B TOE OMAHA SrXDAT. BF.E: JANTARY 21, 1912 What Women Are Doing in the World R I i EV. MILTON B. -n-IT.LXA.MS. pastor of the Flrat Methodisr church, will address the Omaha Woman's dub U on day aftrnooa In th Metropolitan building on "The Family." a subject on which l haa already given on lecture before the club. The meeting U la charge of the social science depart ment or me club, and It leader, Mrs. r. 1. Firs, will preside. Mrs. J. E. Pulver haa prepared a musical program. fib paintings of Rembrandt will be the inject ot a stereoptlcon lecture of the art department of the Woman's dub Thursday at 10 a. in. In the lecture room of the public library, when Miss Mary E. Sumner will be leader, assisted by Mrs. r. T. Rouse. There will be a review) of the paintings of YenDyke by Mrs. C. C. Swingtey. The meeting will be open to i he public and a small admission will be charged to defray expenses of the pic tures. . The literature department ' of the Woman's club will meet Wednesday morning with Mrs. a. C. Swlngley. leader, assisted by Mrs. A. U Fernnld. The subjects of the lesson will be: "the Renaissance,'' "The Theater of Ua beth" and "The Ellsabethan Dramatists." Miss Msbla Carl J 1 of the "Twentieth Century Fanner" will apeak on the meet Ins of the Nebraska Home Economics association beld la connection with the week of organised acrtcultura In Lincoln January 17 to M, before the household economics department of the Woman's club Thursday moraine. Mrs. Albert Kdholm will tell the story of the West Farnam Luncheon elnb, which entertains In conformance with ths princlplea of domestic science. Mastsrltack's "Bluebird" will be studied by the oratory department of the Wo man's club Tuesday morning: Mrs. Anna. Lasear-Allaa will interpret "Hon" by Bssler, one of the morasses which has been played at the New theater In New York, Wednesday at 4 n. m. at ths Mtropolltan building. t r Mrs. C. W. Hayes, chairman of the com mittee delegated by the social science de partment of the Woman's club to lead the study ot the commission form of gov ernment In half-hour sessions at the de partment meetings. Is busy outlining a method of procedure and selecting books (or the sessions assisted by Mrs. George Tlldrn and Mrs. Draper Smith. The annual meeting of the women's clubs ot Via second district ot the Ne braska Federation of Women's clubs will begin next 8undsy and will last through Monday and Tuesday. The meeting will be held at the time ot the state confer ence ot charities and corrections In order that the club women may hare the ad vantages of the conference sessions. There will be no meetings of the district sep arata from those of the conference ex cept the business session Monday morn ing at o'clock In the Public library, and the luncheon Monday noon. Tbe stats federation president, Mrs. T. J, Gist and tbe state board ot directors as well as ona delegate from each of the eleven clubs In tbe district will be enter tained In the homes ot the members of. ths Woman's club of ths Railway Mall service, which Is ths hostess club. Fol lowing the .meeting ot ths charltlee and corrections conference st ths Boyd Sun day afternoon, ths delegateae are to meet ths local women at the Rome hotel wher arrangements will be made for ths entertainment ot ths visiting women. Edgar Allen Poe's "Gold Bur will he the story discussed by ths Dundee Wo man' club Wednesday afternoon at the residence ot Mrs.- J. V. Marshall. Mrs. R. a. Harris will lesd the lesson and ' Mrs. W. W. Johnston will report current topics. . '. J ' Mrs. E. B. Brown was chosen president ot ths South Omaha Century Lltsrary club at ths annual meeting. Mrs. Bruce Mcculloch, vice president: Mrs. EL A. Bayer, recording secretary: Miss Louise Scblndel. corresponding secretary; Mrs. 8. B. Shrlgley. treasurer. Ths members of the membership committee ar Mesdamea C. C. Hows and R. E. Scblndel; ths pro gram committee, Meedames N. M. Gra ham. P. M. Scblndel. F. A. Cressy, 'Claude Orchard, Ella f. Sloan. Breads, cereals and soups will be the subjects ot demonstration at the meet ing at the club Tuesday at ths home of Mrs. W. 6V Derbyshire, who will be as sisted by Mrs. N. M.' Graham and "Mrs. O. T. Carley. The members will answer to the roll cell with receipts for sand wishes. 