Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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; V7ttabiteT JmbjUiLia Church
Choir OiT Monthly Haaietl.
Fun in the Swimming Tank
alt (tree! Met bed let 4'aailaaes Be
wivala Je. M. aliases
Talks Van Dyke'e
"Toe lest Werd."
' The moot hi- msSKSi pr.rru of Uw
Westminster Preebyttrin enure to be
dm Sunday evening at t oviock will be
of exceptional Intereft. ire services, ot
! Miss Belle Voa ilsnsfeiie. sad A.
;JL Newton, Kiwr. having U-.ii s?cired.
j The program ar.ll te at lotion;
(Prelude -
Quartet The Hitent Hf i .n. H Ne annsrr
! Contralto solo unv'i Jt-iuttiui i
Lend Mi nigh Vrs. A. it. ..'!;
Mrs el E. Larg.t.. !
Tenor Hole-The King ol i!..- '
Shepherd 1
A. Z Nwi';n. j
guartat-A Legend I. IV. ha:kok;.
ai Andante Rl''. Hub Prrlver
tbl Causor.e Am'rs. -eiii
Ui Von iiuulrltie
Soprano nt felecul
Mlrs Gwendoline White.
I Dsdicatloa of the handsome new North
; Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth t,it
j Wirt streets, nse been set for February t
The dedlcstnrlsl frvW win be held on
thla day and be followed with a afrit
of eoeelal service !n tne nature of revival
land celehrstioiL. Dr. Ge.irre K. Luccnrk I rl"s ki
jot the Oak Psrlt cowra. ClW-agu, will
j preach at ilia dedicator! si ft Ice. Tha
full program will be publiabcd wltliln a
few daya. .
Inereajlng !n tli rental serv
ices at the Oak Street Uelhudlst church
haa convinced those infetmrg,! that Ike
nestings should ba continued, at lean
far another weak. Many converts were
thla weak. Rev. T. '. Webater.
by at h era. will eantlnua to lead
tea nestings and all latareatad persona,
wfcathar Methodists or not. are Invited.
Tba Sunday evening semea" will ba at
143, Morning aarvlca will be at tha ttaual
ear and Bible achool at I o'clock In tlx
afternoon. Tha meetings through tha
1 week will begin at t o'clock In tha even-
' Respeclabie Rinnan" la tha general
ubject of a special aerlea of sermons,
ta ba begun Sunday evenlnf by Rev. K.
R, Curry, pattor of tba Calvary Baptlat
ehurab. There will be five or all aer
atooa In tha aerlea. Mr. Curry will go
Ita Waux Falls. . t.. Tburaday. Janu
ary , ta (Iva two addreaaea before tha
lotadanti at tha Sioux Falui rolletta. Tha
day wilt be the ooHef t'l annual day of
I Henry Van IVrlte't "The Lost Ward"
;wlll ba tha auMert of a aennon by Rev.
V. B. Wllllama. paetor of tha Klrat
'Method let church. Sunday even Inf. The
atory la one of tha moat powerful of lr.
Van D,k.:. .l'.I Ukt deeply r J'1-.'
.11(1 oua and yet poaaanlns atront Intor
aat far wilnda oat retlfloiuly bent. Tha
, atory tranaporta tha reader ta tba Ufa
at Aktloch of Syria In tha daya whan
John tba Preebytrr waa at tba halxht of
his tana aa a preacher. Ha la one of
tha principal characters I tha atory.
I.. W. Haaton of St. Stephena Kpla.
eupa! mlaaloa kas tiled publlratlon of
aot lee that tha mlaaloa la (really In need
af a reed arena far ua In Ita aarvlrea
t tha Caanty norpltal. ' It ta hoped
anmeene may ba of help In eeeorlns one.
On Wednesday rverrtnf, JanuarM N. at
I a'elark. Dr. M. B. WlllUuna. pastor of
tha First MatkodUt BoMropal ehurck.
will address an open martins" of the
Brotherhood at Lowe Avenue church an
' Baptist.
