Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 36

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"US BOYS"-It's an 111 Wind that' Shrimp Can't Make Use Of
Registered United States Patent Office.
By Tom McNamara
) oon sle we hpUwant mi skatcs ' vjfAcvRTo meonR sit cF?reooAjoAMOMio6H back. wiTHoor SCia,& mf isafe now
V a6am: oom ocLit i mcp he tor cosm ced if MrisGo re eon "t? our of Mr H 3 - i-
- g I 'u h gi4RE, Pbl AAt
QUICK W(LL SI? . Ha SKAns Ao MtTTENt . iC yx-T
DOIH6i 66, IN blPPf CELL
Btev YOUft HAT,
11 .asm ft ii
- - !: .'-
( . r-
linn of a tournament all their very own
In take place next month. That city af
fair mads them all las netic.
If soma of those C.aa Company shooter
This ScUOn't Xeinltl Will B Bil " ktV off the foul line an explosion
auw Down s ai.ia w . ( lubla a h,pprB moat aay lime. Bencer
lor riannin? fleXl lOBrnCT. h plarra some metcne nat
I line.
la the
UutUn n .1 U" f it r an All lh
FAIDlwiar ones at Koulh Omata. The tray
I they chaJkfa up in tne city rnampron-
- "hips s a genuine aui-tmse w eery
lkest Meetlac ( later! Will ! body, I
Ike lateraatloaal af Rt. Paal
Westera Beollatt Weel at
A aajelr.
One-arm Mike f'rowe likes the bowllnf
(am and can be fo'irvj ntln Uism up
at all hours of the day or night. He ks
sunly a wonder and can make some rery
! guod reores.
j inisgeraid thinks that Biigga throws
lilm sown In the merry-go-round eon
trsts. Biigga eaa get the pins any aid
when he Joins rita tor a
eftrdale f Uasaes few Week
.. 7 . f"r,'',.r7. " v. tune exeeirt when
MOmiKV Tll-V - oil NllHBI Jr'iri . . . ., .1
Oold Top,, gout, Om.ha Ice and Coal Co. i " " , ,k.
asslnet Hiellinr. I Charlie lifler. the new reerull of the
mureday-rVtersen Candy Kids against Cartow Colls, shot his head off the first
Culkln s Crtm. Boyoe Cracker Jkj nnht. finishing ap whh a fine Mi total,
against Msrtln Tigers. ' Fur his Initial aueearanea In fast um-
tlarlow's Alleys, South Omaha.
Tuesday Omahas against Armours,
Cudahys against ajwlfts
' " K'ff Alleys.
Monday lre!tos Candy Co, against
Pele lyorhe.
Tueeday-iBrodegaard Crowns aialnst
Thunday-Oold Tops against Rt. James.
' Keyt's Alleys.
Moaday ansklst against Heselln Mixers
Tuesday W. O. W. against llets
Alhtetle Cluh.
Wednesday Oermaa Home against
Chris l.ycks.
Tharsday Rumohr Bporta ' (galnat
rrtdsy-I)erby Woolen Mills against
Iters Bottling Department.
' rranrtera Alleya.
rrlday-O'rlrten Kaedv Klda atalnet
McCora-Hiady Advna. Metg Itres. agaiaet
The member of the 1. Croea team
performed In grand style during the tour
nament. They shot good scores In every
event, bat not sufficiently high enough
to get them any great amount of glory.
Woonter 1-ambert a protege of Mr.
Iweeney of ML Louis, la belnc boosted
by the Mound City bowlers tor president
of the American Bowling eangrses. The
Omaha Items will rule for Lambert Just
for Hweeney'a sake.
Omaha will he rrreeented at Chicago
by muie teama than ever attended a
national tournament before,, and much
will, oe expected) of thsen by Iks home
boys. ICapwIally will tills be true of the
famous Metx Hrns. five.
