Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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in nir ninnru nr cnru
in incuAnucnur cucn ,
Arc You Denying
Yoir Jaby.Troe
Winter: Comfort?
. Arnold Knit Gannenta arc
mad just especially for .tiny
- folks,-the patented knit fab
ric is soft and pleasing to the
"mos.t tender skin then, loo,
it's wonderfully wann hut
not heavy and -stuffy as
many winter weight mater
ials are.
Arnold girmentif positively will
'not sArlnk,' lose shape or grow
harsh and stiff when waabed
"an these Ideal -winter garments
t.t0trjomr little ORMi , - ' -
- Arnold knit Sight Inwwer.
i. For age 3 to )'J yearn, are
mad- wlthor without fet and
-Vara'! Juab' tb wiramt, nntt
. "Jcomff- Hieeamland roaiora lm
. jvsinable.; Ptfeed.'. according to
ad aveigbt of fabric at from
M.1VIJI' nr .W S w , a, y
1 and 2-yer iIxm, mad long eaough
Iowa, Traveling Ken Endorse Sea
ator and Fledge Entire Support. -
WMcJrww W !! WMtrri Cam
pals MaiMr MtBrta Bo la '
lca Jtolw Lil4C VP -. .
Iowa I)aerat.
.. . ' -'T
z'i.Ysr Infants and In
to-be-din together at bottom of garment with a ahlning
' wring; plain or allk ftnlah, single or double fold; priced
from ,..-65e to $1.53
. r - ..w - - --. -
.Mtd of washable knit cloth, aoft and comfortable, colora piuk,
blue, red and grey '. 15
... . t . .
We are etelualve agenta for tbeaa famoua Arnold knit good.
- Including Bath Aprona, Biba, Diaper. Ip Pads, ' Traveling
:' Poachea. "Oertrude" Sfclrts, Abdominal Bauds. Pinning Hanoi,
Wrappers, Wash Cloth. I
.. . f . . ...
IfftTOVM fWlTt
i ii 1 1 i i . a. aa n I aa i
. (From a 8Uft Correspondent )
DE8 MOINKA, Jan. a.-ttipeclal Trie
tram. The first action in lew taken
officially to get hut of Senator Cum
mins far president tu taken by the
i Iowa' Bute Traveling Meaa assorlatlow
in I nrteanooa to Jnuoraiiig Ma candidacy,
ard pledging; hhn tbe support of the members Tha . assorfsOoa has
always been atrong for hi at as he served
i for years without par la tbe rapacUy Of
i general roanxel for the travelling men.
I Over hM members of Traveling Men's
assorlattvn attended the: annual meeting
today. President Hill and, Secretary Radcr
are hold-over officials. John A. Blanch
ard wa elected vice president and five
director. There was a gain of 3.1)9 lit
membership the last year.
Many He C'ros Seal tali.
The total Hie of Red Croes seals Id
Iowa this rear aggregated an.), ac
cording to the report mad ay the stale
tuberculosis depeiimenr today.
C. O. Helfner of Seattle, Wish., wVatern
campaign manager for Governor Wilson
of New Jersey cam to Dea Maine to
work In the Interest of Wilson' candi
dacy for that presidency. One object of
the visit of Mr. Helfner la to line up the
Iowa democrat for the New Jersey guv-
A. a CUaiUlNS.
Fou Sailor Beacued After Day of
' .. IntenM Suffering.
scooxes wirxzED nr sto&m
larrHen Takes Off the Maerp Pees.
ay Neeeaaa Catter Iteeca .
Hattle fas Lite Mela far
.f , waaty Hears.
NORFoLJC, V. ,'jn. ji-Afier ellng-
Ing for mor than thirty Jitur to the
anaau and rigging of their aaaken vessel
the fear rmJtim'm!titra af the cww.
ef th three-anaattd cbooner Marry Pres-
cett were resoved today 'by the 'revenue
cattar I Use, which preeeeded t WU
mlngtpa.,;. r.
booi,t l, v.l laf e -eauydar they
ware-MnrfpeJIeaVtM MraltasJt Vh
. "mm mmm wn4 una wni ,MUUJ.
X selvsa for a alght tint proved to ee ens
of grant uffeMnc I 'the face of a se
vere northwest wind that earned the
temperauaa aslow trees ng.
