.1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 21. 1012. Nebraska Nebraska j U GREISHTON CASE IS ARGUED Supreme Court Heart Argument Over Share Given Girl' Home. QUESTION OF P&RAXY B0A1D3 DMrlet Ceart Clerk smith lilm Polat Whethrr fw l.lsf at JM aad Clerk la for Aeril. Tns atton If It U c of abuttlr. 'L which It tions sho (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. m W.-iSpeclal.i-Ont la.e of the UtigaUon over th John A. CreiKhton estate was threshed out In the supreme court today, that of the bequest to the working girls' home. The home was given a verdict in the lower court, hut was not satisfied with the amount Some of the heirs were not satisfied that any allowance was made. The bequest was for SoA.OM, and the home people held to the theory that under the will the home was entiled to Its hare of the residuary estate after the specific be quests were paid. This would make the share of this charity 1110.0m. Qaestloa ef Primary Boards. The attorney general has been asked to decide two questions, one of which Interests Douglas county, as well as every other In the state. Robert Smith, clerk of the district court, wanted to know whether under the primary law It waa necessary to appoint new Judges and clerks for the primary election. Appolnt menta were made last August, and the law says they are to serve for one year. Th attorney general holds that In this Instance the word "year" means a time commencing with the first occasion for auch officers In th calendar year and therefor new Judges and clerks must be named for th April primary. and these will serve In such capacity for the re mainder of th year. Areretloa of Leads. Th county attorney of Thurston county wants to know what to do In the matter of several hundred acrea of accreted land I y along the Missouri river In th eastern V" next of that county. Th land la claimed by the owners of abutting realty, which In many cases means Indiana not taxed. The attorney general holds that th land. If It fat accretion, belongs to th owners abutting property, and If th land to attaches Is taxable th aocre- should also be Hated for taxation. He recommends that a survey b mad to ascertain the exact amount of such accretion. In order that an assessment can b mad. Kraraey Home t Osti. Land Commissioner Cowles has gone to Kearney to superintend the formal open ing of the hcspital for tubercular pa tients. It Is expected some patient will be on hand Monday and possibly some may arrive today. The Hebron school district has sent In 120,000 worth of bond to be registered. Th bonds are voted under the sam law which has been challenged In th cis arising In Lincoln, on th ground that the title Is not as broad a th law Itself. The district court' uphold th law. but tb case has been appealed. Th Hebron peopleV Bowevsr. took th precaution to .. I .iih ih tirffii nt both the Old' -j"and the new law and th chances are the h bonds will b registered without protest In case the auditor finds th proceedings N Cage Ceealy Remit. Uage.cousty today remitted to th stats treasurer fM.OOO of tax collections, tILOM ut sahlelr belongs to the. general fund. Yesterday, the first day for payment of warrants Tinder .the last call, brought r.i;. of lh I1W.0M called Into tb offlc for redemption and today thr was an other large demand for cash. A few days will clean all of the call except scat tered' warrants In th hands of holders whe are In no hurry for their money, but Interest stopped yesterday. Mate Superintendent Deliell has gone to Dladen. where he wll deliver an ad dress In a church Sunday and one before the schools on Monday. Both will be on educational topics. Gam Warden, Miller went out to Eagle Thursday, returning last night While there he obtained th conviction of Hbw arl Moreland of College View, charged with unlawfully killing four quail out of season. He was fined t30 and costs. Dates for Governor. Governor Aldrich goes to Omaha tonight and tomorrow will deliver an address be fore the young Men s Christian associa tion. In th evening he will speak In the Auditorium In Council Bluffs, tb occa sion beiiyf a union meeting of the churches. Governor Aldrich has received an Invi tation to become a member of Association of Western and Northwestern Governors. The association waa formed during the trip of