:1 i if Y THE BEE: . OMAHA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1912. 3 - Nebraska Nebraska DEMOCRATS MAY GET PAPER tXiaeoln Star Said to Be Flirting with the Bourbon Element. "if '1A FOLLETTE BOOSTEJG 13 PAST Secretary Currle mt Taft Leasee Pre pane retltloaa far Delegate tkere rrlsaary Ticket Bartllng dies. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLX, aJn. 3. Special.) A story las been cureut Tor eora t!n among the political wise onee which mar account for tha excessive aellhty of certain of tha La Pollette boomer. It ie that after tha national convention hive been he!d tha Lincoln Star Is to came out a NEWS N0TES0Fs ALLIANCE Bishop Berrher af Keareey Heaaw Cam at Reeeptlea lv fcy ' Meyer Harris. ALUAXCB. Neb.. J-ul. .-Spec:a3.-On of the moat brilliant aortal events of the season was a reception given last night at the home of Mayor and Mrs. F. W. Harris, In henor of Bishop C. A. Beecher of the Kearney diocese of the Episcopal church. A feture-f the evening was a splendid musical program, which was well rend erel and highly appreciated by all pree ent, the participants la this brin Mes- dame U. J. Rousseau and C. E. Bennett and Misses Bemlca Krldelbeugh. Alma Welderhamer. Dorothy Host and Mar garet llawXina. Mrs, Edith Barker was accompanist. n. V. Hughes, who has been superin tendent rf ths Sunday school of Ihe First Nebraska VALUATION QUESTIONS UP State Soon to Introduce Evidence in Horthwestern Hearing. - SOAO WAJTTS ITIW EVJIPJIEST, Seeks sVrsBjaalaa ta 'sTzJseak 81 asa far This Perpe, Placing . Hart Vpaa Retire Spa te sat Da It. Nebraska atraight democratic paper. One fact Presbyterian church for over thirteen which lends color to ths rumor Is that ' -ars. was agreeably surprised last even th owner of the psper, H. E. Go.?h. Is I"! " fc" WM Invited to a reception classed as a democrat and has been so at the Church, given In his honor, by tha considered br every one. Tho persistence officers and pnolls of tha Sunday school. 1th which the oarer. In Its advocacy of! A musical program was rendered, after X Follette. r burring bridges behind It w!,w Hughes was presented with a and seeking to induce republicans to do beautiful rocker by the school as a token ao, also lends color to th story. It Is ' r eneem. ' v generally conceded by all the well posted La Follette men that tha Wisconsin man doss not have a rhest of a chance ta carry toe Stat, but the failure will be a good enough excuse for lumping the polit ical fenos and th actum I) to get as many republloana aa possible committed ao far they wilt be tempted to Jump over with th would-be sell wether. Even if they cannot carry these men with them th feeling engendered by th contro versy they have stirred np Is expected to be a handicap to th republicans In the campaign. Speaking of tha story of the flop, a republican said today that he thought It was not an unmixed blessing, for It would be less trouble to the party aa a sweognlsed opponent than an Irritant within th ranks. La Fallett Method. Jess light Is thrown on th methods Tu reoed by th La, Follett men by a story which was printed lie re th latter .part of last week. Ths story was that a republican editor at Callaway. Wheley br named, had written In that th coun try was all for La Follett and that In case ha was nominated thai would be scarcely enough Tart 'men In Custer county to select party committeeman from. Th story reads well from a La Valletta standpoint, btu th truth Is that th afesald editor Is not a republican, but at th last election was chosen to a local efflo en th populist ticket "Of oourss this man will not ovt th repub lican ticket If La Follett I not nom inated." said . th republican who gave ut th Information, "and he wouldn't rot for any republican, but h can stir up trouble by letting It go out from horn that h Is going to Jump If aom man who has no enow of being th nominee la sot th party' choice. It's a nice game, but I don't think anybody Is going to be fooled by It." Tbie letter-Is similar In character -to numbers of letters and Interview given ut from tha La Follett headquarters. retHlaaa far Taft Ticket, T.' It Carrie, secretary of. the Taft league. Is preparing the petitions to place tha Taft ticket on the primary ballot, and expects