f7 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, 'JANUARY lit 1912. Meff Isa-Wonderful Diplomat; Yes, Indeed; a Wonderful Diplomat ; - -i. . By "Bud" Fisher YOO GET AU. DOH.6D LP eMt-Ll c.0 WrVD 5K6 ac.c,. YOU'Lt. LOOK SO WCLL She'll t stock. r '. fterr t Want TowtI .' j; ' . I ' . ' ! Iv";. i Y wtr To TAtr rntf I I ' " I : l.v . I 8mk. crr. t . I I " . - A I . IV 1 XtNK 0 So".. 1 M . , fa1' V-atM to - ' - - 1 ' i MOW STAND tKMT TMCHE A0 It-C HI06 ACOUMQ TKT CON6R AMD T6U. YOJ wlHere SHE'S ComiU. GEE J , ( :SMG ocr J cvt-eI f r, - v - SVC : , ' SHE ! GATE CITY BOWLERS TO PLAY Sew League Formed to Contest for City Honors. TWO-MAS TEAMS IN .TOUBJTEY Is Ealrle Already Made for Co. I'M oa Metropolitan Alley l.larsVt-ker '1m Lavlag t a -lw Mlg-h Jli tnir, The 01 City Bowling lesgue wts or ganltrd lt evening. It will bowl til game at the new Morrison ;ieye. . The following men were elected officers;: W. B. McCabe, president: N. J. Dollrd, raiary: K. l-andatrom, traaaurar. The - followtnj tam wan anloraa: Old Styla 1, J. Kllw, Coronaa. Amarlcan Prtatlnc rompanr. Utora, Parrrl) H) rupt, Kaneoek.Kpaw Llthof raphtns companr. I nlifa latra National hank. Tha tea mi will boa I Tunday and Fri day nlfhta, - Twa.Maa Taaraaatrat. A two-man taurnarawil will -atart at tha Franctar alleya mat rbura4ay nifln: Twanty (aiimi to a rolM on ailtya 1-3 4-i. (-7. Tha followlm ara tin cnirM: BlaiMy and Hunilncton. lmmarman and Mum. Conrad and .Vaal, Wanchow and Kuhrj-, Tauaan and Cochran, JTan rtoco and Penman. In tha Brandala Bowling taaiua laat nujht Llnfdackar won tha alWar lovlni cop for tha f! rat half of tha aaaaos, hla av.rntd batnc W4 for twnly-flva nana. rrd Neat 47, F. Kahry would Ilka a natch cam at the rranelaea alhrya to Want, fire fames, total pins to count. Averages Announced , . For Trap Shooters PITTBlROH,-Pa., Jan. lt-Klmer K. Ihanar of this Mr.i treaaurar of tha Interatate AaaoclaUon for tha Encnuraie mmi of Trap Shoutlnt , tonlcht aanounoed tha namee of tha fifteen hlsh amateura . In tha trap ahoatlnc averaaes for. ttM. . out. of a total yr m amateura who competed. The averaces r haaad -on a minimum ol targets shot at. The winners follow; i . t , i C. O. gnenoer. luis i. T. nrahatn. Infleslile, 111 i. t. White. Watertown? , V H. W. K.hler, r-hiinl.lphla. ...... ftart Lewie, Auburn, 111..,....,.,,, H. DUon, Oronoifo, Mo....,, , I. 8. Tmmr. t'hleaco H. 1. Kchlrcher. Alteatown, ra.. Allen Hell. AllaiUnwa, Pa.- William ft Id l y. What Chew, la. Qeorse R, l-alntar, l'mbur h.... H. V. Pnttlngrr. Charlnton. Ma.. T. H. Khler, glatw. Ho . A. Hunthry, Hloua cite, la..,.. J. P, Calhoun. McKeesport, Pa... MANY BOYS LEARN TO SWIM 3. E. Cortan Instructs Eight Hun. . dred of Them in Art. BOYS . COMPETE AT OBFHEUM Costrat , lei SlB. Tank Itreldvd' li .rel Faeklsw, kr Applaaae at Awdleaoe, Wklrh le Evenly Divided. During the last three days H. II. Cor as n. tha eWlmmlns Instructor at the Young Men'a Clirlatlan aaaurlatlon, has had M grade school hnys In tha pool teaching them lha art of swimming. All aaeia In tska'tn fh wnrl arltk arlll faM Mr. Corsan eapro.s that nearly all will ha able to awlm the length of tha Pool without the aid of water -wings by the end of tha coming week. lie haa about nine rlaeaea a day, eark rises avenging about forty pupils. Home night during the coming week Mr. Corsan will give an rsMbltton of forty-five different strokes In tha water. This will be free to tha public and all are Invited to attend. .MM Mi . , v? .KSH .Kta .tKTt. .uu IOWA TEAM SCORES WELL . IN MATCH WITH NEBRASKA IOWA CITr. la.. Jaa. lt-(gpaclal Tele-gruo.)-Tba rifle team of the t'Blrsrslty of Iowa shot total of Kl polnu oat at a pusMbw I.SM la Ha by mall match with the L'nlveretty of Nebraska, today. This is tha highest score that has ever been made on an mtercolleglata gallery with a flre-maa team. WITH THE BOWLERS Crweraa Taka Tkswa.' Tha Brodegaard Crowns took three straight from toe La Valdaraa on the Metropolitan alleya. Harry Prrmean had high gams e Ht and high total of for tha Crowns. Horwtch had high game of Ml and high total of SW for tha La Valdoras. January is, Otelbus . Candy Co. agalnet Schrosder'l 8t. Jamet. BRODEGAARD CROWNS. 