Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    '1'HE MX: UHAHA, SATL'KUAV. JAXl'AKf 3ft
Here It Is, Big Saturday Clean-up Sale
Ladies' Cloth Coats-Girls' Cloth Coats -Ladies' Suits
Eight o'clock Saturday morning will find tu iplendidlj ready with this, the big
gest price-cutting sale we hare held daring this or any previous season.
It is seedless to enlarge upon the extreme high quality and clever, distinctive
styles of our garments THAT YOU KNOW but add to this inch startling price
reductions' as these, and the inevitable result will be every garment gone before
sundown tomorrow. Come early, before the choicest bargains are snapped up. .
Junior an! Small Women's
doth Coats, Worth up to $45,
Including erery clo(h coat In tbe store
broadcloth, velvet, and nlxtsro, in polo,
ilor:eotlar. plain tailored and reveratbl
two-tone model. Atfo.all whit) Polo Coat.
Beautiful co ion and shades Of brows, arty,
ssvy. tan and black. .- ; ' .
Oii'fMUat aont ire UrtpUJ. ' '
The biggest coat, bargains jot the entlro
winter. . . ', s
Junior sires IS and '17. 8id women's
sites St 0 38. i a . - ; '
Worth up. to $43 Saturday
Girls' Cloth ' Coats Sizes 8 to
14 Years, Worth up to $22.50
a( $5.00
Including v&ry sjlrl'- pVoadrloth. chariot
aad fancy mixture ,toat . in th stars. Stun
ning, girlish soles.' some a the popular polo
models. Beautifully tailored aad sold regit
early all season ap to 132.60; your choice
Saturday : .-r r ;'
Children's Colored, Coats, Sizes
2 to 6 Tears, Worth op to
$8.50, at $2.95
Every child's coat In stock goes at this
price, rich warm Chinchillas, handsome Broad
cloths and Chariots, la pretty colors and pat
terns; Coals that are splendid values at tbe
former price renting up to IS. SO, Saturday
Juniors' and Small Women's
Salts, Worth cp to $65,00
$15.00 Positively every suit la the bouse is Includ
ed la this unequalled offering. Cheviots, Mix
tares, Broadcloths and heavy Tweeda in hand
some color and patterns, and every suit pos
sessing the refreshing individuality which has
mad them so widely popular this season.
. Junior sites JS and 17. Bmall Women's
sizes Si to Zt. Worth up to $66.00
Boys' and Girls' Sweaters
Minos tbe Profit
A big lot of oar best numbers in Girls' Sweat
ers, (Ins qualities, regular $3.00 and $2.60
values, sites 2$ to 14 S1.45
Boys' V neck Sweaters, T to 16 year sites, reg
t ular $1.60 qualities, now .....98
Boys1 Blouses. 69c
A welcome bargain In ' boys' fin colored
blouses, K. and I. and Star brands, (or boys
' 7 to 16 years, blouse mad in collar bsnd
style. $1.00 values, now ; 60s
Children's Bonnets, 98c
Warm, tin quality Aagora bonnets,
brown, gray and whits, $1.60 values
(Continued from First Page.)
peaXed whenever any bmi develops a
weeded lead for the soralnatloa. . - -
'"The (let of the Uwue. aa I ee K, is
whether one friend in private conversa
tion with another should. In answer to i
a pwli statement
a plain question, should resort to flat
tery or dissimulation or whether be
should state the truth aa he sees It.-
Eccleston's Will
'only precticaWa, but that, It would be the
beat tains for China. . . ,
"China ceaeot permit outsiders te die
tate Its tana el government. Tula repub-
' lie te new at) etUWUhed fart,
"Vndoubtcdiy the hut thought of China
unaaliaeuitr supports the rrpubrie. and
there Is no question ot north aad aouth.
I asa (trails' eoovlaosd that she people of
elghtee prevlaees sre In favor of s re
pukito, ,-Ws are uw oenAdent of the rtghteoa.
hea of ew ewwe aad of the superiority
'of our mUllam airenstli. , If Tut flhl
Kal persist IB pasU-uctiog our armies
alii so eraser ta. march northward.",'
-President Sun YU ett declared that en
tipe harwiony'exlits within the ranks of
,'the republicans.