to send them out tomorrow. The only vacancy to be filled, so far ss known, la that caused by the resignation of I Thomaa Auld at delegate from the Fifth I district The large number of signatures required, together with the provision for (obtaining them ta ao many eounrtes It going to require considerable work, but th petitions ace expected to be sll ready long before th tlm required. Mr. Cur rl ha requests from McCook, Norfolk and Pierce for papers necessary- to form Taft clubs la those places affiliated with th state club. Thsy will be forwarded : at one. This work Is Just being started and within a few days It Is expected there will be a large number of clubs In process of organisation. ' It Is stated that Robert C. Ross of Lex Ington. who last week filed as repub'Jcaa candidate for president, not only Intends to follow It up with filings as a demo crat populist and aocieJIit, but that he lias studied the election laws of other states, and finds that b can file In a similar manner In Wisconsin, rortn De bute aad Oregon. ; Barillas Files far Seaater. H. H. Bartllng filed today as republican candidate for state senator from Otoe and Cass counties. Bartllng was noted In the last legislature aa being tbe author of the Sunday base bell bill, which passed both houses end was vetoed, by 'the governor, pessad ths senate over the veto, but failed by four, votes In the house to override th veto. He also cast the deciding vote against the county option bill. r. P. Corrtck of the La Follette Stat league announces a meeting of the La Toilette men In the Fifth district at Hast ings next Saturday. Candidates will be jiamed at that time. Sunday evening Buneh commandeer Ko. X, Knights Templar, attended services In the Methodist church In full regalia. A epectsl sermon ass preached bv Rev. Olln Baker, hla subject being "Atheism. Pantheism, Deism and Christ lanitr." His elaboration on ths-subject proved to be highly intellectual. Special oniric was rendered end a solo by Mr, p. J. Rous seau. It Is the Intention of the Knlghte Templar to pay a series of visit to all the orthodox churches In the city. Exceptionally fine weather prevails and any loss In stock which may have re sulted from the protracted cold spell Is being counterbalanced by ths benefit tb gradual melting of the snow at this time will prove to be to the surrounding country. Poet master Beyaoa Reelcwa. BCRWELU Neb.. Jen.' .-8peclaI.) No little surprise was created this week when It was lesrned thet 11. S. Beynon, who has been postmastsr at Burwell for the pest twelve years, on account of poor health, had sent his resignation to Washington. W. C. Johns, ax -county treasurer end state central committee man from this district. Is out with a petition for the appointment and aa it la being generally signed and ha Is known to be a personal friend of Con gressman Klnksld, It Is generally con ceded he will lend the position. , D. B. Beynon has held the position for twelve year. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jen. it -(Special. -Tomor row the railroad commisMoa wit resume the hearing on she Northwestern road's physical condition, fp to tha present. the state has not Introduced any test! mony except what It has been able to extract from witnesses summoned by the railroad, and when the hearing I, re turned wll take it Inning. The railroad company has sought to show that Mr. Hurd. th state's engineer, has put too low a valuation on the reproduction value of tha company's property and aiw laid much stress on the point that no matter how much some of Its property was worn It was serving; th purpose ot naw and therefore wes worth as much aa new. The atete will try to controvert both of these positions. The Union Pacific hearing la set for February I and It la expected the North western case will be concluded in time to take that up. Secretary of State Walt and his force have been. busy today. returning to Ihe vauu th documents, which were re moved to permit the erection of the nee steel fixture. Superintendent Booth of the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Omaha was at th stale house today conferring with mem ber of the Board ot Publle Lands and Buildings regarding a better water sup Ply for the institution. ; Bids for Itate