T1IE BKE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 20. i DAIRYMEN NAME SCHWAKGER Omaha. Man Kertef to Head State " Asiociation for Tor. . BEEF ASD DAISY TEATS TO XUH Xekraska ralversltr rrafeaaar Aa eaaeea tk arllasrtsai Will Staka K4a)Haal Cam. la Xefcraska. K From a Staff Correspondent.) LIXCOIA, Neb., Jan. . SpectaJ-At tida morning esslon the Mat dairy men ejected tbe following officers: s President. Charles Schwanger, Omaha; ,'Ylea president. Prof. E. M. Lrfttle, Central Ji City: secretary-treasurer, 8. C. bassetl, i Oibbon: directors. E T. Factor, Omaha; ' E. U. Redfent, Uncoln: J. E. Yorel. Nor- . folk; E. V Frost. Central City, and Prof. J. II. Praiidaen, Lincoln. Resolution welcomed to tea state uni versity staff Prof. Frande expressing , apprecrattoa of the services of Prof. H. ' R. Smith and regretting his departure. deploring the death of Pood Commissioner .Jackson: expressing regret that Prof. A. , K Haecker had resigned from the nnl- ' rerslty faculty, and asking the legisla ture to appropriate money for a dairy . bonding at the school of agriculture ade quate ta the need of the department Dairy Cattle Breeder. The Dairy Cattle Breeders' association, ' which held Ita meetings In conjunetioa with the dairymen, re-elected all the eld officers for the ensuing year. The list Is . as follows: President. II. C. Your., Lln- 'coln; vice president. II. C. Gllssman, Omaha: secretary-treasurer. E. V. Frost. Central City; directors. Prof. A. 1 '. Haecker. Lincoln: W. R. Wood, Omaha; Alex Sneddon. Essie, and P. C. Hunter, Raymond. Resolutions were adopted ask Inc that a cow testing association be i formed under the supervision of the state j university. - Dairy Train Ores State, Psof. Pugsley of the state university announced today that In March and April the university would run a beet cattle and dairy train over th various rall- ' roads of the elate to carry the duca ' tlonal campaign borne to the farmers. ! Rill Aid Ktale Pairs. ; Secretary Melkrr of the State Board of .Agriculture has received word that the ' bill prepared by him and recommended by th American Association of Fairs has - been. Introduced In congress, It provides an appropriation of IKC.ooo to be divided among the state maintaining state fairs and to be used for erection of buildings for agricultural and horticultural pur puses, the fi-dersl government reserving ' SO per cent of the space la such buildings for Its own display. ' Dr. L. M. Kterns of Kearney has been appointed doctor of the tuberculosis 'hos pital at that place. 'The salary Is to be S3 per month. , ' Lincoln Mae aed Still. 1 ' Collector of Internal Revenue j Robert Dorcan would neither affirm or deny that his agents had confiscated a miniature till found In the possession of a Lincoln man. It was not charged that the prod uct of this still, which Is of two-gallon capacity, was sold, but simply that the owner had failed to reglater.lt as re quired by law. i Frank Franklin, colored. Is an inmate 'of the city Jail, sent there on a vagrancy 'charge. Franklin admit that his bust .neae Is buying phoney diamonds for II 'Arh' arld selling them to hi acquaint ance for much as ha can get. come-; . tj.ne pausing them oft for real gems. 't Greeks Make Deaaaade. ., , Not only have the six Creek who were discharged from a shining parlor sued for the tip which they allege were taken away tram them, but they are suingfor a balance on a year's wage which they allege la due them under a written con tract with th boss. The bosses have .'retained attorney and when the case .,omes up lefore Justice Stevens it Is possible the relations between the Greek bootblacks and the bosses may receive an airing. The Updike Grain company fcae been sued for tCCO alleged damage for per sonal injuries by John B. Craig. Craig eras aa employe in the company's Lin coln elevator and alleges that he fell four teen feet last June as the result; of' a defective ladder. atadeata aad Typhoid. Chancellor Avery of the state university has Issued a statement, following an In vestigation, that thirty-nine students of the university have been afflicted with the prevailing typhoid epidemic, but four of the cases are so mild there Is some donbt about th esse being typhoid. Gus Lindbert". an employe, la the only one at the state farm known to be afflicted. Mrs. I. r. Reach Dead. Mrs. L F. Hoach, wife of Rev. I. F. Roach, pastor of 8t. Paul's