Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 21

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    The Omaha Sunday: Bee Magazine Page
Copyright. 191 by Aaierfeea-KxambMr. Great Kigali Rtrv.
1 .
aM. l mm
"Jf arm are Urge Lata then dafly with an astringent, as white wine vinegar, which
i . .whiten at well a reduce."
MME. CAVALiERJ continue her brilliant and practical tcrie. of article on aelf culture by a timely chap
ter on how to beautify 4bc neck and bow to male the arms attr active by making then jounc! and
while, and plump only in proportion to the figure.
. She tcDs what thall be done to whiten the yellow neck." what thould he done to piumpea the thin one, and
what (or the "icraggly" and aging one. She give valuable advice on bow to reduce the coarse arm and how to
bu3d tbe acrawney one. She give direction a to bow to rid the arms of the masculine appearance caused by super-"
fluous hair. ,"".' .-.;'
By Mme. Una Cavalierl
T tola time oast girts are
looking anxiously to their
neck, boulder and arm.
; Winter it particularly unkind to all
i of these parts of the body.
Tbe neck 4a always tbe sufferer
when fast ion decree high collar.
It ta beet to eompromii with Cash
Ion by letting tbe collar ail
guimpea be of tbln, soft material.
When tbl 1 not poealbl .tbe col
lar can be lined witb white, e'eX
though you batte place of aft
muslin or ilk inside tbe cellar for
yourself. It ti worth tbe effort to
keep our .sack clear, Sett .and
white. Dark collar communicate
their color In an ugly, shadowy rim
that 1 anything else than attrac
tive, ' Or tbay cause fellow stain
difficult to remove.
Should you see this unwelcome,
appearance, add to the daily acrub
witb a complexion brush and pur
soap and vara rater an applica
tion at least once a day. preferably
before retiring, of tbb:
Distilled witch hazel.... 1 ounce
j Rose water ,......,...., ounce
' bichloride of jrtrcury.,.l erln '
' Moisten tie yellowed eklo W a
apoage or a piece t absorbent cote
ton saturated with th foregoing.
The tight collar, beside robbing
tb seek of It aetural tairnes by
disturbing tbe circulation and lea
vening tbe supply of blood to those
parte, causes premature wrinkling
of tbe neck. The best care ia to
wear bigb. collar act at all or a
little as possible. At least do not
wear them at borne. Free your
' neck a soon possible and nour
ish the starred muscles by feeding
them liberally witb a cold cream.
Or a pasta mad a follow ha the
same elect, beside whitening tb
Liquid honey, en tablespoonful.
Juice of one temoa. '
r White of two eggs.
, Mix these with enough fine oat
meal to make a fairly thick, moeth
This Is the season for revealing
tb arms. If they be painfully
thin or embirrastingly clump those
qualities are shown in the low cut,
ahortslaered goes. The beautiful
arm bait midway between these
extreme, it should b frankly
round'aad plump, but not fat. That
it should be smooth and soft and
white goes almost without saying.
It might have all these desirable
points, yet fail of beauty because It
does not taper at the wrist.
If tb arms are this, gentle exer
cise and much ligbt massage with
oil, almond and olive In equal parts,
with a few drops of benioln for
whitening the mixture, should grad
uslly increase their size and curves.
If they are too large, vigorous us
of the exerche should reduce them,
especially if they are bathed dally
with an astringent, ae, for Instance,
with white wine vinegar, which
whitens as well a reduce. Tbln
a run cae b softened aad fed by
lacing loo, oily baadagea about
them at aight. la ta same way
aotigh, red bow may b beauti
fied. t
ilasy of my correspondent com
plala at this eeasoa of goose flesh.
This lotion, of Italian origin, will
make them smoother, and should,
ia good time, entirely remove the
rough appearance.
. I's this freely on the arm after
wsblng them and before tbey bv
been thoroughly dried:
Bo water, n pint
Tincture of benzoin, one fluid
Tincture f telu, twenty diep.
