Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Oriental Rugs
of Quality
From the Nahigian Bros Collection of Chicago,
- !. ! personally selected by
Hovsep Nahigian
Well known to the critical Oriental Art admirers of Omaha and the entire "middle west. iUHlU if
On Exhibition and Sale
At rooms 204 to 210 City National Bank Building,
. Sixteenth and Harney Streets.
Commencing Monday, January 22d
and Continuing for Two Weeks
The collection consists of rare and exquisite specimens of. antique and modern weaves in all sizes, including: ' i j
Imperial Keshans
Royal Saruks and Kirmanshahs
Serebands and Shirazes
SerapesMushgabads Ispahan
, Bokhara of all types and Belooches ,
. , Caucasian Rugs, etc., etc., etc. A feast to tha eye to look at them
Mr. Nuhigian, in charge of the exhibition, invites all his friends, patrons and admirers of Oriental Rugs
to come and inspect these rare gems," whether they intend purchasing or not.
j : . A for Prices Thb hundreds-of people in Omaha and vicinity who have rug's from the Nahigan collec
tion, know that they have bought better rugs for less money than nigs of inferior quality ore generally sold
. ,1 'for. - . -. . t
: "r N One fact yon may be sure of and that is this: Ho Rugs of inferior quality are to be seen in this collection.
" ' We will repeat The Exhibition commences Monday, January 22, and continues for two weeks only...
: '.' Eooms 204 to 210 City National Bank Bldg. Sixteenth and Harney.
Open Evenings.
H. P. Whitmore
Permanent Local Representative of Nahigian Bros.
Two Great $10 Specials
s Suits and Coats
,.-;;'rV . 7""..'
our choice of over 400 women's
high class suits" made of excellent
materials in latest styles, Monday
These Suits Sold at $19.75 to $25.00
Your choice of over 200 women's
fine broadcloth and mixture coats,
all beautifully tailored, Monday
These Coats Sold at $30.00
Smuty-On BtadtnU to Enter Hifh
Softool Monday.
kippers AM ae.dlag la larsjs Ca.
liuuiu Fellewlog the Letnp
la atatreaae Cole halrr
teraa Dnnilntlni
veaty-en pupil - wo passed the
eighth, grad sasmlnstloas In ths grade
cboula this WW will IK enrolled Into
lb high school Monday morning. All
' ied lb examinations with flying
The following boys (.ad ill It will start
tiu lint semester work of tlx high school
llondar: ' . .
Brown Park-Mary' li. Tocnoiit, Fred
U. Pei.rson. Martha Htman, William R.
hUMt. Clarenoe J. ThraiNt, Breelalav
Hedtacek. Margery Peterson, Fisnk M.
lirutpun, Oia K. tileauie, Klste l.
Duncan. Irens It. Bpragus, liuldn K. Ny
Strom. '
Hawthorne-Harold B. Certar, Dewer
D. Curtis, John J. Beetenlehner. John J.
" J-'ds. Allred o. R. r-stereon, laurs C.
Madam, Ijorls P. Llndburg. Amelia M.
J aK-yer. Anna M. Ntieen. ht.ry B. Walls,
fclla l. Anderson, Lllllsn Levey. . .
Lowell-Krsnk P. Koblels, Waltar W
Psdset. Kdwerd K. Hodomka, Ha una M.
Bvrne, Alka at. LsVells, Rose A. Unaru
Madlaon Ortchn Webtr, Knla HJelrn,
(rvaca Oalloway. Ruth rloaxa Harold
Mhalnholta, William Madaia. lla Bak-
Ontrai-Mary L. Maanr. Johanna H.
Korliks. KvanaUn A. Pulnan. Iao 11.
Hrhiaitcr, Jamaa r Clntk.
WhKa, Mail K. Buchtar.
rl An4rn,
Freckles, Pinples
and Liver
tan Ua lUworrd Kaall bj Stuart
taMiua Waars.
