Ideal Underwaists Are Best For Your Guldrea Boys and girls like to wear them because they fit snugly and comfortably, give perfect support, yet never bind or draw, at any point. They're sensible, hygenic, made of washable ma terials' and outwear two of the ordinary kind which cost nearly the same. Sizes from 6 months to 16 years priced at - - 25ei 50c and up. ; ,. Pony Hose for Boyi mi Girls . It doe teem that th averag youngster go through ttock Ingt 1b record breaking tlm bit thaw pony hoao ere mad to withttand Jutt inch ftrrauoua wir; tho know, Bool ul sole are made doubly ttronx. P007 hot cut down stocking . bill to a nlalmnm. sot thorn today for your children -, 25 nd up. . . . wt xont f win cm 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET ism mm C0NHAU6HT TO CALL ON TAFT (roTeraor General ef Caaada Coaae - Plaa f Visit ; PUTT XEACHE3 FEW ' TOKI Will to WutUtln.Tkntari Vim He Will Be lteeelve at White Hoaee aad Dlee at '. British breakfast wa Ofden HUM Held, eoa of the ambassador. FOUE RAILROAD OFFICIALS KILLED tCoattnued from Flret iui ) - DR. WILEY JSJiOT GUILTY Boom Committee Hakes Its Beport . oa St. Euiby Charge. . SATS LAW KIEDS KZTISIOI this of Bareae heU aV Van Pwwew Which the Meer tap tits i Hav. i lee Law . WAgHINQTON. D, . C. Jaa. It Dr. Jlarrsy W. Wllsy la keld "net guilty" ef eeasptraey to evade the law la a re port filed arlth the house today ay the eemmlttes watch conducted aa Invest! gttloa laet August Int the charges apea which President Tad waa aaked to ato mise Ibe natton'f chief ehenalet from the government etrnee. Net only doea the committee aeeolv Sr. Wiley from orlticlem for the employ neat of Dr. H. H. kjueby et New Terk a a government expert at a technical rau ef P per day; bat It attache la measured terms the whole admtntstra tion of Ibe National Pat Pood law end demand , of congress actio to chant the method la the Departmeat ef A art culture by which the law la bow ap plied. . - - i - The o-eatld Wiley mvmthretloa aroet from the charges aitd la the AaTteut tural tenartment. that Dr. Wiley. Or. Mr. D. Malow aad Dr. U P. Ksbler, all of the bureau ef chemistry, had secretly imaged with Dr. H. IL Rue by e( New Tork ee that Ue latter eed work ealy eighty daye In the year fee aa aanoal saluary et Item .Thta waa declared to he a dellberata evasion of the etetllhed limit ef per imti . .- " "We fled, from .me tvtdtnr (hat Uie charges ef eoaeplracy have net beea e tailsnd.M aaye the oammtttee report, "but oa the contrary ' that tha oftlolale were actuated seleh- hy a deelre to pro cure lor the bureau ef ehemlatry aa effl deat awustant la the Per eoa ef Dr. H. II. Rushy uader terma and condition which thoee offlclsls btlleved to he la entire areerd with tha laws, refuuuloae and praetlee ef the Departmeat of Agrt eulturt." Bo pert le laaalseess. ' The report ef the committee oa axpsa- tlturss In the Agricultural department la eltaed by all of the membsrs. nemo. crate and republicans alike. It declare that Dr. Wiley and bl aaaletaata com munlealed the facte of Dr. nueby'a m aieymsat fully to Bserelary Wilson. It holds, however, that the contract (or the employment of Dr. Itoehy le tech aleally lllraal, and recommesda that conarera make apeelfle proiloa for the employment of expert! la the Afrtcul tural department. "The admtnietratlon of the pttre food law beeaa with a policy of negotiation and eomprenitie between the secretary and the purveyor! ef our national food suppixe," declana the committee In Its report. i "Tour committee does not question the motlvea or the sincerity of the secretary ef etrtrulture wboas Ion eerrloe i head ef the Department efatrloultrue has beea. a ticaal aervMe to the American people. From the baainala. however, the honor able secretary fcaa apparently assumed that hie duties la the proper an foraeeneat of the pure food law are Ju dicial m character, whereas In fact they THESECRETOFSUCCESS Besulnt Merit Rapr.i to Wis the People'. Cootldsncs Have yea ever etopped te Tea eon why It la that so many prod arte that mn aa teaetvety adrertleed. all at once drop out of eliht an4 are soon for sot ten? The reason la plain the article