H was e'eteek Tharsdar Bight that the
Preaeset. bb Otis' far Wilmington, !. f.;
wfth It asrgo of salt .struck on th Inner
Diamond aheal. when Ha master im
teoK the Battera light for th tHamond
fcthaal ItghUhlp.'
It' waa a battl for life front th start
for the" sevsn member t th acheaner
craw, i-t '
II cat soon fJUed and the men were
without food and drink from midnight
Thursday until theV rescue, aava far
what llttl they wen abl U cur about
. thalr.peraone when It waa found that th
ahlp wa doaaed.
Captaat V. N. Philbrsek. awuter ef the
Harry FTesoott, ta la a serkms oondltlon
aa th result of severe uttering en
eeuaterad whea be with Mate T. B. amtlh
and Htawwrd Oesrga O. BoMna cast
theauelva Into lb sea Tree th masU
if toe Ptesoott In order that they might
fee rescues' by life aavsrs. Tbay are being
cared for V th natter station.
Th Itasca -arrived off Hatteraa at
o'clock lasf Hlgfit' but H waa found Im
possTbl. to' reach to shipwrecked mr-
Inns vh'Jt. dk)Br-k. When volunteer
from the TVasca.' aselsttd by Ufa anver.
reached tha Imperilled member of' thv
Preeoott crew. ' . -
Quick to. ae. tha tread of the U.nea,
th Motor .Car Manufacturing company,
Indiana soils, has Included a self-starter
uaing Preet-ChLite . as Ma, in regular
talnnent of their mi Kew Parry.
3"h spectal 'design. eroptoyed ta of bn-
4Sa lasattelty and ueatneea aiul it has
usea folia by many severe, leita to be
a keel st ly reUeble and efficient.
"PI tha buyer" ha piwaia been
thaiheyaotn, of Ui busto poller of
th Mass Cv Manutacturlug company
aoA their Jnatlltlea ol this seif-surter
thai Mrs. is (heir sratch
wsara. , 4"ti !- r-j,..- . .
TM .tsl-staner. .dees pway .with thy
men sad aauUa.atiMvP.a .decrease!
tlat.'gleasiir ef orug. these
arw - bsk .; ea wm "ajerea . wrtsta irmr
cMBhiaaT els' there- esed t be.' tu motor
car Bsejphi neogtmn that with the spread
of the.- as of atimMlea by feoatmne
waera aod drtvecs there should be no
hard eraakiag problem. In cold weather
It takea 4 atrong man to sola a mofor
tee old wa)- and M e dlaagreeabla Job
at thau -. -
The company haa also arranged to fur
rsl any ;'(. Parry now ta' ase with
the cX-trter' it' th nominal price of
IS- - ...
(Continued from I'lrM Page.)
vlrwK,"iwaM of them in tu plaintiff
own horn during hi temporary absence,
arranged by a private eystem ef Mgnaaj
od telephone communication.
Regarding; th manner is which the ali
mony provision waa aecured th petition
allege that th divorce petition ronulned
aurh sever charge of Immorality that
Mr. Hall eosht not afford to let there
become public, even though they were
untrue, and contained statements regard
log hi buoJttSBB. and business secrets.
confided to. ale wife. Jhat e could not
Bff jrd la pav published, lie was gives
Id understand that th petition" and
rears re wsuld become nubile ualeee he
Jtled and he waa by this method
rdarcrd nt aef lllng. be allege.- -
Tells, of teneptrarr.
proof vt' tti alleged oovwniraey Mr.
cite that hla former wife and Mr.
Mr Kern married In California en Auguat
U just 'twenty-three day after th e
plratioa pf th sin month legal prohlM
tleej of th former Mr. Hull' remarriage.
Mr. Hull prayer la that the divorce
case be reopened so far as th alimony
etttlemeat la affected; that h be eem-
return to him th money and
property he so far haa paid her under
th oontrart and that she ft permanently
restrained from collecting or trying to
collect tha balance. The ess will be
given a bearing next week on application
toy a temporary Injunction, to remain la
if fact pending fin1 adjudication.
Ames Woman Nearly 1
Laughs Self to Death
A It vs. s, Jan. Chloroform and
three doctors were necessary to atop Mr.
A. Tnx of thl city from laughing aver
her daughter story concerning an Inci
dent at a circus. Today she la slowly re
covering from the Illness which resulted
from the laughing spell.
