NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST Fair; Warmer VOL. XLI-XO. 1SG. OMAIIA, SATUKDAY XIORXIXO, JANUARY 20, 1912-SIXTEEX PAGES. SIXGLE COPY TWO CENTS. REJOINDER FBOM WILSOFSCAMP Governor's Campaign Manag-er Hakes Statement on Watterson- . Harrey Incident OLD ENEMIES DO DIG WEEPING Seply to JttaMrin Editor Frank Assertion of Opinion. QUESTIONS DAHLKAJTS MOTIVE Mayor'! Poiition Used to Illustrate Argument of McCombi. EWTNG GIVES MORE DETAILS lipwlm at Goeeraar Led Him to Belles tMalil ! H.tffr'l Wtfklgr Waa Drawback ta - Ilia Caadldary. WASHINGTON. Jan. .-The Wilson Harvey episode brought forth today, simultaneous!;- with the arrival of Colonel Henry Watterson, a statement by' William F. llct'ombs, campaign man ager for Wood row Wilson. declaring that "the .tears that ara brine shed over1 the passing Incident ara wrung fi-om those woo have hitherto bean tlia moat con spicuous opponents of Governor Wilson." "Colonel Watterson, who will ba hero several days In connection with the work of the Perry Memorial commission, read the McComba statement,, aa well aa the one mid today at Nashville, Tenn., by Judge Robert Bwlng, but declined to com ment on either. Aa to the Wilson matter." said the colonel, "I have nothing to add to what haa already been aald unloaa It ba seri ously challenged by aome responsible person. , Then I may have a good deal to ear. statement ( MeCoxsbe. The statement Issued by Mr. McCombe raya: -With reference to the Wilson-Harvey Incident It seems to me that Colonel Wat terson has said la a statement all that needs to be said. It appears, therefore, that as far back as last October he him self suggested to Governor Wilson that Colonel Harvey's support through Har per's Weekly might be Injudicious, and ho probably told Colonel Harvey httnself the sunt thing. It appears that Colonel Wattereon had coprlnced the governor of the truth of bis opinions, and had at leant convinced Colonel Harvey of. the probability of Its truth, else Colonel Har vey would not have propounded the V!--Uon. It Is passing strange that Coionel Wattereon should feel concerned that the governor, la private conversation with himself and Colonel Harvey, should, In answer to a pointed question, give frank, expression to the Very view which Mr. Warteryon himself entertained and which ha. bad communicated to the governor and probably to Colonel Harvey. la October last aim. the very month In which he made these auggeatloas to Uovernor Wllaon. Colonel Wattereon said In the-Louisville Courier-Journal editor ially! . - - ' "' . ' - Two things seem tolerably sure to the surmise of the Courier-Journal: if Wood row Wllaon Is nominated for president It will be through the force of an Irresist ible pressure of publi coplnlon, and It he Is defeated) for the nomination It will be by soma organised agency, well backed with money. "No democrat of modern times has come Into the running, Bamuel J. Tilden alone excepted, with half at ones of the equipment and the claim of the New Jersey governor.' i Vttlail Opea Eaessy. , The tears that are being ahed over the passing Incident; are - wrung from those who have hltbertoo been the moat conspicuous opponents of Governor Wil son witneea the frequently ousted state ment of Mayor Dahlmaa of Omaha,- who has tot months not only - been openly opposed to Governor Wilson but w ho has been the aggressive champ. n of another candidate. The same appliea too there who hare indulged In lachrymose ex pressions.' This, of course, is to ba ex- . (Coatliu.d on Second Page.) The Weather For Nebraska Increasing cloudiness and probably unsettled; warmer west portion. For Iowa Increasing cloudiness with probably light snow flurries; warmer east portion. Tessaeralare at Osaaaa Yesterday. Hours. beg. v- tAa ' vf " a. in -J &M 5 , li in I k "jT u m. i f'l, S to 1 v-tr h p- m id E 1 p. m VVVi D 4 p- ...-.. Mkii S p. m....... lo aR S p. m II tlfe?- 1 P. m t: thecal Weather sleeerd. Official record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the correspond ing period of the last three years: 1912. Wit. NOD. Highest yesterday IS 1 lowest yesterday t 27 Mean temperature 4 3s tt . 3tf precipitation .... ' T M M . Trmperatara and predsitatlon depar tures from tbe normal: formal temperature S refclency for tiie day U Total exceea aires March 1.... 