OMAHA, "SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21. :i911 B , .. E ' i; . . : T ' - ' i i '. , ' l i f A undr iwcwiUlu. M alletad la th dran- 3 ln Widow." th. murical oosidy I t- . l - .. . '.' f . ... proucl tr MM HpltvKl and In 'Which I V' - . I - '. 1 1 Jo If. Klld and Qmf a Hc.nloa n I . V r , , I I .. . 1 I . ";', tna chief funnltr. and whkh U t ba 1 r x " I -' ' hmpti. .. . ' '.. ' - " . r'A Ui Bast attraction at tha popular Oayatr ' S ' . I I h J i V IT iwloa dallr 4I waak airtlB thla lur. JH : . .; . " . . laTH fi - ...n, x , , v, noon, la tha prnano of ataiely rioranca !'.',,'!N 111 VVl A A MA I , MHla, who puya tha difficult and tryln VT' J vyi JallVU WV I . rv .'-I rola of Mra. Towwond. wlnhlnt widow, jT . V wa7C mVLAJmJ l AXISKJIE.NTS. TONIGHT AND MONDAY: - WlfiEHAL'S AI9 KEMP1 Present TH OKSAVZST OOMXOT 0 TXAM "SEVEM DAYS" ItfBI BBOABWAT CAST aad FODUCTIOW 3 Days Starting Thursday VOW TOM BOMS BJBAI. TVaT HENRY W. SAVAGE orrxma THE PULLMAN CARNIVAL OF FUN EXCUSE ME Br mtTFBBT BUOBM Wit a Coavany of MrlropoUtajt TaToriUa. BpoeUl Pnllauta Seaate Bqnlpauat. Tha runlnt Orarlaad Umltad Brar Wut oa tha BalH. 4 lijhtt let J. 2ltk Pdf,WM. MaL 2StltS1.ll I SEAT SALE THURSDAY, JAR. 25TH Prim 2S to Sl.St WXDBEBBAT SEATIBBB ABB BTOBT SCHOOL OF ACTING .rl.TT1" UtUaa iatohaa and Baacoa. H!jrl "A Boaaa Varty" aad "Tha Booaa O'hi" A Coaiady ta Tout Acts. wtf riw PHTtAtwncr Katlaaa. :; Vttt 10 It has reached us at last-the big burlesque show of the conntry THE TIGER LILIES wira MMTT yCNfimV "EVERYBODY'S Ilia I I lltllliiall I FAVORITE Wot a Ball Momant, Wot a Boor Boar. Oraudmothar, hat BTOrrthiaf Baw aad Praaclnr Two atapaadooa aotai "O'BAT ABBOAD" and "0B- rtBOEB." A Toaoh of waadoTUla, Too. Aak thoaa who kaew about Mat Xanady. Ht'l by far tha foaaiaat of tha faaay faUowa. Hubbies Will Steal 'Away to See This Show. aloa, roomy aaata, wkaro all ara eomfortoala. f'-'K 9 -vaa. aZ "V TV Mill B V I ii: T DSOO u AUALLT a quarantlD hi to ebaok aa pldamle. Ona quar aatlna baa oauaad aaapl. domla.' Thla uaraattao la la "davan " Daya" and It baa eaaaad an opldamlo of laucb- tr, Nobody would wlah to aacapa It. On j tha oontrary, avarybody la Miir' to ba:xnaed to it," and to oateb tha' fit (of aauchtor that la a aura euro4 far -all tha Ilia la tha 'world nrooaadln from (tom,. dapraaalon, (rouehaa or drooping plttta, .' Bpoaklns of aplrlta, thara aro twf Hnda in "Bayaa Day" that ralaa alirmamiar of fua. Ona la a ghoat, ) houht to bo. It mala choat. provoa ay na inert of auapandorA A ifaraaJa tboat would hara no uao f or aoa pMmn. Tha other aptrtt la In ooek-l jialt ' On alp of It and A younc woman a IWna." To b aur It la A pratty atrtec cocktail though hr hoahajid auda It. and aha'd ' bad na lunehMi whk-b randared nor tha mora auaraptlbl to mnuanca, and only tha day bafor SwOhira bad aaaurrd her aha hut Bbjfccnla powar and could develop a con trtn turn ail of which aha conjured up the: fhoetly aplrlt., which really waa no aoiat at all. but a burflar. For tha en tlr waak'tb quarantine laau la -Seraa Haya" th apbit lncreaaa tha perplex! jtleo of th faahlonabla New Torkera wba ar ahut up ta the houee with them. lhH tkey drive a poltcemaa to purault from baaament to roof And back again. Meara. Wagenhala A Kemper ara aend ing thla comedy here with tha caat that 'mala tha record of a 'third year oa " eoa otrect from the lAator theater la Now York where at tha 'beginning of th eeaaon It reached A third yaar. Th complet New York eaat mA ivodaetloa will ba-aaea her la tbo fua- toooi piay tha Aawrtcaa ataca haa kn. a year. The engagement la. for tonight mm anur aignt only. In aonnectlon with "Kicuaa Ma." the 