11 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. .TANTABY 23. 191:.'. STOCK LOSS JBTO BE LIGHT long Serer Cold Spell Hot at Fatal M Wu Expected. K05TAKA THE HEAVY LOSES Stawk trermere ta Xeteuka ana Sewta , Daketa WIU Um t Utile Tim Mkf saves tae - Last week at the ftunl offices of the Northwestern road steps were taken te ascertain Mm exact ooaxlmon oC affaire la the lire nock area tributary ta ta company Hnes la watara Nebraska, South Dakota ana Wyoming- Letters were ta the aetata requesting them aad tbt various live (tack acaata threuaiwat the states named to Investigate and send la tht!r reports. Tba raporta ara now I ginning to antra aad they Indicate much tetter condition than was antlc- rated. ..Through the Nebraska Hve Mock aec t.oa cattle ban atood the recent kmc pell of cold weather much better than elsewhere, probably due to the fact that a 1 of t ranchmen were well euppUed alth ray and mart of them had a fair aavMint of com. Aa a remit the loaaea have beta very light, aa bearler than m former yean. Throughout the sections ef Neonate covered by the reporta cattle ta almoat every locality wore provided .Vtth warm ahelter aad feed, sot being turned loose upon the rant. . Throw ti Nebraska, or at leaat tba portions which the reporta carer, the aheap induetry baa never beta pushed, and oonaequently these nlm'- ara not raised hi large numbers. Howcrer. thoee upon the ranches of tba atata ara reported to be la rood condition, the toaaaj being about the mini mum. ' Warn ta laok HUls. la the aoathera portion of South Dakota the raporta are almoat Identical with thoee ceasing from Mebraaaa. la the country betweea the. Blank H1U aad Hem and north ef Belle Fourcne aheep as, cattle loeoee ara going to be heavier than but winter. The trouble waa the lack of feed. Ranchmen experienced a Terr dry canon laat eummer and were unable ta aooure the ueual euaatlty of nay. la many le eaUtlea the (raaa waa pracUcaUy buraed up by the dry weatber and beat, aad canoequently there wae no winter range. Daring the tout month cattle, cheep aad horme la large numbers hare been ex letlng by broiulng oe the dry cage brush. Ranchmen la many port torn of South Dakota- north of the Black HI 111 hare driven, their berda ta email towne along the railroad, and there hare beta feed ing them hay and grain ihlpped In. others hare bought hay at aa high ae til to m per toa delivered, hauled It te their raaohea long dlatancec from towa and there hara fed their stock,. : Warm Weather Holse. la Wyoming from the Nebraska line wot to Lander where aheap are rained In large numbera, the tosses promised to be very heavy,' but the warm weather that cat Id there a few day age aad continued, melting the enow, prored a aanng grace te the flock masters, few uf whom were able to put up hay lact season owing to the shortage at the grace. During tba laat month large quanlitleo ef grain hare been chipped te tbla ace tloa, and altkough losses will be conoid arable they will not be very much greater than during former wtntsra. Farther north la Wyoming and hi the vk-mlty of Sheridan there a good deal of Irrigated mad. touch of It la alfalfa. Laat year the farmers and ranchers rawed aa abundance of tbla forage and the atock la coming through la good shape. Reporta from Montana Indicate a marc critical coadltloa upoa the range. There tbe graea waa almoat a complete failure. Many at the raaehea are remote from railroad, aa that It haa beta Impossible to get the atock te feeding yardc along the Hnec or to get grata eut ta the ani mate. Aa a reauH both cattle aad aheep I arc going ta be Mutually heavy. 