I wis. rox ana ner asugnter acre wora
l lug about the house yesterday afternoon.
when the latter happened to remember
aomcthlng she once w at a clrcua and
told about It. Th mother had been
laughing two hour when medical aid
wa aummoned and chloroform admin
istered. It wa wtlb great difficulty that th
pbyaiclwa aupprawwj tnelr laughter.
and member of th family and friend
res ard laughing only ftr they had
learned of the serious nature of tha cas.
I m -
luWA CUT. rsk. Jen. JAttpaclal Tele
gtaia) hnnn t ef a av abenshlag drii k
Issj eups in Iowa wui protathly b gtvea
by tha atal avaard of ileeJtk ea th baw
at a report .furnished her today by Dr.
Jtenry Albert, stats baitertolegtst. sbow
i that but of sa tsnestlgaaaa af twenty
two drinking cop take frosn bnc
Idacea truwagbeat tha state, evMenrea of
tctarhv sert amnd h aacbL Instaac to
warrant -tha - epread, f five kind of
errs-r, , : ,
i i i
De Soto Boy -Wins '
Uorn Sweepstakes
tPram a 8tafl CMnnpoadent)
UNCO UN. Jan. . (SpedaJr-tUrry
gelt of OeSota, . Neb., captured tbe
wespslske la hi nhlblt of ten r of
whit cora at I he corn ahow, which waa
held In connection with th Mate Cera
Improver' aasoclaUon thl week. Tbe
stteepuka la tea ears of yellow corn
went to Fred Krhtenkamp of Arlington.
Neb., and the Junior nweeptake to Clar-
M on nick of Hooper. Th. other
ward, were a follow;
risss A (honorary . inesnbar. tea cars
yellow dent corn), first prlte, Fred
Vhtenkamp of Arlington: terood. Harry
Delta of ttotVita; third; H. f. Rngge
bech of Whssee.
Class B thonorary member, ten ear
whit dent corn), first prise. I tarry Melt
of Iw.Soto. eecnnd, H. I. Kahlf of Kilt
Oty; third, Fred Echtmkamp ef Arling
ton. Class C tasnataurs. tea ear yellow dent
rornl, first prise, Kiroer Anderson ef Coe
oord; second. A. K. Anderson ef Concord;
third. Oeorge Rohwers of Kwt falhou.
Cls ismateurs, ten ears while dent
conn, first prise, H. Miller of fort Cal
houn; sscona. . R-nmMt ei mair;
third. J. T. Swale of Bethany.
Ilea K (sjnateur. ten ears of dent
corn other than white or yellow), first
prise. Meddle eUsver or Aunurn: second,
c. J. Hue ef Auburai third, Lewis
Jesperaon of Ashland. ,
Class F (amateurs, single r, any
vHHri. first pel sr. 3. K. Graham of
Hetheay: secoad. Weeas OoMsbury of
Peru; third. C. J. Bueh of Aukarn.
Clssa K t honors rv members and
amateurs, ten heads wheat, snv variety),
first prise. C. J. Brash of Auburn; sac
ewd. Meddle Beaver of Auburn; tklrd,
J. P. Urahar of Hethany.
Claaa l (tea hMule oats, asm classes a
Kl. flrel arise. Mrddla etaaver of Auburn;
sscend. W. M. bell of Auburn; third. C.
J. brush of Auburn.
risse M lona perk threehed wheat. ror
clesss aa Kl, first prise, Herman Moa-
ntrk ef Hooper; ax-ond. J. Urahsm of
lielkany: third. J. T. Heale ef Hethanv.
Claee X (on perk threshed eejto. same
ciee as Kl. first prise. R. W, Roewrn
bark of Wiener; second. Olea Wilson of
mair; intra. , J. Brush ui Auburn.
Nearly fifty boys and girl . gathered
at the state farm KrVoar afternoon to
organ! a dub a hick will meat an
nually at tb time of th atate agri
culture meeting la Lincoln. Although
they will bold their sessions together,
thorn wilt be separata officers for th
boy aad for th alria, making two
distinct argaalaatioaa la th ens aaaaet
atloa. Tbeaa afflciala were elected
previous u tb meeting Friday.