2kl Normal prw-tpitaocs.: .02 loch l"ficlett-y for the day M Inch - Total rainfall etnee March i,..H 13 inches lvrfK!tcv srnee March 1 It. 66 inches DeOeleacy cue. peeled, m.. ...14 ; Inches Ficess cor. period, Use... Incites Reports trees Start ema at T P. sr. Station and State Temp. High- Raln of V eklher. . , 7 p. m. umt. fu Cheyenne, clear JS a . a Jwvenport. dear t j Jienver. dear a .i Um Motnee. Cndy.... ( ( . itodge City. CKHWy Jl M .at Ijuider, clear it . North Platte, deer It n t rNnaba.elear....U li t1 pueMe, dear u ai .e Rapid City, dear .2 M ,e Stair laka CSrr. ateaaCv aa aa aa Baau re. partly dowdy., jt ikaridan. cloody. ........8 Kteex City, clear . 1 Taientlae. partly doudv u .T" ladicawa trace a predi U4MIU afow sero. U A. WtLeU. local Forecaatu. The National Capital FrWUr, Jmmit i, 191. The Senate. N"ot In session. Ueu at J p. m. Monday. The House. " Andrew Carneffi'ii expenite voucher of $i.7 for iMtifylnc before the . com mittee heW up becauee notary' Htl was omitted. Forelfn affair committee deferred ac tion on International protection of seals bH-auite of difference of opinion. Vtix department expenditures commit tee favorably reported Cox bill calling for a report on the cost of Philippine occupa tion. . GREAT BATTLEJN ECUADOR Army of Rebel Troops is Defeated Hew Yaguache. THOUSAND BEAD AND WOUKDED rare apaaritnB ae 4 alt a Gevere xeeat Is Vader Can ma ad at tea. eral Oeaeral ' Alfara Ialared.' GUAYAQVlts Ecuador. Jan leOver 1.0 a men were killed and wounded In a battle y eater day at Taguache, to- the northeast of this city. An army supporting the Quite govern ment, under the command of General Julio Andrade. formerly Ecuadorean min ister to Colombia, attacked and defeated an army of Guayaquil troops supporting the provisional government proclaimed by General Montero, under the command of General Fiavlo Alfaro. . General Fiavlo Alfaro was ' wounded during the fight, which was very severe. General loy Alfaro haa now been ap pointed eommander-ln-ehlet of the Guay aquil army. - ' Paeaaaay Reaela Defeated. BUKNOs AVRliS. Jan. W.-Telegrams from Asuncion, Paraguay, confirm the re port ' that tin supporters of President Rojas have recaptured the city. After deapernte ajreet fighting the revolution, arias fled. The casualties totalled 290 killed and wounded. A BraxlHan gunboat Is reported to ba on the way to assist Rojas. Fredericks Says Trail of Dynamite Conspiracy is Clear NEW YOKK. Jan. ifc-District Attorney Fredericks of Los Angeles Is In this city working on detaila af the larger dyna miting inquiry that Is now going on In various parts of the country. He said today Uiat more than lot cases are In volved, cases of which lbs efflclals of tbe law have positive records. ,- r The trail h ah open enV'eaiafia'to-" 4Vr "and w are following it . without any difficulty. W know where it will lead, but ws cannot now state thla. We kpow where we stand, and whoever Is at the end of the trail will have to pay the penally of his mistakes." 8T. LOI'IS. Jan. II -That the more' manta in St, Louis of prormcent labor leaders Is being traced by the Depart ment, of Justice of Wsshington In connec tion with the McNamara plots to Indi cated by a letter received from that de partment by Room Clerk Frank Schilling of the Southern hotel. - Schilling is asked to examine' the rec ords of the hotel to find whether O. A. Tveitmoe, under Indictment at Los An geles, and other labor men have been registered there. Tveltmoe's name Is on the register of the hotel under the date of November 2, Ills, together with Samuel Gompers, F. M. Kysn of Chicago. W. J. O'Connell of New York, John J. lllnee and F. J. Me Nully of New York, according to Schil ling. ' , , The labor leaders were here at that time to attend a conference of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, Schilling said. Columbian League ; to Rely on Sherman 1 Law for Protection ST.. LOUIS. Jan. l.