Bridge. . Stele Engineer Price has returned from Holt, Keya Paha and Boyd coun ties,, where he wfnt to confer w!"i th county commissioner regarding nlans for stale a:d bridges. The commission ers were inclined to favor reinforced concrete construction but will advertise for bids on both concrete and steel con struction. ", Labor Commissioner Dure la convinced that II pays to advertise.. The Bee an nounced that he had two Jobs for men and their wives to work on farms and today his. office has been overrun with applicants and what he wants new Is more job.' Th city of McCook has asked the auditor to register 191.000 of waterworks thing to do was to use the skle of the train away from the other track In case of double track road In reply to the charge that the fast trains were not compelled to atop at most of the stations the cor.muasloners assert that aa order, te compel them te etep would not be upheld in then ourts, but. that on th other hand the statutes gave to the cities snd Tillage ample power to compel the road te ma their trains at a reasons hie speed while paring through Incorporated place. : They say If this la not done it la the fault of th local authorities and not of the commission. Trevetle. Cm pa ay earnings. The Lincoln Traction company has Bled It report with the railroad com mission showing the Intel earnings for the year 1111 to be Kl.JOJS) and th expense IMU3.eS. December was the best month with gross receipts of t3.0ie.lt and February, th poorest, with receipts of M4.1U.H. December wss also the most expensive month. In which the company expended tM.IM.es end June wee Its opposite, with expenditures of ,. The company valuation shows that It earned less than per cent end the plea Is made that straight i cent Urea would make up the deficit below. J. C. .Harding, assistant to the sani tary engineer of New York .city, his arrived In Lincoln' and today commenced an. Investigation with a view of telling th people of this city what Is the matter; with their water system. Rev. R. T. Russell, president of the cen tral council of the Advent church. In his annual report to the conference showed a most encouraging condition. The col lege at. College view shows en enroll ment of M and M In the normal depart ment The publishing house hea also had a prosperous year. The sales for the lest six years are: I,' tllsll: hot. t.57: IK a,Tl; IMP. H7.S70. ltis. t3t,fi; 1M1. t3K.3)0. .Standing committees were ap pointed as follows: . Committee on Plans A T Hnhiim James Cochran. Meade MacOulre. Oeorge i n kins, rTeneriCK urtggs. . Committee on Nominal inns J w Christian. W. H. Clark. II. Osterleah. a! R. Odgen, J. a Rouse, H. E. Ijrslnger. E. A. Curtis. Committee on Credentlsls snd TJmmm -W. F. Kennedy. R. Kite. Meade Mac Quire. F. M. Wilcox. N. T. 8ution. Committee on Finance A. T. Rnhinann A. R, Oeden. James Cochran. J. w chris tian. , , , Jt was voted that the president of Ihe aentral union and the presidents of the looal conferences be a committee' on dis tribution ot labor. . , Meaey to Be Falsi Over Seea. The retiring officers of the fnlon Fir Insurance company,' who accepted cash ew Factory fer Nebraska city. NEBRASKA CITY. Jan. a.-8peoial.)-Ralph A. Duff has completed and per fected his carbureter tor gasoline engine and will manufacture them in this city, To do this he will build a large factory. The! erection of the building Is to be tarted as soon as materiel can be placed on the ground. The building Is to be lo cated at th oomer of Fifth street and Central avenue, adjoining ths M. B. Smith factory, which building hi erected a year ago, ., . - - Mate Killed by Trmla. . NEBRASKA CITV, Neb.. Jan. B. (Special Telegram.) Chris Oelke, a well known young farmer, who has been making thin city his home this wlntsr. concluded to visit hla brother near Paul, this afternoon and walked . down the Missouri Pacific treck, not noticing the passenger train snd being mute n was run down snd Instaatlyklllsd. He Is survived by his father; and four brothers. 