Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Heavy Foreign Decrease Giref Kar-
ktt Bullish Tone.
at ay Held Are Redarlag Their
Heidi the ( Sid am
tt la Praaaato There Will
Other raeellae.
dull; January, e; February,
OMAHA. January 3. 111
i Trader who mnttd to ba tba moat
I friendly to the buying Sid of wheat
lately, were tba on fa who wera shipping
ut or thrlr long wheat today.
At tha asm lima foreign nawa la bull
Ian. tba visible supply and heavy atockjr
are Beginning to decreaaw. wmi tempor
ary art beck ara likely price ara mora
iniB uitaiy to worn aoma nagner.
Tba bull forcaa In corn ara finding tt
rather difficult to overcome tha bearish
effects of milder weather and fratr ra
ces dir.
Many holder ara reducing their hold
In on tba long alda and further de
cline era probable.
Wheat ruled aome weaker tndv. lone
eelUng and tha softer com market wan
weakening factor. Cash wheat waa un
changed. Corn was easier and value eaeed off
on the milder weatber and liberal re
ceipt. Cash corn waa very weak,
temple aelling 2e lower.
Primary wheat receipt were SlOtO bu.
and ehlpment were lO.oto bu.. aaainai
receipt last year of 4W, bu. and ship
memta of K4,W bu.
I'rlmary corn receipts were 1.116 art) bu.
and sblpmenu were UD.OW bu., against
receipt last year of l,t.KM bu. and
hlpmenta bu.
Clearance were 4?4e bu. of corn, none
of net, and wheat and flour equal to
TCju bu.
Uverpojl cleeed lower on wheat
ana unchanged to Hd awer oa corn.
The fol. owing cili sales were reported
Wheat: No. 9 hnrtl. 4 car.; No. 1
bard, 1 car, fl.OI. Corn X, 4 white. 1
car, tic; Mo. 4 color. 1 car, 41c; No. I
yellow, 1 car, (3c; I care, 4-Vc; I car.
Cec: No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 4iWc 1 car,
fie; J ears, gotse; No. I mixed, i car.
ffiHc; No. 4 ml led. 4 cars, sac: no grade.
J. car, amc; 4 can, tic. Oats: No. I
watte, 1 car, 4sc; eais, 4ttc
laaaba Caak Price.
WHEAT No. 1 herd. 111013: Na. 3
hard.,; No. 4 hard, HlWctjll.01
..OORN-No. white, tUMVlc; No. 4
white. H(ilc: No. I culor, CHvIV:
?'. I color, CSOHc; No. 3 yellow, iv,(a
; .o. yellow, n)t.-; Ha X, SStrwisc;
So. 4. eSSuaae; no grade, t7n6Hc.
. PATH No. 1 white. tn-a-W.c; standard.
!.; .o. wane. K't)c; No. 4
wmte, ',h: no- 3 yellow, itS',4c;
N. 4 yellow. 4MW.c.
BARI.HY-JJaJtln. tl.tSfji.jj; No. I
feed. WIV- heavier feed. ait-.Jl.OU. .
ItVfcV-evigSZc; No. 3, tWc.
Carl. Receipt.
Wheat Cora Oats.
rtilcago 14 M
Mlnrieapoue 49
Duluth 24
Umaha u. tt Ml 10
Vataree at tb Trading aad Cleelag
' Prleee ea Hoard af Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. .-Notwithstanding a
huge daarease In the world'a available
supply total, wheat declined today owing
to tha favorable European crop outlook
and because of a batter prospect for
shipment from Argentina. The elose
van from the same as last night ta Hlftc
down. latest trading left corn 'krSc
off to.V up; oats a shade to Vise,
lower and hog products at Mi 10c to lic
advance. ,
. In addition to the fact thai rattle
wera disappointing to tha wheat bull
hothweat Ivceipts Were targe, tite 4u..u
weather helping the railroad and pro
moting a tree movement from country
elevators. A decided rally, however,
took place when news waa received that
the weekly figures for the world's avail,
able supply had dropped mors than
4 bushels against a falling off of
lea thaa half that amount foe tha oar
responding lime a rear o.
n estimsM put the Australian e port
able surplus at only amnion) bushels aa
compared with 4,ttW,u bushels twelve
months bark. Commission houses sell
joa tha upper levels, though, left the
.market In the end unmistakshly weak.
May fluctuated from 1 Htrl laja, to SLIM,
10'. with last sales tl IWHKI.WH, a
strop of Sfr'-rO from tweniy-tuur hours
Disappearance of ano and Ire eased
the corn market., but prtcee did not give
way much, ilay ranged from J4itJlt4C
to ssHsj. ckistng lee net lower at 4t even.
Cssh grsdee were weak." No, t yellow
,waa quoted at MtiUHc.
I'nloadlng by longs depressed ostt. If ay
ranged from 4H,o to Wtlt with the
close at 4rW4ac a shade oft from last
Speculator seemed afrsld to sell bog
products. The reason appeared to be
uncertainty due to scant offers by pack
ers. An advance all around resulted,
averaging from ttjltr.
. lading options closed as follows'
' Artlclei Open. I Hlgh, Low. ) Close lyeeidy
lw'lOVH:ll,aS'lnSHl lsnts
MMrS; H' wv,,4HS HHo
. T,..,
t July.laTAbH
f May.
14 4
14 M
.us ,
14 ISM
14 3 M4
t i le-m
sTHIs 4IHi
171 146 7S
Caeh quotations were as follows:
FlfR-rSrely steady; winter patents,
UmM; winter atrairhta HSOei ?;
- spring patents. 16 Mi.or): spring
straights, HKH.a); bakers, amlM.
IIVB-No. J. 4C.
SKI'H-TimoUiy, m.ot)U.a; clover.
' . PltOViXIONB-Meas pork, eld. HIK;
Imw. 15.GH. Lard. In tierces. K iauau
i tthort nbs. loose, site.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to eCOOO bu. Primary re
' reints were 41H US bu.. compared with
x. bu tha eorrespondlng day a year
ego. -rne wotm e vieime supply, a
eiMtwa by Bradstreet'a. Increased 4.19. im)
hi. Katlmaled recelpta for tomorrow:
Wheal. 24 cars: corn. 0.4 car; oats, in
tars; hogs. neao.
Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 1 red,
TnWr: No. I red, kvuvTr; No. I hard, aV-fl
II at; No. I hard, e-cvl 90; No. 1 north
ern, et tam U: No. 1 northern, ll.Ar,ia;
No 1 northern, llajl.; No. 1 spring.
w-wtl: No. I sprtrut. HrfilLaj; No. 4
spring, sneer 48; velvet chaff, 0rej41 OS,
ouruin, eKnsi w. 4.0m: a. a 3taiiC;
No. t white. rttxSVtC; Na I yellow, imi
s; No. 4. sjv-; No. 4 whits. nii4c:
No. 4 yellow. tj. Oku: No X
4"c; No. 2 wklie. a-,?es,lc; Na 4,
arVc; No. 4 white. i-UjOHe. Kre No.
- Mc. Rerley, ktctitl.M. Timothy, 1114
aj 1 lover, sis.vuv t v
a m TTFR - Easy; creameries. IXfMc;
BOOH hleadv; receipts. cases: at
. mark, rases included. lCr-c ; ordinary
firsts. rec: firsts. IlMit'e,
CHEB8K- Steady: daisies. J.fl7e;
twins, lenltr: young Americas, Kvl?c;
kmg boms, lstl7c.