the train which carried an exhibit of western products to the eastern cities. Governor N orris of Montana waa elected president and Governor JrVest of Oregon, secretary. Th object of the association is to aid In all projects which havefor their object th building up of the west. Kach of the governors Is requested to send in suggestions for topics to be discussed st a meeting to be held at Boise. Idaho, in August? and from the a program will be made up and speakers appointed to lead the discussion. . . Itobeit Hunter, a ll-ycar-ohl boy, was broug'it back from David City on a bench warrant charging contempt, the warrant being Issued by the polio Judge. Hunter js the complaining witness against Harry Crawford, a pool hall owner, charged with permitting minors in his l l.ee. Hunter failed to appear 'on the date set for trial. Methodists Meet. Next Tuesday evening Methodists from all over the atat will meet In Lincoln for a. banquet, the real purpose of the asset ub ling, however, being to devise in?n of Increasing the endowment fund of Wcaleyan university near this city. The various district superintendents and prom inent laymen are to, be Invited to meet Bishop N'nelsen and Chancellor Fulmer os. that occasion. Ijiaer Files Affidavit. J. Dan Lauer. In an affidavit filed In the litigation over th transfer .of the IJncoln Paint and Color company to the Acme company of Detroit, alleges that tlie sale is Prt of a plan to consolidate Hie paint business of the country Into a couple of gigantic concerns working In harmony. He also charges an agrea nient exists by which prices are fixed and further that If the deal goes through It la the sptentloa ot th purchasers to close the Lincoln pis at. Hs chaise that of the fiftv or snore firms comprising the Taint Grinders association, a small Inner rinrie control the entire association- The uefondaiits in the aiuwer deny all these chart . Boy Ground to Death by Switch Engine in North Platte Yards NORTH PLATTE. Neb, Jan. 4. -(Spe cial)-Roy Halligan, M years old. son oi Thomas Halligan. a farmer, who Uvea west of this city, was ground ta pieces under a switch engine at Locust street crossing at o'clock Thursday evening. Mr. Halligan and his son wer crossing the track oa a loaded bay rack whea It was struck by a rapidly running switch engine which waa backing toward tin round house to Chang cars. Th boy was thrown under th tender and in stantly killed, his body being badly mangled. Mr. Halligan wa either thrown or Jumped off of th waa on and one wheel of It passed over htm giving him some Internal Injuries. . The rear wheels of hayrack were smashed, and the team ran away. . Complaints has often been made oi th dangerous conditio ot this crossing. About twenty tracks frequently used by switch engines are located on this cross ing which has most ot traffic to an from north and south sides of city. 7 Wilson's Name is Filed at Lincoln (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. . Ju. (8pedal.)-Th Woodrow Wilson democratic petition was filed today by J. W. Wood rough" ot Omaha, whose name bead th petition. Among the other prominent' names at tached to the petition ar Lee Herdraan, M. D. Welch of South Omaha. Jerry Howard of South. Omaha. John J. Sulli van, formerly Justice of tha supreme court; C. J. Smyth, I. J. Dunn, who nominated Bryan in th Denver conven tion, and A. H. Hippie. Thla I th first serious filing made on behalf of the democrats and th personnel of th sign ers Is taken to confirm the general under standing that th Bryan following would line up behind the New Jersey governor. C. O. Lobeck of Omaha sent In his filing as a democratic candidate for congress In the Second district. A prominent politician, who ha been watching th gam In Nebraska for a good many years, remarked today that th recent visit of J, II. Morehead to Lincoln also brought to tha front a large number of democratic workers who can generally be seen wherever there Is an Indication of a barrel. Whether th Falls City man tapped anything or not has not been disclosed, but certain If even the spigot was opened there wer plenty on hand with tlncups to catch the out flow. BROKEN BOW COMMERCIAL CLUB FEASTS AND SMOKES BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Jan. J.