THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: .TAXUARV 21. l!Ui GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sentiment in Wheat Trade Shift to the Baring Side. LITTLE HOPE FOK COO BEAKS c'ar aa Btff Rea in Coaceraedi a lively Jimant Is Nat Ex. est far Sane Tlase laak Drasausd Better. OliXTui. Jn. a. lsil I to sentiment in the wheat trade waa iMli.iit.teolv on the buying aids today, n tie Argentine news la positively butiieh. as b-th the iiuahty and quantity of wheat Hum that country haa been reduced con eidrrably. At the same time alt foreign inaiketa ara showing good strength. I Me one tiling lacking to ntaka a good I uit market li the lack of any adequate ash demand to reduce th big visible Uii.y. rivre Ik utile hope tor the been la i n ax far a a big run of receipts la .-oncernrd In the near future. The casB tfirtand Is steadily improving and ail nat ural .-ondition point to htguer level, and w-ntiinent among the best tradera favors itn Mdvance. tVleat ruled firm and Wither, helped l the strength In com and strong t'ir--.a,rt cables, rash wheat was unchanged. ('m continues to more than hold its .an; and news is bullish nnd values will likely be higher. Casta com sold le higher i'iav. . Primary wheat receipt were bu. aiI hlpm.-ms Km Ul. bu.. against teceipt last rear of iK.OOO bu. and ehlp 1.1. nix of . bu. 'I'rtmary com receipts were 715,00 bu. :m. shipments were 4SS.O0O bu.. agamst receipts la.vt year of KS.4N bu. and Ship ment of 4M.ta) bu. Clearance were llt.SOO bushel of corn, !.""' bushels of oats and wheat and flour -Miial to S7;,4U) bushels. Liverpool cloned 'id hither on wheat iid ',d lower on corn. I iie following cash sales were reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard, 2 cars, No. J nam, s car, tl.oi. orn: M). 4 yenow, i ar. tic; i car. .i4jC; No. 3 mined, t ars. 3V: No. 4 mUeJ, 1 car. 61ic; no grade. 1 car, tOc. . Umaha Cask Price. MHKAT-No. 3 hard. H.WUtriM: Na 1 hard. tl.00tjl.03; No. 4 hanl. H.Vtrtl OHk. 1'oi:N-No. 3 whir, cosmic: No. 4 v l.lle. lBtf3Uc; No. 3 colot CV'iiiV : No. eiiow. 33Hc; No. 4 veilnw. tiMfCc; No. .;. Of:; No. 4, tltiOJijC; no grade, bwrfWr. oT!-No. J white, tJW'ic; standard, 4n4v: No. t white. 4(irtr4sr; No. 4 w'mc. 4M,tr48V: Na 3 yellow, 4k4!V-; :.o 4 yellow. 4jr4ji4c. " II.X KLKY-Ns. J halting. H COffl M: .. 1 feed. lofttXx; rejected, heavier fcil. S6etilj.0. UYE-No. :. !; No. 1 S(l)c. 1'erlot Bex-elate. Wheat. Corn. Oats. hlfag It 319 1 -Vlnneapolis K6 ma!:a ; is M S l'U.iith 12 exlia shorts. !.; clear ribs. . 50; short I clears. .7k I FUl I.TKY mill: chickens. 10c: springy lc: turkeys, lit-: docks, lie; geese, Jc BITTER-Steady; crearnerr, 31fc. ECUS-Fine, Jtc Receipts Shipment Flour, bbls, ta , Wheat, bu 44 37a Corn, bu Ik :. Oais, bu 14.00 ll.r) 4 III4-AUII GltAIV ao mu IMOM 1-Vii lures of the Tradlag aad i lewlag I'rlee a Board al Trade. fllir.vao, Jsn. .-Wliest trader to. 'v showed themaelven responsive to onfirmed reports of famine piicrs pre vmiiiig ttirotiKliout large distrh-t In Rus a. Ao-ordinKly, the lo left the mar ket al an advance of l4iSe over last r:Kt't. t'orn finished 40 up, oats un c a:iged to , higher and lug products at a decline of :4idc. Scantlnees of wheat .offerinKa from I:ii-la Influenced buyers, who also were nUietrd because of. reduced estimates on t'-e Australian crop and owing to receipts i.oilhwesl of Chicago being small com I a red with the corresponding day a year uko. I'ropHMs cf a substantial falling if In the I'nllcd State vlnble supply tulal counted likewise ugalnst the bears. Autwithsiandin tlut selling grea- lib eial, the market suffered no Important ceibtck. closing steady at practically tne top figures f the day. May ranged from I.oo4. with lam si.lrs at 1 00V, a net gain of kc Corn was strong from the start. Buy. lug appeared to l lth for luveirtnient and -yprcuiatlre account despite the fact 104 the acatlier had taken a more fa vorable turn, May fluctuated between vifcHc, closing steady, ,o net higher, nt rs'sc. t'ash houees were large buyer In tha-aaintNe market, i o. 3 yellow wa nut tjiiulcd. oats, although extremely dull, took ttie'r cue from other grain. 1,'pper and i wer lewis touched by May were 4V a mI itiV with lai-t sale at 4V, a gain of So over last night. . . in the provision crowd it began to look aw If the friends of the hog had been v ercanfldent. - Prices gradually slid eff and tonight pork ws down SftlOc and ln.iwl or twiw lwr. - , Madng options Cioaed as rnllow: lORK IERII, MARKBT Qaolattoaa af lha Dar a arleas renmsaealltlea. NEW YORK. Jsn. K-KI.OUIt-yulet; Prlng patents. K.Mja.t-, winter straights. 44.154I4J:.; winter patents. HMm.7: spring dears, t4.Sajf4.40: Kansas straights, K'V tr4.. icye riour, stcadv; fair to good. M.7tHe-W: choice te ianey. s. Buckwheat flour; quiet; fine white and yellow,; coarse. i4igL; kiln dried, txas. BYE-4Julet: No. , Wc. c. I. f. Buffalo. BARL.KY Easy; malting. tl.SUl 36 c. L f.. Buffalo. WHKVAT Spot market, steady: No. ; rea. ssc elevator, export basis, ana P.Otvs f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern liuluth. ILSOUj f. o. b. afloat. Put urea market was steady with small offering due to steady cables, less favorable Australian crop ad vices and sympathy with the outside mar kets, -closing He net higher; May cloaed tl.utH: July. il.m. COllN Spot market, firm; export new. T, f. o. b. afloat; future market was nominal. OATS-Spot - market steadr; standard white. I&tsc In elevator: No . LSc: No. 3 and No. 4. Sattc; natural white and white cuppea. wc on track. Futures market nominal. HAY-steadr: prime. $1 tS: No. 1, gl.: No. t tl.liarl.30: No. i. 5c 00. IWJKS-guiet: Central America, I.'.-; Bogota. e;3V I.KATHKK Firm: hemkek first. ' re: seconds, !243tc; thirds, aUCc: r Jected. 15c. PHOVISIONS-Pork. stead?-: mess. tl'TM tanilly. a.Oaa-J0u, snort clean-. tl7.tUtrM.Mt Beef, quiet: mesa, HS.flOttU lft, family. K.iwISr; beef ham. t s-Ki . Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies. u to 14 pounds. t.S: plcklrd hams. ll wb 11 Lard, easier: middle weal, prime, t!.2a: refined, steady; txmtlnent. -75: outn Ainenca, t0.40; compound, p.OTWti TA14J1W Steady; prime city hogs heads. lu.W; special, as.b2; country, fetuvi BUTTER Irregitlgr: creamery specie 1. 40c: extra. 39c, firsts, JC43tc; process specials. SSflSHfc. 'HEK8B-!teady. .KCHiS Hteady; fresh gathered, extras. V(i;:;c; extra firsts, Waic; flisti, rU 3:1c. POULTRY Alive, nominal: dressed, easier; western chickens, 13itjl9e; fowls, lHlc: turkeys, liac. KEW YORK STOCX MARKET Brief Sestioi Semarkable for Activ ity and Strength. SOME LmUEHCES SPECULATIVE Baylaa Sievesaewt Rea a sard la Mod erate Degree, 4eaerat Aelvaaeew aarfctas Pint Heel Sew ' f Decided fhararter. in s r .li. lei Open. llign.) U. Close. Yes'y. 10, Sii'V twSi . heat I ' Jn.. 9 I ' May. 1 w'i5,, .. July., Ha I Jsn . j May. WhOi'si T .luly. 4ii,i . Sept. WSW'a! ":J:.:.:.:l May. 4MrHl Julv. 4si ' Sept.! 4CJti 1'ork .ln.,i 15 M 15 SO .May. 1 174: 1 211 July. I us ,m a-: Ijir.i I Jan..r 9 W I a 10 1 NI .IHH HI 1 WO".! ! I asi Kw SH Of easi :lsliii,ia'virai Sei,tJ'sl 4!''4M-4 ial ttwl 4-,l 40"jl I . I WrUI 44I 4'1 49Mj I 13 W 1 i I la 10 1 16 11U 16 2i ,16 21 H at ' B OT'.J It 07u!a ton It '.Mnl.i3Mi.tri 40 I 1 fcU t 32a 4, :ciX t..i. f, r ..yL..-rt. . . .. . . . juba f f i . ....I,:i. ..... . I...... gtji 4TI.4, ...;,(.; i-UI i iaj t 7i,;o , .miykis i iooiii lit is j ' (?h OuotaJfiuis were aa folfowd H.OI R Us rely steady: winter patents, t4 ' fr4 ; aimer straights, gl m 70 spring salmis, tl,.&i r: spring straight. Ii.ti-sitmi: bakers, (ui)iilt RYK-.Vo. 2. 85c. .HARLGY-Keed or mining. Sicll09 fair to choice malting. Sfncn-Tlmothy, Clover, t, ril'jVlstONS-M.M pork, old, tis.30; new. tll.Clt. Lrd. In llerces. $. rnort rllis. loose, ta.t-'S. Total clearsnrca of wheat and flour v.-er enual to 74.l Itu. primary receipts v.ere :,IM bu.. compared wllh i51.uu the corresiamding day a year ago, Katimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, .". cars: com, I cars; oata, & cars; huga, :.') hd. i gicago. ch I"r!ce Wheat: No. 1 red !-7uc; No. red. Miy; x0. ; hard. 9oc ntl.iO: No. t liard. ll.(o; No. i nonh ein. ! Ostjl.llit; No. i northern, fl.0H,w i.lo: Na 2 nortliern, .0Mil.; No, 2 -prlng. Siciltl.ir7; No. 3 spring, Mitl.07; No. 4 spring. Iirtl 08; velvet chaff, sue otl eA: durum, Mctltl.u. roni: No. J. HJSajflV: No. white. (34, Wc; No. i vellow. 43Csc: No. 4. lS2c: No. 4 white, t'ydc; No. 4 yellow. lV(t data: No. 1 white. 50H4fMc: No. t wnlie AWc; No. t white, 4tjate; standard,' ,ClOtlOlC. R Y fc No. f. r. UARLKY-tOcbtl 3T. CI,OVEK-tl5 ooyoo. Tl MOT H Y-tlZJMSiiU. ai'TTER - liasy, crtamerie. jje; Calrs. 2tjJ4r. KiJK!na; receipts. 1.417 case: at .mark, cases Included. !&&c; ordnary linns, r.nzx: firm. xm43-'c. CHEfaiK ttteadr: daisies. ls,fii;e mine. 10si4c: young Americas. i4,l,o" tcng hem. :48rc. piiTATOES-Jiafy; receipt. U cars J!tl.i ; rXl'LTRT-8teady: turkey. lTWliVkc liitrken, tfiiuc; springs, lie. VEAJ Steady, at 76 lie. StLeal Oeaerat Market. ST. LOCI8. Jan. .-WHKAT-Cash dull: track. Na 3 mL Kiectrtl.O: i ;ard. tl.02tjl.ll; Mjy. 3V:.Julr. ?V t 'ORN strong: No. S track, 4X?ic No. I whit. T'sfjtSc; Way, Ti,wTw' j .ilv. 7i:v. ' o.Tteady; tr.-ck. No. 2, SOc; No. v S te. jlW4iol,c. I! VK-Hiatier. i;c. ' ''l."I R fteadv red winter latent , 1.i4.e extra fanr' and straight. K.'ffo . : l-ard winter cieai-a. 4" ! sK:i-Trmothv. Til "15.i. (RXilEAIB.. !:ir A.N-Streag: acked. eajt irark. ei , , 1 ll.l--v.:. innony, SVVI.TW l--'i-ne. sl.-il.a. -i-Hi.iVI'IuN Vwrk. lower: Jr.hhrng. fl. lrd. tower: prime etffam. tvi2:i SK7U. Irv salt met iboxedi. unehanced: etaa snotty Va0; dear rib. tsj: short cm. rj. rlacon tboxed, unchanged; OMAHA C.ENtRAl, MARKBT. BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb carton.' 40c: No. Ila 10-lb. tub, S'ic; No. i, 30; packing, CHErJSE Imported Swing, He: Ameri can Swiss. c; block Swiss, 30c; twin. lSc: ?c; irinleis. Wc: young Americas. 30c; blue label brick, ISSc; lira berger. : lb., li-; 1-lb., 20c. POULTRY Broiler. 0 per dox: sprtngs. ISc; hen. 14c; eo, ks, lie; ducks. ISo; geese. Vie: turkey. 26e; plgsoaa, loir do., Alive, broiler. 12V; hen. 11c; e'd roosters and stags, ac: old ducks, fall feathered, 10c 1 gee, full feathered, 10c: turkeys. lc; guinea fowls, jjr each; pigeon, per doc, 71c: homer, per dox., II: squabs. No. 1, 11.50; No. 2, Mr. FT8H- tfresb frozen) Pickerel, 7c; white, 10c: pike. c; trout. 11c; large crap plea, 12ffl6c; tjpanlsh mackerel. 7c; eel. ltc; haddock. 13c; flounders. 13c; green catfish. 14c: roe ehad, fl eachi hd roe, per pair, too; salmon. 14c; halibut. 14c; yellow perch, tc; buffalo, tc; bullhead. He. Beef Cut Prices Rlb. Ne. 1. ISc: No. 4 13Ho; No. I, tHre. chucka No. i. -c; No. 2, THc; No. i. Ht Loins, No. 1, ISc; No. 1. HWc; No. J, 10e. Rounds, No. 1. loVsc: No. 1 Ksc; No. 3, tu. Piste. No. 1, (c; No. 3, c; No. 3. Use. FHCITS. KTt:. Annies, cookinc varie ties, per. bbl t;,75: Jonathan and Orime' Golden, per bbl.. t4.; Hen Iavl, er 001.. gi.w: fancy Winesaps. per bbl., 34 00: fancy Missouri Pippin, per bhl.. 13.50; fancy tlanoa. per bbl.. IC173: California ,elleflower, per box, fl.X; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy, per box, 32. so; Washington Spltxenherg, per box, te.60; Washington R. Beauty, per box. 3.' 40; Washington Htama.i Wlneaapa. per box. 12 Ml Banana, fancy select, per bunch. t2.2ttV4.4o; Jumbo, per bunch, t3.7Mr3.7a. Td'ioerrtes, Wisconsin fancy, per bhl., 110.00; per txx. ts.m Date. Anchor brand, nevr, 30 1-lb. itkgs.. In boxes, per box, IS.K; I)romedB.-y brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box. 33.00; bulk. In 21 and 10-lb. box, per lb., inc. Fig. Call. remia. per rase of 18 12-0. pkgs., Kc, per case of 30 12-oe. pkgw, HM; per ease of 50 e-nx. pkgs., 32.00; new Turkish, crown. In 2o-lb, boxes. ir lb.r 15c; 4V crown. In 30-lb. boxes, per lb., lie; T crown. In 30-lb. box-s. per lb., 17c Orar frult. Florida, 48-Sa sixes, per crate, tf 0. 0-5444 !, per crate. 