-1 PtjTATuES-theady; receipts, M cars;
a-bi .
POCLTRT - Firm: tnrkera lJBniHe;
chlckena. UH4Uc; springs, 11 He
VKALEesy. at IwlOc ,
rewrta Mrket.
PEORIA. Jan. H.-CORX Uteady; Na.
I yellow. 43c; No. 4 yellow, tic: No. I
, ml led, tK; No. 4 mixed, ale; sample, K)
OATS Firm: No. 1 white. Mc; standard
c; No. 1 white, e,e.
l.lvei ! ;rela JiarVeS.
- I.IVKRPOOU Jan. a-WHKAT-ffpot,
ieaoy; r.o 1 Manitoba, ss td; No. 2
xuuunrn, as eyo; ro. sisnltooa. Ts
iilrs; laturee. auii: siarcn, ;s ivi; May
X eHd. July. ; V,d.
Ct'EN-epot, firm; AmcrWga, mUed,
Sa llad.
4)aatatlaaa af the nay mm Yarioas
NEW Tt)RK. Jan. 2S.-FtiOUR-Jolet;
rpring patents. I KW winter straignta,
R30H4.3B: winter patents, M.N.J: spring
clears, M-Jltf4-w: straignta, et.'w
4i4.T. B flour, steady: fair to good.
H.4 J: choice to fancy. U Km 3).
Buckwheat flour; quiet; fine while and
yellow. II MU M. coarse. 11 IH1.. klhj
dried. .. .
RYE Quiet: No. t c. c. I. f. Buffalo.
RARLKY-Hoot market, uulet; malting.
tl Kel a r I r Ruffalo. -
WHEAT-Spoi. - firm; No. X i.w
elevator export basis to arrive, and
Uickr fob afloat: Na 1 north
ern inuum. r. o. o. ejiuai. r yf
tures. easier eerie In tha day on the
cables and large rrerelpts. rallied oa the
K: is . u in m-oelft's Strwks but aftn
rued off under reallxing, closing (if net
lower. May. li.NWiJtS. tusel gl.t:
July closed tl M. Receipts tl,M bushels;
shipments, 43,717 bushel.
CORN e'not market, steady: 71wc r. o.
b. afloat. Kiitures. nominal; receipts ,-
7S bushels: sh IDments. bushel.
OATS-Spot market steady; future
market, nominal.
HAY-Firm; prime, ri.5: N0..1. ii.jg;
No. 1 tl.l.-1 2f: No. X rcl . t .
HIOKS Steiuly: Central America, 22c;
Bogota. anUHc.
L.EATHKR Firm: hemlock tirst. mm
27c: second, effudac: thirds, 9fi3Jc; re
jected. 4 V. ,
l'lil l.IUN I'orv, steady; mesa,
fj.17.50: family. IlI.eutfK.M; abort clears,
n; Reef, quiet: mess, uvoegno;
famtly. IH.JWrli 00: beef hams. tS gof,.os.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. M to
14 g.2s: pickled hams. Ill.eoeit..
Lard, steady; middle, west prime, t W4
9.39; refined, steady; continent. .71;
PouiH America. IIO.W; compound. m.sim
P.13H. ...
TAUJIH-nrn: prima eity nogs-
heads, pi 1; special. Mi); countiy, ti 3"i
Bim Ki:-irregular: creamery specials.
3Sr; extras, Jict proceas iecti. tc.
CIIKf-..-iK-Hrm: skims. 7tllyc.
KC!i!t-ateady; fresh gathered, extra.
!iJ7c: extra first, eiTfrac; western gta
ered whltce, tj'c.
lol'L,TKY-liresseJ. . quiet and easy;
western chickens. l.iHflUc; fowls, 13Hi
16Mc: turkoi. lU21c.
Alive uneettled; western chickens. 124
i:V; fowls, 12tvl'.tc; turkeys. lletc;
ducks, lc . , ,
MUTTFR-No. 1. 1-lb carton. 4rV No.
t la M-ib. tubs. ',yc; ria. 2, Mc; packing,
CHlyFJlE-IiTported Swiss. Kc; 'Ameri
can Swiss. 24c: block Hslss, 2uc; twins.
uHte: denies, Mo; trlplsts. Mc; young
Americas. 20c; blue label brick, UHc; Urn
bergrr, 2-la., Mc: 1-lb.. 20c.
POULTRY -, KM per dos ;
springs, lie: bens, 14c: cock, lie: ducks,
1st; geese, ttc: turkeya, 2f; pigeons, per
do.. 11.20. Alive, broilers. UH; betja
11c: o d roosters and stags, to; old ducks,
fiili fealhered. 10c: geese, full feathered,
luc; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls, 2wi each;
pigeons, per dot.. Tie: homers,, per dog
il.Sv; squab. No. I. U 68. No. I. Mo.
FISH ttresb frosenl Pickerel. ?cj
white, lac; pike. He; trout. Ho; large crap,
plea, 124il6c; Spanish mackerel, s; eel.
lac: haddocks, lie: flounders, Mc; green
catfish. Uc; roe shad, $1 each; shad rae,
per pair. 44c; salmon, Mc; halibut. Mc
yellow perch. Ic; aufnlo, ic; bullhead,
lie. , J
BEEP1 Ct'T PRICklB-Ni. I ribs, IHfo:
No. I rlba. IIHo; No. I rlba, We, No. 1
loin Uc: No- I lulua, 14Hc; Na. I loin,
HVic No. 1 chucks. Ic: No. 1 chucks,
7Sc; No. I chucks, 7c. No. 1 rounds, tevjo;
no. 1 round. ihc: ivo, rounoa, so.
No. 1 plates, CHc; No. I plates, to; Na, I
pistes, Vv.
KKCIT8. KTv. Apples, eooging varie
ties, per. bbl, H.76; Jonathan and Ortmes'
Uolden, per bbL, HM; Ben UavU. Per
bul., 23.00; fancy Wlnesaps. per bbL,, H 4:
feiiry Missouri Pippins, per bbl.. KM,
fancr Uanua, lr bbl.. ts.71: California
liellefioeer, per boa,' l ; Colorado
Junathan. el Ira fancy, per boa. . K :
Washington ripitsenberg, per aoi, use;
Washington R. Beauty, per bos.- t ;
Waahinaton Mtaman Wmssape. per bog,
r-'.r. Banana, fancy srlsut, par bunch,
C2MiI6u; jumno, per buacn, sansyna
Crsnbsrrles, Wisconsin fancy, psr bal..
110. W; psr box, tl.M. Iiates, Anchor
brand, new, 1-lb. ,kgs., in hoses, per
bu. C B; Dromedary brand, new. W 1-lb.
Dims, la bdxes. psr box. k s: puis, in -
and M-lb. boxes, pay . lb., lee. Figs, Cali
fornia, per rase of 11 U-os. Pkgi.. seat
per case of N ll-o. Pgs.. tLW: per case
of N a-os. pkga.. gs U; new Turkish," fr
crown. In N-lb. boxes,, isr lb., lSci1.
crown. In 20-lb. boxes, per 1b., I4c;,,1
crowa. In boats, per lb, 17c Grape
fruit. Florida, sixes, prr orare, 1. ss;
SO-U-44 slses, per crate. 110, (Irapee,
Ma lege In bbl., .tuc.m Lemons,
Lunonelra brand, extra fancy, M else,
per bt.x, UM: See slsa, per box, te.ft;
Loma Umoneira. fancy, 200-MO slses, per
box, Ki; 24 and 42 aim, oc per box
urenges, ' California naveis, extra
fancy, ,i.'-iN4-i7-a-ji4-sl4 sues, per
bay, gv Tt: 2m su4 sites, per cox. sxst.
