Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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of 45-
tags. hars-
V alking and Dress Skirts
We secured hundreds of New
Spring 1912 - Skirts from a New. .
York manufacturer at a price that .
enables us to offer you the greatest
Skirt Bargains in years.
All this season's styles new box
pleats and high girdles, vide and
narrow panels, kilt bottom pleats,
etc.; in voiles, . colored and white
' serges, pan&mas, cheviots, etc., in
black and all the new shades and
Every size for Women and Misses.
Every skirt is a correct spring
style and a splendid example of
tailoring. - '
Skirts worth as high as $12.50, at
New Embroideries and Laces
Corset Cover. Embroideries, also medium and wide em
's broidery edgings, up to 12 inches wide, on fine nainsook
and cambric fabrics ; many worth up to 35c a IP.
..yard big bargain square, at yard ........... IOC
Trench and German Val Laces . and Insertions Pure
linen torchons, point Paris, fancy wash laces, curtain
, cluny laces, etc:; many worth up to 12V20 a ' C
yard big bargain square, at yard...... ...... OC
Three Big Sales Saturday
Black Fur Beaver Untrim
med Hati
fiction's beet flat and roll brim
Mllor shapes; alio new front
roll, worth up to QQ
tl.60, at ........ Jle70
The New Alvin Rose
Immtnaa big allk rowa In pink
Jack or tea, muslin rot leaf,
follagt and budi, worth OQ
11.10, at each...... ''C
Black Silk Plush Tyrolean Hoods Soft collap- 150
sible shape large and roomy worth $2.50, at ..ijl
Winter Cloak, Dress or Suit
In our Women's Ready To Wear Section,
no matter what the former tilling price
Many worth up to $65.00, at
ef t
They Call Me
because I sell
Cushion Sole Shoes ti ilea
to keep their feet dry and warm at
the small price of $4.50 with
. extra comfort thrown in.
(" Doc" sounds like music to
me while the output of the shoes in-
nvAQcaa. da 1aam it w
Pa twWl aUtgakw. acvjt it, uy.f
"Old Hickory" is the name of our oil grain tan double
sole .welt sewed shoes that absolutely is in a class by
itself at .... .: $3.50
(A trade winner through all the wet season.)
$4.00 buys black or tan lace or button shoes every pair
made of solid material, and each an individual style.
Our store is the home of the "Tom Cat" and
" all those snappy stage styles $4.50
We, are exclusive agents Omaha for
Which means we can supply you with those custom Eug-
iiea iasw diih'k or Tan at
314 So. 15th.
'Doc's" Office Hours, 730 to 6 P. M.
Ask for S. & H. Stamps-Redeemable
With Beautiful Premiums.
Some of the Important Sales Almost Here:
Umbrellas, Sat., Jan. 27th. Flat Silver Ware, Feb. 3d.
Picture Frames, Sat., Jan. 27. Clocks, Saturday, Feb. 10th.
Men's Shoes, Sat, Jan. 27th. Other sales announced loter.
Plush Coats.
The Genuine Sealette Plush Coats Going
on Sale Wednesday at $17.50
There ia no coat that aa quickly appeals to the
woman of average meant aa a GENUINE SEALETTE
PLUSH COAT. Aa beautiful aa fur. superbly tail
ored', finely lined and trimmed, made for style and
service. '
' Those w offer in this sale have formerly been
priced at $27. E0 and $2.S0 and were It not for the
fact that we' must be planning for spring goods we
wouldn't think of of ferine them at $17.60 now.
They are full 64 Inches long, have large shawl col
Ian and are finished with three silk ornamenta. The
sites range from 34 to 46.
Plenty of cold weather ahead in which to enjoy
them and they are fine enough to last another .win
ter season through.
Clearing Out the Waists-25c to $7.95
There are several lots of them-llngeiie waists,
tailored waists, lawn waists, aatln waists, taffeta
silk waists, messallne waists, lace and net waists,
waists of novelty mite rials, waista for evening wear,
etc-the aelling prlcea being governed by former
prices and qualities. Seldom mora than a half for
any of them.
I II w f
Corset Clearance
One of January's Best Corset
Offers Featured for Wednesday ,
The lot of corsets we place on spe
cial sale for this Wednesday only is
one of the very best values we have
ever offered economically inclined
women. ' .'