The Morrison alleys are making new
bowlers evary day. The way the novices
are taking to the sport at tntt plans la a
i-autloii. Three new leagues have organ
ised to shoot regulsrly alteady, bringing1,
up the number laaguaa Irom seven to i
ln- . . I
Leading South Omaha Bowlers
Kike Morgan work d hard for l hat all-
rranclern Alleys.
Tuesday Maseppaa against
ttnuma Ca.. ltrandekt llighballa aaaiaat
l-upai-UUIer'a Pilseaers, f'arrell s byrups
against Guarantee Nothing Co, Btorg
Malta agamst London Tailors.
rraaelses Alleys.
Monday-Boot Printing Ca. against
DpauMings, Midland I'. A O. Co. against
inula. Corey-McKensle agslnst 11"
Ma, a Paxos against A. O. l W. Ko. I,.
Morrison's Alleys."
Monday Klvlng Uutrhmea against Tar
IBaMea, liynamnera agamst llloia. la
trusos agslnst Resnors.
" ' Morrison's Alleys. 1
Tueeday-J. i. Kline against Him
Triumphs. Caronaa against Jerpe Com
mercial Co. ,,
ndsy-old tyl Lager against Han-rock-r.psteia
U Co., Amerkao Printing
C. against Rellsble Oroi'ers.
Morrison's Alleys.
Monday wletek '10110 again! Omaha
Field Club, kiryker Btoos c. agalasi Otd
kxuo Brett. , ,
thursoay-Wroth "pedal agslnst Elks,
W. O. W. against Helo.
Checks have been mailed to the winners
la the
City Tournament Bowling tourna- ' Omaha Bowling assoolstlon.
-amaina wnthina more to I n shot, hsvlng
ao there remalna aining trore w for tM nld tloH Top t
ha done but to present tne goia meo. nuUer
ta the tugheat pin men m all lbs events.
Aa this was the first handicap affair
if this kind aver bowled naturally a
kreet deal Is being said In favor of aa well
ea against the gystel.t need. The officials
la next year's contest will have the ax
inrtenea of iha saaaon Just ended and It
will be much easier te decide the sys
tem that will be In ana la the future
' In the mnny, but he did. Jimmy niase
nev totalled up Just tares pins In the
rear of Moran. but that waa Juat four
Inlna ehu of the troohv. - i
I Posters advertising the' American Bowl
ing congress have been sent broaooast
and prominently engraved thereon la a
very fine llkeneas of Charles Comlskey,
line well-knowm e-wner of the White Max
bane oau teem, wne is presiueni ui
tournagsanl aeaeclailoa.
Neale and Kuhry are aut with an open
challenge, and aa larp and Angelberg
want 10 get even wild what they handed
to Hunting and BUUteney, a match be
tween them Is most Hksly. Huntington
ami Angelbera are alee billed to tangle
sometime this week.
The Oata City and Morrison five-men
team leagues Mart their schedule at the
Morrison alleys this week. The Oate
City league will shoot on Tuesday and
Friday and the Morrisons an Wedneeday
and Tkuraday. Ieur of the tut alleys
will be used In all thee league aontesta.
Frank 1-epln.kl, captain, of toe Martin
Tigers of Mouth Omaha, waa plased
with the performance of his team. They
secured the hlKheat total in actual pins
In the tlve-nea and with rrltcher aa a
partner they shot UU In Ilia double, be
ing ths onlv two-men team In the tourna
ment ta shoot better than I.) pin.
lien Boiler haa been elected president
of the Morrison Bowling league which
has applied for membership la tne ureater
' uan usee
won many
earn back In
UI captain the Klka team
and r 1 pec is to make them all go to win-
Shorter Schedule
Wanted by Rourke
Will then be a schedule adopted at the
tae five-men event nothing could ' meeting next month for l games or IM
nave pot the teams an a awre even basis,
with bat ana exceptloa. It la argued
that a certain limit should be laeluded.