-Orxanti'-d base ball will be fought under the Sherman anti-trust law if It attacks the new Columbian base ball league, according to John T. Powers, president of the new organisation, who Is here today. ,"We are not fighting capital with capital and do not seek a tight with any person or combination," said Powers. "On the contrary, ws have the statutory right to exist and compete with the 'base hall trust' and we Intend to take advan lake of our rights. Ws have the Sher man anti-trust law at our disposal if we sre attacked. "We have most of our players lined up and will be In position when the season opens to give high class and popular priced base ball." Prices of Food in New, York Rise Sharply NEW YORK, Jan. IS. -The price of foodstuffs of almost -every kind to up again In New York to record figures and Indications are, dealers ray, that the top notch in the rising scale has not yet been reacted. No explanation hi given for the advsners, which are said to be without precedent at this season of tbe year. The principal Increases follow: Beef, f to 3 cents a pound; lamb, 2 to VA cents; poultry, t to 4 cents; cheese, 1 cents; potatoes, SS cents to SI a barrel; eggs. S cents a doaea. Vegetables of all sorts, mclading the canned products, have advanced. Batter (k selling at cents a potrad waoliaale. Eggs are expected to become cheaper. M 1 4 CUBAN VETERANS' CLUBS ARE DISBANDING HAVANA, Jan. ft-Oeaeral Juaa Mario Menocal. tbe secretary af JasrJeet and Tny other generals who were lowriaed !a the Trvii'ittig rgrt by Ccscra! Ga mes In IMS, arrived here today ts aftasH a conference to watch they were caSed by tbe presMewt. From Tarloua parts of the IsUad reports have been reeerrad that the veterans' dabs ara dl-handlng. - EXCHANGE DATA OF COST DAILY Direct Testimony that Boston Kan ' aFers af Indicted Pickers Be ported to Each Other. FREQUENT MEETINGS' HELD Men of Four Companies on Terms of Closest Business Intimacy. EXCHANGE WEEKLY SUUXABIES Each Knew Quantity and Price of - Xeat Handled. COMPANIES KHOWH BT LETTERS Araaear Was ," National Waa 'B, Msrrla Was r, and swift Was Knew a as "D" Margin Reaorra Identified. CHICAGO, aJn. W.-Dfreet testimony that the reports of the aliened packers' combine exchanged daily and weekly re ports of shipments and marglna, together with the detailed. operations of the busi ness transacted by each branch house, was given to the Jury today In the trial of the ten Chicago packera charged with criminal violation otj the Shorman law. Everett B. Dill, former manager for tne National Packing company In Boston, and assistant manager for the ssine company In New York, went on the stand and gave damaging testimony against the packera. He declared that the managers for Armour, Swift, Morris and the Nalonal Packing company In Boston, who were In charge of the New England territory, met dally and were on terms of the closest business Intimacy. Ha said they exchanged by telephone the dally shipments and, margins of each company and that weekly summarise from each house were tent to the Bos ton representatives. The witness declared that this system was In una up to the time he severed his connection with the National Packing company In 1M to become Boston man ager for an Independent company . A St far aeveral tasapaalea, , Dill had formerly acted as consignment agent at New' England points for Swift and Company, Armour Parking company. Omaha Packing company and the Na tional Parking company. In IMS he waa assistant manager of the National Packing company at Boston. Later he wss manager of the company's Nsw York branch. "While at Boston representing the Na tional Parking company, were you ad vised. In advan.-e of the ahlpments to be made during the current wek?" priced Senator Kenyon. "Yea," replied Dill. , "What oUMrlnfoor)aUon.ilil.lYOU. get Hi 'J got a margin figure or estimate ror each week which gave us our selling price. It I thought the figure was below the cost of cattle, I would brace up the fstlluig price and get all I could from the retailers." ' The witness said that daily reports of sales and prices obtained were telegraphed to Chicago from the district headquarters. Margins af Other Cosapaalea. "Did you receive the margins of Armour, Morris and Swift while you were manager of the National In Boston?" "Yes, every day." "Howr "By telephone. I would call up (ha Boa ton office of Armour, Morris and Swift and get the figures. These firms were designated by letters of the alphabet. 'A' was Armour. 