A stiver cup daaated by the D. A. R.
waa areeeated to the Orris" club, to be
gtvea to the girt rerrlvmg tbe big heat
MASON crrr. Is-. Jan. J.-(flpeclal.-
John el cC ague, of the executive commit
tee ef th Omaha Commercial club, aald
th word that put th "gtt" Into th
Commercial club of thl city at th ban
quet last olgbtf Three hondred men, the
beat of tlte city. dlirmunded th beard
in the Commercial banquet room. Wil
liam Hrslh, president ef the dub, 'pro
dded. Then waa a on who cared to
Infringe upon th speech of th evening
sDd Mr. MrCagua wa gtvea th rlght-of
way. II apok oa the uhlrt of com-
awrclalism and ha I optomlatle and ag
gressive, Tha women of the Epieeooal
guild provided th supper, ,
WKBSTKR CITT, la.. Jan. .Hi-OIpe-
rlal Telegram.) Probably tb highest
price ever paid for com In-Iowa war
paid in Webster City today at tha auction
following the week'a corn ahow and abort
rouree . W. O. McCoanell of thl city,
who railed the prise r, bid It In for
13. The , prise bushel of oevanty eara,
raised by M. U lUnderson of endail
waa bought by Krsnk Blckford of this
rliy for I htt. An eahlblt of tea srs
raised by Mr. Henderson wa bid la by
him for t. All corn exhibited waa ralssd
In Hamilton county. '
MASON CITT, la.. Jn. SoAlexander
T. Cooper, who ta aald to have been a
room male of Andrew Carnegie during
their school day In Scotland, died at hi
horn here today at th g of 7 years
Mr. Cooper w a machinist In Scotland
ahlpyarda during th Crimean war. Ma
I been a resident of Iowa for thirty
I eesllea Aeetdeats at (ileasraadU
GLKN WOOD. Is., Jan. 3a. (Special.
Tb unusually fin aielghlng over aouth
wtra Iowa haa put every body on run.
w. Tho eteep bin In Ulenwood are
alive afternoana and evenings with all
agss and conditions. Anna Doaalan, the
t-yeer-eld daughter of Dr. J. M. DoneUa,
wa bumped Into yeoterday and auatained
a gren-cc rraetor ei tna noia, ana
this afternoon, the S-ysax-oid son of
Judge K. B. Woodruff, was struck by
a roaeter and a leg broken In the lower
(east a Talk la toera City.
IOWA CITT, la-, Jan. P -iHpeclsl Tele
gram r-Preetitent John O. Bowman of
th t alverslty of Iowa today announced
th coming of Count Pram-la Luetsaw of
Bohemia to the atal university February
XI to deliver an address en Bobemlaa his
tory and th present etnte of cultural de
vJoBnat bx Bobemla. Dr. iMMxow will
arrtv In America January M to ma lis a
tour of tho universities of Minnesota.
Michigan. CelumMa. Tale. Harvard. Chi
cago. Iowa, Nebraska, 'Cornell and Prlnr.
Hawte gMaltr laallrteel.
TERRB HACTK. lest. Jan. gs.-WliUsn
it. Tnbee. . itonsssr prsalderit of tao.Aaiwi-
an Mat bank, was Indicted t-xlp y.
hered with grand bxreeny. onlaertul
hava ear money Jo a bank official ana mt
srsveeeisrlea ' e fmree- and eeetdiaet:,
Tasrs shurtag i aald to be about
Many Pearl la Oynlera.
WATERTOW-N. a !.. Jaa,
del.) Icoverlng twenty-on pentin m
th srsMTO he waa eating at th Orand
hotel cat In this city yesterday waa the
lucky experirnr of J. O. Van Syckl of
Huron, a well known t reveling snlsamait.
Pre af the pearls fpuad nn Mack ta
raeer. and tb total number found are
Mil mated to b worth at least gaax It
h predicted that th dealer who M tti
oyster to tb notet wlH now a cwaianad
with cwotomera to buy from that partlcw
lar shipment.
' (Continual from Klrst Pxge.)'
aa the republican party can nominate this
year." . , ,
Carroll le enceataalttnl.
PW MOINES. Jan.- 30 "I cannot see
at the present time wher Senator Cum
min announcement aa a candidate for
preaident will help along matters In J,owa
politics. But, of course. It I too early to
y what tha reault will be"
Thl was th only comment Governor
R. K. Carroll would make regarding the
Cummin candidacy for- tho presidency
loan republican leader here today,
however, seemed to be more Interested In
whet th effect of th announcement
would be on tbo Iowa eituarion, rather
than in a national sense Whll some of
them were of tho opinion that Senator
Cummins, would hava no difficulty In
obtaining tha united support of the tt
ooaventip. to bp called at Cedar Rapid
on April J other asserted that It would
be Impoaslbi for him to get tho delega
tion of all tha eteveV congressional dis
trict .
