Lookinj Backward This Day in Omaha Wnj-J autwTea thii Ac -See Sdlteilal Page at each luu The Omaha DAILY; Bee WEATHER FORECAST. Fair, Colder vol. xij xo. iso. OMARA, . "WEDNESDAY MORXIXG, JANUARY 24, 1912-WHTEEN PAGES. ; 8LXGLE " COPY TWO CENTS. .48. 1 V TRAINMEN TELL OP I.C. COLLISION Condactor of Firrt Train Testifies Warned Flagman and Depended on Him to Stop Limited. DfVxiTIGATIoir IS STARTED Fint Witnesses Testify of Uniform Soles for Employes. ENGINEER OF FLYER OH STAND Says Steam Prevented Seeing Tail Lights of Express. WOULD HAVE NOTICED A FUSE ' Braised and Battered Pilot at Tsala Which Killed Railroad Oflelals Say Vu enable ta Stop la Ttsee. CHAMPAIGN. III.. Jan. S.-Investlga-tlon o ftha lllinola Central wreck at Kinmundy opened this afternoon at the Hotel eRardsley In Champaign. Dean Cosso of the University of Illi nois college of Engineering. O. I Pet tinjrer ot Centralla, a lifelong friend of J. F. Harahan. one of the four victims of tlu) wreck, and repreaentatlres of the Interstate Commerce commission and of the state railroad and warehouse com mission wera members of the board of Inquiry. 1 Chief Engineer Berry of the Rock Isl and railroad waa a too a member because of the deaths of Rock Island attaches tn the wrack. W. R. Knox. Inspector; E. H. Baker, a veteran .conductor, and A. J. Jurgenson, train dispatcher, of Fultdn. Ky., mem bers of the board of examiners, were the opening witnesses. They described in da- tiiil the methods used tn Instructing the employes In train rules. Th road sent a test car over the entire1 system from July to September, they said. Their testimony waa for the purpose of shotting uniform rules on th entire sys tem. ' John If. Bralnard, conductor of tha ax I' res train to which tha wrecked private car wa (attached, then described tha wrecking of the car by tha Panama Lim ited. Bralnard said that ha had cautioned his flagman at Kfflnghaa to look out for tha Panama Limited, as that train waa following the express closely. Bralnard said that his train reached Klnmudy at li:!4 o'clock. Th Panama, limited was due there In five minutes. lie said that h looked out tha door of th baggag car while the engineer Was taking water and saw the headlight of tha limited approaching. He did not worry, he said, as be had confidence in the flagman. He was as tounded to learn later that the flagman had not gone back more than sixty feet before the crash came, Harry J. Boecker, the flagman of the express, was next ex a mined. - He described hi. attempt ta flag the Panama limited ad said: "I waa scared when I looked back and saw the headlight. I did not run back wore than KO feet. 1 swung my danger lantern.. The-train seemed to be three quarters of a mile away." Boecker admitted that Conductor Braln ard had cautioned him about the limited, which had walled at Effingham until the express had got out of the way. He felt sure that he bad run bark mora than sixty feet, but said It was difficult to make time over the tracks. He also felt that he could accomplish more by 'quick signalling than by running fax back. 1 1 Robert Stuart, engineer f the Panama limited, was a spectacle when- he took the stead. His 'face was' a mass of wounds. He said: "I could not see the tell lights of train No. 3t (the express) because of the stesm. 1 saw only the west light and supposed It waa the Interlocker signal. It was too late to slow up when I saw the danger lamps.. I could hare seen a fuse for miles. I could have stopped In SCO feet more. I had shut off steam to comply with the slowup order at Klnmudy." . The testimony of the engineer demol ished the Inefficient airbrake story. He raid that his appliance was working Per fectly. "l Engineer Stuart waa questioned closely also by the representatives of ,tbe Inter state Commerce commission and of the mate Railroad commission regarding the condition of the airbrake system. "The airbrakes were all right, the , engineer reiterated emphatically. "Is It not a fact that you were running (Continued on Second Page.) I The Weather ' For Nebraska Fair: colder. For Iowa Fair; colder. Temperatures at Oxaaha