VKETAHLK8 Cabbage Wisconsin,
per In.. '. Celery, California Jumbo,
ir An ic. Cucumbers, hothouse, per
doa, K0 Eggplaal, fancy, Florida, par
dog,, fcl.W. Oarllc, extra fancy, white, per
lb.. 16c Lettuce, extra lancy leal, per
dot, 4Sc. Onions, California, while, .per
lb, k; Wtsooosin, yeuow ana rra, in
sacks, per lb, IHe: Upanlsh. per orate,
fi.w. Parsley, fancy southsrn,. per dm.
bunchse, eutsc. r-oiatoes. siinnesota
Early Ohio, per bu., ILK; tsconslh
hits Bloc K , psr ou.. si. ss; m leawx wra.
so lees. Sweet fpotatoea, Kansas, per bu.
bsk., KM. Rutabsgss. la ear, per lb..
l(c. Tomatoes, Florida, psr -bsk. orals.
IISCKLlA?ls'l.o Aimonos, -tarra
gons, per lb., iiihc; in sacx lots, ic less.
Cocoanuts, per sack, Is iSX Filberts, per
lb, 14c; in sacs 101a, 10 .less, reanuts.
roasted. ir lb., be; raw. per lb, Hc
Pecans, large, per id., l.c; in sacn im ic
leaa Walnuts, new crop. 111, California,
per lb, 17c; In sack lots, le leas, cider,
new Nehawke. per l gal. M bbl., ;
SB-gal. bDl, ss; fliw iin-a atvis.
1L..1 u, bbL. UP: per bai. bb ..
H it. Honey,- new. 24 frames, U TV. Kraut.
prr ls-gai. aeg. n w; per s-gai. aeq. ei.iv.
Wisconsin, per H-bbt. tabu.
St. I.eals General Market.
B-r isilTia. Jan. 2t--WlfTAT-Csah.
firm: track. No. 1 red, fa'V'fftl.OS; No.
2 bard, 4l.uttyl.l3; May. K9Jc; July,
Oepreuioa of Prices Lutg for Only
; Short Time.
Preaaare aa Market at Oataet Re
fleetlaei af tafaverable Develea
, aaesoa Over Klbt Calted
. . State Steel Attaesrea.
track. Ne, t 4!:
stay,, sHBeio;
2. Mc; Na
No. 1 white. 4MfV;
July. HnieNc.
path-eneagy: trace, i,u.
while. He; Mar. S'X.O.
KI K t.ncnaiiBeu, b"v.
FlaX'R Juiet. red winter patent.
Mbertss; extra fsncy and atralghts,
tssiantel: hard winter clears, I3.4U&4.4.
HEKll-Tlmotby. IMOOSyti.. s
0KNstKALf 11.2.
BKAN-throng; sacked, teat track.
MRAY-Week; timothy, 20HfaS. pral-
dr. tt4 ewtimio
PROVli4ION'f-l'ork. unchanged; rob
bing, fie On, Ijard, unchanged: prima
ateam. t.ilH4J" Dry salt meals, an
changed: boxed extra shorts, ISM; clear
rlbe, t.U short clears, pXTt. Hacon. un
changed: boxed extra short, tea; clear
rlbs, s3: short clear, 75.
POl'LTRY r Weak, chickens. .Me;
springs, 10c; turkejs, lc; duck. Mc;
"5 COTTER Week; creamery, MIK,
EtiOB-Firm, Wc-
Rscelpts, Shipment
Flour, bbls. in) ty
Wheat, bu. 4X K.OOD
(torn, bu Ill'
Oat, bu... 24.4W
Kansas City Oreln aad Pravtolaaa.
bucbanged: No. 1 hard, 1 alf
1.4: No. x. tl ltr1.07: No. S red, trv.
Na . :tic; May, sfj 100S bid; July,
CVftK-, bid.
CORN-Steedr e He lower; No. i
mixed. tKc: No. I, ftWiStUc: No 1
white. Mi-yc No. . 47c; May, tc
sellers: July. tKtic eellers.
OATH-rnchanged; Na t white, (IHf
B'rr: No 1 mixed, oivw.
HAY ftesdy: 'rholc tltrothr. Cl.tsf
S.: chca phratrle. Ot nejlt io. 1
BITTER-Cr-ameev. 4e: first. - :
seconds Per: packing sttck. 241c. 1
rHit Easy, Be: Mrsts. Sic; second.
Receipts. fOjtpmentl.
Ttteal bu. ! lg
Cora, bu...; 3S.
Mta, bu SJW
Stllwaake Crala Market.'' 1
Mll.WACKKK. Jaa. 2. WHEAT No. I
aortltern. tl leal 11: No. t northern. Bart,! , A A shs at a
tilts; No. 3 hard winter, racesite; ,uly.c. a a VI I
CORN Na. yellow. Hc: Na. t white,
Sityc: No. t vr: Ma, tc; Jal), y, ,
NEW YORK. Jan. 2t.-fltorks were
lower for a time-after the oneoina today.
htrt the depression waa of short duration
in spite of etfor to undermine the
market. The market wax lifeless moat of
tha day.
pressure oa the market at the outset
was reflection of unfavorable develop
ments over nlghL They concerned
i nited mate steel principally and
eral . biocAs of toe stock were thrown on
the market In tha first fear mlnutea. but
tna price declined only fractionally. Chief
empnasia waa laid upon tna report of the
corpijratlon comiraasloner advocating
segregation from the steel corporation of
its railroad properties. The filing with
11 attorney general at Washington of a
naimon ror dissolution or tha ArAarlean
Telephone and Telegraph company gave
trader for the short side of tha market
mora ammunition, but thla move affected
only the nocks of tha telegraph aad
(eiepnuae companies.
The ease with which tna market recov
ered from its early denreeelnn. not wit h
standing the effort to bring In politics
once more as a depressing influence, in
dicated. tost poiltlcsl considerations were
receiving .little attention at present. .
'The most active of the leadlna atneka
was-Reading, which more than made un
its-omaera nt i wnifn was marked
or foe pnoe today. Tba. quotation waa
Barancea 1 points In the first nour, al-
muuxn n auDeequenuy loat a large part
of the gain. Some of the other coalers.
Including Central Railroad of New Jer
sey. .Chesapeake A Ohio and Erie first
preierrea continued their recent advance.
Attention waa drawn to tha western
roads by the reports of a coming read
justment or -eiition. Involving the
uoum ana Hill line anl poeelbly other,
nut tna movement of toes Isuea was
narrow. Great Northern preferred, after
gaining a poiai, tost it advance. The
widest movement among the railroad
stork waa that of Rutland preferred.
which' rose U points on three transac
tions. . 1 .