W4a far raa i4al Vaakaa.
y Why auffar to atana ot tboaa about
ywa hacaaaa of a voor. muddy and
klaary laakla complaxlonl What you
.haad la raah. Jtron. maroua flowing
blaad to tumiah k claar, alaaa algn.nt
tcelur) to tha faca aa (bat with aach
Wat of tba haart tha lloo4 couraaa ua
intarruptadly tntougli tba amall aarfaca
Ttina at tha faca, thtraby kaaplng a
' glawlng color arar prcainL
- Sluart'i Calcium Waftra ara compoaad
of tha aaaat rawarful of blood builders
and purtflara. yat tnty ar hannlea
anal may ha taken Inta the ayeteoi by
any ana. area a child. What la Invigor
ating to t!e weak atomach moat ccr
lalnly will aid tha welt one. Any In-
' raltd may take fltuart't Calcium Wafer
ad be benefited, so that no one need
feel tha slightest heettancy In ualng
theee Uttla I urlflers continuously.
They work vary faat and many sa
ver caaea of discolored complexions
Joseph Dwsrak, Ralph Goldberg. Olenn
Mettlen, Krank Orchard, Kuoart Qulnn,
If'rleila Raab. Uertruda Habn, .
Lincoln (leotge Boyd, Kmrnett r.
Hooter, rorest Dannie, frank A. Broad
well, jr.. Krank o Conner, Robert Mc
Cord, Lillian Henderson, Uiadys U Ronr
bauah, Mahel I. Hleck. .
W est Hide-Kdround Dougherty. Bdward
T. Jnhnana, Kdward W. U-Brlea. Masai
C. BriMS, Hum K. Ham, Irene F. Kal-
hora, Anna Hoth. Hose Bcawaraauaer,
Uisdyi Wkltehom.
Mack Slock tklpfjodU
There were tha) oars of stack an the
local market this weak. This Is considered
a vary good record for this time st the
year. The heavy run was due ts the
warmer coadltlon of tha weather. During
tha ooM ansp tha railroads wars Marly
ail tied up and unable to take car ot the
stork and tha shipper were afraid ts
come to the market tor fear their stack
would frees oa the wsy.
I'ndcr the csreful supervision of Colonel
Buckingham all tha stock wsa take cars
of In fine shape. Th colonel gav up bis
trip to th western stork convention at
Denver In order that he might be sa
Cholera Sera at Demoaat.-atlaa.
Clyde J. Baker, representing tha Inter
state Vaccina company of Kansas City,
Is conducting a cholera demonstration at 1
tba stock yards. He bought sixteen bogs
on the market Wednesday and Injected
pur cholera blood Into tour of them. Tea
of the hog were treated with aerura tor
the prevention ot cholera. Th two re
maining pigs were put into th same pea
wltk th other fourteen. Mr. Baker In
tends to prov that th begs Injected with
th eerum will not catch tba deadly die
ease while lb two that were not treated
A demonstration of thle kind was con
ducted at th yards asm time back by a
government repreeentatlv and It was a
great success. The hogs treated with th
arram did not take to disease while tha
others had cholera la a moat virulent
Revival Meetings.
Th revial meeting bung coaduoted by
Hev. T. A. Tsmly st ths first Baptist
church. Twenty-fifth sod H st reels, are
till la progress. The meetings ere a
great success and Rev. Mr. Tandy n doing
eome excellent work.
Th attendance and ' interest taken In
thee services la . dally growing larger.
During the short time he has been here
Rev. Mr. Tandy has succeeded Ik bring
ing several stray member back Into th
fold and has added a number . ot new
parishioners to tha congregation. . .
I' h areh acre to.
West Sid' Methodist church. ' Bible
school st I N p. m. Preaching at I
p. m.. by the pastor. . .
Lefler Memorial chun-h. "inday school
at le o'clock. Morning worship at 11 a. m
Epworta league at 1 p. m.
Weet Ktde Bible achool will hare eerr.
Ices at I .w p. ro. ltev. T. A. Tandy will
be In chante of the eervtcee.
There will be Runday school nt St. Ed
ward s Mission at :W a. nv and at at.
