Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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January Sales at Br andeis Stores
Every Omaha Woman Should Attend These Special Bargain Events Monday and All This Week
On Front Bargain
SquareNew lll
Foulards; d e t a.
suueii and med
lura designs, a
- t e w floral pet
, tarns, ate regu
lar tie in
at yard..'-''
SC-ln, Half Wool
Repellant Sslt.
Inn, gray and
brown only
worth Tic yd.;
High .Class Imported Wash Fabrics
In Our Wash Goods Section, on Main Floor.
We haw. doubled the apace for this populsr section. Hundreds
f Oinana women are talking of the beautiful fabric, that
sLwlnglB idn of the new wm. Many of the foremost Waab.
(keLuafTeend us their exclusive designs In Voiles. Iftrqulsettes.
trooes www """"., vnii and .11 f ftodde Bad In ft Co..
Fie? oa . ."!"'r:.r.-;:,;..,. m th.
LrTon. product, txciusnw .
' - j ., - matnii mm anunav ox eirreane swveowea. i-w -
ot on sum . . - ;v . is, ... ward
aa New York and Chicago a imraw soups, i -:
BB lO ll.Ftf. ...
n.- 7 Inrkaa wlrla! at. Taid....aoC
! Dleoaa of satin atrip. Irian Poplins, 17 Inches wide; at, raid.-
UP ofTtttterflSTd'a English 0c Voiles: at.
tl ptooaaof Priestley's -lnca Bilk Stripe Vollea. worth !".... 7
is nieces of 24-toeh Uk flnlahed BOe Bengallna Glaee; at, ry-J"
IS pieces or " r voii-a horder. florals and lardlB-
(t pieces or tea geouuw ..60c
Show Correct Styles and Exclusive Designs.
.. ... . o tat. feahlnn'a latest do-
we announce tne snowing u , . .....
erses dre- .Ilk. fJJZ
B,-, Voile d.
A New Imported Drew Silk for Street and BmDffljj Ww
dime. CjJtUly Cbar.n . oft. cHn1 dr. -Ik .nllk. ay
thlna arer abown. The well ksown C J. Bonnet, W" '
iSeSy IllaSl to u. for Omaha. $1.10 qnallty. .95
J V4 tochaa; navlee predomlnaUnf with the white atrtpea. CCg
17 inchea wide; t, yard t .
3&-inch and 24-inoh Waterproof Foulards; patterns in
Arabesque, Cathedral; Gothio, Dresden, Siamoise, Eyelet,
Filet, Cameo and Jardiniere; also dots and stripes of all
sizw'in .all.the leading shades- 111(1 $1
for T912 Are Here
1 ,J i V0 w
Early showing of the newest 54-inch tailor suitings, Epingle
MA a T 1 J .AainmA ArVIUI
diagonals, glace eliecis, ijengaimB coma, wiumC .8,
shrunk -and sponged gray Vigoureaux suitings, mixed
grays aad tans, and the fashion's decree, creme serges and
diarais,.t . A 75c and $1.95
. ,BlIUVel IBWIH"!
the to 11.00 gradaa; at. a 1 hamaaimna. Bcotnh aulttnaa. JjlJo
-69 7 Se ' ato. Ik. to It yd.,
' New Arrivals in Women's Ready-to Wear Section
Women's New Wool Serge Dresses for 1912
Bare are thoae favorite new modal of practical serge and whipcords smart and
noTel deeJgne for the new season, in white, nary, brown and blark
at $10.00 12.50 S15.0Q 19.00 825.00 S35.00
Dainty New Silk, Net and Lace Party Dresset
New arrjTsJs of charming party and erentng frocks in the dreesiest. smartest mod
els that hara yet come out for 1J12 all new features
at S19.0O S25.00 835.00 $49.00
. Special Showing of Misses' Wash Dresses
They, are J art aa practical as they are pretty. They are the new season's hits for
misses; special prices are ..-92.50 $2.88 $3.93 $5.00 $6.98
Pretty New Wash Frocks, Children & Juniors
The now aprtag waah fabrics, fa chambrays. percale, repps, ginghams, cotton cor
don) rs aad Urns. Hnndreds of pretty styles, different from past season'a style
at 98 $1.50 $198 $3.50 $2.98 $3.98 $5.00 $6.98
Special Groups in Our Jan. Undermuslin Sale
Omaha's great bargain event that is appreciated by keen buyers. Monday we will
offer new lota and make bigger bargain than erer at 45 98 $1.39 S1.98
French Undermualins st unheard of prices. Our owa Importations that we offer
made ap in designs strictly under our own direction at reduced prices. ,
pig h
. mm ft
Fur Coats Furs Sets-Fun Scarfs Fur Muffs
v From Our Big Purchase ' v ' -
Eastern furrier's entire surplus stock at-abou one-half the actual value also clearance
sale of all our own great stock of high class furs at bargains equally wonderful all this week.