esterdsy. Hour. - Degree! -sn II I t e a. m z Osaorv a m 2 ' L a-m X AY M a. m 30 Tsfcii:. c-f 1' - " YLLu. ATN If u m 7 fc NM I i p- m a ' lL sW"V -l t p. m W lAi Aw. -c-k- Ip.ni The National Capital Tuesday, January S3, 1IX. The Senate. In session 1 s. ra. Bill passed transferring to new slate all federal furnishings la Anion capnoi. Senator Burton. Ohio, introduced reso lution I create committee oa public ex penditures. Labor committee beard J. T. Monoghan of Detroit In opposition to Hughe'' eight-hour law for government contract. i The Home. I Vet st noon. District of Columbia appropriation bill was considered. . President Farrell of tbe I'nlted Statea Steel corporation again teetirted on cost of steel production before steel trust In vestigating committee. Chairman Hardwlck announced the sugar trust Investigating committee hoped to report within a week. Khar discussion wss expected In demo cratic caucus this afternoon over con sideration of public building bill. The rules committee deferred hearing In "money trust" until Wednesday. The Civil Service commission considered plan to extend civil service to deputy In ternal revenue collectors. - - Foreign affairs committee heard vari ous interests regarding ereeler water power development at Niagara mis. President Nelson of Poslofflce Clerks' federation advocated eight-hour da be fore poslofflce Committee. Letter of Missionary Tells of Escape from Mob of Chinese SIOUX" FALLS, i. D-, Jan. ' SJ.-(Spe-ciaU Lawrence Beck man of Fairview has received from his brother, Richard Beckman, for fourteen years a mission ary In China, the Strat letter written by toe missionary since bis wife and daugh ter were killed by a Chines mob. Tbe leng Interval between the killing and the receipt of the letter was one of anxiety to the South Dakota relatives and friends of the bereaved missionary and It had been feared that he, too, had been killed The absence of authentic news of or from him seemed to point to this. But the receipt of the letter proves that he and his youngest child, whose life he personally saved from the mob, were alive and well on November 15, last, when tbe last section of the letter just received was written. Th first part of the letter waa dated October 27, but owing to the fact that It wee Impossible to mail It, more was added to It from time to time until November IS, when It finally waa mailed. The mission where the Beck mans were stationed Ilea just outside the city of Sbeng-Fu and la surrounded by a wall eight or ten feet high. The letter re ceived from Richard Beck man state that at about 1 o'clock In the morning of Oc tober SI the mob attacked the mission. The oldest Beck man child, Belma, aged 14. and a missionary named Vatne, suc ceeded In gtttlng over the wall and kept sliced of their pursuers for a time, but finally wera captured -and murdered at .a point about eight mile from the mission. la tb meantime those rataalelng within the walla hid ibsrnsalvca la a small building -Mewevec, alter all tb building had been set on fir part of the mob lined up around the wall while the re maining members renewed . the bunt. Whan discovered the Beoktcana made a dash for liberty. Mrs. Beck man waa over taken -and killed, but Beckman, with their youngest child In his arms, suc ceeded In escaping to a nearby orchard. where he hid by standing -hi deep watr. II was bunted Ilk a wild animal, but finally escaped to the city. The letter states that the Beckman dead were burled November 1. The parents of Vatne. the missionary wlu lost hi life while striv ing to save the Beckman girl, reside at Cooperstown, N. D. HARVESTER AND STEELT OUTS Farrell Asserts Two Traits Hare Had Ho Dealings for Fire or v Six Tears. SALESMEN'S DISPUTE THE CAUSE International Has Boycott on United States Steel Corporation. DENIES CHARGE OF MONOPOLY President of Huge Combine Says it is Hot Possible. :; Fair;Warning- - Hitchcock Denies Misunderstanding , With the President WASHINGTON, aJn. .