Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee;
Entered at Omaha posiofftce as secoud
elaea matter.
Lobeck'g Great Speech. ought to eliminate one of the worst
t'ltisens of this congressional Uis-
I feature In nodArs IWllftlCS.
i Sander tMt one year
? feruedar Baa, ene year si.5
lsslly Be (without Sunday ). one year K
lauly Baa and Sunday, ana rear .w
,i Kvertng Bee twllh Sunday. per mo...c
r Pally Bee tlactudtng Sunday). per mo..c
. ; Daily Baa without Sunday), per mo...e
Address all complaint or irregularities
i ! delivery to ity circulation Dept.
i . .
Remit by draft. ezprese or peatei oraev,
nevabls to The Bra Publishing company.
1 ooiv i-cent stamp receive in payment
' of imall eecounte Personal ehetk. ez
eept oa Omaha aau eastern exchange, not
accept ad-
Jtrlet may have scanned the daily President Taft shows courage
press in vain for reports of speeches," fidelity that are needed in tne
tn the house 07 onr congressman. I ' HoBa ' Promulgating this
Charles Otto Lobeck. If so, let them Program, and It now remains for con
turn to that nonpartisan, veracious i ess to prove its good faith. It is
scarcely conceivable that the rankest
political antagonism could Inspire op
position to the flan. Viewed in Its
broadest light and possibilities it to
of revolutlenary character, but those
who have taken the president at his
word are fully prepared for it.
Omsha-The Baa Building.
South Oraaaa-ail N. St.
Council Blufla-B Scott M.
ljnoola M Uttla Building.
Ohleasa ta Marquette Building.
Kansas City Reliance Building
Kew Tork J4 West Thirty-third.
Washlnpon Fourteenth Su, N. .
Communications relating to and
editorial matter should ba addresoed
Omaha Baa. Editorial Department
a State af Xabrarta. County of Deuala aa:
a r ... u.-H it. n. eleeulailon nsejiezer
of tha Baa Pu Winning company. being
duly worn, aaya that tha imin dally
circulation, leae epoi'eu.
tumad copies, fr tha month of Decern-
tar. uu. .a. n,.oHT TOim
Circulation Manager.
Su karri bad In my p 'aos and swots te
bafora ma this h day of January, ML
(gal) ROBERT HlNTWl.
.Notary rubll.
SaWrlhara UarlaaT the elty
asepaenrtlr sbeald have Tha
Be aaallad to these. Addraaa
will W ehaagrd aa eltea aa ra-aeeetad.
Wonder it1 China also got the
bomb Idea fro a Its elder sister re
public. -
Well, even a cocked hat would be
better for campaign purpose than
dunce cap.
Mayor "Jim" ha . put Woodrow
Wilson eat of the running. That
. ought to stttle it.
One to ajmoa," afraid to comment
a the mildness of the weather, lest
it suddenly depart '
. One great trouble with that award
of. btro medals is that so many of
the recipients are dead.
Arlsoaa,it is said, will pattern iu
statutory laws after Kansas. What's
the matter with Arlionat
Universal Joy to within sight. Lil
lian Russell says, "I intend to let the
whole world kiow my plans."
With a socialist majority In the
Relsckstef, hew Congressman Berger
must yearn for the Fatherland.
The 1 chief Teuoa why Dundee
aaootd be asneaed as a part of
Omaha Is that it to a part of Omaha.
la pointing out that Chicago to
dirty. Mr. Kdlson jeopardises , hi
reputation for the genius of originality.
Harper's Baaaar has aa article oa
Feeding a Family on fit a Week."
It to seedless to say the family to not
and official compendium of legisla
tive deliberations, the Congressional
Record, and there, under date of Jan
uary 13, find a speech, delivered in
serial form, by our representative.
Mr. Lobeck is a member of the
committee on the District of Colum
bia, The house bad under discussion
the district's appropriation bill, carry
ing something more than 110,000,
000. including several small Items for
park purposes. One park project, for
instance, goes by the dulcet name of
Lovers' Lane, another, Krlngle Ford,
and It was thus our congressman
found his way into the thick of the
forensic conflict. Four times on one
page of the Record does he lift bis
voire, and although what he says Is
deftly sandwiched In between the
more lengthy remarks of other states
men, they are doubtless to the point
While It Is not feasible here to repro
duce tbe context in toto, we take the
liberty of reprinting just what our
own congressman says, picking up tha
fragments at intervals of a few lines:
Mr. Lobeck-What wfil these property
owners ta the Krlncla Ford project be
charged T
Mr. Lobecie-Thlrtr-tbrea and one-third
r cant?
