Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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mm Boot Ma n.
Oaiaha taw KosvitaL Boa. !.
woo, Xiao. Mituw, sameos Qissdae.
XT wlMl to get Bower's Guaranteed
'Canned Orators ef xwor dealer, oall
Zwuflss ; for nearest UMlifi name.
Boovlaa wtrsei aiueei If weld Mai
Ketelman ha sold ata bait tatoreet
the bialdinc at 11m Dong las strait to
Kesris Faoser for fcUoe.
Tsritlaa; InM MaH WodnssdaT Tha
recuiar BMntbly mrrtlnc at the YawttBe;
Tiarae association wffl aa held Wednesday
a a. m. at tho Pax ton bote.
soul aaf Sraawr Isuttea at UaJtT
Ctaarch, Sevsateeata and Caes streets, will
erve a roast toff dinner Wednesday
evenlnc at :K in U enorea par
Ion. rimal aTxaaaa Tats Waak FTnal sxanv
InaUona ta all subjects ara acta held at
tto Omaha High school tMs weak. A
nark of oeventy Is the pass) trrede re-ua-sd
la each subject.
Ooattuawosa ta op Police Judfe
Poster made tb announcement that cum
In his oourt would not ba continued for
any creator period of tlm than aaa wee
antaw ra cam of atctneas ana dsath,
Ost Varaty at WWak Bmn Thomp
son, jsa Leavenworth street, reported a
tho police that his oaloeo at that auaihar
Was broken Into by l "
Sunday nleht and nineteen owsrto of
whisky and mis In cash stolen.
XUdw Case Ooatiaao Morris Milder,
who was arrested as proprietor of th
! Mechanic dim when It was raided by
Bharlff MflghaM Saturday !. was ar
raigned In poUas court this mornhis- and
.took a continuance until January fi.
Oreodea owta a Oowtraes-The work at
remodeling tba aulMlag af tha Redlsa
attats oa Harney treat, foranrtr eeea
tpied br Joha T, Morrison, has bam ss
JTun by P. t. Crasdon Sons. The osw
Itraot at for about tAM- It vtl b OiMd
! wp lor stores.
' in if Asa Oeevsrted Rsv. T. 0.
"ITebstar of tha Oak Strsat atsttiedUt
ohnroa baa bean conducting revival awet
tnga or tha last four weeks. A huge
.crowd atlarad at the meeUag day
jfelcht and eleven were converted. Tba
Tsvrvala win eontlnae Indefinitely.
Oolenlf Bats Again Effective ea
March 1 saw eeatlaaing ""til Aprlb tv
dnslTa, the Cnkm Factfni win rrt tn
colonist rata of IS between Owsvhe ud
alt Peclflo oosst oromoa '
ttoketo win be nd ea all trakas asaept
No. t Orerlaad Unated.
fajhl Hits as ta e Pestaard frant
Commtulour Oulld of the Conunarelal
dub, who la atuadlnjr a otoseiflcatlon
meeUoit at (HlTeetoa. Tel.. eonrey the
isformatloa that M OoSd teak a e
bath last Walnesday. when fca was twenty-four
Inches thick ta Omaha.
rails at Attoaqp at tnlolda . tn nn
sucoeufut attempt at sutaMe was made
this nwrnlns by WlUlant ilmeaa, MB
Chlcsco atreeC itmoas baeaaM despond
ent erer flnanolal troubles, and aftsr
vrlttnr a hmer o bis wife too a lane
dose of morphine, but he was retired by
Yolantary Baakmptoy Petltleei Pllsd
Frederick U Smith, wba for the last
three years hsa operated a haberdashery
store at W North Blxtaentb street, has
filed a voluntary petmon ht bankruatoy
la the United ststee dletrlet aaurfc aanrth
plaoes his debts at p,Uz. and Ws assets
Ltunber Bate Bearlar-At fJneoln. ba
glnnlns rabruary 11. tha Nebraska rum
btrmen will be before tha Stale Railway
commission, where they win hare It out
with the railroads. Generally the Omaha
lumbermen ara the eomplalnantt attack
ing tha adjustment of freight rates as be
tween other lobbing points.
uspeota Ara Boaad Ores Albert J
Mackintosh and James UTingswoa. wno
were arrested Saturday night an suspi
cion of having broken Into the Crounae
second-hand tore at UM Douglas street
on the night of December 10. have been
Kiwi erer ta the district ooart snd they
are held la lieu of CM bonds. On the
night the store was entered erer ton ra
jewelry sad clothing was taken.