-"! am for Taft as strong as a -man can be." de clared Postmaster General Hitchcock at the White House today. I did not realise until a day or two ago how far these stories about my alleged differences with the president had gone. I probably shall have something to say on the subject." Mr. Hitchcock manifested great Indig nation that his loyalty had been questioned. It Is an insult for any one to think that I have been disloyal to th presi dent." said the postmaster general at the conclusion of - the cabinet meeting. "I cannot conceive bow any friend of mine could believe such a report. I have never had a misunderstanding with the presi dent and do not know where all these reports have come from.' Comparative L . . . a Highest yesterday... lowest yesterday... Mean temperature... Precipitation Temperature and lures from normal: Normal temperature......... Kxress for the day Total excess since March L Norma precipitation Deficiency Tor the day 4 p. in.... 5 p. m ... ( p. m... 7 p. m.... S p. ro ... ml Heewrd. WI lil. Hit. .... 40 n i; .... 2 n 17 34 .... 34 14 32 44 -.. . ,4 . . precipitation depar- St 14 m .! Inch .01 inch Total rainfall since March 1... .14-11 Inches Deficiency since March I lltl Inches Ivficlency cor. period tn 1Me..U.ut Inches Excess for cor. period In 1XB ... i.3 inches Restrts frwaa Itatleas at T P. If. Station and state Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m, est. fall. Iavenport, cloudy S as .on lenver. Hear 44 W . e Moines, cloudy M T 1 lodge City, clear M . t Aiwier. cloudy 2 ? en North Platte, dear M xs .en Omaha, cloudy M 4 . ' pueblo, clear M . Rapid City, cloudy....... . tlt Lake, cloudy 4 44 . Mania Fe, dear a 2 . Kheridan. part cloudy.... 3 4 .4)0 Xioux City, cloudy M M . , Valentine, cloudy......... 3 43 jrl Police Take Up Boys ;Wandenng on Street Leo and Walter Darting, two boya aged S and 1 years, found wandering on the street at an ' early hoar v this morning, told the police they with their mother bad been ordered out of the premises at lost Burt street yesterday because they failed to pay their board. - Inquiry at tbe Burt street place brings a denial that the boya were turned out. The woman who conducts the rooming house there says that last evening the boys were creating a disturbance la the hallway, much to the annoyance of other roomers, and that she scolded them. It was then that they left the piece. The woman also, declares that the mother of the boys baa not been home more than three days out of the week or more since she engaged the room. IRISH FACTIONS MAY CLASH FOR POSSESSION OF HALL BELFAST. Jan. H- The corporation of th dty has agreed to let Ulster hall to tha unionists for th purpose of a demonstration on February 7, the day preceding tb date at which Winston Spencer Ch-jrchlll. first lord of the ad miralty, and Jihs E. Bednveod, leader of the Irish naUonalisu la the House of Commons, are announced " to speak In favor of home rule. The unionist meeting Is believed to be a scheme by which the unionists will retain possession of the ball and thus keep the nationalbrta from holding their demonstration on the next day. EXPORT TRADE IS NOT VITAL Asserts that It le et Parpese at the Cerparatlea ta Attesspt ta seeare leatrel ( Foreign Baalne. WASHINGTON. aJn. St-James A. Far rell, president of the United States Steel coiDoartlon, surprised the Stanley steel trust Investigating committee today with the statement that the steel corporation and the International Harvester company have had no dealing with each other fcr a period of five or six years. The information, coming dh the ev of a proposed Investigation o tthe harvester company by congTeas, in which It Is sought to show as tone existing condition that the harvester company and tha steel corporation have interlocking directors and that the later gives rebates to the former on steel, was doubly surprising. Representatlvs ilcQllllouddy of Maine questioned President Farrell about the export business of ths steet corporation and rebates given to certain companies. "Isn't It a fact that the harvester com pany gets larger rebates than are granted to smaller concerns" Mr. McGllllcuddy asked. "W bav done no business whatever with tbe International Harvester company for fire or six years," Mr. Farrell re plied. "Tbe