! January Sale of Drapery Materials and Curtains
." aaa aer rod Sa I par ram
pair of Ka Curtain, trimmed
It. vatr, , pur
Latm Curtalaa, wocta -up I-.1
at, pair .a
Lao Cnrtaiaa, worth up to
ln OirialiuC' worth ip to -'
av pair
ki at Pouch Corars.
Inrha wide, that are worth "P I
!.. at each UM
tjMotal Vrlaas as Wladaw Saa. ,
Lilian fliadaa, 3 Inch by
JJ,t, tWI'tl .,.,...... -sUl
Llnan Shadaa. It Inch by 7 f t--Bl
OU oiaouVshaoei'ii'tocnae by
iT , asJSj I 1 ft at. arn
Monday Specials in our January Linen Sale
... Mill Ends of
. Mercerized--
r Table Damask
Scalloped Edge Table Clothe at
J.B Very fine quality Aus
trian damask table cloths, 71-xTt-lnch
slse, with the famous
"Interlock" edge; warranted
to give the very best service;
regulsr $4.l values; your
choice of either square or
round cloths; each, $2.98
$4.0 Table Clothe at SAB
Eitra fine quality, heavy dou
ble Un damask, J 1 V yard
' sle; never sold at any linen
store for less than f 4.(8; on
sale at $2.50
3xS-yard Table Cloth at
KxceUent. qusllty pure 1 Irish
linen damask table cloths,
2t3-yard slse; Tory attractive
assortment of patterns to so-'
I act from; usually sell at
13. tl; Monday special ' '
at $2.48
Bed Bpreada Large else fring
ed bed spreada, very heavy
crochet with cut cornera; suit
able for large brass beds. Our
regular !.3 qusllty; each,
at $1.50
' rtoallnped Mamelllei Bprwada at Very fin quality satla
maraelllea bed spreads, scal
loped with cut corners: regu
lar 5.00 spreads, ea. $3.50
Monday we offer immense assort
ments of the very finest grade of
imported mereeriEed table da
mask, , which, regularly sells
everywhere at 59J tip to 75c a
( yard-nin lengths of iys f r
yaras to 4 yaras--on x
. sale Monday at, yard.Vr-V',
, .... v - ---r- . -1-. -
An extra good quality of 71-Inch Pure
Linen Double Satin Damask; regularly
worth $1,91 a yard; at, yard. .$139
11.60 grades of Pure Irish Linen Doable
Satin Damask, 71 ins. wide, yd., 9fg
Very heavy weight silver bleached Pure
.' Llnea Austrian Damask, Tl Ins. wide;
" worth' ll.Hj at, yd...'....'. . ...79k
14-Inch full bleached Pure Irish, Linen
Satla Damask; aa 5e value; at, per
yard ..'.'.'.V. . i '. v.1 .59
Linen Pillow Tubing 4 5-Inch
round thread pure linen tub
, lng, a beautiful quality, usu
ally selling at 8c a yard
. special sale price, yard 69
Line Sheeting Extra weight,
round thread pure Irish linen
sheeting, 99 Inches wide;
$1.26 grade; at, yard.. .85
Linen Sheets 72x99-lnch else,
worth 7.60 a pair; at, per
Plr ......... $4.98
Linen Pillow Cases Made of
the very best grade of round
thread Irish linen, 45i36-ln.