Mr. Lobeek-Thea tha coat of the Krln
fle Ford project would be lass than
Mr. Lobeck Ha said there as a sav
ing of tl le.oe less thin last year.
And so runs the thread of this bril
liant argument throughout on or
two additional pages, st advancing In
tervals. Realising the Inadequacy of
such fragmentary reports of the
speech, w yet think they serve the
dual purpose of reasaurlng Mr. Lo
beck's constituents' of bis lively and
constant concern for their Interests
and doing him the justice, which the
daily press dispatches deny, of giving
his otflcal remarks the publicity they
deserve and which those of other em
inent lawmakers receive.
With a many realities flying
about. It would be obviously foolish
for Colons) Roosevelt to "discus
pip dreams."
At any rate, It Is a solace to know
that tha machine has a top to it to
make riding la this sort of weather
nor comfortable.
Because a aaa to only a wagon
driver, still ought not t subject him
to wanton asssglt by a deputy sheriff
swora as a guardian of the law.
. Who was th maa who mat Mc
Maalgal la Omaha and showed
where th car lara to be dynamited
was? Doa't all you Bherlockoa an
swer at one.
A democratic sleuth ha unearthed
aa ambition said to be cherished by
th secretary af th Nebraska Taft
committee to b ambassador to Mex
ico. Anything reprehensible ln this?
Unci Ike 8tphonsoa sure has the
' laugh oa Mr. Lorimer. . He started
' a year behind th Illinois senator
- and has a eleaa bill,- while Lorimer
to ao aearer tha end than he was at
th beg:nnlng at his Drat Investiga
Th death of Officer Wooldridge
close th sad Incident out of which
he was held for the death of aa old
saa he was attempting to arrest
"about a year ago, and over which the
mantle of chsrlty and forgetfnlness
will now be draws.
A Mobile paper observes that Post
master- General Hitchcock Is not a
practical- politician or he would not
pro pose "to put occupants of presi
dential poet matters hips . Into the
classified list" It is hard for a
democrat to appreciate th principle
that being a practical politiciaa to
aot as Important with Mr. Hitchcock
as being a good postmaster general.
If it were a policeman Instead of
a deputy oa th staff of oar reform
desBoeraUe hrlt - wba committed
aa aaprovoked assault with a deadly
weapoa spoa aa tneffeiuiv pedes
trian, what aa eatery there would be
frwm certain sources that hav not
eea peeped. Has a democratic dep
uty sheriff ncease to play outlaw at
Buhop Mo Govern,
The announcement from Rome of
vthe selection of the Rev. Patrick A.
MeGovera of Omaha for th vacant
bishopric of th Roman Catholic dio
cese of Cheyenne, Wyo., will be re
ceived by tbe people of hi native
city with mingled feeling of regret
ahd pleasure. To those who have
been associated with him la minis
terial and civic activities comes the
natural regret at parting with a
forceful, energetic and ' devoted
clergyman and cltlxen, whose unaf
fected teal and simplicity mad his
Influence for good felt beyond the
boundaries of his congregation. -'
Th success thee bss attended his
labors in Omsha during the lasX fif
teen years long ago attracted the
attention of his superiors,' which
awaited th proper- opportunity to
manifest Itself la recognition and re
ward. Regret Is therefore tempered
by th pleasure of promotion wisely
What is Omaha's, loss Is Chey
enne's gsln. Bishop McOpvero takes
with him to his new snd neighborly
field of labor the Omaha spirit which
unifies and energises, develops and
moves forward regardless of ob
stacle. As aa orator, organiser and
leader, genial and gracious gentle
man,' Father McOovern possesses In
a marked degree the essential qual
ities of a western bishop. v
A Proereiiive Proposal.
Th keynote of the Tsft adminis
tration baa been economy snd effi
ciency a government service. It wss
sounded la the president's meeaage
to con tress at Its first regular ses
sion In these significant words:
Perhaps the most Important question
presented te this administration la that
of economy la expenditures sad sufft
etency of revenue.