did not fulfill the promisee of the manufacturer. This applies atoeo particularly to a medicine. A avroMchMl pfeperattea that lias real curadve ralae alneoet sells Itself, as kks aa eadleea chala system the remedy, le receeamendrd by tbsee who have beea cured, -to those who are la aeed of It. la an smvm oa the eohjeet a prom taeot torsi drucaist says: "Tame for dx ample Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root a prrp sratlon I have eold for many years and aever healtata to recommend, (or In al most every ease It shows immediate re salta, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know ef has as mrce a sale." The soccees of Dr. Kilmer's Sweaip Reot Is doe to the fact that It fulfills every wish ta evercomiac kidney. Uver aad hlaMsr diseases, corrects urinary troubles and aewtraDsaa the nrtc add which camwe rhramsrJsm. A free trial bottle win he aeat by mall. 'ahsoUitely free. Address Dr. Kilmer It Oe.. Binctmmtesv K. I, aad mentloa this neper. Rceralar ahte bottles sold at all Oreaa-wte de and . BROWN'S CaoNCHiAL Troches ksabsvesmmsaamsaof wmibei. I 1 ars wheljy adnilnlstrativs aad ministerial. Orejaelastloa Two Com plea. ThM mlseonstruetlea 'of the law Is fuadameatal and has reaulted la a eom plei orfanlaatloa within the Department of Aancaltural and ta the creation of offlosa aad boards to which have beea through executive ordsrs, power to overrule or annul tha finding of the bureau of chemistry. Cbartas wsro made during the commit tee's bearings that the work of Dr. Wiley and his associates waa revised and eftea rejected either by Solicitor McCabe or by the board of food aad drug Inspection ef which Mr. McCabe. Dr. Wiley and Associate Chemist Dualap, were the member. The position of Dr. Dunlap waa variously mated to be co-ordinate with aad superior to that of Dr. Wiley, who was supposed to be the supreme offi cer of the bureau. The committee aiakea sweeping criti cism of the methods of the department It rseummends that tha chief of bursas be given the full power which the law supposee him lo hare, over all employes of the bureau; that the board of food and drug Inspection be made op entirely from within the bureau of ehemlatry, and that the power of the socllcher to pass upon the finding of the bursa of ehemlatry be withdraws. It la recom mended that the chief and his two asso ciate shall be of the same rank, sitting with equal power aa board member. All are lo be subject to removal by the ap pointing power., - - - ,W arena Kesds Reorganisation. Tha hearlnga disclosed a condition of discord slitting la the bureau ot ehem Utry which has lowered the discipline. Impaired the efficiency of the service and and has added to the eoat of administra tion ft V (lu.MnnlHti 'I will wmm quire positive and well-considered rear- (nutation te rasters (he efficient service to which the public la Justly Entitled." The Remseu referee board, around which much of the Investigation centered last summer, la said te bo legally consti tuted, but Its actlvltlea as a supervising power over the bureau of chemistry are declared ta be outside of the law. This board was created hy President Roose velt and la composed of eminent cheat' Ista, to whom ars rsferrtd debated ques tions arising under tbs pure (cod law. It reverted Dr. Wiley findings oa hen- mat ot aoda: and ha before It other question which the committee! declare properly belong to the bureau of chem istry.' Cfcaago la Law Seeded. "The secretary of agriculture seem to have regarded the finding f this board as conclusive In all caaes aver tho opln tons and ft ad In aa ef the bureau of chem istry, the tribunal w tilth by express terms of statute la vsatsd with authority to determine tb queetlona of adulteration and misbranding within the meaning of tb act." say the report. , Tho committee should not be continued ander the simple authority of aa execu tive order, to exorcise such control ever the pur feed laws. . ' "If such board be deemed necessary or advisable the proper admlahttraUoa of par food lew. Its authority should expressly conferred. It scop and Juris diction dearly defined, and tbs effect of Its decisions declsred. by