'B' National Packing com pany, t" Morrla and 'O' gwlft. Mr. Van Pelt represented Armour. Mr. Haddock, Morris, and Mr. Hunnewell, Swift." "Did you meet these men every day?" "Yes, we saw one snother every dsy to tslk over business hut we hsd no regular meetings," replied Dill. . "Did you receive weekly summaries of the shipments snd marglna of Armour, Swift and Morris r "Yes; they were sent to me from Chi cago." The witness Identified a number of ship ment and margin reports alleged to be a summary of the New England bualneas of Armour. Swfft and Morris which he re ceived while manager for the National Packing company's branch house In Boston. ' Topeka Bank Teller Nine Thousand Short TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. IS. -Shortages sg- gregating S9.QW have been found In the account! of Ward Kpeilman. teller of the Merchants' National bank, who was ar tested last night He admitted today .to bank officials thst the shortage may tout more than that. Spelllman's peculations have covered a period of several years. F pel 11 man was prominent In society. Ha says be spent the money for living expanses. Spelllman was given a hearing before United Statea Com-nlssioner Campbell to day. He waived examination. His bond was fixed at P.WW, which be has not yet given. Says Bridge Trust Divides Country EMPORIA. Kan!, Jan. l.-"The people of Kansas are not the only taxpayers who are contributing to the support of the bridge combine," said T. H. Mc Donald, state highway engineer of Iowa today, speaking before the state good roada convention. "Every state In the union, so far as I know," said Mr. Mcltona'd, "Is at the mercy of the bridge combine. Every one of them Is parceled Into divisions and every ene of them haa its bridge polltl- dana, who look after the legislatures." MRS. J. SNEED RELEASED FROM SANITARIUM FORT WORTH, Tex.. Jan. U.-Mra. J. Sored, wife of a wealthy Texaa banker, secured her release today from a sani tarium here, where she rtaJnsed she had been Illegally detained. The state dis trict ecsrt hale! Cat x& was ast Lw Mrs. mini recency was brought back from Wluntgag, wttence ft was aOeawd she bad etuped wtth A. G. Bo roe, Jr. The killing of A. G. Boyce. sr., by Mrs. tTnead's ttusbaod waa a sequel .... A FirOrop, But- From the Minneapolis Journal,. C0RP0RAT10NSMUST REPORT Federal Authorities Prepare to Start Many Suits. BIO FESAITY IS TH&EAT&TO) Hi.CasUct, m riaa aL-Tea. Tkaa t aaaa Dallas May Be Aeeewa ' last Those Wis Fall - Make Report. l'nild Stales Attorney Howell and Col lector of Internal Revenue Rose Ham mond have begun a campaign agklnst the corporations m the Omaha dlstrtot of Ne braska who have not made their 1510 re port upon the amount of buslnes trans acted by them, as required by the recent act of congress, which provides for a cor poration tax law. There ara fifty-eight of these and suits to recover the IW.tKW penalty provided for In each case will be started aa soon ss tbe attorney and his assistant can draw them up, unless the cases sre settled before they get Into court. All corporations .-honing a profit of over .'," per annum are taxable, and (he corporations, large and small, have from January I to March 1 In which to file a report. Up to the first of the year there wera nearly l.SM who had not made returns for lttv, but by threatening to sue for the" maximum penalty Ihla number has dwindled to . fifty-eight. These have absolutely Ignored the govern ment officials 'demands for the 'report and sdlt will be commenced at once. "if we wished to. wa could have filed the suits Immediately after March 1 1MI." said Attorney Howell, "but we hare allowed them several months mors time In which to do something . which should neve been done a year ago. A number have compromised and It is pot to late yet for these fifty-eight, but when once suit Is started the full penalty of $19, will be asked for In each case. 