Tbore was further buying today of state
and municipal bonds by banks and trust
companies, which sought a higher rate of
return thaa la available In the money
iiwi eat. . ,,
The bond market ass steady. . Pluo
tuttluna were narrow, but the demand
was large and varied. To:al sales, par
vsiae, et.Bis.iwx rename le, common,
coupon, declined , an cal l ,
Number of sales and leading quotation
as stock today wera as follow:
Sal Higa. Us. CM
Allls-OiSlsjefs sH ....
asMlSMMlet Casper ,
Amariies Agricultural
AH. beet Ihissr
Siserlcsa Ca ,
iswl'la C. A P
a Cattes-OU..'.
inerkaa H a L eta,
aai. ic saraniHHi .,..1.
AnwrlHS UM ......1 MS
asurKes lanawtlte
Amerl'M g A ft. ....... Lies
AM. g A R sM
AM. SteM Seuserias...,. TS
AM. tusar -netiBlag...... ass
AmeHaia T A T I. to)
aissrlraa Tiikeras sM... sst
IMS lit,
JSS i.
s k
Wis .
Amenrla Weotea
ABrell4 MlDlaa CS
Atrliees Z.
Aieklem rl4'
W anile Corn Um
imere A oai
emisbsai aieM ;
Brest If Rarie Tr
ri4i Fxrin
CbbifbI LMtser
fViiril LHteer af4
taetral f Kw Jrsr..,
rbawsask A 01
CkUage.A Allea.
ceirBSft a. w...,.,.,.ri
iet a w. su
tikaa A H. W
linee. at A St. p....
C . f . C A St. 1,
Clsra4o P, A I
rbierie al seiara
fVaeBllilata 0s
fr Praisels ......
Deieear A H4mb
t)eser A kle Ors..
It -A R. set
DKIIIietr ganrltlel ....
Iri let b'4
Ul M sm..... ...
UBBteai lieatrte
Oeut Nentirn set
reH Neeiher Oes etls..
Illisms tasiti
Ihin-rass Met
later. Met. sts
Isurntllossl Hsmeler..
Inilt-UaHB BIS
It 71
is - nit
11114 H
its Itsa
is' ISflt KHi
io j i
144 11
..... lets
lMh l't
lSt 1S4
U lie,
n "tt
flti til
111 14
iV tit" l?
II 11 II
iiiti iltt
1M4 lt I4H
MS 114,
I 104
"'ie iri"
I. ess let
est at
4,be n
iss tat
1SI 1'4
i.. l
14SS 111 4 114
its' tH ui in
let in in in .
set lis u u
. , .
iss MS set sea
4.7M lit III tt
l,s lla IIH 414
St 4Ja 41 4I
U.IM lltl il). 11114
I4S tit 41 41 ll
10S 111 l Ilia 141 .
4.TSS If li 1114
4.1SS 4114 1711 471
...... .,. ItllA
IsiersaltMll raaw ...,J snu
tie Central M Itu
uw Uiy S 14 M M rl
k r aa sta ..... 4iu
laclM 0B 14 1ST14 in1 U1U
Uilnllle A Nsakrllla,.. ISS 111 tu H
HIBS. A M. LoHt. MS 2714 IT , M .
M., st. p. A . a. tt... - is in mi m
Mlettarl. m A T H
S .-K. A T f4 43U
inswl rielfM 4SS M4 i
Nllnl niaralt tot Ilia 111 H"l
Katlaaal lass Me 44 . H
N..R. R 1 M 24 sts,. I.MS N14 .
Nta Yrk taslnl t,M 1MI l U
H. T) u A w ise M M4 ui4
rterfelt A wstra Lies leu, ll lot,
Nsn Awerliaa t.M rv II, Tek
tlankere FaelfM lUSj Ilia 111 HIS
Ptrltte'Mall e II
P.nn.rlT.01. I, TO 111, Itl IXU,
Psl's Oae 1M l4 liau,
P . C. C. A M. h IN 141 11 IM
Rluswrs OmI 7H
teat Stel Car H14
rXiilnes raises Car IN 141 141 1st!
Rallaar Sual Ssrla ... r4 M14 mi
tftMfll&g. i-4lv 14 141 lUw 1IT
Itetuhli steal iss Ma M
ReseMI flew ST4 M
IWk Ulu4 Oa... ....... lea H4 MS Hit
Reak Itl ant ra. r'4 .... MS 11 11 4S14
ll. 1. A I r kll.., 4114 4114 41.
L.tAais S W M 1
1 1. W. ST4 14 7 TS n
tiata stiattwa a A I ., 41 .
Saunier rrin Ms lie. Ilea 1114
SMtraea Mallear e ' 4S f HI4 1114
. Rallaay I4 a, 4 elt,
Tot 11 111 laeser la r4 1114;
Tea -A reMfM las 13 ai a4
T , a l t w MS 1114 u, 11 .
T.. st.. u A w. ru., 4 as
tales PtrlrUl 24. 4SS IS 14714 14714
VBR rsclna t4 MS Ka IC, 11.
Vtiu Sutas Hllr 444
1 0114 Slla kabktr.... rS 4T 47 l:H
tall4 Slaiaa mmk 44. M 444 44 M4
C. I Steal si ea 11114 11114 ink,
Tut er la Ml WSj UK
Vl.arlls raaalesl ., MS M W mi
assri M T T Hi
abk a4 I 144 its 1l4
Waaur Uarla4 ' let 1:14 K 171
WeMiu BtMctrls II
tsun raioa . n n m,
B1I( i U I. law III 4, I
Larue VbII K.sss IM IMS 1H
Ckis Coee-r lea MS M4
Rr .ali4ti SBS tt 11 11
Tetai mi tar ta er. m. MB saaies.
C. A g. r. A a 4S "i ev. ..'
U A H. v. av M a 1st A rat. .. S
PAR. O a.... ,C. A aer 4
4 ref. 4a MSC. g awel s ..!"
tMatutofe' si Tsi,r.-Car. cbea.
Sri. p. L 4. a,i,W.h. Mt B 1471(
At sea. 41 7 a let A . 4s... I'4
n c 4a. w. A. KHCewa Me. 4a....
a sanea 7 west. awe. ey as.. n
Oaa Rlae. ev. l...lUWWta Oaaral 4a J:.
111. C. 1st rat. 4MlMe. rae. rv. b.... t
Istr. Met. 4.... st Taaanaa 2s 11
Iadea Stack Market.
lOJfDON. Jan. a American securities
opened irregular today. Lter the entire
list declined from lack of eupport and
at. noon the market waa aaay with prior
from S to lower thaa yeeteraaya e
I otx closing.
London closing stock quotaUona:
Caneols. Bay ..Tt I llIlllaMa Csateal ....14414
4a riaet TTSlealerill A KuBIII
iaal. Asaer ... MS Ma, Kae. A Tax. 244
AMceae SNw Trk crrl..lll
Ateklats IMSNartslk A Waaaralll
sM 11, a f4 It
alttrMrs A OU. .l4ourt A Wa
Ca4la Paalfaa ..117 raaasylvaal .
apeak A Oa faVitua Mlaaa ..
CM. dreat WaStara. I malls
Cbl.. Mil. A tt- r.lll,Slr Rr
D llaera m a era .......
Dnw A Rl O.... eateeMkera" PaeUle, ..1134
e aM 47,Caie Paettls 171
(n r IID. A Slatl M
4 IK etA...:.... 11 a St ......11
M Sf4 WBBk TVi
Ofaae Traax 14 4 yf - is
SILVER Bar, steady at 9 f-ld p
MONBT-31rfel per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bill la t lt-K4J3ts per cent:
for three month bills, 3 ll-14Vtt4 per
cant. ...