for Instance Ms pins. This would have
changed, the standing la the teams but
very lift I, yet more Ik a the above
.amouat Is believed to be loo great to
KanieaT There were several otijectton
the length of last season. If there are to
be Id games there probably will only be
three swings around the circuit Laat
year there were four swing s and Iha ex
pense was too much on almost all the
club, ttourke will fight the lU-game
nhariul thla rear because, ha says, the
la the twe-me aad Individual contests I MiyOK t m long that It run Into the
the handicaps were to great. Bowlers WMUhar &nu nen Iht weather gets
believe certain percentage of the whole rmlf t)M ppj. ,-ui not turn out-to
should have beew granted Instead ed fa (ht (lm,. Th. saso. ,hls yesr will In
stated amount, th percentage ta be de- ODH1 M AprU . lwo daj-,
ided to be not lees then two-thtrds '
aad not mora than three-fourthu. This ,n,, r
would put most of ths contestants on
an even bast and would be fair to all
. .iV. kjk , c -;
, le. r'rtU aa.h e-- v t . Jgt
' J . .1 v V J .
. I ... .
.. & ... i r jw t
J.-..1 vM'-.t;"- tqV
Over half th required number of sub
scribers needed to swing the deal entered
Into between th Rod and Gun club and . Ing or lawn tennis piayere. wnicn is
Crelghton Realty company for th pur-1 reroromended. or at leant suggested, uy
chase of Courtland Ikacli by the cluh!le majcrlty report of the ll ranking
h.v. hn -nrl .iraadv and It i ' committee of the united Bute iationai
thought that by the end of thla week the Lan Tennla association, seems certain
entire required number and more will I to be overwhelmingly rejected when It I
Beginning t 1'pper Left Hand Corner H. Hemleben. O. 8. Kennedy, A. If. Frye, JI. V. eft-Cord. F. M. Leptnski
(Captain). H. Frlttcksr.
High School Lads
Start Track Work
in the Gymnasium
Track work at the Omaha High school
will begin January M when th first all
for candidate for the UU squad will be
Issued. With such an aarly start It Is
expected that th team will be In ex
cellent condition when outdoor work Is
takn up la the spring.
Th lads will pracUr during the re
mainder of the winter In th gymnasium
at the Young Men's Christian association
aad will not attempt te begin outdoor
work until th latter part of March. At
th "T" gymnasium th squad will work
out In th sprints, th running high Jump
and the pole vault,
Aa there are not adequate grounds for
practlc at the lilga achoel th use of
Crelghton field will probably be secured
by th athletic management at the school
by th Urn outdoor work begins. If the
management falls to secure Crelghton
field the squad will be badly handicapped
In their work, aa th old athletic campua
at the high echool waa dug out last year
to make room for the northwest wing of
th new building, which la still In course
of construction.
Th only facilities for track work at
th echool now are a Ms-yard cinder track
next to th sidewalk on th worth side
of Dodge street, and a sloping apace on
the front campua which ran be ueed for
pole vaulting and Jumping. Practice In
th high and low hurdle and th weights
cannot bo kad at to echool.
j Tiger Cub Five Has
Been Reorganized
, This much, however, must be taken into
conetdenxtlen. If a handicap t tu be
"granted, then give a auffk-lent one to
.make It count; ht not great enougn It t TlM. eUb quintet, th eldest of
worth!- ' (the Young lien's Christina assoetatkHi
" K doubt, whatever exists, the nextlbMk4 ha dUbanded since
tournament will greatly exceed the one . th orxaniza,tlnn f -th new Trt-Ctty
Just passed In th number of entries, a learu. another team, th "T" Tiger.
