TT1E BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 3. 1912. OFFERED FOR KALE. r I V DUetUuHu, g SAFES. DEfUOHT, 1S rinum St N NEW undisturbed phonograph ree rd. M cent each: also lew twk ea fe lt t. tl . SMt AT". A. -Wtncil Blutft I. 4 CORDS dry nood. H mil west of rort Omaha. Web. 1PM. BOW blue grass now on the enow and have laiee velvet -awn- next apnag and ummer. THE NEBRASKA. SEED CO.. Tel Douglas UL Ml Howard St. HIGH grade asahoeany piano; halt price. Addreae Q. Hal. Bee. MEN'S fur lined ev ro jet, coat for BO. Feldm-n Misfit Parior. !M N. 17th. TWO pool tablet. good, sale, box -. Alva. Neb. FERSOXAt A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTIOS AND RESULTS. Does not spread the ruirtor open In ternally aa cosvrx pad da. Write (or booklet. THE TYRRELI. TRUSS CO.. Vm Broadway. New yortt City. rem. and repair ail K.rM of evvum machines, lnd. AIMS-, Douglas lOB. NEBRASKA CTCH- CO, Hth and Harney St a. MA-lAlti Swedish movement: not bint better for rheuma-lsm: ladles. 11: ten lie men. 0 SO. Apt. 2. lw Farnam. D. a-. YOUNG women coming to Omaha an trancera are invited to visit tue louns Women a Christian association building at d..ntMnfh - ml At iiirr'i A M Where they will be directed to suitable boarding place, or otherwlss assisted. Look tar our travelers aid at ine union su-uo- lluun, rtiuennouss. x Old Boston Bid. O-DAY BUWU REMEDY. Oladiah Pharmacy. Lith and Podce. f a -N- A fl V t reatment Mrs. Steele aia.OO.HJEj Dodge. Ground floor, MAfiXTli'T. !''""' Brott. VW um..ti--v B ltB 4 n,jr. u. S-SS. THE &ALVAl'lO- AHMl solicits cast eft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and ael). at 1M N. 11th St., for cost of eolleotaw. to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 41S and wagons will call. XT A5i AfiF fcth. salt glow aromatic .Ua.0O-.-.Ur-i tr,-,.,.,. Allen. of Chicago, KB a. i;tl St.. 1st floor. D.VM-. -,l.b... nu.s, suns to hire. k.14 How d. Ladles Uuai-n.eo. Remedies, tut Ware Uk. SWEDISH au-aage. for rbeumatlas-. muscles. Joints. diseases. Karaleo Toa seth, only Omaha masseur graduate In Sweden. Om. Nat l Bank. Doug. 1798. I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Klteee Kg Kers. (.stgmjd) W. H. ROGERS. MASS A. (J F, iBJ"d"' has changed atrea Swedish massage, also vibrator and radiator treatment-. -4 Bee Bldg. Ked MCs, Evenings U. i-eO, for. appoluunente. POUI.TRT AKTJ PET STOCK LARGE, thrifty, Light Brahmas for bale, old or young; winners of first prise pea at low State Poultry show; eggs la seasoir; prices reasonable, frank John son. Monroe, la. Pedigree male Persians kittens, liar, JfWJ TOR SALE White poodle pups. Earl Parker, till N. JSth Are. Phone Webster i-t, REAL ESTATE t'lLDEKS IMrORMATlOK. Electric gaa fixture. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co.. and Cuming. Puchs. Son 4 hilpu. deco.ating. CITY PROPERTY fOH SALE. "$1,750 en? N. JTlh St., t-roorn cottage, par lor, dining room, kitchen and two nice bedrooms, big pantry ; all on one floor, nloely papered and decorated, latest iii-tu-dats electric light futures, gaa, dlv water, twa lull lota, bearing fruit trees; cherries, dam-on plums; good coal louse. 10x1s, hen house; Is on grade: west front: two blocks from, car, a good place to raise ohlckens. Close to a good school. Can Wetejter 68-4 for particular--. THia piece for sale, S7s Harney L; muM leave town at one. 'rkoo Doug- ibs sua L II I 1 U h-ai-a. k-kth . , . -..1 L i i.v Aim. tance. tl.-0. Webster OUR U-TTtr. duplicating work Is un. excelled. A trie! will convince you Both 'phones. Western iHiptlcatlng Ce sflg Bee. HOIISR, 1 lots, near car, tm WIlsonT eSlt Corby. Thousands of people have found the home they were . looking for among Ilia real . estate sds on The Bee want T ad page. The nome you want to sell can be disposed , of quickly at cost of only a few cents ttirouglt Be want ads. A NEW' HOME for rent or sale; th owner has moved to Denver and th property can be bought right. It you want something good, get busy, Toland & Wiley 441 Be Bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT. Two double brick epartmentc of II apan-oeAU. each renting for 11400 per annum. Worth flOo.OJO. Redueed to ViknHU for quick aula; fl&,000 caah, t-t OOO in g&wJ land, balance mortgage. This will pay 16 per cent on Lnveaunent. Must be sold te dose op partnership at once. Write West. R. E. Co., 411 Ksrbach Blk., Omaha I SELL real estate In any location; price right; term to cult Mr. Myrtle Duel, t&l N. Mlh St.. or 'phone Webster ACBEAUE FOR SALE Acre Tracts W have lilted with u for a QTHCX SALE ty .a NON-RESIDENT OWNER. Ill best bargain roar ever saw In a 5-acre tract of land. It Is located Just serosa th line In Sarpy county, where tsxes are aomlnaL Has a FIRST-CLASS SIX ROOM HOUSE, well and cistern, good barns and; splendid vine yard and censldersbls other fruit. Tins BARGAIN Will not test long. Whoever sees tt first wlii buy It sura. O'Neil's Real Estate & Insurance Agency ttOS farnam St-, OaoahA. 