'These reports must be filed, and al though' It Is- too late to' escape punish ment for delinquency, the government will give the opportunity to compromise before the case- Is taken to court." Some of the corporatiorsr against which suits will be started have become bank rupt or disorganised, and still others are concerns which have not made the SMOQ profit.' These, however, will hare to stand for punishment, for tbe law says that the report muat be tiled whether a profit Is made or not, or whether the concern breaks up or dissolves. Dcllaaaeat List. North Platte Oss and Electric company. North Platte. Paxton KJsle Telephone Co., Paxton Lincoln Implement and Transfer com pany, Lincoln. The Audit company. Omaha. The Automatic Switch company,- Lin coln. Benson Ice end Csal company. Benson. ;. H. . s. Pole and Neckyoka Manu facturing company. Brady. . - Cuehman Power Spray company. Lin coln. Franklin Creamery company. Franklin. Jones Merry Mixer and Novelty, com pany. South Omaha. - ljajcoln fteam Parte company. Uncoln. Luenben Baler company, Beatrice. Martin A Mantn. prlnterst Omaha. Nebraska Brick and Tile company, Te kamah. Neb. NbraskaMflk Pasteuriser company. Omaha. . Omaha Plating company. Omaha. ' Plata Gravel company, Omaha. Steinauer Milling company, Melnaaer. Wageworker Pubitaning company, Lin coln. I). U Williams Saddlery company. Ord, Anderson Land, Lumber Consuruorioa and Material company. Gothenburg. RloomfleJd Drug company. Bkwmfleld. Bridgeport Lumber company, Bridge port. Oarke Land and Loan company. Omaha. 'Farmers' Mercantile . company. . Klk Creek. . Farmers Graia and tin Stack asso ctsaon. Belgrade. Herkos Brokerage eeswpaay, Omaha. Jamuem Townstte enmpany. Jamison. Lohnscaa Land and Fiber company. Oraaos- " IJrvoln coranuiaeon company. Lutroin. ICarmjrnan on Sowed Pa- Folk and Clark Will Abide by Vote of. . State Convention fT, ixn.'ll, Jen. It -Missouri .demo- ad-aa-i wlhma in. .lha .agreement of tbe two men sals Isst hlght to abide by the Joplltt eonvetv Uou. Kara has agreed to quit the raos for the presidential nomination of the Missouri democrats Indorse his opponent. ' The agreement was In the form of let ters to a local newspaper In response to un editorial printed Thursday .raomlng in which the state convention was declared to be useless anless line opposing candi dates agreed to abide by the decision of ths drlegstes. Kach expressed pleasure at the action of the other In promising not to bolt the convention. A new angle to the Clark-Kolk contest for the endorsement of Missouri demo crats developed today by the adoption of a resolution by the democrats of the Twenty-eighth ward to divide their dele- gallon equally between the rival candi dates. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. - Speaker Champ Clark today confirmed reports thst he and former Uovernor James W. JTolk had agreed to stake their reapeetlve j candidacies for the democratic presi dential nomination on the outcome of the approaehlng convention of Mlspourt dem ocrats at Joplln. If thl convention should endorse Governor Folk, Mr. Clark said he would forbid further use. of-his name.' The Clark-Fulk agreement excited the- greatest political Interest here today.. PETITION FOR TAFT FILED Forty-Three Omaha Men Sign Paper Fifed at Linooln. Ai gOUtpsOH AG ACT If) , XTjjf aasjarTwai eaBga law s1IHga8k"tfTfTsy Wklea tw Ran fea Xeatlaatloa far SeaatorDehiaaea'a Aet ' ' 'faases Little garpriae. ' ' iFrum ' Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. W.-tBpeclsi.r-A peti tion conlallling the names of fertr-three Omaha men was filed thla morning with th secretary of aisle asking that the name of William Howard Taft be placer) on the primary ballot aa a preferemlsl candidate for prealdent. F. R. Phot well of omaba Is said to have beesj the moving spirit In preparing the pstillon. - The signers ara as follows! . . Injunction Suit V ' Against Butter and , Egg Board in Court CHICAUO, Jan. .-The present 'high price of butler lent additional interest to the proceedings sgalnst the Chicago butter and egg board which were sched uled to be resumed today before Master in Chancery Morrison. U D. Judson, former secretary of the FJgln Butter hoard, and hie successor. Colrln W. Brown, were subpoenaed yes terday to appear today. The purpose of their testimony. It was said. Is to try to show that the Elgin and Chicago boards unite to fix prices of butter. - The action la a civil proceeding to en join committee of the board tram fixing the price of butter and enrs at their regular sessions, a custom held to be In defiance of the Sherman anti-trust law, James II. Wllkerson. United Statea dis trict attorney, said last night that the resumption of the hearing at thla time has no besting on the present high price of butter and that for the present so criminal prosecution Is contemplated. Taft Starts for New Haven and New York WASHINGTON. Jan. U.