H hae been denionetrated that with a ,rMmi ln i pUo. As .three of the
handicap the weaker bowlers have )u ifuus star player. Leslie Burkenroad.
aa good a diance to land amon the win- j k(t ulird and cptgin; Mark Hughes,
ners a the etrenger bowlers. . h, (rwara and Harry Munneke. left
IwtrraMleaa! at t. Paul. 1 forward, decided to play wtth the Omaha
Th next tournament In which some of j Hlh Khom team In the league games.
the teems will compete hi the Intern'
'tloral at . Paul. February 11 to S.
A number of teams from Chicago will at
tend ta boost for the national rbam-
' ptonehlp event, starting March t at Chl
" 1 ago. ' '
Teams from Chicago and Dee Moinea
will attend the Western Bowling Con
' gresa at Los Angeles February 14. The
f first pels in the five-men event Is
C.W. which look very tempting to the
: f lucg crowd.
- be shot at different towns on the war,
the member of th Cubs' squad held a
meeting last week and decided to disband.
Topeka Will Train ;
m Texas Cities
Th Topeka ball club will go south to
trala March with about twanty-faur
players, according to a recent announce
ment mad by Manager Dwl Ooar. A
serf) of game baa been arranged la
Texas and most of th training will be
don at Clebourn. Oea 1 not going to
b caught napping this year and h as
serts he will put th best team In the
field that Topeka ha bad la year. Ooar
started to get hut team lined ap and haa
received about twenty contract back.
which be sent out about three week ago.
Referees Selected
for All Conference
Games in the Valley
LINCOLN. Jaa. -tpeclal.)-Follow-ing
th adoption of motions t the last
meeting of the Missouri Valley confer
ence, notification of the selection of six
offtdala to referee all games In th Mis
souri valley championship series was for
warded to BeVretary R. O. Clapp of th
Nebraska Athletic board Friday. The
action resulted from charge which have
been made to the effect that certain offi
cials In th valley hare auowm partiality.
It la thought that by selecting officiate
in thla manner any possible ground for
partiality can b removed.
Th me are all picked from ouUlde
schools and hav no Interest In the out
come of th game. Th experiment will
be put to a test at least, to aee If the
unsatisfactory (tats of affairs cannot' a
cleared up. '
Following are the six men selected to
referee the games:
Henry Asher of the Kansas City Ath
letlo dub.
W. O. Green of Smith academy.
L. L. Hoooes of the Westport High
school. Kansas City. Mo. '
Mik Hyland, Iowa.
R. r. Seymour of the Springfield Train
ing echool.
F. O. Winters, Sprlntield Training
(Continued front First Page.)
Holland Picks Out .
Twenty Greatest
Players in Western
Jack llollanddrclded the other day that
It waa up to him to name the twenty
greateet ball players In the Western
ieague. Jack almost forgot Omaha, too,
but then, what's th use. His list looks
Ilk this:
First Baseman: Dwyer. Dee Moines.
Second 11a e men: Lloyd, Denver,
Rulf. eU. Joseph.
Pitchers: Cliellette. 81. Joaepb: Kail.
Omaha: O'Rrieji, Denver; Clarke, To
peka: Clarke. Hhiux City.
Catchers: Uoasett. St. Joseph; Clemoos,
Third Basemen: Qulllen, Denver; Nle
noff. Omaha.
Shortstops: Gagnler, Lincoln; Berger,
uutiielders: Kelly, Ht. Joseph: Powell,
Ht. Joseph: Zwilllng. Mt. Joseph: Heal I.
IVnver; Hav la. Pueblo; Mattlck,
(Continued from First Page.)
Coutltnd Be:h to B Improved fcy Propoml to Quit Meeting with Some
Hew Bod and Gun Club. ! Strong' Opposition.
New Frame Balldlsg Will Not Be
Tern Down, bat Will Be Re
modeled aad t eed by the
Scarcely a Player Caa Be Faaad
Who Favor Dolus Array with
Ike Plaa of Rankle Ac
cording to Ability.
NEW YORK. Jan. A-The proposal t.
do away entirely with th annual rank-
have subscribed.