413 N. Mlh St., Sonth Omaha. . Both phones. GOrtj So-ACRE PLACE ebout one mile from city limit. 1. miles of ear line; new timber soil, the finest kind of garaen land, suitable for any pur pose: nearly new 4-rooc. house and barn; I acre grapes: excellent road to city. K.OSX mrr term. M'GKK HKAL. E.STATE CO, ' ICt Pesrl St, Council Bluffs. The ke; t aucceea la bueiness la the fjdtctou and peral stent us f news pa pel advertising RE-Ui ESTATB . FA a ST A BtKCH LASDS FOR t -arlttak talaiatis. Choice vajlev fmi la tracts of H acre or more oat easy tern-s, within 1 te - nulee rrera tne towns aioag the urane iruna Pactfle Railway aetweea Fort Ueorae and Prince Rupert. Write tor booklet de sonbing this wonderful counrry. B. sieve!. District Saks Agent, (a Paxtoa Bldg, Omaha, Neb. CHOICE fruit farms In tracts of acres or snore oa easy term; along the Skeena river near Prince Rupert. Central BrlUeh Colilmbie. Call or write B. Aleves d -strict sale ageat, 431 Paxton Hide Omaha, Nsb. Ca-Urw-els. DON'T WAIT KTVE YKARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FCLL-BKAHINO ORCHARDS. MONET BACK IP NOT SATISFIED. fMto rash and . per aiooth bny five acres with full bearing fruit trees in th famous ' Bidwell orchards at CMC. CaL Payments Include tntere-H and taxes. Tour monev back if not satis fied upon -nveetigatlsn. The BtdaeU Orcharda are th most noted and pro ductive In th wonderful Saeraineni valley of California, lt'a our conftdei-ce In this land that prompts tola generous offer. We've peached, prune, alsnoada, aprleot and Bartlett pears. Buyers railroad fares, sot exceeding fXce will be credited on nurehaae nrice. lAnd ad Join th thriving town of Chlco (14, popuiationi. iKererences: Any nana os Chlco, American National bank of San Francisco and First National bank of San Leandro k Send for valuable tn'or matlon and facts to Bidwell Orchards. Inc.. Chlco. Cal. ITlor.t-a. FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE We are offering Kk 3t and eVacre tract and upwards located In Colu.t-U county cear Lake City, f lortda, M miles west of Jacksonville and only W mile from St. Augustine. This property Is Intersected bv three railroad of national reputatlon. whlcli furnish the best service at reasonable rates to all markets ot th I n'ted states. The climate Is Ideal. Fin farm are now bring worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. Own on of our farms. Investigate our offer. Small cosh payments and surr term. Low rate dally. Tickets good until June 1. ROBT. C. DRL'ESEDOW -t CO. 'Sale Agents) M Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest rang of cropa. All the money crops f th south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church, and school advantages, writ W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. GA. leak. ITS EQUITY t-acre Payette Vall.y Land and orchard company contract, Payette, Idaho, can be had for t-OJ cash If taken by February. 1 want the money. Ad dress K. Ill Bee. Omaha. lews. THE easiest way to find a buyer for J'our farm la to insert a small want ad n th De Moines Capital. Lsrgst cir culation In th slate of Iowa, daily. Tbe Capital Is read by and believed In by the stsndpattere of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit aay other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: tl M per line per month; count sis ordinary words to th Una Addres Dos Moines Cspitsl. Dee Moines, la. MUeearl. , FOtt AI.F seres lmnraved land. To divide estate. I per acre. Address B. A. L. Murpny, Ktrtavtlle. Pio. Nebraska. 10 ACRES, gully, rolling!" miles from market: acres of winter wheat goes with place, fair Improvement, good soil and pric I right; can give term. Toland & Wiley 44 Be Bldg. l-. well Improved, rood land. U mile from station. Dodge county, 11-6 an acre; 6 mile to Fremont; 4S acre fslr Improvement. M In cultivation, t mils rrom riorenc. from Omaha boundary. rn per acre. Win. Nelson, s-S-e Paxton Block. Texas. FOR BALE Texas Panhendl. (4 acrss, I miles Bovtna; goou house, well, etc., HO acre. Shumway, 4144 Parry 81, Chicago. Farmer and land buyers all oer th country ars reading Bee went ads every day and snapping up every bar its. In offered. Rates 1 rents per word If run only one time. 1 per word If run two or raor time consecutively. Write aad mall your d today to Real Estate depart tnent of The Omaha Be. Re sults are sure. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT acres, nsw g-room house, new barn. electric light, and well; I blocka to car Una; rent tm. See us for price ana torm. eiKKiii r a i .Bsijio. d Bee Bldg, Pboms D. t.H. A 1734. REAL ESTATE LOAN9 OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEKa. REAL ESTATE CO, W14 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. WANTED Oily loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith V Co, ltM Farnam St FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. una s. siernti, izii city net i nana mug. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, H.000 to t-uu.'iu. W. U. THOMAS, SOU First Nat'l Bank Bldg flu to HHOO made promptly. F. IX Wead. weed Bldg, ith and Farnam. ""WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. fl A P.VTV TIT? AS Loans, aW and up. Omaha Nat'l Bank LARGE loans, municipal bond a, mort gages bought and uld. HTl-LL BROS. FOR WlKrTERN LAND LOANS srrite us, w might be bl to heip you. 5. E. Walt Co, Mortgags Brokers, (17 8m mag, cimana. .Tt SALE OR EXCHANGE WANC'-D-SMAI.L STOCK RANCH. Hav a very choice les-ecre farm alsty miiee southwest Ksnsa City, two and one-hall ml as ef a ok small town; alas a new res A-cee property In Omaha. 4im acres la Wiwaiai and a gilt-edges per cent n.orlgaga Want a good small stork ranch and stock and machinery. Must be pr ced right. Give full descrip tion, locatloa and price la first letter. Box 4's, OmahsJ WANT TO CHANGE CLIMATE? For sale or exchange, to-acre, extra fine- apple and potato farm in best fruit section of Colorado. Beet climate In U. S. Net crop Income, 30 to IS) per cent on inveelment. Owner an old man, liv ing m Iow&; will sell at a bargain or wi.l exchange for property or laaa closer to him. Wnte today to Oimger A Knapp, 1711 Champa PI, tJenver, i:oio. FOR fiALE OH EXCHANGE Three eeeuon - good land near th Indian river. Hrevard county, t'lorMa. Might consider Canada land as part payment. For particulars writ H. Miller, liex 774, Cedar Hapida. la. HAVE LAND to trade for good, cleaa stock ot ary goods. Give description, location a in! amount to first letter. Tur ner 4k Hon. Moravls, la. WANTED s scree about one mlie from Papiiiion; 7-toom house In South Omaha t.i enrtange in part payn-ent. Address Box A South Omaha. WILL EXCHANGE--.. stock dry goods and anoes la best 4,ja-pop. town in Coio. Want farm in lower altitude, clear or nearly eo. Oiinger & Knapp. ITU Chamna St, Denver, Colo. FOR SALE OR RXCHASGr, WANTtD. CITT PROPEHTY. I hsive a good small farm to exchange for good residence la Omaha: prefer one or two & to 7-room cottages: must be clear or nearly eo; will ran y or pay cash difference. Address P. O. Box 4M. Omaha 1 handle trades every wirr- If you want results writ or call Dean. IT Be. D IK, For SALE or exchange, a! stock of groceries and queensware f -r t or t-raea cottage. Address N. 'h !t. CCOV-Laj-gs. extra well built hoOse and three lota: best residenc d-strhn ot Omaha: exchange for clear land or smaller new house; give toe-atlen and full particular In first letter. J iij. nee. FOR RALK or exehaiixe. S3 a. In Sas katchewan. Canada, situated It mlWe east of Torlrtosm. ml. nenthwest of- taits coou: for smaller tract In V- 8 , redi-s. or alock. Fur nartleular address ewasr. Geo. W. B. Scott. Memphis, Neb. What nave your . WANTKI-To trade. t-OI d-amoad (ar twe-chslr barber shop. .N 11., eee. TO exebsnge (-room house Walnut Hill for St. Louis Fist; will pay dif ference In rash. Address C WsX Be. WANTED CITY RESIDENCE. In xchng for a very choice fa-acre farm, nicely Imoroved. located close to nice town. In a highly Improved locality in eastora Kansas. Want clear city prop erty. Give location, price and full par ticular In first letter. Box 47. city. WASTED TO HIT M-hand goods Kieser. MV Onter. D. -S4-. WANT TO BITY-Stock of merchandise In country for cash. Box Ssi. Omaha. WANTED-To buy id-hind bicycle. Call ! Farnam St. WANTED To buy for cash, good sec ond band auto. See me at my room. No. 14. Murray Hotel, between hour li and , Wednesday. Jsnuary 24th. WANTED For cash, (-room modem house west of flat, convenient to car. Address B 1U9. Bee, WANTED TO REST YOUNG married coupl want room and board with nice private family, must have access to bath; not too far from town. F 1150. Bee WANTED-Furnished airtment r flat by couple without children. References exchanged. K I1M Omaha Be. r v, -. utik k.. .. family of three In well 'heated house In Windsor school district. Address C I'.-f. Bee. PIANO lessons taught for board or room, or both; young lady piano teacher. D. 1163, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WHITE Isdv dem res needy places of day work; neat, conscientious: doe not disappoint engagements. Phone II. (sal. WANTED-Posltion as boesekeeper by respectable middle-aged la ly. 'refer home with children. Also xir1nced a nurse. Address Mrs. Marts Turner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs. Ia WASHING and ironing dnn. T, H HI SlTl'ATION wanted as nsnsger of general store, country town; epe-rlenca 0 (IJJ. Bee. HOOKKEKl'INU sn -clril work evening and Saturdays; use typewriter. Address I, ,43, Fee. THREE vounii Indies, piano player and singer, want pomiions in piviure wiwt experiencvo. -niusisj wa. rv ti-y EHmTiriM sint-4 kw e-,lnuleiit lady tenographerj relet ence as to ability- tisrney set. -i, i .. . man, small family, want work ea leach: references. Telephone or writ. C W, Earl. Ewlng. Neb. ' ; WHITli wntiwan wants day work. Z1S 8. 