Clement's Mission at 1.3s p. nv
ilnl fhrtrtian chunh. Twenty-third
and 1 atreete. Hible school at W o'clock.
Rev. J. A. Beattle of Uncoln will be is
charge of the morning anal evening
Klret Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and
Confirmation elans st p. m. Hunday
evening eervtcee st 7:9 p. m. Subject:
"tr-Reformat ion Conditions and Lire of
Luther to the Convent."
I'nlted Presbyterian church. Twenty
third and L streets. Rev. W. P. Pollock,
paster. UIMe eohoel st s:t a. m. Preach
ing at II a re. Bubject of sermon:
"Heeponalblllty fur the Loet." Young
People's christian union meetlag at :
p. m. Bublect of th lesson: "Worth
While AmNilone." leader. Mies Ruby
Wright. Tople of evening sermon; "Rais
ing of Jalrus' daughter."
abbath morning, January B, at the
Plret Presbyterian church, corner of
Twenty-third and 1 streets. Bible teach
ing achool at I a. m. sharp. In all de
uartmenta IV. Wheeler's address will bo
on th line of "Foreign Missions ' Paster s
talk to Hoys and tllrle Church Attendance
club will he about "The Maa on the
Mountain." Young folks services st .w
p. m. Dr. Wheeler will say something
st T:M p. m. Hpeelal muskal numbers
All pews free ana ths puolte uordialiy In
vited, "
Mas.e City assets,
Mies Vera Butt of Nebraska City Is lb
gueet of Miss Kreda Baumgarten.
J. v. Roberta, an Idaho real estate
dealer, la tbe gueet of D. K. elser.
Mlrs Nora Horn. Twenty-second snd H
streets. Is sbls to be out alter a severe
Illness ot two weeks.
Th funeral of Mrs. Helen Bets, mother
of Dr. W. H. Bets, was held yesterday
afternoon from the Beivue Preebyterian
church. Burial was made in Beilevue.
Word wss received Isst evening by Pat
lick Sullivan. Twenty-third and N streets,
that hie mother was dying st her home
st Rarneeton. Neb. Mr. euillvan left fur
Bameetoa tost evening.
Th ACS chapter will gtv a fare
well reception for Dr. Bepp at th bom
of Mrs. 1. I. Van Rant, Twenty-fifth and
B streets, this evening. Ir. Sspp leaves
In a tew daye for California.
Th teacher of th Lincoln school gav
s farewell dinner Thursday evening for
Mlaa Kthel Prey, who leaves shortly with
her mother for an extended visit at Ma
nila, P. I. A beautiful token of their
esteem and good wtshee for a safe voyage
made tha ncaelon one to be long and
happily remembered by Mlaa Prey.
You are Invited to the Grand masquer
ade ball given by the Bomb Omaha Poll
leuterhe Vereln at the Kagles' hall. Cd
and N Bta., tonight. A jolly time Is prom
ised to everybody. Six valuable prises
wiu o given.
ar thoroughly cleared and beautified I H etreeta. Rev. C. T. llsley, pastor. Bible
,.ff . kW .!. The aumbar of tea- I ' "u . - 'noy
tlmoalala w hat attesting to th
atrangth. vigor and sffeeUvoDaaa of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers would aston
ish on. Kerry druggist came thorn
In stock, price ic Don't wait, but re
to your druggist today nad buy a box
of these Wafer. Take them after each
a.eai aad glee tbean as aenaat trial nad
ths rapid reajfta will astonish yo.
W will send you n trial packs
eon talcing an amount ot thee Wafer
sufficient ta show their value, rtesd
us yoor nani snd nddreas snd we win
yo a trial Mrl&n. ky snail, free.
F. A. Stuart Co, . 171 smart
Bidg.. laarshaU, Mich.