W. C. Ilayward. aecroUry of state, aald
h bdievad that th entrance ef Senator
Cummins In the pjwaldeatial . contest
would clarity tha Iowa political situation,
nd tend to destroy factional lines In th
tat party.
"Th sens I or I entitled to th aolld
Iowa- deJesatton.'.' J4 . Mr., Hpynvard.
of lewnn Into Usee May
Meaa Coaspllewttog.
irrena a niaiK- vHiwr'swui-i
.INCOUJ. Jan. 10. (Kpeclsf.-The an-
opuncemeot of Senator Cummin' en
try Into the' presidential -sontsst Is likely
to sous seme trouble for tha ka, FolleUe
boomera In thai atate. The La Kollett
mep wtie have been keeping their ear to
th ground have discovered that ueeptu
th aois mad by a fe tnar la no poo
albls show of, alectlog ., a- delegation
pledged to the Wisconsin man, and priv
ately they admit tt.- . - J
Whether th Cummins announcement
win simply mean snot see set -of dele
gat or th La, Follett men will decide
t leave hla name off th ballot and eeek
to consolidate all th stray vote, under
a banner carrying th nam of no aped-
fl eandldata la not now apparent, but
It I a fact that aucb a ptaa ba been
debated. . t K -
May End Harriman
Strike This Week
tHiUK.N. Utah. Jan. m-Perslstent
rumor to lb offKt that a mooting will
be held In th east, probably In Chicago,
wtthln th next few days, to settle th
Harriman railroad strike, were current
today though they could not be verified.
Tb general strike situation la now en
tirely out of tha hands of tho local
railroad officials, and under the Juris
diction of Jullua Kruttschnltt of the Uar-
rtmaa system. ,
For nearly a seek negotlatloaa have
been under way botwwn ropraaantatlv
of local business organkuulona and strik
er, with a view of putting to aa end the
strike or la mm way relieving the situ
ation. It Is understood that th striker
are willing to arbitrate although th rail
road so far hava held steadfastly to
their first Hand In not racogalstng th
trtk organisation.
i Thsswaa W. CaakUts.
TABUC HOOK. Neb.. Jen. hV-tSpecUL)
-Thomaa W. Cenklln. who lived In Table
Rock and vicinity for twanty -three year,
and who died kt hi bom at Bird Oty.
Kan., aa Tuesday, waa buried here yee
terday by th aid of hla tint wlf ta
th Tahl Rack cemetery, funeral asrvtce
being held m th Methodlet Epteropel
church, Mr. Conklm waa bora la tstuv
ouehanna county, Pennsylvania, May M.
U1T. Ha waa married to Julia Bldwell
February X. ltJ, who died June 1. 1ML
Mr. Conklln cam to Nebraska In it?,
and remained hero until hla removal to
Kansas In IMt ' Hs I aorvtvod try a
widow and four children aa follows Ma
tilda B. Orlfflog aad Mr. T. H. Taylor
of Table Rock. Neb.: Mrs. Maud Run
nlon ef Bird City, Kan., and William A.
Conklln of Gait Cal.
Mm. Joha VpUager.
REPUBLICAN crTT. Neb.. Jon. M.
-IHpecisl r-Mrs. Joha I'ptlnger af thl
place died la a boeplul. In Omaha
January la, Tha body was brought to
thla plac and tha funeral ervice
will be held at tha Methodist
Episcopal church, conducted by Rev. Mr.
8pnor. Beatdea a husband aad thro
children noc-easd srava a father, naotber.
oa alrter and tww brothers.
loevai Tsesr Aotee,
"NKVADA The Iowa friend of Oeorge
Pspooa. a furmer Iowa youug man, who
la serving life sentence In tbe tt
ta the corn Judaina nsMt wva I penitentiary st Northpert. Wssa.. for the
thl mar Th. ii. , , . . . alleed murdr-r of hi insane ertfe are
' en.mrrn.1 dab , ,Mrnmlint ,hemarlrs. I. his bensif. be
M prsatnl tbe boys with a atlver cup. jlir-tng tnt he Is Innocent end wa at
to be tess far th sa piirpsas. Tbe
award ef tb. Jodgiag res last wtlt not
anssnbsr af th aaswrlattsa will be aetiriad
of in arlnnera.
