Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1912, Image 1

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    Looiimf Backward
Tbi Say in Omaha
fhtitp Twenty In Teat
., Baa MtMHai Pag f tMk tan
Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Wanner
VOL. XII NO. 187.
Xata Shelley Diet at Km Sams la
Xoinfona After Leaf BtregtU
. with Bright- SiMMt.
Gar Warning to BaaMsfer After
L 1 Wreck Uon Bridfs.
Had Way Two Xflet" la Item to
5ertrt Talmaa Station.
Bwllraad Casaasar staseBsdai
WosMa with M)taa M Staetssi
lint, WkM Mt flaM rlH .
. MOINOONA, UU. Jan. B--8psiI TU
tram.) Mia Xsthsrla CimU Sheiiay,
known Um sountry ow a Kate Shelley,
Iowa's herlone. 1M et her hm hsrs
this morning at tb ere ef t pear.
Mia Shelley aotfersd Intensely of
Bright' ilMut during Par lut haurs,
regaining aoasdouanas and isonlln
th membere ot her fatally, though mu.
bl to speak to than.
Mia Sheiiay baeajna famoua an th
night af July a. MB. whan ak saved
14. Chicago Northweetern paassnser
trail from coins Into a river which hid
left Ita banks and washed away the
.WttUa sitting In har boma at U o'olook
at nlglit. Mis Shelley heard a eraah and
upon going to ttia door found that a
freight train had plunged through tha
brlds which had bam weakened by a
fierce storm. Tha antlra craw waa killed.
Mies Shelley knew that tha passenger
train waa du to paa over tha structure
In thirty minute and. strstnet tha wishes
it har mother, went out Into tho atom
and picked her way through th black
night to tha closest telegraph station,
nearly two mile away. Th pasaenter
tram craw waa warned of the dsn err.
At th matting of th next Iowa legis
lature. Miss Shelley, who waa then M
years old, waa given a gold medal and
1st In cash for her bravery. 8tte also
wa rewarded by tha railroad company
and gtvra a position aa ststlon agent
which ah held until two month ago.
Th funeral will be held Wednesday
morning at th church ot tha Sacred
Heart Father Barron will be In charge
of tha hartal.
Man Who Breaks
Quarantine Killed
Austin, tx-, Jan. a. -The miiing t
Oeerg Iocx. a. cattleman, at Bud, Tex-,
tooay-weoaus he disregarded quarantine
regulations, prompted by th epldemie ot
meningitis, probably will result la th
Immediate ralelng of tha rigid quarantine
Th alata health office said "shotgun
quarantine", have not been warranted
and will Issue a statement tomorrow sav
ing tha epidemic le under control and
that rigid quarantine ar unnecessary.
Lock was warned not to enter Buda to
day when he announced he was going
there to see hia mother. He paid n
attention to th Iowa marshal, who gave
th warning, and wa allowed to proceed.
He wa hot dead while standing on the
porch of bis mother" house aorrletlme
later. . from What euppoeedly Infected
point he mom Is not known here, r
Tee meningitis situation has so cleared
that Dr. Abraham Soph Ian, New York
specialist In charge of th' fight against
th disease, said today ha would leave for
borne la a few days.
Burns Gets Evidence
to Impeach Veracity
. of Lorimer Witness
WASHINGTON. Jan. S.-Demslopment
mora r less sensational, about to take
place hi th Larimer case, will disclose
that William J. Bars, the detective, baa
been at work for at least three month
gathering evidence to bo presented next
week to th committee Investigating tha
election of th Junior senator from I Hi
Detective Burn . was employed for
about a month by th senate committee
and later waa engaged by tna interest
fighting to unseat Senator Lorimer. Th
committee discontinued bis aerrlces, ac
cording' to member today, because of the
almost prohibitive expanse. It I reported
that tho end sought by th antl-Lorlmer
tnUres ts Is tha Impeachment f certain
witness, who gave evidence in Senator
Lc rimer's defens relating to th Uged
statement of C. F. Wlehe, a brother-in-law
af Edward Rlnea, that a "jackpot"
find of SMMO wa used to "put l-ortmer
In substance. Bum is asserted to have
reported to th committee that be was
prepared to offer ertaeac that on of
th witnesses who 1 est 1 fled In regard to
this Incident had confessed he wa paid
fa.iot to com to Washington. A phono
graphs') method by which Burn obtained
th alleged confession la alee said te bar
been laid befor th committee. Burn
cam to Washington bust Tuesday and
remained until Wednesday night. His
report waa communicated to some of the
member of th committee, and ft tap said
later wa laid befor th commltte la
executive nation.