slse; worth $1.98 Monday
special, pair $1.85
irge slse Irish or Austrian
Linen Huok Towels, fine
weave; 'worth tl to )1.36,
at, each 49
Large also Scalloped or Hem
stitched Huck Towels; worth
- 60s to "6c, at, each ..25
White Fleece Bath Towels,
double thread, long nap; reg-
ular 16o values, at each 15
Regular 60c values at .-25
Regular II values each, 49
le Turkish Wash Cloths at 2
Goods , ,
A remarkable variety of beautiful band embroidered White Cotton Crepes. These are our own di
rect Importations. ' Dainty, new designs for 191J. . Select your dress or waist pattern now while assort-
' ments are perfect, at, ysro, it.ov down 10 zoo. , , , j
40-lach While Ksgllsh
IVMted t'repe .. Very fine
-quality; on sals at, per
Jard $1.39
40-Inch Plain White Cot
ton Crepe Rxtremely
fin for walata jani -
gowns; at, yd. J.. (75
ST-Uoh Watt mbreisand
: Onyiln pin dot and
other dainty delcn, for
' wlt. dra, anaerwear,
ate; quality; on aala
at, yard
SS-taMk WMte BJppltw
, Th roush dry fibrto ud
o much for houae drae,
. valata rhlldran wear,
undermuallna. etc; neada
no tronlas; special, yd. loo
Heavy Dresden
Patterns, all col
ors, worth to $4,
t . .. $1.98
Great Bale
See Douglas St
Greatest Specials in January Sale of
High Class Embroideries
Thousands of yards of crisp, new 18 and 27-inch fine Swiss,
batiste and cambric embroidered flouncings, skirtings, cor
set coverings; also wide insertions and galloons. The clev
erest designs of 1912 in beautiful eyelet, floral and combi
nation effects. Greatly admired in our dis
play window. Many actually worth 60c a
yard -'big bargain square piled high; at,
a yard : . .
Here's a New Lot of New Season Patterns
27-inch Batiste Embroidered Flouncings, in dainty, new
combination Irish crochet, Venise and blind relief effects;
also 45-inch fine embroidered batiste skirtings in elegant
blind relief and English eyelet effects; worth up !7Zr
to $1.50 a vard bargain square; at, yard. .... I ... " J
Wide corset cover embroideries; also medium and wide
edges, up to 12 inches wide; hundreds of effective designs
to select from. Worth up to 25c a yard 1 C
bargain square, at, yard 1JL
Pure Linen Torchon Laces. Piatt Vals., Point Paris and Curtain Cluny
Laces, etc.; many worth op to 16c a yard on big bargain T
square at, yard s.
See Brandeis Superior Line of HairGoods
Second Floor and Pompeian Boom.
If you'll Inspect this department you"U see at a glance the high
standard of excellence we maintain and realise that our prices cannot
be duplicated, quality for quality. Our hair cannot be detected-from
your own that's "Brandeis Quality.
Gray Switches Short
stem, all long hair.
Prices upwards
from 32.45
88-Inch Natural Wavy Switch.
IV. uu vaiuva, av .....
Cluster Puffs First
quality. 16 to 18
puffs to the set
at $1.45
Transformation Made of natural wavy hair.
16.00 values at $3.98
A I lover Hair Net 36c sixes while they last .
at .....25
Manicuring with Brandeis Oriental Oil Is an innovsi'on
serves the beauty of the nails prevents brlttlencss and bans nail
Appointments made by phone.
Lindsay Lights and Mantles
In China Section West Arcade
A demonstration and aale Monday, Tuesday and
Mr. II. H. Osborn, apeclat representative direct
from the factory, will be on hand to explain th super
ior durability and lighting capacity of their line.
Special cut prices will prevail all during the demon
stration on every Item In the line.
Gaaco Inverted Light
coniplt at SI IS
Kxcelator Inverted Light.
complete at SS
, Comet Inverted Light'
complete t .S
No. Uprlsht' Light
...!.. Mt as
A aplendld opportunity to lay In a food supply for
the future.
eaoli .....