Ill have charge of th morning and
evening services. Baptist Toung People s
univa meeu at e:a p m.
nalnt Martln'e church. Twentv-fourtb
snd J streets. Rev. Alfred O. White,
rector. Hundsv aHtool at 1 a. eav Holy
communion and sermon by the rector at
11 a .m. Topic: "The Making of a
Maeter." Evening prayer and address by
the rector st ? Js p. nv
First Methodist church. Twenty-fourth
and M etreeta. Rev. J. M. Bothwell.
pastor, nansatn school st a. m. 1. D.
Ringer. superistesdenL Morning worohlp
st 11 a nv Music by baker s choir, tp
wonk ieairu at p nv nt the Rreaa
chaaet. Man tame ndressa. leader.
rn. Lukea l.utaeran churca. Twenty,
fifth and K stroeta. Rev. s. K. YeHen,
pastor. Sunday achool at s:ei s. tm
Church services at 11 o'clock, subject of
acrniea: -rn tteaimg or
. ... . ait,
Blanch Waggoner, wanted by the fed
Mai aulliorltlea her upon a white
slavery charge, was srreeted shortly after
( o'clock Friday afternoon by Officer
Emery nt 111 South Thirteenth street 8b
wss placed In ths city Jail for th night
and naturday morning ah had a bear
ing before Judge W. II. Munger. and bar,
bonds were fixed at ti.W. In default ot
ball, sh wsa remanded to th county
Jail until her case ta called at th April
term ot court.
Th Waggoner woman was srreeted
several months ago by th poflc for
Inducing Anna Pakomey. a pretty Bo
hemian' wsltress at th Lang hotel, to
threw up her Job and and go with her
as a "traveling companion." When ar
rested the girl, who had been la this
country only a short while, wss in com
pany with th wmaa and a ami com
panion. A c barge ot whits slavery wss
placed against her nad she wss to bare
bad her trial ta the stst district court
several ssontha saw.
la tba meantime th Bo hem lea girl
married and moved to Colored, go the
case was dropped In tha Mats court but
latormatloa waa furnished th federal
grand Jury last November and aa tar
dtrlmsut was returned against th Wag
goner womsn. A capias was given De
puty Vstted tares Marshal Haas sad
her arrest was ordered, rthe disappeared
after th slat dropped the case and it
was not nntn last night that she was
against Uirniod. Carted Ststes District
Attorney HoweO has th sddrses f the
Bohemias girl and caa produce her when
Central Labor Union Gives Sanction
to Political Body.'
Declaration at Principles Drawn by
Committee at Tea Members at
a-aaaw Declare far Fair (1
- City Administration.
Following a fiery speech by C. at.
Felder and by several dalegktes from
affiliated organisations ths Central La
bor union. In session at the Labor Temple
last night, declared, with on dissenting
vote. Its endorsement of th Labor league,
effected three months ago to further the
political Interests of labor.
A committee of ten from the Central
Labor union perfected th Labor league
and has arranged to put lip seven labor
candidates for eommlestoneT. Th candi
dates will be nominated by referendum
vote. There ar now S.0O0 members
pledged to the league.
Mr. Felder directed an attack against
a certain organisation, which he did not
call by name, saying that Its officers had
used every "dirty, trick known to poll
tics" In thwarting th purposes of labor.
Dr. Jenkins of th Associated Charities
voiced his objection to th action ot the
Nebraska Stats Teachers' association in
passing a reeoluttcn requesting aa amend
ment .to t child tabes law.. He said the
present law was a. pretty good one and
th reeolduon asked for, -th wrong
amendment Ha said th action ot the
teacher would be atucked st the state
oonferenc of charities In Omaha the lat
ter part of th month.
Ex-Secrtary Wilson, following th elec.
tloa c. officers, declared he withdrew
from th Central Labor union because
not enough recognition was given In the
election to ths Building Trades union.
Sewly Elected Office re.
Following Is ths Ihrt of officers elected.
former officers, with ths exception of
trustees, being chosen for n second term:
President (leorge Normsn.
Ice PreeMent-Jsmes Mulr. i
Recording Secretary J oh n Pollen
Unsocial 8ecretary-Willlam J. Marks.
rVre.snt-ei-Arme Robert Dunian.
Trueteew J. J Kerrigan. K. a. Fisher
na naoert eenaer.