3 -ti'e n eai Is- D DVaT' I 5 IV '-f jk Oreat , M 1 II f Befit- Is., n kVuMuI- HI l , A Great Special Sale of Traveling Bags? Suit Cases A special purchase of many odd lots and sample lines of suit cases and traveling bags for men and women. Made of Kerotal and fine leather. They are actually; worth from $2 up to $10 in 5 big lots Tuesday, at 98231 J M!8 50c Wide Embroideries at 29c Yd. Crisp, new 18 and 27-inch Swiss, batiste and cambric embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset coverings; also wide insertions and galloons. The cleverest de signs of 1912 in beautiful eyelet, floral and f combination effects. Many actually worth - Wl 50o yard big bargain square, at, yard . . . 12c GINGHAMS at 5c Yard The best assortment of finest American ginghams ever received from the mill. , Dress lengths . in fancy checks and stripes and all desirable plain shades. Every yard should sell at 12M:0 yard, but when we buy so cheaply, we make a saving poswible to those who attend our special sales. 8,200 yards, in basement, at yard . .. 5c OLD WITTZ0FF RESIDENCE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE .The aM WUtaBft beam, three mile went at Dundee, waa buraed ta the ground but alght. U waa owned by Oaarga a Ov. and waa not Insure. Tbe boose was occupied ay Pat Bleachers, wba Uved alooa, and the Ore at art ad while he waa away r letting a aatghaar. The crigta at the Ore la act kaewa. but the belief to that the blaaa waa ctarUd from en erer baated at ova. Broken Sizesn Our High Grade LYRA and LAVIDA CORSETS at Greatly Rednced Prices All Are Perfect Corsets. The $3.00 and $3.50 Corsets.. ......$1.98 The $4.00 and $5.00 Corsets. $2.98 The $6.00 and $8.00 Corsets $3.95 RR A1M11PTS STORFS GRAIN HEN ENTER CAMPAIGN I ENJOINS INDEPENDENT PLANT PLENTY OF GOOD PORE WATER Telle of Katarc'a Great Rrancdr lor All Wlacacca .Mao Give. Mnipici Hone rmerrlptioa to - IMtr-TC Rtoaiarh Trouble, kid iry an4 Bladder AffUctloaa aad Rheamatleiii Mix Thla Yoejraetf at Home aad Try It "The people here do not drink enough water ta keep healthy.' exclaimed a well known authority. "The Banterue caeoc of ctomach. kidney and bladder dlaawee end rbeumatlam are mainly due to tbe fact that the drinking water, natara'c greateet medicine, baa. been arc I .led. "Stop loading your ejeteai with core aUai g.t on the water wagoa. If yo are really atck, why. of coume, take tbe proper medlclne-plaln. commoa precciip tien treatment, which wUl not abatter thc acme or ruin tba etomach. - - Ta euro rheumatism yoa muat make the kMneya do their work; they ara the flit are of the blood; tbey muat be anadc to atraJa out of the blood the waste mat ter and add that rauee rheumatlem; the urine moat be neutralised ao It will so longer be a eource of irritation tq the Madder, and moat of all you muat keep uww suraunc in im eioniacn. Thla la the causa of etomach trouble aad poor aigaetlon. For theee Condi Bona you can do no better than take the following preeeiiption: Fluid Extract Juniper Ber ries, one ounca; Compound Fluid Balm- wort, one ounce: Compound Srrup of Hy pophoacphltca, four auBcea. httx by abak- tng well In a bottle and take teaepoonful dosee before each meal and at bed than. But eon t forget the water. Drink pieaty 1 and often. Thla valuable Information and eimpte nreacrtptJoa aboold be posted bp la every houeebotd and need at the Bret atga ef aa attack of rheuasatlem, backaena er urt- Bry trouble. Be matter bow alight. Adv. Big Meeting- it to Be Held Her es - Friday Sight TO DEVISE WAYS' ACT MIAKS Will Disease Hew the Crepe ef He- kraaka Might Be Ik proved - feed Cera Alaa ta e Ceaeldered. An citended campaign for crop better, merit la Mebraaaa along the Unci advo cated by the Council of North America Orala raebangec, hae been decided upoa by the Omaha Orala exchange and a meeting of grain men and other buelneea men of Omaha haa been called for Fri day night to arouse Interest In crop Im provement and device waya end meane of effecting Improvement ta Nebraska. The meeting probably will be held la the Orala exchange trading rooms or nt the Commercial club. It will be ad