PAST TWO. -EDITORIAL PAGES OKE TO EIGHT. The Omaha 'Sunday .Bee PAKTWO SOCIETY " PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. VOL. XLI XO. 31. OMAHA, SUNDAY, MOKXIXG, .7AM AUV 21, 1912. SIXULK COPY .FIVE. CENTS. FINE SHOWING OF NEBRASKA MANUFACTURES Advance Bulletin of United States 1 Census Bureau Gires Besnlt of 1909 Investigation. !BIG KCEEASE Dt FIYE TEABS dumber of Estaklisnmenti Found in , State Wu 2,500. lAEHY OF WOBXEBS EMPLOYED t I Increase of Better Than 26 Per Cent Since 1904. " I V" l Since 19( V foTEB J19.000.000 OVER $19,000,000 Iff WAGES Total Product for 1909 Valued at ' $199,019,000. f BIG TOTAL FOB, BAW MATERIAL -j Milling Industry, Utui Calr l j raektagt Plants, Shaw pleadld , Development ia All Parta I ml tha State. ! A steady and a vary healthy growth in j manufacture! ot Mebraaka la Indicated j by an advance cemua bulletin. In MM . the eataMlshmeitu engaged tn manufae ' tura numbered l,69i. In 1304, five yean being 9.T In the 1SS9-W4 period and iti la the UCM period. During the period of 'fifty years from 1S5S to BOB the groat value ot product per capita ot total population Increased from tn to Slat. During the same time the increase of wage earners waa from SK in or 11 per cent of total popula tion, to S per cent of the greatly Increased popiftation in 1SU. with an army ot nearly 0W on the payrolls, excluding pro prietors and firm members and salaried employes. In COO . SS.7 per cent ot the impu tation resided in incorporated cities and towns ot 1 .600 or over; in 1 36.1 per cent of the total population resided In such places. The density of population had risen from IS. per square milo In 1 to li In ISO. From which It will be seen that the growth tn manufacturing strength baa been much greater than the growth in population In fifty years. Ita Showlag at Profits. Profits on the business dona cannot be shown, for the reason, aa set out In the bulletin, that "census data do not show the entire cost of manufacture, and con sequently cannot be used to show profits." Neither Is any account taken ot Interest or depreciation by the census returns. What are designated aa 'very defective returns regarding capital" ara also a stumbling block, which makes It impose! bla to determine the rata ot profit on investment, even If known expenses be deducted from the value ot finished product In addition to twenty-five Industries aet out aeparately the enumerators found nine other kinds of factories-making bags other than paper, brooms, soap, steam railroad cars, coffee and apica grinding, food preparations, distilled liquors, copper smelting and refining, lead smelting and refining. In the table below these una of Industry ara grouped under the last designation to tha list, "all other Indus tries." v Data aa separate Iadaatrir. Tha relative Importance ot tha leading manufacturing Industries of Nebraska Is shown In tha following table: Kom- INDUSTRY. Slaughtering and meat packing............ Flour mill and grist mill products Hwtter. cheese and condensed milk , Printing and publishing Cars and general ehop construction and repairs by steam railroad companies.. Uatior. malt I..........-........ Mread and other bakery products , Foundry and machine-shop products .umber and timber proaucta ......... 1eather goods nothing, men's. Including shirts.. lias. Illuminating and heating Paint and varnish . Artificial atone Confectionary ......m..... Brick and tile - - Tobacco manufactures... Dairymen's, poulterer's, . and supplies apiarists' Xfsrhl am stAna Patent medicines and oompounda and druggists' preparations Carriages and wagona and materials.... . Copper, tin, and sheet iron products . Csopetara and wooden goodanot- els, where specified. ....Y........ ........ Canning and preserving...... MMtraases and spring bads All, other Industries..... ...... ....... All Industries ............ ber A. No. estab- Wage Valua ot llsh- Earners. Products ments. ia KM . K,95.e ; Ms li.5S6.0W S7 SB 7.W1.0P9 17 IW , 6.W7.00 13 5.6)5 4,4Z,OM 14 4?4 J.UV000 27 4S J.014.000 71 1,020 S..010 40 &43 S, 30 S l,iS3, 1 W7 1.54!.rt t tm 1.410 ono 4 1 112 l.i4.n ' 3M (y 1,256,01)0 . IS- .tXJ 1.174A 7S KM lit Ml .01. u at mow ss 1ST ra.oas im SI , MS.OM a 9M K7,oj 37 i ui.m -, J, - as' '''Smim 13 Vi ' 481.0 113 SM J.177 48J64.0W Too :4.3K $1I,01.OW Value added by !.l.O0 ' 1.24S.IMI 4,366, VOO 2,18,J0 1.414.0UO ;.) 6,CJU trtt.noo OTO.IWI 7U.090 71.0SO, Kld.KX) ' U3,0t 483,030 aw.too 4!4.nm XK.ono tTJ.OUO ' 154.0i 138 OK) ;,.( v later, tha n amber had risen to l,Si. while in IMS tha census bureau Investigators found :,S40 establishments, an Increase of 37.4 per cant In tha five-year period. To day, according to the bast Information, low or mora manufacturing plants are operating la the state. No figures are available as to tha num ber ot persona engaged In factories In 1X90, but In 1904 the number so employed was ascertained to be S.3M. In IMS the .workers In Nebraska factories had in creased to ., a percentage of gain In the five-year period, of XX Dividing all those engaged in manufactures Into the three classes, proprietors and firm members, salaried employes, and wsge earners, tha percentages of gain from 1904 to were S.S, W.4 and 391. re spectively. The salaries and wages paid amounted to tha handsome total of l. 439,000. ,i Valae of Prwdact Ftgarea. The tMO establishments turned out prod nets to the amount ot thtt.01t.00t In making this product materials were con sumed valued at tia.otl.aoo. Thus, the value added to tha raw material by man ufacture waa 347,938,000. and In holding that this figure best represents the "net" wealth created by the factory operations during the year the census report says: "Tha value of products is not a satis factory measure of either the absolute or the relative Importance of a given Industry, because, only a part of this valua is actually created by t,h manu facturing process carried on in the in dustry itself. Another part of it. and often by far the larger part, represents the value of the materials used, which have been produced by agriculture or raining, or by other Induetrial establish ments. For many purposes, therefore, tha best measure of the importance of different classes of Industry is the value created aa the result ot the manufactur ing operations carried on within the In dustry. This valua Is obtained by de ducting the cost of the materials cos tumed from the value of the product." in Mmnuiiu "value of products" the amounts given represent the selling value at the factory of all products manuiac tured. during the year, which may differ from tiro value of the products sola. Amounts received for work on materials furnished by others are included, ladlvidaal Operatloaia Kept Secret. In this connection It is Interesting to note thst In the Item "value added ly manufacture" ihat Is. value of prod ucts less cost of material-there waa a de- - r iti nr cent reported for the period 1-1!M. while for the period M- them was an Increase ot . per cent in this Item. The statistician explains that the decrease for the first period waa "due largely to the figures reported for tlie had ameltlng and refining industry. This Industry Is incladed under the head 'all other industries.' because Its statistics cannot be given without disclosing Indi vidual operation." Figures on capital Involved In manu factures are frankly admitted, by the . eomptltr of the report, to bo "an defec- H)- as la be -without value, eacept as tndiratinK -Very general conditions." In IM the capital was given aa tfS.5ns.0OT. in TM and in lta ,!.. Ihas hom ing a gala of 61 per cent in the live-vear period lnr. Kxpenses of operating rose from f.lV , fc. hi 1SJJ to tita.'StJ.O ia HM and to tUCSI'0 i" WW. the percentage of In- Waata Ear a era. Hears aad Wages. Omaha and Bouth Omaha, with but 13-1 par cent ot