. M
. Olt
Rostaaa alack .almreiat,
BOSTON. Jan. 23. Closing quotations
on atocka wre a follow:.
Alleaas -.. 4l,Hlal Caaser 31
U. Cane 44,aoliwk u
A. g. L. A g SSNttUa CM. - 11
Arlieaa Cow SXllais suae 4
B. A C. C A L U. lNnh Bait.
Bene Cealltloa .... ttleNenk lake i
aL A arlaeaa oil Desualea
lai. hbv 9 eriaeeela ..11
Centennial M Qutney 74
Coe. nines a ;.... K,genea w
a autte at.... i:,3usenr 37.
Praaklla 11 Superior A . SC.... 4
OiTeax Co. 4'Tsirark
OrseBr Cee M U X R. A M... 14
BH Cans., tlx-ts 4 BT4 4TU
III Ami Casear. Slulltak Caa, 14
Kerr lake 1 rWlaoa . I
taaa '.WPr ....... aawwranse M
t Iii cseser
r " -
New York Mining fttorka.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2Z Cloalna ouotae
non on mining stocxs were:
Alio tnuttb Cklst .
lata, Taaesl Mask... xlMeilraa
boeds noBlark
res. rial. A Vs 7oir
Iras gllaer lBliUB4r4 .....
LMtrlll' Oes. IIllw Jsckat
Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA. Jan. 22 -Bank clearings for to
day wera tt,31S,2S0.14 and tor the corre
sponding day last year 22.487,108 16.
Keer Vark Meaey Market.
' NKW YORK. Jan. M.-MONa7Y-On call
steady at I'ytTla per rent; ruling rale.
per cent: doalng bid. t per cast;
effered at f per cant. Time leans,
steady : sixty days. Jr44TX per cent;
ninety days, 2wt per cent; all months,
ft par cent.
per cent.
actual bualnes In bankers' Mils at 14 Ml
for sixty-day bills aad at at 1724 for de
mand; commercial bill. 44 134
SILVER bar, RWc; Mexican -dollar,
Ce. -
BONDS Government, easy; railroad,
Closing quotation oa bond today wera
I. I M. k rag.. Ml later V. 2C 4s.. 4T
ee iiaeis M - jsaa as ay
V. A la. ra 11 4 M
As erase ttr. c a la m .. nai
S A t. rJ ...... 1U L 4 e S last.. u
S exsaa Illu A X. sal 4a.... ,
llta-Ckal. la 4a... t M. 47. A T. let 4a. 44
Asaer As. ts 1ST ee sea. 4S Ie
A. T. A T. . 4s.. lit Ma recUta 1 Tt
Asl Taace ..... MHx R. a. st M. 4S
s.l I'. Y. r. g sT!.St
Arwaar A ta. 4S. IIS a Ate. e M
MB. .... "X. T. !. tt. A R.
i ev. ss ;
M' laX A W. let a 4a.. a. J
lat 4a ) a ev. a rt
Pal. A Okl St. !. rarific 4a la
tsa a a ::... t
4 W. Xa.... 11 o a U 11 e ... M
gial. Tr. . 4a.. t4rna. ee. 7Ss Un.. 7
Caa. et OS. I MS ea aa. . au.
ie. Kaiker 4..... M R4!a saa .... M
r t x 1. a B..ia t. a a r. t aa,
lka A Okk. I..11 a v u sa
Bl M5t k a W e. la . -MX
aa faH aa ... si
t. 4a . BstT
Me. rae.. eal. 1. e l
C. at A A r. 4 4sM a a-r.
C. A 1 A t. e. 4 tt e to ear aa I-. J
r! 4 1. Ma. is ta
Caftea Market.
tures opened steady at A decline of 109
la point in response to -lower European
cable, foreign . selling and ecattertng
liquidation. Firm offer from Brail! were
said to be steady to a shade higher, and
there waa a moderate demand here in the
way of covering by recent eel 1 era or sup
port from bullish trade Interests, but of
ferings were nulla heavy and the market
used off to a net decline of lti2I points
during tha afternoon, owing to weax
cloalng cables from Havre,' and apprehen
sions that tha break abroad was tna re
sult of some fresh development not yet
known In the local market.
Nothing of the sort presented Itaelf, and
In' the late trading tLere waa a harp
rally from tha lowest on covering and
continued nun support, t ne cioee was
steady at a net decline of Cl Point.
niftier at
Hale. tV la ogs. January, iz.asc; rvo-
rusry, l44c; March, 1240c; April, 12.4Bc;
Mv, June. July, August, 12.43c: Sep
tember, 12.41c; October, lJ47c; pecenv
ber, lUtc.
Havre was 114 tfl t rra no lower; Mam-
burg waa ItrlH pfg. lower. Rio. 124 rels
higher ,t fttlou: Mantua, 4 rel higher. 4
Ttikay; 7t7W. Receipt at tha two Bra
slllan ports, 21.4UU0 bag, against
last year. Jundlahy receipt. ltuin against
I, eon last year. Today'a special nantoe
cables reported 4 unchanged and Rao
Paulo recelpta er 13,oug against s,u yes-
tsrday. Rain wsa reported In one dlsl
trlrt of Kao Paulo, but tha weather was
fine elsewhere In tha state.
An Impression spears to prevail here
that onlr a comparatively email amount
of government coffee will be Bold at the
market by the valorisation committee
this year, and that the balance of the of
fering Will bo turned ever to a indi
cate. ., . . " -
Rtiot coffee, quiet:. Rio. no. 1, uw;
Rsntns. No. 4. A A: mild coffee, quiet;
Cordova, UHtKo; nominal.
- - - Metal Market.
ant copper, dull; spot and January, su.e
14.40;. jcebruary, aiarca ana Apm, iu
14 on. lindoa markst. aulet: spot, Att
oa- emirM tL la ad. Arrivaia reported
at New York today 12 tone. Custoai
house returns snow export 01 u,i mna
so far thla month. Lake Copper, llt wej
1442: electroiytio, it.ii.i': casiing.
tla7tit14.i)(r. Tin. easy; si. Jt. etl.ttr4M;
January. e4l.5Mi:.12: February. Ml
41PA; March, !41.12S4241-4v; April, t4l.or)B
41.40; May. HI MJ41.S6. London market,
prm; spot, anw ae. imurea, ! tirm't
dull: s.ltr4a. New York and HTOM.24
a-.., Ht liul London. 1& 14. Spelter,
dull; ea.4Mrl.44 New York, and MJUtf W
F.sat 81. Louis; London. 1 14s. Anti
mony, easy; Cookeon's n.STl. Iron Cleve
land warrants, 46 10H4 In London. I-o-
cally Iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry.
northern, xia.,nj i.w; no. a si.veria is.
No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 south
srn oft. 114284,12.71. .
ST. LOCIH. Jn- -aalAUB-ieai,
quiet; RI4)-l.ri. Spelter, weak, ta.k9
Cattle Receipts large, Trade Slow
and Prices Lower.