Calvary lire ark. Thirty-fourth and Sew-
ard-Hible M .,. v.. H, owells,
Immanurl, Tweaty-faurth and Ptnkney.
Rev. t. a Kberaole, Pssiur lrearhln( by
tha pastor at 11 and 1m. Baptism at tke
evenln( eervice. Vousf aenaie a meeting
at as. aiiaweak meeting Wednesday at a.
Flret. Corner Harney Street and Park
'Avenue. Rev. John Matthews, ) 'est or
I Preaching nwrnlna and evening by Hev.
J. W. t'onlry of Fresno, t el.; morning
aervtca at 10 k; Htmday arhool at U'
oung people's prayer meeting, C p.
n.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, " g p. m.
Oraoa, Tenth and Arbor. Rev. P. F
jVellman. PaatorStindsy school at W.
Morning sermon. "Jesus Wathituc the
llnarlples' Feet." at 11. Toung people's
meeting at t. Biventua sermon, A aiigniy
Vamlna In that Land." at I . The lm-'
jmanuel arcbeatra will furnish music at!
thla service.
Calvary. Twonty-flfth and Hamilton.
Rev. E. R. Curry. Pastor-Servlcea at l:i
land I S). Kveulng subject will be t.rst ot
a aerlea of eermona on "Respectable Bin-i
, nera." RIMe school at noon. Men's claw
I subject af dlei'uesloa. "The ParaWe of llwr
kluatard Seed." Stark Iv Jl.c Toung peo
ple's eervlra at .'. Rrrulsr midweek de
vetioaal aenice Hednerday eenltig at t
i (brtattaa. 1
First, Twenty-mirth and Harnev. J. M.
j Kersey. Pastor Pr"rlilng at is and
;".. Bible school at noon. Toung peo
l ple a meeting at I
North Side. Twentv-sacond and IxMh
rop. II. J. Klrarhstetn. Minister Hlole I
school. -M a. m.: morning worship at ;
W O; Chrtatlan Kndavor. :J p. ai ,
evening arrvlce at 7..'u,
hrUtlaw Seleaea. i
First Church of Christ. Ht. Mary'e
Avenue and Taenty-fourth Street sun-1
day achool at 1 4e a. dx: t-vinday eervicra i
at 11 a. m. and k p. m. itir-;' -t of lesron I
sermon. "IJI.'. "
loakeecatlunal. i
Plvmeuth. Twentieth and Spencer
Morning eervks at W.. Hindsy achool,
at noon.
St. Man"' Avrnti. Jimes Aleianderi
Jenkins. Jd'ntwter Morniug wvrshlp at:
H' S); aubieci. "testis end John, tha Kin-1
skip of Bpirli." Music by. the church quar-
tec ana a spec si msie quartet.
First. Nlneternth and Davenport, Fred
,ertck T. Rouse, Pastor Moruinr and even-'
I Ing worship at le w and The pastor
, will preach, klurnltic theme. "Whaleo-1
.ever a Man Soweth;" evening, "The u !
'A Cauee and Kffect." Toung People's
Society ot C'brlstlaa Endeavor at C uV
Ciurcb of tha (ood Sliepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio. Rev. T. t. Collar. Rector Holy
cosimunlon at a. m. Sunday achool at
a. as. Morning prayer si 11 a. m. No
evening service.
St. Stephen's Mieslen. Saratoga Hall.
Twenty-fourta and Ames. Rev. I. w :
Vleaton. Paster Sunday arhool at M.