3d. Total. 1st. id. Waleos ......17 la C. Prlmeatt v JTI Voss 1 ltd 1L Prtmeea ....lw ?H Angeisberg ,u 11 U Total ,...SM W VAUDORAa 1st. M. mine :...m ui Undxay 1M IM lober 1T 131 hrtst-nea .U 14T llorwich ......KJ Ml Totals '....m TU lsj lot ' I sr. in Hi em tS'OODHtPP RXCRI, IV WATER Wise Lee-lag Cap far Cs pert sees la Orpkaass Tank.. Ralph Wood raff won tha loving cup In the swimming, contest held last evening at tha Orpheum after tha regulsr per. fermance. It was close race between Woodruff and O. p. Wendell. Tha prise' was awarded tha contestant receiving tha greatest amount of ap, plausa when lined ttp on tha stage. Tha applause given Woodruff and Wendell was about an even break. Not being stile to decide which should get the prise the referee had tha twa boys go In the water sasond time and Woodruff suc ceeded In pulling down tha trophy. About twenty men and boys applied St tha bog office for permission la take part In tha contest. Not being able to aDaw all to enter because of the ehorf time left after tha show for the contest Manager Byrne picked out erven and levtlieru take.irt.. Jhe march tin mermaia at prarw. revolution water and a straight dive, four of the hardest of Odlvs'i feats waa the. seat nut up to tha onnteetsnts. The following took part In tha eontesri Will Sheets, Ralph Woodruff, Mag Paarhendorf, Henry Heneot, O. P. Wendell, Joe tha Olaajer and V. Kngstrom, Eourke Trades Joe Kneaves for a New Eighthand Pitcher Gun Club Plans for Purchase of Beach Members of tha Rod and Oun club will meet tonight at tha Roma hotel to eon. awes definite plan for tha purchase of Courtland Beach. It Is proposed te raise STi.SW by ob taining IM stock, subscriptions of SMe each amurig tba members, the manage ment of tha club te be left to these sub. scribera. Kacn subscriber hi to receive one, building lot and ia to be exempt from dues. " " ' ' All other members ara to be aasoclats members, entitled to all the privileges of the club. The duet paid by tha assoctatt member will be Hard for entertainment and runalog sinenses, the Intention be ing for tha subscribing members to oay tor the property and make tha permaesnl Improvements, such as platting, grading aad beautifying tha grounds and building a clubhouse, out of tha funds subscribed. PH 111 U. Total. 141 . 17 ITS 40 Kt set 14) UK sos tie tkrla l.icke W l. In a postponed gam tha Chris. Lyck's took tw aut of three from tne htort Hot tiers oa ' the , basement alley last iM. IL Butler of tha Lyek'a bad blah single of tn. Glllhara of tha Mors team bad high totals, -Set. Scores: CHRIS. LTCK'M. . 1st. M. id. Total. It Btrtler .............IM 1X1 MS Wt) X. Butler ...... ...... -TO Hi 171 y tn Lck .....IT. ITl Pit tie Totals ....ill sw M4 lias STORZ BOTTLERS. " ' lt- M. W. Total fJiermaa i4 jet Utliham ...ll IT. , Acbuenssan j.. l U Totals ....AS m" iff Twa for Store Rattles, Tha Storm Bottler tok tw out of three oa tha baaansetit alley hut 'rtgst. )rroenissa had Mgh single. St; Oil loam high total, S3S, for the Stors Bottlers. i-oedoa high Wagle, ST: Silk high totals. kX for tha "porta, acereat fi r. JTOBZ BOTTLERS. - I i ' - t t T'- RrmaW f-i--. Ms 474 t5llrh--.i.u, .f4 '.ITS , 3S ' . High School Lads Given Their Letters .Tha sixteen letter student of the 1111 foot bail squad of tha Omaha High school were officially awarded their "OV at a meeting held at the acbeol yester dsy. Only the letter men themselves and the flv faculty member of the school athletic board of control were present. Prof. C K. Reed, athletic director, pre sided, and xnada the preeentatloa of tba monogram, the ceremony dosing with a brief resume of tha work of the team for lha Mil see von, given by Dave Bowman, captain and right half of lb team. Tha following lad war awarded their letters: iJOre Bowman, captain; Richard Mailman, eaotajn-elect: Karl Bressman. Malcolm Baldrlge, Robert CaHeoa, Beryl Crocket. Ileaard. Delamatra, John Gideon, Arthur Ltndell. Hugh Millard. Harry Muaneke, Ellsworth Moser. Pam Petrraon. Julius Rarhmaa, Virgil Rector sd Way Selby, Missouri Wins from . Ames at Basket Ball COLUMBIA, lie, Jan. lS.