dressed by Bert Ball, secretary qt the crop Improvement committee of the Coun cil of North America Orala exchanges, who will outline crop Improvement work In Illinois. Ohio. Iowa, Wisconsin. Mis souri and North Dakota, whet he says the Influence of the grain men toward In creased yMd of the farms la already ap parent. He will detail the acheme of the council ef exchanges tor Informing and enceuragtnc the farmer along tbe llnee of Inteaatvw farming. Improved aeed, proper culUvaaUoa and conservation of fertility through rotation of crops, the use of legumes and ether methods. ' It la the realisation of the rapid In crease la population in the United 8tatec attended by a decreasing yield per acre of the farm, that led the gram exchangee Into the Grain of All Kind . Arrives in Omaha ' Several Omaha grain companies bare been cared from serious embarrassment by the prseeat warm ware and tba re- sumptloa of normal trafflo by the rail roads. Receipts hare bean light all mwnth aa the Omaha Grain exchange and it looked aa though the grain men would not get eaougb, grala to flu Janu ary contracts. .'But the raflrokds began collecting the loaded gram ears from tbe sidetracks Friday aad Saturday and yesterday M ean of tt were on the local tracks. Of this Id ears were corn. The Illinois Central alone brought la four soHd trains -mventy-arrea care Saturday afternoon. Grain man now leok for heavy receipts tor tbe aext few dare, euflrlent for fill ing January contracts made by them In Chicago, New Orleans aad ether ctttea. PLUMBING INSPECTOR BUSY ON MANY DELEGATIONS A. C. Veltaal, city plumbing Inspector, baa been appointed special delegate by Governor C. H. AMrleb, te tba mate con ference ef charities and eorrwetroos. which meeta In Omaha tba latter part ef tbe month. - Mr. WeltxcJ has also been named by the governor aa a delegate te tbe BMeUng ef the National Orlc led tlon at Washington, March I te T. He wW leave about the first of the month for the capital dry. As a member at tbe eemmlswloa te draft aa emptoyere' liability and werkmea'c compensation law for Neeraaka. he wW go te Liacola about Janaary xc ta take part la tbe de- llberatiomi of tbe cemmtsalen. Water Board Claimi Exclaim Eight to Operate in South Omaha, AH APFLICATIOJr 18 FILED Wade Bemre) Weald Itep the Cea. erraeilea of an leae pendent gye' , teat fa tba Several Faek. lag Cess pen lee. ' Application for Injunction against the city of South Omaha, the Union Stock yards. Armour Co., Swift aV Co.. the Omaha Facklng company and the Cudahr Packing oorapany, -reetreining them from constructing an independent water plant. nee Been nice in red oral court. It la set forth m the aonllcaMoa t.t th uu and exclusive right to fumlah water in aoutn umana haa been granted te the umana Water board, and that th m. nance granting the companies right' is a piani is Illegal, Because of the prior grant to the Omaha Water com- oany. The water hoard., in Its einina forth that by the avot of the Nebraska legislature passed In IM It ta given tne right ta control all matters relating te the purchase and BoculattioB of water works system In Omaha and with. IB tea mllaa of Omh.'i Mw... limits. Tbe water board furthee that should the South rjmah be allowed to complete a water plant, the ouin umana end of the Omaha Water company's plant, which the city la to purchase, would depreciate' la value, and that the lf.xa.3e.49 it must pay for the plant would be many thousand dollars more than it would be worth. Ice Harvest is Now - About Completed There will be no reason fo t wmpanlea to err "ahorta. mer, unles fire abould destroy some of ewrage nouses. The Cudahr Paeklna- ' mmu,. ... filled Its souses and to new building a "s aiaca 01 ice oatdeora for nee through the winter. Swift aad Panom k. .1 most completed tbetr harvest oa Carter laae. ine umana Ice and CeM Storage oompanv haa