Bathe Beewwaac Very Papains.
Tha aulDbe-ohlortne mineral baths of
'ihs Brown Park Mineral Springs com
pear. Twenty-fifth and O streets. Booth
Omaha, ara very popular with a large
number of patron and ara growing late
the favor of ethers as rapidly aa the good
qualities of tha baths ara learned. The
bath parlors of this firm are excellently
equipped. There axe baths tor both men
and women. The cooling and treatment
rooms ara large and comaiodloaa. The
system af treatment for lambago. neural
sla. rheumatism and other axTHctlona bj
considered the nest. Information la de
tail can be had by sddresslng a postal
to the company at Its South Omaha ad-9rees
Small Sores AH Over Face.Scratched,
Which Made Them Wors. Could
Not Sleep. Cuticura Soap and
Ointment Cured Her.
1711 W. JOth it. Chicago. HL "My
child suffered greatly with erssms. Fast
small eeree begaa ai a lew places ea her lace
sod then all over bar face, brroartix lanrer.
The chad estaached them, which made than
worn. They Itched terribly and one eoukl
not sleep. The Bching aude bar ery oftai,
but medicine did sot seem ta help any. Tus
bad lasted three weeks when I seat tor Oil,
cure Soap sod Omrment. The result was
treat, Cuticura Soap sad Ouiuwat cured
her ana we Mrhly Rmnmeaa
(3trae4) Mrs. Krai. Koventber, 111.
Through Ctticura Soap and Ointment
1T Cherry St, Kew York. IT. T. "About
two yean ago there suddenly appeared aa my
a sod forehead psopka aM
The panptas were scattered ever ay lacs.
They were eore and caused ptauty of pain. I
sot end amch from them. I tried several
Different reaaedMe. I declared IS was hops
leaf ta remove those pimples from my aca.
"About lour months aeo a fnod reeee
mmded to me the Cuticura Soap and Ointment-
I usM them airtitly and aimcet imme
diately I found the desired resalaL First I
would smear the effected parts with Catkura
Hutment and leave same ea my face for five
mrautea. Thai I would wart my face thor
ourhlr with OutKura Soap and warm water,
alter doing this for three weeks I found my
face free from pimplee and my sufferings at
anead. 1 always use tee rutfeyra Soap now.
HOrned) Sydney I sger. Kev. 22, 1S11.
Concurs Soap and Otsimeat are seid
everywhere, fhunpis of each mailed free,
wttk -a. book, axtdraes. Cuticura."
Dept. T. Bostoa. . Tender-fared mea ahouai
aUvs rnU CuUcata bosp ohaviag Sue.
Sayg the Ckrjti Xade by Mr. Hull
Are Groundless.
Saya Atlas aaya fwr Mr. Hall
peeeA tk Allans ny CaaUwet ft
Cewrfe Apse-wvmt sad AU
Great sui atlas at the action of Claries
Wt BuB la suing bis former wife, now
tba win af WUslara B. McKeso, to have
est aside tha aamoay eentraet bo made
with her before sha was granted a di
vorce, was ewpresssa ay Byron O. Bar
bank, attorney for Mra, MoKeea la bar
divorce action.
No data baa been art tor bearing en ap
plication for a temporary Injunction to
restrain Mrs. McKrea from collecting
further alimony until the suit ta adjudi
cated, but Francis A. Brogaa. attorney
for Mn. Hall. aaU a data wUl be agreed
upon wtlMn a few days and a hearing
will be had within a month. The case
has been assigned to Judge A. C. Troup
of the equity division of tha district
"I am greatly surprised st the conduct
of Mr. Hall In filing a suit against Mrs.
MeKeen to eet aside the contract be
made with her and which was approved
by the oourt at hat attorney's request."
said Mr. Barbank. "I think Mr. Hull Is
one of the best financiers tn the west
and a very shrewd, able and successful
lineal mao Ba waa represented by
Mr. Brogan. whs la supposed to be a
keen and oapabla lawyer. It Is Impos
sible for me to believe these gentlemen
could have failed to make any .defense
to the divorce suit, had there been any.
or to have proposed the alimony contract
far the oo art's approval tf the same bad
not been absolutely fair and Just.
1 think tha claims made by Mr. Bull
ht hta present Suit be set aside the ali
mony awarded wlU not ba sustained by
his alesa bnatness aiomilatos and social
ata. In ny eatnlea. the oaaa was
settled strictly upon tta merits and the
alimony awarded not aaoasalva."