-Presldent Taft left-Washington this morning at 7 IS for New Haven, where be will attend a dinner given by the Chamber of Com merce and a meeting of the Tale corpor ation. Starting back after the Yale oor poretko sieetlng tomorrow, tbe president will stop In New ' York from J p. ra. until midnight, during which time ba ts scheduled to attend banqueta given by the New York Bar aasosaUioa, the so ciety af the Tennessee sad the Twenty tour Carat crab. OLD MAN AND GIRL . ARE REFUSED LICENSE ST. JOSEPH. Xa. Jan. Wkea Cera Qarrelt. M years aid, aad Chester Car penter. eX applied far a Bceasw as marry here today they were n fused aad the Ctrl waa committed to the Detention horse by Judge Ryan af the criminal orart. Her parents bad gtrea ex a est ' Howard Kennedy. C. R. Illsi k. A. O. Troup, B. F.' Hlark. W. W. Klsbaush, J. N. White. A. W. Jefteris. Harry F. Meyers. F. IS) Weed. iteorge F. Porter. J. A. Kaley. Fred W. Kkoiwell. C. B-lden. W. F. Swanbaok. A. C. Panooaat. 11. U loniln. t'harlea lel!e. Kobert Wllaon. ' le U, KuteJIr. George U. I'rlnx. i:. F. Ilrellev. Kelso A. Morgan. Hryre Crawford. .lohn J. Rvder. - f. K. Maloney. m. A. Cunningham. Th.imaa Mwobe. n. J.,Greevey. P. A. Beaton. J. M. Anderson. F. H. King. J. II. Weather. Albert Kdliolm. A. K. Walkup. J. HeFnrest IllchaidW. H. Swift. C. K. Foster. . v F. Chamberlain. T. W. Baxter. Iloscoe T. Khotwel!. A. 1. Xlnkes. C. K. Williamson. C. Kundel. Tbe men prominent In' the Taft organi sation who are in Linooln said they knew iiotiiiug of the filing fur her than so tar as known hero the signers were all sup porters of tbe president and 'the petition bad every Indication -of being In good faith, and It that was the case there could be no objection to the s.-llou. ,A. D. Spencer of (lege county . hss asked for blanks on which to make hit entry In the race for senator from Ouge county. He is a repuMlean. ' , John 8peedle, demo-at qf Benson, Douglaa county, has filed as a demo cratic candidate for state suierintendent. smiHi ta File. ' ' Al. Sorenson, "Which will he senator." hss formally made his entry Into the contest by asking for blsnks on which to make his filing. Al's ambition is of several year's growth and certainly no oas can across the Omaha men of tak ing snap Judgment on the filed by Risk ing an eleventh hour entry, for In sea sons and out he haa reiterated Ills de termination to be United Slates senator front Nebraska. The announcement from' Omaha, that Mayor Dahlmaa Is to call a conference of Nebraska demorrata to discuss the presidential situation caused no surprise here, as such a mora on the part of asms of someOmaha man had been an ticipated. While the announcement of the mayor was that the mass convention END, OF MANCHU DYNASTY IS NEAR Court Fails to Produce Gold and Soldiers Are Not Inclined to Fiffht for Glory. mrntTAL fbtsces vacillate Conference Adjourns Without Act ing on Abdication Proposition. SUU APPEALS TO POWEES Sepnblie of China Asks Official See ognition as Nation. ULTDCATUH IS SENT TO YUAN Premier- Is "Informed that lie Will Not Allowed tw Bar Aay -Part la the Proelsiaaat Cremate. t. y PEKING, Jan,.ia-The princes of the Imperial clan, a number of leading Man. chu offlciala and several members of the government had a protracted conference today with the empress dowaxor at the palace but again separated without ar riving at a decision on the question of ab dication. The lending princes favored an unconditional abdication of the throne. Three of the young princes, together with Tteh Liang, the former Tartar gen eral at Nanking, would not, however, agree to the courts retirement to Jehok although they did not suggest an alterna tive. -.'. '..,.'