Corsets Well Worth
$1.50, at ... .
Made of a very fine grade of coutil, lace
trimmed, four to six hose supporters on each
pair, a few with draw strings wliich is a fea
ture found only in high grade goods. .
Some have extremely long skirts, some are
of the popular low bust style-all are very
fashionable und made from this season's most
styliHh models.
Find them on the corset bargain tables,
Wednesday only, at 89c.
100 S. AH. Green Trading Stamps
given Free with each ton of Soft
Coal of every description if ordered
this Wednesday.
Wednesday and
ies are Priced to
Bennett's Breakfast coffee, and 4
temps, j ib. can for a
AsMTted tree, and tt sumps, lb. se
Tee sifting, sad it stamps, lb. las
llt-IU. can Betatle selected areen aa
paregus ate
S-IK ran Bennett's . Capitol baking
poWder and 10 atanipa . . .tUJO
Scene Brovkpeet f rated pineapple
end 10 stamps
Bennett's kUcelelor flour-special of
fer of a sec M fl
Pull cream cheesend It stamps, tne
pound aso
Bennett's , -Capitol, extract, and
stamp, t'ottle i.. .... ...las
I cans Krcrgreen corn and It stampe,
for oe
"Not-a-Beed Meal" raisins, pkg. MS
Candled peel, assorted, and It stampe.
pou nd . . . a too
1 large cans Cottag milk and l
stamps aae
t-lb. pkg. Vewey Cleanser and Com
pound, with t stamps ate
10-lb. sack yellow or white corn meet
for . ae
Medium sour pickles, and It stampe.
the quart It
Large lar Bismarck apple butter end
10 stamps as
Pntder's chile sauce, and It etampe,
bottle ate
Thursday Grocer
Save You Money
DIM pleJcloa. and It etampe, dos. IBs
Peanut butter and It, larre
Jar for ate
Money-Saving Combination
l lbs. Oranulated Sugar ....... .tS
t pkgx. B. Mincemeat far .... .at
One bottle Oalllnrd'a ullva nil. . .45
I cans Blfted KarlJus Peas .. .at
tavrra AndI
ixtra fancy lemons, tiivV
dozen 10c
Fancy Hubbard squash, the
pound . .. 2te
Fancy yellow onions, pk, Mc
Oood cooking apples, pk. hoc
3 large beads plain lettuce
forv 10c
Fancy large cocoanuta, ra. Sc
Our famous Redlanda or
anges, the down 13c, 20c.
2.V, 80c and . . . . . v . . .SSe
to lilts South Sixteenth Street, Paxtoa Block, thi
doors north of Faraatn. Liock for the name.
S. W, LINDSAY, Jeweler1
talVe koata tJlvtssash Btrse.
: The
To Do
It yea loae year poeketbook,
ambrella, wat or some other
article of raJae. the .aMng to
do la to follow the example of
many other people and adver
tise without delay la the Lett
and Found cola ma of The Bee.
. That la what moat people do
when they lose article s! ralu.
Telephone aa and teU your losa
to all Omaha la glad aftor
soon, ,
Put It
Every Shoo In tho House
Must Walk Out
Positively we will not carry over a pair even if we
do have to practically give them away.
These shoes are many of them bought for this, sea
ton's selling and are the latest models.
20 to 80 Off
Spring will find us with an entirely new stock.
Regent Shoe So.
Rest Snnrl News in The-Ree
, Tremendous Dargain Offerings in the
January Round-Up Sale
Beginning-, Wednes
day, January 24th,
Continuing Through
out the Month.
no A lUttsM
ssaaajsaaaMaamasaaaasajta!i 'w-efsnrai ai-titsi lira era
New Lots Will Be
Brought Forward
Every Day. Watch
Daily Papers
for Prices.
A Round Up of all Odd Lots and Broken Lines. A cutting-out Special Values fronj
our immense winter stock, that will surpass your greatest expectations. A fitting rounding
out of the greatest January business tils store has -ever known. New offerings every
day, and not a single disappointment Watch our windows and ads.
Wednesday In our Dusy Ladies' Suit Dept.
