Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Tkirty Tweaty Tea Thui Ac
. lee Sartorial Page at iHh nam
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLI-XO. 183.
(Report of Coauniuioner of Corpora-
hobs aays oxeei wjrporaiion s
Earning Too Great'
Separation of Railroads From Big
Trust May Be Heceis&ry.
Quotations on Raw Uaterial From
i Lake Region Unreasonable. '
'Jataaratloa of ladastry Persalt
Lara Operations at Mlalmnaa
Cut Brtegn Baaeflt
, . to PnMIe,
WASHINGTON, Jan. St Unreasonabla
profit ar mad oa Iron ore of th Ink
lesion; excessive earnl'igs flow Into th
treasury of tho United Slatee Steal cor
po ration from It ore tranapartatlon
facilities, which suggests the necessity
from the standpoint of public policy of
segregating ' ore railroad from the
(lant corporation, and Urge Intercom
pany profits are made by lan oonsolU
dated ore. Iron and steel companies, ac
cording to a preliminary report on the
cost of production In the steel Interests
by Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner
of corporations, made public tonight.
The report was presented to President
fj) Taft and sont to the house committee
M I . ... t,w rv.nai,l.ral1nn In
UIl whi w
connection wtih the proposed revision
of tha steel tariff schedule upon wnlch
I the democrats will coucus tomorrow.
' . "Tha prices of lake ore." . the report
I declares, "have been kept Tor many
years at an unreasonably high level.
I compared with the cost ot production
jand the cost of Investment In tha pro
I during or properties."
I The report Is based upon an investl
Igatlon ot two-fhird of the country's
production of or from J301 to UOt, in
I elusive. Limited data for ISO! to 110.
I Mr. Smith adds,- makes It clear that
'then five-year - figures -lubstantlally
represent present conditions also.
Holds Large Or Hewms,
Insofar as the steel corporation "enjoys
.monopotlsUo power," the report state,
I It He chiefly In Its holdings of ore and
I of railroad transportation facilities." This
I company, tha report declares, baa ac
i quired unduly targ ors reserves, holding
I at tha close of 1810 at Isaat fifty years'
.supply at the present rat ot consump
I lion, exclusive of tha Great Northern ops
properties, th less ot which has been
cancelled, effective January 1, 1.
t It la estimated that the corporation has
ifuiiv toua of other are on the
e.laka ragtoa. ' " '
1 "M Is safs to assume.1 th report says.
"that th present reduced rat Of C sents
nr ton I atlll xctv." .--
The rsport adds!.
i 'While integration Of Industry t Per
I wilt ot larg scale operation at minimum
lwt Is exceedingly desirable, thoee
j enormous profits ot tha steel corporation
'on the transportation of or preeent a
problem ot very great Importance. Th
situation Is this: Integration of the steel
Industry with transportation thus far.
Instead of working to tha advantage of
I the public la th form ot lower eosti to
'all shippers and lower prices, ha inured
to th benefit of a great corporation. On
,th other Mend, to let th steel oorpora
jtlon maintain this advantage of low oor
poretlon cost and to let this work Itself
out In the form of. lower prices might be
undesirable, because It would tend to
give th steel corporation an unreason
able and undesirable advantag ovwr aom-
pernors In th sal of finished products.
I Seawrattoa Mar Seeearr
, "This situation ce laxly raises th ques
tion whether th Interests of th public
Imay not require th aegregatloo of these
I railroad properties from th steel cor
Iporatlou. It wouM thus atop what Is
Ivnquestlonably an evil, aid that la ths
Imposition of high rate upon com
I pernors' shipment, wblgu plac them at
a great disadvantage, while, at to same
Itlm forcing them by reason of this very
fact to contribute unduly to tha profits
jof th steel corporation on transportation.
"WbH In th cae of Integration of
ordinary manufacturing enterprises It
may be entirely proper that l most sg
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
The Weather
I For Nebraska-Fair; colder In northwest
PFor,lowa-GeneraIly fslr; cooler.
U.tfnlaie at tirJW Vratrriny.
' fet-, it"'..
ipf III
U nr Y' 1
i itm -v-
5 ,x J J p. m..
f Jv-iT n-pi..
7 p. ru ..
I n. m..
leanntlre Lot-nl Rerord.
;j't 131'. vn bjs
illlghest yeterdsy 43 41 ?