International Harvester com pany has had av boycott on thla corpora tion. It al grew out of a controversy with one of our subsidiary companies and the harvester company. It-started as a mere quibble between salesmen and resulted In a - complete severance of buainess rela tions. - There Is nothing In common be tween us. Ws don't do business with tllem i Among the board of directors of the United State Steel corporation srs El bert H. Gary, George F. Baker, Oeorge W. Perkins and Norman B. Ream, all of whom also are directors of the Inter national Harvester company. Mr. Gary Is chairman of th board of tbe United States Steel corporation and Mr. Par kins Is chairman of the finance commit tee of the International Harvester company. President Farrell waa Interrogated at length, relstlve to a reported Interna tional ergsnlaaUen. sf steal nwautMr urers to control th price of steel rails. He explained that European nssneriwa. urers bad such an .rgaaltatloti. but the United States Steel corporation was not a party to It. ' ' ' i Asked by. Mr. Brail- If officials of the steeel corporation, when they decided to change prices, were . not bound to tell their competitors President Farrell an swered In the negative. "There Is no understanding that such notification should be given," he con tinued. "Whenever a change of price Is mads competitors find it out In ten min utes. If I should meet a competitor on th street or at lunch 1 would not heal, tat to tell him that we were going to make a change In policy, It on had been decided upon. President Farrell denied, In response to questions by Chairman Stanley, that the Steel corporation gave any rebates or discounts to the Standard Oil company on tin plates for cans. "The minutes of the Carnegie com pany," Mr. Stsnley said, "show that -rebates were given the Standard Oil company on tin plates." "Before, or after the formation of the steel corporation?" Attorney Reed naked. "Afterward," the chairman said. "Since I hare been president of the steel corporetlon," Mr. Farrell said, "all tin plate haa, been sold to the Standard Oil companyandall ether companies at a flat price." Representstlve Gsrdner sought sn explanation of the fact that the price of standard steel rails hsd remained at S3 per ton for ten years when the price of all other steel products had fluctuated. Mr. Farrell explained that the S3 figure for years had been regarded as a fair price and because the cost of manu facture of rails had steadily Increased no one would lower the price. "But why don't you raise the price?" Mr. Gardner asked. "I believe that the prion will be raised." Mr. Farrell responded. "I think It will not remain at 2S a ton much longer. The Republic Iron and Steel company,' which has a rail mill, baa never operated It be cause It thought the price did not bring a fair return." The steel ' corporation president ex plained that tbe United States 8teel Prod ucts company, the subsidiary company handling the foreign business of the cor poration, owned a steamship line known ss the Isthmian Steamship company, which they -were forced to build because they could get none of the ' steamship lines to hsndle their products to countries of Central America. Th export profit of the steel corpora tion had Increased, he said, from $H,)S,M In ltt4 t SSS.OUO.OO. in 1911. President Farrell completed his testi mony today. Tomorrow Richard H. Gray of San Francisco will be a witness. He will charge that " th steel corporation caused him to lose valuable armor plate contracts. Emphatic denial that the United States Steel corporation Is a "monopoly as charged" was made by President Farrell. He declared It was not th purpose of the corporation "to gobble the export trade of the world at any cost." "A monopoly of the Iron and steel trade in this country." said Mr. Farrell, "le neither possible nor desirable. There Is so monopoly or anything approaching it. Since the steel corporation was organ ised there has been much new capital attracted to the industry and many fur naces bare bee built which are not con trolled by the steel corporatlon. "It Is charged that tae corporation