15 60. Qranra. Malaga In bbls., lemons. IJmoiirlra brand, extra fancy, Sju else, per box, 04. so; 300 sixe, ier box, tl.Ii; UiM Llmonelr. faiiey. une-tet rise, per brx, 40u: 240 and 420 sixes. 50c per box less. Oranges, California Navel, extra fancy. IH,-ltt-IS0-l7-:U-;i- sixes, per box. n.TTi: 2w-3to-3t4 sixes, per box, K B. VEOETA BLKK Cabbage. Wisconsin, per lb., Celery, California Jumbo, per dox.. jr. Cucumbers, hothouse, per dox., $2.00. Eggplant, fancy. Florida, per do,, 12.00. Uarllc, extra fancy, white, per lb, ltc. lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dox, 49c. Onions. California, white, per lb., Ic; Wisconsin, yellow and red. In sscks, per lb., JHc: Spanish, per crate, tl.. Prsley, fancy southern, per do, hunches t0O75c. Potatoes, Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu., tl . Wisconsin whit stock, per bo., 11.3; In 10-aerk lot. V leas. Bweet potato, Kanaas, per bu. bsk.e C(al. Hutabagaa.. In ack. per lb., IV. Tomatoes, Florida, per t-bsk. crate, $4.00. mSCKIXANBOl'B Almonds, Tarra gone, per lb., lk'tc; In sack lots, lc lea. Cocoenuts. per sack, 16. JO- Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, le less. Peanuts, rotated, per lb., te; raw, per lb., Pecans, large, per lb., 17e; In sack lot, le lea. Walnut, new crop, 111, California, per lb., 17c: In sack lots, 1c lees. C r, new Nehawka. per tt-gal. H : per ao-gal. bra.. i': now lorx iot a. 1 ( i - XKW YORK. Jan. 3.'-For tf lioll day ami taking the recent durhuw Into axxunt, today' brief last on waa note worthy for It activity and strength. The buying movement wa resumed In a moderate degree, general advancea mark ing the first hour. There hae been ne new of a definite character to account for the stidien range of market sentiment. Certain ahase ef the situation, how over, are obviously of a manipulative character, particularly the movement in the coal Issues. Reading was again the leader today, selling ap t IS. Buying of that stock wa traceable to a group of operator prominent 111 former move ment. Tne-list as a whole held strong- St. Paul wa steady, aiiuoush Wall street believe the dividend will be cut to per cent In the coming wwek. There ws some activity in Denver and Rio Ucande preferred, rising from the current rumor connecting the western inctnc witn lue HIH line. Beat price of the day ere registered In th teat hoar. The tone at the close wa "live and strong. The 4ond market waa ' active with further price-Improyementa--Total sale, par value, t3.too.oo. Paiatma 3 per cent advanced per oent oa call, during the week. Number of sale and leasing quotation aa Mock today were a follow: sale UIKH. cfcre. ifrom unchanged to higher than es trrday'a New York closing. London ciosUig stocks: iCeasels. mtmn . :! MtLeelsnlle N 1"'. I n.ltxl. K. av.T r anal iVik: tN V vaalrsl. I a.-gesa tNartalh W : AlrhMes IW set e sat ii Onun aw. ; satttsMHe g ow...lti,eeMTt'aaMi laaaaawi rarlnv . .2rrtH4 sliaes ' v laifcs go.. rryHeadia t,t.-aai, u W If eavkera Rf.... ' -t . Hit s. M.e, s4 ! r gasrt.. M Soalken. Pa.ih Daatsi 41 Rui 6. . 4 t akm PritH . M w e sra M .. .. ttwt. as ha sT4 Uj a M Ss set.......... si Wsfeask . .. . tiraa Tnwh Mis t4 linseia lainiT IM 8I1.VKK-Rar. ateadv al tid per ounce. MONKY-atMH per cent The raie of dua-ount in the open market for short bills 1 x-s per cent: tor three month' bills. 3 per ct. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET!; rm1t,ni! a tr lArdiijin ind roiumOn icnirt?i, the ir.r rangf amount in t Oout K. Ttiiuv strtii mo'ild prooaoiy nd around fk aa$ (., eves rliminc an j . v j as u t - a. !unrmaln marl.t Itoni H II downward, Aost Kinds of Cattle Lower for tne , t ivM-r t,ui,a has bo u Veek. BO .tvHOGS TEN LOWER FOR WEEK!ab. si .. TJi f.iS tl!w .. XI, .IN t, . Fat heea kaw a Ilea, la Prleew rxn. t.j; lamh. fir t rat saeep a lP rrieea fc VMrlmgli , choice. change of conseoiierK-e. supply and de inand both being very email. I ke week s purchase en country account amount te a sctun 4.40 bead, according to packers' Juo:atJun on sheep and lame: lambs. A beat Tweaiy-Klve leata, la k lie Fat lsaka r Tlfty t eats Lswrr. l. . ii ... . mui a. axa J : wethers, good to choree, tl UHf4 ; I wethers, fair to good. 0 4 II: ewe, lewee. good to choice, Ix.tKrt Is, ewe. :ooa, p.mvs.. Allli rkalswri I4 .... AnMlaaataie Ceseer . Awarwaa Asrifaltaral Aw. Beet Bufar AsveHeaa Can American t'. a K. Aawrltaa Ceuos Oil. . . AaMrtcaa N. a U f. An. 1, aerarillat KM . t,M'MH SVS ?, i 4ta .iw ws . 1 ret It's H'. Is.eaj i:h it it. i.s u u tl. Aanrifaa lanaaetlfs Aiaerteaa g at R km. A g. SI4 Ami. tMl l-Vundrlf... Ara. Oussr Refisln... ASMTIoes T. T Aawitosa Tatwrea pf4 Aroenraii Weslea Afiseaaaa Mlsnig Cs-Ateataaa AteXtasa si ailanlle ( Vwxt lass, sjalttiaere a nhla... BethkMaNa flteai Bnnaita Kapl4 Tr.... vaadwa Pamrie ?aatral lae'.ser Oeatral Lasiher I4 .. rtotral af Nav JarMV Oeaaaatii A Ofeia.... iwinasa aV Atlas Cwirass 0. Oueace u W. f4 -. blcas N. W Calaase. U St F C, C. C. A Si. L .. Cotafaa K A I CoiarkiM A Settlhera.. !.KaNll4air4 uas Vra Pro4utUi Dalawara A Hu4nn . . Iwaver A His Uran4e.. nan o sis manners' SesrlllM. . 47 '( l.ta in lot lei Iw .... iH ii V t:v wis S r ... lid HIS HIS 1411a o:s 17 ... l.! H 11 W ' ... IM H4S 144 IMS I'US . . IMS IMS m lit ... !. IMS Ww IMS ;nj 3IS 31 nit ... l.seff 7ns 71 tl li SIS W SIS let ls lS KS s Sin 1,14 tlHi IIS H 1 Its lS ina 34S aSt MS SIS HIS I1' HtS t,M lS 1 IMS as Its MS MS S :s i:s i: i"S i its n't ;a m lis ms i4 ii'l US 40W 44 4S S i.K 11'. US US . , al r.ria 1st set Kna M d Ueaanl Kl4rlc 1" ItMl lS lleaal Misers s4 , t.T OTS lrS 1S ureal Nankara On tit: 4 IS 4t4 a tls llllixli taatrsl t "I 1 ' Isurbeesasn Met 4.4N 111, US S lata. aid It. U MS 44 lalaraallaiuil HarvMier.. 