With th adoption of th motion to en
dnree' ths Labor league card with the
following declaration of principles drawn
by tha executive committee of ten which
formed ths Labor league waa adopted and
distributed among th delegates:
W fsvnr an honest, fair administration
ot the city government, which ehall pro
mote rree sprecn. ine rtgnt of lawful pub
lic sesemoiy ana justice.
We advocate owwerslrls br the mu
nicipality of all blame and establishments
which furnish the people of Omaha ass
and electric power and the establishment
or coal and wood yards, tee plants, cold
storage werehouse and free public mar
seta, all ot which ahall be operated for
the benefit of th oeoplo to- not for
we ver tn municipal ownership or a
single telephone sy stem.
We fsvor the extension ot our pars and
playgrounda oystema.
We favor the establishment of social
center at school houses and other aul tabic
We advocate th establishment of free
public baths.
We favor the establishment of a free
employment bureau is be operated by the
We favor tbe establishment of a tree
We ara opposed to the contract system
such as now exists la Omaha and start
for all pubbc work being performed by
Omaha ritlsena.
We stand for ttrr rigid enforcement ot
the cbUd labac law nod th female labor
Lincoln Day to Be
Observed at High
School This Year
Plans ar now under way to make the
Lincoln day exercises at the Omaha High
school Friday afternoon, "ebruary V an
Important local celebration.
Prominent OrruHa men and women have
been asked to take part In th program,
which will consist chiefly of short
speeches appropriate tor th 1 occasion.
Th exercises will be given under th
suspires ot the high school and will be
patrlotlo In their nature.
Alfred C. Kennedy will, give an ad
dress on "Abraham Lincoln, th Btstee-
msn" and Miss Kale McHugh, principal
of th high school, will speak on "Tb
Life ot Lincoln."
Two Cereal linns- ,
Misbrand Goods
SIDNEY, Neb., Jan. M.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Deputy Food Inspector F. H.
McLsln waa at Kimball today and found
the Quaker Oats company ot Chicago
selling short weight packages of "Fart
nose." The merchants handling trie goods
were arrested and brought before County
Judge Schwenk. They pleaded guilty sad
were fined IIM and costs. Tha Shredded
Whest Klscult company ot Niagara Falls,
N. Y, pleaded guilty to misbranding their
goods a to weight ard they were fined
let and costs.
Roosevelt May Take
Sea Voyage with Wife
NEW YORK. Jan. .-Colonel Roose
velt may take a trip abroad In th near
future, contingent upon ths progress to
ward recovery of Mrs. Roosevelt, who has
bees III for some time, according to the
American this morning. A sea voyage,
it is said, has been recommended for Mrs.
Roosevelt by her physician If her health
does not Improve more rapidly during
tha next few weeks, and today's account
has It that If she mskes ths Journey to a
mora salubrious climate. Colonel Roose
velt will accompany her. th trip ta cover
two months' time.
Engineer Knoutts
Injured in Wreck
Mrs. I. P. Gage Piles
. Suit for Divorce
FREMONT, Neb.. Jan. -8peclal
Telegram. Mrs. Ettt I. Oags has
brought suit In th district court for a
divorce, from her husband, L P. Gage,
alleging; cruelty. Th paper wsr with
drawn Immediately after filing. Th
charges ar said to be of a sensational
character. They bar been married for
about thirty years and have seven chil
dren, Mr.' Gag Is stst secretary of tha In
dependent Ord-w of Odd Fellows and one
of the most prominent snd best known
men In the city. Th mine! of the suit
was a general surprise.
WASHINGTON'. Jsn. -Andrew Car
negie la having trouble collecting from
th government In witness fees
for his recent testimony before ths
house steel trust committee.
Mr. Carnegie on Jsnosry IT signed his
expense voucher snd . It was received
today by Jerry Smith, chief clerk of tba
house, it calls f or 4M mile of travel
at five cents a mils 122.70) and for three
days witness- fees st t a day (M).