tha total population of Ne braska, giv employment to 68-1 per cent of the waga earnera of tha state. They also produce 77 per cent of the total valuation of manufactured aasOucta. Of the HO waga earners f oirtid at work by the census enumerator; J1"!, worked forty-eJght hours or less pit v.eea, an worked between forty-eight a- f fifty-four hours, 107 Worked fifty -fowV hours. U7 worked between flfty-foUr- 'atid sisty hours, 1,901 worked sIxtA'httrs. UH worked between sixty anA tvrnty-two hours, 184 worked seventy-tV; hours and only 4i over seventy-two a, "in. The wage earners were 2H I Men and 3.M women of 10 years or ore . tjnder II years were ITS boys snd thirty ln girls. According to tha terms of theCJKld labor lar ot Nebraska, none of theaa children could have been legally at work without permits. The statistics In this bulletin rover a year's operations and are probably the nearest correct ot any ever made. Per centage distribution by sex and age of the wage earners In each Industry fur December 15, or the nearest representa tive day, was calculated from the actual numbers reported for that dale. This percentage has been applied to tha aver age number ot wage earners fur the year In that Industry to determine the average number of men. women and children em ployed. These' calculated averages for tha several Industries have been added up to give the distribution for tba state as a whole. Mllllaa Indastrr ta straws. Borne emphasis is laid on the high rank taken by the flouring Industry, both as to number of establishments snd value of product. This takes In both flour and grist mills. While the principal cereals have always been the staple and most largely grown crops of Nebraska, It is only within qulle recent years that the milling industry has experienced this significant growth. While a number of tha mills are of more than average' shte. the majority of them are small and are widely scattered In rural communities, which may be considered a very healthy indication. During the last decade the value of mill products Increased tO,04:.4W, or 13.1 per cent. There la nothing spas modic about (his growth of Nebraska's milling Industry, for tha percentage at increase In the five-year period, l4-'0t. was Just a trifle less than during the earlier period. 1S9V04. Fifty years ago Nebraska bad lesa than twenty small mills, with a total output valued at slightly over SllO.OSO. The following table gives the quantity and value ot products for IM, 1904 and 13: Product. 1 1504. IS30, Wheat flour: llarrela l.i.Kt 1.7M.46S i.ftX.SO Value ..,....IU I.t 7.S.iali.l0o.S,l Graham s Important Trade Events to Come Sale Men's and Women's Umbrellas, Jan. 27 Sale Pictnre Frames, Satnrday, January 27 Sale Men '8 Shoes, Satnrday, Jannary 27 Sale Flat Silver Ware, Satnrday, Teb. 3 , Sale of Clocks, all kinds7s&to.rday, Feb. 10 Other sales will be announced lat6r. II 14 SJJL vtry Tim You Spend a Dime You Gel an S. ft iV. Green Trading Stamp u Sale Finished Embroidery Pieces A large assortment of finished embroidery pier consisting of band bags; aprons, scarfs, ren ter plers and pillows, worth up to 15.00 each, on sale Monday at !. for your choice. The scarfs, renter pieces and pillows are in patterns that will correspond with nooks, cozy corners, decs, libraries, etc. . Ureat values at (he regular prices. If You Are Needing a Basket attend thia MonJey sale! One lot of about MO fancy . ljasketa in asaorted shapes and . candy baskets. ' lunch baVet. work baskets, etc worth from ISc to 35o each. In two lots, Monday, at So and loo. A Great Bargain Rally for the Last of Our Annual January White Sales Undermuslins, Embroideries, Table Cloths "and Napkins, Yard Damasks, Bed Spreads, Blankets find I)tniiestics-oll join to make this week of our January "White Sales tiie hest week of all. These revised prices are the result of some of the lines being broken in pattern or style range, of there being a few more on hand now than we think tbere should be at this time, and of our dsire to bring January business up to the unusually high nark we aet et the besinnliig of ths month. No difference which Item you select, you will be getting a bargain of rare merit.