Methodist church, died at the family home In this city at o'clock tonight The funeral will be Sunday at 11 a. m. from the church. She had been sick for six weeks from blood poisoning. Governmeiit Asks About Greek Eiots (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. lk-CSpeclal.V Governor Aldrtch baa a long list ot speaking dates. running up to August, and applications are still coming In, which with hi cam paigning will keep him reasonably busy. Following is the list: January a Omaha Toung Men' Chris tian association. January 3 Plymouth Conerecational church. January 3 County Treasurer' ajrocia tlon. Omaha. . January Evansville. Ind. January & leyton. O. February 1 Hesperla, Mich. February S Peru. February sCouutry Life convention Norfolk, evening. February If Crete. February Is Nebraska retail hardware men, Lindoln. February 14 Toung Uen'l Republican club, Lincoln. February M wahoo, Luther college. May 16 Shubert commencement August (Nebraska City Chautauqua. YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY VOTES TO CONSOLIDATE TOMC. "eb., Jan. l.-(8pecIal.)-More thaj ICO of the leading stockholders ot the Tork County Telephone company voted Wednesday by a practically unani mous vote to endorse the proposed merger of all the Independent telephone com panies In tho South Platte territory lu which the Nebraska Bell company has sold all of Its property, and from which It withdraws entirely, as set forth In dis patches last week. As soon as the date can be arranged th directors will go to Uncoln and Omaha for a conference with the officers of tlte Lincoln company and tho Bell company concerning some feature of the contract Until the merger of the two companies Is completed the present director will remain In full charge of tho local company. The York County company haa nearly CM stock holders, with nearly BM),0u capital stock paid up, and operates 4,0j telephones. STATE POULTRY MEN ELECT THEIR OFFICERS TORK, Neb..- Jan. li.-tSiiecial.r-The stat poultry show Is drawing large crowds, who are' 'enthusiastic In their praise of the birds o exhibition. The golden pheasant ana th most admired of all, and especially by the school chil dren. Last evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: V. E. Shirley, Central City, president: A. M. Hadley, Doniphan, vice president; A. H. Hmlth, Lincoln, secretary: I. L. .Lyman, Mlnatare, treasurer. Following are the names of the board ot managers: E, E. Bowers, Bradshsw; W. A. Irwin, C. O. Cottle, Edgar; J. C. Wolf. Tecttmseh; Claude O. Hudson. Tork. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. Gulp-Horton's 2nd Floor Clothing Store , - - - -. ' Just to impress our store and location more thor oughly in the minds of the people of Omaha and sur rounding country, and give them a chance to see tho "big" and "genuine" saving there is in buying clothing in a Second Koor Store "Just above the high rent dis trict," we are going to sell for . One Day, Saturday Every Suit and Overcoat of our entire stock (and there are 685 garments to choose from) at ' fl ? Each sio "We have no old goods, jobs or odds and ends every garment a new 1911-12 model of David Adler's "Col legian" Clothes $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $2-150, $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 Suits and Chercoats all at one price SALE COMMENCES AT 9 O'CLOCK STRICTLY . CASH AND NO ALTERATIONS. Take the Elevator or that wide . tiairwav lu Culp-Horton Ond" i clothes Shop L Floor e I - 223-224-225-226-227-228-229 liiilffllft UUI.UIH OMAHA'S ONLY MODZRN CLOTHING STOKE Fi8oinm. Stor cloe Saturday night at 9 o'clock THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES This way--gentlemen! e s for real bargains in the clothes you wear. zJz IPMee Sale of men ' and young men 's suits and overcoats is in full swing Ordinary stores inaugurate a sale with a mere handful of clothing. This store takes all its small lots and forces them oat. We sell more garments the first few days than other stores have to start with. We keep it up until every one of the thousands of garments are disposed of. We absolutely refuse to carry over stock from season to season. We keep posted on conditions. When the assortments begin to get depleted we tell you. When they are at full capacity we remind you of the fact. They are now that way. And such bargains why, our half prices make the garments' cost you a full