Mormng prayer and sermon at 11. Coa
firmauon lecture Sunday evening at heme
of paster at 1
Church ot St. Philip the Dearest, Tern- i
ty-ftrat and Paul. Rev. John Albert WM- i
Its me. Rector-Third Sunday after the
fcptiwany: holy eontmunjos ar".. morn
lug prayer and sermon at 11: Sunday '
school and eateohwm. U.S p. as.; evening
prayer and sermon at i. ,
'Jrmre. Rsv. Luther M. Kubns. Paetor '
Preacatng eervice at Is:. Holy cont
munion wilt be celebrated following the
enure a service. Suaday acboot at V ,
St. Mark'e English Twen:,eth and Bnr-'
detU Streets. L- Uroh. Pastor Services
at II a. m.. "Trust Makes the Wcaa
Si(hty:" " . "Strang Me.i Not All He
roes." Sunday scnoel st 4:4S Toung Peo
ple's Christian Endeavor. -fi. Cateehte
anos Wednesday at f and Frldaya at 4.
Kowntce Memorial. Farnam Street and
iTwenor-elxth Avenue. Rev. rr. Oliver D.
I SeJtaly. Paetor Morning worship and aer- .
.men at 11. eabject. "A Mighty Moral Mee
sAe for Modern Membera." Kventrg wor
; ship and eermoo at ; auhject. "The Re-'
I bound of Bn." Sundar achool at a. isl '
I LuLaef fcftcue at l Special csAatkatlcal
J o m. Regular ratechetlcal
eiasaee Friday at 4:ti and 7:V
St. Paul's. Twenty-eighth and Parker
ritieets. Rev. K. T. Otto. Pastor-Services
at M) a. m. and 1M p m. Kvenlng theme,
"Klias." Sunday achool in English at
HI. Matthew's English. Nineteenth and
Castellar Streets. Rev. O. W. Snyder. Pee-tor-rJervWi
at M) 4i a. m. and I S p. m.
Morning subject. "A Church Com pari eon
from Jesus;" evening subject. "Tha Orest
Neglect." Suaday school nils Bible
reading and song aarvtc at t a. in. Tha
Buys' Athletic club wlU meet In tha base
ment of the church en Monday at IP. m.
Vlble study and choir rehearsal aa Thura
day evening at tha pestor'e residaaca.
IkS South FlftecnlU street.
Trinity. Taeaty-nret and Kinney. C.
W. pastor-Preaching marring
and evening. Morning subject: "A Plea
for Old fashioned Righteousness."
Kvenlng subject: 'The Need of tha,
Human Soul."
First, Tawnlletb aaaV Davenport, Rsv.
Milton H. Williams, Minister Morning
service at 11, subject. "Secret Prayer:"
evening service at ' sub led. "Tha Lost
Word:" Sunday achool. a. m.; Kb
worth league. p. m.; amdwark meet
ing. Wedneeilsy, J n, m.
Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles.
William Boy era. Pastor Public worship
and sermon by paste at M S) snd '
Sunday school st noon. Oeorgs T. IJnd
kv. Supenntsftdest Kpworth league at
I S Men s club meeting m church par
lore Monday night at I All men In
vited. Pearl Memorial Twenty-fourth and
Lartmore Avenue. Carl Q. Bader, Paa-tor-Mornlng
worship at W HI. Sunday
school at noe; Jur.!or league. B:SD p. m ;
Cpaorth league devotional meeting, tM
p. m.: evening worahip at :: prayer
ai noma
fourth. The public la welcome la nil
Norwegian and Danish, North Twenty
fifth and Decatur, K. P. Peteraen. Pas
tor Mervlrea II snd k. with preaching by
tha pastor. From January S to Febru
ary i the Douglas County Holiness aaso
alstlon will hold their midwinter conven
tion In thla church. Rev. R. N. McKalg,
C D.. will preach every afternoon at
I S and evening at IS, Jenny Reevea
Walker, singing evangelist. m conduct
tha singing.
Hsnsrom Park. Twenly-nlnllt and
Wsolaorth. Rev. K. H. Crawford. Paa
Un Morning aervloa, m. Sermon. "The
guest for Truth." Dvening eervlee, 1:4a,
sermin by the Re, tdward lilsiop. Die-
trlct Hunerlniendsnt. Krwonit League,
I I Topic, "Klljsh. tns Hebrew Protaa
tant aad Patriot: the Strragth of Revolt
Against Wrong." Mrs. Stallard, leader.