1 VMM. . - - ' Prof. Psul A. Gramme nn Will tell ot "Day and Season Myths" of Oermaa mythology Monday- afternoon at the Ysnag Women's Christian association and wilt Interpret Wagner's "Siegfried." Ths Mother's Culture dub will meet , Wednesday afternoon at the home of ' Mrs. A. 8. Pinto. Mrs. A. W. Taggart wlH be tbe assisting hostess. . . s F, I Hallsr-wlll give a atereopticoo lecture on "Mexico" st the monthly meeting of the Woman's auxllllary of the Episcopal churches of Omaha and vicinity In the lecture room of ths public library at JJS. Tliis will be the third lesson on Mexico which tbe auxllllary has had this winter. ,'..- i " - " The American 'Woman's lesgue will meet at tlte Woman's exchsngs Tuesday afternoon at 2:1s. Thursday evening.' has been "postponed en account of ths absence, , from the city of many members to Thursday evening. Februsry r, at the Psitoa hotel. Miss Ruth Pixloe. who Is studying la Tiea Tsia to be a Young Woman's Chris tian association secretary in China, has written her sister, Mrs. C. W. Hues. ! U.at the just successfully passed her first examination in the Chinese language, iiiss rax son says that the Chinese lan guage Is very difficult to learn and even more difficult to pronounce, the reason ft r this being the same symbol hss many different meaning when spoken with dif ferent accent-!. For Instance-Pronounced In one way a certain symbol means chicken. In another way It means wife. She tells this story in Illustration: Au American In a Chinese eating house or dered In Chinese, chicken. The waiter was gone a long time and came bark, saying that he could not find one for the American. The American angrily de clared that it was on the list of eatables. After much mlsunderstsndlng and ex plaining. It was discovered thst the American had asked for a wife. The Visiting Nurse association win meet Tuesday st 1:3 a.' m. in' Sha Paxton hotel. t The Benson Woman'a Christian Tem perance union will have a domestic sci ence meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. M. Rymsn under the di rection of Mrs. J. M. Bsiley. Paper bag cookery will be tried and menus will be swapped. The union women have challenged their hatbands to au evening s entertainment The husbands ban accepted the chal lenge and the result will be held In the Methodist church the evening ot January a. Half the program will be given by the white rlbbonera. .the other half by their bus bends. The France WUIard "Woman's Chris tian Temperance union will hold an all day meeting Wednesday at tbe horn of Mrs. Ella M. Bond. S3CS 8outh Twenty fourth street. The-meeting will be called at 11 a. m... luncheon will bo served at 1 o'clock and tbe study session will be held In the afternoon, when "Scientific Tempers nee Instruction" win be the toplo, . The Sermo club will meet with ui.. Olvtn Tuesday at 1 p. m. The subject for the afternoon will be "New Tork. Mrs. G. T. Undley will give paper on "Colonial New Tork;" a paper on "Places of Note and Historical Interest," by Mrs. Rarnhart. Mrs. Guy Dam will describe the "Modern Clly." . Norse lea-ends will h title I.- . ing of the Wyche Story Tellers' league Thursday at 4:15 p. m. In the public lib rary by Mr. Rosa Coleman, Miss Anna Boutelle and Mrs. Fred Elliot. Tbe an nual election ot officers will be held. ' The University Extension clk m meet Tuesdsy evening In the Omaha Com mercial college building. , Ths members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma soroity will have their regular luncheon Saturday st the Hamilton cafe. Following the luncheon a musical pro crast will be riven. In which Miss Eleanor Bausielster will sing. Mrs. Rodney Bliss wlH play the piano and Ml-s TTUma Howard will play the violin, accompanied by Miss Nan CunntnjUam. - Ths Nebraska Chapter of the Daughters ot the American Revolution has now fif teen branches throughout tlie state. A chapter was recently organized, making the fifteenth. Mrs. Charles Oliver Nor ton, the state regent, was present at the Installation of the new chapter of wftich Ylre. C E. Adams is regent and Mrs. W. F. Buck, vie regent. Twenty-four patri stic descendents of soldiers whs fought In the revolution were enrolled as mem bers at the Installation f the new Su . perter chspter, January 11 The annual banquet ot the P. E. O. sisterhood, which was to hav been held SOCIETY HASJANY PLANS (Continued from Page Two.) give a dinner followed by a theater party Thursday evening. January . for Miss Cora Prlndevllle of Chicago, who Is vis iting at the home of Mrs. George Palmer. Mis. H. .V. Burkley entertained at luncheon followed by' a matinee party at ths Orpheum Saturday In celebration of the eleventri birthday of her son, Rob ert Those present wart: - Mln Eleanor Burktev. Masters Masters James Wyman. Millard Rogers, James Love, Wlltm Risers. Arthur Rlngwalt, Floyd Smith.'