Often a glri dislikes to bare her
arm because there is on them a ,
thick, dark growth of superfluous
hair, unwelcome because, my corre
spondent sadly declare. It makes
tbem "look like monkey." Tbl
depilatory powder, It used most
carefully, will remove that bairy
covering for a time I merit earn
estly warn you, however, to be ex
ceedingly careful in your use of it
Remove It the instant it begin to
mart. If you do not your arm
msy b permanently disfigured:
Starch ounce
Quicklime S ounce
Orplment li ounce
Crab each of these into a fine
powder. Mix tbem well and keep
tbem la a tightly closed Jar or bot
tle. When tbe depilatory Is needed
pour a teaspoottful into a saucer.
' "- . Inn "V" V
I V 'L : )l 1 ' -n-v-J
wSi -y
V . v 1 f j . , i
. V".J " 'tin , '
i yfiy? ' 1 ' muscles
1 t .:-YiX-K.tV.3r I Rslnwster. en alnt. , Tincture ef esnthari, .
f l I r- . I jTf ir aj Li..(Bi'
" & lrT
. f ! B3lfh . , Pur ro.w.ur, ' pint
Add enough warm water' to "make
a tbln paste. Spread this on the
hairy part -of tb arm -K atrri
paper knjfe, or any smooth, 4t 1.
strument with "
a blunt edge.
Wkii th
smarting' be. -
gins scran
off the paste
t once. The
bsir should
come off at
tbe same time.
Better apply
to the skin,
whether It
eems inflam
ed by this
treatment or
ot, beat
ing lotion, as
equal part of
witch hazel
and glycerin,
. Wbst I bav
aid of keep
tie seek aed
arm is good
onditioa ap
plies o the
shoulder. Car
ry the body
weij and your
shoulder will
be firm and
graceful. Car
ry the bead
well and both
boulder and
neck will be 1
of attractive
. outline.
Tb (boulder ad arms, it dis
figured by blotches or redneus, will
be improved by the use of:
Elder flower water g ounces
Glycerin t ounce
Pulverized borax ...... Vt tfram
0r tbis formula:
Orang flwr water... unee
Pulverized borax rm
Olycerin V ""K
Apply freely to the reddened or
blotched surfaces. ,
Beauty Questions Answered
C. R. write to ask a brief de
scription ot face massage.
The beet face massag is a gentle
slapping with your own palm that
neve see) eevare with eeM eeeees,
Fifteen minute are enough.
U 10 Wishe direct! oas for makng
the hair "darker sod early."
A mild tea mad of burdock I the
Id German hair darkened. Celng
ef vegetable origin, It ha not tie
bijueleue offset ef ordinary eye.
Shaking the hlr, by eatohing hantf
, fM ef It by th and leoeening
the hairs frm their llngln, Indi
vidual neighbor, I th insane fol
lowed by Ann Held, who has beau
tiful hair, to make It oft and fluffy.
But If your hair I not naturally
curly th kid-covered curlers r
1 the snly substitutes I know to make
', up th lack. These compound, I
have tinderstood.i have be ssd
J witb eucceee, though I do not give
them my persons I Indorsement: ,
... Ouino seed, on tbleponful.
Rainwater, one pint. ,
. Bruise th seeds. Boll the mix-,
, ture gently until th quantity I re.
ducsd thre-urtr of a plat '
gtrln th liquid end when It has
cooled dd to It four tablepeeorrf ule
of celegne. Apply thla t th hair
with email eponge. After dampen. ;
ing th hair with ttil roll on curler. .
This liquid ha also its friends
who claim lor It efficacy, and, lnce
it ha as harmful Ingredients, there
should be no objection to trying It:
Pur rosewsMr,
Pulverised gum arable, I eza.
Strain through cheesecloth.
Apply this to the bsir before sr..
ranging It. The bandoline will keep
the "wave" In place a you arrange
Ihem. ( i ' - -
K. B. C. write: "Kindly tell en
what I shall do for an obatinat
case ot falling hair.' , ,
Now and then It Is well to di
minish the beat In tb bead by ap
plying lumps of ice wrapped in auft
cloths or towels, to the part of the
head that Is hot any pert but tbe .
bsi'k of the head. 'The shock to (hat
part I have found too gnL Or the
application of soft towels or eloth
dipped Into cold wster and often re.
newed will drive the excens of blood
from tbe bead.