It la not claimed that th evidence
Bums promise to produce la Intended
to eatabllsh whether or not than wa a
tm,m Jackpot fund, or that Senator Lori
mer had know led re of It. It affects
solely th veracity of a wltnsst called by
th defens.
Temperance Forces
to Visit Conventions
of Both Old Parties
CHICAGO, Jan. XL-Pur th first time
sine lsW temperance advocates will In
vade th republican and democratic con
vention tbl year and ask that each
party Include a prohibition plank in Ita
A subcommittee of th national feder
ated committee, a body representing sev
eral prohibition organisations, made pub
lic bar today tha name of men promi
nent In th two parties, who will be asked
to wait m th delegate In behalf ot the
temperance bodies.
Governor W. R. Stubbs of Kansas and
J. Frank Hanly, former governor of In
diana, an th republicans named and
William Jennings Bryan and -Coof rese
ll Richmond Pearson Hobson, th
democrats.- t ,
Prominent men and women from vat-
Utu Ilia saline organtraUoos wDI Serve
la conjunction with both committees.
Special Traini Held in Seadineis at
Peking to Transfer Provisional
Z"Huh, I Wonder What He's Up to Now?"
Reactionary Princes Prevent Pro
mulgation of Edict of Abdication.
loan' Position Complicated by
Haay Seeent Developments,
Famine Csadrtloaa Sack that Lara
Area Are, Cwvsrod by Pepelattea
Kxlstlag la Direst Distress
Outcome Problematical.
Fna Mr Casveutsai Plain Dealer.
WASHINGTON. Jan. n-rRepreeenta-tiv
Carey af Wisconsin (republican) to
day Introduced a bill providing tor gov
ernment ownership of telegraph lints, a
project recently urged by Postmaster
(leneral Hitchcock.' It waa referred to
th postotflce committee.
Tho bill would Place the telegraph eye
lems under the supervision of lh Post
offlo department, in charge ot a com
missioner of. telegraphs, to be appointed
In lh"o same manner aa assistant post
master generals. Tha bill would provide
that .tit Interstate Commerce eomml
aidn apprai at thrh- bona fid value
all telegraph propertlee engaged In Inter
stats , commerce, the attorney general
then to begin proceedings against th
companies. .
The measure - would stipulate that
wge should not be Increased mors than
It per cent over those peld th year
precedlns government acquisition and
would bar any immediate decrees of
telegraph tolls.
KBIT YORK. ..ton. a.-Mrl. Oliver H.
P. Belmont said today that sh Is plan
ning to start a dally newspaper to be
managed by women and devoted entirely
to their Interests. ' She declared that
women did 'not have a fair representa
tion m the newt of th day and thought
th time wa ripe for women to com to
th front editorially. J
Sirs. Belmont's plana have not taken
definite a nape, but she said she waa seri
ous In the matter. . Her Ideal, ah an
nounced, --would be a paper which Is not
bound by any financial, political or social
obligation to upprea on bit of news or
to alter It tone."
May End Harrimau
StriKe This Week
OUDE.V. Utah, Jan. JL-Peralalent
rumors to tha effect that a meeting will
be held In the cast, probably In Chicago,
within th next few days, to settle th
Harrlman railroad strike, were current
today though tby could not be verified.
Th general strike situs tl on a now en
tirely oet of the hands ot th local
railroad officials, and under the Juris
diction of Julius Kruttschnltt of th Har
rlmaa system.