4 Knar woman's' heart resDohds to the dvann and sweetness of a baby's Toice, torrlic saiure intended her (of ; motherhood, Sat even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because euch ft time is regard ed aa a period of Bufienng and danger. Worsen who Bse Mother's Friend are sved much discomfort and sufierin jf, and their systems, being; thoroughly prepared by this great remedv are 7a a healthy condition to meet the lime with the least possible snfferinf and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. ' This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sizi tily assists nature to perfect its work, jlother's Friend allays nausea, pre- Mother corrmoutes to stron?. healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is ."old at drug stores. . Write for our free book for expectant mothers. I fsinrmn BBSVIATIHS OX, Aiae. Ga I daughter. CRESTON FARMER KILLED WHILE HUNTING RABBITS CRESTOX. la., Jan. S.-(Bpecial.)-' Frank Hoffman, a young farmer living eight miles south of this city, was In stantly killed Friday afternoon whan his gun was accidentally discharged while he was on a hunting trip. The charge en tered Ms throat, nesriy severing his head. Mr. Hoffman, In company with two com panions, had started In a sleigh on a rab bit hunt, and In going trier a culvert, the Jolt discharged the gun carried by Mr. Hoffman. He was SJ years of age and leaves a widow and six children. KANSAS CITY FUGITIVE .... . ARRESTED IN MEMPHIS KANSAS Crrr. Mo., Jan. Zl'-H. W. Richardson, formerly president' of the defunct American Union Trust company Is under arrest la Memphis, Tenn.. ac cording to a telegram received by th chief of police of this city today. Rich ardson Is charged with making fal en tries on the books ot the trust company, which losed Ita doors here en December W, last. . DEATH J5EC0RD. Jaka Pfaaa. NEBRASKA CUT, Jan. 2.-1 Special.) John Pfann. aa rid resident of this city who died Saturday, was burled yester day from th family residence, with Reva Koser end Langherst conducting the services. He wes born in Auvtrio-Hunv gary on December I. 1V2, and was sur vived by thirteen children, and a widow. All of the children were et his bsdslde at tbe time of his death save two, who rere unable to reach, here from the ra cfflc coast. Joba B. Prestea. SPRINGFIELD. Neb., Jan. &-Sr-clal.f John B. Preston, one of the earliest settlers of this section, died at a hospital In Caunctl Bluffs Friday, night. The funeral wss held here Funds? afternoon. Mr. Preston came to Sarpy county in February, IPSO, and has rived here almost continuously ever since. He waa ft years of ace. Rev James Huff of South Omaha conducted -.he funeral. Interment rn Springfield cemetery. Mrs. Rasaell Thorpe. CHETEKNE. Wye... Jan. H.l Special.) Word was received here tndav of the death at Ixrig Beach. Cel.. of Mrs. Rus sell Thorp, mother of Russell Thorp. Jr., of Lusk, Wyo. Mrs. Thorp eras Ihe widow of one of the pioneer residents of Wyo ming, who for many years operated the MS" line between Cherenne and the liiack Hills, and conducted a read ranch at Rawhide Butte. The body will be brought home for burial. t. H. DstIs. ' TAXKTO.V. 8. D.. Jen. 22.-:Rpcial.r- J.'R. Davis, a Virginian end prominent confederate soldier in the civil war. I dropped dead Saturday hero In the yard lot his son-in-law Secretary Albert H. I Lee or Yankton college. Mr. Davie is survived by hi widow and a eon and refunding bonds. The original Issue was ,hJr resignations, did not pay any "t wow worth ot them could not be disposed of bteeus they were in SS.0M denomlnetlons. It Is proposed to orneiaiiy retire the eld Issue and sub stitute the same amount only th new bonds will b la denominations ot SVM vecn. - The supreme court has taken a recess until February 1 Re Seea Appreprlatleaa Food Commissioner Hanson, when asked whether his department would take action on th seed question In this state raid Ihe bureau was eharged under the law with such duty, but ths failure of. the . leglslstur '. to cnak any appropriation for ths work ': toft ths bureau helpless go far as doing any thing regarding the low germinating power of th seed corn. He said that so far as ths bureau cxild eld. incidental to Its other work. Jt would do so, but with no money available for the specific purpose It could not do much. Speed of Fast Train a. Some papers In tb state have criti cised tha .railway oomralsslon and) stated that but for a ruling of tha commission sod dents such as the one which cost Sheriff Dunkel of Orond