Alcohol I cooling for tb time, t
have frequently rubbed it Into my
scalp. epeclslly when the scalp wif
perspiring. It is. beeide being cool
ing, strong disinfectant, ridding
tbe scslp of microbes that are
enemies to the hair.
Of Internal remedies for and pre
ventives ot th Inning hair, which I
the precursor ot baldness.
known physician gave this:
Tincture of jaborindl.
Take flv to thirty drop In water,
four time a day.
Also this:
Sulphuoreu acid, t . .
Syrup ef orange flower, 2 eza
Tak a teaspoonful In water thre
time day.
Syrup of hypophosphytes, I ezs.
Alain, t grain. .
Tak on teaspoonful thre time
a day. ...
Ot local applications I recommend
for falling balr tbat la "dry" tbis:
Maroury etsat. S ea.
- Oil af are. 1 Ma.
It bld aput appear auer nines
Improvement bus been quickly
snowa wbea tbl peeperaUoo , I
i used:
'Olyeerlne, 4 ez.
. Rectified spirits, 1 pint
Sublimed sulphur, ' oz.
Tincture ef cantharldts,
Tb best way to spply Uls I t
wet the haul snot with It thr
times day. rubbing it In well witb
a soft, old tooth brush.
mirunlatiiig to tbe aew balr that
ha been coaxed to grow and which
1 of infant Ilk weakur when It
grat appear l:
Deodorized alcohol, pint
. Pil of mc. 'A
Apply ia th m wy a th
When the bsir eome out too rree
ly try hampoolng dally nntll the
nosslbl destructive microbe ha
been bnlhed,
V R. y: forta year
et aze, and 1 weigh 1S pound, and
would Ilk your advice a to how to
become thinner. I feel a though I
am ridiculed by every one. Ale
kindly uvi me how to rid myself
of drk freckle."
If you war full grown I should ad
vise eating but one meal a day, ex
ercliing much out of door aad
leaping an hour or two lea a day.
tint ad no you re of a growing age
I will not take tb responsibility of
such advice without your Drat eon
(ultlng a physician. It you are at
fourteen full grown, a are eom
persons, this advice wlU apply.
Dark freckles should be treated
ii lighter one. Tttis is a barmleea
bleach. Apply it to tb freckle
with a camel' hair brush. It it red
den and atlng tb kln, do not be
alarmed. '
Lactt acid, 2 ezs.
Glycerin, 1 oz.
ftosewater, 't z. r-
Aftarward allay the burning by
applying any oothlng cold cream.
This remedy, knows aa fctar
c hand's, ba bee meet elective in
hundreds ef cases a ebitlnat
freckle (bat I bav known:
Aa nc bettl ef hydnazon.
An ounce bottl of glycozone.
Pint beb tb face thorough ly
with warm, aoapy water. Then
with Molt camel e-hftir bruab pply
to tbe akl the bydrazon. weaken-
ed by mixing it with aa equal quan
tity or water. Allow tt tn dry ea
the skin. Thenah a attagiac. itch
ing aenaatloa lollew, Urle ved not
be alarming. Tbea gently apply the
glycozone in the same wy.
, Do tat every wight and morning
oji til th track Lee have disappeared.
After tbat make the application at
least once a week to prevent tb re
turn. , , j
A. H. B. aaks for bmt abouT
prematar gray hair." '
Tbos hair are ia taeaueive
h fnf that vniie a In ia haI in wnA
condition. Tb farmer prepare tb
oil before he now hi crop, and
after a ba sowed the crop no cul
tivate tb eoil. Look wU t th
aoU from which yvur balr crow.
Keep th kla eool and nolst and '
too from the scalp. U toe scalp
be dry aad (cabby take regnant
ahem noos and after each Kb )anqv.
tin thoroughly into tb root et th
hair. Many bv faith ta the hair
growing qualltiea of vaseline. My
objection to that 1 it to of mineral
origia. I prefer eoametk marie
frem animal fata or eoteteU oil.
Masaag your oalp every wonting
until tbe akta awvee easily upon
the aoalp. Break It gently once a
day with long strokes, glrmg tt at
least on hundred atrokee. V' a
cooling hair lotion. Thai la cooling
and stimulating:
ftotewetec, g
, Brandy, t eza.