.The required -number of subscribers
nesded by th club Is IM aad over half
that number hav been secured already.
Each member subscribes Koa and has
five year In which to pay. In return he
reooive a permanent membership la the
club and a cottage lot Mx7g feet. His
dependt.U relative ale are admitted to
th club and are not required to pay any
due. The associate memberahlp price
brought before the annual meeting of that
body In this city on February 1. The al
ternative plan contained In the majority
report, vis., that the ranking should be
simplified by limiting the number of men
ranked, as was done In 111. when only
thirty-five were listed, aeems destined to
meet a similar fate. The feeling Is almost
universal that at least fifty men should
be given a ranking, while most follower
of the game put th number at from
under the constitution of the new ulub aeventy-flv. to 10.
in irre can ivr mv iiuun Himma
the association one of th stated objects
Is "to consider the revoaurendationa of
In the association. Johnny Slgler ks per
haps, the bast all-round apparatus man
la Omaha and Harry Counsman Is a good
a tumbler as any of th professionals
who come te thla city.
There I such an Interest being taken
In th work of these men In several of
the churches of the dty that it la
thought tt will be but a short while until
many new r!se will bs formed In other
churches. The plan being exerderd now
Is more or less of an experiment, but it
i meeting with the approval of all the
pastors and wareat In th city.
Tb Fort Omaha Ml athletic "Prospec
tus," aa illustrated booklet giving the
The western division of the National
Tel Jed moke will hold a meeting aext
week to eorr. met pians ror in -r th. inc 11a
Exhibition games wi!l o1 tournament, which wtU ; recrKanutatlon as a eigne! eorps station.
'rwio at m locai renrr nan h been finished and will b ready for
February 19 to March a. oa muu one,
I of Oroaha'e leading Bohemians. I prest-
U first being at 81. Loats.
oftJVj lSft 'SJ'ZT instructor f
tag th week. the local Turner expert the tournsv-
OrrViala of th coming National Cham-, meat to- bo a sueces In every way. al--pienebip
tournament to be held st Chi- though H win b merely on of iswtrue-
r boosting for a five mea
ition la th art of gymnastic instead f a
yqw the Magic City bowler an talk- competlttv afUIC.
distribution this
It waa gotten up by Sergeant Andrew
Clark, the athletic officer of ths fort
and contain many attractive feature.
Aeeordlng to th booklet, has ball has
proven th moat successful sport at th
fort aa mora of tb soldier hav become
interested ta thla popular gam than any
ther branch of athletic.
daagsr of being Mt out In the cold. The
major and minors will nut be hankering
after player this year on account of the
ruts adopted by th national commission
limiting th number el player a club can
carry. The number is not overly large and
HASTINGS. Neb., 3aa. -imperial. -
la the most fiercely contested gem ever
will be double that of the old organi
sation or Me. The subscriber will re
ceive no dividend from their money
whatever, but It I almost certain that
In order to get a cottage st the new club
grounde people will be willing to pay
fl.QAS for a membership within five years.
Thla they will be unable to do unless
they buy the stock of one of th sub
rcrlbers as the- number Is to be limited
to 200.
Mar t'haaar aae.
At present It is almost certain that the
nam of th club will be changed when
the new constitution la drawn up. The
most likely name to be adopted will be
The purchase price for Courtland Beach
I PAOilO. On hundred members at KM
will buy th property. The club he five
years to complete the payment of the
money. All th money taken In from sub
scriber over ft0.M will be used exclu
sively for Improvement and In beauti
fying the ground and buildings.
Th new club grounds when completed
will be th moat beau' If ul onea In the
city If not In the entire middle west. The
nark board haa already decided to boule
vard th outaide of the horseeho" or
peninsula on the low side of the line.