W. B, MoKeea said there sever waa aay
esnsrsracy between him and Mrs. Me
Kan. as Mr. Hoil charges, and tha
oharge la ground leas.
Liquor Law Violators
Held to Distriot Court
Joseph J. Bllgerst aod James Callaa.
at ware arrested for tha sJlegad sale
of Kquer attar tba prescribed aloelng bear.
waived praltalnary hearing ta police
esart and were bound over to tha district
court Aston Adlar aad Thomas Bemtt-
sky, who wars arrested Saturday nkjkt
for the alleged sain of liquor without a
Ucease at tba Cass hotel, were bound
ever to tho district eonrt ta tha earn of
BM sash.
License Inspsctor SchnaMsr hsa
drafted an ordinance providing for
licensing elaJrveyanta and fortune tellers
In the city. This ordinance will be sub
mitted to tha council this evening.
It is tha opinion of Mr. Schneider that ri
will nraetlcalDr prohibit wandering nrte
readers and traaos poifuiiuon" from
holdng forth tn Omaha.
Dee Moines has passed aa ordinance
denying fortune tellers the right to con-
suet tneir ausineas within ths any limits.
The ordtnenoe drafted by Mr. SnhnnWai
will not, m net opinion, harm the ea.
tabllahed fortune tellers, but will act
as a preventive, aeeptng taoae who are
recognised aa grafters from attempting
ta conduct their- trade here. In addition
ta a bond of loet, the clairvoyant mast
have two -nuepeetsbla character wit
C. T. Peters of Norf lk Is an Omaha
Edward Qutgley of North Bend
spending a (ew days In this ally.
P. C. Colbert of Plalnvtew. Neb.. Is a
preounsni visitor asre lot ptiBinros pur
Alvm Oreennood of Lincoln Is rlstttag
wnn ois orotner, jsawara, at nts home.
nae rtortn Twenvy-Kownn street.
leneral Manager Scott and Assistant
ue.ierai Manager ware ot the Union p
elfte have gone en a tour of Inspection
of ths western lines.
P. B Phllpett of the Union Pacific ad
vertising department is m Missouri,
forming the acqjalntance of hie latest
nephew, the Infant son of Horace Phll-
pott and wire ,
Waldemar Mlchrelsen. dry electrician.
has gone to Mllwa.Aee, where he will re
in al a during the week aa special repre
sentative of Omaha at a meeting; ot a
technical society el electnaana.
C. E. Wagar, assistant general freight
agent of the Missouri Pacific, hsa been
called to Kansas city ey tus death of
lather, aged 1 yeara. Tha elder Wagar
was one of tho pioneer railroad men ot
Illinois snd Missouri, starting his career
with the Alton sumo fifty years sgo. He
had been 111 stnoe last April. His death
waa the result of disease Incident to old
O. W. Wattles and A. U Itoed. who left
early last week for Mr. Wattles' winter
some sc Honrwooa. cwl. armed In
Hollywood seveateea hours lata, due to
a neavy train ana uue etart from
Omaha, according ta a letter written
back to uraana by Mr. Heea. ueorce V
Btdwell. formerly of Omaha, who now
Uvea la Hollywood. Is suffering from aa
injury to toe Knee, susuiaea m a tall,
according to Mr. Reed. ,
Births-J. BL and Bertha. Maddux, m
Port Omaha, avenue, boy; Abraham and
Rebecca Horwyts. Twenty-rowrtn ave
nue and Harney street, girl; William and
Bmma Boyoe. JS22 North Seventeenth
street, girl; & M. and MatlMe Jensen,
tun Burdens street, boy; Ooetano and
Oktvanaa, Marino. 113 Pierce street, boy;
JoeesA and Karotlna Mntrba. Ml Cas-
tellar street, girl: Jasper and An tenia
Jensen. 1320 Hamilton street, gm; Wll
liam and Fiome Mecrae. xm Burt street.
girl; Louis and AUca Borahsln. 41 Chi.
cago street, girt
Deaths-Joseph Sujta, IT years. SO So.
Fourth etret: Mary &. Oregaugark. U,
Set North Twenty-fifth etreet; Joseph
Adams, Jr.. 13 years. Mernocust noepitsi;
Mra. Laura Allen. M years. JSM North
Thirty-tint street; Max Impk!skt. e)
years. a07 North SlxtejnUt street ; Samuel
Levssu, IT years, jazi uarney street.
la. Men,..,..
, i ,, n
O. Leo Osborne. OaoaAa.
Amanda Andersa
SnUrt C Wella. Omaha.