Regular Ho
19c Mantle, at,
Mantles, at.
Mantle, at.
Mantle, at,
ilVmer Hebmk Maaoihotaw
' Givti Eig Tiowi oa ftueition.
tUM a . IMtrat Delav"t , et
; B , Caa ;'
, Saatry la the tatted ' '
',. i Slate. ... . .'
doing t.yuruay.' although r not
atopptag over., was J..0. HamllWo, who
M feriDMly In charg of th beat ufar
factory at Orand laUnd, and 00a of th
Incorporator ef aU tba factories mrgd
.lute th Amartcan Bt 8uw oampany
until W, whvn. .aaaoctated with La
! oaoltalJ. he oraotel -aM
plant at Hamilton C.ty. Cal Mr.
blamliton I still graatly .Uttrt4 In
Itsm Welcomed
Uy Many Men
This recip caa b filled at home,
a that aa an nd knew of "
thr' trauMaa, a th lofrdlnt
cmn k obtawau aaparataiy at aoy.
waU atovaaa orua alar. .Xny r .
la rag'Uar a aw uiany duiarcot
praauiiitiaa ar ceuaiaatly 110
Uid wltn tnam.
Tai wilt prov a waleom bit ef
mfonnatwa lor all Uioaa wba ar
evarworaau. gtooaiy, , pendaiit. .
oarvuaa and have uembllog Uniba,
baart palpitation, ouilnaaa, coita
aztraouiiaa, tnaomnla. faar with
out lauae, tlmuiiy tS vaaturlaa, '
aad saaaral Inability U act natur
aiiy aud ratlouaily aa otber do,
baeaaae tha traauuant can be pra
lrd aftcratty at home aad taaei
wuaout aoy ana knowledf.
Ovarworaed affica nea and tha
suuy Wrtuoa of l octya lata
hour and dlaatpaboe will. Il la
aid. fm4 th raataratlv tbay ara
Jf th readar daeldea'to' try'lC
sat three euacaa rf ordinary sjrrnp
anaparilla eompbund aad oa
auaci eorapoaad fluid beliawort;
nix and lat etaod twaaoura; (haa
St one euaee carapewnd aaaaaca
rardtxl aad ana ounce. Uaetur c- ,
dvfoett compound l cot cardamoo),
nil ail toaiher. ahaka wall and
tac a teaavoonru! after aaeh anal '
aad nee abae rattrtog.
A cartala wall-anoaa medical ax
part aaaart tlwntaanda of man
and "iianr woman ara uffrara all
tactiw of dormant circulation ef
t biood aad a eonciuentlal tm
palrmaat of th aarveu forra.
whkh begeta tba taaet dreadful
arptoma aad untold mfceery.--Adv.
the eavelopawnt of th beet sugar
duatry. ' i 1 '
"This aouatry should produce It own
augar," h sale. "MilUons of aera of
land la th ITaltad Watte are particularly
adapted to tba sugar beat ss wall ss to
uaar ease. 'and whravr a factory u
oroocrlv located and Intelligently man
aaea. prosperity I ut ta follow, for th
raqutramaat of ugr factor! ara rar-
reachlnc. borelng th earning ef rail.
roads ard coal 'minaa, ooneumlng large
quantities offutl, lubricating oil, nm
rock. seoh. barrel, baga.. twin agri
cultural Implement, machinery, aad. In
fact, atlmulatlng nearly. vry branch ef
Industry. .It mean lntntv tannine a
higher value ;for lend, while the-best
pulp furnishes probably th bet fodder
fur. fattening cattle and aheee,-
"Caiw.and beet ugr, refined with all
Impurltl eliminated, ara absolutely th
eama.aiHt It labia protect loa war aa
eured th devdopaiant of the sugar In
dustry ta thl ojuntry would be rapid,
aavtitg aonwthlng ovr gtejo,jer.O0S) bow an
nually sent abroad.
."Th confessed robbery of million of
dollar from' In government, many mil
lions to-rebate from railroad, together
with tha' flood of literature 'relative 10
th poor lteed Cuban, with a vtw of
getting th product of Cuba In 'fre of
duty, bas made tba sugar trust extremely
obnoxloua ta ovary ion. Thi Is put his
tory, and It I now soneeded that th
ugr truat and so-called Independent
reflaerlea are being managed beowtly
and IntelllgeMly.