For nearly a week negotiation have
been under way between representative
of local bust uoss organisation and strik
ers, with a view ot putting to an end th
atrlk or In some way relieving the situ
ation. It 1 understood that th strikers
ar willing to arbitrate although the mil
roads so far har held steadfastly to
their first stand in not recognising th
strike organisation.
PKK1NQ, Jan. tl.-A special train has
been I readiness since Friday to take
Tuan Shi Kal to Tien Tain. It waa evi
dently tha premier plan to transfer tho
provisional capital to that city, where th
danger from Manchu was slight. Ap
parently ha Intended to escape from Po
king a soon as tb edict of abdication
wa signed, but th reactionary prtaoa
gained tb upper band temporality and
prevented th issuance of th edict
Meantime th republican ultimatum ar
rived, and resulted in a considerable
chang of program. This ultimatum de
manded th abdication of th thron and
th surrender of th sovereign power.
and set forth th refusal of th repub
Mcana to permit Yuan Shi Kal to partici
pate la tb nrovhuoaal government until
th republio bad been recognised by th j CDIICTFl) CTHDrO DfiUTFDO
foreign power, and th country reatwtwd I oflUOlLll OvUlUli) , Mill LAO
to. tear. .. ,
Premier Yuan map still hkv seed af
th apodal train, because It I expected
he will refuse to carry on th govern
ment at Peking without abdication after
which h and hit troop will be ubjoet
to th travast Manchu hostility.
Feasible taereeeor te Yaan,
Tha ex-war minister. Tln-Tchang. and
tha ei-presldent of th board af war.
Tteh-Uang, ar mentioned as possible sue
cessori to Yuan 8hl Kal. Both are
klanchut and therefore should the throne
appoint either of there. It would bo
breach of an of tbo nineteen consti
tutional pledges, but national exlganel
might be considered a substantial excuse
for such acttatv
Many of th Chinee troops ar loyal
to Yuaa Shi Kal. It to not doubted that
hi attitude would b republican It he
resigned. Tha Manchu and . Inner
Mongols would then be left without sup
port. . Another meeting of th prince of
th Imperial clan will b held MaMnrow.
That favorrag abdication will probably
abtsnt theraeeivse. as that It t djttfMitt
t see henna deflatt decision oan be
Thus who-doalr to oontinu to fight
for th most part hava nothing to toe.
Prince China, tb t -premier, evidently
Intend not to speed hi wealth In tup
porting arm lea which may not be vto
lortout. Chlng ha received many threats
from Manchu soldiers. It la said that
ont of them warned him not to dare to
ELGIN, III., Jan. a -A dlseate never be
fore recorded In this vicinity ha attacked
Mrs. Abel Hare, C years old, and is slowly
causing her death. It la known a Ray
naud's disease, a vascular affliction, ac
companied by gangrene and local as
phyxia. It la turning tb flesh on her
hand and arm Into a black tubettnc.
hard, immovable and wirhom feeling.
Tho'dieease has spread from th Cngera
to- tb elbows In a week, and tb hands
resemble ebony In appeerane. Physi
cians say It results from contraction of
th coverings of th blood vesel.
DENVER, Jan. 'tl.-A boy bandit and
Anthony O. Kllker, owner of a local laun
dry, played a gam of "hand up and
hands dowa" when Mr. Kllker was on
bis way to bi Place of business early
today. The highwayman seeing an auto
mobile approaching ordered Kllker to
raise and lower hi arm in a rapid , y
automatic fasMeurV thus giving th oocu-
panta of the ear no reason to suspect
that the man executing tna movement
waa being held up, Whea th car bad
passed the robber relieved Kllker of M
and disappeared in the gloomy dawn.
The Weather
' FOR IOWA-Fair.
Temperwtnre ait Cfmaaua
a. aa. u
CHICAXsO, Jan. XI. The following of
ficers were elected by th Western Paper
I Dealer assoctatrna at Ha annual meeting
Inert today: Prestdent A. H. Dwurht.
I Chicago; vice prestdent. F. A, Kearna,
Chicago: Joseph Carpenter. Kansas City;
secretary, ueorga v. roratt, cuemgo;
treasurer. Joseph Joyce, Chicago.