is seeking to drive other countries out of m . . ' ' : - ' JEW.' V i ilass : . . "How, dont let me have .to speak to-you again!" From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. , .. , i . . . ONE MILLION ALIENS 'ARRIVE Figores Taken From Report of Com missioner of Immigration. '' " " NEARLY HALF OF THEM' LEAVE Official gays Methods fjAdaalale. tea I lea of thlaeee. Kxrlaslea Laws Sheeld Be'-lss- , - " proved. . :;- (Continued on Secocd Page.), WASIIINGTONVJsn.'a-Msny Chinese laborers have foiled the United States Im migration authorities within the laat year, gaining admission to the country In th gules of merchants, student, or teachers. according to tbe annual report of Daniel J. Keefe, commissioner general of tmml gratlon. . . - ' i. . Mr. Keefe ell. attention to "th un satisfactory condition of tbe . sorcalled Chinese exclusion laws, and the necessity (or extensive changes In the system under which It Is sought to prevent the Intro duction of Chinee labor srs Int. Uteonan. try, and t. Mk ensy tb earning an going of ejasee which tht law dees net miena to exciuae. , f . , . ; Th report shol that furl! Ill MM fiscal year-1.0N.VK) aliens, of. various na tionalities entered th. country. Of these 1AU7J came for temperary purposes ,hnt. During the same period Ux,lu alien left the United Slates, -of whom rS.M wars temporary departure. Th net gain -In population by immigration therefore was tvM. ":,"' Th. commissioner general suggests that ther be applied' to aliens coming to per form labor a physical standard similar to that required of recruits for the army and navy. ' , ' ".-';.' . . v It also Is suggested that the law 'be made much more ' rigid . wltlr respect to Induced Immigration, and thst the penal provisions be strengthened. ladarea Migration Frees Meslee. A phase of Induced Immigration which has been rapidly Increasing canelets of tbe practice of certain corporations In the middle and far west to employ Mexican laborers. Thousand of these laborers are annually Induced to come Into the United States, say the report, not by direct mesne which can be made tbe bails of a prosecution, but indirection and subter ruge by disseminating" In Mexlca general Information-to -the effect that-.work oan be secured by crossing th border and applying to labor agehrle located on the American (Id who are engaged In secur ing laborers for ths railroad companies, mine operators and others, tbe cost of their procuremeats being deducted from the first wage earned by this cheap etas of unskilled laborer. Every possible ef fort bss been exerted to aratroi this sit uation, but with only fair success. It la shown that during the year 4.X2 Japanese were admitted to the mainland and 2,1 j. to Hawaii. Compared with the preceding year there waa an Increase of 4S per cent for the mainland and 41 per cent for Hewer). ' Regarding Japanese of the laboring classes,, to whom the most Interest attaches, only 78 were admitted to the .main land and 1.7s) to Hawaii, while X.K1 departed from the mainland and LSsf from Hawaii.' , Hew Chines Evade Law. The methods adopted by Chinese to evsde the exclusl6n..law are so compli cated as te beggar description. , They ex tend all the way from crossing the" land boundaries In sealed freight cars or be ing packed away If tbe hotde of vessels and landing under cover-of darkness. Two favorite devices tor' Introducing young coolies consist vf 'the claim that the applicant kt the minor son of a mer chant, or was bora la this country, or Is the son bora abroad of a Chinaman In this country and ' therefore a clttnn; and although the officers may be morally certain these claims sre false. It Is dif ficult te disprove them. Of "minor sons" 43 entered during tbe year, and of "na tives" LSSS- Moat of these are ordlnsry coolies. Regarding those who have en tered on claim of dtlxenshlp. It Is shown that the average for the last three years haa been 1.4S per year. Using these fig ures as a baste. It it calculated that unless the law Is strengthened la some manner, or present conditions raaieriaily change, tbe next decade will witnees th entry to tb United State en dtlsenehlp claim alone of ever 66, oa. Chinee. Chk-aee Broker Kills Rtaserlf. CHICAGO, Jan. SL Fred H. Weaver, an Independent trader on the Board of Trade, committed soidd by ' shooting while In a park In Evaneton laat alght Hls body was found early today. Friends said be bad been ui.der nervous strais Court Refuses to -Quash the Bath Tub': "Combine" Bills DETROIT. Jan.