filled r i. .. Carter lake and will have the other full oy next aunaay or Monday, unless the weather abould continue warm, both day ana nignt. -per several daya. Moat of the smaller, concerns have, their houses full. Doctor is Sued for V Alleged Negligence Allesed carelessness and aegUgeaoa and Improper performance of aa era puts tlon of the hand, la tba baaae nt a neons damage suit, started against Dr. A. snerman mnto by Mrs. Clara Beady, Of South Twentieth street. Ia district court. It to alleged that last August Mrs. Keedy's right band was severely burned end Dr. Plata attended her. Is amputa ting, she cays, the cvrgeoa left la her wrist or arm pllntera ef bone, which have caused her great Buffering, and will con tinue to make her trouble, A Serieae xrreekdevra ' results from chronic constipation. Or King's New Life puis relieve headache, stomach, ttver aad bowel trouble, r-3. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 1 . AA for S. & H. Stajnps-Eedeemable . With Beantiful Premiums. Some of the Important Sales Almost Here a u Umbrellas, Sat, Jan. 27th. Picture Frames, Sat, Jan. 27. Men's Shoes, Sat, Jan. 27th. Flat Silver Ware, . Feb. 3d. Clocks, Saturday, Feb. 10th. Other sales eumonnced later. Last Week of the Annual January White Sales With the knowledge that price, quality and variety are the strongest arguments a store has to offer, we have listed here a few of .the great array of bargains you will find dis played for the last week of our Great January White Sales. They are values that will appeal to the most economical person, the least enthusiastic shopper and the woman who revels in genuine bargains. Extra largt i'z hemmed bath towel that are ac tually worth 35c each, tale price . . . 16 l-2c Huck towel, with red border, worth 8 j-3c each, tale price. . . 5c $1.10 hemmed bed Spread . . . . 85c 50c yard damaik, 39c 15c, 42x36-inch pillow cat 10c 72x90-inch teamed bed theett, worth 55c, at 39c $6.00 Wool Blanket for $4.25 $1.39 Cotton Blanket for $1.15 Infanta aad childrra'a madermuatina,'coDflttljlf of drawers, (owns, sklrU, etc., at 10c, 20c, 89a, 49c and 59c tbe garmente-or 'tt to H leas. Six very pretty styles la combination sults trimmed with finest laces, mbroideriea aad medallions; f 3.60 values at SS.29. ' " 100 doien. cambric corset covers with roket of heavy lacs trim mlng. all aites, while they last, 25c each. A big lot of combination suits with lacs and embroidery trimming, somewhat mussed' and soiled from display during tbli sale, excellent $1.50 and $1.95 values, at Hc. t Gowns In four pretty new stjles; yoke and short sleeves daintily trimmed with lace, embroidery Insertion and ribbon, while they last, $1.23 each. . ) The Waist Stock is - I Dwindling Down There arc walsta for evening, drees, street ' and office wear; in styles and naterials to ault the fancy and become the purpose. Plenty of alias left for thoee wbe come Tuesday. One lot of good lawn walsta at 23c 50c, 76c and tl.O walsta at S8e 7 Be Lingerie and lawn waists at . . . dllk and net waists, worth from SA.OO to $7.50 each, at ' a.la Oitfton, silk and novelty walsta, formerly sold at ge.BO to 8.SO, now priced at $3.5 rUark taffeta silk waists at $1.88 (Hher waists of rarious kinds at 25e to $7.90, a cording to Ute previous selling prices. $10 forWomen's Suits That Wen $17.50 to $27.50 Practically every suit in the etore that has been selling at dud in between $17.50 and $27.59 is included in this big $10;00 sale. ' 1 Thoroughly well made, lined and trimmed and of 'a style that will find favor with the most fastidious woman. dioice of finest serges, worsteds, cheviots and mixtures in novelty and etaple colorings. Sizes for misses and women. ' () MOVED to HlVi South Sixteenth Street. Paxtoa Block, three doors, north of Farnam. Look (or the name S. W. UNDSAY.Jeweler1 txl H South Sixteenth Street. FUNERAL OF