'area which coma ta tha Bnadata ea Tharaday. Friday and Ratarday with a ,tnatlae oa Batarday, th circumataneaa of Oa plot and th ' execution of the taga manager of th autbar' aedgn, r raapooalbla for a feature) which, iwhlie It la not meant to be aa advartla Ing feature, might rery wail k coa trued aa aucb. At every performance a bracelet la toa aed bit the audience, aad aa th orna ment la aa attractive and eomparatrraly Vsloabl one. It caa be readily nader. atood that tha onoceaa of th farce, by .Rupert Hughes, in addition to other pro. ducthm expeaaee, la likely ta coat Mr. Kaeaga a pretty price for armlet tnue (brawn away. All the aeenea of "Sxcaae Me" ara laid a aa oireraud limited trala bound from Cbkago' to 8aa FraaclacA Among the ianera ar a yooag army lieutenant. xne young woman who la to become kla wire juac aa aeon aa tncy caa find miniater who win perform the ceremoi " young woman wno waa engaged to tn otneer before ha plighted aia troth to kla riaaoa af the moment. The wfcB nance wraar a bracelet which waa the) gnt af ta army officer. guar Ills aoortlag day, and the eight f Jhe bracelet arouasa the lealatlay of ,.- inieiew w im pontt where an 1L &<J&asJ&t QrjJim ault la A favorable light, until by hook or crook b baa managed to obtain possess. aloa of that gift aad ta bar removed It forever from th owner' arm and sight. Tha prospective bridegroom doe eucceed la gaining poaaeaakn of tha bracelet and, determined to destroy Itr powar v Interfering further with bla happiness, ha raise a window of tha sleeping car and toaaea It r. by th wayaM. The aeene show, a cross. eoctioa of th sleeping car a4 the win dow from which tha bracelet la thrown being oa th aide which face the audi torium of the theater, ta of course, aa Imaginary one, a la also .the roadside to which It la thrown, sine th theater auditorium la what would be tha railroad right-of-way, to bracelet thrown from tha window hwda among th audience and tha on fortunate enough t catch th bauble la allowed to carry It away for a aourenlr. 1 '-'' Klaw A Srlangar'a production of "The Round Up" will return to th Bran S els theater tor four alghta and Wednesday maUaee, beginning next Sunday evening. . The beadllnera at tha Orpheum thla week wiu be Melntyr and Heath. ' These rrfww.t. further consider th cTW, America. .-1. tw funny men, who hav bean provoking mirth together for th last thirty-five rears, are coming to Omaha prepared ta mak people laugh more than they ever have before. In addition to .their famous ketch, "Th Oeorgta Mlnatrela," they wilt alve three other, "On Guard." "The Man from Montana" aad "Waiting at the Church. "Zlla." a gypey play, will be Presented by atabelle Adams and com pany. Tha atory telle of the love of a famous yoong American painter and hie gynay girl model. Mabello Adams, In the leading rote, doee some aplendld emo tional acting. The DeTaye sisters, the "Brlnx ley Bn)o Otrla." will give a musi cal performance which will be emhet Hahed with fancy dancing. Several plan, tatloa aielodlea and operatic artaa will be played. Ergottt and the Lilliputians, a clever acrobat and twa mldgota. will give aa amusing athletic performance, camm ing of lean, vault a tumble and:xwiiia The mldgeta are s and S year old and are German, having been In thla country only three year. Aiuatin and Hartley, the Umooa barrel lumpers, will give a ketch entitled "Athletee at Play." Tbey win do a number af difficult etuata Maaoa and Murray ta tbetr "Song and Chatter" wal rentier to date ong aad get off name original lake. Joha Ma eauley, tha character, vocalist, who cornea direct from London to begin hla firat tour, wtll glv a aerie