aad all Bton.ack Disorders and Pains er for Loss ot appetlto Stuarts Dyseopeia Tablets are lavaluaMa. . Use them freely tbey are as harm less aa sugar would be and are by nS means to bo clueis aa "medicine." They bava bo effect whatever on the system except tba benefits they bring tnrsugn tao proper otgestioa of your food. All Drug stores sell Stuart's Drape pea TaMeta. The price Is M cents per boa Pkywkrlana wee snd recommend them. If yeu wisu te try them before pure basing, address P. A. Htuart Ca. lit Btnart Uc Marshall. bOcb, and a trial sack age will bo sent yea free. . the export ssaraeu . Tuat la far from the truth. The British steel Industry must sxport s) per osat of the product a year la order to Sve. Germany most sxport M per sent and Belgium St pet cent. The product ot the United States la greater than alngland, Germany and Belgium combined, and the domestic eoa sumption la so much greater that sxport trade la not so vital. It Is true that Before the steel cor poration was formed tba steel experts of the United States amounted to about Sot.- tat tons a year. Last year too exports of the United States Steel corporation were about t,eDt tons, valued at pS.SM.Oes, as against Oermeny'i S,M,00t Ions, "It Is not the aim of the steel cor poration to grab the export trade of the world. Wa are conducting our a port business on a safa snd sane basis with out any Jealousy toward other nations. U whom export trade Is st such vital Im port an ot." , 'Tba bonus goes to every Boor wns ae rves It." said Mr. Ferrell. "For In stance, a hrakamaii recently Invented a dumping machine for whsoh hs wss gives a bonus." ' Stew Sou la Kaaployea. Attorney Reed, for tbe corpora aoa. ex- staining the method under which em ployes subscribe for stock, said that l.3 mea receiving leas than Wt a yeas la I swhecrtbed far one share each, aad taea earning betweea INS sad . took a total at KUt shares, while the high salaried employes took tUa shares. A bonus dividend ot a share la cred ited te tba emptors purchaser until the stock Is all paid tor. Then it la turned over to htm. President Farrelt said the steel cor poration's bonus fund to employes Isat year amounted to tl.toktak "Who beaefiu by ft, the laborer or salaried manT" asked Chatrnsaa Stanley. "Both; foramen and skilled men largely," was the reply. "We have at the entrance of tba mill a question bet wherela men may give suggestions. Beneficial auggeatlona are rewarded. It la reward for merit." President Parrell surprised lbs steel investigating committee by declartag hie eorporstloa bad bad as relations with the , International Harvester . company during the lest five er six years because the Harvester company bad boycotted it after a controversy with a swsstdsary steel company. He said M waa due te a mere quibble betweea salesmen. TEXAS TOWNS ARE RAISING - MENINGITIS QUARANTINE DALLAS, Tesu Jan. M.-OI the or snore Texas towns that rigid auaraattno against tbe eptdaralo that centered la tbe and sartrel part ot tbe state, sever day aasouaced tbe esnrarge baa Itrted. The largest ot these ta Brland abandoned the maranthta aight- fltty court against th Hty of Des Moines to collect in.l.3t on a street lighting contract, The suit alleges that In April. 1M, the company made a contract with the, city to furnish "Improved Welsbaeh lamps. for lighting purporee. for ten years afteg March L 19M. The original bill on which the suit ta based was Kl.sll.St. The etty naid only KI.1MM ot that. It la com plained. trees well Wests Train, Cltlsetis ot Cromwell, on the main line of the Burlington railroad, filed a com plaint algned by IM residents of the town with the State Board ot Railroad Com missioners today, asking that the Bur Mngton restore a local ssrvlcs on one of Itn through trains. No. t, which does not heeltste In Cromwell under the pres ent schedule, ' Malvern Ctrl Barned to Death. MALVKRN, la. Jan. a.