1st a Bt. A-se-s. wsni-U-A pwaiiivn mm i w, secret servicing, good references. U 10M, Bee. YOUNG Udy desires poeiuon in otflce where there I a chance tor advancement. Small wsges to start. Can operate type writer. Webster wr. SM ..iiarUiw.'-- K ir SMlral nosl- naiiir.i-i; -win .. , ,... - lege, opportunity to earn board or boars and room. Address C 111-, Bee. or pboa Douglas TtU KXPEKIKNCED stenographer wishes a post lion with a Ilmi; g-od speller and t last on ths Underwood typwrllar. Ad dress, H UJ7, care Bee. YOUNG man wants position as bar tender; experienced. S (la, Be YOUNG ladv atenoaranher with a year' xperlenre, faat and accurate at bort haud. with business ability, wishes a po sition: best of eferncea. J HM. Bee. WANTED stenographic poslUoo; can operate any machine. Webster IA A YOUNG man, 17 years eld. with all year' xprlenve, would like a position In a men'e furn-ahlnar denartment: calla ble ot managing a department; good ref erences, t; iM7, tie. A YOl'NG man with four years experi ence would like a position In a furnish ing, trunk or clothing department. Best of references: 13 year old. B net. Bee. EXPERIENCED colored cook Wants work. Phone Herney. KWA WOMAN wants day work. Harney (If. COLORED man. experienced cook, wants a position In a quick order lunch room. Address 3404 Patrick Ave, or 'phon Webster (747. WANTED Position as bank book- deoc School man and can furnish excel lent reference. Am now employed in general store. Ben -83. Blslr, N. YOUNG ladv wants a Doslrlon In otflce: would take small salary to start. W. JOT. YOUNG lady wants position as efflo slrl: can run tVDe writer: beet of refer ences: will start with small wages. Thon venster siw. YOl'NG lsdr of good anoearanc want a position to do light housekeeping for a bachelor; prater in city, liu laveo worth St. MIDDLeVAGIOO widow ot good appear ance wants a position to do light house keeping. 'Phone Red T.M. AN EXPERIENCED girl to assist Is bookkeeping and phone. Web. (48. EXf'ERl ENCED laundress wants day work In private family. Call Harney iv. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock lc South Otnaba. Sav mlleag and hrinkag. Your consign ments receive prompt aad careful etua- tton. UVE STOCK OOMMIfeSlON MER CHANTS . By era Bros, it Co. Strong and reepne-lbl "WOOD BROS, 84-ag ExchangeBldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. "W. R. SMITH sTsON JiasThandte sheep. TAGO BROS, handle cattle, h. gs, sheep. Clsy. Robinson Co.. -CO Exchange Bli Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to t. CLIFTON Com. Co.. ta Exchange Bidg L. E. ROBERTS 4k CO, V Exrh. Bldg. Cox A Jones Com. Co, bunch of hustlers. Farmers I.. 8. Com. Co, 0 Exrh. Bldg. Deposit proceeds ot shipments to Stock Yards Nat'l bank. Only bank at yards Mart la Bros. Co, -01-4 Each. Bldg. OMAHA. THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO, grain merchants. Consignmcats solicited. 73t Brandcl. TRAVKI-S. TO TH West Indies I he American KiTtera Tj! Rs Mi!! S!i3i Packet Ci. F pec tally attractive tour of JAMAICA CU1A FAXAKA CAJtAI, AJUAJ10S SaUsTXBAll Tr-rr-rtjEtA For Particular Writ to gsAdarsoe A Sob. OeaL Agents. 1A a, --a Sails ax, Ckkajs. Or Aay bteamaoip Agancy. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA C K. Fcten' Alfalfa still Tlueateaei for Tine by Flaaea. .. i THKT--5 STtnDESTS YLuHLZS (saber tl Yssap Mew Who a tereel rheaatests Atswwt Assembly neee lavolwsd Bsskist BaU - Team gsftws y Bsl. Fir, breaking out at 1 7 ' clack ysster dsy mornlr.g tor a while -threatened to do stray the C M. Peters altai-a sal It, Twes-ty-al-rtk aad B streets. Two blase was causal by Bills hat tinders sgalast a trams outhouse ntMt ths holler room. IVople In tk aetghkorhood. retsraU-g homo from th how, noticed th fir sad notified th fir gepa-rtmeat. By th tlsss ths wagons had arrrved the fir had mads oorisklerahls headway. Th only thing that prevented the large mill from catching on fir eras th brVk boiler room which stood between th out hous and the mill. The ammeg will mount to about poo. Tklrteva Fail to Pass. Thirteen members ot th seal or class of th high school failed to pass th mid winter examination hut week. Th ma jority of these were lb seniors who were suspended from school taisuse they broke Into to school at night and sprinkled the asseanbly room floor with axnmoalunk Talvlnat. Unless they do aom sxtra studying dur ing ths semester they will not be permit ted to graduate nut spring. They were early all passed oa condition by In teachers and If mak up ths work they ill graduat with th other mem sera ot th class. None, however, will be permitted I lak part In athletics during th re mainder of th term. This will mean that Philip and Foley, two ot the best players on th basket ball tease, wUl not be allowed to play. With these two ansa out of lb gam there Is little hop ot th team Bulling down th stats champion ship. At th begtnrilng ot th season th team promised to be a winner aad all were confident that It would best any other squad la the state. The chase ef