Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 34

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    IJlJi OMAHA SLDAl BEb: JAiSLAKl. 21, lyli
January Sales, at Brandeis Stores
Every Omaha Woman Should Attend These Special Bargain Events Monday and All This Week' .
Om Trent Bargain
Square New 111
Foulards: deto.
small end med
Sum desiaiie.
few floral pat
tor Se
t yard
fit-In. Half Wool
Repellant Suit-
Ings. gray and
brown only
4SI &ZTm I K39c
Hih Class Imported Wash Fabrics
for 1912
( In Our WasJ) Goods Section, on Main Floor.
We hare doubled the space for this popular section. Hundred
of Omaha women are talking of the beautiful fabric that Braodelsaro
showing In advance of the new aeaaon. Many of the foremoet Waan
Good houee send u their exclusive design In Voile. Marqnlaettea.
rieur de Meeaellnes. Efleure Voile and ail of Godde Bedlu Co.,
Lyons, products. Exclusive pattern at Brandel mean Just the one
of one kind and we control the display of extreme sarveltlea the same
a New York and Chicago mrtet shop. Price are Sue: per yard
76 pteJes'of 50c 811k Stripe Voile. 27 Inch, wide; at, yard...2ftc
(0 pieces of satin trip Irish Poplins. 17 Inches wide: at. yard..e
100 piece of Butterflelds Knglish tie Voiles: at. ysrd. . ..... .
40 piece of Priestley' 40-inch Silk Stripe Voijes. worth l.SS....e
SS pieces of 24-tach silk finished 60c Bengallne Glace; at. Tard..SWe
66 piece of the genuine Ensure Voile, border, floral and Jardm-
s'pl f04nch Voile,' regular price is 60c; at. yard.. Sc
Show Correct Styles and Exclusive Demgus.
W announce the showing of Spring 11 of fhlon latest de
crees In dree. .ilk, comprising sbedwater and spotpiwf. hl.h cUs
bordered effects, double width Foulards. In design, of Filet Venlss
and Mscrsm. lac and Bulgarian. Chine, Egyptian Celtic : origin
Zombr. and Bordnr. Centrlfical Voile d. t-Pn"d lht
Bole Illuminated Bordered Fleur de Sole, the sublime chiffon tar
fetas; ! inches and ft inches wide, at, yrd. $1.00 to tl.5.
New Imported Dress Silk for Street and Eevemnjr Wear
dJ-lndi ChanUlly Channeuse, a soft, clinging dres allk nnllk any
thTn?.."ihow. The well known C J. Bonnet, Lyon.
itrlctly confined to n for Omaha. IS.60 quality. $2.95
very poelal, at
Our IMS Pekln Stripe. In all width trip, from 4 of an Inch to
1H inches: navies predominating with the white stripes, QC-
17 Jnchss'wlds; at, yard
36-inch and 24-inch Waterproof Foulards; patterns, in
Arabesque, Cathedral, Gothic, Dresden, Siamoiso, Eyelet,
Filet, Cameo and Jardiniere; also dotB and stripes of all
eizes in all the leading shades- 311(1 $1
" Dreis Goods for 1912 Are Here
Early showing of the newest 54-inch tailor Buitings, Eningle
diagonals, glace effects, Bengafine cords, costume surges,
shrunk and sponged gray Vigoureaux Buitings,-mixed
grays and tans, and the fashion's decree, creme serges and
T:1: 75c and $1.95
On Front Bargain Square I, 111 yaras
of ll-lnch to It-Inch dress goods
checks, stripes, n-sdliim weight
homeapuns. Scotch suitings, . r-Qj,
etc, tic t It valus. at yd.
One sauar of mostly 60-Inch .to
St-loch fabric: many ar from
the f 1.50 to $1 00 grade; st, a
yard GO 79 08
New Arrivals in Women's Ready-to Wear Section
Women's New Wool Serge Dresses for 1912
Here ars those favorite new models of practical serges and whipcords smart and
BOTel designs for the new season, in white, nary, brown and black
t S10.00 12.50 $15.00 SI 9.00 $25.00 S35.00
Dainty New Silk, Net and Lace Party Dressei
New. arrivals of charming party and evening frocks In the dressiest, smartest mod
sis that bare yet come out for 1I1J all new features
" ... $19.00 925.00 $35.00 $49.00
SpeciarShowing of Misses' Wash Dresses
They ar Jnst as practical as they ars pretty. They are the new season's hits for
misses; special prices ar $2.50 $2.98 $3.98 $5.00 $6.98
Pretty New Wash Frocks, Children & Juniors
Ths new spring wash fabrics, la chambrays, percales, repps, ginghams, cotton cor
duroys and lava. Hundred of pretty styles, different from past season's styles
984 $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 $2.98 $3.98 $5.00 $43.98
Special Groups in Our Jan. Undermuslin Sale
Omaha's great bargain event that la appreciated by keen buyers. ' Monday we will
offer new lots and make bigger bargain than ever at 45 98 $1.39 $1.98
French Undernuallns at unheard of price. Our own Importation that we offer
made op in designs strictly under our own direction at reduced prices.