- .Many offerings which are not large-enough to warrant advertising will be dis played and marked at far below usual prices. , Infants' and children's undermuslins, consisting of drawers, gowns, . akirts, etc., at i6c7l5cT3!)c749c and59c the garment-oF to V less.' Six very pretty styles in combination suits trimmed wfth finest laces, embroideries and medallions; $3.50 values at $2.29. . . ICO dozen cambric corset covers with yokes of heavy lace trimming, all sizes, while they last, 25c each. A big lot of combination suits with lace and embroidery trimming, somewhat auusard aad soili-rfroui dMaydurinj this sale,, excellent TS3"an(l ' LM values at BHc. , Oowa In fntr iertty new styles; yoke ami aliort states daintily trinimetl Willi lace, embroidery inaertioa and rihboa; whlieihivr la-il,' iTaA each. : "" Closing Out Pattern Cloth Round pattern cloths, tn a great variety of tha newest and most wanted desigus-8-4 site. $3,60 values, at ttt-TS. 8-10 site, $4.15 values, at .. 8-11 aire. $5.23 values, at M--3. . Double satin damask ' cloth, in rose, scroll, small spot, large spot and otber pretty patterns 8-4 sin. 15.00 values, at $3.85. 8-10 also, $.:& values, at A.4M. 8-13 site, ST.25 values, at 93.0S. ' Napkins to match tbe above, worth $5.00 tbe doxen; January sale price, SM.tK). 8-10 hemstitched table clotbs ot the finest wearing qualities, guaranteed . all linen, $3.26 values, at flJM each. One lot of extra fine damask table cloths, ranging In site from 2Hx2H to Ix3 yards-one ot the very best values ot the sale, while they last, at t3.04 for your choice. Hardly any of these have ever before been priced less than $10.00 each. - .'I ' Extra good weight tabk cloths. t aloe, - round thread linen, la a food, variety of preuy patterns 72x7Mnch site. $Xt3 values, at ftt.3S. 72i90-inch site, $3.75 values,. at 9JKMMI, Slx81-inch site, $4.26 values,-at . 22x22-incb napkins to match, values, at W.OH the dosed. i . 'I Variou Napkins $1.10 17x1 T-Inih napkins, of a weight, assorted patterns, (Mr the doten. $1.50 U 18-inch all linen napkins. In an excellent line of patterns, St. 10) the doien. . S1.8i lxl9-iuch all linen napklni. of a very superior quality, I I.IW the dozen. $3.23 23x23-inrh extra fine damask nap kins, lu ail of tne newest patterns, M.49 the dozen. Damask by the Yard' $1.!S Tt-inrh all linen satin damask, in spot, rose, fleur de lis, thistle, lily and other patterns, 08c the ysrd. - , . S1.8 7 i -inch double satin damask, la a (in range of handsome patterns,. $IM thn yard. . . , 3 7i Towels for All Uses 39c tOx-G-iurli all linen buck towels, purchased especially for our January sale: Hood choice ot red, white and blue borders, -."Vc each. 26c lex3-inrli all linen hemstitched buck towels, of an cUru hvavy welRbt; none better for wear; January, sale, price, 15c each. 23c large size bleuclied bail towels, heiunnd and all re:iily for use, I Or each. 8 He large al.:e blrachcil buck towels, with red borders, sale price, Oc ench. Pillow Cases and Sheeting ' 13c CxK-lnch pillow caws ot an extra weight, made especially ' for, v-car? sale orlce, 10c each. ; 18c 4ii.oO-Iutb pillow rasos of a very tuiterlor quality muslin;' aula price, lUIsc Week '-J lie 64-lnrh unbleached all. linen table, each. damask, of an extra heavy quality, AVrJ 5ic 2x0-lnch seamed be sheets, made the yard. . ,- , , .. ...... .especially for rooming house and hotel 60c 4-luch mercerized table) llotn. In a use, while they last, HUo each. flna Una of patteraa. 8bV tha yard. . .,,. , b $lx0-laohisanisji ge4"1IVoi f i r On i , ) r " -.i 'i i .- 1 V t . , . V '. . . ,"w . AH of our 27-inch embroideries, alloverj and bandings in. m -..4 .,nM:n4 f .