act of con gress," tars the committee. . The payment by the government three member of the refer board whs testified la the Indiana state cases In volving ths use of benteate It aa declared hy the committee to hart "wholly without warrant of law." . WASHIHOTOX Jaa, tt-Tho duke of Coanaatght wfll make a Tying visit te Washlagtoh aad pay his respects ta Pree uleet Taft. R waa learned here today. His orlgmol plana did net Include a call n tha president, which fact provoked considerable comment The duke of Coo naught will bo received by President Taft at tha White Boase Thurxday afternoon st f o'clock. He will ta accompanied to tho executive maneloa by the British ambassador. Jam Bryce. A dinner la honor of the -duke will he given by Ambassador Bryce Thursday evening. President Taft waa invited to be a guest hot waa forced to decline the In vitation a ho previously had accepted one to attend Postmaster General Hitch cock's annual cabinet dinner the am evening. Party Renebee new Terk. . NEW TORJC Jan. fB.-The Duke of Canaaught uncle of King George of England: the Duchess of Ceanaught and their daughter. Princes Patricia, and their suit, reached here from Ottawa today for a eoeial visit of four days la Nsw Tork City. ' The vice regal party ta the gueet of Ambassador and Mrs. Whttslaw Raid. The visit marks the deal call of royalty this country dace the tour nearly tea year ago of Prince Henry of Prussia Ths duk and Ambassador Raid have let come known that the visit I a purely personal one and there la nothing aamlrofflclal about It The Journey at ths vice regal party was made oa two special ears, the corn wall and the Tork. aad waa without In cident Tho governor general and family were welcomed at the Grand Central sta tion by Ambassador and htm. ReM, after which the party motored to the home ( Mr. Raid oa Msdlsoa avenue. PHaemee Pleat to Allaht Princess Patricia waa the first to alight from the train, and, escorted en sit her do by Colonel Lowthrr. military se cretary to tho duka and another gentle man of the party, with a lady-in-wait ing, they hurried to an automobile oa Forty-second street . A minute or so later the ditehesa of Ceanaught with a member of her parly and two railroad officials eteppod tram Ibe trala and went tn aa automobile la (root of tho station. In the meantime the duke stepped from the other aide of the private cars and. escorted by Ambas sador Reid. walked unobserved to an ob scure entrance leading ta Madison are. aua, a hers thsy took an automobile Colonel liowtbsr said the visit of his royal highness wss purely social In character and that the governor-general hsd no Idea what would be done In the way of entertaining. The colonel remarked that the duk had long ago promised Ambassador Reld that he would be his gueet la New Tor aa soon a hi govern ment engagementa permitted. He added that the retnra te Ottawa would be mad asxt Thuredjey aftsraosa. .).; .i n j , Aa American Klag Is the great king of cures, Dr. King's Near. Discovery, ths quick, safe, sure cough aa cold remedy. Mo and II M. Par ale by Beaton Drug C. '- . STEEL TARIFF BILL DRAFTED (Continued from Pint Put.) kitrhen ai.d hospital utraalla, l l needles and bodkins. C to ; fishhooks. c to 14; Pthmg reds, reels and tackle. to S; engraved plate for printing dec. trotypea and stereotypes, fs te IS; Irtbo- gresih plate. M to B; saws. H 3 to umbrella aad para sot rib and stretchers, te to ): railway wheels, to ll t B alemt num and aUoya, te S: antlaway. to M; germaa Oliver. H to U; breaxe pow der, etc, 41 to B-. raster' copper. 11 to I: goht leaf. MM te a; silver leaf. ti n to jk . . Tinsel wire, eta. Is Increased from ! to ! per cent: tlassl wire products are reduced frasa MUM; hook aad n 01 ta U: tred -bearing ore. U to per cent as the lead contents: lead bolHon. N.m to B: alckel and alleys. MJa) ta peas, except gold, a te B; goht pens. per cM.aot chaaced; plna, at to per osat; aulcksUver. 11 te M' typo metal. to U: watch movements, W to t; sine, in block r pigs, a to Id; awtel eaad and package, to J; settle caps, at ta f steam engtnea. f to S; nipper and otter. 