Fur Coats Furs Sets Furs Scarfs Fur Muffs
From Our Big Purchase
Eastern furrier's entire surplus stock at about one-half the actual value also clearance
sale of all our own great stock othigh class furs at bargains equally wonderful all this week.
January Sale of Drapery Materials and Curtains
BUBtHl rnmuFWH .., i .m.,.". ' .
up lo a yard; will Madras, worth up to
so on wl at. por H a ysru; win o
yard I Pr yri
190 paint of Not Curtains. trlmmMi
wlih Mrio Antolnotto braid; worth
polr, st. polr ...I !
teas Oaruia Brflm. ' -Lauo
Curtains, worth up la
t. polr . .1J
Imv Curtains, worth up to J o
l, polr . .J
Lac Curtains, worth up t
au pair M-s
All our Bunsalow and
niot not, wortn op to
6o a yard; will so at,
por yard
On bl lot of Oeuch Cevors.' '
Inches wido. thst ar .worth up to
il.k, at ofb . '
BpMUl svtoo s Wtaw Bkade.
Llnrn Mhouos. laches by foot
at. ooch .....
Unn Hhodoo, S Inches by t foot
st, each .'.
Boat Oil Opottuo Shades, II Inches
t fnol l. ooch
Monday Specials in our January Linen Sale
Scalloped Edge Table Cloth st
ta.ea Very fine quality Aus
trian damask table cloths, 72
z7 1-Inch stie, with ths famous
"Interlock" edge; warranted
to gtv ths very best service;
regular 14.10 valnas: your
choice of either square or
round cloth; each, $2.98
M M Table Cloths si W.SO
Extra fin quality, heavy dou
ble saUa damask, 2x1 H yard
its; never sold at any linen
. store for lea than $4.8; on
wis at $2.50
axS-yard Table Cloths st $'.
Excellent quality pars Irish
linen draek table cloths,
txS-yard sis; very attractive
assortment of pattern to se
lect from; usually sell at
$J.8; Monday special '
t $3.48
Bed Spreads Large slie fring
ed bed spreads, very heavy
crochet with out corners; suit
able far largo brass beds. Our
' regular quality; each,
ftoalloped ManetUe Spreads at Very fins quality satin
marsellles bed spreads, seal
' loped with cut corners; regu
lar It.OO spreads, ss. $3.50
Mill Ends of .
Table Damask
Monday we offer immense assort
ments of the very finest grade of
imported mercerized table da
mask, which regularly sells
everywhere at 59o up to 75c a
yard-in lengths of Vfa
yards to 4 yards
sale Monday
An extra good quality of 72-Inch Purs
Linen Double Batln Damask; regularly
worth 1. M a yardj at, yard.. $1.39
11.60 gradea of Purs Irish Linen Double
Satin Damask, 7 Ins. wide, yd., t5
Very heavy weight silver bleached Pure
Linen Austrian Damask, 72 In, wide;
worth; i, yd 7k
M-inca full bleached Pur Irish Linen
Satin Damask; an 85c value; at, per
Trd 59
w vo'v m j s isw a
ards on r(s
at, yard.
Linen Pillow Tubing 4 5-Inch
round thread pure linen tub
ing, a beautiful quality, usu
ally sel)lng st 98c a yard
special sale price, yard.(J9t
Lisem Sheeting Extra weight,
round thread pure IriBh linen
sheeting, U Inches wide;
11.25 grsde; at, yard.. .854
Linen Sheets 72xtt-locn sixe,
worth 7.60 a pair; at, per
pair $4.93
Linen Pillow Caee Made of
the very beet grade of round
thread Irish linen.' 45x36-in.
alse; worth 12.98 Monday
special, pair $1.85
Large sixe Irish or Austrian
Linen Hurk Towels, fine
weave; worth $1 to 11.25,
at, each 49g
Large aixe Scalloped or Hem
stitched Huck Towels; 4 worth
60c to 75c, t, each ..25
White Fleece Bath Towels,
double thread, long nap; reg
ular 25c value, t each 15
Regular 50c value at ..25
Regular $1 value each, 49
6c Turkish Wash Cloths at 2t
January Sale of White Goods
White Goods "
Section, Basement.