14 144 Ht IMS s toe IIS 344 us 14 404 ITS r &1 ".', 41 S S set IMS l7S !! I.awt IMS nJS lS IMA 34 XI s 104 11", lOS 13:1 ten s S :S 41 ftiaV 40 MS MS 10a in in lit !an 4t 14 fttS ll MS MS MS 4.10 IMS IMS IMS I'S 7 l's rSI IMS ana 7IS 74S 74S ret U4S lt"S llS U MVa US l.uc ins las lfS lot IM IM'a IMS let lots iti li - US MS tfl IMS IMS 1S Mb m rs llt.M It IMS IM 1.111 n'i S laiar-Marin St4 latamalieMl Paaar lnnatlenal Pum .... leas (.astral Kansas :t'r So K. C " st4 UrMa Use . loalavllte A Ni.lKrllls Mum. St. l-oH H . t r. A M MtwHiri. K. T at . K. A T p!4 HKsaarl Piclllr Nalteaal Bliasu ...... Nsitanal La4 N. R. ft af U. Id 4 Saw Tek iSntral N T . O. Kortalk Wealars Narlh A'Jienras NortSers raclflc VMM Mall Saaaaylvisla Paasts'S Ut p.. o.. i: A ft. L.,.. Pluearh Cast ...i... 11 1 an il lel tar Pallstaa PSlsss fsr. .. -tUllwar glael tsrlsg.., aaaaiox RaaaMIs Steal Rasaalle SiMl ld Rork Island I'a Rark lllan IS I4 . st. u m r M I4. Bt. iaaila II. W I. L S W pM SlaM-XHat'1-14 I. Souther Parlflr ....... Baalliani Itlllaav Be. Ilillaar M Tens son (Viepar .. Taxai m r.llir T., Bt. 1. ' T.. B. U A W. sM... I'Mka fi.ltle llslea rarlhe nf4 l'altet S1A1M RealU... I ailed Siaies r.ubher.. t'nite Stltet Btaal.... f . Steal Bid '.. rub rasper Ys arenas CbemUal WbMbU W'Bblsa pM Weetarn MaiTlia WeetlnslieaeB glanrie Waflera tolen W'heeltns I. B...-.- lhtKB VBller tlllBO rVipaer 1, . . rwuelidated Talal Mies ror tna amr. , iear York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-MONKY-On call, nominal Time loans, very soft and ac tive; sixty days. 2S4ZH Pr cent; ninety day. 2So-' Per cent; six months, tH3' per cent. STERUNO EXCHANOEFlrm. with actual business In bankers' bills t t4 44 for sixty dy bill ana at- w.s.js lor e- i.i :s :,' S MI SIS 4IS S Ml IIS 1S "IS ?IS !S .. .. 70S II It s.-s as its lS US rs IM ' 1S MS ' MS MS s S...S IIS is , ... It 71S T"S S MS ts s lS 17 MS 14S 1S l. llS I to -it, I TOS .14 ' rt(4 an 1 M US It. ton 14SS r us 4S.'4S 7S 4M ins 4. MS IT Jo I il !m T it) It 440 'tft T4S ns 1.MA 4 14, MO i:s vn un ii". T . i 1 fx kKl 1 CO nee Sfl-Kal Khl I mind rommerclal bill. t4.X3Sv- iTso. Honey, nea,' 14 frames, 35 7t. Kraut. I PRIME hi EHCAHTILE PAPER-14 Per U-gai. aea. ba.uw. per e-sai. are. ei.If, Wisconsin, per i-bbl.. . Kaaaaa t lly Gralw aad PrnvUleBS. KANSAS CITT. Jan. J.-WHKAT-rn-changed to He down: No. t hard, tl 031); No. S. tl.oidJLOMi; No. 5 red. O'sW'to. No. i 97Jc; Way. $1,001,; July.' KXjUHc CORN l"nohngd to lc lower; No, 2 mixed. vgHc; No. 3. 4Mtr6Sc; No. 3 whit. Wc; No. t, t",Wc; May, 7c. sellers. OATS Steady: 'No. S white. ilr4Kc; No. 2 mixed, a'fljtl . RYE-OSa-iaic. HAY Steady; choice timothy, fa.OOfi B.m. BLTTER-Creamery. etc; fir!, tto; seconds. 34c; packing stock. :t'c. EOOit Extras. 3tc; firsts, 3j; ssconds, " Recefpta. Snlpmenr. Wheat, bu .oi) .ono Com. bu 44.004 . . ii.ono Oat. 0U 14.a 4.0(10 Mexican dot- 4leartaaT Hanee llaak Btateaaeat. NEW YORK, Jsn .-Th statement nf clearing house bank far the week shows that the banks hold tAse.0W re serve in excee of the legal requirements. This Is an Increase of t7.M3.7ra) in the pro- K)LTH OMAHA. Jan. I. Uli ' Receipts wrrej Cx;lla. Hogs, fheel' j Of fl. tal UmJiu 9 1,7 4SA7 4 Btt ' viitieial t'ueeda tll 17.r! Official Wednesday..,. .234 i:.s7l orfh-lsl Thunuay 4.KT OfOriai Krteay 2.0J4 )4t batimate Saturday 3M B.M CHIC AG 1.1 V tt BTOCK SIAftKrT 13.444 10.044 I MI CREAMERY COMPANY Commerce Conunijsion Defjidei M.u Ttrtely oa Creta Bates. , AIDES AUB OKA P0STXASTIX yt epreaeatallve Blaaa Rrceatsseada teappailetaaeBl of reraaer New- - Ma la Peetel Pewltlea. Prora a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Ja. 39. -(Special Telegram, r The Intent! Commerce" oom mission today dismissed th eonr-J six day this week.. 3.47 Ham days last weeh..l.7C2 Hame davs 3 wka ago 1.N portlonate cah reserve as compared -with 1 "I' davs 3 wka ago I7.l last week. The atateinent follow DAILY AVKltAOK. lite. 1 M iVrlt W aa Cti.en ixmmi . lal. 1.M l,a.i".ii it.tuov Jc.t37.ow l.roo t,rn ....... Mpecle l-egal tender Net depualt Circulation Baaka cmali reserve in vault Trust companies' cash reserve In vault Aggregate caali re serve , Excess latvful re- OlW alia St4iU ij aaJ - 53 44 3it am SS.!7 I7.AM 40.K1 SM ttn ini h1.M4. 4,4.0IM ..'. : 7.SC.7SO Trust eonipanlas reserve with clearing nouae members carr.vlug 3 per cent cash reserve, t83,.O0O. AlTTALi CONDITION. fauie davs 4 waa age XX fame days last The following table showa lite receipts f cattle, hogs and sheep at ttoulh Omaha for the year to gate ea waBparad with last ear; itu ittl. , Inc. tittle OU STS " al'43 4iS Hogs rt4.13 !. H7.7M Sheep hUstSe 407,77 " Jt Tue foUowtn4t ubte howa th rang of pi lies paid for hog t South Omalia for in test few days, with conipaitaons. Kate, i IjT?. :ijll. lw..ksa.ileW.:lt. -ttot. steer. M.irT . stockrs and leeder. tiTatiAOO; cows aad heifer.; ralvea. eVtOO 7S. , MOOS- Receipt. SAO head; market te off; light. t7Jtt4Vi: mixed, tssorrt-al; heav y, t44jav. rough. U -ll 10, plga, KehtKl; bulk of aeiea, at SO. 811 tCP AND LAMBrV-Recalpta. S, head: market weak, native. tJMplTh: wa.iem. CL0OO4 7t: vearllngs. H lanji.; anibs, native. RkaJ..; western, BVOtaf ts. Ja. u.i i i l- .4i I, - J ; Jan. IS. t t 731 I , I ta) 4 4 I . VJ Jan. 14.) ltittt7liti'l Jan. I.; 1 t 41 i 7 4 2i 4 361 U Kaaaaa Clly Btavek Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 3. -CATTLE Receipts J head. Including HV head of southern. Market ledv; native steers, gvsotn ii. soutliern steers. t 7.j.j; southern cows and heifers, tttoeavti; ne. tlve cowa and heifer. glOMJwM. ock- feedera t4 0v0: bull. H.Mf MJOBOst: western (Iter. M weetsrn cow, ttoofxa.4. IIOt)! Receipts, k head. Msrket IiMni Specie Legal tenders Net deposits t!rrutation Hanks cash reserve In vaults T r a t compaale' caan reserve in vaulte Aggregate cash re serve , , Kxoes lawful re serve 37ii.!t.l) (a.ul l.b iintnw al.0i.w r.a2j.00tl 41.X ON 4 , 'Jan. It' a 13 T 44 I Ui 4 3) I 4 42, t 3 ateady to Ac lower: bulk of sale. Bvsasj Inc. J. j,.. celt t 7tl 44 Ot' 4 31 a 27 ! r.eVett-a; light, najxia; pigs, ,. l.te.aisis) rxi-tt.OW; Jan. H ' , 7 4, t 311 ' I , t t iw1 dan. I?.' a 44 I t S 3J us taw a m ''"" Ull. 2w. tr..v..' . 