-Captain m', Parker's free throw wan tor Mluourl I unlverrlty tn a basket-ball game with Amea tonight, S to ft. Flea minutes Lies in 'Tiiss.U..v.es' ml- i.g r . ECMyHR ! "Poftts. It 24. l. TOUI. wer dded to ties second half to permit the breaking of a tie score. Lineup: MlsaoVRl. AMES. Psrker tC..,..R P.!RP..,.,,. ro!hrv tTafle r...,L.P. I-I,.,..: IHiweil t-io1irr ti.V...,. Pfund Mueller RO.i R-G.,...Chapp tCl Barnet Ui. UJ King Referee: W. a tlreene. 8t Louis. MAHMOUT THROWS TWO MEN 1 AND NEARLY JDOWNS THIRD Mahmont threw George Meyers acd pet Larh std almost pinned the should- j FLYNN FLOORUL WILLIAMS Pueblo Fireman Hakes Short Work of Cleveland Pugilist. FIGHT GOES BUT. TWO BOUUDS Carley Isseisen Boot I Laet Public Appears are at Ilia C karg Before Mewling vrlth Joka " Ml Xft July. TORONTO. Jan. ll-JIm Flynn. the Pueblo fireman, who is matched to fight Jsrk Johnson for the world's heavyweight rhamplonehlp, knocked out Al Williams of. Cleveland In the second round of a bout scheduled to go ten round before the National porting association of this city tonight. ' ' Flynn forced the flgl.tlng from lha start. In tha first two minutes of the mlxup Williams showed to advantage. Flynn's superior hitting powers soon made them selvea apparent, however, and In th last mlnut of th round be landed a heavy short arm hook lo the face, sending th Clevetandef to th floor for a count of six. th bell saving him. William csme up ftesh for the second round, but Flynn was after him hard from lha start. The end came quickly, Flynn launched a tremendous right awing for Williams' jaw. Ths blow landed fair and tha Cleveland man went down and out.' Flynn. who- weighed in at Ue pounds, waa fifteen pounds lighter ia than . hi opponent. , According to Jack Curley, Plynn'a man ager, tonight' bout marked the last pub Ik! appearance of tha Pueblo man before bis meeting with Jolinnon next July. ' Johnson could not attend the fight. ha secured new rlght- lioher Th Omaha magnate gave Jor Kneaves, laat year's shortstop, snd i pleo of money for "Wild" Jack Ryan. Th new pitcher waa secured from Mobil of th Pouthern association. In th fall of 1H . Ryan waa on th pitching staff of th Lincoln team of the Wee tern league. He le said to be a clever mound artist and Rourke believe he will be one of th mattu'lay of next year's team.. Ryan played alt mat season with th Mobil stub and finished near th top of the Hat of th league pitchers. He has been sent a contract. Fine Little Fighting Man t f Isbell Closes Sale : of Base Ball Club WICHITA. Kan.. Jan. it-Frank isbell tonight signed the contract closing the as! of his Pueblo base ball club to a Wichita atock company and th first pay ment on th team was made. Mr.'Iebell left tonight for Dea Molnea where he will taka an actlv part with Tom Fair weather In rgntslng a team In that city. Frank MrMullan. secretary of tha Wtchtta-Pueblo club laat year, waa to night selected secretary and manager of th club In thla city. H will take charge of th club at one. COLLEGE RIFLE SHOOTERS ALL REGISTER HIGH SCORES WASHINGTON'. Jan. ll-Itt th first week' competition of th intercollegiate Rifle Shooting league, th twelve univer sities and college entered registered high score. With th highest possible ecore for a team, l.J points, Maasachuasots Agricul tural college scored l against th Uni versity of Pennsylvania m. Harvard uni versity m against Delaware college R7; Princeton university 111 against New Ham pah Ira coUeg Tig, Norwich nnlrsr- slty M4 against Won Virginia univer sity SK North Georgia Agricultural ool. leg against Louisiana State univer sity S4. Vnlted States College of Veteri nary Surgeons fit against Maryland Agri cultural college I1L WISCONSIN WILL NOT - PROP GAME WITH IOWA IOWA C1TT. is, Jan. lL-i Special.) That there la no truth In th report started In Dea Moines that Wisconsin had dropped Iowa from Its foot bell schedule t play Neural ca next fall I th state ment mad her today by Nelson A. Kellogg, manager of athletic. Iowa and Wisconsin atlll have on year of a two