Wa Offer You Clearance
Sale values in
Silk Waista, Underskirts aad Ki
monos that will without question
aurpaaa any- shown in Omaha, this
Silk Tailored Shifts and Silk Waists,
rorth up to l.00; (1 gO
Wednesday, Choice.
Silk Waists, worth $7. CO;
lines, chiffons, lace and e 1 ftp;
. Jlee7sJ
nets; -sale priee. . .
Silk rnderakiiis. values to $5.00. In
taftetaa and Messalines,
ail colors
Beautiful Messaline and Fancy Silk
radersklrta, all -colore, values to
J12.00 Including the popular
"Kloaflta;" yoar choice of the lot
Wedneeday J
Silk Kimonos, that sold regularly
at $7.50 to 110.00; In Wednes
day sale ..v $3.95
" Klosflt - Vnuersklrts. . regulari
valuea. to, $S.OO black only:
Wednesday'.. $1.39
SO Beautiful Silk Kimonos,
ported models that sold to
'one price Wedneeday. .".6,
75c Embroideries 25c
A delightful assortment of the
22-in. and 27-in. Skirt Flounc
ings; beautiful patterns that
sold -up to 75c yard. Round
Up Sale Price,, O?!
Wednesday ...eWC
Broken Sets
. Embroideries
10c, 15c
and 19c
Loom End Embroideries
A full case of 5 and 6-yard
strips of beautiful Kdges and
Insertions that would sell
regularly at 7c, 10c tm 15e,
yd., at ..3Vi!C, 5c, 7ic
J Wedneeday,
, and Checks,
All '
Cost :
at .
Best Siuslla,
SS Inches
of All
18e Glagtauna, Stripe,
aad Ctecka, S3
Inchea 'Wide, at yard '
White Goods. 19 Me, ,
i ISc and 18e yard :,
Talaee, at.
7t. 10.S 'fl2r
Flannel et tea, lOe and
' laMc .Taraea,
Wedneeday. yard,
12 c nannelettea,
choice -Wednesday,
' ' 7M v
January Furniture Clearance
$30.00 Parlor Suit, like cut, 3 pieces, golden oak. leather
upholstered, for this one day, at. ......$24.50
$22.50 Parlor Suits! $.19.50 Parlor Suits ',$38.00 Parlor Suits
at $28.01 at r.4.. $26.50
50 Bed Mattresses Slight
ly damaged in delivery, go
at .....'.$16.50
16 Odd 1 Divans Beautiful
designs, all leathers, up
holstered, Wednesday at
25 Discount.
Another Big Lot of Odd Dining Chairs One to three of a
kind, all good styles, Wednesday at.... About Half
Wednesday at
Less Than Half.
Three . Great Special
Bargains for Wed'day.
60c Linoleums 30o
Remnauts of best qual
. ity surface Linoleums,
2 yards wide up" to 18
yards, in piece, to close
at, square yd . . .30e
Imported Inlaid Lino
leums Remnants up
np to 15 yds. in length,
worth up to $1.65 yard,
at square yd. . . . 75c
85c Linoleum 45c One
lot of surface Lino
leum, 4 yards, wide,
regular 85c quality,
slightly damaged, on
sale at sq. yd. . .45c
Linen Department Wednesday
pure Linen Satin Damask, worth
Pure Linen Balla paroaae. worth
Mercerised aatln Damask, worth l.t
Lnton Linen Satin Damask, worth
yard ..........
Hemmed Huck. Towels, worts,. 17c
Hemmed HiK-k Towel, worth :.
Bleached Pattern Clothe, worth I!,
Bleached Pattern' Cloths, worth
each -
It Ml. sale prl-e.
sale . price.
t, sale price, yd. to
itc, sale prle.
each, sals price.
sale prtce. each Its
. sale price each $1, sals price.
, ...ei-ao
A""" " " . . . . ..
White ioods and Bed spreads Linen Dept. wed.