Isaao Carpesmsr of Omaha presided at
the annua
JZ-Vi a- ts...
ari.,JS . aw m- J i I mwvii wit
rTJ 7l. ' " i a. as........... I. .
ta'r ---- Ai it:--::: S bexoit. w.. ,
7 - 11 a. m n -, mtm at the pouitry t
tL The cacUnag af
JJ a- srna OsrMM MeGCL
1 i minininni a n'r'J mimmu m tao Ct retry of Wla-
1 p. m i eonsm, from grrrag a talk ra wesson's
a a. m &' suffrage. Afar trrwg srarrei to naeaa
i a. m s fcj, . a f.-r fin m
Veklee aewklac Safety. .
Prominent Manchua and Chinese ar de
serting Peking hastily with their famine
and seeking safety in tba-foreign lega
tions at Tulng-Tau and eiaewhera. Th
foreign representatives hava not yet as
sembled to discuss measures tgalnst tha
fulfillment of the republican ultimatum,
although several ot them anticipate that
Intervention will sooner or later be forced
upon tliero.
A fight to tho death it th spirit of
th younger Manchu prtncea and it leu
resulted from the wavering ot th court
on th question ot abdication. Yuan Shi
Kal s position Is considered by hit fiiendt
considerably shaken.
Tli young, blood ar urging th ap
pointment of Tleh-Leang, who. In addl
tknro his experience on the war board,
wa Tartar general at Nanking, to tak
command of th northern rmy, with
Instruction to march bla force against
th republican. Th ax-regent. Prlncs
Chun, continues a strong supporter of
Th Manehu troop are Indifferent They
are ready for war or peace, whichever I
decided upon. Yuan Phi Kal't position la
unenviable, and bo appear to he satis
fied that tha Manehu cause la loaL
Faaala Caaaee Uletrcaa.
SHANGHAI, Jan. S.-Th exciting newt
of wsr and diplomacy ha caused the
world to forget th terrible destitution
which now prevails In China. It la a
rid Iseue, but on which mty have a
vital effect on tha settlement of th
Tin flood In July and August last of
th Tan ft a ha resulted In famln areas
which ar now accurately defined.
First la the great llwai valley region.
measuring about M by M miles, where
the farmers hsve had only ene good crop
since lWt. Not only la there no reserve
to meet present conditions, but the people
hava lost heart and win not try to help
The second area I about VTu Ho, where
the overflow formed for a time an Inland
sea from eighty to a hundred mile long
and varying In width from thirty-five
to forty mile.
The last district is Hunan, where th
floods were local. One section thirty
miles square and conlalnlng at least
te.Ont people was oompleteb)- submerged.
An estimate ot 108.99 people facing abso
lute starvation ha Hunan alsat It consid
ered conservative, while In th thrw
area the lowest estimate of the destitute
It ITtf.tM.
Undreamed of DeMltatlens.
nestltntion suck as its experienced la
China la and rf a mad of la mar pinnies
Ivs cenuMiiea. There ere sJmeat no char
itable tastit alien and many nualKes ar
left shilluliss and nearly imrsothad la
American JJiunined from Office by
- Persia Predicts Trouble.
Former Treaoarer Oeaeral Assert
that treat Britain Will B Co..
frwated with Prrlsaa Fron
tier Problem.
VIENNA, Jan. tL-'The net result ot
tbo British nd Russian action In Persia
renders a nation, which was making
prog rem toward peace and order toil waa
building up Its finance for the estab
lishment of a constitutional government,
a land of' chaot and anarchy, without
prestige among Ha own people and In
addltloa. baa meant th eacrific of hun
dred ot Innocent Uvea." '
This statement was made today by W.
It organ Bhustsr, the American, recently
dismissed aa treasurer-general of Ptrtla,
whe tits Just ttrived her. ... . -
Me MowevrtroedeJI imoplef continued
Mr. 8kutr, "are farthr aroused against
tb Christian nation. Oraat Britain and
ttuatla, tar from being an a mor solid
basis of friendship.-ar bow face to iao
a opposite side of a disorganised terri
tory. .