year contract to complete. Arrangements are uwter way, however, to acbedul a game with th Slate Teachers' college of Cedar Falls, replacing the Moralngsld game with this oonteet. Cornell college will occupy the asm position oa lowa'a schedule as before. ere of Oaear Wasem to the mat ia twenty HOLMES AND GUNTHORPE MAY BUYJUNCOLN TEAM LINCOLN, Jan. m "Ducky Holme and John F. Gunthorpe, former owner of th Lincoln and 'Denver dub, wba have been ecnferrlng In ftrts city, are eaM to hare com ta term this after- 12 lo to&w 1'yif iutvrcst ia toe I orsl rlub under - tha optica gives t Holme by Preeident rtesnale. Th only I Coiidosr ,t,f. -.tl in- ill -4. l4. ; .. 13c v. i4r, r 421 1 minute last night at ths Krug In hla hitch tn -h eoenatellon . of, tb sale It wrestling match. The third man was ""a "ow ! . the mint at llmi no aly. iwhlch Is to be subscrtred ta SMWltr i'au r 7 5 If- o Ci.g y-.t-rl fh iv..v . Ab Attell. champion featherweight, I This will be the second In his career that who it conditioning for hi bout with I Aba has stepped out of the featherweight Knookout Brown In New York next .week. J class to meet a lightweight. Uvick and Buckles to Meet Next Week Billy Uvick. the ".Nebraska Thunder bolt" and Guy Buckles, tha well known local middle weight, have signed articles for a scientific eight-round boxing exhi bition. Th forfeit money haa been posted and tha exhibition Will be pulled oft at Washington hall on the night of January X. Two good preliminaries have been arranged for. ' It wa not until after much dickering that tha two boxer were matched against each other. Buckle and I'vtek hare coma together twice tn th paat. In th first match th ten round went to a draw. Last spring L'vick bested Buckles, but th latter asserted he was in no con dition and It is expected that he will put up a better exhibition next Friday night Walter McCarthy and Rid Barada of Kanaaa City will go on for three rounds and Joe Oasplp and KM Snipe, both of Omaha, will go for three rounds. , More Seats Placed for Wrestling Match Manager Glllaa of th Auditorium I making special preparations to guar against accidents at the big match be tween Ordeman and Wetergaxd to night- Kx tensions aav ben . put oa th mat platform uts4d of lb rope to prevent th wrestlers from falling to th floor In ens they should to throws through th ropes. Neither Westsrgaard nr Ordeman are what might be called rough wrestler, but th struggle will be so even and so fleres that they nay los their head and on of thsrn may be tiirqw. through th rose, a has happened la son of th matches at th Auditorium in the FffTY-THREEMEN DROWN Steamer Wistomhall Strikes Socks Off Aberdeenshire. SHIP QPICKXY. BREAKS UP Thlrty-Pivo Ca Dow a with the Ves sel nad Other t llaa ta Wreek . ft few a Ties Only . Pear Saved. ABERDEEKV Scotland. Jan. M.-Tha British steamer Wlstowhall was wracked early today on th Buller of Buchan. a group of dangerous rooks off ths coast of Aberdeenshire. Fifty-three of th crew were drowned. Thirty-five of them went down with the ship and other clung to th wreckage, but only Hire of them succeeded In reaching ahor. The seas were to hug that It wa Im possible to launch a Ufa boat Th life boat crew of tha village of Buller tried several time to put out to era, hut their craft was hurled back onto th (bore. Most of the drowned sailors were La car. Captain Stoddard of th Wlstowhall, one of thos rescued, ay his crew num bered fifty -six. Only three Lascar and the captain reached the shore, so fifty threw were drowned. Th captain says that th Wlstowhall drifted helplessly for hour before a tor rifle gale. It fire were extinguished as th sea had flooded the engine mm dur ing rb 'night t The Wlstowhall waa a vessel of tl39 tons and was built at Greenock, grothuid, in IS It waa owned by th Hall Un of Liverpool. SITUATION INCDBA CLEARS President Tait Believes Intervention Will Hot Be Hecessary. ALL PAETHS MEET m HATAJfA Agreewent Reached that is Expected to Meet Object lose at Vnlted $tiWr-4 tvll Scrrlre Law . to Be Re-Eaartcd, - WASHINGTON, Jan. H-After a con ference with Pirnideit loft. Kccretsrv