The combined second and third quarterly
donference will be hold Monday avardng
Klrat Swedish. North Nlneteeatk and
Sort Streets, Gustsv Kriekson, la-tor
Sunday achool at M. lad by Mr. F. B.
Hamtwall. Bnwwrth league at Biib
lect of short talk by pastor, "How Can
We tlet Mora People ta Attend Ihe
Churchf" Preaching at II and T; by
Rev. Edwin Sahlen of Polk. Neb. Re
vival meetines every evening nest week
at t, except Monday and Saturday. Music
by Mlsa Mlaala ,Nel-n and tha choir at
every aarvlca.
VlcCahe, Fortieth and Farnam, Rev.
John Orsnt Shirk. Paator-Sundav school
at M). Superintendent D. O. Curry In
charge, preaching by the paetor at U
and TJft Themee: Morning. "Holy Com
munion, the invitation." Evening. "Our
Three-Fold Dependenoa 1'poit flod." Tha
ixird s supper will be onaerved in con
nect ton with the morning service. Kp
worth League service at s SX Mrs. R. H.
Thorpe, leader. Tha annual election of
etnoera for the Sunday achool will be
held at tba church on Monday nlgnt and
prayer meeting will be held at the same
place on Wednesday night at o'clock.
Freaks terlan.
Falrvlew. Forty-first and Pratt,
Charlea H. Fleming, Pastor Hlbls arhool
at l ei Arrenraoa worship at a. us-
Ject. "The Eagles." Tuesday evening tha
second lesson in Matthew.
lass Avesus. Corner Fortieth and
Nlchalas, Rev. Nathaniel McOlffln. D. D.,
Pastor Mornlnx service st !:: evening
service st :: Sundsy school at U m.,
Chrtatlan Endeavor at IS) p. xa.
First. Rev. Edwin Hart Jeaks. Pnator-
Publlc worship 10 with sermon by
paetor. Kvealng worahlp at tiW. Chris
tian Endeavor meeting at Sunday
srheol at 11 Kveryena la Invited to
First. Seventeenth and Cess. Rev.
Manfred l.Hllefora, Ph. D Minlst or
der vtoea it Us, Subject cf ssrmon.
Does It usas Any uirfsrenc wnat
Wa Believer' Sunday achool at 11 t
Laity fellowship at 1
North, Nineteenth aad Ohio. M. V.
Hlgbss, i. U., Psstur-Publio worship
at H)S) sad is storm ng theme.
Ctiaasea." Bvanlng. "Patns and by
paths.' Sunday school at It Y. P. S.
C. at Sk, Prayer ai eating Wednee
tay at t V
Cllfton Hill, Forty-fifth and Orsnt,
Thomas B. Oraeales. tutur Sunday
echeol at S Public warship li.
I heme. "The Bible scnooi, tno ncnoot ot
Christ." 7 10, "I'nbelleC tha Sin of
suta." At tba Wednesday evening meet
eg the them will ba "Ortevlng the
Holy spirit."
First. Twenty-third and Central Boule
vard. C. M. Rohrbaugh. Ptastor Sunday
achool l eV C. W. Thomas, Superintend
ent, Preaching II and t by Rev.
Holyoks Chriotian mcssvor at i.
Consistory meets Monday evening at T.
Midweek servile weanreuoy mt s win
be trackers' night.
Third. Twentieth snd laavenworth. F.
P. Rsmssy. Ph. U, Pastor-Sunday. I s.
Sunday aebsol and naatof a adult class. woraaip with sermon by Rev. C. H.
Fleming, "Tha New Covenant." I S,
worship with sermon by Rev. C. H.
Fleming, "The Kaglee." Wednesday at
Is a, prayer meeting.
Church at lbs Covenant, Twenty-aev-anth
and Pratt, Charlea H. Flemlns.
Pastor-Rev. F. P. Rseneay prearhea at
both tha morning and evening servtrss.
Morning uebjeet, "A Pneat of Ihe
Throne." Evening topic. "A Contract."