0) to at per cent All other artlctea as to be dutlakl us dee the hill at S par cent ad valorem where a rat la not epeetfleally given. White barbed wtr t put oa the free UK. telegraph aad telephone wire are given a rate of M par cent ad valorem. nsrs h aseaiag store adfesuee for Threat Irrtis ta.Eianmua Coaa. aUl. ran' r- sttoa. BoUonlytasosas. r' " eli.i. v"" r- imrea a BOS, Beaton, faaaa I. LmdIsm aaid Dinner. The' first of the social engagements for the duk and his party was a luncheon at noon "today at the home of Ambassador and Mrs. Whltelaw Reed, following which sight seeing tour ot tha city la automo biles may be take. Tonight there will be a dinner at the Reld house, at watch Cardinal Parley. Bishop and Mr. David H. 0 rear, Mr. aad Mr. Joseph c. Croat, Mr. and Mra. Robert T. Uncolfi. Major (loner) and Mrs, Frederick D. Oram and others are Invited. A musical will fol low th dinner. . . In the vie regal party beside th duke, th duchess aa Priaoox rwiew, whom tho English affsotKmaisly call Princess "Pat" are Mis Petley, lay-lo- waltlng: Colonel iwtnsr aaa lapuun Beaupret. controller ef th vice-regal household. The vice regal Party brsakfaateg at th t ot Ambassador Reld Imreeoiattiy on their arrival. The only guest at th tonight and will make hi report to mor rows: hen the board S hearing wM begin. Testimony at the- taqueat wtll he need by the mate board. .- . I ' Breecker, while testifying, aovancea tne ststemont that the towennsn at Bag wood failed to hold -tho limited- the full ten mlaatra after the express had-passed. 'wot gapertuteudewt Banter -said there, kt no night operate at Edgaiwood, . j , ' Marahaa ! tfsee Wreck a. Three year ago'Barahan had a narrow escape ta a similar 'wreck- at ura, u-. ibe scene of the wiask. Ho waa la his private ear, which was statlrnan. when a Baltimore t Ohio fretgkl train crashed frora the rear. -The pri vate car waa drmollihe4t was Marahaa was not hurt - - - - - . -- Six months after that ho had another close call la a collision at Memphis. Tena.. according to C. D. Cary. chief claim agent ef the Illlnola Central aad a per sonal friend of Harahan. Harahaa. bad beea la many minor wrecks. , . The two trains worn combined and pro ceeded aouth two hours after the wreck. Cltlxena of Knmundy were railed to the scene of, the wreck by the 'ringing of th (ire belt . . keteh of Dead.Mea. CH1CAOO. dan, a James f. Harehtn waa born at Lowell. Mass., In iMt . Hs worked his war In ths railroad world from water boy to presldsnt His first smploymsat waa with the Orange A Alexandria railroad at Alexandria. a. Subsequently bo was with the Nashville A Decatur railroad at Nashville, Tena.. with which ha held various positions. Hs thaa beeaiae superintendent of tb Louis- lane a Northern railroad with headquar ter at New Orl sans. For maar years ha waa general manager of the Illinois Central railroad, being made lie president la November. IMt, af ter th lata E. H. Harrtmaa bad secured control, succeeding atuyvesant Pish. He was retired by the 111 tools Central on a pension a few month ago. He was suc ceeded aa president by C H. Markham. Matcher Reel Rise. Frank Otis Matcher, who born In Maine la IMt and graduated from Tuft' college In 1M7. entered the railway service as aa aaa taunt In th engineers corps ef th Pittsburgh railway. Ha waa successively instrument man aaatttant engineer, chief engineer, divis ion superintendent and general superin tendent ot this line. He entered tha lea of the Rock Island system In IMt, first aa superintendent of Ihs Illlnola di vision and then aa general superintendent f tho Choctaw district and then general manager of the central and northern dis tricts. Hs waa mads vice presldsnt sev eral yeara ago. His home tn recent yean ha been at Wlnnetka, lit . .