-HpecisJ.- Mlas Hannah Angus and her mother were terribly burned Saturday evening, about 4 o'clock, by soma gasoline being used to remove stains from soms garments, be soming Ignited, Miss Angus died sbout t o'clock the same evening, after a great suffering. Her mother Ilea at, her home In a very critical condition, and her re covery Is doubtful. The room In which they were working caught fire, snd ss alarm waa turnad In, but the flames were amothered before the arrival of the firs laddies. ' Salt to Break Bales1 Will; ELDORA, la. Jan. SS.-48pactal.)-Set- tjng up the claim that hla brother waa mentally Incapable of making a will and BOY CRUSHED TO DEATH UNDER WAGON AT RED OAK RED OAK. la.. Jan. B.8pecial Tele gram.) When Peter Ackerburg went oat yesterday evening to see why bis son nmn an not get home sftsr starting away wun a load of corn be found that the load had upset and that the hoy bad been crushed to death. From tracks In the snow it appeared that the y had gone to the side on which the wagon was tipping In hope of preventing Its over turning. Mr. Ackerburg la a prosperous farmer living tlx miles east of lieu Oak. TRAINMEN TELL , OFL 0,-WRECK . i' (Continued from Flrtt Page.) too fast, that you knew the train was there, but were running too fast when you tried to alow downf' asked Super intendent -Batthr ford. ' -Tom saw the order board and other lights, yet you did not see the tail- lights of train Mo The wind would have blown the steam away." Kngrneer Stuart denied thia His voice quivered aa he asked permission to make this statement: "I have 'never Injured anyone tn twenty-five years ot railroad work. One Of the beet friends I ever bad died In that wreck-Ji t.lUrahao. II have tld the truth." MAXES TEST COST KIGHE& Casspaay Fre.aeatly Sold Hides t Asaoant of Teva He ad red Thou sand Dollars a Month ' Killing Charge Raise. CHICAGO. Jan. faDistrict Attorney James K. Wllkereon today continued the task of untangling the complicated book keeping methods of the packers on trial for alleged criminal violation of the Sher man law with a view of abowtng a aimilarity of ayatera ia figuring the test cost ot beet ... William E. Weber, general auditor of the. National Packing: company, testify ing, reed Into the record of the companies' nthly statement of cattle killed, the test coot ot beef and the allowances made for by-products. District Attorney Wllker son asked for the original data from which specif lo entriea were made, but Weber said the memorandums bad been destroyed In the regular course ot bust neea Examination of entries In ths books showed thst the National Packing com pany did not allow sny credit for hides in 1907 and part of iM Is figuring tbe test cost of beef. The discontinuance of the practice waa found to correspond In dates with the period when these credits were stopped by Armour t Co.. and Morris sV Co. Sale of Hideo Larger. NotbwtthaUndlng the fact that the hide credit waa omitted In figuring the teat coat of beef for nearly a year and a half, the packers often sold as many as St.0N worth ot hides a month, according to the books. Ths government contends that the fail ure to give error l to mis oj-proauci raised tbe arbitrary coat of dressed beef and enabled the packers to raise the price to the consumer without showing sn ex, cesslvs margin of profit' Attorney Wllkereon showed by the books that In 14. when the killing charge of the National Packing company waa tie) a head, a charge ot 15 cents an animal ror tne tongue was aooro. which brought the killing charge to $2.71 head, the same figure allowed by Armour, Swift and Morris. When