Castor ell, I ez.
Ammonia, t ex.
Or. It yow hair I oily, thla i
Alcohol, ez.
' Cocoanut ell, t'i ezs.
Tlnctur af nux vomica, 4 drama
Tincture ef alcehello cantharid,
CI dram.
Tincture ef capsicum, 1 dram.
The Cannibals
ItpvEAIt. deart" remarked Kr. Jack
U pott Jooes. ea be dropped th
t . ; ;
' How to Make Your Room EicientBiy Prof. Charles Barnard f
rERE ia the plan ot a bedroom
uitible tor a young man. It
1 shows the snap of tbe room.
th position of th door and tb win
dow, aad shows that the furniture
la arranged for tb comfort and con
venience ct tb person who msy oc
cupy the room at night. .
Tbe room, t in a country bouse
and we zuay Imagine that it i tbe
bom ot a young commuter. Every
week-night, some time between ten
and twelve, be goes to tb room, and
what be says and does while getting
ready for tbe night and gettlag
ready for hi train In tbe morning
make a story tbat miy be aad or
amuitng yuat a yon look at it.
H enter the room tired aad a
IB. LAW was feeBDC weary, yaaea.
aad la need ef a chance,
-gee tbat you (et plenty pt bath aad
af food food. Sir. lew," said hi medical
advtser to b!m, "and flad out aoaw gulet
country eotiacs where yoe caa take a
tboreufb nst-"
"go 1 wraw." sera Mr. Law. te a eer.
taia eld timer, aad la the coarse f ay
letter I asked (be eld farmer If there
was a bath tn hie beuaey
"In repiy he a!d:
" If jrea WAXT a baih, yoe bad better
ta' :- Ware ye come."
a result earel, and put down hi
watch and then bunts for the oid
fsshioned key can't think where he
left It. walk ll ever the room look
ing tor It, slops Before tbe mirror
to see if hi neckti la clean, find
the key Just where be left it and
then bunt for hi pajama can't
think where he left them. Oh!
They la tb baaket from tb
laundry tbat cam borne that day.
Drops bis things anywhere and, at
last, gets to sleep.
Bnddenly he discover It is day
light aad spring up, bunt for hi
watch. He Is late. Run to wash
stand. No water. U pick p the
' pitcher and runs to th bathroom.
Door locked. He waits, fuming and
fretting for three minutes at last,
get tbe water, washes In a hurry.
No towels look la drawer; none
there He run to door and call:
"Mother! Sister! Somebody bring
me a towel. Oh. Thank you,
-Where tn what did I do with my
where ha it gown to?"
He walks, walk, aad walk from
table to closet, from chiffonier to
wshtand and back to tbe mirror.
At last be reaches the dining room.
4 minute after be got out of bed.
On the table i a letter "Can't
open it now no time to bother with
it most get a bite and my train."
Late that night be And the un
opened leater in hi room. It says.
"Please rail." somewhere downtown
at once, "and ee about a better
Now, what i tbe matter? I It
tbe room or tbe furniture or i it
the young man? Look at th plan
of the room again. The position of
the bed between the window !
right Tb washstand and tbe mir
ror are both right, because near th
high dormer window, with a good
light for washing and th best side
light for tbe mirror. The two chairs
are in the best place for nee, night
or morning. The space between the
bed and the chiffonier and the two
tables make an excellent dresaing
WIMPOW ffVr1i-
) v-""n4 rs
u.i, a.
Diagram Showing the Route of the Efficient HaU-Roomer.
M L:. .' , : j 1 lu haU!a her
beady in th asoraiagt M, his aisaple rate while dref
for hie day'a work.
e tbar will be
aad ew leaving
room, with a good light and every
thing In may reach.
Ixwk at th plan again and let us
imagine tbat a different kind of a
man ba tbe room. At 10:20 be
enter th door, follows route
marked N, and turn to tbe left and
place tbe lamp and bl stemwlnder
on tbe small table by th door.