. ueorg voss. liarry Hurkiey, Tmugiaa Peters. Robert Burkley. Charles Allison. For the Future Miss Mildred Butler' will give a supper this evening tor Miss Hewitt of Des Moines. Mr. and' Mrs. F. R. Cowgill will enter tsln at supper this evening for Miss Prindevlli of Chicago. PersonalGossip Miss Adelaide Sprstleo left Friday even ing tor a week's visit In Chicago. Mr. Clark Colt leaves today to join his wife and children at La Jolla, Cal. Mr. James Fair ha left for Boston and ths asst. to be gon several months. Mr. and Mrs. Lss Spratlen hav re turned from a two weeks' stay la Chi cago. Colonel and Mrs. 8. S. Curtis and Miss Curtis are at the Hotel Monteleone In New Orleans. ' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Duval hav re turned from a two weeks', stay In I'tah and Colorado. Mrs. F. H. Rotchford snd daughters, Ullisn snd Anna, left Wednesday for an extended eastern trip.- Mrs. 8warts lander and . Miss Hamilton will leave this week for St. Louis, Nsw Orlesns and other southern points. Miss Clara Hayden has arrived from Washington and la the guest of Mrs. Ed ward Hayden and M1M Ophelia Hayden. ' Miss Lillian Karlrn of Bremer, Neb., who has been the guest ot Miss Claire Healr. left Friday for Lincoln to visit friends. - Mrs. E. M. Fairfield will leave Monday for a stay of several weeks in New York. and part of the time will be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. Dintou Bird. Dr. and Mrs. Roger Throop Vaughsn of Chicago, who spent the holidays in Paris, are In Vienna for the rest of the winter. Mrs. Vsuglisn was Miss I-oulac Lord of Omaha, air. and Mrs. Charles Mets and daugh tor, Gertrude, will leave Tuesday for New York and sail January 3 on the "Clncin natl" for Naples, to be gon three months. Tliey will be accorananted by Mrs. Gray of Chicago. Mr. Hugh Murphy of Omaha, la a guest of the Arlington hotel In Hot Springs. Ark. He was summonVd south by ths Ill ness of his son. Richard. Young Mr. Murphy was dangerously III for a few days, but Is now recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. D. P. De Young of Amsterdsm. wife of the United States vice counsel to Holland, was In Omaha Thursday and Friday, tbe guest of Mi's Elisabeth Fry. Mrs. DeYoung left for her former home in Kails City, where sh wss Miss Kits Boose. Miss Kstberine Krtig will leave Satur day for California and will be joined later by Miss Eleanor Rents and the Misses Olga and Louis (Mors and to gether they alt sail February on the "Cleveland" for a trip around the world, returning to Omaha next September. Miss Hci:and, who la changing location, wishes her patrons to know appointments can be mide by phone. D. 9M or H. MM. Starving Fajnily is Found by Officers of Juvenile Court A Swedlth laborer, Ms wife and the 15 y ear-old son of dead relatives came be fore Juvenile court to answer to the charge of the boy being delinquent In his attendance at school. They left the court room a few minutes later in compno' with a probation officer, who led them aa faat as the four could walk to the county commlastonera to ask for aid. The family had been actually starving. "1 bought six loaves of bread last night," said ths msn In broken English. "I liad bread and glass of water for breakfast, and that la all." The man had been slek snd the boy, a brown-eyed. In telligent little fellow, who had been In the eighth grade at school, had remained at homo to car for th other kids and earn what money he could. The man had tramped the streets In search of work, but was unabls to find It. "I was ashamed to ask for help." he said. After explaining that It was no sham to ask the county for assiatsnc If It was needed the judge told th boy to So back and finish his grade. Until the man finds work he will be supported by the county. He objected at first to such support, but was convinced at last that th county deemed It Junt to pay something to a msn who was going hungry and was un able to find work. HIGH.PAY TO JHE EFFICIENT Omaha Men Agree that Employe Can Bise Only When Equipped. BUSINESS AJMCTBIBATioH WAY Th Bee'a Srcat ttaratieaat Offer with l.a Halle Valverslty CI re Oppartaalfy . 