the killing charge waa raised to B.71 by the National Packing company. the charge for the tongues were dropped, according to the government. THREE PERSONS FOUND .DEAD NEAR TERRE HAUTE TKRRB HAt.'TK, Ind.. Jan. tV-Wllllsm H. McVey. bis wife ana nis nsny were found dead today at Tayiorviue. in a hovel where they lived In squalor early today. The screams of s stepdaughter, Gertrude Phelpa. years old. attracted the attention of neighbors, atcvey was found on the floor and hla wife and baby In bed. their bodies coin, ine si" hysterical and so far has been unable to throw sny light on ths deaths. No marks of violence art views oa any of ths bodies, except unexpiatneu nis celoratlona aout the mouths. , The McVey family had been dependent on chsrlty Blnoe Thanksgiving. LAWRENCE S QUIET AND STRIKE MAY END SOON LA WRENCH, Mass.; Jan. t,-Whlle there Is no Immediate prospect of settle ment ot the Issor toabee la the eotton and woolen goods mills hers there are evidences ot conciliatory spirit In some quarters. It Is estimated that tl.t mill operatives are Mia ' A oitlsea who at- temped to cross a bridge which had beea closed by the militia waa Sightly wounded by a bayonet thrust today. BOMTON, Jan, St-Crtarge by union officials snd others that tba American Woolen 00m pany has scoured southern Europe for cheap labor and reduced Im- mlgranta lo enter Its stnploymest were dented today by President William W. Wood. j ' PILES Ct-RKD IN TO td DAYS.' Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMKNT falls to euro any rase ot Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In t to II daya Wo. 'Cut This Out Beelpe that Breaks s Oeld la a Bay aad Cares Aay Curable Ooagh. druggist get half ounce Concentrated Pine compound and "From your at Coneantrmt two ounces of Glycerine Take these two Ingredients heme snd put them Into a half pint of good whiskey; shake well and use In doses of one to two tea npoonfula after each meal and at bed time" Hmaller doses to children accord ing to aga tint be aero to get only the genuine (Globe) Concentrated Pine, bach half ounce - bottle comes In s sealed tin screw-top rase. If your drug gist does not bare It ht will quickly get it Many mixtures ere of large quantity and cheaper, but It la risky to experiment. This formula cornea from a reliable doctor and Is certsln. This was first published hers six years sse and local druggtate say It has been in constant don.aud ever elnfc. Adv. Persistent Advertising is the Road Is I i Beturaa. 1 FOR ALL COOKING Sol. in Doublt Coveted Staled Cans By An Grocers, Hx5si?3h. Mammy Snow says: "Use for Baking Cake in Place of Butter" J Because, Snowdrift it 100 per cent shortening, equally ts delicate in flavor as batter and absolutely pure. Use about one-fifth .less than of butter. Add a little salt as Snowdrift contains neither salt nor water. f Snowdrift is a wholesome shortening, adapted to every branch of cooking. Most grocers sell it. If yours does not, write our nearest office and we will arrange to have you JLVSew T 'v 1' ' .try cVUr; 1 supplied. Creaaery Bnttcr 40 Cents s Pound 18? Salt and Wet Snowdrift WffillTnTlfifi ew3-fXL Mill'1 SSSKSESSa 15 Cents a Toood 100? Cookiog Fit Marie Only By Tbe Southern Cotton Oil Co. hhs. M Brt StreMts New Yeric gJesrseal Paeio Half -Yearly Reductions Unusual Values In Fancy Suits ' Browning, King & Co. Economy is only an Art when it is practiced without sac rificing Quality. . We are offering our entire stock of Men's Fancy Suits and some plain Black and Blue Suits, the kind that has met the approval of the most critical all season, at a price that will tempt any man who feels that he needs an additional Suit to complete the season with. Those that were formerly $20.00 and $22.00 now $14.6(0) We