"Tha an gar trust baa nothing hatvr
to d with th pile of raOMd augar. the
market bdns dependent oa tha can of
raw augar,' mad In Londoo. It raw
ugar at high, retlMd follow and vie
vena. Th recant high prices ef sugar
were due to the failure of tha beet sugar
eroo ta Europe. Had It not bees tor our
bt and cane sugar w would probably
hav mob n s-eent sugar martlet for re
fined, clearly demonstrating the wtadom
t eneettraglag our, ewa people to pro
duce '.th eager thejr ouaa.
'Tti jldeal tariff tor th sugar truat
would bo tree raw augar. with a duty on It would gtr tba sugar truat a
maoopaly and destroy the seat aad can iu a 4it. duty ea both
raw and refuted would destroy th sugar
.r.i and klhdred reflnerha. wtrleb wuald
bo anwaw. and ViJust. giving t forelga
utlxi the oooirot 01 our wnwj
(ugar ether than that produced la our
ewa coontry." '
rearfal Slaaurhter
ef deadly mlcrabt occurs wben threat
and tuns dtisasn ar traatsd aHa Dr.
Kin" Kw Dlaeavry. sV and ft. FV
sal by Ktziam Preg Ca. -
' , 1
Modern Woodmen- Will Diicum X
j BdJmtmtDt of lti. 1
MT.yp. TV RHTP EICZEDS l,)s00,006
m. dt M. tamp aad Hepal Welgbbers
lastall offlese W Ssaea Clr
el to Mar Cards Baa Bay
riaae Itaaeaerade.
Tha head camp of the Modern Wool
len of America, th largest fraternal
beneficiary aoehny la th United State,
will meet la special seaaloa at Cblosg
this week for the purpose of discussing
the aseeasment rataa now levied oa the
member. Th society membership roll
I aow In oxcea of I.. Wo, with con
siderably over a billion dollar of Insur
ance la force, aad any action that will
be taken at the epeciai meeting aa re
garding aa fncrea of rate will have a
far reaching effect ea the futur 01 tu
organ! saUoa. Tha heed camp kt s thor
oughly representative gathering, being
alnuist entirely of delegates
selected by tha membership. Omaha
member incline to th belief that th
head camp will decide on a general re
adjustment of rate at th different
age, but that a radical mcreas will
be made.
B. M. camp No. SS and Its Royal
Neighbors auxiliary, Paayomp No. W,
held Joist metailatloa of efOcera at
Modern Woodasaa ball Tuesday valng.
Th attendance was very large and rot
krwtag ts ceremonies daaetng was In
dulged la.
starel Aebatea Oaaee.
Next Thursday area bag Union lodge,
No. lis. Royal Achate, wtl glv th regu
lar monthly dance at Bartght ball. Nine
teenth aad glaraam treta. Oood music
hae beea eecured. Last Thursday evening
two more aew member war obligates,
after which rvfroehaMnt and card games
ware th feature. Mr. Fleraac Mead
waa th ladle arm aad John Oard ta
gents' prise, '
Pyetelaa Tereraas.
Tba Nebraska Pythlaa Vetera amooa
held Its aanual meeting last Monday even
leg and elected afflcer for tha year. In
the abeeace of President Geaa. Vlr Pres
ident Wood was la th chair. The stec
tin of officer rerallad: President, John
Q. Goes; vie iirealdeat, O. & Wood; eee
osd vice praaideat. J. M. Macfariand;
third vie presto t. Kent D. Connlog
kam; aoorwtarx. 0. B. Balcauibe; trea
arar.. Mel Hoerwsr; ascraJoguu. L. A.
f errlsmt rfvaa).-at-axava a V Jttetta;
tPutteee. TrV'. W. Blnaviaja. Ed Haymaker
arid Hehry Rothoig, ,v , , ; ' lt
Memr. Macfariand, Balcomb and
lioerner were appointed a comieittee to
arrang for th annual banqaet ef th
Save rat new members were admitted
and tbe association adjourned to meat
again on Tuesday, February It, when the
banquet eorsmltte will maks report. '
Claaemea Gl Mlaslrel. '
rrlday evening' Omaha , todg Ko.'l,
Clansmen of America, gave a black-face
minstrel or Ivaoderllla entertainment. A.