Jnlla Bassar. Aarura, Meb;
Harry A. VaUen. Omaha.
Ansm McCloy. Ores ha
rmarlos O. Stoops. Omaha B
Lena Bra me, umans ...m
4isf w RjBwitser. Omsha
n.iMi HuMng. Salt Lake Cltr...... 13
Alrln X. blbson. Mesd. Vb........ 14
Lilly E. Pearson. Mead. Xel.. It
Oeerre Merrlnzer. Omaha. ..17
Sauna Jensen. Omaha .41
Am Vlr eaaA
should ba co rered with elsaa bandages,
saturated with EackJea'a Arnica Salve.
Heals etnas, wounds, sores, pllea. MeV
For sale tar Beaton Puf Oa,
Robison Iiearns to Scrap
in D-kys Before the War
Monday waa Bascem V . Robin
eon's birthday. He waa r rn fifty,
nine yeara ago In souther, i Indiana
when all tho border su tea were
pretty well cot ap over tr r slavery
question. Ha scorn's fathe r waa a
onkmtst. so the young r natur
ally took up that aide of lie causa.
In those dare the beys ought as
furiously as their father i argued,
snd In school there was many a
rough house and Bascem waa al
ways one of the principals. Be s
been n scrapper ever sir. We, fight
ing his wsy successful! through
the buslneea world.
Mr. Robhwn landed In
174. The fonr-hsrse 'bun
he rode from the station
la the mud on Farnam sxreec Ths
I'nlon Parlfta was the f only rail
road crossing the stats Hastings
was ths western termlnkw of the
Burlington and tha Kkbtosa track
had barn built only to Wiener.
Buffaloes roamed tba prairies of
western Nebraska.
Omaha la
In which
For some yean ba
lateodent at schools
took ap life laswan
worn, Ao the rigiisssiitslwra of
business annually. Durli
sumnoe In ths west nixa
waei a stner
siid in MR
aeiao a HI
pany, of whloh he Is prf-sMent.
no wrote a targe vulams
lg thnw years he learned tho possibilities of Ufa
In UP! organised The Bankers Reserve Life oe
Gcorgt Liaee if Sun DoVa ti Twen
tyFonrth and Amtt! Artnue.
Vtattan as rwewlyweA srltm
le t-noblo ta Oct
Pvtawt wad
f the
Otat oi
War m tho Slot Mov
log MarbUei
Oeorgo Llnee. aged TJ.I who waa
struck Sunday evening by an automobile
driven by Dr. R W. Christie, died at 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon.' ai Immanusl
Unas lived at MT4 A met vanue. Ha
was irosslng that thofraaightaro at
Twenty-fourth strsst Sunday1 evening at
I o'clock when Dr. Chrlstlsf came east ta
his machine. When he was struck ha was
thrown violently to the pavement, sus
taining oousuaslon of thf ' brain and
other tajartea The oarotier baa taken
charge of" the case. I .
Dr. Chrlatle ntoked up trie Injured man
and conveyed him to the hospital, where
he worked hard to save Llnes's Ufa. Dr.
Christie saya that be wasj driving at a
moderate rata of speed when hs struck
Lines. Ho expresses the belief that the
man waa strtsksn wttk i paralysis and
waa not able to get out bf tho way of
the machine. The belief let that the man
became frightened at the approach of the
aumnmbtlo and waa unable to get steer
of tta soars. I
Well Kiowa Epeiktri AanouBoed
for Clarities Xeeting.
cojivurnos opens on stjuday
Men aad Woasrm af Meeoauilaeel
Aetkerlty Will Deliver Ad
dreasro on Important
Toy tee.
Arrangements for the fourteenth an
nual union of ths Nebraska Conference
of Charities and CwrneUona, which
meets tn Omaha January at to M, are
osmplste. Headquarters hava been oo-
tahllshed at tha Hotel Rome. All sees Ions
will be open to the public President D.
H. Jenkins saya that never betora has
there been gathered on the program men
and woman u( such recognised authority
on the questions to ba eeoettered. He
bene res It will be the mast successful
session ever held.
Dean Walter T. Sumner of Chicago and
Miss Julia C Lathrop will be the princi
pal peek era. Oeorga Mogrldgs, superin
tendent ot tha Iowa School for Feeble
Minded Youth; Rot. Jossph Russia of
West Point. Hon. J. K. Miller, Mrs. P.
H. Cole, J. M. Hanson and Henry O. Cut
win be the other speaksrs. The usslona
will be bold from o'ctook In the morn
ing untn 4:1 In the evening.