Lawer lader lafl
large tteeefpta ssi
esvaeeal tie aa a a d .
ta Mfteea
eacc mt tha
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 22, Wll
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep:
Official Monday 4.27 l'.40 7.JM
Knil mat Tuesday .... , 24j 1,M
Two days this we'..ll.S7s S.4k) 1.0W
Same day last week. 4ea 24.W4 17.227
Same day 2 week ago .M? Ai.14! It,
Same days t weeks ago 4.24T S.1M 11,)
Same day 4 weeks ago i ffl t.23 Vvf
Same days last year.. 12,222 15,2 l.42t
The following table shows the receipt
f cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to data as compared with
last year: 191I. MIL Inc.
Cattle 72.424 7.ST " 4.44S
Hogs 24 2 11,W VI3.8W
Bheep 12.24 ll,Jl , J3S
The following table ahow the rang of
price paid for bog at South Omaha for
the last few days,, with comparisons:
Date. I 1312. tmi.ll10.llS0.lW.19W.tiyi.
Jan. 11.
Jan, 14.
Jaa IS
Jan. 14.
Jn. 17.
Jan. It.
Jan.' IS
Jan. 20.
Jan. 21.
Jan. 2.
Jan. 23
!, 1 lit
it im
t 47 7 72
OSVl 1 7
74 7 M
i y 1 m
S 194
T T-53
I 7 I 4) 4 6I 4 081
Mi a si 1 as
V I a 31
S 4 2J SOi t 17
s at
i 31
221 I 41
I 21 s 031 4 27
I S t r, 4 S S5
8 33 Oil 4 12 al
I 40 4 W 4t 3t
4 23
5 29
1 a
i 24
Receipts and disnoslHon of live stock
at tne union stock Yards, eoum umana,
for twenty-four hours ending at 1 p. m.
Cattle. Hog. theep.H'r s.
c. M. A St. P. Ky.. l
Wabash Railroad .., ..
Missouri Pec. It. R. 3
I Dion Pa. R. R.. 47
C A. N.-W. R., ku
a A N.-W. R.. W. 71
C. St. P. M. A O. R. 41
C. B. A U. R, K. M
& R Q. R., W. 64
C. R. I. A. P., K... 3
C. R. L A P.. W.. 2
lUlnola Central Ry. 7
Total receipts .. 52
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... I 3
... IM
12 Ml
ti m
. SB
SHEEP While receipts or fat sheep
and lambs were anything but excessive,
packer contended that . the warmer
Mutter Is producing -a curtailed demand
for dressed mutton in the east and re
fused to buy al yesterday's prices, the
tread to value being lower all along tne
line. Quoted rougnly the market ruled
109lsc lower, with the movement dull and
dragsry from the start.
Offerings ronelsted largely of ewe and
lambs, including some good Colorado,
and the estimate called for about twenty
five loads, ronvethlpg like 5,400 head.
Wethers were especially hard to find and
the eupplv of vearluigB was also limited.
Very little buelneas ass transacted la
any branch of the trade until nell ajong
toward midday, but fst lambs wer
wanted only at levels that permitted the
holding of product until the consumptive
otM-t broauens. istrntiy- hoee- ami
would hardly pas A . at present, wnile
the medium to cull grade are more or
iesa uncertain at big discount prices
covering a range of 21. sv or more, .'j
Bulk pf business In ewes dropped below
the H mark, attractive kieda being in
very aulet request even' at tt.lotig.N.
Well finished ewe, high-grade . In every
respect, are quotable at the even mony
t but matured muttons acted lee cred
itably than larahe In most cases, and it ts
difficult to properly guage a market that
is poorly tested.
Feeder lambs held sever loads of stale
stuff that failed to clear yesterday, and
the country demand ahowed little or no
Improvement, aluea ruled nominal and
the market had no' Hfe whatever. The
actual purchase or feeder yesterday
amouniea to oniy ss neaa.
Quotation on speefi and lambs: Good
to choice lambs. p.otkis.a&: fair to good
iamb. w.BVga.w; gooo to rnotce vearilnsra,, lair auvu jraimiae. a.i
4 40; good to choice wethers, t4.1Hr4.30:
fair to good wethers, tt Neva. U;-good te
choice ewes, tS.aHI4.0r; fair. to good ewoA,
1 1
3 ..
M. U 4
It 1
It t
.64 . 14 ..
14 4
Omaha Packing Co.. H
Swift A Co LOT
Cudahy Packing Co.. 4K3
Armour A Co I.M
Schwart A Co
W. Murphy
W. B. Vanaant Co..
Benton, Vanaant A L.
Hill Bon
F. B. Lewis
Huston A Co... ..a...
B. Root A Co....
H. Bulla
L. K. Hub
L. Wolf
McCreary A Kellogg.
Wirthelmer A Degep.
Lee Rothschild .. ..
Mo. A Kana-Cslf Co.
Cllne A Christie ....
Other buyers A
2 KM
21 .
2X .....
47 .
M t ......
Tt . .....
27 ....
.. - .' -. lagar WJarV't.
NKW- YORK. Jan. 21 87 TIAR-Raw.
rteady: maseo.Ad. SA teat, XATc; cemrtf-
,-i m la.. i.,l., aa a
I -Caia tea. U T e saa 4 - -a " " " ' w """
Jsat.-aU4. -M...rla-rarn 4a.aweUrto4" 1
' Dry Gawda Market.
NEW YORK, Jan.- ttL-ftpecial cable!
and telegraph lo communication received
hv RradBiraets ehow the following
change In available supply as compared
with previous account: -
Available supply: .
Wheat, United Rule and Canada, east
Rocklee decreased 2.444,01 bushels, de-
u buabal. Total I'hlted
State' and Canada .decreased a,tB.W
Aflcat for and In Europe decreased bushel.
Total American and European supply
decreased i.lJt.OSO buehela.
Corn. 1'nlted State and Canad de
creased 404,00 bushels.
Oat. 1'nlted H tales and Canada, ds
creaeed L1U. bushels.
Kvaperated Apple mmm Dved iTraltB
APPLES. Inactive with prWea nominal:
en the spot fancy. lft4Mr,c; choice, tVrtt
aa.c nrl ma. SVitc.
PRlRD KRL ITH Prune, ht fairly good
demand, but the market I uneettled ow
tog to the disposition of some holder to
shade prices; quotation from atrUHc for
California up lo 20-40 tnd 1 to 12c for
Oregon. Apricots, are steady but Iraio
tlve; choice. 1S1&V: fancy, 17tjilc.
wbaa. dull and steady; choice. U4ic;
AhAir llavtstke: fancy. 12SJSc
Ralatns. Inactive and price largely nomi
nal; loo muscatel, 4cy7o; choir to
fancy seeded, 7Hc"c; (eeoiesa, tey.c; um
doa layers at tl.4uejl.44. , , 4
Waal Market.
rtOtTTON." Jan. S3. -WOOL-A moderate
volume of buslne Is being transacted . m
domestic wool, although the trading Is
snnsiderabrv b-low that of last month.
Price hold firm and bolder say there
will be no sha-llnr. Fin wools are In
moderate demand, but tba value are ad
vancing to equall the rise In coarse
grade. Ohio blood commands 37c and
territory in anginal bags sella from lac
to 21c. Hceered fin staple territory brings
ST. LOrtS. Jan tt-WOOL-Steedy;
territory and western mediums, eaglie;
fine, Itajnc; Cne. Wftltc. ,
es Certaa Market. '
NEW TORK. Jan, 23. COTTOX-Spot
r-l.arl nutet: mlddlnaT u elands. I.laaa;
middling gulf. 74c: no aalea: future
elneed steady; January. lac: February,
12k: March. .c; April. ttc: May.