Island hi .life would not have occurred. So fir ss the alleged ruling regarding the side of the train on which passengers should alight atDd embark there was nothing to It as no such ruling had been made, but as a matter, of fact the only logical Pore money to Auditor Barton today, aa had bean anticipated, but lata this after noon the auditor waa called up on ths telephone end informed that the remain der would In all probability be turned over to Tilm tomorrow. Xertkwestersj Bare Bewlpssewt. The Chicago aV Northwestern Railroad company has asked the State Railway commiMlon for authority to enter Into a iio.000 Coo equipment agreement. The pur pose of the agreement, as Indicated by tbe name. Is ths purchase en tlm of roll ing stock and ether equipment for the line, giving a acts and mortgage on th equipment Itself ta secure payment. . ,Th permission already haa been granted bp th stat of Wisconsin and probably the same action will be tsfcen by Nebraska. Orkin's Douglas St. Store ADVANCE NOTICE! Next WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, w will Offer Your Unrestricted Choice of Any SKIRT IN OUR STORE Formerly sold at $5.95, $7.50, $8.95 and $10, on Sale Wednesday in Two Great Lota All our higher priced aldrta will be sold at just one-half price. Final Coat Clearance Wednesday Your unrestricted choice of all Women's and Misses' 9 jC f"V Coata that formerly sold at $15.00, $17.50 and $19.50 - (f"T) M) NEXT WEDNESDAY V " DON'T MISS THESE SALES . - . . , , : i , Orkin's Douglas StrcctS t orie ssW" ss vV" MVr' "ww 1 Farmers' lastltwt at Deaaar. DUNBAR. Nab... Jan. ft (Sneoleu The Dunbar Isrmars' Institute will be hold her thia week on Wednesday and Thursday. This la one of the most pro gressive Institute of th kind In th stat. , Th officers ot th Dunbar Instl tuts are: Adolph Wetler. president; Henry Orlepenstr.ih. vice president: M. T. Har rison, secretary: James p. Baker, treas urer. A good program. haa been' arranged, among whom appear V. K. Shirley, Cen tral City, Neb.; F. W. Johnson, Har vard, Neb.; Dr. Carlson, Norfolk, Neb.; Miss Mary Pasco. Fremont, Neb., as wall aa other local talent of ability. EIGHT STATEUOIN HANDS Effort Will Be Made to Stop Satifi- cation of Classification. HART CONFERS WITH CARROLL Repabllraa Ketloael cesssslrteeasaa for Casasslas First, Bat Be lieve Next Chelee gheaU Be Preeldeat Taft. - (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINES, Jan. 1.-Specil Tsle- gram.r-Iowa, Kansas. Netiaaka. Minne sota, North Dakota, South Dakota. Okla homa and Missouri will loin hands In a fight to prevent Ihe ratification ot the western classification co.nmlttee's new classification of freight. A meeting will be held Wednesday at Kansas City to outline plans for present ing a pro! est ot these eight state to th Interstate Com mere commission. Th Iowa commission received notice that the Interstate Commerce commission will hold an Investigation of th new classifi cation In Chicago January . At that time the eight stat will nlr thlr for mal protest and present their argument There ere LOW changes In the new classification, every one affecting low. t. Hart tar Casasslas First, Senator A. B. Cummins should receive th united support of th Iowa delegation for the nomination for president at the national convention, eeoordlng to Brneot B. Hart of Council Bluffs, member of the national republican committee from Iowa. Mr. Hart, .who held a lent con ference with Governor B. F, Carroll, said he believes Iowa should give Senator Cummins Its solid support so long aa there is a chance ef hie winning, but the dele gate should be tor President Taft a a second choice aad not turned to any other opponent of President Taft for the (nation other than Senator Cummin, laiea Car Ma Meet. Union street car men of Des Molnea met to consider th proposition ot new wage scale. Thsy declare thet the rapid Increase In the already high east of living forces them to demand a sub stantial Inareaes In wages. It is antlet uated that th men will generally favor an advance of about 7 cents aa hour for all the men In the operating service. ; Feete Ceefess with Carroll. Allen Ripley Foots of Columbue, O., president of the National - Tax associa ting, conferred with Governor B. F. Oar roll today on