Republican officials assert that ose and
' Stones that tfcrmonizo
i Platinum ha now become the
most popular . ot mountings for
diamonds, aad this store shows
"brilliant assortment et these
countings for people w;io s re dis
criminating. Then, too, there are
displayed her tbe first platinum
wedding lings ever exhibited in
Omaha.: Xhes rings harmonise
perfectly with
the platinum
Each atone is
carefully se
lected for its
parity, b r 1 1
lisncy sad col
or. All are
priced a low
as any in the
country of the
same quality.
IWt Merely
Hoy Invest.
Sixteenth aad
possibly twe for), powers are urging
Tuan Shi Kal t matat that be should be
eonstltuted the head of the entire gov
ernment, and that Tuan.Shl Kal has been
given the a-wuraao by thee powers of
assistance. Heno bis attitude.
Yuan thl ttel It la said, screed a few
days ao t the unequivocal retirement of
tht .ataecho and to the reoasarUea of
the resuelio as the government of the
southern provlacee. He aoeapted the idea
ef a dual admlnletrati. the north te
be nadar Yuan KM Kal aad th sesth
under Dr. Sua Tat awn, pending the de
cision of the national oeaveatnn a the
future government, which Is to be held at
a neutral point. '
There to reason te believe tMs arrange
ment may be the final outcome of 'the
negotiation between the republicans sad
the Imperialists.
Tsnc Una Tl Is still hopeful that both
the south and tbe north under such a
agreement would be recognised by the
tore! powers and that peace Would be
restored. '.
The convention eould then be properly
held. In which event there la every teal
cation that the delegates from the prev.
tore would sltuost unanimously support
a republic.
. VICTORIA, a C Jan. Mi-Mew t a
bloodless massacre at Canton was
brousht by the steamer Kamssura Mara.
A large force ot the Da re-to-Do brigade
of the revolutionaries proceeded te the
"Temple ef Horrors" sod beheaded the
Idols. Thrones of Chinese cheered the
"Idol slayers" as they marched through
the streets, carrying the headless Josses
and shouting te the people that their goda
were useless. They smashed between S
and a Joasee. The Joes stick sellers
and a huse number ef worshipers were
driven from the temple. The "Temple of
Horrors" brought in eonsMerebls revenue
to the late nutherttlee.
t atted State Trees Lead.
PBKINO. Jan. l.-The Ktrteeath ret
meat ef tutted 8ta(ea lute a try. which at
te act a a guard fur the proteelloa ef a
section of the railroad frees Peslag I
the coast, arrived. at Chla Wan Te
today en board the transport Loaraa.
Captain J. H. Keevee, military attache (
tlie' lolled State legation, was en the
euay welting te greet the troops as tliey
Isembarked. .
j Only Oee "Bwoao qnJHl
That Is Lacathre brume Quinine. Look fee
the slceature et B. W. Oreve. tsed tee
werld ever te ewe a aesl sa saw das. ts
Perslsteat advertlslsjg
big Beturna.
I ta Read te
nnwlt e rr
35 ents
. ..FOR A...s
nMeMsaetAlasatai Osafsats neaeassat
111 US...t1iU. CitlltilV ML
14 ' ) With Itohaia, Duplex Blade. .
Ton cannot siTcrd to be.wtthrmt on which costs only 35c
Jna. Llorton G Son Co.
1511-13 Dodgo StrMt
(Continued from first Pace.)
would aut be In the Interest of any oan
aidate, the slap he took St Wilson, to-J
gather with the mayor's political sfMla-J
tlone leads Llocoln democrst te bertev
that Is It ' '
that H Is to be a Harmon affair.
The Bryan following, whlca credited
with favoring Oovamer Wilson ot Mew
Jersey, la eepeotally chilly toward any
proposiUen wbjoh emanate from Omaha
end sepeolally freta Dahlmsn. Th an
nounosment only serves to show that
democ ratio sentiment la hopelessly ill.
vised on the presidential question, and
especielly that ths line sre sharply
drawn between the Harmon men on one
side and the Wllson-Clark-Folli-et al
men on theo ther.
The Dahlman declaration alto Hrves
to show .that ths sore spots of the cam
paign of two years sgo an Just as ten
der ss they were during th campaign.
In fact th wound shows decided signs
of suppuration.
Omaha Orsrealsatlea Oeta steady e
Make Active nMlts.