-.ttn4 M.ti ln h rl.nh.A fl.vMnl AlflflAMIfl " 71 ST & gzvnh vni ici,t ut e i vtri aiiiti mniurvnir xivihi jriiivtuci, regularly priced at 49c, tc and Oc, Specially priced for a quick clearance, Uonday, at. the yard. ...................... .' A- a brand known tbe world over for its wearing qualities; sale price. ft.V eac h. r.Oc 9-4 liKvlie.! chentlug ot an extra gcotl weight, 2lr the yard. --. 28e 8-4 bleached abeetiof, for the Jan- -unry bale, M2e the yard. ' . ' .;;2c 10-t bleached aliecllng, for the Jaa uary talc, 2lc the yard. 1 Bed Spreads , ' $2.73 12-4 extra heavy weight bed iprcaila with scalloped edges and cut' eor ners; aale price, $1.0H each. $3.00 13-4 satin bed spreads with em broidered edges: sale price, 83.9H each. $3.00 12-4 good weight, fringed bed spreads 'with cut . comers; , January ; aala price, aUJift each. ,. i . ,: Blankets Blankets ; i l.00 wool blankets In all ot the wanted colorings, extra heavy. January sale price, t na.' . . "! ' $J.0 afl wool UKiikais tar taro beda, come In all colors ot rtieoke and plaids; sl,a prlc. fUl.SA tha pair. : " y '. Jt.ifS goad alza cotton bed blankets, In ( grays andtana only, hv colored borders;'1 sale price, tMr the nvli , . . . I I i I y V Up to $1.00 Silks 39c Monday we offer a lot of odds and ends of silks, worth tip to $1.00 the yard, at .'M)e. When we say "odds and ends',' , we don't mean that all are short lengths for very often whole pieces are included. In this fhIc are pongees, foulards, novelty silks in a splendid range of patterns and colorings, hc- Dress Goods at Less Than ) Half the Regular Price ' . i; , (4-iacli ..grey, ctaavlols. aide wale aej-grd. Covert cloth and navy blue broadcloths; 10 Inch nary aeries and .black serges; 44-Inch chevron striped fill wool materials id all colors, and 40-lnoh sll vcol (plaids for children's wear, half silk and half ' wool crepe de Parts and black self striped cheviots, worth up to $1.(0 th .yard, .Monday.. v . 69 c Up to $1.50 Silks 69c I'Ji is bargain Jot is wiade up of pfaid silks, strieU silks, elitH'ked silks, Perfian silks und inn ny plain silks nidi n messalines, peau de oygnps and taffetas in almost every wanted shade, together with jiongeeu in the natural color nnd various reliable black silks." For und;i skirts, linings, waists, dresses, etc. J Grocery Specials 'ZfsSS'- Mlae bare Beaaetfs Barfwla Laaadry Soap lor asa Bennett s Capitol flour sie- tial of for ot a sack at S1JS Bennett's Capitol coffee and :0 atanipa. lb ZOO Aworted teas and 60 stamps, the lb ea Tea alftlncs and 10 stamps. Iha lb 15a 1-lb. ran Bennett's Capitol usklna powder and to stampa .a4e IT las. Brasilia taa , go -ar for X JO 24-lh sack "Queen of Palltr'' liastry flour and 40 atamps. for Beauty asparacua and 10 atanipa. can..aOo 2 cans Henrietta Capi tol Kversreen corn and 10 stamps. . .SOo 2 cans Bennett's Capl t lol aiftetl early June peas 10 st'ps, SSO Maple butter . und 0 atampa. can 9Se Gaillar.!' olive oil bo stampa, . miliom site I bottle 46a 3 pks. Kennett'a Capi tol mince meat ami 10 stamps ase Bennett's Capitol oata or wheat a r-lb. pka. with la stamps.. 10a Dill pickles and 10 atampa. doacn. . . .160 3 cans Cottase milk and 10 stamps. . .aSo Larue Jar Rlsmark preserves snd 10 stamps awe Bennett's Capiiol extract and 30 tamps, bottle ISO Medium sour pickles snd 10 stamps, the quart. .... .tea t cakes York Hose Violet toilet soap and 10 st'ps. taa 3 cana Brockport srats-l pineapple and IV st'ps. SSs S-lb. sack white or yellow .corn meal... 16a Bessie aUaasas aa AU Bat teitae. Kutl craanv clieeae and 1 atampa, pound ........ .ase. t cans Mhrtuip and 10 auui.p. f..r ., Sto FRUITS AND IVEOETABLES r'ancy jcllovt onions, pk., ;5c Fancy dates, ribs L'.V 1-lb. basket amyrna fitii for lHe Hubbard 'squash, lb tlie Fancy apples, peck. . . . .:K)e Our own direct purchase of the famous Redlsnds or anges, together with 15 8. II. Green Tradiig Sumps, Monday, at, the doxen, I5r, 20r. S.V, Oc and Jc Gas Lights, Worth 7 5c Com- piete, ror cent , These i the fanitHl Majestic up: right gas lights aud the. special price of 4!c is for the regular 7.M! complete outfit, con sisting of. U guaranteed biiriiei-, imported globe and mantle. Mrs. Vrooman'a sanitary ..Ink strainers, large size, regularly sold at 23c, Mon day,, IV. oc Asbestu mats, 9-lnrh size. Sc. Bennetts Capitol Toilet paper, worth 10c the roll, Monday, 4 rolls for S5r. One lot' of 23c. 33c, to 60c kneading board, slightly shopworn, Monday, I5r. Skates Skates Skates Nickel plated steel hockey Skates, worth $2.60 the pair. Monday, 91.25. SI.60 hockey skates of finest nickel plated steel, speclsllv price.1 for Mondsy at fi.Ta ! ;i Club ekates of llneat welded and hardened steel. Mondav. sae. One lot of Barney ft Berrre eve skates in sites S and ts only, Monday, SS. Velvet Suits at $15.00 P Si 11 The Rest HriM Wnrth &dQ JM p,& None Worth Less Than $35 V J w.,. t " V'.l 1 U UV IUL .1111 , 1 i U IT'JIUW. Who coiue first will aet bv far the best suit bar. gala of tbe clearance season. . Made ot highest grade velvets (n black, navy and brown colors some elegantly' braided and others In plain tailored models with only a touch of military braid st tlie collar-wlth tail oring and trimmings of a quality far better than I It unuai.j iuuiih in auua . regularly semug Si 1 a $33.00 to $49.50. Ill 75 suits for women of extra size, mnrfA rnm X29.S0 ta i.iS.Dli Constructed ,. $15 sale Monday at SIS. of superior quality plain French serges & worsteds Odd Lot Women's Garments at $2.90 r Brol.en lots of .dresses, cashmere wrsppera 1 and winter coals, including about fifty raincoats, rnnging in price up to $13.00, specially priced v for Monday enly at $2.90 for your choice. ,. There's not a thing wrong with the quality and ( the maktng-we aimply want to clear them out , of the way at once. " f. I.V SMi K.VH .1 i.o ot; i,Ki.z:i Toe, Value Tons .8 .TS a,0T7 ' Value 1.T5S.SW S 1.300u t TUMEl All other prod ucts, value.. ! SH.OSJ 31X100 CLKX Karrels 14.73 .SSO value n,; t 2m - Corn meal and corn flour: Barrels C&.41 J MT."e as Fiz Value $ l,2Z-,470 $ 1,133,4X7 $ 4S.Ut I Rye r.our: i Karrela K.47S . 31.C.0 4S.T2j vaiue 9 Ljv u. 4, u..wt Bucka't flour: loimds 2M.S40 S4.SS0 Ss.:) Value S 1MI3 $ .TA S 7.413 Homtny: Pounds I.!T.7 S.M0.S4O ,t4aa(, Value t M,; f 9SJM I 4V.A1 tirrts: Pounds St.'SpO.iW Value .ts Feed- total value.. .IIT.JJS.iK tl2.lM.ai6 S7.7V4.13t Mark More rloar, Mlaber frle. There waa an Increase of eZCS, or X I per cent. In the number ot barrets of white wheat flour from M4 to 190. and an Increase ot gt.tfi.S4. or 44.1 per cent. In its value. The value of corn meal and corn flour Increased 7.0 per cent, but tbe quantity decreased 21.S per cent. Rye floor waa the only product abowlng decreases In both quantity and value. Of the total value of products reported in IMS, the value of the white wheat flour, amounting te Sll.SD.eS. formed 4XS per cent, aad tae value of offal, the principal part of which Is the by-product of tbe manufacture, of wheat flour, waa 10.1 per cent. The value of feed amounted to CXljsS, or 111 per cent and of corn meal aad cam flour ft er SS i-er cent, ot the total value of products for the Industry in the state. In these general figures oa flour and anst mills are not in- loded the statist!. of what are kn."n as "euetom grist mllls."-Of these i e 8 In Nebraska, engaging the wort over HO people. To be exact. 'proprietor" "n fr members actively operatic). custom mills number 17, operators were only ten. Th - i bad.' la tMO, a capital of "tl4.rr j:'I around grain to the value of $174 ..