Bible arhool at 11 and Rndeavor at
t 46. Wednesday evening tha second lee
sun In Matthsw at ' .
Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castel
lar Ralph H. lioussmas. Minister The
session will confer with proopecttve
members at M S) a. m.: public worship,
Including membership reception ami the
oslebraiton of tha Lord s supper. W M a.
nv ; theme af tha communion meditation,
"Tha Manlfeatlng Spirit of Ood," It m..
Bible echeol: . n. m., young peoples
meeting; l ei p. m., publie worship, with
sermon theme, "Christ the Priest of
Priests." The chorus choir will onn
tribute special muslo to each eervice.
Thursdsy afternoon at S K. with Mrs T.
C. Cover, le Woolworth avenue, the
January meeting of the Woman s Mia
slaaary society.
tailed Presbyterian.
Central United, Twenty-fourth and
Dodge, Hugh B. Speer. Minister Morn
ing worship at 10 ; f-abbstli school at
noon; young people's ineettu at S:30 p.
evening worship at I XL r.rv. w. it.
Sawhlll of Washington, la., "a no ia con
ducting a successful series of gospel
meetings, will preach both morning and
evening. These meetinga ail! continue
through to January t.
First. 1 wentv-flrst and Emmet. A. C.
Doualasa. Pastor M S. "Tha Bible. Ood'g
Book for Man," 7:3). "No Condemna
tion." Tne special gospel meetinga will
continue through the week every even
ing at 7:ek Rev. William A. Pollock
pastor the following svenlngs of the
pastor too following eevmngs of tha
t ailed Brethren.
Harford. Corner Nineteenth and lxith-
rop. M. O. Mcl-augimn, restor atormng
at !: communion service: evening st
m t. sermon, w nat tnnsi is so tne
Mlerellaaeas. '
International Bible Btudenta' Asaocla-
tlon, Barlght Mali, nineteatn ana rar
nam Sunday at I P. m.. subject, "The
Restitution OT All ininas, speaser, n.
L. Homan. At tha same place at IS p.
m. a lecture will be given la tha sign
language to the deaf by Prof. J. A. Gil
lespie, to which all the deaf are very cor
dially Invited.
V. M. C. A. Notes.
At Ihel regular meeting -of the bible
classes on Monde v at s li H. II. Bald
rise will give a short talk.
Knlrlea are belns received for the asso-
nisiinn ehsmolonshln In hsnd ball doubles.
Drawlnaa will ba made and piay started;
early next week. Handsome meaaia win
be awarded tne winners.
On Tuesday and Wednesday of next
seek, K. M. Willis, business manager of
the Young Men's Christian Association
aiagaxlne. Association Men. with head
quarters at New York City, will ba In
Tha Toung Men's Christian Association
Otee club haa been aaked to sing for the
State Society of Corrections which holds
a convention In Omaha In the near future.
The club will probably appear on the pro
gram on Tuesday evening. January S
The rlty conference of older boys under
tha ausplcea of the here' .oemnilttee ol
the Men and Helifflon movement held
the first meeting Friday evening, at the;
First Methodlet church. Three drlegatea i
from each church hi Omaha were ap
pointed, meeting for tha first lima at eup
istr at o'ciock.
Dr. V. L HoliSjter of the electrical en
gtneerlng department of tha I nlversliy
of Nebraska, will deliver a lecture an
Friday evening at slfr P. m- In
the assembly room of the Toung Men's
Chrlstlen associstlon. Dr. Holllsler's sub
yet will be "Opportunities lor Practical
Workers In the Klectrlcsl Field."
Oovenwr Aldrt.'h will be the guest of
the Omaha Young Men's Christian sssb
ciatlon on Sunday, being entertained by
mamliMS of Ihe board of directors, la
tha afternoon he will address tha Men's
meeting at 4 o'clock. The subject of his
stldress will be 'The Mental Biography i
of the Neaarene." The men of Omaha are
cordially Invited to be present.