their doing this now g very small, J. J. O'Koarko Dead. Jams J. O Rourk. who formerly Uvd In South Omaha, died at Dearer yester day morning. II ws 41 year at ag and leaves a wire and three children; he also leaves two slaters sad two brothers. Mr. Dsnlel Enrlght. Mrs. J, J. Fltagsr ald aad Joseph F. O'Reork ot this city and John O'Rourks ot Rapid CUT, S. D Hs was a member of th local lodge of th Maccabees. Fttrwral will be from th horn ef J. J. -tUgereJd, 1MB North Twenty-fifth street. As tea rate Arrested. Antoa Cuter was arrested last night oa suspicion ot stsallBc m from Jo arko wtckL Serkowlrlrl say that Cutar a tered his noma In tn Klrby building, Twenty-seventh and Is St rests, Friday night and took Ht from his trunk. Cutar worked about th bulldlsg. M agree City doeslp. Dr. Kontakr has returned from a busi ness trip lo Denver. F. O. Unn of Lelsh. Keb.. vlalta-1 aril friend In th olty Saturday. Th Lor let club win give a dancing party at Bushing's hall this ovsnlng. Th Nsw Century rlub was entertained t cards at Iks homo o( Mrs. R. Belts Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Storm wua first prise, Th Itii pissasro club will artve a danes at Rushing hall Weetnesday evening. Anton Smith of th nolle denertm-mt has returned from his annual vacation. Th King's Dauxhlers will sir a dinner at the Presbyteries church Thursday evening, February 1. Phone Bell South PaV-Ind. F-1M tor a Ise of Jet tar Gold Ton. Prsmat delivery tu any part ot th city. William Jelter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Houlihan ot Denver are visiting at ths horns of Mrs. Thomas ravage, fu North Twenty-first street. A oompllmentarv dancs will bs slven si the Danish Brotherhood hall the local No. a, cisnsmsn of America, tomorrow night. The dance will bs tor th mem bers of th lodge and their frlaod. No admission will be charged. Mrs. D. L. Holmes entertained the lAdles' Afternoon dub at whist Friday. Ths atuest of ths club were Mrs. L. C'onnell snd Mrs. Hteveos. Th nienibsrs pjrssent were Mesosmea Anton ixitt, u far ley. A. Durkees. C. M. SchlndeL L m, i-ora, i. (i. startin. s-ua toane, t. it. Ensor. H. Gilchrist. It E. Sehindel. W. T, .1 -1H..1 t 1 , 1 - t . . o-is-, iwn MH-u. jt .en i .u A. A. Jaeroer, Wsdeil, J. M. Tanner, Bruce McCulloch. C. A. MeUher, John Grlhble, 1- Powell. O Ames, Strang. Jessie Cauxhey. W. B. Cheek, A. A. Mcoraw ana v. u. uoimes. Citizen of the West Uses the Most Wheat WASHINGTON, Jan. -(.-Cltisens ef th United State consumo sa average of a!. most on and one-fifth barrels of flour A year, experts ef th government an nounce la connection wtth a resort oa th wheat supply and distribution ot th country just anaoe public. They flgur this on a basis ot tour and one-half bushels ot wheat to a barrel of flour. The average of all returns Indicated a per capita oo as sumption of about AM bushels ef wheat. The people of the far west wsrs th greatest consumers of wheat, thetr aver age being Ms bushels a person. Next com th psoplo ot Iks northers central state west of th M -setae! pp. where five and nine-tenths bushels are con sumed. Then the northers central stales east of ths MIsMsatppt follow with tlv and slx-lsotlis bushels aad th south cen tral states with four and sevea-tenths bushels snd th south Atlantic state with four and two-tenth. Tn smsller consumption In the south Is secounted tor by th fact that corn meal Is an Important substitst for wheat flour. In so toe of th heavy sur plus potato producing sections ot th northern aisles, such as Maine. Michigan nd Wisconsin, sou toe ars another sub. stttule. PERSIANS SEEK TO INVOLVE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TEHERAN. Jso. K-A plot to kill on of the American official has been dis covered snd this explains the attempt against the American. Colonel Brace, at tach to th treasury smdArmsrie, who wss shot at while leering the barracka January M. A former officer of th gendarmerie ha mad a confession ef th plot In which be Implicates himself. Th object appears to have bees to create a political Incident la which th United State would be Implied. TURKS DERIDE THOUGHT . OF YIELDING TRIPOLI CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. C The town of Khan Yunu. on the Syrian coast, has been bombsrded by an Italia a warship, according to advices reaching here. There Is considerable talk of collective Intervention by tbe powers to end th war. but It meets with nothing but deri sion In ConstAnltBopl. New York Police Trail Suspected Men to the Crime NEW YORK. Jan. e.