The Inside of tbo "horsesbo" will be
used for th cottage and will b boule
va'rded by the club ao that there will be
a driveway . all around tit peninsula. Ed
ward Cornish purchased a piee of land
on the Inside of th peninsula which he
will convert Into a beauty spot. The city
has practically decided to build a viaduct
over the Missouri Pacific and Northwest
era tracks on Locust streets.
Ground Comprleee Seventy Acre.
ln all there la over seventy cre of
lsnl which will be acquired by the club.
On of the best golf links In this sec
tion of th country will be lld out Im
mediately after th property la taken
over by ths club on April I. The pavilion
which Is now situated on the lake front
at Courtland Beach will In all probability
be used by th clib member for a club
novae. Th bathing beach at Courtland
consists of hard white sand. The car
service will bo the seme as It has been
ln th past and probably better.
Cndrr th uew constitution th asso
ciate member will hv every privilege
the stockholding members have aalde
front the owning of a cottage. Th club
will allow five person to get together
and buy a share at ts and thus pro
cure a lot on which to build a cottage.
Associate members rosy get In st prew
ent for F, hut If they watt until after
March 1 -It will cost them The cot
tage ar to face east and west. The
front yards will be kept in condition by
ja caretaker and flowers will be planted.
A court or alley paved witn aepnait win
be auda In the rear et the cottages and
ill wind the numerooa trees.
th ranking committee. Consequently,
th report of the majority of the rank
ing committee, consisting of Henry W.
Blocum. chairman, and Raymond D. Lit
tle, will be bracketed with that of the
dissenting member. Mile 8. Charlock.
Th latter believes that hereafter the
committee should be "Instructed to make
an official ranking of th players
throughout th country under regulation
estsbllshed by the association." - v
This goes right to tb root of the mat
ter. Heretofore the ranking committee
has been assigned Its task without any
rules for It guidance, except that the
traditional method la supposed to be fol
lowed, aa has been done until last year's
committee mads Its revolutionary report.
Impressed by this unregulated system,
the Ml committee took the bold step of
employing an entirely new system of
ranking, and In doing so virtually asked
the association Itself to regulate tlio
Opinions differ widely a lo what tlie
ranking should be. Some favor ranking
only the first ten men, others go fur
ther end advocate extending the list to
twenty-five or even fifty; but the great
majority want a larger list, one that will
Include every section of the country and
contain the name of every man who ha
won an open tournament or ha figured
prominently in three or more of the
scores of tournaments sanctioned by the
Scarcely a player can be found 'who
favors tbe abolition of the ranking. The
only arguments put forth on behalf of the
abolition are that no other sport-governing
body ranks It men: that no good pur
pose Is served by ranking Is so great that
It Is almost Impossible to find men t
aerve on the ranking committee. To tl'-e
last argument the reply is that President
Dwlght of the association could find
plenty of men willing to serve If he would
go outside of certain very limited circle.
As to the difficulty of ranking properly,
it Is pointed out thst If the committee
would take th trouble to examine th
records of the relatively poorer players
It would be an easier matter to place
1 them than It Is under the present plsii
of making only a superficial search for
Th Interesting part of It all la that
for the first time In many year the
matter of ranking will be brought up at
tlie annual meeting and thoroughly
threshed out.
a large (lumber or player will be dumped played her Hastings college defeeted
on the market wken thew ceding out pro- Corner at basket ball by th score of 41
cess starts. j to 3, Friday eve a in. Five minute
S before tb end of the gam tb count
WELSH-WAUGH FIGHT " "i01 " Hasting. puiid oft
l.nnrnuiTri w nnernmirn ' eerie. of fairly bewildering play and ran
INUCriPIIILLI ruairUiiCl .way from their opponents. Hasting
has a much stronger team than last year.