Later In . that ssme message he
said that la order to make It possible
to reduce materially the permanent
cost of government a general reor
ganisation of all bureaus, offices and
departments would be necessary, but
before that could be don a scientific
Investigation would have to be made
and he bad, through lb Treasury de
partment Instituted such an Investi
gation, employing "on of tha most
skilled accountants In the United
8tstes" for the work, which he ex
pected to require some two years. ,
Since then President Taft baa
worked continuously along this line
of securing the maximum efficiency
tor tha minimum expense. His rec
ommendation to congress bow for the
extension of the merit system of the
civil service comes simply ss the logic
of his administrative policy, and not
as any new or sudden proposal. It
is progressive la the dost sense of
being a graduated step la his geaeral
plan of administration and of repre
senting truly what has come to be
known as "progressive policies.
This to the most Important move vr
made la the advance of the civil serv
Ice system sine it waa originated.
The president says It will mean aa
annual saving to the nation of mil
lions of dollars, and thia ran be more
fully appreciated when It Is under
stood thst the plan Involves several
tbouaand of the moat Important
presidential appointees. But after all.
what It will mean tn a pecuniary
sense will not overtop its value la
point of meritorious service and In
putting the pie counter out of bust'
ness to a very large extent This
The Miners' Convention.
Reports from the convention of
the United Mine Workers of America
help the public to understand why
Joha Mitchell, or a maa of his ra
tional state of mind, was not accepta
ble a the president of that organisa
tion. One might easily get th no
tion from reading these accounts,
that the employers of labor in this
country were a horde of pirates who
have banded themselves together for
th avowed purpose of annihilating
every man who had to work for his
living. But for the responsibility of
exercising a restraining Influence the
American Federatloa of Labor might
well afford to agree to sever Vela
tlons with this organizatlou, so
largely dominated by tbe most rad
ical of socialists. P (
The first duty of rational citizen
ship to to save such men from them
selves. Socialism will never accom
plish anything of worth until it
achieves the sanity that It now lacks.
No wonder that the occasional eleva
tion to official authority of Its vo
taries so often ends In miserable
failure. Into this convention at In
dianapolis appears to have been
rolled all the accumulated vagaries
and platitudes, both In thought and
expression, which have been mouthed
and prated by every dry goods box
orator for tha last tea years. J
Yet it is just such exhibitions that
go to emphasise the Importance of
sane people acting ssnely. They have
to teach both by precept and ex
ample. It Is to the credit of the con
servative force tn union labor that It
haa aot permitted this wild element
to cut Itself loose from the psrent or
ganization, for while associated it
may continue to disturb and harass,
yet this relation affords th oppor
tunity to exercise a Deeded restrain
ing Influence.
The routed ballot la the coming
primary Is eliciting predictions of In
extricable confusion because of the
certainty of a long, list of , names
Th beauties of th rotated ballot
are aot yet generally appreciate,
but here In Omaha and Douglas
county the primary of six years ago
la recalled In which ballot was
need carrying nearly 200 aamea, all
rotated, aot only from one voting
district to another,' but also within
each voting place. Whatever happens
thle time, th rotation punl cannot
possibly be quite aa bad a it was oa
that famous occasion.
Id. Hav in Omaha
1 siuwiiy aaa vwww
AX. It."
It Is suggested that th democrats
selected Balllmpr as their conven
tion city largely to accommodate
democratic senators and representa
tives who will be held Into mid
summer In th nearby national capi
tal by th uninterrupted session of
congress. Thst's a good one. It
Baltimore had been located on tbe
Pacific coast lu f 100,000 certified
cheek would have landed It juat the
What great service csn be ren
dered the nation by having a public
statement made of the purpose of
sending troops to ChlnsT Ne
braska s democratic senator evi
dently thinks the senate Is transact
ing business on too broad a teal and
hould get dowa to a smaller basis.
or coarse, we make no claim to
being up on high finance, hut It does
seem thst Mr. Carnegie could suc
ceed la his effort to die poor If he
would shut off his sources of income
and continue his streams of benefac
tion, but he will never make It la the
world by keeping up th former.
If our old friend. Competition,
really Is dead, as Mr. Carnegie says,
let's give him a decent' burial and
have good men for pallbearers such
as Messrs. Rockefeller aed Carnegie,
Morgan and Ryan, and two of Jhe
chief mourners, the brothers Merrltt
No feast of ministers' sons la
Omaha will be complete that doee
aot Include our old friend. Senator
Sorensoa. Had thee ministers'
sons only followed la parental foot
steps no on would be lamenting
over the decadence of the pulpit
Thirty Years Ago
The second party of tbe Imperial series
took place at Masonic hall, under the
same efficient manaaement which baa so
successfully guided iu previous- affairs.