7 OH 311 t 3i 4 271 1 t 31 ltl.tKu Sunday. i Receipt and dlsposltlm of live ioek t th t nlon Rtock inrds. South Omaha. tor twenty-four hour andlng at I p. m. r noaj . Rnt'EIPTS-CAItS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H r a 7,l.'l. C. U. gt St. P. Ry.. .. Wabash K. R Ry. . At ari -aa Tetiat n, . ui. i .. , Mlasotiii Paclfl' house members earring er cent caah im ,",lI,c K' reserve. tW.IW.0H0. N. w east... v., at rv . vv .. vol. C, t. P.. SI. aV O. C. B. Q.. east.. Amount. IVecrease t... ii. m w . wear .)!. AH, tlO.C'l.TOO eo.1.1 o lti.ti.Siq ll.HR.tWI 14AJ0 V.lfl. 4 Kummary of slate bank and trust com. panlea not reporting to th New York Clearing nouse Loans Specie Legal tender ... Total deposits . lncreae. i Hasten Block, .tlarket. BOKTON, Jan. JO Closing quotations oti stocks were a., follows: Allsae ! .! 11 Aail. Caspar tsSNevaaa tB .... A. B. U A XSNIpaans UISM . R A (.' I A a. II. Is Nans Bulla Hutte (SBllnan .... ttsNsrlk Lake (SI. A anieea 4ISOM laaalBlaa ... fSI A Maria IM eiHeeele . tlSviulaey . 44 BaatiMia . ItSSaservar . . It uperka- 4V gv at 4 t IITsMarsek . IIS I. B. B. ft. 4V al S 4a ST4 tsatennlal t'op Mans ', KaH Hatia C. Krasklis .... ,. (Urea Ons. ... Uraahy OS. .. Oraaaa CaaaaM lata Raral tSssar.. tlttt'lak Tea Kerr Leas s u-! I tax Uaks capper iswisaaa . Miaail (Vesper rlSWelesrles Bl-4l.ldaad. . lS . s . iS s s n I'a . MS . 4IS . "S . ft f'affee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3t -TOrVEE-rll-turea opened ateady at an advane ot t to 13 points In response to hatter European cables than ex peeled. Iiemand w not particularly ai-tlve. but there were report of covering of week-ends, a well as a little fresh buying Inspired bv the stead), nesa abroad, and wllh th offerings light the market closed steady at a net gain of ; to It points. Bales, Jt.7a0 hag, Jan- C. R. I. P.. C, H. I. P., s.. Illinois Central Ry.. 4 14 43 13 lauj .... 3.314 .... t.7 4,1.l 230 l A-, in "l3t 12.140 Total receipts ... 13 130 IllSPOSITIOS-l 1 EA D. Cattle. Hoe Sheep. Orntlii Packing Co... Swift 4k Co Cudaky T'a king Co.. Armour V Co.... brhwartg Co HIM A Hon J II. Hull II. K Hamilton Mo. At Kan calf Co.. niher buyer Tot! IM li.' 4i CATTLE There acre more rattle here then usual on a aaturday, but atlll not enough to cut very much figure In the trade or really make a market. For th es receipts foot up 51, W! head. Being th largeat In a number of weeks back and larger than a year ago. Heef steers ot good quality hav been scarce all the week and aa result caul of that description' hav oeni mantled full stead v price throughout the week. On the other hand the common and medium grade ot eattle hgva eased off a little nd at th close of the week are areuad 1&U24C lower. Cow and heifer hv been In very liberal supply throughout th week and very fair aellers. Toward the close of 14. jun- 1 . '"-:w-t: '- ...77 iiXS7-nri'& 'aT on Friday and It t h. ilos of t h Ne sheep on sale. Orsaaad for Cattle aad lheep Weak Metre Lewer. ( Hit Alio, Jan. tB.-CATTIJS-Re.sipt. plaint ef th Fairmont Creamery cra 1 ) head; market weak: beev-ea, ta4psny egainat th Burllngtoa. TreV7 i.v: Tax steers. e4ll: western i , of at cent iter ten galieu can of erm from Concordia. Kas.. le Crete. Neb., tier4 the ground that the rat was anreaean able In view of th fact that the Bitr-e1 llngton had established a rata ef St cent' per -ten gallon can at cream In lot axfA. r can or more shipped from Concord te la Crst by paaaenger train. This special rat waa nonllnuad la forw until March 1. 1MB. On that data the', rate waa advanced te tt cent erttlto'itV limitation a to the oumocr at caosv shipped. In September tl IM i special rate of J cent waa restored with In-.. crease of th number of can In eauk hlpment to NO ran during th summer '' month, the minimum retnelnlne: at lap V eaaa from October to March of each . year. This rale Is atlll In force. The.' eomplelnant contended th rate wa tin-. Juat because of a ; cent rat since IBS with th exception of tlx months Interxj val bov referred to. : ' Testimony howed that th romplalnanti first suggested the present rate and the oommiestoa thought- It aU right and kas IM reason now to change It aUnd. Mill tesBplalat Dlsaalaeed, ' The Interatat Commerce commlselolr' today dlamlsaed lha complaint of ttnri Broek-Rauch Mill and Elevator eompaa-r' against the St. Leui. Iron Mounuia ' Bouthsm Railroad company, Vherel thvt' awnplalnaat allege tmraijoeabla ratey: for the transportation 4f graUs nd gtavh product from point n Nebraska and IfaMaaa e I J , .1. tl . L. . . Th oomrrilMlon la It decision at todI held that k'eharg for necessary at-of-l direct line aerrrrw en (hlpment af (rain' and grain product from Omaha, to Cart way and Mornlion. Ark., with tranlt' privilege at Uttl Rock. Ark., ar founrtt not be to nnraonhl or unduly prelu-' dlolal," and tneg dismisses the cemplainf Ueneral John C. Cowln .of Omaha la W Washington en departmental matter. Jle Bellevea that Ttut will carry NabrajrkaT In th primaries, b nominated amP tlerted. "The delegate selected te b voted fqr at th prlmarie in April bs. th republican ar extremely strong men and 1 cannot concetv how a better seleeJ hob; could hav been made. Wisdom wad displayed la their eloUoa and Ikay lulv my unquaUfled approval. In. my Judge, stent Tft I getting stronger vry day." Rprenlatlva Klnkaht today recom mended the appointment of Carl H. Kay 4 postmaster at Heel, vie I. J. Vk ' ry. reMgned, gnd)U C. Barker poatmad-' te at Oracle, rlc Robert Williams, tff tlgned. ' " Upon 'tk motion ot Senator Norrt Brawn, B. B. Perry ot Cambridge and Robert C. Orr of MrCook wr adnrlttetf I practice before Ike uprm court to il.)'. " It. Leal Bteck Market. ST. UU'lil. Jan, 30 CATTLK Re ceipt. 3.404 head. Including n head of Texan. Market Meadv; native beef steer. KM) 7 it; cows and heifer. W . tat); tockra and feeder, rt 714J ; Texas nd Indian steers. ttxXjr.tW: cows end heifer. t3.04j.; calv. In carload lota, ROVtrT.t. IIOOA-Kscelpts. Ik) head. - Market teady at agflOc lower; pig and light, 14 2S4H30; mixed nd kutchtr, 6 ,. good heavy. tv.4 . N alieep market, lit. Jeeh Live tack Market, ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 34. CATTLE Re ceipts, tut head. Markat ateady; steers, ttka.s: cows and heifers, H00t7; calves, RantM B. ItotiH Receipts. 