-Wlth the arrest bt Brooklyn -early this morning ot three alleged safe breakers as they were shoot to fob a pawnssmp, it bocare known that th New York Bohee twesoily Inaugurated a plan to keep all well known crooks under eoostaat surveillsAc with ths Idea of preventing Intended robberies. Th n arrested, all of whom tt Is said bars prison record, had bees trailed for five dais by detectives who pounced upoa them as they were breaking into th pawnshop, ' "Thee arrest,' said Deputy Folic Commissioner Dougherty, "mark th first results ot th inauguration ot a new method of crime preveottosu Instead of waiting for th men to commit the burg lary, we arrested thsm after they had shown such sa Intsntion." GOVERNMENT FRAUD NEMESIS Chief Poitoffiea Lupector -takes Beport of Tear'i Work. -EGH-TOKED CBEOSAJJl CAUGHT Mea Whs ssladled Investors Oat ot aevssty-Sevsa Mtllloms Breach! ' to Jls sites by Efforts of This Oas Des-srtaseat. WASHINGTON. Jan. . -Promoters ot fraudulent scheme who had obtained from th public, wer put out of business during ths fiscal year ending June -a. last, according to the annual re pert of Robert 8. Sharp, chief Inspector of th Poarofflc department. Issued to day. This showing I th most remarkable In th history of th department. During the fiscal year UP Individuals were la dieted oa the charge of using the malls la furtherance of schemes ts ee fraud. Of this number 1M persons wer tried and 14 eonvleti 4. Th schemes Investigated wer ot end less vsrlety, varying, as the report Indl cateis, "from the simplest business trsns. slclons to glgantlo prelect Involving the ss I of worthless nock la fake mining companies and Imaginary and fictitious Institutions existing only sa paper la th minds of the promoters." la discussing th multiplicity of schemes to defraud th people. Chief Inspector Sharp says "the del ermine tlos to bring these promoters into court and obtain prison sentences against thorn has proved exceedingly oscrsssful. Is no Instance, a far as known to this office, has a Hereon convicted oa a criminal chart of this character attempted to reorgaalas hi scheme seder a sew asms, a was often ths case where fraud order alone wer resorted to. ttlsk-Clsas Crlmlaala. "Th result of the year's work has de veloped the tact that the fraud manipu lator are a distinct class of criminals, sm of them moving la th highest social and business circles, but nearly all hav. tng mere or less affiliations and con a actions with or ars devisers of scheme or enterprises of Illegitimate character tn which they are not known as promoter. In view ot lb heavy loss t the post ffle department la prossrutlag (hs eases. Mr. Sharp recommends thst this work be taken ever for Inquiry by the Depart men! ot Jaatlcs. Ho adds that "the work of tho last year uncovered a condition amonc ' tho swindling clam which shows tho astounding extent of their operation and In enormous amount f their ill-gotten gain." Th policy ot th department, Mr. Sharp points out. "has bees to crush out the strong jxd powerful orlrainala who hav grown rich at tho gam.' This plan has erred to ellmlnst ths smaller operator Inspector Sharp suggest "tt la essential for tho protect loa of tho pubUc that ad ditional IssislsUon be onset ed which will prevent swindlers from carrying on their operations In tho border land between logltlmat undertakings and criminal scheme." During th year 1,41 arrest war mads, ot which 4a wer postofflr burglars. Of th number arrested lit were postmasters, twsnty-two assistant post master, ninety sight clerks la poetofflce. thh-ty-oo rail, way postal clerk, forty-two city letter carriers, thirty -eight rural letter carrier, six teen mall carriers and fourtssa stlwr employes, snd 1,11 persons not connected with th pests I ssrvlcs. Gompers Directs . Warm Rejoinder to Senator Critic WAaUnNGTON. Jan. It-Senator Hay burn of Idaho Is challenged by Samuel Compere, president of tho Amsrtcaa Fed eration of Laoot. tn an editorial la th February Issue of th American Fodera tlonlst to produce In a court ot law any evidence which he may hav of any U kwsl opera dons performed by Oompers. Ths editorial M based on the occurrence tn th serials last Thursday, when Sen- stor Hey burn declared that "no com munication should bo received from Mr. Oompers, because of th facts disclosed In th McNamara trial and subset) uent thereto." Tho Idaho senator also said th presi dent of the American Federation of Labor wa not qualified to address a sommunl catkm to congress or to ths government Referring to his challenge lo Detective Burn and his sponsors to prov la a court of law aay charge which either or all of them may bring against him. Pres ident Oompers, addrestng Mr. Hsyburs. continues: - "I now and her Include you and I defy yu and challenge yon to produce tn a court of taw any auch evidence. You will obsrrv that I specifically state Id court of law,' rather than under th constitutional protection which surrounds your privilege to wag your snbrMled tongue In Indirection and Insinuation." After declaring that ho has bean a ettl xn ot the United States sines 117!, Pre- dent Oompers says In conoluxlon: "There Is nothing thst you can say. Senator Hey burn, which will at all re flect upon my work, my life, and my character, and I am willing that th American people shall judge between yoa and me as to which of vs stands for the dollar and which for the manhood, to womanhood