-llludfs' Angell.-ln the United State court, refused today -.to quash the Indletmenre ' egsinst- tbe so called bath tub i trust. The motion 'to quash was made In behalf of the Col well Lead company ot New. Terk. . The derision, reinstates the' caes, which' la scheduled to corns -up .for ' trial ' her Tuesday, January la. .There era about tw aeore dsfendanta '. j ; . ,'. , "I sea no reason to suppose that In delivering It. opinion. In' the Standard Oil case the supreme court "of the United States Intended to renderimposelble erlm-h-wl prosecutions' udder -the Sherman. act and-1 am-unable te conclude that It did render them Impossible," said Judge' An gell. ' '-' ' -,-. i-v - i As te ths averment that the Indictments did net stats that th alleged restraint of trade - Is unreasonable or. endue, Judge Angetl Hid' that- th. Indictments - art out facts showlhg thf the alleged restraint w unreasonable and fh tt-4Jtlgm was fairly drled aaHd whut'lt has to meet at the trial. 4 V "' WASHINGTON.. -n,' ..fcowia P. Orosvrnnr, special iagtattrpi "39 tha -at torney geser,,. Mil ,.evs ,J Omrott soon to fK dial' of trie prosecution pf th hath tub'itrust eassj ririrent of Justfc. official wr elated at the -failure ot tit. defendant, to-hav. Indictment" quashed. 11 '.- , ,i( r,i ., EdgarVS. Cooke. Files ,; Suits'Agalnst the' : , Big Eour.Eailroad CINCINNATI.' O., ' Js." S. -Attorneys for r.disr Street Cooke of Chicago filed two additional' suits today asking SM.111 In damage, against' a former county prosecutor, Henry T.'.Hnrit, now "mayor or Cincinnati, and the Big "Four lull read company charging that . he waS" ma liciously persecuted and libeled In con nection wHh his arrest In the case. of Charles L. Warrtner, former treasurer of the Big- Four railroad, - who confessed to embessllng SM3.0M of the ( company's funds. ' ' ' lna' salt rl.nsdaniages' filed late yesterday against the Big Four Railroad company and Its general counsel. U J Hackney, ; Cooke asked for $ll,, Fourth Oklahoma on j Record for Mr. Taft COLGATE, Okl., Jan. a-The , republi can convention of the Fourth congres sional district of Oklahoma went on rec ord tonight bye a .vote of US to SI as fevering the renoml nation of President Taft.' ':'',' J. H. Humphreys, an avswed supporter of President Taft. was Mecatfsd elected temporary chairman after .contesting' the vote-which ba4,bcoaaauMBeed favorable to the election of A." T? Bullock1. -Speculation ss to reported efforts of Chairman A. vE. Perry ot the Fourth 00a- greeslonal district to secure national con vention delegate pledged for Theodore Roosevelt aa republican presidential nom inee waa clarified .before the convent Ion today when Perry's friends declared their Intention of electing Roosevelt delegstek to the Chicago convention. ; Twenty-Seven Hurt . in Wreck at Cote COTE. Saskatchewan. Jan. SS- Twenty seven persons were injured when the Canedtsn Northern railway s Edmonton to Winnipeg express went ever anient baakment here today. " Cote Is tn miles northwest of Winnipeg. ' i M'KINLEY ESTATE GOES TO MISS MARY BARBER COLUMBUS. O., Jan. St By a 'deci sion of the supreme - court today the direct heirs of former President McKtn ley cannot participate In bis estate, which .goes to Mrs. Mary Barber, sister? In-law to the former president. Mr. Mc Ktaley' will provided that the estate be held by his. wife during her lifetime; On her death the estate was taken charge of by th wife's sistsr. wne resisted ef forts of the children of Mr. McKfnley's brothers and sisters te obtain It. W.y. BRYAN UPHOLDS WILSON Takes Side of Governor of New Jer sey Against Harney. EDITOR . NOT .CHANGED WATS Sebraaka Peerless Leader nay Chat ' tag Off 'of Inrasabraeeee la Geed Riga aad la Far' Fran' hewing