Then, in two ateps, be rearbea the
other table, where eh takes from the
drawera fresh handkerchiefs, col
lar, etiSe and tie that he will need
in the morning. Two more steps
brings him before th chidonler for
whatever clothing he tbink b will
need to-morrow. H then walk
round the foot of th bed, leaving
tbe cloth ins on tbe foot ot tbe bed
and placing tbe amall thing in the
drawer ot th washitand In eaay
reach when standing before the
mirror In tbe morning.
Now for bed. Every piece of
clothing is bung on it book or
placed in closet or on the chair In a
certain regular order, so that It can
be taken up In tbe morning with
out a aingle lost mottoo.
As soon as it Is ligbt be begins
st tbe place where be left off tbe
night before end taking up esch
piece In reverse order he wsshes
end dresse. crowing th room but
once. He follows route msrked M and
picks up bis watch lust as be goes
ont the door ot hi room. He is
glad to note that be ba plenty of
time to gel a breath of fresh air
out of doors, look at the mail and
perhaps help mother bring in
breakfast, and best of all. he has
a good half hour to himself before
tho day' work begins
Hi time he knew was worth more
In the morning than at night, and
he made a list of all tbe thing be
must use In the morning and then
arranged tb thing in th order in
which they would be uaed, begin
ning witb the towel and ending
with the wbiek broom. He then
"routed" tb room so tbat be could
enter the door, turn to tbe left and
pass the small table, tbe chiffonier
and the second table and then walk
round tbe foot or tbe bed to the
washitand and then walk to the
closet by tbe head ot the bed.
Tbia trip was continuous and
without single backward atep. It
la ahown on the plan by the dotted
line marked N. in the morning be
reversed the route, as shown by
dotted line marked M. Very soon
he bad a place for everything along
each rout and arranged in the
order In which they were laid down
or taken up. Within a week be had
committed all this to memory and
could do everything la tbe right
order t a good speed and without a
mistak as a matter ot habit.
Tbe Inefficient man took ferty-aln
minutes to get dowa late to break
tut. Tb efficient man who took
all the trouble to make the route
map came down m twelve minute,
had good breakfast, looked at hi
mail and the paper and. by atarting
early and having no toat motions,
gained bait an hour every morning.
three hour clear gain every week
and his own time twelve precious
hour month eight whole day in
a year saved.,.
newspaper wpoa hi knees aad Baaed
hi dear wife, sitting on ths opposite side
-Whit la, acerr Baked wat Una 1,
sae 1 Mined hack ks be chair I the
sous ot sracklag whalebone.
-Why er a report her ef ship
that was wracked aear Terra del p"aeo,
where tb eaaatbala ar, ye know, dear.
The ruegaa killed aad ate th aulas, K
nppesrs, but absalatsiy tabued eat
wtsre than on at th A taowM wb
were swong the survivors ot the wrack."
Ia deedt 1 abeeJd have tbonght they
nreeld bav pieteTtad W eat kadtes. They
ere so much mere aaader than soen,
aren't tbeyt"
Well, I don't knew. It esa, aeosrd
icc ts this aotovat, that the twn man
tbey aie ba aoUln ea bat Annas! ehtrta
nnd lura trousers, which tba amvngta
nuBcae ap witb tbe aaca. Th on
woman that Ihejr ate"
"Had a her. ks addition to bar ai0s
ctottes, about a pint af halrplaa, a, air,
caraot, a beni-steel oms-iaiprwvar, aavu
xJ4used silver haaalea, a bamiafeed wwtat
ben, with steal ebaulaJne, sriaaora. kvt-tea-beok.
eorkaerew, etc, hraaa-tlpped
aeels to her beota, glir-
"Ooed grackoaa, hew they mast hav
-Rather! Uatea to thla: "War nvn
days after the cbtsc of tbe tribe never
atared er apoke, bat has ataes neavered
an celebrated his eonvajaaeaaue by
boning forty ebndraa aa a taaaa-effer-lag.
He bis since sworn, and sane his
tribe swear, never te eat aaether white
anew.'" ,
Love's Outetaadiar Feattrt.
Harold Hew do yon knew yoe really
leva me. Henrietta?
Henrietta Ob. HaroM,' ataes I have
known you I have eulte eoea So admire
ears tbat stsad out . '