of War Stlmson today declared that he did not believo the I'nlted Mates would have to Intervene In Cuba. President Taft. Mr. Stlmson eaM, agreed with him. Although tha situation Is regarded as roost hopeful the White House and Ih War department will watch developments closely. , ' Cabana Drafting Reals. HAVANA, Jan. If. Th reply of the Cuban eovernmnit to the note of Secre tary Knox, Intimating that the United fistrs government might be compelled lo Intervene in Cuban affairs probably will be made today. An official statement was given out today regarding the conference held last night at th palace botwsra President Oomet snd representative of all the Political factions aad tii veterans. Th statement follows: The matting lor mi rutted with every on breathing words of patriotism, a fact which filled th president with optimism. because he found In hi old eomuantoiu In arms and In all Iho others present a firm determination to save th republic, a plight be expected from those proteas ing their love for the Cuban fatherland." To Re-Baaet Civil Service Law, Details of th terms of agreement re ported at the conferenc have not been given out, and possibly they wl(l be tha subject of further conterences. , It Is probable that one of the llrst action to b taken will be tiia passage of sn act revoking the annulment of th civil serv ice law, thus putting "an end to the pernicious attempts of th veteran to di vide the Cubans Into cissies, contrary to th constitution. ' , It la certain that all thos who ware present -at th meeting at the palace pledged to tha interests represented by them to make every sacrifice in order to uphold President Oome In his efforts to remove the ' faintest justification- for American intervention. - . Colonel Oreate Ferrara, speaker of the house of representatives, after the con ference ald . he waa. convinced all the trouble waa due ta congress truckling to the veterans by abrogating th civil eerv. ice law. Congressman Manuel Kacedea, repre senting th veterans, ssld they now would be satisfied with what they had already gained, although they still be lieve the president's action In forbidding officers to attend meetings of the veter ans was unconstitutional. WATTERSON JITS WILSON Schoolmaster, Hot Statesman, Indi cated by Actions. . .. ST0B7 OF BREAK WITH HASTET CONDEMNED BUILDING ' IS DAMAGED BY FIRE The condemned building at the north, east corner of Sixteenth and Dodge streets piactlcslly was put out of as by fir at 1 o'clock thla morning. Four or flv person sleeping In th upper room of the building, which Is a two-story frame, were routed out by Policeman Frank Aughc. ' Much damag waa done to the old building but small loss was incurred. The origin of the bis could not be ascertained. The upper floor occupied by th Mannwetler employment agency and a fruit stand oa the around floor I owned by George Stamoo suffered most. A restaurant and a new stand occupy tha other compartments. Judge William Neville own th building. It waa re cently condemned to be rated March L It waa said plana are being made for the erection of a new building at the earner. . - JAMES BIANCCI AND SIX MEN WITH BEER TAKEN -James Bianect and six men were takes Dawlel aad Inn Draw,, -. from his plane "at UM Davenport atreet ; ST. sao., Jan. ia. errooirj uy ine police cwrir nsss nigni. rive cases "Daniels of S(. Joseph and Jtmraks Kvaaa beer were confiscated. Bianod waa of Kanaaa City. Mghtweighte. fought fif teen furious rounds aero tonight te a draw. I on! els. suffering from an ear split several day ago. am not display his usual form. The boys fowrht at long range and vigorously rushed each ather to th rooea repeatedly. Neither ser loosly damaged the otber. tterkea Ways Sat Pawl Teass. KILWAUKEK. Jan. t TSe Dally News says: "Ray Meehan of Milwaukee, business manager of the l. Paul Amer ican association team. M now part owner or last eiuo. asvnag Nrrwaaea pearly bait ef the stock Ire- Ocergs K. Lennon." f , , K . , .