1 A wife I ! Men. Managers and presidents of firms tn.sll parts of the country. are now promoting only those envploj'es Who are sbte to show that they thoroughly understand ths busi ness Into which they are to' go. For ex ample: A railroad heed will gtvadvanre ment only to those . who merit - sifcti promotion who can show that they will be able to handle effectively the work of th position Into which they are to go. Men who ar pushed ahead must be thor oughly equipped in order .to lake over the work. ... ' Business leedcrs of Omaha have keen deeply Impressed with, the educational plan of Th Bee. In connrvtlon with the famoua La 8alle university Of Chh-ego. Th Be la getting young and ambitious men to lake the course of business admin istration given by this school. This course haa equipped hundreds of men for better. positions and Is daily sending men to the field ot larger salaries. VMd fee ll Vales ears. "Efficiency in business Is th means by which all men Succeed." ' It the com ment mado by J. W. Stewart of Miller. Stewart, Beaton fc.Co., the forniture firm of this city. "We get the best results th larger sales from our employes who ar always trying to get their work down to a scientific basis. Th course offered bv the La Sail university Is' the best .that 1 can think of for making better sales men. Any man who accepts thl course and learns what It to b learned In It surely can become a high, salaried sales man" " ! ' Observation ot men- with whoa one cornea In contact ; prove that . th best salesmen sie thoss who havt a thorough knowledge of their work. 'I have observed closely iht traveling men who com td my hotel." explained Herman Peter, owner of th Merchsntt hotel, "and I have always found .thst the most successful ones are those who hav mastered the) details of their business. They hav learned, along scientific prin ciples,, jutt how to sell goods. -Bom of th bast salesmen hav Informed ,m that they took courses at , resident unlvcrtl-, ties and there became equipped to tell goods." A , - " . "V Advantasrea f l're. " The 1a Sail business administration courses, which .Th Be Is getting for .all young , msn of Orhaha or any men '.who wlsn to mount higher, gives thlt stmt Instruction ot which Mr. Peters spesit It haa all the ad antagss -o"f th resi dent universities end the ons' acceptlnl th course does not' need to J leave hi horn. - - , f . AU mra In business, realhts.tht ad van- Baraca President Coming to Omaha An Interesting program haa been out lined tor Marshall A. Hudson, founder of Baraca,' while the guest for three days of the Trl-CHy Baraca union.- Mr. Hudson will arrive In Omaha next Saturday, after completing a speaking tour ot Minnesota, and In th evening at the Young Men'a Christian ' associa tion, a reception from to 7 will be tendered to him. followed by a banquet I. W. Carpenter has been secured as toastmastar for ths conference btnquet On the following day. President Hudson dellvares flfteen-mlnut address at 1m manuel Baptist church at 1:45; First Methodist church at Hit; Han score Park M. E. church at-IMS; First Congrega tional at 1J . occupying pulpit In the morning of the Diets Memorial Methodist Episcopal at 10 B and in the evening at S at Calvary Baptist. Mr. Hudson will address a men's meeting at I SO Sunday, at the First Bsptist church. South Omaha, and a mass meeting at the Coun cil Bluffs Auditorium at Mr. Hudson, for twsnty-on year a successful business man, has applied many plan which appeal to men In th business world, In reaching them on be half of th church of all denominations. Ths Isst service at which Mr. Hudson will deliver an address will be th quar terly Rally of th Trl-Clty Baraca union, Monday evening at th First Prabytrlaa church. UNIVERSITY CLUB PLANS SOME NEW CLUB FOOMS Th Unveraity clnb Is considering tak ing