'Ixtweet yeeterday 3 1 J1 T
.Mean temperature ' S ' 41
IVrecipltatlon 0 T . T
Tmpriture end precipitation tierar
Iturea front aornia!:
Normal femPTeiire 1
Kxceee for the day K
'Excees since March 1. 1U.. 92
Normal prei.tT'ttu::un C; l:,c'i
I Deficiency I"r ti e uav.. .at Inch
Total raimaJ h March 1..U.1- 1k(,o
ilJefidency a:nce Mrrh t 12. Winches
I iwficlency cor. period TO lJ.'Jl Inches
. Kxcess cor. perlud 13 5.3 Inches
' Reparte frase M-tl'iae at 7 F. M.
, Sutton and State Trnp. High- Raln
I of Weather. I., m. e. fell.
'Che'enne. clear 43
I Davenport, ceir M
llenvr. clear et
7rs Mome. part cloexty K
ilwdire City, clear It
Lander, clear
i No. Platte, part clevdy 33
Omaha, clear rg
, Pueblo, clear 3
ilupid City, clear x;
Fait Lake C-ty. cjear W
itanta Fe. clear it
Sheridan, dear .
.tfionx City, clear M
I aieatlai. dear m
U A. Vt ELSH. Lioaal Forecasur.
The National Capital
" atvaday, Jaaaary S, 11S.
The Senate.
In session at t p. in. ,
Lorimer senatorial Inquiry postponed
until next Wednesday because of Attor
ney HacecVs llluess. .
Pan 11 Davenport ot Bridgeport. Tonn..
arraigned labor tnlona In hearing before
Iutersiate Commerce commtsnton.
Attorney General Wlckeraham discussed
tobacco trust dlesolution matters before
judiciary committee.
representative Sherwood of Ohio, Gen
eral Torrence of the Grand Army of tha
Republic and other were heard on gen
eral pension measure by pensions com
mittee. Senstor Bryan of Florida spoke In op
position to th pending general pension
legislation.' '
Bill regulating sale nf Chickasaw and
Clractaw Oklahoma surface lands of coal
and asphalt areas waa passed.
Steering committee assigned Senators
Smith (Oa.) and Gardner (Me.) t agri
culture committee and Lea tTerm.) to
naval committee.
Senator Gore of Oklahoma today In
troduced a Joint resolution tor a Joint
congressional investigation of the presi
dential campaign funds of 1904 and 1IW8,
ard as soon as practicable of 1911
Cyme . Woods ot Greensburg. Pa..
today waa nominated by Speaker Taft
si minister to Portugal, to succeed Edwin
V. Morgan, recently promoted to be am
bassador to Braatl. ,
The House.
District of Columbia appropriation bill
lTerident Farrell and Attorney Reed
of United Rtates Steel corporation testi
fied Wore steel trust Investigating com
mit "ee.
Steel tariff revision bill estimated to
reduce average tariff on, steel products
Imports from to 22.42 per cent ad
valorem made pubollc.
Agricultural - expenditure committee
submitted its report fully exonerating Dr.
Diplomatic appropriation bill, carrying
S3. MO, (UP, was explained to foreign affairs
committee by Senator Knox.
Chief Signal Officer Allen asked before
military committee to incerasa pay and
rmnlr of armv aviator. .
Secretary Knox subpoenaed by Stat
department investigating committee to
explain Lake Chamnlaln oensennlal ex.
penditurea In ltus from seem fund.
Steel Trust Objects
to the Giving Out
of Cost Figures
WASHINGTON. Jan. B.-"ls It your
purpose to publish to th world all. the
details of our mill costs ot production?"
demanded President James J.-Farrell to
day wool put on th stand, befor th
Stanley steel trust Inveetlgatlng oom
mlttee, "If It la," sail Mr. Farrell, 1 thmk
It a great Injustice to an Industry built
up In competition with" Belgium, Frknce,
Russia and other nations. If It I pro
posed to put th secrets In th hands
ot our foreign competitor our foreign
business won't be worth anything within
twelve months."
Mr, Farrell and J. A. Reed, general
counsel for . th steel corporation war
witnesses befor th committee. ,
. Vr. Reed aait east Information had
keen turnlahad to Hsreert Knx Smith,
ooaunisslonsr of corporation..