th details of the arrange ment for the annual convention ot Ihe association, which will be held In De Moines next fall. O. A. R. Raeaaapaieat. ' The department encampment, of the Iowa Grand Army of the Republlo will be held June II.. 1J, and 14 at Maeoa City. I,ot Abraham of Mount Pleasant, depart mot eommaedsr, announced the dates for the reunion today. District reert at Brakes Bow.V BROKEN ROW. Neb.. Jan. B. -(Special) District court convenes this week with Judge Bruno Hoststler presiding. Outside of several criminal bond to be approved by the Judge the term will be devoted to chit case The docket I well filled and lb will probably take a weck or more to work through It. IDENTICAL TELE-RAMS TELL OF TWO DEATHS CRKSTON.' Ie.. Jsn. H.-(Speeis- strange coincidence In two tries rams re ceived by I). J. B. Harmon of this eliy yesterday , was revealed In Ihe message they contained. Barh read the same: "Ixla s father died this morning." One waa the announcement of the death of his own wire's father. Cash Williams, st Hastings, Nab.; the other told of the death of his brother's wife's father, J. C Millard, at Montour, la. The drains of tha two fathers occurred at about the' aame time on the same day, and in each jnstance the bereaved daughter's I name waa the aame, lxils. . . Weak Heart I safer Iron weak hearts. Tbe say siprrt a tt breath aa mrtioa, psia ever the heart, tints, oppressed hreathia after me' or their i Marred, their heart fc aof safioisntly stron4 d to tbe sitretnitiee, and they have eold heads or epoetin because of weakeaed bloed supply ih. A heart toelo sad alterative should be tsksa had altar-effect. Such is Dr. Pieros's Goldaa 1 Medical Discovery, which cental as ao daaferoeo eersstie aor aloohel. Th lepedlaats. aa et testes ewder ostfc, era Mane reel (Csffbueels rinses est). Blsearset (Ssetwaserss Cassesssls), OeMea Seal feet (htrevsstsi fiaaaia i i.wfffKrss eurtrmmMt, pita tasrrvneni ifmsee ruaisaiash "as rfieva, wfta iniii lef.wew f iycsrias. 's), Queen's rest ( When the Nerves Look to the Cry Cot The cry may be in aome one of many ways Trembling, Sleepy in tbe day time (cornea from stomach), Headache, Dyspepsia, Bowel Trouble, Heart Palpitation, and even Pains in various parts of the' body originate in a disordered nervous system. Such a condition of the nerves may be produced from various causes. It is very often brought on by Coffee. . If you don't heed the cry (Nature's hint) yon may be sore the, trouble will get worse, and not better, until you. either quit the cause, or you develop fixed organic disease that may carry you down. It is the finest trade possible, to quit coffee and ob-. serve, the result. .--"'.; . . 'Health is the most exquisite fun 'on earth. ' X . It is easy to quit coffee when yon have choice, well-made POSTUM r . a delicious hot beverage with the deep seal brown of stron; coffee that changes to a rich golden brown .wLen cream is added. Then you have the crisp coffee ' 'snap ' ' and a flavor all its own. The nerves are relieved of the old hurt of the poisonous "Caffeine" of coffee and in ita place yon feed the system on the strong food elements in Postum which help to quickly rebuild the worn out and exhausted nerve and brain cells destroyed by coffee: Maaerake rest Pmtmkriimm PHtmtum), wMh trials r Ie a sdeejUIsc Isssrstsry la a way thai as dregs tsi cesM ualuta. TV toeio eoatsine ao sieohol to shrink up Ihe red blood corpuscles tart, aa th ether bead, it i no rets their number and they beooae round aad healthy. It help th bnsjaa aystses ha tb eoostaat msnuiastars oi rich, red blood. It help tb atooMeh to saiimilit or tsks up th proper elesasats (rocs tb load, thereby belpin dirttioa and curial dyspepsia, heart -bura aad many Wacom fortahle symptoms, stops excessive tiiaoe wast ia convalescence iroaa fevers far the ruo-down, snataue, thin-bloodsd people, tb " Discovery' is refresbini aad vitalising. Stick to this sen aad tan remedy, and refuse sj " fuel as load ' BMdloias offered by tha druajist who is looklnl lor a lrfer proat. Notbia bet Dr. Pieros's Golden Medical Discovery will do yon half as mush food. DR. BRADBURY DENTIST I50S Fares m St, , Platea ... Extracting-, , rilllnja ... Crowns ... Btidgework .