. There has been eonrlderable effervee censs In Peking throughout the riav among both foreign residents and Ch'. nes. There were many rumors of the probability of a Manchu outbreak, which, however, appears unlikely at present. The ex-regent. Frlnoa Chun, and the former premier. Prince t hing, rlsited Premier Yuan Shi Kal this afternoon and had a long conference with him. It appears that the court hss not produced the gold It promised to provide and the Imperial soldiers do not shoe any anx iety to fight for glory. It la reported In Chinese circles that tht x-regent. Prince Chun, suggested the ab dication of the throne, the court to re msln In Peking aad Yuan Shi Kal to establish a provisional northern govern ment at Tien Tsln pending the decision of the national convention aa to ths future form of government '. Nek lea Preparing' ta Flee. LONDON'. Jan. W.-ln an Imperial edict Issued todsy the authorities of the Peking railroad ara ordered to send all available rolling stock to Peking. An exodus of nobles Is expected shortly.' according tc a news agency dispatch from Tien Tain. Three trains are now waiting In tht vicin ity of Pakinc - ' Pwveasa Asked law ReeaajatllM, KA.VKWO. Jan. - tr.-Tlie , repobllcas ovpiiunant , today sent an appeal ts the powers for rseogtiltlon. ' This took the farm. Of k circular which waa sent to) rVashlruftnn, Toklo. London, Paris, Berlin tnd St. Petersburg and was signed by Vang Chung Wei, the foreign minister of ths republican cabinet. i The terms of the circular are as tot- loss: The Manchu government having en tered Into negotiations with the republle of China for the purpose of abdicating Its sntlre sovereign rights, power and privileges, ws fsrvjntly pray for recog nition In order - to avoid a disastrous interregnum. WANo CHUNO WEI, "Foreign Minister." I Seat Vsaa. . It appears now to be certain that fight ing between the revolutionists and (he Im per la lifts will be rosumed on the morning of January SI unlers Premier Yun Shi Kal concedes ths demands of the repub lican government. ....... These demands, which were telegraphed today to Premier Yuan Shl Kal at Peking, are very drastic snd snbetantislly . as follows: ' I. The abdication of Hie throne sad the surrender of. tbe sovereign, powers are demanded. r No Manchu may participate In the provisional government of Chine. S. The capital of the provisional gov ernmelit cannot be established at Peking. . Premier Yuan Shl Kal cannot par ticipate In the provisional government of China until the republic has been recog nised by the foreign powers and the coun try has been restored to peace and har mony. Today's decided action by the republican government Is due to Premier Yuan Shl Kal'a demand that Dr. Sun Yat Sen re sign the presidency, permitting Yuan Shl Kal to exercise sovereign powers until the national convention, which la to ba called to 'decide on the form of govern ment of China, snail have reached a con clusion. In tho meantime Premier Yun Shl Kal dcslrea the court to retire, tem porarily transferring Its powers to him. The court, however, objected to leaving Peking until the national convention bad reached a decision. President as Ex anal as. The ultimatum, according to the repub lican leaders. Is the last word of ths re publicans. President Sun Yat Sen said today to the Associated freest "I have taken an oath to oust the Msn eha rulers and restore peace to the coun try before resigning. I have take aa oath to establiah a republic la China, and If t consented to the propositions mid down by Yuan Sid Kal I ahould ba fore sworn. ..;.'. "I sm convinced that a republic ts pot (Continued on Second Page.) DEALERS HAVE SHORT SIZE BERRY BOXES IN STOCK MADISON. Wis., Jan. 1S.-A lose of about S25,ne fares the retailers af berry crates In Wisconsin if the "short meas ure" berry box law passed by the last leal sUture ba strictly enforced. If this be done their crates and boxes boturht before the law waa passed will have to be thrown away or wa ba confiscated by the state. FORTY AVIATORS GATHER FOR LOS ANGELES MEET LOS ANGELES. Jan. H-Tpe ttird In temarinnai aviauesi ail U be bei ia Los Angeles win open at DomiBguea art atioo Held tomorrow with mare than forty entrant the greatest number at aver gathered at a Boxes of , . O'Brien'; Candy ...... ana DalzellYIce . ; Cream Bricks Given away each day U the want ads to Uroaa tuidlag their Read trut vant ads each aaT,S- yon don't fret ptixe you will probably find aome tliiug adTertlaeJ that appeals to you. ,. Facb day these) prlxes ara gftcred. bo I'UtM to solve ow tubeenpuoas to cat aotalag baU tutu ins row naJsM. It WLU appesu scale Urn.