M.. Foot a s chief entertainer exerted
th riseblea; of tha members and thor
oughly prof ed that 'hot leas'. wW fhoua
a 'Chairman of thti; eiennltts, r Other
mMnhers ceniascted with the entertain
ment handled their part so well that It
mad on of th most uccsrul and
pleasant meeting th lodge has enjoyed
for com Mm. ,
The Friday evening enlertainmeot
will be a regular thing In th futur.
Neat" Friday evening a "mitten party"
will be given. 1 This wl l be open to th
general pa bile, fdaea person attending Is
to wear mittens with which games win
be played. After the game aa enter
tainment consisting ef music, singing and
peaking will be gives. Following that
will be dancing aad refreshment. All
members ar requested to bring their
friends. ' "
ladepeadeat Order ef Odd Fellow.
Omaha lodge No. I wui nave worn la
th third degree next Friday eight
The mi grand lodge session report ar
now being distributed by Orand Secre
tary Oagk
Th funeral of Ernest Stunt will be
held Tuesday afternoon at o'clock at
hi lat residence, SSS Sooth Thirtieth
avenue. Th body will arrive ta Oman at
IS .thl tternoon. .
Beacon todg No.' will put ea th
eeood degree next Tuesday evening.
C. M. Coffin spending considerable
time thi month inspecting cantons In
tha central part ef the Stat.
Was ladg No. IS Till put oa the eee
ond dear next Wednesday evening.
Triangle eacamptnant No. win hav
dear work next Tuesday evening.
Daaaebrag lodge No. U will hav work
In the third degree next Friday night.
Cera Birthday Party.
The V. 8. Grant Women's Relief corps
No. lw will give a birthday party In
honor of Mrs. LliBan P. Eddy, depart
ment president f Nebieak. sum past
president of Grant Relief corps, at her
home. HI South Twenty-fifth venue, oa
Wednesday evening.' AU member ef U.
8. Grant post and Grand Army of th
BcpuhuE ar ta be bonored guests, Each.
member, ef the corp Is to prepare a box
0t bmck .for herself . and two other.
Bvery member of post and corps is earn
estly requested to be present.
" Order ef Scottish Claas.
A regular meeting of Clan Gordon No.
C. Order of Scottish Clans, wss held
Tuesday evening and two names were
balloted upon. 80 ruts were sung by mem
bers and a pleasant evening was spent.
All arrangements are made for the com
ing ef th Royal Welsh Ladle' choir to
th Auditorium Thursday.
Yeemea laslall.
Friday evening Omaha homestead No.
1SX of the Brotherhood of American Veo
mea Installed officer ror th ensulns
year. The Installation wag nubile and in
charge of William Davy, chief correr
epoodent, from tha upram office. The
attendance was exceedingly large because
of the fact that Mr. Davy Is well known
In and about Omaha. After th ceremony
refreshments were erred.
Baaaee I.adge ta laslall.
Banner lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union
Of America. Will HM If. Inatallallnn .r
officer Thursday at Pexton block hall.
Buieeou ana nrosn street. All mem
ber ar requested to be present
'adea Circle Party.
A Card DertY Wit h hanrf-nalntarf nlutM
for prises well be given by Alpha grave
. 1 next Wednesday evening In Ba-rigbts-
hall. Nineteenth and Farnam.
Refreshments will be served.
Frla Maeeaera; Ball.
Oa next Friday evening Omaha court
No. 1M, Tribe of Ran Hur, will glv a
orta masqserad ball' at th Frenxar
ban. Twenty-fourth aad Parker streets.
"ee a'ael Card party.
Omaha lodge. No. X. Royal Achate, will
give a dance and card party Tuesday ev
ening. Jaauary 3. tn Barlgh ball. .