With a membership of between MM tnn
List th Omaha Taft dob will establish
headquartera In some accessible building
downtown la In Bear future.
When the club was formally organised
t Iters wen about test members, but since
then president John U Webster sod Sec
retary Joseph W. at or row have received
hundreds ef letters from men wh wish
to be SMmbera,
"Mr. Webster will call a meeting of
th executive commute to arrange fer
evening of headquarter with la a few
oav." said nee rotary Morrow. "Tbe oev
gaaftarlea a a benem a large that heed-
qttsrter are a sit. net eesly for the
benefit et the members, but for those wh
want to be members."
Th Colored tutsans' leagw ef Kertk
Omaha, whose headquarter are at KM
Lake street, baa turned Itself nil a Taft
slue. The enrollment is about MS at
present and aew members are being se
cure raptor. ,
Denied by Court
ABHLAND, Neb., Jan. W.-tSpeeJaU
In the county court of Saunders eountv
WalwiA Alt ThnMUv nmln, CMnl, j
Judg Peter P. White i endured a decision
In the -board walk will case." famous I
throughout the country aa having been
Vlvsa sensational prominence In Omaha.
Chloaa and New Tork newspapers In
greatly exaggerated form.
The will, which was filed by Mrs. Clair
PawUng Plummer of Atlantic county,
Near Jersey, gav one-third Interest in
th estate of Mr. Eeclestoa I his son
Charles and d sue liter Besets, Ignoring a
second son, WlUtam, and attring th other
third to Mrs. Plummer, wh conducted a
retreat for Inourable near Alia tie City
and at who pbvc Ecelestaa died in
July, JUL
Sloe hi death the daughter. If las
Besat Eodoeton, died at her home ta !
Beatrice last Heptembar. The mother ef
th children. Eceleston' dlvwroed wife,
resides ' at Beatrice. Charles Eceleston
resides at Spokane. Wash.
Th seaaattoaal reports of the esse, as
given In the metropolitan press, repre
sented th Greteatoa estate as valued at
nearly fl.SM.AN. when ha reality it In
volved only th title t a SJO-erre farm I
In Green precinct, two mile southwest
of Memphis, and a small bank deposit in
an Ashland bank, hi bom being ta this
city. Th total value et th estate did
not exceed gB.oo at any' time In recent
years, and the expeneee ot his Ion Ill
nee at th seashore dissipated a con
siders bis amount of this.
Th suit to have th will rejected was
filed by th son, William Koalas Ion. wh
wa cut out without reference to his
nam. Judge White refused to admit th
will for probate. It Is likely the caa
will be appealed to the district court.
Len Watt aetiewalp Breed.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. t.-t8peclaL-
Lon Walt, mm of Secretary of But Ad.
diaon Watt, was eeverely burned sa ths
face and aeck at ths feeble minded In
titule yesterday, where he Is employed
a engineer. He was making soma re
pairs In th engtn room when th coup
ling connecting a, count of steam pipes
Mew out, throwing the steam over his
fao an neck. He was attended by Dr.
W. M. Thomas, th superintendent.
Jeeevfc William McCoy.
TBCl'MKKII, Neb., Jan. ll.-KMpeclel.r-
Joaeph William McCoy died at a hospital
In Beatrice at o'clock Wednesday even
ing. Jenuary 17. He had been sick fat
Some three week with typhoid fever. He
was years old. Mr. McCoy waa married
to Mia Bessie May Toung at Teeumaeh
some seventeen years ago, and three
on were born to th anion. The wife
and mother, and th eon survive. Th
sons are Prank, seed U years; Earl
aged M, and Harold, aged i. The de
ceased Is site survived by his sged
father, Thomas MoCoy. The body wss
brought to Tecsmseh this afternoon and
Half- Yearly Event Continued
Semi-Annual Reduction on Metropolitan Clothing
We knew that the announcement of this event would bring to our seventeen stores
many customers anxious to take advantage of the reductions on the kind of clothing
we sell. These goods are not made up for "Sale" purposes hut consist ef the balance
of the broken lines of Fancy Suits and Staple Overcoats.