Tees Legatlsa Held Power.
"Th Russian and "British legation ar
th real governing forces in Persia, They
are acting through a directory of teva
Persian In order to avoid International
responsibility, but morally they are
responsible for tha destruction ot Persian
nationality, when It gave promise of
establishing a stabl constitutional gov
ernment. Th seven men who ar noml
nslly governing Persia ar without
character or reputation. They do not
command the slightest respect of their
countrymen and would not exist a day
without the protection of tb Russisn nd
Britten legation.
"Rusalan force and lnfluencee ar
steadily advancing southward and un
ices ther is a break In the present tread
of avont th realisation of Ruatla't
dream ot a warm water port It a matter
of only a few years. Great Britain will
thaa be confronted with a living Rosso
Indian frontier problem."
lanliiia the rain. Ptllaga and asti iaten
saw iiimsiiaril la tha country, warns
las niilsiliisssls a anaMe to kasa or
der, la lh teems which they bar issues
tb rebels kaew fair order.
Tier central Caina raHe
wtta biaiduaaiiii In aiauighai. to
hag aa apreal to aJD eeanaorle to fmada as
carry rcamf work. The ei'er to
psi untail J i aa us wxatrrt af th tent ratt
ans and flsevButn cwiumannir ham and
Carnegie Tenders
$850,000 to Indians
WASHINGTON. Jan. n.-Andrew Car.
negia tiaa found a new outlet for his
generosity. It was learned hero tonight
that he ha offered to contribute PS0.D00
for tha erection hers of a magnificent
homo to bo used aa the headquarter ef
the Federation of North America In
dians, recently organised In a convention
held here, at which Indian from a num
ber ot tribe war present.
A prominent architect. .It was said,
would be here Monday to look over the
ground ad consider the alte and the
stvl to bo used In th new building.
The national capital already has three
building created by Mr. Carnegie do
nations, the Pan-American building, th
Camegt Institution ot Washington and
U:e Caracal public library. To th Pan
American building b gave rsn.OOti. the
LathvAmerlcan republics contributing
Mra M. Spteibencer, aged . died at
her bom. M Park avenue Sunday morn
ing at 4 o'clock after an lllnera laetlug
for th last nine months. Mm la survived
by tws sons, Nate and Jaosb, and by tha
follremg daughter. Mr. I M. Cohn. Mr.
Louts Wolf, Mr. Rdward Kellar of
Omaha and Mrs. Walter Appet of Denver.
Funeral service will be held at the
hoes this aftersooa at o'clock with
Rabbi Frederick Cohn In eharg and this
evening th body will s taken te Keokuk
Cor bnrtaL
Granddaughter of
the Late Senator
Saunders Engaged
i From a Htaff Correapondant.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. xL-KSpclal Tele
gram. ) Mr. and Mia. Ruserll B. Harrison
today announced the ntagnint of their
only daughter, Marthena, to Harry A.
Williams; Jr., of Norfolk, Va. No date
is set for th wedding. Mrs, Harrison
and her daughter hava spent' tha last
several winter In Washington, where
Mist Htrrtton wat presented to society
two seasons ago, and where she mad an
Almost Instantaneous uwccea. Sh la ac
counted on of the most popular girl In
society. Mr. William la a well known
college man. educated at Washington tnd
Leo In Virginia, and a member of the
Kappa Alpha fraternity.
' Mis Harrison has been t prominent end
well known figar at all the smart func
tion ot tho Washington season, Sha la
a beautiful blonde, and aa a baby wa
known as on of the -"Whl TTous
babtee." f Her1 parenfa spent their tuaaona
t th VThlt Hods during th regime of
her grandfather, President Renjemln Har
rison. Her other grandfather waa th
late Senator fhvmder' of Omaha and
farmer governor of Nebraska.