third less than at any other sale of clothing in town. The regular price is marked on the ticket pay the salesman half of that. We're strong on $20.00 and $23.00 garments at $10 and $12.50 Thee are our moat popular prices. We sell more of ilirni regularly and Include more of them la these sale tliaa any other priced garment. .Better them. Big men, tall men, inert n atout man Find here hundred of garment to rhooaa from any special rut -and sizes up to 30-in. You fellows that other stores can't fit, come la. $10.00 to $40.00 Suits for $5 to $20 Hales of mea's suits balance up pretty well among the various price. This fact, takea in conjunction with the enormous number of suits Included Justifies us In saying that all grade are amply represented and In erery size. A great many are in medium weight serges and worsteds, suitable for early spring wear. $10.00 ts $40.00 Overcoats for $5 to $20 la regular season our 130.00 and $60.00 oterrnats are naturally the smaller end of our overroat stork. In a sale of this kind garment at these prices are somewhat limited. We find that all the finest tsds are completely sold hut In our famous line of $10 to $10.00 coal a fine selection remains. - ' a -m s 4 fr wWk 1 - k(isn .Nfc I easaesBsna ----- ' - - " ' " VALUE OF EXPRESS PROPERTY Companiei Plsoe it at Hundred and Fire Thoutand Dollan. -STATE FIGURES ARE HIGHER K.Sl.ee, Mara of H.llr.. ---alsa Kstisaatre l to He Wartk lleadrea aa4 Farlr Vhoaeaaa Dellars. , (From a Blaff Correspondent.) ILJNOOUN. Neb.. Jan. . TS.-tBpeclal.)-, E. C. Hurt, enslneer of the ftate Hall, a-ay commission, Ims 'Just completed and submitted to the commission the physical valuation of th express companies oper ating in the state. There are four of the companies: the Adams, operatlnf on the Ilurllnston; the Amertoan. on the North western. Omaha. Vnlon Pactfk and Illinois Central; the I'nlted States, on the Rock Island,' and the Wells-Ksrso, on the r!t Joseph fc Grand Island. Chi cafo Great . 'Western and Milwaukee roads. The Adams has a mileage of and 2K stations, the American a mileage ot Z,4tt and M stations; Wells Karco, 114 miles, 1? stations, and the t'nlted tttatea S miles with 34 stations. The companies place the renewal value of their property at 1140,433 and present value at I10O.7S7. Mr. Ilurd places a re. hewal value on their property of 19!.75 and a present value of tlW.744. - In value of property the Adam company leads, with the American second. Following Is the detailed valuation: ADAMrt TOMPANV. Company-Valaatlon-Hurd's lie- Pres. He- Pca newal. ent. newal. ent. Lands f t I Buildings l.T 7.K8 ?. riia(lon Eouiment tXM 10,393 46.31 21.234 T r ra s portatlon : equipment 4.741 1.105 4.341 2.S44 Stores and sup- plies K,uw 15.QM lo w B.VjU General expendl- turea MT s.riO ' Total H..'i67 I34.3M tfqt.nl IK.7JJ ' AMK1UCAN EXPRESS COMPANY. Company-Valuatlon-llurd'j . lut- rren- He- Pree newal. ent. newal. eit Land t t t t Buildlnas M0 Mr, 92 Htetlon eqxlpm'nl 41.0 .7 44.417 K71 T r a n sportatlon equipment t.tTS-' J.43S 5.178 , 107 Biorea. etc (.44 4,Vtt t,44t t.44S General expendi tures i. t-iej Total t64.33 W.M4 H.3K 4i.UI : WEIX8-FAROO EXPKKSl CtlktPAXV. I Company-Valuatlon-fiurfi's j Re- Pres. Re- Pre-1 neasl. ent- newal. ent I Lands ts.4Wtl.Onfs.tWfs.4W either criminal or civil actions, though the latter were, started by the law firm ot Sullivan 4 Rait ot Omaha. The' at torney general has ruled that there was no liability on the part of the state. BUTLER COUNTY'S FIRST . COURT HOUSE CONDEMNED ' DAVIH CITV. Neb.. Jan. M.-($clal.) -The deputy state Ore warden in his m ent visit to I his city condemned the building now .occupied hr the Lincoln I ure Butter company. This building Is sn old frame building, built In 170 In savannah township and used for the putler county court heme. ' ' hen the county sest nas. moved to f'avld City In lKX'tlie court 'house was (jiuved. being replaced by a modern build ing in last. Another Interesting fact mo uuiiuiiis, iusi ii was tne birthplace of the. first while child In Ilutler county. NEBRASKA CITY NEWS NOTES rrssklusrtr. Wka Shat Mis lte, Is tilvea aa la.Jeteraalaate Seaieaer. NKBRAHKA CITV, Jan. l.-4Speclal.)