-8pe- oiaL) Th annual banquet and smoker of th Broken Bow Commercial club wa on of th most successful aver held by that organisation. Th affair took place in th large assembly room of th city halloa fact, th' whole top floor of the building. Including the council chamber and tlremena' club, waa utilised In order to jdr sufficient room.- .Nearly X meta bm and guests, sat at th table and were regaled with dainty viands, choice brands of etgari and a good program. Th near est approach to strong waters was a large. Inviting looking barrel of sweet apple cider that stood In on corner and remained on tap th whol evening. Bene ficial talk, concerning -th welfare of the town, wer given by members of th dub, and valuable suggestions made that will be acted upon In the near future. Among other things brought to tha club's notice waa the need of a good sewerag system, and this matter will' be taken up and In vestigated at once. At the conclusion ot th program, an entirely new executive committee was appointed as follows: Ra Anderson. Charles Martin. A. E. Locke. F. C. Kern. James Leonard, Alrin Burk and, Andrew Snyder. Th member of th retiring executive committee, vdio have served for th three' years past are: H. Lomax, George U Turner. S. R. Leo. J. 8. Molyneaux. A. E. Anderson, E. C. House and Willis Cadwell. Nebraska PAY BACK INSURANCE MONEY Officers of Union Fire Will Setnra Bonn that Wu Given Them, AGSEg ON BARTON AS TRUSTEE BLAIR WILL HAVE MORE TERMINAL FACILITIES BLAIR, Neb.. Jan. S0.-8peetaJ.)-John R. Aye. acting as a representative of the Voung Men's Commercial club of this city, recently filed a complaint with the Slate Railway commission for an adjust ment of the stock yard question, which has been a matter of contention for some years between shippers and the railroads. As a result of the complaint made. Dr. J. II. Wlnnett, chairman of the state commission, was here this week and In conference with the representatives of the Northwestern . Railway company, shippers and members of the Commercial club the matter was (adjusted In a satis factory manner, the company agreeing to Increase the facilities of the yards by building new pens, sheds, runways end placing hydrants. The yards are In close proximity to some good residence prop erties and the owners threaten to get out an Injunction if the yards are enlarged, claiming that they ar a nuisance and unsanitary, th moat of th shipping be ing done at night and the noise keeps them awake. Two years ago the North western built an up-to-date passenger depot at a cost of about JIO.OOJ. but has furnishedUao toilet rooms for the gen eral public This matter was also taken up with Commissioner Wlnnett and th railroad company will have to get busy. Mask of Lewistoa Sold. TUCUMSEH. Neb., Jan. 3.-SpeclaL) T. R. Richardson and C. U Rot hell, of Crab Orchard, have closed a deal with F. L. Brat ton of Pawnee City, whereby they gain possession of a controlling In terest In the Bank of Lewlsion. a state bank. The bank has a paldup capital of flO.Mn, and surplus of P. 900. The deposits are tS.00. The officers are: R. Hun siker. president; Charles White, vice presi dent: F. L- Bratton, cashier. Mr. Rich ardson will take the management of the bank March 1. Head Masai's la Cerwskeller. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Jan. Js. (Spe cial, l Way n Knox, a young farmer liv ing fourteen miles south of town, had part of his band torn off by catching It in the gearing ot a gasoline com s heller. He waa cleaning the oil cup of the machine, when the accident occurred. This is tb seooad accident ot a like nature tnat kaa happened In ta Kan family wlthla a abort time. Paul, aa older brother, having suffered the loss 6f four fingers while running the same machine. Three Tkeaeaad Delia re Already Paid la ana Balaaee Will Br Fertkeosalac Mania Back le Lake City. From a Staff Correspnodent.l LINCOLN, Neb. Jan. as. (Special Tele gram.) State Auditor Barton made a start today In getting a settlement ot the affairs growing out of tha attempt to consolidate tli Woodman and Union Fire Insurance companies. The otyd of ficers of th I'nlon resigned In considera tion of the payment ot money and the Woodman officers were elected In their place. The auditor demanded the repayment of these sums. SM.O0 n th aggregate, which were taken from the funds of the Woodman company: Today, two of the recipients of the money made payment a O. P. Watson ot Plalnvtew paying In CW, the entire amount received by him; Cyrus Kellogg ot Lincoln paid In V.Mk half of the amount received by him and promised to pay the remainder Monday; J. F. Donovan of Chapman, who re ceived tf.es. left Lincoln for home today and promised to send a draft for &0M. th amount received by him as he reached home. This makes Has) actually received and a Ilk amount promised with In a few days ar th most and there does not appear to be any proabillty It will not be paid. The larger sums tl.0M each received by E. H. Marshall and T. J. Bromfleld, have not been paid and no postrjv assure nee has been given that the money will be forthcoming, but from aoureea which he considers reliable. Mr. Barton ha rea son to believe both men will pay In the money Monday or Tuesday. It Is said th money would have been all paid be fore thla, but there was a difference of opinion as to which of th two companies It belonged. This point was settled by agreement to make Auditor Barton trus tee, to receive the money and hold It until a court of equity could deckle Its ownership. I Asjreeaarat Belweea Ceaapaalee. Following la the lest ot agreement signed by th Union Fir officers, those ot the Woodmen signing one exactly like it except changing the name ot th company. Whereas. Members of the former tmaril of directors ot the I'nlon Fire Insurance company. Mutual, have determined to re turn money pain to mem Dy the wood men Fire insurance company, and. Whereas. A dispute hss arisen ae to whether said money belongs to tb I'nlon nre insurance company. Mutual, or the Woodmen Fire Insurance company, and each of said comiianles Is desirous of ap pointing a trustee to receive said money snd hold the same In trust until It Is flnslly determined to whom said money should be paid and who 1 the owner thereof. It la therefore Resolved, by the board of directors of the Wodmen Fire Insurance company. That Silas R, Barton, auditor of the state of Nebraska, be and hereby Is appointed and constituted trustee ofr th purpos of receiving said money and holding the same in trust for eacn of said companies and paying th asm to whichever of said companies It shall be ultimately de termined la entitled thereto, and the said Silas It. Barton Is hereby authorised to make settlement with each of said par ties ei receipt each of them In full upon the payment as the trustee and representative of said companies. A. IL AkWbTRONO, Vice President, JOSEPH W. WA1T. Secretary. Th passage, of tha resolutions waa duly certified up to th auditor. Shirley Martin Goes Hesse. The woman who under the nam of Shirley Martin was arrested a few day ago while wearing man' clothes left Lincoln today In company with her hus band. John Nelson of Lake City. Is. Since Iter arrest and release, on promts to don feminine attire, the woman has been working In a local restaurant. It appears that she and Nelson were married last October, but she left him sfter three days of wedded life. Though'she went home with her husband, she did not ap pear to be overly delighted with tha Idea. She said he was a good man, all right, but she did not really love him. Nelson, on th other hand, appeared to think a great deal of the woman. Verdict ta Wife. ' A Jury In the federal court today gave Ollle McFarland of Nebraska City a ver dict for il.cu) damages against Bernard Carle, a saloonkeeper of that place, tor telling liquor to her husband. She sued for IU.OO0. Major Paal as Colonel. Returns from the National guard elec tion show that Major Herbert J. Paul of St. Paul has been chosen colonel to suc ceed Colonel Mack, who waa not a candi date for re-election. Walter F. Sammon of Kearney Is elected lieutenant colonel. Nebraska OMAHA MAS IS PRESIDENT OF STATE PABlYXZrS ASSN. Lieutenant Colonel Clapp of Steele City was a candidate for re-election. Lexington Man Sends Presidential Filing I From a Staff Correspondent.! LINCOLN. Jan. M.-t8pecial.