Miss Harrison lived for a lumber ef
years with bar mother at Thirty-fourth
and Farnam. aad though Mr. Harrison
still own th nous, dhey have apsnt
meet of their Um for several yaara la
Washington, where Mist Harrison at
tended school and where both kav many
friend. .
president Taft "
Inclined to Name
Hook for Justice
WASH INGTON, Jan. U.-A moitg friends
of President Taft It was generally under
stood tonight thst tin nomination of
United Slates Circuit Judge Hook of Kan
sas to the supreme court, succeeding the
1st Justice Harlan, would be sent to
th senate during th present week. Ob
jections to Judge Hook, refsrred to At
torney tleneral Wicker ham. It wa said,
have not proved convincing to the presi
dent and he is Inclined to make tbo ap
pointment shortly."
The president returned from Xew York
early today. French Ambassador Jusser
and returned with him. Tho president
did not go to church this morning aa lie
usually does, but remained In the execu
tive mansion.
Reclamation Service Will Remit
Construction Charfei.
Most of sstltrrs Have Already Paid
Fifty tenia na A ere. Which Will
Brian Thee t ader th heer
(From a Ptaff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Jan. !L (Special Tele.
gram.)Th reclamation err1c notified
Representative Klnkaid that the recent
public notice a to reclamation payment
does not reoulr payment of construction
charge aa a condition to a new applica
tion where W cents an acre ha bean paid.
Mr. Klnkaid wired th president ot th
Water Users' atsoctatloa. Jam T.
Whitehead of Mitchell, a follows:
Director Newell advisee me that iie
public neilc does not require payment
.of oomtrurMloa obaaiisa a eondiUewaeV to
new appiicatlnn lw to cents an tore
had been pels, and arrangement ar
being ma'e for Uioeo Who eaunot pay
I1J operation and maintenance for moi
tint with small peuall).
A moot af the itottler hv already
paid W ceti to pecscr reeulred It I be
lieved that the department' proposition
will be fairly satisfactory to th water
la discussing th meeting ef pay men ta
n trier project It I know that Mr.
Newell ha unofficially take tbo posi
tloa that whara astttor ar wholly uoabl
t most payments through undua ml
fertun liberal eouotealona will bo made,
as they want t meet tha settlers halt
wty wherever possiM. -
Mr. Klnkaid five-year .reclamation
claim patent bill wa referred to th de
partment today by tba Irritation rom-
niltts for report Th cengnassman slsled
that ha believed some such legislation aa
that called for by bla bill would be
enacted at th present session.
Chicken Thieves
Make Three Hauls
Chld-en thieves were busy Saturday
night and got away with forty. nine pul
lets In three different coops. J. Jaimer
ho ltae a large collection of chk-kens In
a coop at IW North Nineteenth street,
missed twcnly-four of his best birds when
ho went out lo fled them yesterday mom
ng. The chicken house owned by II.
Hoffmsn at 423 Hurdette street wa also
entered by thieves Katurday night and
five leghorns stolen. George A. Monrot,
3S2 t'sldwell street reported lo the police
the toss of twenty fine birds srel asked
the pull'C to esalst him la locating them.
Tan aniessU. a aasrrs who care hia
sawn as Albania. Gsv, rrstse both bis feet
arhfto rattnc a kBad katgagt trees CbJ-
H aaft CYsceas Bstsr
l wkem IBs tna sailed
loa) tbs sesast bar ysstordsy muaatng
Mrutea MlasiiHad ts gst S and Ml.
U was dthasisasd Uac hsj feet were
Jtowen ant ha wa tnktai s lbs eary JaO
an Mated by Potk storgeem
Ba waas Sseai rsrnwesd at St.
llsrry I,. Woolrldge. the former police
officer who died Thursday following an
operation, was laid to rest yesterday aft
ernoon in Prospect Hill cemetery eur
rounded by two platoons of hia fellow pa
trolmen. Funeral services were In chance
of Itean Taneork of Trinity cathedral at
i o'clock at Bralley A Dorrsnce under
taklng room. Th pallbesuwr wore Pa
trolmen Comings, Byrnra. Carney, Pcs
nowekl, Wenu end Unger. The two pla
toons of poMea led tho procession to th
trav aad were In charge af Lieutenant
Hayes and Sergeant Samueum.