Half- Yearly Reductions
Formerly $15.00 and $18.00; now $12.50
Formerly $20.00 and $22.00, now $14.50
Formerly $25.00 and $28.00, now $18.50
Formerly $30, $35 and $40, now $24.50
Mixed with these Fancy Suits are a few
broken lines of plain blacks and blues.
Formerly $1S.00 and $20.00, now $14.50
Formerly $22.00 and $23.00, now $18.50
Formerly $28.00 and $30.00, now $22.50
Formerly $32-50, $35, $40, now . .$25.00
All staple overcoats, consisting of black .
and Oxford cheviots, Vicanus and kerseys.
Bargains for Children
Unusual Suits Decidedly Reduced
Have the little folks finish up the season with one of our best selling fancy double
breasted, two-piece suits, or single or double-breasted Norfolk suits eome with extra
blouses. i ' ..;..' .;
Formerly sold at $5.00 to $6.50.... $3.85 Formerly sold at $8.50 to $10.00... $6.75
Formerly sold at $6.50 to $7.50. .. .$5.00 j Formerly sold at $11.00 to $12.50. .$8.50
Excellent assortment of styles, beautiful patterns. Our kind of children's clothe
will bring out the individuality of your children. ' ; '
'BrQwing.King & Cq
lSth and Douglas
the funeral held at th Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. V. O. Browa of Be
atrice. The Odd Fellow conducted tbe
burial service In ths Teoumseh cemetery.
t'ertlaa Man Flies.
WTMORB, Neb., Jan. lmSpeelel.r
M. J. Johnson of Cortland, wh has filed
ss candidate for th republican nomina
tion as etsts repreeentatlv from Oagt
county, denies a report that lie moved
from th county sine he moved la a few
years ago. He aays he has lived at Cert
Is nd continuously sine he took up resi
dence in Gag county. He was defeated
by but sixty votes two year age. '
Oeaera PoaHry Show.
OENEVA. Neb., Jan. lf.-8peclal.)-Next
week will witness the opening of a
poultry show In Geneva, which promises
lo be one of much interest to si) poultry
breeders end others.
Specials for Saturday Only
The Store for Ladies
A Bottle of Wine Free to Each Purchaser of a Quart
or More of the Hiller Brands of Whiskies or Brandies.
Hiller Straight Whiskey; 7 years old; full quart. .80e
Miller's Old Stock, a fine" smooth family whiskey ,
full quart : $1.00
Ililler's Old Standard Bottled in Bond, 8 year old
full quart ,. $1.25
Endorsed, by ths C. 8. Government with green stamp on top.
Hillor Liquor Company
Both Phones. . e " 1309 rarnam St.
"If It Come from Hiller' It Mast Be Good.
. We I Mirer Everywhere.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
Omaha Whole! Ororery company,
J. C. Orcutt eomeany.' Lincoln.
Pioneer Rsal gaeate eomeany. Omaha.
Red Willow Shipping company. Red
Pkamp lmnUmooit compear. Uaceia,
Kirm Dlppin company. Klgin .
Hajrsrard Cattle company. Chadron.
Hvdroeo Foretan FUkeat Holding eont
paay. Lteeeat.
JohaMon A editor! am ceenpaay, Joha-
Uach Co., Jlrsanle. 1 "
Farmer Mutual Telephone company.
Bank ef Crab Orrbara. Crab Orehawdi
keener Base Bail aad AUuetw asaa
csuos, steamer.
Anderson Orals eemrajiy. lfoldredae.
Wtsraesee anisteMMS sseoAettoe, Uelbreok.
Depisty aWstSUsi' Ha eosnaway. Uaoela.
Hmss Ckate auuik. Boone.
Pirn Nsttooal Pejik, Crawford.
German Bank. Millard.
Nemaha Country PWi iiiwa Mntual yin)
and Ushtamg laearaaoa eeeapaay. Au
burn. Roral Inavmatty ueisiiiiT. Omafea.
Btrdeme Teeaejleaae eemimay, guther
Wrd sMrdCeamtr Mstoal -Taiepheoa eem-
rTwinc Aet!ve Qaae eoeiepejrr. Kwlag.
Moaaahny Telsptiau eeeapaay, Eass-
HlaeaH.r-s htatnal Taleebssa
cornpaay. Leasee I
"Follow the Beaton Path"
The Host Complete Rubber Dept.