The usher of th American theater sur
prised their fellow usher. Ransom Fowler,
on his nineteenth birthday anniversary
Friday by going to his home. S South
Twenty-fifth avenue, in tha evening and
awaiting hi arrival. Dinner was served
and there waa music by Mis Otady
Fowler and Miss Basel Fowler. Those
present were: Mr. aad Mr. U. W.
Hughe. Oeorge Jobs. Seattle. Wno.;
MU ton Sirajtsr. Ray Bhrader. Bin Smith.
Lewi Zlgler. OU Bennett, Frank Morphy.
Kuel McKnight, Mark Elliott aad Mr.
Ksubnaa. .
Founder of Baraca
Movement to Speak
Mai'thall A. Hudson, the founder of the
national movement for organised Bible
classes for yotng men and young women,
termed Baraca and Philathea classes, will
be In th cltle of Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs on the three days of
January 27. 3 and xs, during which time
h will addiess a number of meetings la
th Interest of his work. HI program for
Sunday, January.", will be a follow:
Winning- Men On by One-:tS m.,
Emmanuel Baptist church. Twenty-fourth
and Plnhney streets: 1:15, First Metho
dist church. Twentieth and Davenport;
1:4. Diets Memorial church. Tenth and
Pierce streets.
Men and the Church-13:lS llanseom
Park Methodist rhunii. Twenty-ninth and
Woolworth. 1S:5. First Congregational
-v. x:in.A.nth. and Tfevenoort Btreets:
l:3, Fust Baptist church, South Omaha;
I p. m.. Calvary Baptist cnurco, iwwy
fifth and Hamilton, umana.
fiaturdav evening at I o'clock a ban
quet will be held for Mr. Hudson at the
Omaha Young Men's Christian associa
tion to which all young men are Invited.
Applea of the Be Davl aad Oaae va
rieties, which hav beea bringing M a
barret, will be retailed next Tusdaj at
CM a barrel, according ta Manager King
of rlsyoen oroa. grocery mjniwiii.
Th slump, ha ears. Is due to the fact
that there ar moM barret ef applea la
storage in Omaha and South Omaha and
th cold weather ha prevented their ship
ment for so tons that th holders must
sell them cheaply or they will net get rid
of them m time to prevent th loss of s
large percentage of them by decay. Dar
ing the eoM weather apples war plenty
tn Omaha, but many towns hi th state
had none at all.
Th Electric Garage delivered last celt
to John C nnarton a eix-cyunoer
Packard limousine. It la en of th finest
and moat costly car In Oman. Tils
body of th oar I royal blue and th
running gear a gray and tha rest of the
ear black Japanned enamel. The Interior
finish I a light Imported broadclolh on
heavily tufted cushions; all inside wood
work Is selected mo hog. nr. The car li
equipped with an electrical ignition sys
tem for lighting th acetylene gas head
light without leaving th car.
Read Announcement
on Page 7 of News Section
General Agents Wanted
The Mississippi Valley Life Insurance Company, of Little Rock,
Arkansas, wants General Agents for the following State: Texas,'
Oklahoma. New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and'
North and South Dakota. AU Officers sod Agents of the Company
are required to give Bond to the Company. . References both finan
cial and as to asllity should accompany applications. - First-class
men. Address all applications to tbex President.
contracts open to flrat-claas men. Address all applications
Mississippi Valley Life Iisurance Company
Home orflca, Utile Bock. Wm. S. Mitchell, Preedtteot.
Creighton Alumni ,
Plan' Big Dinner
Arrangements have been completed for
tha annual meeting of tba Creighlon Uni
versity Alumni association, which will be
held in tha Henshaw hotel rathskeller
Tuesday evening. January JO.
The afrair wlU be In tU nature of a
md feilowshlo rally and will inolude an
elaborate banquet. A brief buJuas nieel
Ine will ba held at which officer will lw
elected and measures proposed fur Hie
benefit of the association. rouoin
the banquet addresses will be mad by
vartous members on Creighton and topics
of Interest to the graduates.
The University Glee club will attend
and Is scheduled to liven up the evening,
with vocal selections.