$2.00 ...83c ...HOC .SS.BO .sa.wvp 0 Teen bams Office 1'hone Dong. 17S Missing Troth support ' without nates or Bridge work. Xervee remove without pain. Workgnar antrcd tm years. 1 Golden State Limited No Excess Fare exclusively for flrat class travel awaits each day to whirl you away out ot tha chill raw winds and rain Into the cherry gutn ' mar again. And tha Joy begins with ths Journey. Th superb Pullman are eoey, well lighted and perfectly ventilated. . There are full slsed berths, roomy and while. A chef who caa cook, and a barber and valet ready to serve you. Each mile of tha wall kept road teems with brilliant paabremas. There la a ' library to Improve tb mind, Vlctrola Recitals to entertain and a special news wire keeps you In touch with events aa you speed along. Less than three days of pleasur upon a perfect train. ( . , via ROCK ISLAND LINES Dally to El Paso,. Los Angeles, Pasadena, ganu4 Barbara, Del Monta the Golfer's Paradise and San fyanclsco rl the direct route of the lowest altitudes. Tha "Clllfornlan" and other fast - 1 trains every day as well. Write for Information and I'll send you Interesting boohs which you will be glad to have, descriptive of California. Theis) are facta. Prove them by 10 days' trial. "There's a Reason" Get the little book, "The Eoad to Wellville,'.' in pkgs. Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Crek. Mich. ' soxooi. raaozaa " Aa Coffee DriakUuj. Many good people are both loth te give up coffee, even though they edmlt that It Is doing them harm, because they fear that nothing else In the wsy of a hot beverage will satisfy them. A school teacher aaya: "I elweys enjoyed coffee for breek fsst. The day seemed lost without It. But In time I begsn to experience bed result from It use. I grew very ner vous and lost flesh and finally was prostrated by a complete nervous breakdown. Then I was compelled to abandon the use of coffee. . . "I adopted Poatum aa my hot beveraare at breakfast. Have been ualng It for e.or than two year My health Is re stored and I am sole to take an Interest In Ufa once more. i "My whole family, children and all, drink Poatum, and we all thrive and keep healthy on It. It Is to us a de lightful drink, delicious and tempting and with none of the harmful effects that usually followed tb uee of coffee. The choicest brsnds of Java and Mocha offered free, would not tempt us te quit the use ef Postum." Kerne given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. "There's e reason." Read the little book, "Ths Road to Wellville."' In pkg J. S. McNALL 1322 D.P.A., : arnam Street, ; Omaha, Nebraska DON'T PULL OUT THE GRAY HAIRS,- A SIMPLE REMEOTRESTORES COLOR Cures Dandruff, Stops Failing Hair and Makes It "' ' Grow. "Puft out one gray hair and a oosen srill take Ha place" Is sn old saving, which la to a great estent, true, if no steps are taken to stop ths cause. When gray hairs appear It I a sign that Na ture needs assistance. It Ie Nature' a call for neip. Oray hair, dull, lifeless hatr, or hair that la tallig out. Is not nscesssriy a sign ot advancing age. tor there are . thousands ef elderly people with perl.ft heads of hair without a sin gle streak ot gra7. Vi hen grey hairs come, or when the a air seems to be lifeless or dead, some good, rellab'e. self-restoring treatment ahould be resorted to at once. Special ssts say that ore ef the btst prepsra- ta ae to a eld-tiamone aie- tea" which our grandparents used. Th best preparation et this kind Is Wyeth's . gage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep aration of domestic ssge and sulphur, scientifically compounded and later die covered hair tonics and stimulants, tha whole mixture eerng carefully balanced and tested by eaperts. - Wyeth's Sage end 8ulphar ss clean aad wholesome and perfectly harmless. It refreshes dry. parched hair, removes dandruff and gradually lea lures faded or gray hair to Its natural color. Don't delay another minute. Start name Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur at once aad see what a difference a few days' treatment wUl make in your hair. This preparation Is offered te the pub-. He at fifty eeats a bottle, and la recom mended and sold By all druggists. Sher man a McConneU Drug Co.. Cor. Hta and Dodge, Car. Mth and Barney. Cor. Sth and Famaai. W- . Htb at, bstet r