Ths "Cnrn-PoDS" hsvs become very pop
alar at the Young Men s Christian asso
ciation during tha past two weeks. The
members are Insisting upon hsvlng hot
pop-corn every Saturday evening. The
membera of the4 bova' department have
begun to ask for thla kind of fun and
Thursdsy evening about sixty uf them
had a good time popping corn.
On every other Friday afternoon the
young men students ot ths Omaha Com
mercial and Boylea Bur in ess colleges err
given s talk by a prominent Omaha bus
iness roan under tbe auspices of the
Young Men s Christian esoeiation. Mr.
Wachob of the Omaha National bank ad
dressed the young men of Boylea' college
on Inday afternoon and Mr. Kleser of
the Bennett company UUted to the Omaha
Comerclal- stud eats.
N. T. Tboraon, editor of the Omaha
Posten and an active member of the
Young Men'a Chrtatlan association, re
cently received a number of large posters
direct from Stockholm, advertising the
Olympic games which will be held there
June 9 to July 22 of th's year. These
posters will be used by tha physical de
partment off the asaodation. one ot them
being placed In the lobby of the asso
ciation at present.
. ". Vt . C, A. Kates.
8'Jnday At tha vesper eervice at 4:S
the address will be given by Charles A.
Alden, the financial secretary ox tne Cm
vervity ol tnrtaha, on the subject. "The
Optimist of Gallieo." The music will be
furnished by tns association chorus of
forty voices, under the direction of Miss
A. M. Karbarh. This service Is under the
sut pices of tna educational department.
Monday 1 ha annusl meeting oi the
association wul be held on Monday even
ing of tins week. On this there
will be no reguisr supper serveu In either
dining room, but there will he a member
ship supper at t:li, which will be followed
immediately br tha annual meeting.
Tickets for the aupper ehould be pur
chased In tha office.
Something new was started by the gym
nasium department Thursday In tha ehane
ot a noon Dlav hour, t rom u to 1
every Thursday except the week ot the
noon musical tha floor wilt be open to any
women for an hour of recreation under
the direction of a trained teacher. No
gymnasium suit or ahoea will be required,
nor any registration or membership fee.
Utrle are Invited to come for ten minutes
or to stay tha whole hour, and are prom
ised good fun and healthy recreation.
Thursday The monthly noon social win
be given on Thursday from 11:15 to 1.
The following program will be given,
under the dlrertlcn of Dr. Myrta Wells;
Solo-In the Dark, In the Daw Coombs
Miss Julia Baker. '
Duet Miserere Du Trovaiure.Burgmuller
Misses Alice and Gladys Chandler.
Whistling Solo Minuet Beethoven
Dr. Myrta A. Wells.
Reading BeJeeted
Mrs. W. A. Chains.
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss Alice Chancier.
Solo I Love and tha World la Mine...
Mies Julia Baker.
Reading Selected
Mrs. W. A. Challis.
Whistling Solo Berceuse Dalbruck
Dr. Myna A. Wella.
Accotnpanista: Misses Hester Peters and
Alice Chandler.
People's, Chsrlee W. Ssvldge. Pastor
Dr. John D. Edwards ot Denver. Colo.,
will hold revival service. Morning serv
ice at :S evening at ; Sunday achool
at noon. Prof. Mertes haa charge ot the
New Thought Fellowshlp-A special
meeting will be held on Monday evening
at o'clock, at which Dr. Cecilia Gustat
of Stockholm. Sweden, will speak and
give demonstrations in mental telepathy.
Tke subject for consideration at tha
meeting of the Omaha Philosophical so
ciety at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at
Barisht halt. Nineteenth and Farnam.
will be "The Story of Ancient Pern." with
a special application to the present day
'Ideas upon social and economic queetlone.
led by tha president, l-aurie J. Quinby.
Rubinstein's Staccato Etude, rendered by
Cecil Berry man. also will be a feature of
the nrogram.
Complexion Fiaktd
Oft at Horns
(From Pilgrim Magazine )
The girt with the poor complexion, com
plains, "I have to touch up my cheeks. I
am sallow and a sight, and only my
makeup eaves me.'