f im- peraenatlona eooga. In addition to 'other fesflurre 4 hat hav contributed to th aucces of "The Win ning Widow,"' the new musical comedy produced by Max Hptegel and In 'which Jo M. Field and George B. Hcanloa ar the chief funmakera, and which Is to be the next attraction at the popular Oayety twice dally all week atartlng thla after noon, la the presence of stalely Florence Mills, who play the difficult and trying role of Mrs. Townaend, a winning widow, who baa dabbled la the game of matri mony aeveral time. Kh la a, Chicago girl and haa been on tha stage . aeveral years; up to tha eighteenth year, ah attended Vaaaar college, whence ah waa graduated with - honors. She la gifted with A soprano voloa which haa bean caaafully cultivated and of which she make excellent ue. When Mtea Mills. Field and Hcanlon with "Th College Olrla" last season came to town, ' local amusement awaken will hav every op portunity of enjoying themaalvea to their heart'e content. An Interesting and aovel contest la connection with th engage ment I the fifty word eompoettlona that ar asked from th auditor, th subject being, "What constitutes a- winning wtdowT" Twenty dollar In gold Is of fered for tha beat reply, Th award to b mad next Friday arming. " . The Tiger Lille with Matt - Kennedy "Bverybody'a Favorite" on of the fun niest of th many funny comedian en th Empire circuit, will be the attraction at the Krug theater for the week com mencing with the usual Sunday matinee ai:3t. The show will present an ag gregation of burleaqu atars, -vaudeville acta of merit and a beauty chorus lav- lahly gowned. ' The firat barletta-1 en titled "O'Dey Abroad." and deal with mirthful bppanlnga la Paris.. . A vaude ville olio of thirteen acts will follow and the abow cloeea with a burlesque .which for want' of a better nam haa been called "aoreflnger." Th satire waa written by Matt Kennedy who play th leading role. Clara Olbsoh. : a petite young lady with A beautiful vote, la the soubrette of th how. and la assisted la th fun making by Lena LnCourler. Charles Barrett. Jim Dougherty aad Al Bruce back np Matt Kennedy aad a cor of pretty chorus gtrla. At th American thla week th Wood ward company will present th good play -mioy," that Interacting combtnatloa of hypnotuna and artist Ufa In the LsUla quarter la th day whea DuMaurler. the author and famoua ah 1st. was a student tnero. Mia Lang wilt play the role of Trilby O'lsrrel, th beautiful girl who m waa ruined by the mysterious Sven- gaU. wba exercised hla powers over her to mak her sing according to hla will I It la aa entrancing romance that bj here I act down, and with Ka mingling of love and friendship, of mystery and tntrlgu It aecome really im preset r at tlmee. Mr. ' Nolaa la to play Bvenaall and the ether In the com o ay will be well placed In the cast. The first Performance will be at a matinee oa Sunday afternoon, and th bill will ran ail week, with the ual matinee on Tuesday.- Thoraday and Saturday. Oa Wednesday afternoon and cveninx at th BraaeMa Miss Fttah will - - - the claaaaa of th Brand! and Boyd School of Acting la-a aerie of (ketches and dance. At th matinee two sketches aerie of dance. Including "The Pipe Fan." will be given, and In -the evening a four-act comedy, ; "A Hemae Party," will be put on' and "The Ftps o' laa" will be repeated. KNOCK FOR I DRESSMAKER Haiaaad'a Liability Extende Oaly . . ta Wlfe'e Meal Need la Clothe. That a husband cannot be mad to pay tot clothing purchased -by his wife It he already haa sufficient clothing to be comfortable, was the .opinion ot Com mon Plea Judge Brow nU of Cincinnati expressed In the ault , of Elisabeth