A pleasant Uttla musical was (Wen br
Mlss. Etta Collier, at the residence of
Mrs. J. M. Meredith on Dodse street,
with tome twenty-five couples tn attend
ance. The lady teachers of Brownell hall gave
a commerce party to a number of their
friend, concluding- with dancing.
The Danish society celebrated iu tenth
anniversary at Turner hall, with a con
cert, ball and supper, participated la by
a Bout 3a persona Mr. C. C. Frame, tht
president, was presented with an elegant
Sold watch by tha society, end Mrs., T.
A. Jensen Was made the recipient of a
handsome silver caster from the ladles.
At the Saints dispel. Cass street, west
of Sliteenth, services were held by Rider
W. W. Blslr of the Salt LaJte mission of
the Chureh of Latter Day gslnts, other
wise known as Mormons.
The Union Paclfio and Burlington A
Missouri have locked horns over the con
cession of the river front, each trying to
hold on to trackage privileges.
Another hotel Is being built on paper at
a cost of gJM.teo, this time by Mr. Ham
lin of Nebraska City, and located on the
southeast corner of Farnam and Tenth
The time for completion of the water
works contract haa been extended to
July 1.
C. C. Ilousel has been appointed In place
of Herman Kounue. to serve on tht
Board of Trade committee.
Hickman, the well known milliner snd
dry cooda merchant is about to enlarge his
facilities for earning on trade, which
haa grown te very 1 large proportions of
late. He will soon rnove Into the build
ing occupied by Krfarin A Kills, on Far
nam street.
Secretary Connoyer of the school board
haa received a letter from Senator
Saunders saying he has forwarded for tht
use of tha hlfh school a centennial copy
of tha United States, of which each sen
ator Is furnished by the government.
Mrs Kd Haney la In Iowa spending a
few days with friends.
Twenty Year Ao
The mercury got to 3( below sero, but
finally found Its wsy back up to 1 above,
whereupon tht forecaster announced that
th "backbone of tha remarkable cold
wave la broken."
Detective J. M. Vaughn was out tor
the first time In two weeks.
Ir. O. J. Puhek. a former Omaha phy
sician, waa In tht city from Chicago,
stopping at th Paxton.
Joseph Ashler, a printer at tht Com
mercial Printing company on Thirteenth
between Farnam and Harney streets, got
his hand caught In a press and his
fingers were badly crushed.
The members of the fire and police
board announced tht belief that tht sum-
of saloon licenses for IMS would not
exceed 3t, whereas the number was S31
la 11.
It was derided at the annual meeting
of tht stallholders uf tha Paxton
Vlerllng Iron works to start a large car
a heel foundry, provided, a home market
could be esublished for the product aa
a starter. The stockholders elected these
directors: W. A. Faxton, Robert, Urals
and A. J. Vlerllng snd W. A. Paxton. Jr.
These officers were elected: W. A. Pas
ton, president; Hubert Vlerllng. vice pres
ident; Louis Vlerllng. secretary-treasurer;
A. J. Vlerllng. manager.
While Mrs. C. B. Uuatln was at break
fast at bar residence. l3 Harney street.
a sneak thief stole her fur eoat and some
Jewelry, valued ht all at gi.OM,
The Benson school house was burned
te tht ground at night. It was a two-
story frame structure erected by E. A
Tea Years Ago
January'a first snow fell, a son, oamp.
e;inglng specimen. The temperature
ranged from M to Q for the day.
Borne sixty newsboys and their chiefs
engaged In a free-for-all fight at Fif
teenth and Farnam streets on th Sab,
bath morning and some bruised faces
were the result. It was a pitched battle
between tht unions and nonunions, with
More. Carroll and Shaw leading the
forces for the local papers snd F. B.
Nelson and J. C. Hockey for tht outside
Journals, while one T. C. Smith, the
fiercest warrior on th field, appeared
sa an Interloper.
Dr. William F. Rigae of Crelghtoa uni
versity delivered a ecientlflo address en
The Celestial Mechanics" before tne
Omaha Philosophical society. He opened
his remarks with the hypothesis thst the
ui the center around which all
planets revolved.
Rev. tttther Kuhns preached at urace
Lutheran church on -Men's Capacity for
salvation." saying. "Eradicate we must
all hope of any ether means of salvation
than bv conforming our wilts unte
Postal telegraph and posul savings
banks aa government Institutions were
ttraed In a discourse by Rev. Hubert C.