Perslsteat' Adverttslnr "llw-Rokd
Big Heturu,
glveo a fair trial. Pspooa waa a fornser
GrlaneU yauac man. .
KI.UORA Srwsst lUeeman. as ad -
veers, ef near Kadcuff. a as prebebly
faislly waonasd last atght wnen b eras
shot through the abdomea. srhile ta the
iwafafd u hi bamn It was aftsr dark,
and a horseman, who was ps Betas; the
bera at th time Is being sought aa th
on oo tired la snot.
Tsso Bloeka la rievolud.
CLEVELAND, a. Jan. at Tha Rank,
and J renin buildings at Urn aarthwsBt
corasr of hupsriee aveau aad tb Pab
he squsrs war IssjbibI by fir today.
Th sm was tuaem
Statistics Show Fewer Deaths in
United States jjnrin- Tear.
Ftararee hev jilxteea of Every
llaadred Tbsaeaaat Kill eleen
Pistol Favorite Tool, Poison
reread Choice.
President Tait Cuts
Chapel to Go to Eire !
on Yale Campus i
WASHINGTON. Jan. Si-Fewer people
committed suickle during 131 than In 1M,
sccording to the latest statistica on th
subjer-t. snnounced today by Dr. Creasy
L. Wilbur, chief statistician for vital sta
tistic of the United Stato census bureau.
The death rate from suicide for ISM
was sixteen per p.oM of popuUtiun In
tho census bureau' death registration
area, which Vomprtees about one-naif of
the country' population and cover
twenty-two state and a number of
larger cities in other state. The rale wa
ICS Invtr. Tiler were I.SM suicide in
HulcMa by firearms nan the. favorite
method of self-destruction and showed an
Increas over IMS. Poison won a close
second. Methods employed were datnlled
aa follow: Firearm, J.Stl; poison. t,M;
banging or strangulation. 1,!5; asphyxia,
M; drowning, SIT; cutting or piercing In
struments, iti; Jumping from high places,
117; crushing, t. and other means, 81.-
California led the states with tsrsnty
nlne sulchiea per ltiu.OM of popuistlon,
while Maryland, with WA had the k)W.
ret rate. Th rat Increased In Michigan.
Pennsylvania. Rhode Island and Wiscon
sin, while there was a decrease In - the
other thirteen atate.
Kaa Frances) lss t ides.
In th registration of over Wn.009 opu.
lation, San Frandsco with tt i suicides
ptfT Wft.vWt, led "
Next came Kanaaa City, Mo., with 34;
OakUnd. Cal., with .; Beattloi with
HI; Bridgeport, Conn., with CI, and Den.
ver with li t.
The wield rate per M, population
by state wax:
California. 3; Colorado, 31; Connecti
cut, 17. H; Indians. 14 I; Maine. 11.4; Msry
Isnd, 10.1; Massachusetts, lis; Michigan.
U.l; Minnesota. IIS: Montana, :i.4; New
Hsmpshire, it; New Jersey. 11.1; New
Terk. ml; North Carolina, 1.1: Otilo, t4.S:
Pnnsvlvnls. 13.1: Rhods Island, 14.1.
Smith Dakota, .! (); Utah. IT; Ver
moot, lit; Washington, 1., Wisconsin.
The rat In citle of 1W.00 or over w.
Omaha. !4.; Birmingham. Al., 3CJ;
Ism Angeles. SO; Oakland. Cat. 3.4; Hen
Franciaco, OJ: Denver. .; Washington.
M.I: Atlanta. 14.1; Chicago. ?.. Indlan
apeHa Laulavllle, l; New Orleans.
n.S: Baltimore, Hi: Boston, HI; Iwtrolt,
M: Orand Kaplda. 11.1; Minneapolis. 17.
at. psul. U.. Kansas City, Mo.. M: St.
Louis, M.I: New York, HV4: CtnctnnaU.
17.1: Cleveland, ill: Columbus, O.. M.I;
Dsyton. O.I; Pnrtland, Or., 24.4; Philadel
phia. IV t; Plttsbursh, B.i: Memphis, att;
Nsahvllls. II J; Richmond, 1.4: Seattle.
C.l; fpokane. "3.7. and Milwaukee.. 3.1
- - Wlteen-meadlnger.'
WEST POLNT". Neb,. Jan. . tSpeciaJ.)
-Howard B. Wllaon and Miss Irene Read.