for Its future home the top floor ot th Keeltn building, on th corner of Seventeenth ,and Harney street, which will be ready for occupancy next fait The club Is outgrowing its present quarters In th Barker block. The club proposes to hold tournaments m th near futur In chess, cards and pool. Charles O. McDonald is getting up th pool tourney. tage of The , Bee educational . offer. land during the last week several young men have com to the educational depart -' meot with th statement that their em ! ployera had aent them. Some young men. so they explained, had been toM the:. ; must learn more about business admlnis , t rat Ion or els they would be forced to vacate their positions. There are other young . men in Omaha who are not ( equipped aa well aa they should be. and I they now, may be. on the verge- of los ing their positions. If they should Inform i their employer that they wer taking a i course . to mak them - more ' efficient i workers there Is no doubt they Would b ' looked I upon- with much more favor. Engineer 'Finds Two , ..Armed' 'Guards; in; .Charge of Piace Pel Peterson, an "engineer employed by the Western Newspaper' fnlon at Fif teenth and Howard Streets, almost started Something Saturday morning- about o'clock when he came to work and found the entire building lighted from top to I bottom and tao men w ith revolvers In : their hard calmly-sitting or' a counter. iTh'.Npapr- Union otfWs are dl ! rertlj- in .the rear of the Wetsem. Paper I company,' in th tarn bulldfng and doors connect the two. Last n.ght the front door of th paper company office wat left open. Two A. D. .T. watchmen were put on the Job. They lighter all the lights, aimexl tnemeeives snd watched. When Petorsoit entered'th store he Wat told td throw up his hands. 1! answered by purling hit own gun ted daring fht other two men to fire. t:V appearance ot a policeman ', corrected' the hilrlske. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS ARE TO, MEET, IN OMAHA Omalia"'was selected aa the. placed for this year' convention of 'the Nebrska Stat 'Sunday. School gssodatlon by 'In executive committee, meeting at .Lincoln Friday.' O. J. Wllc' of Omaha l president' ot th association.. He and Cliff C. Wewtcott ot Plausmouth- wer aetlv In bringing the convention -to Omaha. President: Welt o taya 'h eftpects I.M to 1.W delegates, from practically every ooanty'fh'the ttale. The convention will ba aboutMhe rfllddl of June. Mr. Wal lace, T. F. Sturgwss. J. Frank, Smith and 8. P. BoKtwIek. have been selected at- a local -commute to assist the publicity bureau of- th -Commerchtl' club lh mak: Ing arrangements for the -mealing.,'. BIG GRAIN RECEIPTS . . , i EXPECTED FOR MONDAY ,' Monotony I f ', llht receipt! - on the Omaha grain market la expected -to be broken .Monday. The , Illinois , Central railroad hat informed the Grain exchange last corn haa bh collecting, along Itt Iowa Una . during th cold .weather and it will-bring In. four solid -train of .that train today. ' This will be counted In th receipt! announced .Monday morning. The Quest for Beauty F T tCASAM Bl XA TH. 101'HRS do not lie, runt the old mtxlra, but every dMghtr of Evt know how , untrue mat may he when referring to her own ptrtwulaf ftaitre. v '-.-' ' His why all Hi .ruffled silk frill ah sacbeted sstln heart that dsco rat the corset department and beckon untiringly lo Milady tu purchase. These are the dainty feminine parhernll that round out to contours the bloua thst sunests. Wlss! too plainly . th flabby tissue beneath the garments.;, -Thete be temporary expedients, however.- and the wis - woman who lackt curve goes about , acquiring inem In . a aclentinc way iep breathing first and alwtva It th- best then drinking - large . draughts of pure- cold water at least six times a day between th meals la the next atep. - Then.- It th curve seeker Is - really In net, she adopts the system of the- grett Frrnoh doctor, Vaueelre., It Ja probably seventeen years since th Parisian beauty specialist gave out to th world the secret formula of hit aucressful method of developing the bust ot th society grand dames of France. There It nothing -.really better- known to science as a developer of lit mam miliary glanda and" many women- In this country testify to Itt sfflcacy. The formula 1 was originally filled In liquid , form, but It hss the tendency to decompose rspldlv. and hy many the tablets ar preferred. The effect- I equally good and . lh do more - pal atable. .