Imperial .Lone Cloth, worth 12c yard, sale price,
bolt 1! yards tSe
Imperial Long Cloth, worth ltc yard, sale price.
holt i:. yards
All kinds White Wood, worth up to 2'x yard, sale
price, yard lOe
A. kinds White Uooda, . orlh up to Sir, sale price.
yard - aso
Full alse Printed Bed 'Spreads, worth t-d. -ale
price, each .: SIM
Full size Fringed Bed. Spreads, .wortn t4.'). aie
price, each S3. 50
Magnificent Bargain Offerings in Underwear and Furnishings
Mew's Drees Shirts, new aprlaf
patterns, blf aaaortment. values
id 13 ; on sale at 4&aiid 69
Mea'a 1'aloa 6alta.' f 1.50. t.t0
and $2.50 Taloes; on sale
Wedneeday $1.98. 98eS 75
Mra's Heary .Fleeted Rhlrta aad
Drawers;; on '.sale, garment 25et
Oattog Ffaaael Oowaa, wtiite or
colors,' to'lj.SO-Talnea on sal
at .......08 l 43
lauliea'- Naslia Oowwa or ' Skirts,
$1.00 values, nloely trimmed
at .....49
Ladies' Muslia Gowwa, good qaal
ity. full cot. at. 35t
(or three for $1.0)
Ladles' S1.00 aad S1JVO I alow.
Baits, white or gray, all aixea
at..... 75 and 49
Children's Sleeping Garmeata,
Fleece lined, regular 75c values;
choice 25
Girls' Outing FlaaneJ Combina
tion Suite, skirts and waista, SOe
values; on aale at lQt
(Three for 50c!
IViji' Outing Flannel Gowns.
$1.00 values, at..'. 35
Children's Black Katia Bloomers.
Tie quality, all sites t to 10
years; on sale at 25
Hayden'j Grocery DepL is the Talk of Omaha Oar Aim is the People Rot the Trasts
IT Iks. Beet ewaaUSsd watrar.
1 Bars beat ,-jan au or uaamw .
. Soap, at aae
I lbs. Best Railed Breakfast Oatmeal.
t lbs. Best 'White er ,Tellow Com-
t lbs. Oood japea Rice, ? OAialliy,
41 Ik. flacks Diamond H Four, wiado
from the beat selected wheat. Note.
Ins like It tor the money;
flatten cans OoMea Table Syrup, .ate
Quart bottles Canadian Maple Susar
gyrnp. at ...............ate
Pint bottles Canadian Maple Sunt
Syrup, at
Jellycon or Jello. pkc TSe
Teast Koa. pkf...... ..r as
Corn Flake. pk .av
Orape-Nota. pks .....Ies
The Beat Tea eMftmgw, lb MS
AdiU. Kanto Coffee, lb ....Sao
1-lb. cans Cowdeaaed Milk
I bunches fresh Beeta. -Carrots. Tur--nips,
hallots or KadUbes for... as
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb. ...... .TSe
Z heads fresh leaf Lettuce. ...... .as
: bunches free Parsley for Ss
Lars Cucumbers. eaek.ltH aad los
Kanry.Cabbace. lb. tSe
RuUbaxu. Carrots, ? Turaipa " Par
snip r Beets, lb IS
Brussels Sprouts. Ib......:... .. .la
1-lb. boa fancy Hothouse Mushroon.'
at ....... ' ..V-1 tte-
Tellow or Red Onioas. lb.'. SS
Anrtklnc you want we'r sot It.
and eaee eu from S to-let per cent
snouL imnoi iui
Cheaper and belter than lets of butter
3 Irve. yood butterine
3 lhe. aood 'table butterine for'
I lba. feiarc table kotterine for
toon wnz Bie
uni oavasaai tau
Hichlaad Navels are the pride of
California, and the twnas of Quality
aale price as follows:
113 dnd lit sixe, regular price 4Sc.
.sal price per doxen aoe
let siie. recular price ISc, sale price.
doaen eje
lit aiae, regular price JSc sale pri.-e.
St and lit aize. regular price'
ale price per doaen . tic
i AKd with every doaen w will aell
you one of the flneet Silver Plated
Teaxpoona for only la.
Tou don't have to ears any wrap
per or pay any postage. They a.w
right with the goods. Highland Na
vels hare not been kleeed by the sun
only, hut tho moon and stars.
Tne Bottom ISO Oat of the Apple
Owing to the continuous cold wea
ther It was impossible to ehlp apples,
and therefor the market Is over
loaded. We will unload bushels this
week. This are fancy orchard pl. ke-1
apples all you want, per barrel 12 .50
Try HAYDEN'S First