and the coiUbood of our country." DETROIT VOTERS TO DECIDE UPON REDUCED CAR FARE DETROIT. Mich.. Jan. -X-The question of eight street railway fares for a quarter and municipal ownership of th traction lines will be voted oa Tuesday at a municipal election bars GOVERNOR TALKS EDUCATION iBLBaiM Crowd Filli T. X. C. A. Auditorium to Hear Addrtu. TELLS OF HIS OWH HFE gaya Mo (Jmdaatsd freae Col less aad Expeetsd World ( Bov to Hiss Heallses Now staob Kasnwledg) Is Not All. Before aa tudleace Sunday afternoon that filled th hug auditorium of tho Teung Men's Christian saeocsatlon bulle kig ta ovwtftowtnc. Governor A Id rich dks cussed "Philosophy ot Education."' saying that tho purpose ot aa education Is to teach mea and women how t think and art, ' David Cose, vie president of .tbe esso elailoo. Introduced th gorea-nor. who noon his sppsaranos on tho platform wa loudly applauded. Governor Aldrteh said that education I th basic prinrlplo that goes to mak a representative government, where each one la a builder tor the future and where men arc striving to brtsg forth ths best thst Is tn them Digressing slightly from his subject, tho governor related some ot the things tn connect loa with his own education, tell ing that after graduating tram aa Ohio college he supposed that hla a'eJtty In various dlrerlloaa would bo rogntasd and that calls from every direction would be received Inviting him to accept chairs la great Institutions of learning. Ha watted, but th call wer not beard, and then borrowing (Ms, h (aid, ha sacked his grip and staned for Nebraska, t llllly ot s-daratl-N. The governor took tho xsyMUoa, that there ar fear ot II olea snsn who fa after rear and la every -day business life will be called upon to refer to tholr Latin and Greek, thetr geometry and tholr soology, but th studying of the sciences, th languages, ths mat hems tic and th arts la teaching them how to think and hew to act when they ft out and nib up gainst th world. Tk Miles sduestlos. hs contended, teaches a man how to con trol hla mental -sou-ties and hold on to tho problems until somsthlns ssnok: It tsachss th young man how to snake ths most ot tho nrtportunlus and does much toward pointing out th way to recognlss and grasp the asm oppertimittss a they sss in review. However, th governor doss not look with favor upon a mea "who Is all head " H wants to see a corrssportdln; gerslop msnl of tho heart and the body. eontsadV big that they must work ta unlsoa and In harmony with th mind If tho bast re sults ar to bo altalosd. Osorgo WsssJngton waa petntsd ts as an Illustration ef what might b expect-d ot aa educated man. As such, when th opportunity pi sainted Itself, ho hoard th call and responded. Though Wis rlchsst man' of hi Urns, b lift hla -omforlabt homo and shared the bard ships of th most common soldier, becaua ho fslt that hi country needed him. Lincoln, by th governor, waa referred to aa th Incarnation ot atvM virtue snd a perlmen of a Bias whom vry cittsso should mulate. Milwaukee Men Flan to Oust the Socialists MILWAUKEE. Jaa. B.-The last legis lature having failed to snact a nonparti san clcUon law. tho republ Icons snd democrats of Milwaukee are planning an attempt to overthrow thee aock-Jtsts now In power at the mantel pal elect ten la April. Several confers nee hav boon bald In which Imdlng republicans and democrats bare participated and the plan outlined w to hav a rscubitcea head tho demo- era tlo city ticket leaving tha afflees of city treasurer aad comptroller for demo cratic nominees. Ths republican city commit. repre sentatives hav practically agresd to this plan and th democrat! commltto work ing along the asm tine la x peeled t follow suit shortly. Practically th asms lines ar planned for tha election of a board of eldennsn. Mayor Kmll geld el has already sees nominated to heed the soetaUst ticket Th allied republican and dsenocrallc commit tee sre expected to eudorse th somlnaltoo of Dr. Gerhard A. Badlng (rep. I, former health cmmla-oxer ot Milwaukee, tor mayor. Congressman William J. Osry (rep.) has announced himself a candidate for th office of mayor, but th situation la sx pected to be cleared before tho lectio whereby tho contest for chief ae-scottv of th city will b a arrowed to two essdu dates. New Bahies Stamped to Avoid Mistakes CHICAGO. Jan. S.-AII babies bora In Chicago hospitals ar stamped, it was an nounced today after attention had been called to the problem now vwxlng two Pari mothers. As soon as a baby arrives an antiseptic label bearing the name ot tho mother, the data and hour of birth and tha nam of th attending phr-ic-aa la attached to tho child. Attendants at ths Chicago ty lag-In hos pitals (tact-seed ths dilemma in which tws Psrls mothers find themsalv. Th Mark v tat led hor mother and her daughter at tha asms hospital aad at tho same hour In Paris. An attendant then mixed th Infanta Each mother now fondlaa a baby and wonders-whether tt I a son or a brother, ar n son or a grandson. "It we didn't have the stamping sys tem. " said a Chicago nurse, "we would b la troubl all the time. Identification la absolutely necessary wher w bavt babies arriving at th rata of a dosen or two aa hour." HAD LOST HOPE, SAYS A WELL KNOWN LOCAL MAN i 0. D. Griswold Cornea Ost at & doner of Sew Tonic. WAS THOROUGHLY BI-2iILFIT--- ThswsB-ads SlrsS-A Almlreslp Alesg Tattl They Beeesas Tstslly Hf hirttated. says Vlsltlag pecsallsts. Among the handr-d of statements being mad In connection with the re markable new tonic. 