-Frank Uorty, who on last September shot his wire and thrn subbed himself half a doarn times with a table tork, was sen tenced by. Judge Travis to serve an In determinate sentence of from two to fif teen vrm. a wu convk-ted at the tto ctmbyY term of the court, having been tried by a Jury and the Judge refrained from, sentencing rifpi pntll'thls'tluis;.. .' A. P. tiorsn and O. U. lWnh, two at torneys, were apiolnled to defend. Iwo pranr Is the dltrlet, court end were allowed tM each by th court, but the commissioner rejected their rial ma They appealed to Judge Travis and he gave a verdict In their favor. Now the county I going to take the esse lo the supreme court. .. George Ingram was srrested' sbout a year ago. charged with desertlng'Ms wlf sea children, lie was parotad on his promise to csra for them. Recently he wsa arrested In Omaha in company with another woman and brought back here. Judge Tra via . heard Ills plea, yestenlsy ami gave hhn a senlenoe of one' year In the penitentiary. Ilia family. Is. being rsred for by, the Helping. Hand society. L Gsorgo H.' Homer, one of the prin rlpel owners of. Hi. Oto Isimber com pany of Hit city, I lying suite III at his home In this city with b'photd-pneu-raopfsi'T'Ttls condition 'Ws rponsd'st being a.llty belter last evening, but he Is still a very sick man. Pined far Hasting aa taadar. BEATRICB, Neb . Jan.-l.-.Spclsl.)-Prank Htdel, Rrnest lach. Maybnrn Hal Isglvrr and Cliarlea Winkler, four farm- sis from th south part' of Ih county, yesterday, pleaded guilty In the county court to hunting on Sunday and waraj fined fl and torts each. ,whlrh they paid. The complaint was filed by . A. Kinney ot Kinney, Neb. , .' nolUrklfie field 1i lllslrlrt Court. . TBcrMHKir. .N'el Jan. l.-Hpectl.-i Harry tMllafhine ' of jKtcrllnf- charged with assault with lntentjto do great bodily Injury, to Marshal Joiin A'.lu-lstllne of that village, was glrae.pnrlimlnary hearing before. County Judge J. C. Moore yeeter dsy. Pome' eight or 'ten' wttnssses were exsmlned.apd.tl qutcoine of the bearing resulted fn Jndg stnere fntndlng Dellar klde over for' trial In tlie district aotirt. Bond waa fixed at tl.OW.'and the defend, ant's fslhrr',' Edward tbllarhlda, fur nlshed the.same. ... .;. Persistent Advertising ' Is th Road -ta Big Return. Building citation eou la ment 12.741 Trail spar tat Ion equipment 7t General expenditures 4. 4.nM 4, tOt 1.474) 4.200 f.lM 4IJ test! 5JTt t.S7J Total tiVH3 (Ail t.7J7 tSS.JU ! I'XITED RTATKM KXPHES8 COMPANY Company- Vsluatlon-Hiird's Re- Pre- He- Pres newal, ent. newal. ent. Lands f f t t Buildings ; Station equlp- i ment U.174 (.834 12,17 7.302 ! Tra ns Do rta tlon equipment Ct7 412 67 Stores, etc tot I General expendi tures t Total .... t!2 0S1 1 1X1 tis.ni tl0.71 GOV. ALDRICH KEPT BUSY FILLING SPEAKING DATES j" (From a Staff Correspondent.) j LINCOLN, Jan. Ik (Special.) Hunting- ton Wilson, assistant secretary of state of the United Btates, ha written Gov- eroor Aldrtch to ascertain what steps ; have been taken to punish the parties ; concerned In the anti-Greek riot In South ; Omaha In UOt. In his communication the federal official says that failure on tne i part of -the state to prosecute would strengthen th claims for reparation ; which the Greek government la pressing sgalnat the federal government. These ', c talma amount to 344.000 and were origln ally filed with the state, but are now being pressed with the federal authorities. The governor will furnish tha Stat de-' pert meat wtth all th Infermatlon tt has. but so far aa ascertainable It has been Impossible to fix the responsibility for tbe attack on any particular persons la in (81 700 Dozens of Soclis and ise Will be sold Saturday by Kilpatrick at 8 A. M. at an absurd pricev Conditions surrounding this purchase were peculiar but absolutely legitimate. Socks for men, hosiery for women; goods new and perfect, value 15c pair. Yours Saturday, at, per pair I7e Close Our Inventory Early Next Week Road these LAST WORDS on a FINAL CLEAN UP of Women's and Children's Garments. . . i This saleis timed for 10 A.M. to give ALL a chance at the Hosiery bargains Women's Winter Coats Every mixture coat in stock sold up to $35, or black broadcloth coats sold up to $27.50; evening: coats sold up to $40-aII at one price Saturday at, each Children's and Junior Coats-Entire stock of junior coats, ages 12, 15, 17 years; mix tures, polo and plush, sold up to $25; all at one price Saturday, each. . . .- . . Children' Coats, ages 2 to 14 years sold up to $15.00, Saturday, each. . . . . ... . . There will be a great YU Unnlvm.nl, ft. crash-to prompt! nnuiliao li&llpau IUU cm