A remarkable variety of beautiful hand embroidered White Cotton Crepe. These are our own di
rect importations. Dafnty, new design for ltll. Select your dress or waist pattern now while assort
ment ars perfect, at, yard, $4.60 down to 26c. ,
40-lach White E s g 1 1 s h
Dotted Crepe Very fin
quality; op sal at, per
Jrd $1.39
40-Inch Plain White Cot.
toa Crepe Extremely
. fins for waists and
gown; at, yd 75
IV-laoh While BaikroMorod
Orope In pin uou and
other dainty dotlins, for
waist, dresses, unorrwoar.
ftc; fc quality; on sale
su yard as
as-luh Waits SlppoUtte
Tho roush dry fabric umd
so much for houao dreaeoa,
wsista. rhlldron's wear,
undvrmuslUia, etc.: neet
no IronlDg. pcil, yd. 16a
Heavy Dresden
Patterns, all col
ore, worth to 24,
at .... $1.98
1 I
Great Sale
See Douglas SL
Greatest Specials in January Sale , of
High Class Embroideries
Thousands of yards of crisp, new 18 and 27-inch fine Swiss,
batiste and cambric embroidered flouncings, skirtings, cor
set coverings; also wide insertions and galloons. The clev
erest designs of 1912 in beautiful eyelet, floral and combi
nation effects. Greatly admired in our dis
play window. Many actually worth 60c a
yard big bargain . square piled high; at,
a vard
Here's a New Lot of New Season Patterns -
27-inch Batiste Embroidered Flouncings, in dainty, new
combination Irish crochet, Venise and blind relief effects;
also 45-inch fine embroidered batiste skirtings in elegant
blind relief and English eyelet effects; worth up
to $1.50 a yard bargain square; at, yard; ..... . . . OC
Wide corset cover embroideries; also medium and wide
edges, up to 12 inches wide; hundreds of effective designs
to select from. "Worth up to 25c a yard - 1 f
bargain square, at, yard
Pure Linen Torchon Laces, Piatt Vals., Point Paris and Certain Cluny
Laces, etc.; many worth np to 15c yard on big bargain
square at, yard
SeeBrandeis Superior Line of Hair Goods
Second Floor and Pompeian Boom.
If you'll inspect thl department' you'll see at a glance the high
standard of excellence we maintain and realhte that our prices cannot
be duplicated, quality for quality. Our hair cannot be detected from
your own that's "Brandeis Quality.
Gray Switches Short
stem, all long hair.
Prices upward
from $2.45
28-inch Natural Wavy Switch'
110.00 values, at
Cluster Puffs First
quality, 18 to 18
puff to the et
at $1.45
3 H -ounce:
Transformation) Made of natural wavy hair,
16.00 value at $3.98
AHover Hair Nets 35c (lies while they last
at 25
' Manicuring with , Brandeis Oriental 'Oil is an innovation iire
serves the beauty of tho nails prevents brittlenes and hang nails.
Appointments made by phone.
Lindsay Ligtits and Mantles
In China Section West Arcade
. A demonstration and sale Monday, Tuesday and
Mr. H. H. Oaborn, special representative direct
from the factory, will be on hand to explain the upr
lor durability and lighting capacity of their line.
Special cut prices will prevail all during the demon
stration on every item In the line.
Osm-o Inverted Lights
complete at , ....Sl.1
Kxcelalor Inverted Lights,
complete at
Comet Inverted, Lights
complete at . i
No. t Upright Lights
complete st
Kesular 10c Mantles, st.
e. h T
Regular lie Mantles, at..
each ...too
Regular 19c Mantles, st.
esch ..i
BrKiilar tic Mantles, st.
earh '
a .nl.ndld opportunity to lay In a good aupply for
the future. ' .
!cieik f District Court t Select
Hew Xembm.