"J asked Mr.. Smith t take m Into
bis confidence and tU m what, he had
learned a to what It coat you to produce
a ton ot pig Iron," replied Mr. Stanley,
"and ha told ma h could tsll so on
but th president '
"I want to eee th president and he
euUortsed Mr. 8mlth to tell m. but th
oommlesioner said ba did not have the
records any more they bad been lent
back to you.
"Then I aakod th United State Steel
corporation for a peep at tha records.
The corporation's officials, objected on
the ground that It would embarrass them
in their business.
"It Is most vital that this committee
get this information, and. com what
will, w will know It. There I power
enough. In this government to find It out."
Chairman Stanley said he did not in
tend to expos secrets unnecessarily, but
that he would Insist on th corporation
complying with 'Subpoenas dure tecum
for records not yet produced.
. It waa tentatively agreed thatjZxpert
McRae should examine th coat shset of
th corporation to verify figure to be
submitted by th corporation regarding
composite costs of production.
McManigal More
Than Corroborated
Manlgal's confession concerning th wide
spread dynamite plots has been more
than corroborated and we have unearthed
things which McManigal knew nothing
about." .
Jams W. Noel, special assistant to tha
Culled States district attorney, so stated
today In reference to government Invest!
rations of, th ds-namlte conspiracy. Mr.
Noel had Jn.vt come from a conference
et which waa prepared a long list of wit
nesses to be called.
Attempts to blow up a hotel In fail
I'ie City. I'tah. In IMS arsj 191 were de
scribed before the federal grand Jury to
dsy In 11 Investigation of the dynamite
oonspiracy. . Th witnesses Included two of.lcis'j of Salt Lake City, who
wer on duty when the attempts were
made, a turner guard at the Utah state
jrieon and a tailor who sold clothing to
ons of the McXsmaras. .
CIIEXENNE. Wyo.. Jan. a (Special.)
After being out nearly ail nwht the
Jury in the trial of Soli EMonls,
charged i!th th murder of Jim
Eaxer, b mxht la a verdict ef not
i guilty. Eilcnts was immed'.fttely re
! arreted charged with the murder' of
Brown Ba!:er. a brothrr of tin. Doil a brother of Soli, will te tried
for tie tnurdar of the Eaker tVothers.
Th dead men ana in prisoners came
from Turkey, end while employed near
Torringtcn quarreled, th Bakers being
klMcd dur:r.g the fi?ht-
ARVADO. C !.. Jan. U.-The S-tnonthe-0
l child of 1'. II. EMI was drowned
in a araaS reservoir near her today
when It fell into a noie cut in the rc
sme. Muster, aged IS. was lowered Into
th hoi by a rope In tbe frigid water at
Interval for fifteen minute until he
Ex-President Harahan of Illinois
Central and Vice President Mel
cher of Bock Island Victims,
General Solicitor E. B. Peine ot
Bock Island One of Dead.
Fait Train on Dlinoii Central Boni
Into Train at Station.
Rrepeaelklllty Is Nat Placed, bat It
la Indicated that Eaclaeer f
Sead Train May B
I Blame.
JAKXS T. , , SaV, formes
preauUnt of th IlUaoia Central.
rmAjrx o. icbloxxb, seooaa tio
prldat of th Moek Zslaad.
. B. rstmoa, geaarsl solicitor of th
Book inland.
SXDBISOH B. WBiaXT, n of !
. Wright, formsr as oretary ef war.
CENTRA LIA. IU, Jan. S.-The sute.
th railroad and th coroner tonight be
gan Investigations to fix th res pons!
bllny of tha rear-end collision of two
Illinois Central pasenger trains at Kln-
mundy early today. In which four prom
inent railroad men were killed, and three
trainmen Injured.
Th victim of th wreck were aleeptng
in a private car ot wood construction at
tached to train No. K, the New Orleans
express, when th cngln ot train No. t.
tha Panama Limited, crashed Into the
Th trainmen Injured are Robert
Stuart, engineer, and C. J. Bert, fireman,
ot th ellmlted. and Jess E. Gilbert, fire
man ft he express. They were taken to
their home In Champagne. Bert haa a
fractured skull, Gilbert's hip waa broken
and 8turt I suffering from concussion
fthe brain.
Private Car Itraek.