The body ef Mrs. Mary Hanson.
years ski, who ears! Friday e
month, was lusmlit to Omaha yesterday.
Funeral aei iVea wtn to held this after
noon at the Jarksuti rbapoL Tbs Rev.
Mr. Tyner ot Si. Andrew Fscowl
ctrores win otTktote. Burial win be in
LoomisS. Cull Sends
in His Eesignation
RAPID CITY. 8. D.. Jan. .- Special.)
-Loom I a S. Cull, reglstsr of th Inlted
Ststes land of floe here, ha forwarded to
Washington hit reaujnatien at in official.
This I don for th purpose of carrying
out th spirit of the department' policy
thsl officials avoid political activity while
In office. Whenever hia resignation goes
into effect he will have hi time trr to
pursue his rmplgn ae republican candi
dal for governor. Mr. Cull recently of
fered t withdraw from th rao e con
dition that Byrne would do likewise and
let the party unite on a single man whs
should carry the fight against th oppo
sition, 'i
Modern Woodmen ,
to Fix New Eates
CHICAGO- Jan. a.-Elght hundred del
egate, reiresentlng LSAoto member of
the Modern Woodmen ot America, will
meet In Chicago next Tuesday to decide
on a new schedule ot lit insurance rate
to be charged by the order. Tho meet
ing I an adjourned aeesloa of th con
vention held In Buffalo laat June and
the matter of re-ratlng will com befor
the body a a special order ot buslneat.
Head Conaul A. R. Talbot of Lincoln.
Neb., will call th meeting to order.
A readjustment of the Insure no rstee
f the order has been rendered necessary
by leglrlatlon regulating fraternal In
surance In a number of states.
EAST WALPOLA Mass.. Jan. a.-ftob-
ert Perkins Bast, goeernor of Now Hamp
shire, today married Miss Beith Hart an
Bird, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Charlea
S. Bird at ''knatean.' tba epsrieu resi
dence of the Bird fanny. Tho BA. Rev.
Edward M. Parker, btohoa) coadjutor of
th Protestant Episcopal dloceat ef Ksw
Hampshire, assisted by Kev. Jaanes A.
Taa-rtUpfWIaV P?rfMTa"stSl tJlalt eeWaVBtsrWaVlf,
Duke and Duchess of Connanght to'
Hake Poor Bars' Stay in :
Hew York. ''"'.. I
Ambassador's Horns Will Eonae tha
Large Eoyal Party.
No Attempt Made to DiscriminaU
ii Word Oiren Out,
Priaejesa Pa tracts Will Bo Ftrai
Kasjltak Priasaw at Bleed Royal
ts Set Fast es Aaaertesa
oil. ' ! ' !
NKW YORK. Jan. tl.-Th arrival hero'
tumorrow of th Duk and Duchess of
Connaugbt wlU mark tha first vtolt of
royalty to Nsw York since fifty -two years
ago when th Princ of Wales, who later
became Kins Edwnrd V. was hers, and
traveled from New York to th far west,
wher he hunted buffalo. Th leader of
society here hsvs prepared to extend a
welcome befitting th royal visitors. '
Whltclaw Raid, ambassador to th court
of St. Jamas, with Mr. Rest, will act'
a host to tho ducal party, which will
arrlva aboard tho duka'a private .car. I
tha Cornwall and York, attached ts a.
regular train dua Monday at T:M a. m. 1
In addition to tho duke, who to gover-.
nor general of Canada, and unci ot King
Oeorge v.. and tho duchess, tha party will ,
include their aVyear-old daughter. Prin
cess Pamela; Mis Peiley, on of the
ladle In waiting at tha government
house, Ottawa; Lieutenant Colonel Low-,
ther. military secretary to tha duke, and
Captain Beaupre, controller of the vers,
regal household. Tin party will be
driven to Ambassador Meld s horn andi
remain ther until Thursday afternoon.