Betweea Klahtr l"r Deaie
rratle Jswra mm I'lrrks Ar
.. Mtae bf ,
Rrpakltraas. '
Bvtwsea dfbty nd atnsty democratic
Judges and clerk of election who have
served In Douglas county since the pri
mal y last fall and who were supposed
to have been appointed to serve tor ens
year, will be removed and replaced with
republicans by Robert Smith, clerk of lbs
district court. This actios will takes
upon the advice of Deputy State Attorney
Item Welcomed
By .Vlany Men
This recipe caa be filled st borne,
so that bo one need kaow of aa
etbar's troubles, as the Ingredient
can be obtained separately at any
well stocked drug store, fhejr are
In rednlar use a uJ many different
prescriptions are constantly being
rilled with thna.
This will prove a welcome bit of
Information for all those who are
overworsed. Bloomy, deapondent.
nervous ihi have trembling llmba,
heart palpitation, alsslneaa, cntd
cxtremttlea, Ineomnla. fear with
out iue, timidity la ventutin.
and general inability to art natur
ally sad rationalljr as others do.
becauae the treatment can be pre
pared secretly at home and taken
without any one'a knowledge.
Overworked office men sad the
many victims of society's laie
hours and dissipation will. It Is
said, find the restorative they ar
la need of.
If the reader decides ts try It.
get three ounces of ordinary syrup
saraswanlla compound aad one
auoce compound fluid balmwort;
Rilx and let stand two hours; thee
ret one ounce compound essence
eardtol and one ounce tincture ca
domese compound not cardsmoa ,
mis all tosether. shake well end
take a teaapoonful after each meal
and one wbeo rettrtna.
A certain well-known medical ex
pert saaerts tnat tbvu nana of men
and tiany women are sufferers all
t:auae of dormant circulation of
the blood and a eenseqaeatlal Ini
pasrmeiH of the aervoue foroe.
which kecet the most dreadful
symptom aad untold misery
Oeneral Oesrg W. Ayres. It wlU give
ths rspuhUeaaa a majority oa practloally
svsry prsdnet eleottoa board, la the
county, while at present .the demoorau
ar In the majority la most of the pre
cincts. '
Mr. Hmllh wrote to Attorney Oeneral
Grant Martin for an opinion as to whether
he should appoint new election boards
tor the spring primary. Ths law says
ths boards shall be appointed at least
sixteen days before the primary of each
year and shsll serve 'for a year. "The
coming of this year's primary loss thsa
a year after that of ltll caused Mr. Smith
to wonder whether he should appoint new
boards. By so doing he would be. end
ing the terms ef the present boards within
lees than a year.
Mr. Ayres says In his opinion Ih law
refers to political rather than calendar
years snd ths terra Vyeer" as used In
this statute mesne ths period of time be
tween one general primary election aad
the next. ' '
Answers as a Lawyer.
Mr. Ayres explstns that his opinion Is
given merely ss a lawyer. Mr. Smith's
letter was referred to htm for answer, but
be cannot answer It as. deputy attorney
general because that office csa give offi
cial opinions only to slat officers and to
county attorneys.
have confidence enough, in Mr.
Ayrear opinula to be goveraed by It." sshl
Mr. Smith. "1 will notify Baa & Baker
and L. J. Piatltl.. chairman ef the County
Central committers, to furnish Mats from
which 1 shsll appoint the new election
Judces and clerks. Wnee the bead ef the
republican ticket carried nearly all ths
predneta in the last election, the repub
licans will have majorities en the new
hoards. Ths democrats did have majori
ties because the bead of the democratic
ticket carried most at the precincts u
the previous elecUoa.
"1 am going te make It clear to ths
chairmen that they will be responsible
for the character ef men ea the board.
Mr. Plata erWrlxed the boards last fail
and probably tbreush sataonderatandlng,
bald me napoaslbl. thews then, .a I
shall thai time, I-had to make selections
tram the Hsu aires ma. -1 shall make tt
dear te bath Mr. Plattl and Mr. Baker
that they are ieonible for the boaida.
( shall not be brld ' responsible aad at
the same time be restricted to the nets
tber give me."
All Have a Chance
: to Submit Figures
on Decoration Plan
No contract for Interior decoration of
the new county building will be awarded
by the Board of County Commissioners
until after thorough consideration of the
proposals ef the firm and persons who
have bid for tbe work, and thorough
eonslderatioa of ths plea of Orchard A
Wllhelm Carpet company and others thst
tbe board reject all prop ess Is and read
vertlss hi order that all may bars op
portunity to bid.