ERNEST STUHT IS TO BE HELD TUESDAY The funeral of Ernest Btuht will be held Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock from the residence, 132s Bouta Tiurtieu ave ..v. Praaneet HIU cemetery. The Odd Fellows will have charts of the services at the grave. All the members of tbe Douglas County Phmecr society are arged by rreeiaeni a. N. Toot to rveet at the house and ac company the body to" the grare. n.. niihrera wUl be Joe Wcepb. N. Phirfom. Edward Oroth. WUUam Urlau. Charles Wss-ner and Fred Krug, Jr. The honorary pallbearera will be David Cole. C. H. Miller, Cleveland, O : Jt. aen. Joseph Redman. John Power, I. 4. rnma. rrank Burkley aad Looli Helm- rod. MONEY STOLEN FROM HIS POCKET WHILE He SLttf n-vji. n w Martin waa sleeping" m his home at KM California street Bonday .irtt a hnrxlar entered Ma room and stele U from hia trousers pocket. 2 I- How English Beauties Peel Their Faces (From Society World.) "While abroad recently I could act help obeervtng that the average Bngllab- weroaa'a complexion te far mere beauU ful than that ef the average woman of our country." says Mrs. Scott, secretary of the National Health-Culture -Society. "Making aseusrlea, several Ultimate meularlv uaad on their faces what they regultrry used oa their .faces what m con mer dally known aa aneronuaea I -da not knew whether the habit la general there, but I do know that this wax baa wonderful reravenacag proper ties. Trs tried H myself. if too -will set an eonee ef tbla mer- cellsed wax at your drug store aad ap ply t IBt "-cold cream, yon- win soon behold la your glowing cheeks their first reeemblanee to the remarks hie traaepari ent beauty' of the Ensltehwoman'e com plexion. This wax gradually peels or: the lifeless scarf akia In tmy, almost lat perosptlble'flaaea. revealing the fresh, sew skla uderaeath. plnsy watte, .with the bloom ef youth, aad health. ""-Adv. A DRESSY SHOE FOR YOUNG MEN The average young man is very particular about the ap pearance of his L feet h e wants a stylish shoe but usu ally finds such a shoe too high in price to suit him. "We cater to young men. We have a shoe that will meet the requirements of the most fastidious dressers and all we as you for it is - :y 83.50 Wt have the finest corps of shoe fitters obtainable and can guarantee a perfect fit Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Rellablo Dentistry, S ti Cffl Bdoj Marvelous Values in our, January Sales Greatest Bar gains in Men's Fnrnlshlngs prer Offered. MM" f? xeaassaer m J'J- . Men's Shirts Made to Sell at $1.&0 to $4.00 on sale at I 49i and 69 Greatest Clearing Sale of Women's Outer Garments Ever Known Tuesday We Offer. m Tailored Suits House Dresses and Kimonos 100 Stylish Tailored Suits In plain col ors and fancies, regular vaU. r AA ues up to $20.0!)-at, choice. sWU 150 Handsome Tailored Suits All new est styles, best nreterials and colors- , - to $25.00 values M Qr choice. I. . f ivv 225 Beautiful Tailored Suits-Tliat sold at $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00-. both plain colors and fancies at. . $10.00 Rare Bargains In House Ladles' ' Long Flannelette and ChaUle Kltnonoa, sold at $1.60 snd $1.00, eholcs 95e Ladies' Long Tenaledown Kimonos Regular $3.60, and $3.00 val ues, la Tuesday's sale st S1.45 Long Wool Blanket and Eider down ;Iteth - Robes Regular $ values, st choice 82.98 Dresses and Kimonos Ladles' Percale Wrappers In all colors, regular $1.25 values, on ls ....".As Ladies'. Percale .and Flannel eUc . House ureesea All colors and sixes, values . up to $3.60, ' st choice , 95d) Ladles' Flannelette . Dressing . Bacqnes T5C. $1.00, $1.25 ral. ues, on sals 494 75c Silks 38c 100 pieces of plain and novelty Silksj in a splen did assortment of colors, including white and monotone effects, sjh Jd, 5c values ....wOC 59c Dress Goods 28c 25 -pieces of .Wool Dress , Fabrics,-no two, alike broken lines from our own regular stock, 59c y a r d values ; Tuesday while they last, )0(, at yard.,,....;..;:-0v Tuesday's Specials in Wish Goods Depirteient Egyptian Tissues , ...W.W..2-44 8cotch Zephyrs, 21 inches wide, in checks snd plslds ......... 