lagrallted. . , LINCOLN', 'Neb.. Jan. tl-WIIIIsm J. Bryan takes the. side of Omernor Wood row. Wilson. In hie controversy with Colonel Harvey, and Henry Wattsrson. Justifying in action of the New Jersey governor In requesting that his name be withdrawn from the columns of Hsr pere' Weekly, rn a letter sent from the east, made publlg her tonight Mr. Bryan sayt ' ., "Th recent ' break between Governor Wilson and Colonel Harvey Illustrates tbe Impossibility of ee-operatlon between man who leak at publK quest ion tram different palms, of view. Colonel Harvey her . stlPponer at Mr. Wilson when he' was sHeoted kl the democrat! eandl- dete W-governor of New Jersey and he ernilreed ' lis suppdrt wnen Ooverrtor Wilson ee.an to be discussed as a eandl. dale tar-the presMerKy, Ol eouree, tt la absurd lor Colonel Hkrvev'.- friends to talk; about his bringing Governor Wll. son out.' Ne man or paper could have made Governor Wilson available as a can didate It he-had Dot himself attracted attention;, It .would, have been Impossible for . Colonel Harvey to have prevented a discussion of doremor Wilson', aall ablllty.. ... ... .... .... . .... - "But-let us assume that CMonel Harvey wa. doing all that he could for his choice, what was the situation?- His-caneplcuoue support was not- only of no advantage, but If became actually a disadvantage,; It did not bring to Governor Wilson the clss for. which Colonel Harvey sprk, but alienated men Just as honest as Colo nel Harvey's friends, who could net under- stsnd why Colonel . Harvey, praised Gov ernor.. Wilson personally without nedors- Ing the things for which Governor Wilson standa It naturally aroused suspicion as to the sincerity of one or the other, and when Oovemor Wilson wae asked the question he admitted that he regarded the support of Colonel Harvey as a lia bility', rather than as an asset. Should he have . pretended that he thought that Colonel Harvey was helping him when he wa not? "And why should Colonel Harvey com plain? ' If be really favors Ooverno Wil son he must desire to aid him; why should he be offended then at Governor Wilson's frankness? Is he more Interested In be ing known as The man who made Gov ernor Wilson -famous than In advancing Governor Wilson's cause? "Colonel Harvey haa shown no signs of conversion;, if. he commune, with Ana ntee It: is, not . with any eonseiousneaa of.'ljlindenss. . lte.has seea no new light: and when j he , does. he. will feel so ashamed! of bur lifelong tight against progressive' democracy that hi first de sire wllljbe.to bring forth fruluv meet for repentance-not to assume leadership. It must pain Oovemor Wilson to break with! oid. friends, but the breaks must necesatily-oome. unless he turns back or they. go. forward. 'A man la known by the company he keeps' and he cannot keep company- with those going In oppo site directions.' Governor Wilson must prepare himself for other desertions; they. - will . distress him. but . there la abundint consolation of duty well done. Reyplutionin ...Ecuador is Ended ',WASHI.-TON. Jan. SL-Artlcles of peaoe; 'bringing to an end the revolution Ip1 Ecuador, have beta signed by the lead ers of the federal troops and the revolu tionists at Guayaquil, It wis officially reported te the State department today from the American consul there. CARNEGIE GETS HIS PAY FOR TESTIFYING WASHINGTON. Jan. Si-Andrew Car negie has been paid tor the testimony be cave tbe Steel trust - investigating committee. When an the stand Mr. Car acals said be would net take the money, but later, a duly attested .voucher with the Ironmaster's signature attached was received from New Tork. Payment was refused bwauee a notarial seal was emitted. Th voucher In proper form waa received today and a check for 122. 