After hearing a plea from the Orchard
ft Wllhelm representatives, aad after
viewing sketehee submitted by Kucha,
Son A Blind and M. L. Eadrss, present
bidders, the board has decided to post
pone final artloa for several days la
order thst mors eonslderatioa may be
Siren the situation. The board may re
ject all bid and readwrtlss.
rireaaea ts Meet Is Ptervw.
PIERRE, g. D., Jan. - Special Tele-
rje The Board ef Control ef ths
State Ftl anna's sasarlalhiu at tta
1 aa-
saa! bnshisss masting bare today asliimd
Plem a la aaxl place mr bi alias ta
at June.
which WW be i
Funeral services for Mrs. John Qlgen
sack, ths Satvattoa' Army private who
died Friday afternoon at bar boms, tt
North Twenty -0 ft h street, from causae
incident to nervous prostration, will be
held Sunday afternoon st tbe Salvation
Army ball at ITU Davenport street, at I
Mr. Glgengsck bss bees connected with
ths local post for over fifteen years, and
she was ens of ths most active workers
in the corps. She suffered a' general
breakdown about s year ago and had
beea suffering until death relieved her.
She Is survived by her husband and on
soa and a daughter. Memorial services
will be held at the Salvation Army ball
la aer bower next Sunday night.
. Special mestlnaa trill continue d urine
next week at tbe Plret United Prasbyte-
rlaa euurck, Twwnty-ctret and Kiauwt
streets. Dr. A. C Dougta will preach
Sunday morning ea "Tbe Bible, ftod'i
Book for Man." and tat the evening on
"He oOadosnnatiow.-
' On Monday events Rev. Mr. Polack
ef Sewth Omaha win conduct tbe asrrloa
. Dr. Daagiea ssl return from Das
are OM
During Week Jut Ended 85,500
Porker Are Brought In,
Xe Kaseeial Resume Is Gives far tbe
Heavy Receipts Kxeept that tbe
Hess Vera Ready te Come
V aad Ar Chipped la.
Mors hogs ware received at the South
Omaha market, during be week Just
ended than during any similar period In
the history of the Magic City. It la re
ported ths receipt of hogs for ths week
ending Daturday totaled eVao. t'p to ths
present time the record week waa that
ending December 17. 1M, when (1,101 hogs
were received.
'There's no special reason for the
heavy receipts at this time.'' says A. c.
Davenport of South Omaha. "It's just
one of those 'happen so.' There ars
plenty of boss In the country: tbey were
ready to come, and they simply came,
We have been expecting a heavy rua for
some tiro.'
Nothing extraordinary exists at this
time hi tbe matter of sheep and cattle
receipts, thougn they are. coming in
steadily. Reports from Wyoming aad all
tbe sheep country In the northwest are
that the sheepmen feel much easier since
ths enow la melting, allowing the flocks
to find ample grasmg. . I
A aear riot wae caused la police court
among the officers and court officials
when the announcement was made by
Judge Foster that tbe court room was to
be painted and a new linoleum placed ea
tbe floor.. Measurements were taken for
the work. The pressut knoleum ea tbe
court room floor has bsea there for ever
seven years, sad unices ene has very
good eye tbe fact that the fleer Is cov
ered with anything but dirt at arassst
Gov. Aldrich is to
Speak Sunday, to
Y. M. 0. A. Members
Governor Cheater H. Aldrich will give
an address oa "The Mental Biography of
ths Naiarene" at ths Sunday afternoon
men's meeting In the Young Men's Chris
tian Association building sasembly hall
tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.' George
F. Ollmore, president of the association,
will preside and Introduce the governor.
Tbe Invocation will be pronounced by Rev.
M. B. Williams, pastor of the First
Methodist church, and ths benediction,
by Rev. K. R. Curry, 'pastor of ths Cal
vary Bsptiat church. Charles R. Gardner
will lead the singing and wlU give sev
eral solos. Ths doors win be open at
S: - .
Governor Aldrich will be met at the
station at nooa and escorted to his hotel
by a special committee, which will enter
tain blm at dinner. He will be a lunch
eon guest at the boms of Howard H.
Baldridge. t
The city engineering department has re
ceived a letter from SaaUago, Chile, ask
ing for tbe Information leaflet about
Omaha, announcement of ths publication
ef which the corespondent says he saw
la Tbe Bee. The letter, written In Span
lh. was translated by Will Cam pea.
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Campen, who was born In Spain and
spent some time la Panama, where Mr.