Persistent Advertising la tho Road to
Big Returns.
Chief Donahue Visits Dance Eslls to
See for Himself.
Motteee to Be Sent art ao Thews
Who Peace Twees Aeo Bo
DtewroWly Cewgmst.
Chief of Pence Donahs, arttaf ea the
suggestion of dancing masters, has
started aa tavestlgwtloa of tho MtwatJon
in Omsha. Visiting a so-reiled "sot lety
dance Sunday night be ft and the merry
makers doing "the turkey trot," "the
grimly bear.- "the elephant squat,' "the
bear bag" and "the Texas Temmy. Al
though no arrest were made, the chief
said ths dances were "obnoktoas' And
would nave to be "cut out"
Mayor Dablmaa baa received letters
from some of the danea ball pitaMlelors
of the my saving that signs hava been
hung on the walla, forbidding the "turkey
trot" and "the frlsily bear." An ordl
aaaco ts prohibit these dances has beta
rsqnsnsd and may be drafted,
Dtcfc Sshaelder. est? Icense ttnmoctor,
said the reason ouch dances had become
popular waa beosuas dance bans are aet
licensed and the ret ore cannot ba con
trolled. Hs suggests an orrllwanoa re
quiring ptugirltssis ta pay an annual tt
cense, provialoa being made to revoke the
iteanss whsa swugeettv dances are allowed.
Tiie Quieloiess of Poslam
In Permanently Coring
And All Skin Affections
b a never-ending source of amaze
ment to sufferers. Chronic cases are
cured in two weeks; Complexions,
Red Nose and Inflamed Skin cleared
! OVERNIGHT: Pmtples, Acne,
Scalp-Scale, Rashes, Barbers' and all
forms of Itch eradicated with ease.
Ia using POSLAM you are using the most modem and most
successful remedy ever derised for skin trouble. It is daily accom
plishing astounding cures with almost incredible rapidity. Itsi
C feasant, easy, healing process, its intense antiseptic prapertiesmake
it invaluable in hospital and household. If any skin difficulty be
sets you, send for sample today and test before baying, for the sales
ot rosiam are maae wrougn iu
demor.strated merit '
messeCeatas. Foreaiabr
nnnn A ntoOonaen. Owl Brag Co -Brandon
Ivrac Sept. and an druggists.
Baltimore and Ohio Piaitroaa.
Winter tears to nertda pomta and
Havana. Cuba, via Washington, D. Q, or
Baltimore, Md.
Variable rente tickets via rail aad water
or all rail at red need leree.
Send for Illustrated booklet
W. A. Preston. T. ft A, Chloaga, or
a N. Asetln. O. P. A, Chloags.
Key to the Situation Pes Advertising.
Hew Society Woman
War.e Off Wrlnklee
"Wrinkles era net strangers to me, but
when I acquire each disfigurements 1
know bow to loos thsm In a hurry." A
well known sostety matron eonnded this
to me. I had wondered how she. with
her strenuous eoelel duties and late
hours, could so completely ward oft ths
usual marks of sere and dissipation.
"I don't wear wrinkles hi public nor
those horrid rings beneath tho erea," aha
ooollaosd. "stnso I0 learned what
plain, ordinary austlto win do. When
anr af those hateful marks appear, 1
end to the drag stora for aa ounce of
powdered aaxoUts aad a halt pint of
witch hasal. I mra ina two, ostne my
taoa m the solution end thari the whole
secret. I've never tried anyuung inai
works so miraculously. My chin tn-
eUned to douMei this trouble, toe. I beep
In check In the same wsy.--Krany Dean
In Town Talh.-Adv,
Medicate, with POSLAM
SsneArlal to ths Skin- Antiseptic -prevents
Disease Luxurious for
race. Hands. Bath or Shampooing.
aix iKxirrwt ss cents
For rRaTR BAMr-LB Of rvaLAM. Jlgn
this coupon snd eid tt to the EMER
Street, New York City.
No. 1M
Strength and Economy Make it the
Ideal Coffee Substitute.
published by ttie Crowere ol India Tea
The Bee for All the ta
Going at once-in-a-y ear prices
Oriental rugs of honest quality, exceedingly high value
and beautiful patterns in the greatest January sale
. s e f 1
HE opportunity for getting the best floor coverings that could be wished for into
any home, is now presented at this store, where the entire stock of genuine
f : .Jo'tr nriPPQ The reduction on each rug is
at least 25 per cent below our usual modest figures. The coloring, the weaves, the
designs and the quality are as good as contained in any similar rugs m the aty.