LOB AN08I.RS. ' Jan. -FtddM
Welsh, th Engneh lightweight, who was
rheduled to fight Bobby vYaugh twenty
round at Vernoa today, waa taken to
a hospital at Venice thla mommg. It waa
staled that he had at rained the tendons
of his neck and back ao arrevely last
night that he could not keep his ring
engagement. Welsh was to have been
th opponent of Ad, Woigaet Thanksgiv
ing day. when Wolrsst waa stria en with Welsh. It was later
caught cosi. which eettled In his muscle
and disabled him.
SANTA MONICA. Cel.. Jaa. xV-PhT-alctana
called to attend Freddie Welsh
her dechuwd th fighter waa Buffering
from mescal ar eoatraetlon. Weleh'a Beck
la stiff, almost rigid, and th doctors aald
It, waa a question whether be ever would
he able to fight again. "
when tt lost but ne game. The lineup:
W. imlth........L.F.;L.F Morten
Mrhleehw T......R.FJ R.F. Brltt
Rodney Punlap...C.iC Squires
Yager. Reuben LO Bell
Puhlap LO.iR-O. Ogdea
R AnHh........R.G.i
Coal from field: W. 8mlth. (: Schtea-
ler. : Rodnev Dunlap. R. Smith, 1:
Morton. I: Brltt. t. Bell. L
Goals from free throw: Mchlssler, 7:
Brttt. .
UM I Referee. Burdkvk. Hsstlug. empire.
S' llnmla
Falrmawt Wtna frwaa .
' FAIRMONT. Neb.. Jan. 3k iperial
The Fairmont basket bail team defeated
Ong at Ong Thursday night m a game
of basket t IL . Th Fairmont boy won
by better team work. Tbe first half
ended wtth tbe score S to 11 In Fair
mont favor. Final score. K te ML This
is the first game Oag haa teat this
ST. EDWARD. Neb., Jan. M.-tSpeclaL)
The Stste College of Agriculture basket
hall team suffered defeat from the St.
Edward High arbool team laat night. 2
, to 14. It was a fast and Interesting game
from start to finish.
81 Edward ha won six straight games,
not losing on this season.
Amity Beat by Tar Lie.
TARKIO. Mo- Jan at (Spec at I Tel
Mmm 1 A mil v colleee from Collece
i Springs, la-. - was Tarkto's first bas
ket osll opponent lor irut eeanon.
The game was a wa-kaway for
Tarklo. although Amity started strong.
Tre final erore waa Is K. Tarkm has
a team composed almost entirely f new
merf. trrre being on,y one man en
true year's teem. Csptain Peterson and
R. Gewdy starrd for Tackle. Saldino re
Athletic will be Tarkie next rivals and
will be met on tbe local floor tomorrow
HesHse a Maaasev.
'Noah Henline. hvet siaimi an Oriole,
mar land as snanager- f th Danville
University of Iowa
Leads Rifle League
WASHINGTON. Jan. ).-Th L'nlrer
iltr of Iowa led the Western Intercol
legiate rtlfle Shooting leagu In the first
possible l.tut points. Iswa was pitted
against the University of Minnesota,
which scored S30.
Other score were: University of Cali
fornia tit. versus Purdue university Mr;
University of Michigan fts, versus Uni
versity of Arixona alt: Michigan Agri
cultural college SI I. vermis UnJverwiy
of Nebraska, defaulted: College of Mt.
Thomas 73A. versus Ksneaa university,
In the Inter-city tournament New ,
Haven. Conn., led with Mt, Bridgeport.
Conn, 'second with feX.
Iowa City High school. Western High
school. 1 District of Columbia), Southern
High school or Philadelphia; Salt Lake
(Utah) High .school and Portland iWe.l
High school are tied for first place witn
two victories In the high echool cla-w.
'! team la the L-L-L league.
Real Bsaagrr.
A good deal of salve haa been spread
regarding the Fogel-Dooin peace agreement-
but Inside Information is to tbe
effect that all the "confessions ' had to
b made by Focel and that Dooin here
after will be aomethtng of a manager
In fact aa well as ia name until Fecal
break ut again.