4 0 head. Markat low sml lower; top, BvSS, bulk of sales, m. ii. - - - SHEEP ANI LA MRS No 'recelpta Market unchanged; lamh, atonrj,;. June. Jtilv ana Aiiguei, liKae; eteptemher, 12.44I-; Octolier. l2Kte; November. !;"; Ileeem ber, 12 34c. Havre was ',4if. higher. Hamburg waa lj- pfg. higher. Rio, un changed, at TtTJO, Kantoe 4a, tin. hanged, al 7t700 ; 7a. 31 rels higher, at ftiji. Ra cetnta at th two Itraxlllan ports, in am ba. against 15.01X1 Is.-I year. Jundiahy revclnta ll.out baa, aaaiust ami laai year. Rain was reported In all dlstrtrisi oi mo raiuo. New lork wsrehouee de liveries yeitterday were 0.7X0 bags, against 1H.6H7 last yer. Spot coffee, nulet; Rio No. 7. I4e; Stnlna No. 4. 1iV Mild, quiet; Cerdova, leHltHMc, nominal. Itvaaereted Applra aad Dried t rails NEW YORK. Jan. -EVAPoKAKI Al'PI.ES-tjiiiet. and price are tly: on lha spot fn.-y quoted at tostlUrVc; cluilce. (vdrSc: prim. 4Sr. likll'K Eni'lTS I'runes, lrregu!r with a little more pressure to sell some grades. (Jb.datlnns range from 64 11V for Ctll forjita up to .V40a and I OVyti 1 2c for Ore. gons. AprlcHs. firm with an upward tendency; choice, IT.hli.ltc; .extra choice. iUlilS.'': fane), lltllsc Pearlies, turn with a fair demand: choir. llnllV': ex tra (holes. HMrlJe: ram-y. Uril2Hc. Raltdna, quiet and steady; loose Musca tels, &sfi7c: choice to fancy seeded, 7Str Se; seed lean, OfJ 7e; London lasers, tl.tuti 1.4. week the market Is IMSu lower than on week RBO. Strictly good feeder hv been In light upply vry day thl wk ad hr commanded good, ateadv price, tin th other hand light stock rati! hav been very slow sellers at low prices , It would he iveii for ahipMrs to uatleri land that Has' aupply of refrigerator car (etoa Market. NEW Y'ORK, Jan. 30-.tJTToN-Ku-ture Hosed barely steady; closing bids: January. t.3c; February, .:tc: llareli, 33e; April. Oc: May. t.tXc; June. 062c. Julv ; August, t.slc: September, .:; October, .7lr; November, s.74c: 1'wemher, t.snc. St elosed unlet, t point i lower; middling uplsnds. (.sOr: middling gulf, r.75e: no ssles. MVERPOUta Jn. t-COTTO.V-pol, quiet; price unchanged; American mid dllrc fair. 4 04d: good mlddllnz iiai: middling. 5 40d; low middling, i isd; g.avd ! had no life whatever. Shippers took very ordinary. 42d: ordinary. 4 cod. The sales little interest In the trade, furnishing an or tr.e osv were ,uar bajga. -n for th ahlpment of the product to points of consumption Is very limited owing to poor rllrod service consequent upon th cold and storms. I'ntll paeksrs are able to move the product to markat with per fect freedom It will b an ay mattr to flood the market with cattle. Hence It would seem to be the part ef wisdom for the country U follow a consrvtlv plsn In shipments until th railroad ser vice le back to normal. guotatlnn on cattle: flood to choir beef steers, t 80447 W: fair to good beef steer, t.0r4 ra; oomnion to fair beef ateerM, Sa.tXrna.W; good to choice heifer. fV4oti0u: good to choice cowa. tt Wir 40. lr to good (-ows and heifers. tt.7jdj4.M; common to fair cows and heifers, ttoOBjE lii; good to cholc SI or Iters nd feed ar. t4.4ofJV.uO; fair lo good atorker and feeders, a4.1wt40.4w, common lo lair stock srs and feeders, 3 tot1. 74. stock heifer. 4d.tdlu4.Mi: veal calve,. ! OajvoO, bill Is, stsKS. etc., li4i6W. HiMiit I'nfavorable advice from other leading hog market wer chiefly lntru metiti In tauMng a lower trade locally, price ruling about a dim undr those of yeateraay. Th decline wa featured by slow buying In all quarters, as receipts amounted to fully t.Ouo heed and selling effort wss heavily taxed ail through the session, clearance waa further delayed by th lata arrival of several Iralnloade, o that the big bulk had not ehsnged hands until weO along toward mldtiav. Parking demand waa ronably broad, ea pee tally In the light of recent big sup plies, hut buyers were In ne hurry to put up droves and the movement sealeward . llaek la Slaat, Receipts of live stock at th five prlncl pal wctem markets yesterday: cam, nogs, oneep. South Omaha., St. Joseph Kane City... St. Iiouls ChlcKgo ..Totals .t 4.400 1000 t.Mt 3f..e ... ,3ut 0,MI Xd) 200 .. Lorn ., I.KB tow 3,000 Mlaaeaawll Urala Market. , MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. I. WHBAT May. tl.0a; July, !l41.0t'4: caah. No. 1 northern. tl.. No. 2 northern, tl 44; No. i, ti e:. PLA.X BARLEY MOcitAl 3. CORN-No. I yellow. 143i,c. OATrt-No. I wolle. 47tj47V. n V W V 11 a (aW 1 ii r 1 v euaiayu a n A PI. er. FLOl.'R First patent. K.lOfpi.,: sec- i " " J? V. 41a Her cent. SILVER Bar, t?V- lars. steady. BON Do vlovemmejtt, steady; railroad, troiig. Closing gustattocMr en bond today wars follow' U. (. ret. ta. ra.. H4 later. M. V. 4S".- 47S aa ceepea IM Japas M 47 tl. B. la. rat at a 4 4. 1 4a eaapa 11SK. C s. I 114 C. a 4a. ng 114 U A 4s. 4s 1411.. 4S da ran ll'SU A .N. sri. 4e ... 4s Allik-Csal. 1st s... 41 at. K. A T ha 4... M Awer. Ag 4s 1S 4 aa. 4Sa J It at. w ..nisM. Perm, m fi An. ToMtt 4a.... SS. R. H. at St 4SS MS 4o 4 xfkN- T. 47. . tk... 4 A-aianr A S. (S S t 4K 4, 41 AlCXiss P- 4a-- - "IX. T. N. H. A II. ta 4 IM cv. M ..13.. 4, e. ..'. '''SX A W. lat . 4s.. MS g. C le lt S aa ev. 4 1M Bal A Oti la i BtSNa. Pariric M les 4a IS ' S do la ta Urn Sa ! O B. L. r.'d. M ... MS Break. Tr cr ..- "Sraan ev 2s 1414.. rs W aa. a Oa. as e eaa M 11 I (e. Mstaer MSfjadta gaa. 4,.... ass' 1: at .n J ..mss. l. . r ig. 4s h 1 Okea A Olao 4S4..141S de ss- ts , aa rrt M S L S W, r 4a.. au ' (tie, Be A XS.. de 1st gal ta.... 41 C. B A q I- "SB A. L. I. Mi (a gaa. 4s M a p.... m. 4, K C. at- A a. T . t M 41 da c. 4, KV, C. . I A r. e. ( Its aa !( rat ta KS , Aa rts w MSSa. Rallear 4a wis I -ala. lad M aa era. M n I Tarpewtlne aaa'atoela. SAVANNAH. O.. Jan.' 30.-TI RPEN- TINH-4c bid and refused: sales, none; receipts, cu oni. ; ampmeni. 3.11 bbl.; locks. C5t bbl. HosIN-FIrm: sale, 4.20 bbls.; receipt. 2,0 bbls ; shipments. 7.0t bbls.: stockK. 12. 421 bbls. uuntatlon: B. KtT1; It. tattled. 