Inger wet united In marriag at the
horn of the bride parents, Judg and
Mrs. It, D. Readlnger, Kev. L. J. Powell,
paster ef, the English Lutheran church
psrtoroung 'th svdijlnst iteremony. The
groom ta In th employ of the Xy-ac-hneider-Fesrler
company at Wet Point
and the, brMa I", member of one of thH
oldest and most, prominent lamuiea in
th dfy. Th oouphj departed hwmed lately
after th ceremony on. a bridal trip to
Kanaaa City and other poinle and will
be at horn, to their friend at West Point
aft February 1.
M COOK, Neb., Jan. 3a. (Special.! Har
vey U Bllleobach and Mlae Margaret Tall,
both of Arapahoe, Neb, were married In
th Methodist panonag of thl city, last
evening at 7 o'clock, ltev. L. E. Law!,
pastor, offldating. They departed on No.
It, tho asm night, for Parks. Dundy
oountyrWaor they will reside. Mr. Blllos.
bach Is m ployed, by th Burlington al
that point.
Barrel t-Jerdon.
TABI.Ii ROCK. Neb.. Jan. N.-ISiwclal.)
Fred Barrett, a former Table Rock boy.
woe ba bsen far th last few month
with th Oklahoma Oa and Oil com pan)
ef Tulsa. Okl.. waa recently married so
Mlse Mottle Jerdon of that dty. and they
are now her on their bridal tour, visiting
nt the homo of tho groom' pe rents. Mr.
nd Mr. A. J. Bamtt.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., Jan. Presi
dent Taft "cut" chapel at Tale this j;0 man wjtj, energy and push Is
morning to go to n fire. That fire was tnig offer,
in Old South Middle Halt, on the college ,uu l" ,"' "
campus, and did lltUe damage.
The presideiit rose early and drsaaed
and left hi hotel to go to college chapel,
only a block away. He was parsing by
Phelp' gates-ay, which Is half way
along College street to Battell chapel,
when he saw the heavy smoke beating
doom Into the college campus.
Wfth all the ardor of his college dnje,
the president joined the rush of under
graduated who were streaming, pell melU
towards the burning dormitory. He
mingled with the crowd of students
standing In a back row. and for tweaty
minutes watched the firemen at work
until ho saw the red helmet of the fire
fighters poking oat of th upper win
dows. He then walked to chapel, arriv
ing there as Preatdut lladley had eon
eluded hi prayer.
Old South Middle I the connecting link
between the old college and the present
one. .Within It wills Nathan Hale of
revolutionary fame, lived. The original
structure wa put up In ten. In this
building lived Noah Webstar and. later,
Joha C. Calhoun.
Of if cers Say Porter
Charlton is Sane
NEW TORK. Jan. J -Porter Charlton,
who murdered hi wife, Mrs. Mary Scott
Castle Charlton, at Lake Como, In Italy,
In UH). Is perfectly sane, according to
tha. district attorney of Hudson county.
New Jersey, end th Jersey city Jail
officer. He 1 In splendid health.
At. the office of .th district attorney
it waa said there was absolutely no
chance of the young man being released
oa ball and that h will remain in Jail
pending the outcome of th proceedings
which are to determine whether he la to
be returned to July for trial. Th rM
I now before the supreme oourt of the
United Mate and a decision Is not ex
pected before som tint early fa 1M1 .
Bxnoaatv tttur.'
tlos rssarta from
asaulgaoaa worn-
lag nag sHixaial
tratloB that la not
Will ' drawn
without charge If
named xcutor-or
true tee. .......
All trast ear"
rtet oat eerefulir
and aeoaassicsOiy ,
End Life with Paris liroea.'
IOWA CITT, ta.. Jan. -8pectel Tele
gram.) Franca Polls, a young girl living
at aprlngvlll. Just east of. here, writhed
In terrible agony for (orty-elght hours
after attempting to commit auk-lde by
drinking Paris green and finally dletrto-nlgbt.
IsrrAsU-iaerro 1866
This Is Your Opportunity
To buy land that has just been
opened for bettlemeut and is named
by U wbo hv seen it the garden
of Eden, and possesses the tirt ele
ments to make a country.
First Health, climate and pure
Second Rich, productive soil.
Third Plenty of rainfall.
Fourth A country that will grow s.
variety of crop.
Fifth Rapid and cheap transporta
tion, all of which this ronntry
has. A ton of freight can be
shipped to New York, the greatest
-market in the world, for $2.75.