Though there may be no preient need for these rugs, the prices at which they are
.... st' r eevVtan tVitvtr chill rv wantprl
offered, make it wise to buy now ana lay away ior a umc
$28.00 Daghestan 5-l0x3- ..l.w
$27.50 Beloochlatan 4-7x3 ...$20.65
$25.00 Beloochistai2-7x3-9 ..$18.75
$25.00 Beloochlatan 2-8x3-6 . .$18.75
$23.00 Beloochistan-4-3x2-9. . $17.25
$28.00 Beloochistan 4-1x2-10 $21.00
$36.00 Beloochlstan-3-3x4-9 . .$25.00
$27.00 Eeloochintaiv-4-5x3-l ..$20.25
$50.00 Beloochistan 5-4x3-1 ..$37.50
$25.00 Beloochistan 3 x3-8 ...$18.75
$25.00 Beloochistan 4-9x2-8 ..$18.75
$30.00 BeloochiBtaa 2-5x4-3 ..$22.50
$22.00 Beloochistan 2x3-9 ...$16J50
$28jOO Beloochistan 4-9x2-6 . .$21.00
$28JX Bdoochistan 4-1x3-3 ..$21.00
$25.00 Beloochistan 4-2x3 ...$18.75
$34.00 Beloochistan 5x34 ...$25.50
$450 Kennanshah 9x11-2 ..$337.50
$22.50 Kermanshah 2-6x1-10 $19.90
$75.00 Kerman3hah-4-3x2-ll $56.25
$32.00 Eermanshah-3-lx2-2 ..$24.00
$46.00 SMrvan 4-6x3-2 $34.50
$36JX) Shinran 3-5x4-7 $25.00
$28.00 Daffhestan 3-2x4-8 ,...$21.00
$48X0 Daghestan 3-3x2-8 ....$32.00
$54.00 Daghestan 5-10x3-6 ..$40.50
$28.00 Daghestan 3x2-6 $21.00
$34.00 Daghestan 4-2x2-10 ..$25.50
$56.00 Daghestan 5-6x4-3 ....$42.00
$40.00 Daghestan 5-1x3-3 .,-$30.00
$29.50 Daghestan 4-9x3 $22.15
$30.00 Daghestan 3-5x2-10 ..$22.50
$25.00 Daghestan 2-10x3-8 ..$18.75
$34X0 Daghestan 4-3x3-5 ....$25.50
$34.00 Daghestan 4-5x3-7 ..$25.50
$52jOO Daghestan--5x3-8 . $39.00
$34.00 Dagh4jtaa 5-1x3-7 $25.50
$44.00 Daghestan 3-6x5-6 ...$33.00
$30.00 Daghestan 2-10x4-5 ..$22.50
$36.00 Daghestan-5-lx3-3 ....$25.00
$20.00 Mosul 2-9x3-10 $1500
$30.00 Mosul 4-2x3 ..-..$22.50
$50.00 Mosul 6-1x4-1 $37.50
$370 Mahal U-cl3-4 $277-50
$390 Mahal 10-5x14-4 $292.50
$50.00 Karak-7-5x3-3 .. $37.50
$45.00 Easak 6-7x3-6 .. $33.75
$40.00 Kazak-64x3-10 $30.00
$50.00 Kasak 6-6x4-3 $37,50
$35.00 Kazak-4x3-2 . -..$26.25
$30.00 Easak 5-1x3-3 .. $22.50
$85.00 Kaxak-7-3x5-3 $63.75
$72.00 Royal Bokhara 4-1x3-4 $54.00
$60.00 Princess Bokhara 4-3x3-11
t $45.00
$24.00 Bokhara 3-8x2-7 $18.00
$40.00 Guendje 7x3-11 . $30.00
$35jOO Ouendje 7x3-5 ... $265
$35.00 Ouend 6-3x3-5 .MM.$2625
$50.00 Benna-441x3-6 -$37.50
$65.00 Mosul 6-10x4-5 .$48.75
$10.00 Kabistan 2-6x2 ........$7.70
$30.00 Kurdistan 5-1x2-8 $22.50
$90.00 Camel's Hair 3-5x10-6 $67.50
$165 Boyal Serin 6-8x4-10 $123.75
$200 Candahar 10-9x14 $150.00
$110 FeraghaD-9x4-10 ...M820
$15.00 Anatolian 2-8xV9 .115
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
Established 1884
413-15-17 Sonth Sixteenth Street.