4r; June. .4c; July, .Sr: August
I ar. ftept ember. .tr: October, t.TJc;
November. .7Je; Iemr. .t2c.
Cotton futures epaased steady. January,
lc bid: February. 23c: at arch, tJ4e:
April, JSC btd: May. j4r: June, 4tc
bid: July, A tic; Auaruat. (2c bid; Kep
teenber. A Tec; October. A7c; November,
tar; Iecember. s.Me bid.
Total .iw 21 937
CATTLG Cattle receipts were very lib
eral today, making tha total for the two
days 11.37a head, the heaviest lor any
similar period In a number of week
back. On tha other hand the receipts ara
not a iarg by AM head a they were
for the corresponding two day a year
ago. Ottber market point were well
supplied and advices from all mark eta
were generally dlecouregtitg. The result
waa that tba market here opened slow,
with- buyer bidding sharply lowsr prices
and aa sellers were unwilling to man
the concessions demxnteq, tne eariy
n'trnlna- naased without very mucn ousi-
leaa belne transacted, it being lets before
the trade waa really under way.
In the end beef steer sold anywhere
from weak to li lower man yeaiemay,
hut the trade waa slow and dull all day
and eoneeouently unsatisfactory to. the
aelllna Interests.
Cow and heifer also were very weak
being In moat cases too lower, with Boms
sales looking even wore than that.
Uocd feeders were very scarce aim uie
market on the most desirable grade
firm. Inferior stun was naturaiir siow
and weak.
Quotations on came: uooa to wnt.
beef steers, ps WtJ7 .711: fair to good beef
leer, tt tmw; common to fair beet
steers, ts.isk.(in; good t choice heifers,
liootyt-Oli; good to choice cow, I 40 40;
(air to eood cows and heifers. 43.744740;
common to fair cow and heifers, tt.OOn)
471; good to rholc Blockers and feede
ra. t4.4Utt4.00; fair ta good stocker and
feeders, 4.14ti4.4ll; common to fair slock
srs and feeders, t3bOU.4.7i; stock beliers,
tVot4.M; vesl calvca, Reuajt-IM; bulla,
lUgs. stc, 13.4006.10.
1 ...
' Ay. Pr.
....I. II III
....... Ml I M
letl 4 M
,1141 4 M
Ns. i.
m .11 s a n
a.. ........ .un
..M I IT
A. fr.
...Mill 4M
,...1174 IS
..... iii 4 a
....IMS 4 tl
....1IU III
1114 4 M in
254 fed ewes
104 fed lambs
,V fed lambs .......
12 fed lambs
Ill fed lambs
11 fed ewes
l fed ewe
447 fed ewes
4 fed ewe, cull.,
214 fed wethers .....
227 fed lamb ,
4 fed lamb ,
AQfed ewea
. 4
: ta
lit '
....... K
Mi '
1 pr.
4 0
3 74
3 74
2 S,
Deaaaad far Cattle aad Sheep Steady
Hogs steady.:
OTUCAOO, Jan. 2S.-CATTLE Receipts.
W.lka) head; market, weak: beeves. t4.M
8.40; Text steers. l.4ut7.S: western
steers. t4.B0tr7.24; storkers and feeders,
tO.JHtii.OO: cows and belters, 2.2iS;
calves, tS.OIme.iiii.' '
HOOS-Recetpts. S.OKO head: market.
wek for light crdes. others steady;
Hunt. t..&ti.IO: mixed. ttBOue tfi: heawr
b.Kr.iu; rough. HvKru.m; pigs,
M; bulk of sales. t$.M&M.
RHKKP AND LAM BA Receipts. 1I.0W
head: market, weak; native, t3.25aj4.7D;
western, t3.10tj4.7S; yearlings. t4.90tai;
lambs, native, t4.3kyK.S0; , western, St.!
1. ...... .
i. ...... .
Wl I M
.11 4 M
.IOI 4 M
.171 4 41
.IS1 4 tl
4 74
, TM 4 a
. SM t Mv
...14M 4 71
....US 4 M
. IM S
. IM 1 14
Kansas city Live stock MarVet.
ceipt. U.00 head. Including 200 southerns;
market ateady to stioiut: 'cdwa heifer
and calvea weak ; dressed beef and export
steer, W.eutrl.M: fair to good. K-AVButt.K);
western steers. R fkr7 00: stckera and
feed era 34 OtaSe ; southern steers, I4.0D
(t.4U; southem cows, 13 Osji uO; native
cows, U.7f,trf 6o; native heifers, t.04j.25,
bulls, t3.4u!ia.4e. calves. U.lbm.S,.
Hlioa Kecelpt. . xs.ixxj - need: - markst
steadv to strong; bulk . of sales. t-7djf
4.20; heavy. S.liti.2D; packers and butch
ers, t 0HVi.30; lights, tt.loaB.OO; pigs, ti ts
(K 34. . . .
laliElvl' AMI ItsiUB Iterripts, s.w
head: market KaS'i.- lowsr; lamb. tt.TtVw
4.60; yearlings, 4 W7.M; wether. 23 V
t.M; ewes, .ar w; stocxer ana l sed
ers, 3C.504J4..UO. . . ' .
St. Joeepk Live Stack Market.
ST. IJriB.- Jan. .-CATTLE-Re-
oelpts. 3.otn head. Including 800 Ttrxans;
market lo lower; native shipping and ex
port steers. t?.fc4r.i: dreaaed bf and
butcher -ateer. xx.naie w; -ateers unaer
l.Ma) lbs., t3.2rVM.40; stocker and feeder.
n.BUtafi.Ov: rows and heirers. B.iJtH.w
owners. tVnOtH.OO: bulls. 4-00JVH, calves:
4T.oitjt.74, Texas and Indian steer, laVOUff
7.09; cow and hellers, a3.11atre.uu.
Hiarut Receipts, hi. (Ml neaa: msrKet
steady; pit and light, tt.0ew.l5: mixed
and butcher. t6,S6aj.; good heavy. 56. li
:. aa.
BrlKKP A7MU, IstBO ueceipi. aw
head: market 14c lower: native mutton
3.7f4t4.o; lambs, 6.44T.75: euils and
bucks, tl.SOtjg.S;' stocker. tl.4S.(it.
St. Jeaeph Live Stark Market.
ceipts, 3.200 head: market weak;- steers,
44 50CS. 00; rows and hclUra, t3.2HJ7.S0;
calves, - .
HOOS Receipt, ll.suo neaa; msrxet
slow: top, ts.14; bulk of selee. fc.aoti.(o.
head; market slow; lamos. j,0u&to. .
Slack la Sight. .
Receint of live' etock at trie five prlo-,
clpal western markets yestsiilay:
tl Jo4?l No. S northern. $1.LS;
.No. 3.!i. , -.
barij;t-oc to 31.3. ...
CORN No. 3 yellow. 3c. . t .:,
OATS-No. 7 white. ATHci
RTE-No. t!BUvtlc. ' -.:
r"L0l"R First patents. 3il0a4; second
patents, ta.JJrS'. first clears.
second clears, i4054.ia. - , .
Tlelble Sapply at Crala.