Herring at First Congregational church.
Edward Reeewater announced that
early had been received from Ne-
braskana for tha Xebreeka McKlnley
Memorial monument fund.
(leorge W. Porter. TV die at the resi
dence of his daughter, Mrs. U Haar
nana. Bit South Twentieth street.
How nut to see the street gaag
out again shoveling snow into neat
piles for passing automobiles aad
sleighs to spread bark over th pave
ment . Ia some benighted cltlee th
street gaags shovel th snow tight
into the wagons to haul away.
Forty years ago this month the
Oratd Duke Alexis of Russia cam to
Nebraska and hunted big game with
Buffalo Bill and other nlmroda, and
Nebraska did aot even ask him to
show his passport or tell under what
religion he worshiped.
Hie BecS LellerBox
! 1!
; People Talked About j
('ear at Freely Clvea.
OMAHA, Jan. K.-TO tbe Editor of The
Bee: On behalf of the Ak-Sar-Ben or
ganization I wish to compliment your
artist on the cartoon published In your
Sunday Issue labeled. "Just Watch Me
Orow," - and would be pleased to have
your consent te the use of this drawing
for our work of the coming year.
The Political soft pedal.
LINCOLN. Jan. li-To the Editor of
The Bee: Numerous criticisms have ap
peared of tbe speakers who were heard at
the late Taft meeting held In Lincoln.
Some put forward the plea that this Is
to time to use harsh language toward
those who do not like the president and
that the "soft pedal" should be used ex
tensively In the present campaign for the
nomination. We would Hke to call the
attention of the "soft pedal" advocates
te tha campaign being put up by the ta
Follette league In Nebraska. Is there
anything of the "soft pedal" nature ln
tha attacks they are making upon the
candidacy of President Taft? They are
not content with showing tht good quali
ties of their ewa candidate, but Insist
In making atUcks upon the candidacy of
another who. la tht course of events, they
might ne called upon to support, and haa
developed into a matter of conjecture aa
to whether they are trying to nominate
Mr. ta Follette or simply defeat Presi
dent Taft.
Because Senator La Follette Is a great
agitator and enemy of certain trusts Is
no reason that he will make a great
president- His chief lieutenant In Ne
braska, for Instance. Is tht greatest
political knocker the world haa ever
known, but no one for a moment believes
that he would even be a success as road
supervisor. The present secretary of the
ta Follette league may be a success at
publishing accounu of "progressive re
publicans who wIL vole the democratic
ticket If Taft Is nominated." but no one
believes that the publication of such
stuff will bring success to the ts Fol
lette campaign or Is even anything more
than potltlial Imbecility.
Were the opposition to President Taft
carrying on a "toft pedal" campaign. It
might ba political prudence for the Taft
and other political organisations to do
likewise, but as long as one class of
politicians carry on a campaign In which
the bass drum and the bass horn are the
principal Instruments It Is not reasonable
te suppose that the great political con
cart will be prolific of many harmonious
We believe thst the campaign should
carried on In such, a way that no
matter who the successful nominee, the
friends of tht detested candidates will
not be obliged te drown a principle In
order to help elect the republican nom
inee, but tha cry raised by certain de
luded mortala of "La Follette or a demo
crat." will not tend to make the friends
of other candidates push down very hard
oa the "toft pedal"
Will Pewf. Oramasann Explain?
OMAHA. Jan. 17,-To the Editor of The
Bee: I would Hke to ask Prof. Oram
mann when tht movement for Women e
Suffrage was not centered on "respect-
commanding women?"
And wilt he make It clear how it Is that
women are able and do start all great
reforms, and do push them to the extent
of a demand thst the men must and do
meet. If woman has degenerated from the
position of "founder of civilisation?"
, If the family should cease to dominate
Ufa tha world would ba a social chaos.
Will Prof. Orummann explain what pre
vents that condition now?
Tha family Is still the invincible Integer
grounded en the divine taw of human
happiness and la still, at It must always
be. tht bulwark of all social life.
Tha world hat more people In It than
It ever had and It Is becoming much more
alive to its mistakes and tern tolerant
of them than aver before. This Is not
because th foundations of society are
crumbling, but because there Is so much
In tha superstructure that does not meas
ure up to the standard of the good
women whom everybody respects or to
the dominant family lift of father.
mother and children, that cries for and
demand better living for the masses.