- Petreo le Nattvo ef Mississippi. E. B. Pelros wss born In Mississippi forty yeara ago. Ho received his educa tion In hi native stats and began th practice of law la Uttle Rock. Ark. For several yeara he waa assistant to the general counsel for ths Choctaw, Ok la homa Oul( railroad, which In 110 was taken over by the Rock lelsnd system. Mt'. Pstre Immediately entered Ihs lW a.TOrtrueht of the Rock Island sys- tern, being made commerce ' counsel 1n HOI. Two- years age h became general' eoiMtor. He wss 'a rr ember of ths University and Union League ' clubs, Hit home was In Wlnnetka. He Is survived by a widow, oao soj and a daughter. , Harahaa' Family la Chleagta. Jams T. Harahan, Jr., who In the first report was said to have been killed In the Illinois Central wreck. Is confined In St Luke' hospital hare. His arm was: btroksa recently. Under, tb order of bl ! physician hospital authorities have not ; notified him of his father's dsath. W. J.- Harahaa, another son, who l! rfc president of the Erie railroad, with offlosa la New Tork, wsa notified and I he Is oa his way te Chicago. j Mrs. Harahaa la at ths family boms here, tM Atlchlgaa s venue. Her maldaa nam waa Miss Mary Mallery end her homa was In Memphis. Mr. Harahaa was ; married twice. Two daughters, Mrs. Mary j Ntchol and Mrs. A. N. Dale, both of! whom are widows, sew ars la Paris Cablsgrama telling of their father's death bar been sent them. mm at take Wrtsht. MEMPHIS, TaaiL. Jaa. B -EIdrldge E. Wright .killed la the Klnmaady wrack, waa a son of Otneral Luke E. Wright former secretary of war. aad mad hie home In this dir. Hs wsa about M year old and unmarried. He waa a stockholder ta tho Memphis Commercial-Appeal and seaaected with many other local neea esterpraea. CUMMINS TO BE FAVORITE SON (Continued from First Pegs.) promoting the welfare ef Die towns of the nation. We all admit that present express ratee are exorbitant, but the Interstate Commerce commission has beea author ised to investigate their causes, m mat remedial letleleUoo may he enacted. Per sonally. I believe that aa long as the govevnment la already In the mall par cels busiaesa, it should taks over the express companies at actual value and then the ratee could be adjusted on a distance baala so that all ins people mj nave equal treatment . Ta Advssst Trm safer Case.. The attorney general today moved In th supreme court to advance tha appeal case taken by tha Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company against th United Mates and th Interstate Com merce commission. In this case the com mission made an order reducing bridge fare from M to t eenta. Th railroad sought aa Injunction from ths commerce court The government demurred to- the bill and tho demurrer waa auatalned. Ap peal waa taken to tho supreme court That court then stayed the cemmlsaton'e order reducing fares pending final de cision. Because of this suspension of ths re duced (area tha government urged today that th case be heard aa- early aa poa (Ibl. Upon tho motion of Solicitor General Lehman, Alfred O. Elllck of Omaha waa today admitted lo practice before the supreme court ajeor Postmaster at Led I. Representative Klnkald today recom mended tho appointment of William F teacher to bo postmaster at Lodi. Cus ter county, vice Thoma Pile, resigned. Tha president today nominated post matters aa follows: Ksbraaka-Jamee M. Fox. Gretna: Cal vin Bradshaw, Faraam. and Oeorg B. Gutty. EJgla. . Iowa Robert P. Osier, Clarion. south Dakota 6a rtfleld P. M alone, Huroa. .. Senator Brown will be th principal speaksr at ths thirty-fifth annual ban quet ot the Indiana republican editors to bo held at Indlsnapolla Thursday evening next Senator Brown will be the house guest of sx-Senator Bsvsridgs, who wtll give a luncheon on Friday for hla Nebraska friend at tbs university club. Senator Brown's addrsss will be republican through and through. ' Edith Taylor was today proposed for pott matter at Lewtston, Pawnee county, by Senator Brown. Another Aeropsaa at ere re" Broken BBRUNJan. a The world's record for the duration ot a flight in an aero bians carrying Ibe airman and two paa- Oriental Rugs Admirers, of Oriental Rugs have been anxiously waiting for the Display and Sale which is now being conducted at rooms 204-210 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. (16th and Harney). The exhibit is in charge of Mr. Nahigian, who per sonally selected many of the rare specimens on dis play there, Arrange to call and see them early many pf the choicest pieces "will soon be picked up. Open Evenings s H. P. WHITMORE Art