Tha heavy engine, drawing a solid train
of steel sleeping cars, plowed half r
through the private car. Four other -cupanta,
Byron B. Curry, secretary to
Vic Prealdent Melcher; Thomas B. Bus
bee, local attorney ot the Rock Island at
Little Rock, Ark., and two negro porters.
escaped with bruise, after being buried
In th debris. They were Iseeplng In the
front end ot th oar.,
Th Investigation In nrogres . are la
charge of th coroner of Marlon county,
th Mate Board of Railroad and Ware
house commissioners and the Illinois
Central railroad. Wltneasea were ex
amined by Deputy Coroner Grant Wea-
therllng en 4 the Inquest was oontlausd
until Friday t anahl. .the ecew.of th
engine of th limited I teetify..
Th deputy coroner expressed th opin.
Ion that the responsibility IMS bc.een
Stuart and Flagman Henry J. Broecksf,
on th express, who lives In Chicago.
The bodies of th four victims were
mutlllated. Their arm ware torn oft
and th top of Mr. Hsrahan s bead was
eut away.' Th ear was reduced to Junk.
Th officials were sleeping In th rear
of th train. Cltisens of Klnmundy aided
the train crew and passengers In re
moving th debris from th dead.
Friend of th officials took th ladle
of Mr. Harahan, Mr. Maimer and Mr.
Palrot to Chicago. Mr. Wright' "body
wa taken south to Memphis.
(arrive Tell ef Escape.
Mr. Busbe m speaking of th escape
from the car aald:
"I retired only a few minutes before
the wreck and had hardly fallen asleep
when I was aroused by a terriflcrraih,
aa the locomotive of th limited split our
car In two. When I got my bearing I
found myself and Curry, who had been
asleep In th upper berth of the earn
compartment, virtually covered by
"We 4ualsted each other to arise and
after a great deal of difficulty managed
to make our way out of the car at, the
forward end. A crowd had gathered by
th time we got out and we Marched ths
ruins of th private care, finding the
bod le of Mr. Harahan. Mr. Melcher,
Mr. Pelrr and Mr. Wright lying In the
debris. They were badly mutilated.
"The compartment In which Mr. Curry
and I were sleeping wag la th forward
end of the car, and to this fact wa prob
ably owe our lives. It Is marvelous that
wa escaped aa It was."
Curry aald he retired about and
had been, sleeping soundly a long time be
fore th crash, .
Flaa-saaa Cave tlgaaL
Brcecker, testifying at th Inquest, aald
ha wa riding on the next to th last car
of th express, and that when tt stopped
at Kinmudy. twenty-three mile north of
here., for water, he ran back with hi
lantern a block and a half to the rear
and gave the oa-rusblag limited a signal.
Ue testified his signal was answered by
the engineer by two blasts of Ih whletl.
Stuart, it waa aald, applied th brakes.
but the train was going at too great a
im1 ' to be stoooed. and th enatn
mM lna the nrtvatw car. The tnrr '
of ths collision was so great that the
standing train with brake locked was
shaved M feet ahead.
Passengers on each train escaped with
slight bruises. Physicians who rr taken
to Kinmudy from her gave all their at
tention to the three trainmen.
Conductor John II. Bralnard ot Chicago
of th expree corroborated Jhe testimony
of hi flagmen. At Effingham he teatl-f-ed
that he toid th fasmaa that the
::m'ted was less than ten minute behind,
and to make a quick run to the rear when
th train stopped at Kinmudy for water.
indirectly the cold weather, tt was
stated, may have been a contributing
caus of th wreck. All trains, according
to announcement mad todev. ar under
order to stop at Kinmudy for water be
muse of th shortage of aster along the
read ra ised by the cold. A freight trsjn
hnmeduuciy ahead ef th express delayed
It in gctt.n water.
Fuperlrfendent I- W. Baxter of the
nilnoi Central arrived here late today
and announced the road win hold a p-ibttr
tearlna- to determine lb cans of the
A. R. Latymaa. bwpertor for tbe fttate
Board ot Railroad and Ware bona Coin,
nrjstion. visited the aeon ef tk wrerk
The Anvil Chorus & 'gki
fL i ifr rlfli
mrr ..
From ths St. Loul Globe-Democrat.
ltd (Broil Engineer in China fiendi
v- Appeal for" Help.
- fc ' i si
Prlaeea Aaala Defer Artloa a Ab
dication and Pepalace Krar
Meaner by ,warhs at
Any Massent.