Now. as a matter of fact, mora women
snojl their good looks thas improve them
wttm cosmetics. . Tha pvaotico i Inexcu
sable, now that tha virtues of ordinary
mercoUxcd wax have become known. The
mercotldo In the war haa wonderful ab
sorbent sowars. It causes ths faded or
discolored scarf skin M fluke off In mtn-
lite, almost Imperceptible particles,
gently, gradually, aa to causa no incon
venience at all. In thla way the old com
plexion is actually removed likewise all
fine lines, pimples, blotches, moth patches
or other surface defects. A new com
plexion appears a clear, smooth, youth
ful, healtby-hued skin such aa no paint,
powder or lotion can produce. An ounce
of mercolised wax. to be had at any drug
store. Is sufficient. It Is applied like cold
cream. Adv.
I &EDALIA. Mo., Jan. -A verdict of
murder in the first degree with the death
i penalty was returned today by tha jury j
In the case of John Luther Jones, a I
member of the carmen's union, tried for
the murder of Aklns Mackey. a taxicab
j driver. Jonea stabbed Mackey to death
I November 30. last, following a quarrel
over labor troubles.
Read Announcement
on Page 7 of News Section
Today. ,
is the home paper of Nebraska.
lPVWM fil (iff
r i
v j).jt,ttanTtsr
t.'. Tf'Vi
rvu s
lisii Msasnw
All 6017 ACCEPT A
Stomach Bitters
makes you feel well and adds to the
joy of living. Get a bottle today and
sidestep stomach troubles. You will
look forward to meal time with
pleasant anticipation and have a
better digestion than ever before
In immensity of stock, in high character of goods arid
in extent of reductions made, this clearing sale has
proven greater than any similar sale now in; progress
or that hai been held in Omaha in years yes in many
years. Larger stocks necessitate greater reductions than
usual. So we've cut prices to the very limit lower than
ever attempted before in all our experience.
- Credit accounts will be opened with all who desire to
Tall themselves of tne privilege of paying for tbelr
purrhaaes at tbtir convenience.
aauaasu avert.
Reg. Price
Sale Price
A eweeplng clearance ot
Steel Hanges "t'nlversal."
Moore" and other maaee
x10 fl.. gll30 nll sites reduced.
ll.7s xl3 feet
3r x!3 feet
. (17.50
mm sua. J
Keg. Price Sale Price
t.7S txll feet . . .18.TS
134.50 Ixl'j feet
14 0 lOVixUti ft...i.7
ileg. Price Half Price
,3;.eu Hteel Pangea ted-TS
Hi. OS Steel Hanges nw.71
l.iS.OO ttteel Rangea gJA.oO
i.00 Steel Kanges HS-OO
70 00 Mteel Kanges ges.TS
J7i.0 rleel Kanges
Tteg. Price
izunni Bvcw.
Heg. Price
Hale Pries Keg. Price
? 00 Hesters now
Heaters now
S26.e0 Heaters now
Psle Price! !' Heaters now
glaooi ;s.0 Heatara now
male Price
111 no Hressers in.saJiuxltti
116 00 nreesers .....' j.a x!2 feet . . .iajO: lm. Hratera now
iri.ue I'reseers si.sw
I3 ln-essera SltOO
334.0 Ireasera (31.00
343.0 llreasers Sft.tO
tiO.O Dressers . 30.00
l(s.oe Dressers .... 039.00
ilt Dreasera OM.OO
fltt OD Dressera . .. .OKSOd
314i.M Dreasera ... S8TS8
17 nreesers ...lOg.OO
l!0. Dressers ...1130.00
till. Dressers ...I1M40
raotr ao.