Dealer, Local Repreientativt oT Nahigian BrOt., Chitafo. sengrrs wss beaten today at Johannlstlta bv Engineer O. U Cllch, who In his Har al bv Engineer O. U Ullch, who In his Har las monoplane stayed in ths air two hours two mlnutss and forty-five seconds. Persistent AdvertuUag s th Road t Big Retoraa. FOR THE UNEXPECTED By renting a Safe Deposit Box In our Fir and Burglar Proof Vaults snd placing there your VALllAaUKS. You do not sxpeet Burglars are gotsg to break In your home or that Fire will destroy it eUT rV APT TO HAPPE!.. Frora .s yeeny paio rrr Bafe uepoait vox is low Insurance against LOBS. priced Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Street I.evrl Entrance to V emits. 11 Faraam arrest. B The Diamond and the Nan Toe man who wean a dia mond ht dlttlD gulihed, ther It no gainsay ing thlt tt mnt; Indeed veryon recog nlxct tb dia mond as th highest mark ot It luenc. It cuti th wearer apart from other give htm a high plica In your aatimatlon at first tight. Th high character ot th ttonet tt thlt ttor. th beauty ot them, and their cutting mak them th most desirable diamond. Ther aid la giving that Impression of refinement and culture which all people seek. They tr moderately priced and glv buyer greatest valu tor th price. Dont Merely Buy Invest. ' ALBERT EDHOLM JEU'KLKR v , 8lxtrentli aad Harney. John Says: thsy mast have mil lions ta hs oatsat l ether grew fat aad happy over a glass ef Luxaa aad a e TBTJgT BtrSTBB CIOAJk (Xrag Blear ing Co. please remit for part ef thl aa-vertlsssisnt) John 'm Cigar Store. 321 So. mh Si. . Comic Section The Sunday Bee With Happy HooYtaan, LirtJd Nemo, thg Katzen jammer Kidt and ths whoit interesting f amity AMltKMIiNT. of How Far Will a Dollar Go ? It is largely a question of food knowledge and food .sense. An intelligent selection of food means less waste, smaller . grocery bills, better health, better , nourished bodies. The least nutritious foods are . , often the most expensive.'. For breakfast take two S 111 if e dde ;drSKre;a t - ..r - - - - ' 1 T x;-:BiiStli:'Si:'- and heat them in the oven to restore :crispness"and then pour hot milk ovar'tienian. yoyi. have a" warm nourishing meal that will supply all the . . ., . strength needed for a . half ;day's :work;-atcbst ' of four or five cents. ; , " : --i: - ' , ! 4 ? -'itr. o.. Scrved with stewed prunes, baked apples, canned peaches or sliced bananas themeal fa even "morro ' wbolesome and satisfying. . ' ' "It'siMlin the Shreds To cats a te:.B in orett bat Tska UtXATlVB BROMO Vulr.lne Tsb leta Druagleta refund msoey tf u tails te cur. K w. GBOVC'Sfaugaatura la sa each box. tso. . m THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Burns' Celeb ratio m Auspices Clan Gordon Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir Auditorium, January 25' CONCERT AND BALL Reserved, $1.00. General Admission, - 50c r AiaaUXUAM THEATER MaUnes Today, tilt. ToalaTkt, gag, tarn ara LAn-o aa the wooBWAjts rrocK ooicPArr in TRILBY Msxt Week TXlg BIOXT OT WAT. Whoseel Dowlas 44; gad. a.i4. Ma. Jrrery Day t:lt; Bvery Might tilt. aovtsws rsBusruiLi Mclntyre snd Heath, Maoelia Adsms and Company, Auguatins an Hartley, DeFUye Sisters, Krgotll and fuilllputlana.: Mason and Murray. Wohn Maoutey. Kinet- oecope. Orpaeum Concert Orchestra. Prl res: Mat.-lc. best seats 2&c. except ' Sat and Sun. Night lc lie. (so. 7ta nni -rnriTrn " vetaj.iw in h inn rn nil v v ii mtn 9 Mt III tltll LUIII If IsllQII. Beautiful Souvenirs to Ladies at Ladles' Dally Dime Matinee. RAFAEL NAVAS gaUaeat stpaalah Itaalat, Direct Wram &Jtearsaaa Orchestra, Palis, Bg BZOTTAI. . , LYRIC THEATER nVBADAT, gAMVABT tS, MO V. K. isaiil Beats oa Sals Owl Brag grtoro- MOHaJLA TVM CilBTgB1 . The j,urrlatlre MTelcal FVIvolItv. -rmm wiims widow." BXTMATAttAMSA AMD TAtrBaTvTUM V,lth joe M. K.eiom ',orence sulis ana Geora-e B. Scar.loa (all with "the CoBego Olrle' leet eeaeonl. Beaoly Chorus. IsAis Mxse MAtlnse Zvery Week Bay. NMCJUtA FALLS, N.T, Wstfaeedsy Matinee an Might -SCHOOL or ACTIWtV ta Bast eb is aa Bsases. Prkee He. g Bay tttartlag Tharsaay. Bat, Mat, Maary W. Bavsg prsaeata "BXCTjajl ar Wve. 9e to tl-SO Xtat. IV; to tl 00