WASHINGTON, Jnn. SI. -An spiwal for
help, declaring that over 1,000.000 people
are facing starvation haa been received
at the headquarter of th Rod Crna
society, from C. D. Jameson, the-' Red
Cross engineer sent to China to devise
mean for preventing Poods. ' '
Mr., Jameson saya if there ever wa 'a
plac and time tor Americans to relieve
suffering 'It la her end now In China."
Hs add that the most sorry and tragic
period la Juet beginning and surely will
last until tha middle of May, .when the
scanty crop com to maturity. .
aitaatlon la Peklas Teas.
PEKINO, Jen. JJ.-Anothr meeting of
th prince of th imperial elan, at which
th empress dowager wa present, took
plac today, but did not .reach any
definite reeult.
On of th princes who participated in
the conference Informed the .Associated
Press that tha meeting wa firm In . It
opinion that the throne coald not abdi
cate unless It was driven to do so by
force. r
Th anxiety of tbe population of Peking
la becoming more tense every day owing
to the continued delay in reaching a
solution of tha deadlock. Outbreaks on
tha part of the reactionary Manchua are
expected to occur at any moment, -
It I now considered a Indisputably
proven Oiat the revolutlonertee alone were
responsible far th attempt on the life
of Premier Yuan Shi Kat ;
Casnl iJeneral lae Prewtlg.
Tew, th Imperial eonsur general, whose
authority extended over th Chines
population oa the Padfle coast, not only
lost hi Income through the success of
tha revolutionists, but haa suffered the
additional loss of the honor formerly en-
Joyed of naming th director ot tne
Chines 8ix companies. This Indignity
was mad public In the Tal Tung Tat
Bo, an Iniurgent dally of Chinatown,
whlcfc say, according to th tranelaUon:
Th Chinese Six companlea has de'
elded that th time has come to declare
Ita Independence. Ne representative of a
fallen monarchy, a dishonest and bar
hareua regime shall dictate th actions
of free and independent Chinee. Here,
after th orgsaixatloa will nam Ita own
director. Tbe eonsol baa been a mem
ber and a may continue to remain so.
but his voloe shvtl be that of on mstn
k onlv nanulv, himself.
tii'V TS1.V. China, Jan. a Three
hundred men forming part of the bat
talion of ;h Fifteenth United Watee In.
fantry. which arrived at Chtng Wang
Tae en board the transport Logan from
Manila on January . bar arrived here.
WASHINGTON. Jan. H.-Cl.lnes. like
other foreigner!', may be deported by
crder of the eecretsry f co-mcrc anH
Isbor and are'aot entitled to have s
Judical detemrlnatioa flrrt unJer the
Chines exilo:on act of sfcelr tights to
reova:!t In this country. Th supreme
njrt of the I'alted Slat a decided to-
Mine Workers Strike
Political Clause From
Their Constitution
INDIANAPUL1K. Jan. K.-Sorlalisis In
the convention of the I'm led Mine Work
ers of America won another victory today
when they succeeded by a large majority
In amending the constitution of the or-
ganlsatlona by striking out the clsuse
forbidding the miners to take any political
The convention had gone tin record aa
favoring government ownership of all In
dustries, but a resolution Indorsing th
scrtsllst party was voted down. - ,
The preamble to Hie constitution also
waa amended In read the miners are en
titled to "full value of their toll" Instead
of to "an equitable aliare."
'An amendment providing that children
under 1 years of age shall not be em
ployed In mine was adopted.
' After having postponed the wag con
ference with bituminous coal operators
railed for next Thursday the convention
reconsidered and the meeting will be he d
as originally planned. , .
Senator Kenyon to Make Puhlio
Statement of Position on Col-
league's Candidacy.
"Trait BoAter' of Administration
. ii Loyal to His Chief.
Western Senator! Declare Their
States Are for Preiident
Mack f Sllag at roMtlea EUrnla-
sted Fx Kes-ert Da 4 Caret el
' Work f Bepreseatatlve
Frees Mataasksw ...
Butter Drops Three
, Cents at Elgin
EI.01.V, 111., Jsn. BL-Butti-r, firm at
Tt cents, a drop or J cents. Output, 417.
M0 pounds. Resolutions were Introduced
to Increase the board membership so as
to cover six states Illinois. Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan and Iowa.
CHICAGO. Jan. S.-"Father does the
talking for the family; not a word from
me." said Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.. today,
backing away from newspaper men who
sought to question him when he arrived
from Han Francisco today with his wife
on their' way to visit his parents.