know the whole History of these Suits, because every - garment was tailored in our own Superior New York Work Rooms. " "A NATIONAL INSTITUTION" R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. Fifteenth and Douglas Sts. There Is Only One "Br onto Quinine" Thetis Laxative Bromo Quinine even rue womjo era to otnc a oeio in cr oat. Always remember tbe fall Bam. Look lot tbil signature, pa every box. !5o. Qmi m (5 (SvWi f (gtod OMAHA'S PCKE FOOD CENTER Wednesday Specials VTssh Fruit aad TegstabU Dopt Fins kiln dried swset potatoes, per id., so Tcaiirorrtis lernona, per dosen 10e ,$ Tear eld pop corn, per lb. , Kreah Cocoanuts, each se Black walnuts, per peck ......son Htrawberrlea, celery, bead let )1 tuce, spinach, endive, cauliflower, -S etc. t rakea "Oerman Mottle" soap Me tic Imported Castile soap ....Us 4 cakes "Magic Waeher" soap 1 5c t; pkga-Argo gloss starch -..eac 40c rana medium green asparagus. at -. - tee lac Jar "'erndell' preserved pears. -JV currents, ginger and pineapple. $ at SOe 19 ISo cane trr.rHirted sardines . .Se A 4 ltc cans "Nabob" soups ....gSe large "Columbine" milk ....Sdo Bggs, snd Obsess Bap. Strictly fresh table eggs, per dos- ( per Jar. Pearse,'a. spiced cheese, at , ...... lie, SI Domestic Hwlss dieeas, per lb. aa Cottage cheese. Mr uks. ..3.10a llnniA Miuil. mine . , tmm 1 at ,15c, gsa sad Oa Melon Wangoes, per down ..80s Quart Jnrn queen olives .,..,.soe our own make peanut butter, per ir - lOo, 15s and ado . . Ue,ao Bepartiasat. "gpecUl" Bala California Win Port wine. ter gallon sooC Kherry wine, per gallon Heme made aweet wine, per ion &. Old While Port wine, per gal- Vi.oo ?) Ion Whit Tokay, per fall on (Jv,V,YWy (re QjZy (JjWI AMrSK)IRTt, AMERICAN THEATER Voalght. Mats., Tkars. and Bat, ansa BTA XVAsTO and tba WOODWAJtO STOCK COHTABX ia TRILBY KRUS THEATER atat. Today, ttSO. HUT", sum. Best Seats, Oc tll TItll ktLIBB B VB&BSQOX. .Beautiful Souvenirs to Indies at Ladlssf Daily Dims klatlaee. Quality Fo. - Ceurteoos Treatment ' Moderate Prlcaa In addition to the above es sentisls to restaurant success, our illnlng room is warm, com fortable, well lighted and per fectly ventilated. " WIT Ua. , ' , BELMONT SESTABKART 16it Bodgs A W. Ball, rres. RAFAEL NAVAS Eminent Spanish Ptaalst, Direct rrta aVaatoareena Orekestra, Parts, XST BBCTTAI, LYRIC THEATER nUBSBAT. JAVVAXT St, 8:30 1. IC. Blast ved Beats sa Bala Owl Brag Store. AMl'SKalBKTt. -OatsJgA'S rOB C8BTBB" . "THE W1HH1NB WIDOW" BZTBATA.ASTBA ABB TABBBTXUB Wlta oe hk. r..s. ff.or,.n-v suns sou Ueorge Bv B- anlun tall wllti ' tuo College (tlrl" Ist reoii. Heiilv Cerna badiea Baste Itatlaee Srery Weak Bay. A BEE WANT, AD frill rtnt that racaat tioas. fill thoM Vsscanc rooms, of etavtaro loarder on skMrt notte. at a vtr tntait coat r- H convLnoci THROrV YOOPEUS lf RUPTURE f ell varieties enrad m i a few dare vtthos amorlassof than. Mo aj wttlbeaoeepteden lthe paUeat hi eared. Write or eaa. idelUjr asessTe Csea . aa-ti.e.r.usVB gras R. Brsft 0. Burns' Ce.lebratiom Auspices Clan Gordon ' (loyal Welsh Ladies' Choir Auditorium, January 25 CONCERT AND BALL Reserved, $1.00. General Admission, - 50c 1 1 SCHOOL OF ACTING Mat.1 Bretobes sad Baaoos. aTlgbtt A oass Party. Pipes tyPaa S Bays Com. Tsars - Bat. aSa. Keaiy W. Bavaga Ottsrs EXCUSE ME s aavSBfT-T.Bsv-sl ts ns a ea. e m. ie. e. er satwaasmaa, vamdBseslA WdK-eH Phaaee: SoagUs 4S4; tad. A-lepi. Mat, Bvery iay g:ig; Brery ST la at 8:13, ADT4JICB TAOBBW-rua Mclntyro and Hsatn, alabeite Adams and fompanjr. De Faye Sisters. Krjottt . end "Ulllputlane, Augustine and Hartley Mason and Murray. John McCauley, Cool rad and Whidden, Kinetosvopo, Orpheont' Concert Orchestra. Prices- Mat lac, best seats tic except Saturdar aad gua, ' day. Night ltc, Zic, 60c and Sac.