4?tt: K, tt.a7S4ld.70; T. Q II and I, IH4r 72H: K. 17. to; M. r 45; N. 7..'). wo.; ww. r.M. Dry Ueed Market. NEW YORK. Jn St. DRY OOOIrS- Cotton drill in twin rei ouea nave neea advanced. Price on outing flannel and domett will be made by leading houses on Monday. Trad for the week was of a conservative character, hut verv steady. Linens are higlier. with buyers showing a dlsDoeillon to operate on late deliveries. Burlap are In fair Inquiry, with a light i business passing. ouiiei 1 or oniy a lew sesneren load. Heon average sold from tsto down ward and the beat lard animal on aaie dropped to to. tt. a dim under yesterday' high price, (rood butcher weights ranged round tn0frt9.rt. th amount of busineaa under KOO proving unuaually large. During th week receipts have been re nurkably heavy, giving a total that ex eejada any week's record In severs i veara Despite the big aupplle, mounlfng to COMMITTEE SUSTAINS WILEY Eoutt Members Give Chemittry Bareau Chief Clean Bill. . BiPOET TO B MADE MONDAY Prart tcally Only D base at frats, Sereeplag Vtrdlrt far Decler' led ea Irrrgelar EsspUy saeat at Raaby. WAilllNOTON. Jan.' o.-Dr.i Harvey W. Wiley, chief ot the chemistry kuraau of th ' Department or Agrlcullur. tho ptorro center of Ik tood administration canlrovwray last umnir, I f lean eleaa bill at liallh In the nport of the haus cemmllt that. lBVtt!gtd th chrgaa Bhd eeuntarcharga. Th commlttea, In It rspert, which will b presented te th l:euM Bt Monday, ustalns Dr. Wllsy all along the line, xo-. en WchnlosJ, un important dttall. ' . Th vkieno taken la the ras .wa voluminous and It Is not repeated I the report except by brief references, th document being oonf'nrd le Ihe actual conclusion of th committee. The repub lican member of th commit! telmd with th democrat hi making th report unanimous. The report cf Ihe subcom mittee ws gaxendMi In a autnber of per tlrulara, particularly In Ita refer nee to the Hems board,' which Inveeturated and passed expert Judgment apoa th frater food problem. "There la aa politic in th report," a 14 Chairman Moaa ot th committee. The report pays much citentlon te th Rma board, to the activity of anllcltor Mocabe. who was the principal opponent ef Dr. Wiley la the department, and It rrcommendatlen In general recommend Ihst Dr. Wiley be given a free hand in the enforcement of the pure food and drug law. thus limiting very largely the power formerly exercised by Solicitor McCab. Thl limitation already has beep put Into offset under the action taken by Presi dent Tatt shortly after th adjournment of th extra aessloa, which brought the gctir congressional Investigation to a cloa. The final stamp of approval of th eon. elusion rea hed after Ihe month of In vestigation was affixed by all th mem ber of the committee today. Th com mittee Immediately ordered the report printed confidentially and declined lo an- Trust Provided by -Cudahy Will Decided Void in California! V.LOB A NO ELM. Cel.. Jan. M-t'rlter th oral opinion ot. Judge (Uvea In tse probata court, delivered today, th trust which th late Michael Cudahy. th Cb cagu pacasr, ao u , i . . an . vw " - la .void bo far a th praprty In CUi tornia I concerned. -. , Cudahy. died la 1I0. lea ling aa astai. of many millions, most of which waa ta, tlllnola Th Yalua ef th tat ta Ctu Ifornla, It waa asserted, was approxi mataly t,000. In hit will according; t,o th petition tiled by th contestant, Mr, Cudhy undertook to revsn th al af ; this property, known B tls Cavtlahy ranch, for a perk of five Year, the hv i oum meaawblla to b uaed for eertala purposes. . Th Cudahy Ranch company, organised by the, contaatsd th wrlll. ' claiming this property should dl tributed fre from tint truat. , Banks iUlowedto Take Desired Title WASHINGTON. Jn. 30-For th tirt . time lu history th way hs been opened. ( It deve oped today, tor Stat bank and ; trust companlc to becoms known a . Tnlled State depoMUiias." According I to the lew ot the Treasury depart mewl. , any financial institution IB America, na- ; onal or state bank or trust company, I holding poital saving deposits or other government fund may assume that title wltlHiut legal Impediment, eveti tnougn MBV hMH . i, " j . , , - ; pnnini cuitiiueniiany ins cseunea ta R- - "" ' isnerohr ghoi. .nVprTce. h."e lId I rec-hrndmd.tldn. until th. re, j fh. dCgi-llcm Is hot of cererrod ; sales i port I mad public next Monday. up In very good shine, current showing net decline ot only a dime as compareo w;tn vaiuee a week ago. rurpreeentatirc ai. by th secretary ef th treasury. Ms Ae. SB ..17 il.. ksgsr xsarket. . iw NBW YORK . Jan. .-f I'OAR-JUw, m.' firm: Muscovado, lest. 3 "Wis Sac; cen-iu .. tnfugal. W test, 4 4Ar4 etc: molasses sugar. 7i .. SB leit. 3 TOO -7. TV; refined, firm: cuhea,l74... t.TSc: granulated, l.30o; fine, powdered, , J.tCc. J Peeria Market. ' Jj" PEORI. Jl. -COItN-HIher: No, 1 H .'! 1 Willie, fir: No. 3 yeUoW. S4t : No. 4 yeilow. !: No. . mixed, 43c; No. 4, tlC:!',-. (ample, vwrrvsc. tiAT8-rlrni: No. 2 white. 5k-. :17.. i Vila. Hid 4 klsiakai raclfk M , c. a B. r A a (S "S e tr. ta. ins "-a 1st e rer. (,. 41 S ond paten;. M.7a4JA.O: first clear. tLi0 1 p,",, 3,s; eccno cwaura, l.v. aa. . . . . ea - - w ' ' e, at as. PklladetpkUk Prwdaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 20-BI TTER Qniet and ateady: western creamery spe cial. 43c: extra, 42c; nearby print. 44c. EaKiS Firm and in good demand; Penn sylvania and other nearby first, free CSBM. ti0.jS per case; current receipts, free caves. tl0 3 per car: western firsts, free cse. tl0-5 per case, current re Ceota. th A per case. CHI KSE Firm rd In greid demand: New Yrrk full creams, 17t,rl7Sc: fair to skkI. HStrc. sSt- . Ketteer m mil 4St. A Btaal M ta . lMSI .. .4 Va-Cer. nuaa. la.. IMS .- V ewsaaah la la. ....Iptv, I 4 re 4j. ser. A MSr 'ars Hd 4.... 17', es aeriM B Else v a. 441. , Oes. Klec- r M ..WSVita Oe(ral 4, nS III Cea 1 raf. la- MS Ma Pse. ... 4. srs later. Met. (S :', 'Panama 3, Jtl Bid. Jtlara. I.lrerpeol tareilw Market. LIVERPOOL. Jn. .