The cotton goods markets were A Utile
more active during the day. Buyer are
applvlng themselves steadily on napped
goods, bleached cotton, domestics of a
staple character and wash fabric, in
men wear fabric trade I said to be of
larger volume than current report would
Indicate. An auction sale of silks, which
takes place tomorrow, has brougn many
buyers to tha market. . .
Oil aaC ateaata.
at 4Bc; sales. Id bbl-: receipts.
3x7 bbl: shipments, 1.39 bbls.; aioc.
bMa. , .
ROSIN Firm: sale. UK! brJs : receipts.
2.2M bbl.; shipments. 1378 bbla; stock, bbl.: B. .6p6a.a: D. : E. ..-.;
F. G, H. I. It.Ti); K. t7.3;.M. $7.45; N.
!7.; WC and WW. 17.8. .
' ' " Omaha Hay Market. ,
OMAHA. Jan. S3 HAT No. I. I10;
No. t 3H.a: coarse, tu.tx); packing mock,; alfalfa. J17.4D. Straw: Wheat.
IT.aO; rye and oats, t8.55g3.5l.
Club Takes Action
. . .. on Lincoln Fund
Resolutions that the J2.0i.t In the
National Lincoln memorial fund be ex
pended for a hospital. Industrial school
or model farm for negroes, have been
passed by the executive committee of
the Commercial club. Tha purpose of tin
resolutions Is to head off a movement to
use the money In constructing a road
from Washington to Gettysburg, to be
known as the Lincoln Memorial highway.
E. C. Gaaway, ttreet car conductor, liv
ing at 2437 South Thirteenth street, waa
arrested yesterday for discharging
firearm in the city limit. Gaaway had
been In the habit of lauding Rlverview
park with A shotgun and firing at aity-
thing on which he could get a bead.
Rabbits, drowa and sparrowa were mowed
down by htm . indiscriminately and he
made to much noise that the attentloa
of the police waa attracted to him.
United State Attorney Howell has filed
twelve mora suit against the corpora
tion who ara delinquent In making their
return for 11 to tha Internal revenue
department The Omaha concern that
re mad defendants are the Audit com
pany, the Benson Ice and Coal company
and Ui Humphrey Telephone company af
Plaits county. The officer of this latter
concern are til Omaha men and for this
reason they will be sued here.
Persistent . Advertising;
Big Returns..
t tha Read to
Bout! i Omtha
St. Joseph ....
Kansas City ..
St. Loula
, .M
.. 3.X
.. 3.8HO
11. 0i
, .13.700 110,04V JS.TW
1471 I t
144 t M ....
. in a ....
ikl Is M..
.UM 4 M IS ...
. Mt 4 41 It Mtt 4 M
.114 4 M 11....,
. 4M 4 14 U
.ui 4 n i
. 444 4 M 1
la I M . i
t is ie ...,..
1 114 4 ea
imx.Kli.Kt4 AND FEEDERS.
4. .......... tal Tl 171 4 M
M Til 4 71 I...... fM 4 44
4 in i s ss isa 1 1
21 447 4 M 14 Ill 4 1
M Ml 4 M a 1417 4 14
1 1114 I a 11 1M1 t 14
fj .,, MS I 14
HOOS Recelpta of hogs were Hie heav
iest af any day In the history of tne mar
ket, easily exceeding the previous high
record credited to June 2U. IMS. on that
date the auppiy waa officially counted at I
27. 501 head; today the estimate called furl
24.40 head. Explanation for the marketing ,
of thla enormous crop Is found In the!
better railroad service as well aa a gen-1
eral rush ol hogs to loading station due
to milder weather.
With the yards brimful of stock, de-1
rttnea la price wer logic I, but the trade I
waa by no me ia aa baoSa many uf
tha talent expect"! and the element of
demoralliatloa was entirely abeent.
Movement was alow in starting, al an1
average to of a dime, but the market !
took on - more activity a tlua rooming
advanced and midday clearan.-e, while,
not complete, via creditable. j
Packer furnlabed the cntv outlet of
rraesnqutaee for offerings and Individual
drove were In several caeca much larger
thaa a moderate run , a normal ;
period. Shipper and speculators vougnt 1
sparingly, the demand from outside quar
ters almost losing It Identity In the gen- '
eial market. e than 3 per cent of,
total receipt Bold to buyer not aseo-1
elated with the larger ticking concern.
Ae on all days recently, the nuinerrcal'
supply was greatly nullified by light
average weight, fully three-fourths af the 1
run consisting of ligbt bus. her and bacon
stuff. These classea ranged from tt.s
downward, while the beat lard animals ori
sale tended at MAX Hood strong weight
butchers moved largely around 4t-K4jJa.
Mlaaepella tarala Market.
May. n.6tl.4: July," 31 OS1!! at1.
Cash: No. I hard. tl 5,; No. I northern,
Will lean on aacurlly requlr,
lag apaclal Investigation
ar close ' aapervlalon, and
hot avallahl for bank loans.
Large anterpriee flnaooad:
rrtmit lnvugatlon e 1
acuiity offered, whatever
It character a r location.
aTarw TOAK SS trroal Street
ralIXAD3:3VP3UA Xaafayatt Blag.
CtUCAHO.rirM Slatl Baak Blag.
Tan Cm . Cat Out 12&gS&Si$X!Z
Will cltu t bVh oAf hfvavtitulr, ud jm
work tha kor mm nmfToo Doi
boui.6Trr4. Book 4 C f r. T
ABHOHBINK, JH-, llgiBMt tof
unkind, rvid mtymmi w rirMAfaifit Km a
wMattiatft tnrd HntclfS or LKvaMDts, .WitivM
Mm Mv Glvn4t, 0)ttr3, Wiu, CrM. Allarf
pulDqaJcklr. PrU tI-Dd PAt bot
fte tU Ttsfit or ttoitTt9rtkl. win toU tarn moi4
R na wrtTx MiBrjJfetrwi ao)y br
.V0UI(.r.B.r IM TM9to tt prt$tH, Ma
s. r.
4 M
Xa. Av. .
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4t IB ... 4 41
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Nost modern equipment
and the best of service
The man with an office
now demands the most
exacting care and con
veniences. The Bee
- Illlllrre
is situatf?d in the heart of the commercial district of
Omaha and gives tenants the best office service to be had.
Hie elevators are new and their service is faultless. Keen
janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while
a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the
coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated.
The man .who .wants the greatest conveniences and the
best of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in
this building now. ' ! ' .
aVeeaa tfrt Reception Room. Private Office, two large closet, large work
room with two-north window. Ideal office for Engineer, Architect,
a Doctor er other professional men. Rental, per month MtVOg
B This t a long narrow room, llxltl.
Reatal. per m on tit
having a north light
aa 430 Has a north and east exposure- It4xt4bj m star, with a tire,
proof vault in corner of room. Thl apace win subdivide Into three
good alaed office and max excellent quarter ror any ana needing
thla amount of space. Reatal price, per month t6M
tit Uj-bt, light, plenty of It In thla room, three Urge window.
Thla apace la 14x1- with an'eatry way 4x7. Aa exceptionally low
rental at, per month $14V40
Asoax sit Having 221 square feet make very pleasant office; having
aaa eaa paw ai.a ieia urmr raTDBOX B(Tt aiU t U bUHUrtg.
nana mr laewwn a aivnaa
The Bee Buading Co., -
Be BmIbsis Offict. 17th tiul Farnam Sti