24g 32-ln. Scotch Ginghams, In plaids snd stripes, regular 15c quality 154 15o quality Cotton Coalites, 8 Inches wide lOst Shirting Madras, regular 3o quality . 25 Specials in Onr Big Domestic Room for Toes. Skirting Olnihami, 14 inches wide, 16c value ,, 3-ln, Percales, 12 He values Vmoikeaf Outing Flannel. 12He vslus M. Batlafactloa $-ln. Bleaohsd Muslin ........ Gingham AproB Checks, T Vic' vslus Imported . Ginghams, values to' 36c ... Flotilla Bergs for fancy waists, lie vslus . Black Sateen, 16c value Flannelettes, good pattern!, II Vie value ,. v. ;.?.v:8 8Vse 7H ,....12He lUe 10e -8VST The Bottom Pell Out of the Apple Barrel ' Owing to the continuous cold weather It was Impossible to ship apples, snd therefor th market Is overloaded. Ws will .unload 1,000 buiheli this week. These arc fancy orchard ptoked apples U you want, par barrel $3,50 Hajden's Make Ae Qroctry Prices for the People-Not a Few rreabest BVeeee-aa s avtag at SS te 1 lbs. Beat taaaletei agar toe 4Mb. sack bast Hlsh Grade D I a m e n 11 Flear; netblng like U; pee aack ...Hit It bars Beat-'Em-AU or t Iba beet Rolleo streaa- faat oatmeal e t Iba. best wnlte cr Yel- l f-nrnmMl 1 6 I ins. good Japan Bice jfco Quality jsc I lbs. faacr Japan Rlre. Ilk. nuAlltv l&C Oellon cane Golden Table Syrup e Quart bottlea Canadian lisole 8usar Srrup Sac Pint bottles Canadian Maple Sugar Brrup zee 1-lh. can Assorted Soups H. . 7 u.- Jellycon or jallo. per pk. Ute VMet Pnam. nka. . . . . 3c Cora Flakes, pkr..tHc Tbe beet Soda .Crackers per lb. i. 7H The beet Oyster Crack ers per lb. 1o esTetaMec 1 benches freer, Beets, Carrota, Turnips, shal lots or Radishes for to Fsncy Cauliflower, per lb. .7t,c 2 heads fresh Lesf Let tuce tc I bunches fresh Parsler for I Se Larse Cucumbers, each lkc and lc Fancy Cabbaxe, lb., tic Rutabagas, Parsnips. Turnips. Carrots or fleets, lb lUe Brussels Sprouts, lb. Itc i-in. nox rsncy Hothouse Mushrooms 40c Tellow or Red Onions,' lb. tHe Anything you ' 'wsnt we ve sot It- and aavs yon from to isce. peotai Butts rise Sale Cheeper and better than . lota or butter. 1 Iba good butterlnc tec t lus. good table butter lnc lor t6o. 3 Iba. fancy table but terlnc for 400 SaoonS Week Big X lra lane travel Orange ale High land Navels ara the pride of California, and the range of quality sale price as follows: 113 and lit sis, regular price 4 sc. sale price, per dosen ......... 30o 1&0 alse, regular price 3aev sals price, dos. Its 174 else, regular price 30c, sale price, dox. 20c 20 and 214 else, regular price 16c. aala price. per dosen u ISo And with ' every dosen we will sell you one of the finest SU er Plated Teaspoona -for only lOe You don't have to save any wrappers or pay any poatage. l ney are right with the goods High land Navels hsvs not been hissed by the sun ly but the moon and stars. ; Try .HAYDEN'S First Free Land Information . . ; - - -. Tne Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its reader! for land informatiou, has gathered end compiled data on soils, climate and fsnnlner conditions in air parts of the country.' It is willing .o gtv out this Information free if postage is sent with Inquiry. . . Do You Want to Know - About government land 'laws, locstion of land offices, etc. How to get Irrigation -land, location of projects, Isws governing same, etc. Beat sections for frnlt growing,.' general farming, stock raising ol dairying. . . " '' '" " '' , ' ' Tour questions will' get -prompt .attention. , State. plainly and specifl." tslly what yon want to know. , Write. Land Information-Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer . ' Omaha. Nebraska.