Th notsry In New York who witnessed
the voucher for Mr. Carnegie failed to
affix his aeaL Not until this defect Is
remedied will Clerk Smith give up th
money. " .
NEW YORK. Jan. at Referring to
recent reports that tha I'nlted State
Steel corporation la supporting move
ment to defeat th re nomination of Prest.
dent Taft. Chairman Gary aald today:
"There Is no foundation for th state
ment that onr corporation or any of Its
officers or anyone In authority has don
or said anything to favor or oppose th
nomination ot anyone tor president. We
keep ut of politics."
Settle Breach mt Prweale Case.
CRE8TON. Ia Jan. 20. - Special. V
VYhat promt eed to be s sensational suit
was suddenly brought to a close yester
day In ths district court Iter when tb
breach ot promise suit brought by Mrs.
Clara Dunnlngton against William Don
sltue for I WOW was settled by ths de
fendant paying the plaintiff II. ts and the
costs ot the action.
Too Credulous Man
L'n I I n I 1 1 i l t -
j. ana lur. uiu UalUO
NEW YORK. Jan. X1.-A detectlva
from pokes ' headquarters tday ssved
Charles M. Olsen of Portland. Ore.,
U,N and a futile trip to Madrid, In an
swer to a letter sent hla some tlm ago.
Th detective found ' Olsen aboard a
steamer about to sail, persuaded him to
go to polios head Quart ere and proved to
him that he was about to become a vic
tim ot th old tlm Spanish prisoner
swindling game. Olsen, accompanied by
his son. George Olsen,' a student In th
University of Michigan, is bomebound
on a fast train tonight
The letter which caused Olsen to under
take the trip to Spain contained the
news thst th writer was lsnguishlng In
Spanish dungeon. - but possessed, un
known to ths government, a trunk with
a false bottom which concealed S.0O
pesos. In order to get ths trunk, Olsen
would have to pay tl5.08 to satisfy a
clslra against th writer, the letter said
and to d this was Olaen's mission to
Madrid. At police headquarters ths de
tective shewed Olsen similar letters ad
dressed to other persons hers and this
convinced , him ot their fraudulent
nature. "
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 30.-Announce-ment
waa made today that the Chicago,
Milwaukee tt St Paul and th Chicago
A Northwestern railways will give special
rates for ths transportation of seed grain,
to (South Dakota.
The Minneapolis a 8t Louis previously
had announced Its intention of delivering
seed grain tree to farmer. The action
la taken by tha roads because of tha
failure of the 11I crop In South Dakota.
PARIS. Jan. . Ths selsure of tha
French Una ateamer. Manouba by Italian
destroyers today bss aroused intense
feeling In ths political and commercial
circles. Premier Pot near has Instructed
tbe French ambassador at Rome to pro
test against th selsure and several mem
bers of the chamber of deputies declare
they will Interpellate Premier Poincar
about tt The premier . has announced
thst be will suSts a declaratlea oa th
subject Monday. ,
Fersayunt Advertising;
Big Return.
a th Road ts
FREMONT. Neb.. Jaa. 2s. - Special
Telegram. A head-on collision occurred
at Leaner about 4 o'clock yesterday I
on the Burlington between freight trams
No, at and ta. The engine crews escaped
by Jumping. Engineer Knoutts of train j
No. M was quits severely scalded. Trains j
were delayed nntn hit this evening. i
CHICAGO, Jan. at -Lyman T. Glover
general manager ot the Majestic theater,
the Chicago Opera bouse and the Olympic
and Haymarket theater, today admitted
that rickets for his theaters war said
t It N. Waterfall, ticket broker, at an
advanee ot S cents snd that ths broker
bad a rwaatrej account and saadw week
end settlements. Glover defended tbe
practice, declaring that the. theater ticket
brokerage bonne bad IBs sanctJoa of
tb supreme court ot the state.
5 Gents
....FOR A.. "
Durham Demonstrator Safely Razor
With Durham Duplex Blade.
Ton cannot afford to be without one which costs only 35c
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
1511-13 Dodge Street
ffc' 1