Wa have not lost the leaven of real.
dean civilisation: we art only setting It
to work to leaven the whole world and
the good women are tha Mixers of the
mighty leaven.
Social service work la making tremen
dous bounds and while there are those
whose enthusiasm Is greater than their
Judgment R is unique to find fault with
people foe trying new work when they
have not succeeded in former efforts.
814 Wlrf t M1RA TROTH.
Down in Delaware they are having a
divorce case which la as nasty that the
Judge la conducting It ln private. People
who are in the tiabil at hanging around
courta will regard thia aa an unwar
ranted invasion of their rights.
A New York woman with four hyphens
to. her matrimonial names has been
awarded an additional tttv a month from
her fifth husband to prosecute aa action
to get rid of him. Matrimonial experience
la a great help in "catcbln 'em a-comin'
and a-gola'."
James Cain, a stonemason aad Chicago
pioneer, ia dead there, at the age of MC
years, having lived the last decade on tea
and rye bread. Ha often told his friends
that a diet of tea and rye bread, supple
mented with little other food, was the
secret of his longevity.
Count Paul Rlglewlch. an Austrian no
bleman, who had 1.SM crowns In his
pocket, reached New York on Tuesday
la the steerage of an ocean liner. "One
gets tired of society at times." he said.
"so I thought I'd have a look at some
of my poorer brothers and their fam
ilies." Glen Condon, ons of the best known
sporting writers of the southwest, an
nounced through the press at Tulsa. Okl..
that he will become an evangelist. He
Intends to follow the style of "Billy"
Sunday In hla new work.
"I told htm there were dosens of people
right here in town who had never heard
of him."
"I guess that took Mm down a peg
or two?"
"I guess tt didn't' He started right out .
to find them and borrow money from'
them." Houston Post.
rah- Vovager 1 suppose you have had
a great many narrow escapes In your ex
perience aa a sailor. 1
Frank Capuln-Oh. not ao many. I
don't go ashore any oftener than 1 have
to, Century Magazine. :
"Why. I didn't know he was aa em
ploye of youra:" -
"He Isn't."
"Then I wonder why he laughed so
heartily at that story you told." Hous
ton Post. .
Of course, you don't deny the theory '
of evolution?" said Prof. Hlbrow.
"No." replied Miss Cayenne, "it s Ilka
a lot of other theories. I'd rather admit
them at once than to go to the trouble of
reading enough about them to aualify me
to take part in a discussion of them."
Washington Star.
Physics Professor rafter long-winded
nroofi And now. gentlemen, wa get X
; equals a
liiMiw Vnlea from -rear of room 1 Gee.
all that work for nothing. Yale Record.
"Darn this abbreviation fad!"
" Smatter now?'
"Got an Invitation to a party at Skim
meihorn's next Thursday evening. That'a
sll plain enough. But there's a poet
script that save, R. a v. p..' and I doa't
know whether that means 'Refreshments-,
served very promptly.' or 'Regular swell
vaudeville performance.' "-Chicago Tri
bune. " r
but, eszea roe youna ww, " ,u
do you always order champagne for every
new patient that comes to you?"
"Because, my boy," replied tht old
practitioner, "I can Judge by what the
patient says whether or not he can offord
it. That helps me when I come te make
out my bill." Catholic Times. (
"I want damages." shouted the bruised
and battered citisen who bad juat been
beaten up by his athletic rival. ,
"I think." replied his friend and adviser,
after a critical inspection, "that If you
loqk In the glass, you'll find you've got
'euL", Baltimore American.
"Don't you think, senitor. the Panama
canal tolls ought to be high enough tn
pav a good Interest on the Investment?"
"Not necessarily: a K.TO.M battleship
la generally considered to be worth what
It costs, yet it never pays any Interest on
the Investment." cnleago Tribune.
S. B SRObnsitw.
Tbe genial head of the M. B. Seger-
strom Piano Co., Omaha deajera in
Knaba pianos, possesses a pleaaant man
ner, and a satisfied smile all the day.
Why shouldn't he? To be representa
tive for tht "World's finest piano" Is
an enviable position.
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
fromRoyalGrapeCreamofTartar '
Kareptlon t the Male.
Ht. touts Times.
Tke 1-nMed Biatee ambassador te France
haa resigned for strictly pereoael rea
sons. It la not to be Inferred that some-
boar got hit Bacon.
A Saval Plater.
Kansas City Time.