-t Kspenaea are given aa S1MJZ7. The mainly run for the convenience of incular aeetlon surrounding them lher " a very useful purpose In ,':':lng communities. Dairy rrid'- a Bla; Iteas. A decrease la sh n m the census fig urrs for the last .if "e In the aumber of establishment .r...sfd in the manu facture of butter 1 ooodensed milk, but tbere Ij- 1 Ided Increase in the value of tbe changed manner of condu. ' develop ing industries I-. ' ''" respon..:ble for the lesser r. - - factories and more Intensified. " -"bods of oper ating are reapon t ' ' " ,he lMer put. The rise In r will account for much of the ad'"' '-lrf' eeniral plants, closely 1 tematically oper ated, hava takec r " of Isolated, and l neat creameries. often poorly nv Omaha has especially benefited bv the newer methods of production in thia tn rtnjrtry, snd yet the dairymen far out on the farms of the state, aelllg their cream and avoiding the drudgery of working It and shipping the often low class product. have also profited very appreciably. In 139 Omaha, for Histsu-e. had but two modest butter factories, whereas todsv the city has four great planta that are sending Us nsme and fame, as a butler producing center all over the country and Into other countries. Omaha's output for IKS Is given as SX.7.ST3; which Is 4S per cent of the total output of the state. Of the factories In the stste in la only four- tvn were operating cream separators, aoainst vUty-rive in tfet and X2 In IkSt, which means that the bulk of tbe cream ia now separated on the farms and not muck milk la sent to tbe central planta. The product Is being more carefully- put up. too. sin s tn 10 only 14 per cent of the butter made waa put into prints and mlla. la tlb) the percentage ot butter so put up had rlwa to 43 per cent. Produc tion of cheese has fallen eft very ma teria Ry and only three factories are repre sented In the following table: I90 104. 100. Bolter: Parked foundt 13.4U.J3I W.i;3.14 10,77.3: . Vslue.. ... .t3.54.J7S K.074 SM Jl.WI.Jfl lidual.": 11) were under firm names and pf'","';r,J,l ' ,. organised aa corporations: a rvpatte Valu...:.:.':ii.Stl.asj.i V.KJ(1 1 in exceed of .0M and Irsa, Cream sold Pounds Value Cheese : , Full crea.n IVMinds..... Vslue All other prod ucts, value ll.or3.U3 jh,ii lerrost r;7,i , g.wi 77.132 110 401 ia.t;o $.;.ic4 sm.m; lis. ' Total vslue.. t;.u.rr: s,3j6.ii tixcwe It Is eiplatned in the bulletin that the large Increase In the value af "all other products" from Bwt to IMS) ia due to the not that la the latter year a aumber of the establishments . carried on -a com bined manufacturing and mercantile bustneaa. the two being so closely con nected that It was not practical to sep arate the menulacturing from the mer cantile expenses. A large amount of re worked butter Is alao Included In thia item. l-aaadrlee Make iioaiel Skowlaa. Tbe clothes washing Industry of Ne braska Is not Included la the general figures for manufactures. This bustneaa f blundering the linen ot the people keeps o establishments continually at work, under steam power. Of these. 43 concerns were owned and run by tadi- i than SI0C.4M): 4 retorted business of J",jtJ ; . but lees than SSMM. and St had " bwlneee of leas; than- IMI. following ' are ths census bulletin' figures: !; '..;: I Number of rstabthmments t Person miuum In tta inAniw , t-roprietor nod firm members Salaried employee Vatre earnera ia-erage number! Capital 1 susw bxpemea .. taa, 1 40 Servtres '. : . 6s4.34 Materials ..- Mlscellaneoua 1MJ: Amount received for work done. UXif 7 1.311 tl Mwaraas of a (rata. A man should use his head, even wheal be la a kicker. Of course It ta luckier to climb tbe bid-'. -der of fame thaa to walk under it. A woman might aa well make op fori lost time If he is going to make up at ail.! A girl seldom hits what she alma at., especially when ebe throws herself at a' man. i It would take a aandlaut and brans) anucajrs to aaoca tne conceit out or Any girl will tell too that the fellows) who pose ara not the one who proeoae. I We ahooid forgive our enamies. awt wto) all hava a sneaking- desire to sat square with them fJrst.-New York Tunes. ' u