0 was remitted" to Mr. Carnegie by return mail. MAKCHUS DECIDE TO RESUME FIGHT Premier After Consulting Empress Dowager Concurs in Resumption of Hostilities., mm. ABDICATION IDEA ABANDONED Princes Will Sink Differences and Try to Raie Funds. Wm -AWAIT REVOLUTIONISTS First Campaign Till Re Fonght on the DefentiTt,. MONGOLIANS OFFER TO AID Priarr Haaa Sar He Will Kale - Fifty Tkeasaad Troops br Sell. lag Treasnres la Palaew at Makden.' " ' PEKING.' Jsx Jt-P-emler Yuan Shi Kal secretly visited the Imperial palace early this morning and concurred with the empress dowager In favor of a re sumption of hostilities. He suggested that the Msnchus sink their difference whole-heartedly and provide th neces sary funds for the campaign, but advised awaiting the advance of tbe revolution aries. ' v "Tbe emprees dowager, after fully weighing the opinions by the prince of 7 the Imperial dan , and leading Mancfcu.. officials during yesterday's conference at tha palace, la ; inclined to think that th resumption of ' hostilities !a th onlr solution of the: preetnt situation." This statement was mad today la th , North China Dally News, which always ' Is regarded ss an organ of tbe foreign boatT In Peking.. It is understood that Premier Tuaa Shi I Kal hss agreed to fight for th throne. It la believed, however, that be will await Sn stack by the rebels, Tli foreign legations, on the other I hand, consider that the abdication of that throne be. been deferred onty for a I time. General via la Central. LONDON, Jan. tt-Th affaire ot state at Peking are now In the undisputed pos session of the Manchu reactionaries and , Tuaa Shi Ksl has abandoned his task, ac- . cor Jlng to advices received by the' Anter-, lean eontul at Tin Tln and reported ' from that elty today by the correspond- -ent of th Exchange Telegraph company. The dispatch addV; "The sit us tlon to Peking has undergone n extraordinary change. The Imperial family has reversed its policy snd aban doned all thought ot abdication. Yuan , Shi Kal has stepped aside' and the whole control Is lit th hands of General Yin ' Tchang, w .was credited a tew days ago with rsoemendtng general massacre . I th. !hta br ths Uanrtiui. y in Tchang assumes an attitude at nrsrutetei toward I he rev olutionary lead ers and la said to n preparing lo reeum hostuitles. It Is reported thai htt nege tlatkins whleh bsva been g.aig oa with .view to abdication have been sum marily brok.rwoff.".- - . Mongolians Will AM. ' Prince Kung.-the leader of th Mon golian antLabdlcatlonlsts, haa offered to raise M.Mtl troops lo assist In keeping th Manchu dynas'y on the Chinese throne, according to a dispatch from Tien Tain. The money 'to finance the campaign Is to be raised by selling th gold end silver treasures In the Imperial palace at Muk. den. wh eh are valiMVal 10,J,ol taela (approximately f7,s,oo. , - All la quiet In Peking, acconMng to tha earn dispatch, but fighting la tha elty and the surrounding districts is believed to be Inevitable shortly. . Report tonflraie la Washington. WASHINGTON. Jan. -Confirmatory of cab advices the . Stste department today received a report .that at a neset inc ot th Manchu princes In Peking; laat night It was "decided not to abdicate, hut to leave the question of form of goesra. mant ta a aettoaej convention properly called." . . . i Th dispatch stated that thare waa gret excitement among th native of Peking. - " ' KENTUCKY STARTS BOOM . -FOR HENRY WATTERSON . FRANKFORT. Ky.. Jan. a DeclarlnS . . .. u.-. is Kentucky a tnai news " -- - . choice for the democratic presldantlal nomination, members 01 --.. - ot the Kentaoky tegisiaiure k through with a whoop a resolution In viting Mr. wattsrson . u - - v,. .arm. Mr. Wattsrson is now la Washington and had Intended leasing 'next week tor norma. i -e the remainder ot the whiter. . RUELBACH AND M'INTYRE . . TO BE SOLD TO MINORS r-mnarin jar. U. Pitcher Ruelbach and Mclntvr of the Chicago Natmnala are slated to go to th minors. Wslrers on them bav been grameo oy au ins .--.1 1 i-n e4ubs. according to an nDiwwi " announcetcent made today fy President 1 urpny. - Boxes of O'Brien's Candy " -and Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks Olvea aw.y each day la tbs want ad ta thorn f la diss their nam.. - . ' Read tb went ads caca ar. It you don't get a prixe you will probably fiad Mme thiac advertised that appgat to Each day then prirs ar .ffered. bo puuies te sol re aa Subscriptions to get nothing bat tindins roar Bama. U wlii Kpsii nsuj tim.