All We Ask Yeu to Do Is to
' Header, if you wish to. be inde
pendent for life, go to this garden of
Eden; go where man does not battle
with nature, but works hand in
hand with her. Go to a land that
produces from . $300 to 500 per
acre. Go to a land where the ther
mometer is from S3 to 85 tho entire
year. Go to a land that nature irri
gates; where rains come like April
showers, unaccompanied by wind or
storms, watering the lands. Man has
never devised a scheme of irrigation
to equal nature's methods.
Go to i Land of Perfect Health .
Where there are no colds, . no
rheumatism, malaria, pneumonia,
fevers or other epidemics, and no
files or mosquitoes. Go to a whlta
man's country where every day is
a growing day. . ,
I while you can rtiy land on easyye
! terms for $10.08 per acre that wllf
be worth $300.00 In three years.
Don't cast the chance of your Ufa
aside without Investigating. Como
to onr office and get th literature
from our own government at Wash
ington. Prove for yourself, without
a doubt, that our statements are
true. . .......
Seven good salesmen wanted . tor
handle these lands in Nebraska and
Iowa. . 'if
For farther Information call on ot
address Curtis Clark, 305- ri
ton Blocks Omaha, Neb. ,. ,
Procrastination is tha thief of
teeth. Do not postpone for tomor
row, what you should have done to
day. My methods are absolutely
painless, my work of the hlgbest
order, and my prices are the lowest:
Ret of Teeth SAOO
Very Beet Met of Teeth tM
Aluminum Plates, very Best Merle $10.00
tlold Piste sm.00 aa OP
Oold Crowns eM aad UP
Porcelain Crowns, Llk Tour Own Teeth
at SJ.OO
Oold Fllllnsw 11.0 aad TIT
SI I rer Pilling so aad Vr
Porcelain Killing S1.O0
Bridge Work, per tooth S4.00
thr Aixn.xts simiT
Bead Announcement
on Page 7 of News Section
' Today. . ,r.
Offlo Xoara, SMS; nvssiags, S to s;
aadara, 11 ta ,
$28 Suits &Overcoats to 0rderS17.50
Onr Great January Reduction Salt) reduces tbe price on every
stilting and overcoating In our store. . -
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to , S20.00
$40.00 8ults and Overcoat reduced to f 25.00
$45.00 Suits and Overcoat reduced to..'..... .-$30.00
$50.00 Suits aad Overcoats reduced to. ... . ..... . $35.00
Have your cloth made to measure: the cost is leas during
this sale tban for ready made. Every coat carefully tried on In
the bastings. Every garment guaranteed perfect la fit and style,
we hate-ear owa -workshops. -
MacCarthy-WUson Tailoring Co.
304-3fMj Sowfti ISth Htrert. - Ktv Steps Mouth of Fnrnam.
KAjTSaraaoar a-ra.gsrT
Tbletr Macaco Mr ta Vork ( eeaty.
TORK. Keh. Jan. m-tspeetaLI Farm
er la th vteinltle of Besedh. sjrssaajn.
Thayer and Wsoa esajasaa thenT tea af
about thlrty-fivs kssad ef liersea. csnsid
by eating eamstaiks. A yet no o ha
sesss abi ta sBssssc the cxuKss. so as
ti give any Me where or ta whast way
th poteoa I located la tha cernrtaik.
Jaa. tl, ma
Block 211.
Do l yoifr customers
' live here
? ? ? ? ? ?
JTSTtOB la not so blind as she Is pic
tured. You will get the best plac If
you are prepared for II.
wl OBlxAXTIl positions to those
who complete our Graduation Course
We hsve slso assisted hundreds of an-der-grsduatea
to secure desirable and
well-paid employment.
Every week adds to th popularity of
Our January opening wis th larg
est In the history of the-school. It is
not too late to begin. Speelsl attention
given to tth grade graduate.
Call, 'phone, or writ for information.
Ulg Pars ass Street.
I i I
Ordinary Laundries Do Only
Ordinary Work.
Nonpariel stands for the other
kind, the perfect laundry work.
Shirts in sanitary covers.
Both Phones.
. .Wagons Everywhere.
Members National Laundry
men's Association.
. On Manderson Street, between
28th Ave. and 29th Street, there
are 7 occupied houses and in 6
they take The Bee.
Advertisers can cover Omaha with one newspaper.
Eead Announcement
oa Page 7 of News Section