Tke Lowest Prices on High Qiality Robber
Goods ii Onaht
We are Justly proud ef our Rubber Department, and ot the
price that careful buying enaMea us to quote. W devote sep
arate room to this purpose and have a lady attendant who la thor
oughly versed 1q the easiness. Every article in this department
la fully guaranteed and. In case of any dissatisfaction, the article
may be exchanged or Besney wlU be refunded.
' Abdominal Supporters All make-, guaranteed high quality. In allk an
lusaa. rytc treat gl-eO te Se-00
Its Cheat Protector
tee Cballenew Bjel Rubber Hot Water Bottle guaranteed SO
11 n Uoa Red Rubbt- Hoi Water Bottle
It Premium Cea.blnatle Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Cyrlage,
. ik Mubber alee
i I I
I Special window display ot f ompelaa Olive OIL This oil la I
I guaranteed to be absolutely pure. 3(c bottle 21 I
lit Psrosid f Midrsewa
'Steer Bouluew Tabea, meet eeavenieet form t Beef Et tract, box ef II
tmbee ........ -... - ........a
Jeavee Antlaeptto 1-kcoat Pastille mad la England th best remedy
r,1 ler see threat or boat assess
-bne kettl of Da Mar Liquid Oreea gesut hampe gee, Thl prepar
ation 1 1 saimis a,td icvtgerate th seals and lease th hair aoft sad
15th and Farnam St
Special Saturday Clean-Up
of Young Men's and Boys'aolhing
We hav gone through our clothing stocks and se
lected all broken lines in other words, uuita and over,
coats of which we have but one or two of a kind; these
we have priced so low that every one will find a new
owner Saturday '"' - i -- : - ; ; ;-- y
Thi is an opportunity which cornea but twioe each
year yon 11 be dollars ahead by taking advantage of
thia sale Saturday. .'
Young Men's Suiti v :
Handsome fabrics and the eery newest otors and patterns,
very suit brand new and right up to the minute la style .
. eiu, now , f 15.00 - -
J- Bui", bow $18 and f 30.00
$0.0 Bnlta, now w... $22.50
Young Men's Overcoats .
Warm, styllih and distinctively different from any clothe at
ny price
t0.00 Overcoat " $15.00
11.00 Overcoat ...-$18.00 $20.00
Boys' Knicker Suits
Either double breasted or Norfolk styles fcandsoto patterns
gnd carefully made, every seam and buttonhole haa apaclat, xprt
attention. These suit are made tor bard wear yet their shape and
. ...eesi...
good lookf never falter
s. 00 Suite ,
(7.00 Suits
IS.50 BulU
$10.00 Suits
. Boys' Overcoats
. Fin warm overcoats which keep th boys warm front bead to
toe, yet allow plenty of freedom for am aad limb. - Get the boy
a comfortable coat tomorrow - -
tt.OO Overcoat '. $3.75
$7.i0 Overcoats -.$6.00
tlO.OO Overcoats ...$7.50
Russian and Sailor Suits
In s wide rang ot patterns, neat, boyish sty lea good-look! a g
long-wearing suits, every one ot them
5.00 Suits now S3.75
$1.75 Suit now $5.00
Men's Underwear Specials
Man's shirts or drawers In I Men's heavy, warm woolen
heavy ribbed cotton, regular I shirts or dyawsrs gl.sO
11.00 qualities 75 grade, now $1.15
$28 Suits & 0 verc o ats to 0 rde rSI 7, 5 0
Oar big clearing sal redness Us pries on every suiting, and
overcoating In our store.
f 30.00 .Suits and Overcoats reduced te $20.00
$40 00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to ....$25,00
J45.00 Suit and Overcoats reduced to.. $30.00
i 0.00 Snits and Overcoats reduoed te $35.00
W use good, strong lining. Wg have our ewn workshops
and carefully try on very coat be for flnhthisc it Every garment
guaranteed perfect in fit aad style. ,.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
settee bocth ioth btrket
VI re Steps Sowth of Farman
ts th TssMllng agrtcsKsfU Joorsat t tas west ' Its cstsmn ars
tUlcd wCfc th feast thought of Che day in atattwrs gsTtslsrsg t
the turn, the tmaoh aad the crensrd. sad K as s Isatsr to ths
vmpml St tf aVSSt wasug estnr.
6 .