"Oh, no! Now, how could you expect
me to answer a question Ilk that" he
ssld when politics were touched on. "I'm
too old a head for that sort."
BM 1,336 Inrbe Display.
Next paper 1,003 Inches Ma
play. Third paper 7J8 Inches Dis
play. Last Week
Bee 4. 5 "3" Inche Display.
Next paper 4,2S Inch Dis
play. Third paper 4.039 inches Dis
play. Last Month
E,e 24,941 lacbea i-ocal Dis
play. Next paper I.T.u.l inches
I .or! Ji:s:lay.
About 1,500 inrbe "indecent
. medical" advertising refuse'!
by The Be were run by the
"Next Faper.
Tbe "third paper." also, has
started Uua
Demooratio Members of Houie Com
rnittet, Propoi Reduction.
laderwsod Estimates It Weal tat
Revenue Less Than Millie aad .
Greatly laerease the
" Imports.'
WAHIN(JTO.V. Jsn. tt-lleductions of
from 30 to SO nerVAnt on all Items In
the Iron and steeel tariff and Ih placing
on the tsrlff free list of Iron ors. sewing
machines, printing machinery, nails and
many other articles ' against which a
tariff Is now levied, are prnpoeed In Ih
democratic sleel revision tariff bill, mad
public today.
Democratic leader Vnderwood esti.
msted that Ihe bill would reduce the
verage tariff on steel Imports from M.Jl
per cent to r. ad valorem; would reduce
the government tsrlff revenues from ate,
prudkrts by pa.SsT from lll and by
K 00". 000 from 11. Imports of steel prod
ucts, he ssld. would be Increased by
nearly t30.OlB.ono. '
Th bill was completed by the demo
cratic members of th way and means
anmmltte on Haturday. After being sub
mitted to the full commute It will b
Is Id before the democratic caucus tomor
row afternoon and If approved by the
caucus will be formally Introduoed In the
house Wednesday.
Iran Or t Be Free.
Sweeping reduction are mad tn all of
Ihe Important Item of th Iron and steal
tarlfr. Among articles dutiable under tht
Payne-Aldrlrh bill which would be placed
on the free list are Iron ore, existing duty
6.! per cent; hoop and band Iron and
steel, 11 per cent; barbed Wire and wire
fencing. 7.77 per cent: nails. 17.I7: horm-
shoas, a; Tungsten ore, l; xlnc ore. .?;
cash registers, linotype machine, ma
chine toolr, printing presses, sewing ma
chines and typewriters, I per cent.
The reductions mad on finished steel
and iron producta range In many classes
as great as CO per cent. Th figure given
out by th committee on way and means
to accompany the bill show that this will
mke a corresponding reduction In tariff
revenue rrura these sources.
Mat f Redactions.
The rates of duty under th existing
Psyne-Alddrti tarl.'f law have been re
duced to tha equivalent ad valorem duty
ey me committee. I sing the ad valorem
equlvklf nt as a basis th Important reduc
tion proposed by the democratic bill are:
Fig Iron, from to I per cent: scrap
Iron, 1.72 to I; ferromangancs are. U to
1.52; chroma metals. .) to U. bar Iron
and steel. IS W to W; slab Iron and steel.
S.2 to W; round Iron la colls or rode. It
to W; beams, girder, etc., J to It: boiler
piate. 7 to ; sheet Iron or steel, tt to
!..; steel raw plates. 3 to 15: iron ore
steel forcings, to IS; ball and roller
b- -", U to 3; hoop Iron. 17.J to IS;
band Iron, Si to 15; railway bars. MM to
K; railway fish plates. 30 lo 10; steel in
gots, 21. U to !: rivets, screw and fence
rods. 14 to !; anvils, rj.K to 15; automo-
bUes, motorcycles and bicycles, to v.
sxles and axle bars, II. tl to H; blacksmith
tools. 17 II to 1: bolts. U.C to li; cast
Iron pipe, ail kind. lt.IX to M; chains.
9 to J: knives and cutlery, TT.O to S,
raicrs, 71 to S; scissor and shears,
to . carpenters, butchers and artisans'
knives, kitchen knives snd forks, tl.t) to
Si. Hies aad ran. CI. '4 to &
Slindteie. rlflea. S to It: braeehloadtng
hoiguna and rifles. tt.M to r: table.
ad a I 64 Fags.)
(From a Staff Correspondent. I .'