Craig met him. Younx Campen la flow
In tbe Omaha High school.
Another letter, requesting a copy of
the leaflet baa been received from Louis
ville, Ky. Numerous letters have been
reoeeved star the publication of thai
booklet and the supply Is bow nearly ex
hausted. It gives eacetnetly the advan
tages ef Omaha aad a bat ef the present
Industries located here.
David Henry, a small boy Bring at 111
North Fortieth street, ta moklag for ths
meanest maa earth.
This Ms man. who ta unknown to
David, went Into tbe latter back yard
traveler. The boy
asm the theft BT his
trst aier had aa been tbe fastest ex, ea
the M0 aad the envy of every key.
Lent, the executive committee of the
W estern Development, leagur-
W'ben formar Oovernor James H. Brady
of Idaho, president of the Westers De
velopment leaa-oe. raawed through Omaha
about a month ago. be said tbe execs-'
five committee of the lea sue would meet
ta Omaha sa January X The members
ef tbe esa-unlttae have xtst showed up aad
Sscrstarr S. T. Parrkw
beard nsthing from them.
Negro Woman Kills
Her Paramour Who
Started a llumpus
John Murray waa murdered by Gertie
Mansfield at : yesterday afternoon
while they were eating dinner at the
letter's borne, xJ Capitol avenue. Both
are colored. Murray waa shot once In
the hesd and twice in the abdomen, dy
ing Instantly. H waa m years old.
, It. was dinner time at Gertie's home
and Murray, her paramour, came in tor
his mid-day repast. Hs appeared to be
out of kilter from Indulgence In liquor,
and was Irritated when hs found thst
nertla had not provided a glass of water
at his place. Words followed, (and In
the heat of argument, bom arots ana
dsshed tor ths pisna upon which a re
volver lay. Gertie got there first and In
the scuffls that ensued the shots were
. t a Hihrr colored women. Beatrice Ie
and Josephine Lewis, were seated at the
table when Murray exhibited nis eis
pleasur. and alter the climax 1i ad been
reached they held Gertie untU the police
arrived. 8hs waa placed in Jail on the
charge ef murder, while Murray's body
was taken by ths coroner. The Lee snd
Lswts women are held in Jail aa stste
witnesses. The Mansfield woman aava
she shot Murray in aelf defense.
Ernest Stuht Body
Will Arriye Sunday
Ths body of Ernest Stuht, the pioneer
Omaha resident who died at Loa Angeles,
Is expected to arrive here Sunday even
ing at o'clock, and arrangements have
beea made to conduct the funeral serv
ices Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock at
tbe late home. 1X3 South Thirtieth ave
Boe. Rev.. J. C. Hnmmoa aad Rev. O.
D. Bait sty. former end pi mint pastor,
respectively. ef Kountas Memorial
church, will officiate, aad Interment will
be 'made ta Prospect Hill cemetery-
Dr. A. K. 8tuht, axnsmpanted by Ms
wife. Is already here to attend the funeral
of his fattier, as Is also a daughter. Mrs.
O. R Potter, of Shelby. Nee . accom
panied by her husband. Clinton R. Stent
of (tpokano will also attend the funeral.
The body Is being accompanied by the
widow and her dauchter. Mra. L. E.
Kneale. vf Las Angeles. Mrs. Kneaie'a
two daughters are alse members ef tbe
funeral party. Fred Stunt, brother of
tbe deceased, of Baacroft. Neb, wfll at
tend, but Charles Stuht aad Mis Minnie
Stunt, brother and easter ef Ernest Stuht.
J war anaaie t tenia.
Thieves Take Cash
'from Savings Bank1
J. K Englund. 8M Grant street, re
ported to the police that hi horn was
broken Into by thieve and M in cash
taken. Half of this amount was In a
rmsll saving bank which was taken by
the thieve. Entrance to the place wa4
gained by raising a window on the first
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their system in advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother sida
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de-.
mands made upon it, and she' is often
left with weakened health or chronic '
ailments. No remedy is so truly s
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
snd no expectant mother should fail
to use it It relieves the pain sad
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscle which
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the tear that the crisis
msy not be safely met . Mother's
Friend assures a speedy and complete
i ceo very for th mother, snd she is
to enjoy the
left a healthy
rearing of her
child. Mother's
Friend is sold at
drag' stores,
Write for our free
book for expect
ant mothers which, contains much
Valnxble information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
Scad Announcement
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