H. Fleming, agatnat Matthew Rlchter. It, developed that Rlchter' wife had a dreea made by Mrs. Fleming, a dress maker, and when she called 'for the drasa he presented a cheek .to' pays for-It Mrs. Fleming did not hav the difference between the face of the check and the coot of the d rasa end Mrs. Rlchter took both away, saying 'ah would send th money. The bill wa not paid, and th dressmaker sued Mr. Rlchter, and "Squire Myer gave Judgment for th dressmaker. On appeal. Judge Brewneli 'held that aa Mrs.', Rlchter was well provided with dresse without th en ordered, her hus band could not be "held responsible for the debt oa the ground 'that It AMCtKMBWTf. ' Fhones, LKiug. 4M. Ind.A-1 Jl MaUnew Every Day, 8: 15. - . -Every Night, 8:15. Advanced Vaodeyille Weak Jlartipj Matinej Today Hclntyre tnd Hsatb Mibelle Adams and - . Company Present "ZILA" CaUkkxTXOBaSXF MATCX OROEMAN WESTERCAARD MOBDAT BTBatT JAB. IBB Bos Ofrioe Open gwaaay t e P. kf. a Bay Moaday. De Faye Sisters Tha Brlnkley Banjo Glr'.a - Erjotti & Lillipotians European Btiley ArUsU Janet Anal RAFAEL NAVAS XsT mB0ITAZ V j-YRIC THEATER Txsradsy, Jaaaary aa, M . M. "irTed aeata oa aal Owl Drug Store. Ai'Oiliiie S Hartley Famoua Barrel Jumpcra. "Athletet At Play'' Mnon & Hnrray "Songt and Chatter" " First American Tour John Hacalcy ' Character Vocalist Kicetoseipe Projecting; th Latest la Anl ' mated Photography. OrpfieumConcert Orchestra 14 Talented Artist. IS Price iatiae. 10c.- beat aekts 35c, rxrept Saturday gad Huarlay. igbt 10c, iV, SOc 7oc." - " ' . ' PIANO RECITAL Miss Helen Sadilek Assisted by Mies Alio Xeuar. soprano VaMy Ckmrca. Tth aad Oaaa , day, January aota. at o'clock treats oa eie at A. Heep Co. , Admuwioa ILt. . ... , . . Devoted to Strictly High Orade Astra vagsjua aad TandeTtlle iVICE DAILY WY MAT. TODAY gnaday Matinee Oartata at tito Tons Approval Is Aaksd Of MAX PtBCBLtV Bashlag Kualcal Frivolity, THE w; INNING DOW Big Caat The, Th Favor itea with "The OoUege Olrla" Xrfurt ona b. oasn.ow. . flobbbcb mum, job m. Fnu.t S20 For the beet ft word com noaltloa ef your idea of what constitute a winning widow. Brlag your aaawer here by Friday aeon. Beat tea responses win be read from etage Friday night. If yea via, and yoa ara la the a Balance, Flereaoe BUlla, the real winning widow, wtll allp yo a the eola. Contest epea to everybody. CBaTXCAUT ITOFBBB BIO BBAUTT CX0BUI AMERICA "theater 1 0. B. W00BWABB, . MABAOBB All This Week aad Matins Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday. . s MISS EVA LANG WOODWARD STOCK CO. Fra aaatlng Ds tCaurler'a Bore, . Bramatlaed by Faul F otter A GREAT PIAY Itdttdv f CAST toat Tea Bemembe tweet Alio. Bemembee tweet Ben Bolt. ' Regular Woodward Production. BO CKABwS IB FBXCXts tos Heoare Aeata Barly. liear IteaUcr. if Florence Mill, really la a widow (even- a grass onel. ahe need only give me the high aign but I'd hate to have to pay for all the Joyful gowna ana wears. At that. 1 gue I'm only a piker. K. I JtHiN'SON, lr. Gayety. BBA7T WIII-TII BIO FbAT "TJL D ' Li r 11 i lie txigiii vi way i Bvaalnga ana aunday stauaee loo, lis, Ms aad 75a. Mats. 15c & 25c Chew gum If you like, but a smoklag LADIES' At Any Week TICKETS I UC Day Matinee. Baby 'Carriage GArage In the Lobby: Certified Milk for the Asking. RESTAURANT PERFECTION We are atrivlng constantly to Improve the high atandard already attained. Our Fatroas Boost for Us. Com flundav and try our Table D'Hote liinner, HA. M to t P. AL it and it cents. BELMOBT RESTAUR AHT Mlt Bodg o. V. Ball, Frop. V3 1 r rl I AlDlTORlCW. THlRSD.ilT. JAM'.IRY 2.Vh AVSP1CKS CLAS iK)KDO.. Rt,RVED SEAT TICKET. tl.00t GKK1IAL ADMISSIOX -. - - CUJiCERI AAD DAL, . "