WASHINGTOcT. Jan. lt-tSpeclal Teie-
gram.r-lt is expected that Senator Ken
yan of Iowa will Issue a statement to
morrow of his position toward th presi
dential candidacy ef Senator Cummins.
Senator Kenyon mad a brief call at
th White House today and wa with Hi
president a few mlnutea To all InquJrle
aa to what he Intended to do regarding .
tha candidacy of hi colleague In the
senate. Senator Kenyan ssld hie poolUoa ,
would be made clear In a abort, tint.
There la a strong belief, however, that
Senator Kenyon will throw to tha winds
hi political future In Iowa and show no
hostility to Taft. Tha principal reason
for this attitude I that Senator Kenyon
wa for a long time tha "trust buster'' '
of the Department of Justice, know
what th administration f as don la fight
ing th trusts, and Is httrtlly lck ef -crltlrlsm
of th administration' work In
that direction.' Mr. Kenyon feel tht
hi trust work 1 under fir when thv
president is under fir. He will, though. '
probably support Cummins a a favorite
son. . j
The Iowa senator is known to car
IHtls about returning to the senate. He
haa been half sorry for a long time that
he ever permitted himself to be elected
t hi preeent term. This dleregard of hi
political future will have much to do with
what ha haa to ray la his statement to
morrow, .
Th president saw a number of ether
republican sens lore today and they
nearly all talked politic. Most ef th
rallsrs repeated assurance heretofore
given -that th president need
fear a to th delegate front various
ststea. Senator Guggenheim saya he see
nothing te 1ndlet tht Taft will hav
serious opposition In Colorado. Senator
Oambl is atlll ronftdent that South Da
kota wiil send a Taft delegation, .
. tleaa en Wiley toeamlite.
The unanimous report of th commit!
on expenditures In ' th Department of
Agriculture on th Wlley.Ruby-tcCnb-Wllson
Incident, which stirred th coun
try some month ago, M In larg measure
du to th careful, even-tempered con
duct of Representative Sloan of Nebraska.
Aa a member of th ubcommttte having
th writing of the report In charge, Mr.
Hloan met this democratic colleague with
Judicial temperament and yet with flrm-
nesa to see right don an persona to
take ths sting of politic out of th re
port, If there was a disposition In this di
rection on the part of th house major
ity, and how well h accomplished what
at one time looked like am Impossibility
; seen In tha keen analysis which the
retort disclose. " Taff's treatment of the Wiley
Incident la practically approved. Th r. 1
port recommend th passags of a law ;
governing employment and compensation
of exports, and also governing the form . .
.it vouchers. It takes notice of discord In s
the bureau of chemistry, which waa dls- I
closed by Secretary Wilson and other wit- .
nesees during th hearing, and auggest '
remedial procedure. It pays tribute to the
ability and long service af Secretary Wil
son, but calls attention to tha enforce
ment of the pure food and drug tawa aa
being Judicial instead of administrative
Th report, however, .generously admits
that the conclusion was drawn in tha light
of the recent decision of th eupreme
court, of which no one had the benefit
untn December 11 met The report recom
mends that th board of food and drug
should consist of chief of bureau ot chem
istry and two assoelatea of equal rank '
and co-ordinate power. It rejects one-man
control. '
l.oberk Flakte Parcels Past.
Congressman Lobeck 1 "form net" th
parcels post, and he 1 sending a hot tet
ter to hi constituents who are petitioning
him to support such a measure. This I
th gist of th letter:
The unlimited parcels post, as now pro
posed, without a son system, seem un
just. In my opinion. In that It dlscrlm
Instee against the retail merchants of the
country and favora the large mail order
houses. U the proposed measure, to
whtch I am opposed, should ba enacted
Into law. It would enable the larg cata
logue houses to secure a monopoly on th
merchanolM burin of th oounlry. with
Ih government acting aa their ageat,
thereby tending to concentrate business
In the large cities. I believe that people
would be better served In every way by
(Continued on Second Page)
Boxes of
O'Brien s Candy
y ' aad '
Dalzelf s Ice
Cream Bricks
Civn away each day la
tha want ds to those) tindlat
lieir samel.
Read tbe want ada each
day. " ra doo t el P'i
you will probably find sotaa
ininc advertised that appeal
lo you. '.''
' Each day these priiea nr
ottered, no puxuea to aoiva a
tabacrlpUoBA to set Bathing
bat finding your came. It wut
anncxr gome Urn. I .