-Robert Q. Ross of Lexlogton robbed Senator Cummins of Iowa of the honor of being the only entrant for the day In the presl-J dentlal race. Two years sgo Ross was a candidate for congress In the Sixth dl trk-t and bis lark of success in that venture did not deter him from aiming still higher In tills line. Accompanying his filing be tent th following letter:' LEXINGTON Neb. IJncoln. Neb. Deer Sir: rile thla Demo crat filing a medltly I will send the Re- publenan and Probltln and Socialist Iter on set them others flieed If you can I am entitle to first filing nock Rosevelts filing out the lau dont say to file in nil bu speaks of Wl. ROBERT a. ROSS. lxlnatoa ' Neb. Following are the signers to his peti tion: Henry Kassabeain, Jacob Sarr. H. D. Rhea. W. D. Roberts, all of Lexington; George Rice, p. Simonson. C. F. Dyer. W. IL Bartels, J. A. Pierce. C. U Kreltx, J. W. Radcllffe. W. IL Barkvla. H. U Hinds. W. A. Co. John C. Olllan. J. K. Anders. R. Reudebaugh. and Jake Pins, Overton, E. K. Aker- Lixlngton, J. Bu chanan. Octavla. Ross is the proprietor of a livery stable In Lexington. LEXINGTON. Neb,. Jan. -(Special Telegram.! Robert O. Roes who has sent In Ms filing as a candidate for president of th United States from Lexington, la a member of tha American Detective as sociation. He la a student of history and th ststoles of th state of Nebraska, He Is a member of th Presbyterian church of which he Is i regular attend ant Mr. Rota lived oa a farm until a few yens ago he moved to Lexington and Is pew living In a cottage, keeping batch" alnce hie wtr left him. He was a candidal for th office of th district court of Dawson county four years aco. Two years ago he waa a candidal for th office of United States representative all th tickets from lh sixth dis trict and received th nomination on the prohibition ticket, but was defeated at th lectlon by M. P. Klnkatd. Agrtcattaral Seelety Kleete. BEATR1CH, Neb.. Jn. .'.-(8polal.)- At the annus! meeting and election of officer of th Gage County Society of Agriculture th following offloers wer elected for Itli: C. M. Cruncleton, presi dent; Charles Sonderegger, vie 'presi dent; H. L. Harper, treasurer;' H. V. CHARLES T. SClfWAGER. Kiesen, secreury. The secretary's report shows the society to be In a very good financial condition and the prospects ar very bright for the best fair for ll! the county has ever had. Nebraska the purpose of erecting a muntcli. wter, electric light and heating plant. The mat Ur will be taken up br the city coun ai Us next regular meeting. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN BEE FINDS HEIR FOR ESTATE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. Jft-ISpeclal.) It aeems probable an heir has been found for th state left In Texas by a Nebraska vet eran of the civil war, through th publi cation ot the story In The Bee, Mrs. Carrie Jones of Edxar write that she I th eldest daughter of Israel Long who died In Wichita Falls. Texas. Tha facta of his later lit and death were sent to th adjutant general' office by an ex- Confederate, who owned a big ranch adjoining th small farm of th former union veteran, whe was living a llf ot a hermit after a quarrel and separation from hla family In Nebraska. A strong friendship sprang up between the two men and th cx-CDnrederate wanted hi friends heirs to get his smsll property instesd of a local claimant whom he considered had no right to IL Mr. Jones says ah llvd In Antslop county for a lime following th depart ure of her father, from whom th had not heard In thirty year. ' NEBRASKA PURE SEED GROWERS ORGANIZE LINCOLN. Jan. m-,Special.)-Th Ne braska Pure drain and Seed Growers' association was organised at the farmers meeting at the stale experiment station this week, with the following officers: W. D. Stelk. Phillips, president: W. H. Ehlers. Roca. vice president; T. A. Kiee seibarh ot th department of experi mental agronomy, secretary and treas urer. , The members pledge themselves to use seed of a pure variety, te carefully tend each year a seed plot ot one acre and to use every effort, not only to Improve the quality of their grains, but also th yielding power through breeding meth ods. Th atat experiment station will work with the association, turning over to It th ared of Improved vartetle bred up en the elate farm. Th experimental agronomy department ha appointed an Inspector, who will visit and Inspect th fields of th members each year, will teat their seed samples for purity, soundness and germinating quality and will Issue certificates of approval on good seed, which certificates will be used a a guar antee In th sale ot the seed. You Don't Heed ' a Hew Stomach Yoa Can Now Look A ay Meal Square ia the? Fare, and The Just "Go for It." It Yoa Take Stuart's . Dyspepsia Tablets. Trial Packag Sa ree It- ' Th stomach will go on patiently tor years enduring abuse, overwork and general Ill-treatment ' So w'r apt to think It can tand anything But when th stomacn does rebel, look out! VerW May Vet oa Water Beads. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 39. (Special.) A pe tition with th proper number of signa tures was filed yeterday with th city clerk asking th city council to submit a proposition to th people of this city to vol bonds In th sum of II. wo for NEWS NOTES FROM BEATRJCE wife ef Ceevlrled Issk Robber Asks Kew Trial ef Ante aaeblle Salt. BEATRICKJ Nb.. Jan. .-8pecial. In an effort to secure possession of an automobile belonging to th Kansas bank robbers. Mrs. II. H. Hoerr. wit of on of th bank robber convicted at Marys vine Kan., filed a motion In the district veeierdav for a new trial. The car was attached at Wymur by an In: uranc company, which paid th loss sustained by th Beattl. Kan., bank. and at the hearing In th district court Mrs. Hoerr, who claimed tha car be longed to her. lost her cats. She Is now akin for a new trial. At the regular meeting of the Board ot Supervisors yesterday th annual ap; nronrlatlon for Oag county for th coin- Ins year, which amounts to lt,, wa made. Of thla amount win a uses for road purposes.. Th expense bill Is iixt more than a ysar ago. Judge U M. Pemberton yeeteroay maas a ruling that there should be no grand lurv empanelled for tha term ot court which open February 1! nor at other time this year unless otherwise ordered. Key to the Situation-Be Advertising. i l ! v - iM'SveA iWfJ- - 'vivWrs I "Beery steal sxllea at ate Mow Hasa fee ess Takuut taarVa Dyspepsia TsUMe. Tb minute th stomach ceases ta per form Its functions properly the whol body begins to suffer. Th food la only half-digested, th body only half-nourished. And th undigested portion ot th -food femienta and decays, generating nauseating gases which derang th whol systsm. The veqtul result 1 chronic dytpopsls, heartburn, bad breath, . dlaslnasa, flatulency and sick headache. Stuart's dyspepsia Tablets Instantly reller all ailments of the stomach awd dliestlve tract. Thy act quickly, safety " and naturally Juat Ilk Nature herself. They contain In themselves the elements which go to mak up the natural gastric ' Juloaa. They actually digest th food, re lhtviiig th stomach of all ta hard work. Stuart's Dyspepsia ' Tablta are the stand-by of many a doctor In the worst cases ef stomach trouble, and taey never fall him. ... - All druggist carry and recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.; They are old at 0 enta a box.' ,. It ybii'want to try them first,, we will send you a trial package free on receipt of your nams and address. r. A. Stuart Co.. H-Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. ' fa.... Y - i. if i r . w. unuT who . has thla past week moved from ISM Douglas 8L te 2l4 South Isth BU In the Paxton block. Is one ef the most favorably known business msn In Omaha today. For t years his name baa stood for honesty and square dealing and hla patrons . represent the most desirable families In tha city. In hla ae loca tion, Mr. Lindsay will continue to carry the same well selected, medium priced stock that has met the approval of hi trade all these years. He also plana to materially enlarge hla repairing and manufacturing departments and at ta same, time wlU give his personal atten tion to hla arge line of diamond work. Curtia M. Lindsay, will be associated with hla father in the futur at tag new , lecatios , TRUE ARTS and CRAFTS Pesign furniture of tbe celebrated Stickloy Bros. Co. make in that sofe, beautiful brown shade of fumed finish on select quartered oak. All leather used for cushion upholstering is of the highest quality Hnish Morocco in a green and bio . u blend ing shade. ' . ( You know by this time that jou can uow buy this high grade Dining Room, Living Boom, Library and Den furniture in our January sale at a saving of a third ond a fourth. Here are some of the bargains "77" a a 1 J HI in j I.IBAKY TABIJ5 Fumed oak, top is It inches wide by 40 Inches long. Contains one large drawer. Regular value $13.00; January sale Price 810.50 $24.00 Library Table, turned oak, one Ucge drawer; special 819.50 $22.00 Library Table, fumed oak; special, at 817.50 $18.00 Library Table, fumed oak, round top. peci.1 814.75 RtX'KKK or ARM CHAIR (Like Illustration) Fumed oak, looae Span ish Morocco leather seat and back. Very comfortable. Regular selling price $30.00; January tale price 820.00 $3.00 Arm Chair or Rocker, Spanish leather seat and back 824.00 $19.00 Arm Chair or Rocker, 8panlh leather seat and back 813.50 $54.00 Davenport, Spanish leather cushion seat, pillow back . . . . 