Tho programla altetether a social one.
a tb royarvltltora desire to avoid th
round of public function which an of
flclal visit would make necessary. ,
Proaras far Visit,
Th program thu far artanged follows:
Monday noon, th Raids glv a lunch-1
eon at their homo with the visitors and,
several New York friends aa guests, ,
Monday afternoon, sightseeing toursi
about th city. j
Monday evening, an Informal dinner (is
lh Raid horn. With Cardinal Farley onal
of tho guest. A musicals will follow Ihe.
dinner. !
Tuesday afternoon, luncheon and
slghteing tour, , '
Tuesday ventng. a formal dinner at:
th Raids', with aeraral hondrsd .New1
York social leaders Invited ts most tho)
royal guaata, telkvwed bv a tmall dance.
Wednesdsy . evenliaj, dinner and imiel-i
calk at th bom ot Mr. and Mrs. Ogduij
Mill. Mr. Mlllt it a brother of Mr. Raid, j
Thunday afternoon, departure for Ot-'
law. . '
Mora minute detail ot th prograns'
hv been withheld because th visit I I
considered wholly private tnd personal.
Ambassador Retd mad It known that,
hs and Mra Retd felt keenly th puhliu
reports that they Intended to "weed out'
certain elementa In aoctoty In tb matt
ot Invitations. '
N Psblle Mat. I
It was said there wa no attempt trti
dlscrlmlnit. It has been decided thati
no general list of I hot Invito! will be!
made public.
1 non of tb arrangements ha anl
particular reference been mad to thai
entertainment of Princes Patxacla. Ml'
I th first prince of th royal blood! 1
of F.nglend ever to set foot on th soli
of tha I'nlted Ststea thie I pretty and,
a democratic a girl aa I j?ound in tho
royal rank In Harepe. Her popularity at,
homo la Bnbounded and sha waa tha
favorite nleo ot th- 'it Kins Edward..
She I an accomplished horsewoman and
bat shot big game in Africa. .. It la sslr",
she once refused the preferred hand of
King Alfonso ot Spsln. sh has a autn-j
bee of do friend m New York and It
la expected that during her stsy her aha
will visit several ot them.
o Visit t Wsekinatsa.
WASHINGTON. Jan. tL-In conflntng.
Ma visit to tho L'nlted States to a thore1
stsy In New York, the duke of connaught.
tha uncle of Oeorge V of ISngland. ha
not offend td President Taft. nor has thai
fact that he would not coma ts Wash-'
Ington ratnad any great aurpria In of-i
facial circles her. Th Whit Houes
knew several week ago that tba duksi
would not come to Washington.
Whtteiaw Raid, United Ststes am da-,
sador to Great Britain, whea h waa a,
luncheon guest at th Whit Houes early l
In th month, expressed to office ale that
th duk wished to pay only an unofficial
visit to th United Blatea and that be de
sired to avoid alt tb official "pomp and'
circumstance" that would aecessarlly ac
company a trip to tha capital. Ha waa
understood to wish for a "day or two.
oft" to ass asaasthtnc ot New York, and)
President Taft waa said to be thoroughly;
la sympathy with tba duk' wish.
Although th president probably never I
officially notified th State department1
that th duke would net visit Wsskmf-I
ton. it was asld tonight that nndoubtedlyt1
official ther must have understood tbsj '
Fount Lawn oemetsry.
Mm. rumsnn was Kb mother of tbs
sUs Tret H suss ii. farmer uses la am f
leas Calatail iswtotltst, .
LEAD. S. T Jsav -prial Tela- :
granO-After nauUBrxos anesmscisna for !
Ibxrty-etx hours wtlh a MM In Ms brtta.
txaulst L Stlaata tb diugatot whs i
Friday aJarbt etxX' klmeenT to a nt of j
sVat an Jatov
Boxes of
O'Brieni Candy
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bricki
Qrewa away
ths waat ads to
dap. ta
Gad baa
Band tba wast ads aea
UJ, tt rtm dowt (st a ai-toa
too Vffl swsoaair find a-vpyt
thjjts advarttosd that appeals
ts jwtv
acn day Umss prlzaa am
tflerad. no pcxaiea ta tolv aw
aabte-rlpuoaa to sttaotbiag
bat UBOins; jvmi aassa, u arUl