-WHKAT-Spol firm: No. 1 Manitoba. Manitoba, ts 4Sd. No. futures, steady; March. i4d. July. 7s tisd. Pr. 4 IS I 14 BU ..IM ... 4 Ii . . .144 ... 4M ...IS IX ...IM .... 4 C . .114 44 I rs W. M I M .. IK . . I M ...24 ... I ...IM ... IM - ...KM ... IMS ..! ... I St ik . D 24 44 .411 ... 4 44 ..7 44 4M . .IM- US 4 m . 214 . ..IB . TM ... 4 4S ... ta . !l ... 4 4 .714 . 4 SI .IM I I M m U I M at ... 4 .2X4 . 4 SB Na. Ar Sh r- B Ml M I sr. 4 M4 (. 114 l 4 at 4 JS! ... Ill l 211 ... I 41 at . 1 ti; n 444 74 14 ... 74 :il M 4 ai 0 2IT 40 tOa 74- XtT M lc 74...., . m M 4 1U 14 l 7? m ... (4 41 tU 4 (4 74 ...... Ml ... 4 41 4 . 41 .71 3 M I M 7... :: rM 4 14 B 1 . Ml 44 4 14 7! .'! ...4 1 JM 4,. I IS K B ... 4 14 7 "M ... 4 1 JS1 ... 4 11 V ... 4 li 77 1.-7 .. 4 14 4! ..tS ... 4 eaentallv Hlon of Nebraska I A ! ' From an unofficltl source It waa learned , w of the committee. I that the Treasury department -ad da ' Repri member Virtually lha only d ssent from th sweeping verdlrt for Dr. Wiley I baaed upon the Irregular employment of Dr. II. H. Busby of New York a a tt a day cxpirt. HARRISON COUNTY SHORT COURSE LARGELY ATTENDED LOO AN. Is, Jan. 30.-1 Special. 1- With i 0 full tickets sold and 50 or mor day , tlckata In furee. the Usrrtson county short course ha aasumed proportion whkh cause much rejoicing among th manager In the domestic science de partment presided over by Mrs. Camp bell, there is a large attendance. Ex t hihtt in cooking eoutasts ar unuauailv I fine, 17 entries being made thl morning. , Prof. 11. A. Kinney of Woodbine . W.-Wrf KATMOOI - - - ... ,e - 'i. a. 1 1 1 h ' 1 . i.i" iwm ih agrieuiLure 10 liesr h- 4VI: No. 2 1 .LTJa- OH"!'L ie-";'" ' " " D ,ro'' "o'0" her yestei-- , a uaji.tnha uvtd- the caae on a Haturday; the market aai; . , , : . '. reh ;vd .v - barren affair, nominally ateadv. I ay afternoon on drainage. p,0f. Ilol- .a . u. -ua. , .4. iJultrK tB week the trade In general I den sJso lectured 00 Bdvancement In edit- DUKE OF C0NNAUGHT WILL Mllwavk f.rvla Market. MTT.W A VKffi. JHI. -WHTfiAT-No 1 northrr. H No. S ctiliTi, Julr. Kc. CORS-N. y-llow. Srr Kb. t Wrtft. C. No. t 4c: 1U. July. $c. ja 1 nam ra , wVfrvrc. XKW YORK. Jn. 3.-"lu3.nff quou t.affw on mtLinf storkt mr: AftW (kkH ;'- Timii atari.... ffHMl-va 4) "4d lyitK oiri i t lrm M-t-t '.iii'dr4 tft 1 l.dtHlr.lrt, fjssx tKJiW irkt 1 Voudmu 9tgMrk VarkrC. ! UONDON. Jan. 2D. -On th 9tock n chaiiffts taor to-day Anr.can eectiTitia opn1 ateady and around parity. Vmttmr th markt adaii42dMl on liar hi HvrinT Wnd C4Ha4 atad, with prices ranr.! hm 44n mor9 or unnatisfaotorv 10 fld-lllnc intfrtgaita owlnt lo th mhortrnt of rfri coral or rar 4 'otr. pmrM it h last B.'iBk I1.4r ha bon Mm tlheht imnrnva. NOT VISIT IN WASHINGTON UV ZTWV',. ; era to meet I lie requirements of packer. IjONDON. Jan- 39. The fiet tht tne ' nd product has been piling up in chill duke and durhes of fonnaught with J foom" despite the (art tht the consump. . , . . . , I tlv outlet In the east I untisuallv hrna.l. their daughter, the Prrnces Patricia, are j j the live stork" market these rondl not to visit Washington while they are j lions have been pla.Mc reflected both In In the rnlted ."tale Is causing some I 'h "''"J '"". 'rnd " comment here, altlmugh It Is believed I , ,,,.' ,n npes. mnulrv late in the la. there must he fome good explanation fori seek proving aimoai iifelese. t 'lea ran' es '2 1 their derision. j oifjlcult; and P'to-- broke 'r,1"1!; It Is uul when royal personates ls.:t Mc. while' fsl sheep are ouolsble a foreign country, evea tf ral-ofncii;v to py their respect te the head of the nation. The doke af Oonnaught has the reputation of always doing the rlglit thing, and people here refuse to be!ave be I now making any mistake. t cation ot the dally affaire of life. Ill lectui wa largely attended, not only by tli member of the short course, but also by the citixens of I.ogan aad It vicinity. Judging In lire rtock has a large at tendance. Oorn judging I largely at tended, not oiily by farmers, but also by teachers and a few ministers. aided there id no law restricting th term "VnlteU "late depositary" to those na tional banks named if th secretary as depositaries of public Lionel'. Thl leave national or Mate bank or trust com", panics. In which the trustees ef the postal laving aj-rtem deposit the pasta! sav ing fund or national bank holding r is'.n Indian funds for tit Secretary of the Interior, frc to dopt the till. ' ' Th privilege ot becoming knows a a depositary of the nation's funds Is mush ought by every bank Id th country, be cause it It presumed to convoy aa vantageous Impression ot character aad stability. f)t the 7.30I rational banks. on!rtmt l.4o r officially designated at -Vnltesl State tiepo-ilarle." X 4 Frreiry of the Treasury SlacVeagh. it v raUI. Is cnnslBntly heskged by senator and-repreetir.Bt'iVr In congf ta cnake nallonul l'its iu tlielr state or districts "Vnited Mate tiepo'itaries." , In many esasea on or two banks In a towa are so designated, while other la the same com munity ar net. . This, It is declared, works virtually- aa a lacrtmlnallon by the government, and the Treasury de partment tledsloa I axpectcd lo aorta His problem In large measure. , OLD MAN AND GIRL ARE REFUSED LICENSE; T JOgrPH. Mo.. Jsn. Tt.-When Cora ahout a quarter tower 1 ha n week ago. furrett. 14 yes old. and Chester Car- rim XTTKra or ren tnoew msne un the . ,, , , , . bulk of total offerin.. with lamb and 9m'T- appueo ior a license 10 marry. ewe In heavy malority. Fully two-thirds kere today they wer refused and thel of the moderate supplie were merely fair girl waa committed to the Detention to good, the .trklly pnmev.rtctle. being 10m JlloM Rran f th criminal rare exceptions High-grade ft lambs 1 ,, . . . a a result ar still holding at liberal J Her t "Ad given consent, j nTAJslXSsTZB UTS LLOYD & CO. Xeaaber et tt. T. 8 seek Bekg Our builnesa la the Investment of fun la large or small In aecurt tle oeat aulted to the require ment of the individual Investor. Sand for Booklet . T4 Broanlwar, ?ier Tartu