-'., : ' Wlllard White -Co.'a Vsuctlr OMega Tablets. Rust Developer Flesh - Builder, Tonic, Is the preparation to highly rec ommended by all htglu authorities on health and beauty culture. ' 'Whites Vsucalre Gaieg Tablets con tain th genuine : Important,' Oalega: They- round out shrunken, .-shallow parts, develop snd make the bust firm. If you sre - undeveloped. THIN, care worn, poroua or run down, ittke a bog of these tablets and note their won derful effects. 11 box. (three weeks' treatment) only Sse at Myers-Dillon Drug' CO., Sherman-McCntinell.'. Owl Drug Co.. and Brandelt. One-box of the tablet! equal! two bottle of the 11 site liquid, end is very superior. CAL'TIOtf: Ask for WMIsrd VYhlte CoVs and. not the name on box. . v-. . ' MUG. Life; LA VIE. tbe noted beauty writer and lecturer, highly, recommends th MKliOROHE Preparation and Wll lard vTnlie Company Vatlealre tialegg Tablet. Sent by mell if doalrrd. . , fite BEAU I IF01L a very Wen as Oaa B Beaattfal 'Mas. D L Tt. .,,. Diamonds-Good Advertising You advertise yourself and jour business every day. Ton never thought about this fact, did yon. Yon probably do not advertise lo the press. But when you go out upon the street yon are advert la infe. Your appearance your rlothesy your ahoea, -your- hat, your ring, your Jewelry is your medium. . Yon. know, what, appearance doe toward making an impression. Every hour you see some man who leaves a bad impression. His clothe -do-not -hang right: his hat ia not the proper shape for hit head: his shoes are not shlned there ia something radically wrong wlth.him. If he is a business man he does not create a desire in;you to trade with him. Yon. feel Inclined to go to the eatabliBhment of his competitor, the man who is neatly attired in every respect. '' , - .You fiud that in. a great majority of the cases in which a man makes a favorable Impression upon you .hy his abearance that he I wearing a diamond, either a pin or a ring. This stone is every where reedgniied as an emblem ot affluence and prosperity. It does more to lend, substantiality to the impression a man makes than any other thing even more than hl .clothes. Most people who wear diamonds are neat in their appearance-e!r clothes ... ... " ------ - 7hA - - fit well ana are Ol gooa material. ' To create a good impression to gain in, prestige one should wear a diamond of quality. (0f course a cheap stone or an Imi tation gem detraota from the first impres-. slon. If you .recognite a diamond aa'an ImM Utton. you 'la respect for its wearer at ; once, no matter how well he may be dressed..' t Very few people discount the potltlon of 1 the diamond, yet some seek Inferior atones. The Edholtn store offers a wide assortmsnt of the purest diamonds at prices that will make you blame your luck U you nave pur chased a cheap stone. If you contemplate buying a stone, you owe it to yourself to in-, spect the Edholm stock. . Don't Merely . Buy; Invent! v 'a m TOT Albert Edholm "" 'JZWILER Sixteenth tvnd Harney Llisri SoLoHoVt of old wat ralltd the K wisest -man and credited with l wtvea aiihoueh the latter fact " hardly demonstrates Ms wisdom to modern eyas. - . - i . . a anv rate, he must hav had a vast knowledge of the ways ot women and the various weya in which they attempted to mak themselves besutirui in ntt tight. ' lit I en record with lh statement that there la no new thing under th tun and thlt lesson's big beauty tad seems to prov It.