843.50 $24.00 Settee, Spaulsh leather cushion seat 819.75 $3.i.00 Bookcase, fumed oak, four shelf, two door 826.50 $60.00 Bookcase, fumed oak, three door 848.00 144.00 Rocker or Arm Chair, Spanish leather seat and back S35.50 $11.00 Hall Mirror, fumed oak 88.75 $4$ Couch, fumed oak frame, Spanish leather cushion and pillow $-10.00 S20.00 Breakfast Table, fumed oak, drop leaf ..816.00 $IS.OO Buffet, fumed oak, copper trimming 838.50 $44.00 Buffet, fumed oak, mirror bock 829.03 $10.00 China Cabinet, two door, fumed oak 833.00 $!S.OO Serving Table, fumed oak 812.00 $50.00 Dining Table. 58 inches In diameter, fumed oak 840.00 If. 50 Dining Chair, Spanish leather scat 87.00 $tt.00 Dining Chair, Spanish leather seat 84.75 $40.00 Chiffonier, fumed oak, six drawers 832.50 $20.00 Fumed oak four poster Bed, single slxe 815.75 $4s!oO Dreeser, fumed oak, large mirror, four drawers 838.50 DRAPERIES Helow we give a list of some rare bargains in lata curtains and curtajn materials. These are all drop patterns, and we have marked them for quick sellers. Sic Cross ttripe curtain material, yard -9 Sac Fancy Net. white, ecru and cream, jard lf) , 75c Fancy Madras, all colors 19g 85c Fancy Madras, all colors 29 1 SCRIM CTRTAIN8 WITH COLOUKD BORDKRS 3.75 Scrim Curtains, colored border, pair ...-95t t.7E Madras Curtains, colored border, pair 81.95 REMNANTS All goods left over from our last season's stock on sale at 9c, 29VtC and 50c a piece. Odd Lace Curtains, one and two pair lots at HALF PRICE. Orchard Wilhelm Carpet Qo. Humphrey Sereiit-Seen ' Breaks up Grip and COLD' COLDS NOT DVB TO LOW NECK GOWNS . Boms physicians attribute ' the colds and eore throata which have been so comn.vn that they threatened to become, eploemlo within the last week In larf measure te foolish dressing on ta part of. women and especially to the Dutch neck and lac yoke. Oa tbe oofitrary. the tendency te wear lighter ole thins and especially le eipoe the throat baa hardenad woman and laoreaesd their vitality that thsy can withstand poeure far bttr than th could tea years aso. "It Is not Isck of protection but Irwon alstsnry that Is dan serous'' If women would always wear low necks or always hl(h ones the system would ' accom modate Itself to it. If women will carry a vial ef "Sy-nty-soren ' and take a dose at the first feeling of a Cold they may dress as they pleas. At Drug olore tie or malleJ. lirMPHRHY'! IIOMKO. MRDICINK Co. Corner Willism snd Ann Sta, N. T. nmfTTrniinnnillininirssa HtliaUtsaswsUUiUlli CLEAR YOUR 71 i?Ti few: LsTVl I V TY. M am. ptasMftaTt t a mat arm Bet Mr ar HEAD! Sample FREE writ Vm mtn list afcMKrir t wprt A M mrommUc. MwtklM Met trr. ft itl i-rtmr wrrur kasaal tMttlf. Irtalt U Mm law hmtn -utm U twm ml iaviTiv - Ask Your Druggist npwTViskM of imrrnf r ii.w.m tat. Atpil4 llrrUT tb r aairfaVOasB II Cl" 1aeMl rmsMaW- TH riUU!Ma, pUT tVO. aaVneTt MItHftl! TIM I If . Vtfltas.M M KIM T tar temftll 4l u. Tit totf tub t-ttfltaVJaWJ tltr ttOM M ft C M UM aVW (tnOTwtt Mil aeia or wrtt tt far iraa aawpt, ; M C- Ml ta aaUaaaY. BEHM'S PLATFORM t will air mv -stock and ten dollar a year. If the CHty will build an Audi torium ' Buuoins; large enousn v e modal the Knlshta of Ak-sar-Bew, oa Jefferson Bquar. ' . , . If this meet with your apararat fill In my name on the Omaha Bee blank and end It in for City Commlasloner. junn a. p&nsi. INCREASE YOUR EARN INO POWER. Read Announcement on Page 7 of News Section Today. TB4TII, civAmars t ob ran tae aBw TM.es tees. ftse. kvs. assMally steXr SMS 0 THE ORIElT rseraaxy ta Ascfl IS, 111 rTMr-M Sara, smum eair sms ut k. crestas ate eainliaa. srstaai. ruTVXBS: auaetra, uaaia. senile, wf. awn, ema. Ceasumii-eM. is ESTTt ass Stir 1Li.se. Ro. te attlei. etc J. & CT.al. nasa Kaf, Saw Tra