'Ton Vita." none ar more Interesting than that given out recently by Mr. Q. Dayton Griswold ot tua South Eigkiesnth street this city. Mr. Griswold said: "For n long time t hav pot enjoyed good health. I was a'l run. down. Intensely nervous snd suffered from stomach trouble. I felt tired and dull an day; my body seemed be numbed t time, and could not steep at night. My bowels would nut perform their proper functions: my digestion was im perfect, and I waa continuously constipa ted. As soon aa I ate anything my stomach would fill wtth gaa and I would be (1st re seed for a halt hour or more afterward. I contracted cold easily. I tested various medicines without relief, and finally lost hopo. " A bout ten days ago I talked with one of tho Toon Vita' specialists st Brand elk drug department and he explained my trouble and advised m to try bis i preparation. I did It and am glad I dtd. for Tons "Vita" proved a wonder la my cass. , i "I now feel like I hav a new leas of life. My ambition ha returned, as wall aa my strength and energy. I now sleep at night and get up In ths morning feel ing cheerful and ready for work." People who ar nervous and Irrltablew hav imperfect digestion snd stomsch dKordor, lock energy nsd ambition, fi" melancholy and dtscouraged, suffer wlfa headaches, backaches, poor memory, un-. sound sleep, irregular circulation, pallid, complexion and who are susceptlbis to coughs and colas, ars unqueatlenably suffering with thst modern plague, nor vous debility, say th "Ton Vita" spe cialists "There ar theussnds of suck half del men sad woman In Omaha who really not know just wkst Is wrong with tham." aald one of these specialist yesterday sftsrnooa. "Thsy struggls aimlessly along until they become totally nebUltated and' oftentimes they com to n suffering with, this dreaded condition In it most ag-' gravsted form," continued hs. "w navs a preparation tnat win poel tlv!y remove this trouble and restore th organs of tho body to their healthy, , aormal condition." Th "Tons. Vila" specialists are at the Brand sia drug department, Sixteenth and vougiss streets, seiitn snae, main rioor, ' between the hours of a. m. and ( P. m, " during their stay In Omaha. Adv. - Whooping' Cough c;oi's TkiTHMA coocTis aun-niiB VA I Axstrl tUt-W rersaiiaues vara A dasisa. saw ass sSe-ws wtsioaM (at ess ratal weaalas, aniens snfa Vaeertset Ciaee. ssas awes ass pans i im ef WUesiai Cssse ssd -WAetas-s, Tbe aw -alert- sweaeiT -eeUea. Me. -asset- ska seer? snstk, stakes Wee-ei-f assy i ess-see Ike sera tbreel se4 seat uw aserk, s-sariag teetl-l aire. II S -ass-Mew a oralis as yesag ceiMree. ass as s-stal 1st esa-nVt-s eesslel. ALL MUO-XSTS. Try eel"tee Ssehesto Tii it fmUmH far las Te or yeas set SsakuaSii snw-s'st M as-assa, TeooCllllbJgg Co. T, You CoVB Prvrent IrJottioB of AllKincU at mmt Tvx-ri isns-mc sevrnrx. um- a-elt -!-- -a-saa-aeslel-laiaiw tmm aaw-t aat ksntiil tae seas ISitsii asss-s m seies-la-t EsiSlllt S-Sssals k i ee ttSS St at-v-telaSS-Hl-. UtnatUS ss s fcsikt Iw S asen il I Pt-alss k-Saadr b Set-Mas H sv St ptaas M SSsa SstSest B-SSas t TYREE'S .Antiseptic Powder I Asa roua aocrua m smS at lisin Ay tt J,tLni-C--0-lWa--ati-s.l.C If LKgf-7ja i Bxaasaas-SsBx I A tough, heavy tread that works like a squeegee window cleaner. It cleans away the mud, grease or water under the tire, creat' big a clean, dry spot on which you can secure traction. 31 f his Shampoo Stops Hair from Falling "Alkali shampoos will eauao hair lo , grow dull snd lifeless, spilt at sads and 1 tall out," ears Mrs. Ma Martya la th Boot en New, "and until hurtful soaps or mixtures sre discontinued there can bo no relief. A very fine harapoo mix ture can bo made by dissolving a t,v spoonful rantarox la a cup of hX water. This should be poured on Uur. head slowly snd rubbed up well and will create an abu-HUnco ot whit, creamy lather. I "After a canthrox shampoo th ,'Airi dries evenly and quickly, whii ths scalp! ts left clean, pliant snd healthy. It Is ; not necsssary ts shampoo every week I when canthrox I employed, because Ms I effects are quick and lasting. Continued using canthrox Insures a clean, healthy scalp aad aa bua-aacs of rich, glossy, attractive ttfr easy to do up and of an evenness In color." Adv. The DIAMOND Safety Tread Th e is the only non-skid tire built on a scien tific basis. It means safety toyoubecauselT iVH-L NOT SKID. Aft - " - Of New Ytrh i 215 South 20th St Oaaha. e- m m mi