Norway haa appropriated tt..) for
-war vessels." It Is feared Norway la a
piker. Four million dollars will make
Norway only a minority stockholder In
ana dreadaaught.
All Keel the leawalae.
Philadelphia Bulletin,
atum. having a monopoly of rings In
th solar system, la said ta ba awder
gotng a process of dissolution at Its
hoMlnga, atteeting anew tbe universal
recognition of the mandates of the Sher
man act.
rrveaeattteeui f Mian.
St. tools Globe-Democrat.
Most ef the democratic eaadidacea lor
president hate each ether mars than they
can possibly bat a noubiicaa compet
itor, although trie repubticaa ta the one
wbe It akety te e them the BMJt harm.
What Taaeeea tha Stew Spat.
Philadelphia Record.
It wasn't the maintenance of Colonel
QMffy9 ftgt to Ma place, la tha dame
cratle national committee that touched
a raw spot tn the hide of the Peerless
One: tt waa his own Inability ta shape
the decision of the committee to bis
awn pleasing. Ht was dethroned.
SL Louis Republic: The amended na
tional employers' liability law. which the
supreme court of the I'alted 8Utee haa
pronounced constitutional, waa approved
la tbe main by the railroads as well as
the great labor anions engaged In trans
portation. It was signed by President
Taft on April t, ttlt. and R take the
place of an act signed by President
Roosevelt, which tha court held to be
In violation of tha constitution.
We think this is the most Important
achievement to data of th Taft admin
istration and w congratulate It aa well
as tha people on the fact that one very
troublesome question has been settled and
settled right
Pltuburgh Dispatcii: Representative
Xerria ef Nebraska, one of the leading
Insurgents, ts urging that all postmasters
and postal employes be put under the
ctvd service rules. A large share of
the postal service Is already In tne classi
fied scrvio. but postmasters era not.
and tht lower class postoffleea are also
outside down to then lowest employes.
The proposition la aa Indisputable one:
but those who believe that Mr. Norms'
proposition will make capital against
Taft show their Ignorance ef tbe sub
ject. President Taft has for some time
made it evident that thia Is his desire
snd Postmaster General Hitchcock, ia hia
but rsswrt, recowimended that ''presi
dential postmasters ef all grades be
placed in the classified dvU service."
Mr. N orris, therefore, commends bly
stands tn support af the administration
poller en this point.
riedaclaa aa (eusalif Saajtr.
St. litezis Repnbnc
A Mteaiana auger bast sroerer testified
at Washington that be makee a profit
of PS an acre an land that ena be bought
for IS an acre, -Wey an earth, then,
do people live tn the dries?" asked a
ipiigi lasmtn, and aweody answered. A
good many people star la tha cttlea be
cause wtth the high coat of aagar aThd
other things they eanaot save gaonvy
enough te get away.
"The Favorite Rye of Six Generations"
When you want a good, straight Rye, buy
1 M
bvVLaei iw eo
Distilled (4) times in
(Ordinary whiskey not more than twioej
This makes SCHENLEY 4
times purer, with 4 times
better quality. SCHENLEY
tastes and smells and is
genuine because it is properly
aged and its mellowness, and
delicate flavor is all its own.
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle sealed with U. S. Goveanroest Stamp.
Its age is guaranteed by the U. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for Itself. '
Whan you buy Rya, buy 8c html ay. At all dealers. -
Scbealry DistQUog Compear, Locesco, Pa. "
teuv wynuasl o I
The Favorite Rye of " Six GeneratIons,,
Spring Is coming, spring is coming!
On you editors, now listen!
Where tne lrlr-l,s hang frigid
In the sunlight, all a-gllsten.
Soon you'll bear a pitter-patter
That will last, perhaps an hour.
And the eaves will be a-dtipplng
From the Drat warm April shower.
Sorlna Is coming, yet It's coming
Oh you queer old weather prophet! '
Got the mercury a-ccastln'.
Do era the tube and couldn't atop It;
Soon the coal will cease to rattle
And to frolic down the chute
And you'll nave to be a saving
Money for aa Easter suit. ,
Kprlng Is coming, yes It's coming
Thought perhaps yoa didn't know It:
And 'twill sure deserve a Welcome
1 From thia poor frost-bitten poet.
' And all ho' tha mercury's Slipping -Down
the tube there, pretty spry, thia one thought, brothers, cheer yot
I eprlng is coming by and by.
Omaha. -BAYOU. NE TREUt. ..