- v . e All Oriental women from i Cleopatra dottn-or iip-userl oil baths or rubs as an effioieni ld t beauty.. tOlive ll or almond v or any- sweet-scented emollient is th medium, and every part of the- body it gon over-with a gentle biassed movement. ' The joint are treated to a little extra attention to make the body more, supple. . Til fair beiity-chr of to-day use t good, pur cold craaai iMtlnrott pre ferred) and get tne. same. errtrL . inia It a sensible fad ai eold eetain rub I not fall to produce good" results. It fills out hollo! And really sets aa a ftgurs refiner, j I t'naree-grained tKInt grow clearer, and better and excess tat melts away. The eirl who takea a cream' bath each -night for a: month wl,l actually won der at the change for the better In her general health, which, of course, 4naks for beauty. ... Ther It a soothing, sedative effect on the mind Which smooth out'wrlnkle and tired line In. th fee, and the general relaxation of th body makes every, move ment a1 thing of trace and beauty. iJleree to, the new fad, 'the Melorose cold cream baths. It It a relic ot ths dark sges, If you will, and nothing new, but It is a great factor for Increasing your beauty. ; J MORK leading' at-tres use 'the fa mous "Meloroa , preparations than - any other kind. Indorsed by thousands. . . Meldroe Beauty Crem, Powdee and Rouge, the most perfect tm let dainties In the world, SaV site only Vc. , ' - CAUTIONImltatlons srld' ,woriWSe nostrums ari bel-iS offered, - .-(let.onlv Ihe origins genuine, dlstrihhted by Wlllard White-('.. i.'hlcsgo. Hewtrs-.of suheillute. lo-k for L . S. rrg. .trade mark on ch box. , . -. -. FREK Snfl So stamp for sample of Melorose Cream. Mriprot Fact Pow der; also booklet about the .-tablets. Write to - , - - t ' - ' i . . WII.LAnu' WHITE CO..' Chlosgo. 111. Sold si Myera-r-iHon tinig CO., rtherman V MeConnell,-Owl Drug Co., ( BrtDdclr.k The FatlTOyS 16th and Farnam Sts. Second Floor, McCrorry's New 5c and 10c Store. Extra Special Monday 100 Gingham House Dresses, real $2.00 f"A values. ... 3UC 10 dozen Fine Tailored Waists, some slightly Cft-v soiled from handling, real $1.50 values .3UC 10 dozen Aviation Caps, in all shades, fine Cfli hoods for skating, real $2.00 values. . . . wUC 20 down new spring lingerie Waists beauties, CrtM real $2.00 valties. . . .' : VUC Special for Monday and as long as they last- A aa 75 Black Coats, real $7.50 and $10.00 values. VaCsWO Choice of any coat or suit in the store; values up to $40.00 in three great lots- $7.5p, $10 and $15 Going Oiitl of Business! riir-c for Ladies' Spring Suits TOetatY ' C1' tAiloted, fitted sad luatnisled is true "U ItUCW ; Book" styles a wealth of "rlaxi" the 'rarest of wrosrait saunrs is your i axw -ii jue u in ace your orafr bo. 1 ,' . Phone' DouglM ,7479 . Webiter Sunderland Bldf. N. E. Cor. 16th and Howtrd I Many Omahs btislness men at Haines City, Florida, looking over Sample -Bros, grape fruit and orange land; many mors Coins Feb. (th. .Join yonY friends snd Co . to see this grand opportunity for jou. ' Let me know at once and I will arrange for transportation for you. Lsnd values the Ttlue of land here sad one-fifth the price of California land, but will yield much more per acre than either place. Elevation Hi feet; climate ideal. Call and see me. DR. T. E. SAMPLE Tel. Red 04; V. 2500. ' 40 First t l Bank Bid.. J.JAWITZ High Class Ladies1 Tailor Has returned from the' East with the latest Models for - the Spring season, and for one week beginning January 22d,' will take orders at reduced prices In Tailor -Made . ' , ' Gowns and Dresses for alt occasions. , Please take notice tiat wa gtiarantee everything e make to be of the finest grade. and our ttock of woolens is one of the largest In Omaha.' " ' J. JAlVlTZ, The Wellington ' lS15FrMi 8trert,OnuUiii. ' c - - . - ' -. . . , . TheiBaker-Electric. Is t r. Safest ' . : Oatfur tXeetrlcs. forewomen and children to drivehas the most de pendable motor safest con-. troller, unfiling brakes, and unusually responsive steer- ing gear. The entire mech anism is as trouble-proof as it is possible to build a power driven vehicle. i'The Pioneer Shaft .Driven Electric." Runs on less voltage than : any other goes farthest on a charge- Ntteriet have longest life. Suertnl etertric paeumatlc or Motz , high effirlenty ruehlon tires. Kxlrl battrrte standard erjulpment. See flaker Elertrlr eahibiu at prinlrpal Butomobllo tlKJUI. Electric Gan.e Compicy Omaha Plstributora ''JS1H-22 Farnam (street. The Baker Motor-Vehicle Co. Mvmvfmc tun rs (3vdand. Ohio Dainty Lunches and Hoi or Cold Drinks Berre u a Tesastlag Way. Facing the chilly breexe froin th north require utatning fuod and drink. Just what you need at Th -Owl", ltth and llarney; Th -Original", ltth and Ixxtge; Tin -liarearar. Mth aad farnam. Sherman &' McCennell Dr-I Co. Increase your earning power Read aaaoancement on Pafc 7. Kcws Sfchon, today.