Rample Iron Beds ... .9U0
. Iran Beds W-M
18. Iron Beds s TJ
til 00 Iron Betla e.S0
fl.0 Iron Heds 9-Q
. . HI M
. . IU M
.. 0S4.0
. . SJS 00
. . ,-oo
l?0.ft Brass Bela
121.0 Press Beds
4a Hraaa Beds
t3. Brass Beds
;. Brass Bedi
$11 I'hirfonlers
IS. Chtrfonlera
I3S.S Chtrfonlera
360. Chiffonier a
fsS Chiffoniers
IS( Chiffoniers
113. Chiffoniers
H4 Library Cases 0 40
II 7 s Library Cases lose
l?3.0 Library Cases lJs Library Cases tiaoo
34S 0 Library Caaea 097.00
14S e Library asee 0SO.TS
ts4.3 Library Cases 001-0
Ki t Library Cases 030.00
tu t Library Cases 041 SO
7i a Library Cases 04S.00
I83.7S Library Cases oal.TS
1134 Library Cases ..70.00
itssisv tmw
Reg. Price
l.e Library Tables .
114. Library Tables
re. OS Library Tables
137.7 Library Tablea
33. Library Tablea
Is. Library Tablea
31.1 Library Tablea
II7.1 Library Tablea
ISt S Library Tablea
lit. Ubrary Tablea
. 04.74
. .1.0
. 300
"s" Ytlaf i5i -r1'' '-
.030 00
W4 v t'ttt Lng.
. 87000
$60 BUFFET FOR $35
In Fnme.1 Oak. Golden tr Karly Kngllah finish.
Tnia tturtet la very massive, stately
and Imposing. It la eixty inches (five
feet) long, extra large- In construc
tion and finiah It la of the highest
character, it Is made of aelected
quarter-sawed oak, birdseye maple
drawer bottoms and Interior, extra
high grade. A l Buffet now at only
Bxmrsxoar tabus.
Sale Price
81 OOO
....01 OO
... .0140
Reg. Prlee
,4.5s Extension Tablea ...
I.eO Kx tension Tablea ...
ls.e Extension Tables ..
:. Ks tension Tsbles ..
1S.D0 Exteaslon Tables . .
lil 4 Extension Tsbles ..
t4. Extenalon Tsblea . .
Extenelon Tables ..
ITi.o Extension Tsblea ..
i 71 Extanatoa Tablea ..
Kale Price Reg. Price
3J4.S Buffets
27.7( Buffets
I13.S BufYete
. 010-00 (I7.M Buffets ....
- Olg-oO . Buffets ....
..004-00 1 1 7. a Buffeta ....
. 00.7 itiee Buffets ....
. 030.09! 113.75 Buffet ....
..04S.OO1l7.3 Buffets
. .057.40 ,1 1. Buffeta ...
Overstaffed Leather and
!S.0O Hocksrs OIT.70
310.7$ Rockers 01S.70
f.1. Rockers 034.70 Rockers 03O.00
Rockers ...... 044.00
t3. Rockers
UATBBB BOCKXBS Rockers 00.70
13 0 Rockers aTO
.') Rockers ia.00
333. Rockers 033tM
33.1s, Rockers 01 J
33.7 Rockers 01s
ti. Rockers 03 S3
34 0 Rockers OfkOO
314. Rocker
: Iwven ports ..fiaoo
3:3.30 Davenports
143.9 Iiavenporta
33.73 Davenports
73.00 Davenports
3133 s Davenports
(Is. Davenports.. 01000
l:t0 Parlor Hulls ..013.00
327.73 Parlor 8utta . ,
V47.3 Parlor Dulls ..0000
t.0 Parlor Sulla ..03O0O
sSl0 Parlor Hulls . .041.00
flu. Parlor Kults. Oaooo
;:. Parlor Hulls ..0147
33.40 Odd 111 Tana ..014.50
33:.e Old lHvana ..010.70
(4L0 fsld Idrsns . 00740
UlTin OOUCBjaa.
tJivu Cuucnea OlOAO
17.50 Couchea 0340
44s ea Cotirhea 030OO
73.0 Couches 04S4O
SIO0O Ceuchea 0040
3114 04 Couches 00140
Sale Price
OJi as