- . Denser Will Trm.o la IgtawosrH. CHICAGO. Jsa. T. Jack Hendrh-k manager of tha Denver club of the Western league, announced here today tret hla cub would Uaia at Excewr sJTCi Ha. t charged with conducting a disorderly house and the six men a Inmate. .To Dissolve the Tales of alosnach. liver and kidney trouble and cure biltousnee and malaria, take Electric Bitter. Guaranteed. Only ec For sals by Beaton Drug Ca. Persistent .Urertistng; Big Returns. tlsing Im, the Road .to BALL OF THE RAILWAY -TRAINMEN BIG SUCCESS Between four and five hundred dancer filled Crelghton hail hut night t th twenty -second annual ball of Success Lodge MS, Brotherhood of Railway Train men, and the organtxatlon treasury wa swelled considerably as a result. Th hail was beautifully decorated with lan terns, flags and bunting and at one end a hug engine headlight Illuminated th place. Guy Fainter, night yardmaxter for th Union Pacific, led th grand march with Mrs. Palmer -and more than V4 couples participated in this number of ths program. The ball was arranged for and held under the supervision of T. T. Boyntoai. R. T. Paxtoa, and J. T. Cunningham, wh constltutxd the ball committee. Governor Coldly Told hit Wk Brought His Oat gsppert Of Weekly Magaalae Ha-'"""', Doing Him lajary. ' ' T LOUISVILLE, Ky Jan.- It -That 'he ns hoped to find In Wood row Wilson another Tilden, but had zound "rather a schoolmaster than a statesman." wa the declaration of Henry Watterson.' the veteran Kentucky editor and southern democrat. In a statement mad here last night in connection with the break be- ' tween Oorcmor Wilson and Colonel George Harveyi v "Regretting that I musl appear either a a wltaeea or a party to th toilsunder-' standing which haa arisen between Col onel Georg Harvey and Governor Wood row Wilson,',' reads the statement,' ' "C . shall have te speak.. "Th confetenc between ua lp;'mS apartment at th Manhattan -club wa held to consider certain practical meas ures relating to Governor Wilson's candl dacy. Colonel Hsrver atood toward Gov ernor Wilson much a I had stood 'flv and thirty years ago toward Mr. Tilden. This appealed to me. Colonel Harvey had brought tha governor and myself to gether In his New Jersey horn eighteen month ago and as lira passed had Inter- , eated me in hit ambition. - "I wa hoping 1 might find In Governor Wilson another Tilden. In point of In tellect and availability I yet think Cel onol Harvey mad no ml stake In hi' choice of a candidate, but tha circum stance leading to tha unfortunate parting of th way between them lead me, to doubt whether In character snd ttrapcra-ment-lt may be merely In the be una of the lifetime-Governor Wilson I rather a schoolmaster than a statesman. "Nothing of a dtecourteoua kind-even of tn unfriendly klnd-rpasaed during an, interview of more than an hour, -From the first, however, there wa a certain constraint In Governor Wilson' manner, th absence of the cordiality and candor which thould mark heart)', confidential Intercourse, Intimating the existence of ome adverse influence. Hi manner waa autocratic If not tyrannous. I did not take thla to myself, but thought It re lated to Colonel Harvey, and when Col onel Harvey, apparently overcome by Governor Wilson' austerity, put th di rect question to Governor Wilson whether th support -of Harper! Weekly waa doing him an Injury, and received from Governor Wilson tha cold rejoinder that it wa. I wa both surprised and shocked. "I had myself a far back as last Oc tober, suggested to Governor Wilson that in view of hi supposed environment It might be well for Colonel Harvey to moderate somewhat the rather aggressive) character of Harper' Weekly tn the Wil ton leadership. I am not sure thst I had not said as much to Colonel Har vey himself, but that Governor Wilson without ths lesst show of compunction, should express or yield to such an opinion and permit Colonel Harvey to consider himself discharged from th position, ef trusted intimacy he had HP to this tno-' ment held, left me little room to doubt that Governor Wilson I not the a man who makes common cause with hi politi cal associates, or la deeply sensible of his political obligations; because it Is but true and fair to say that except lot Colonel Harvey he would not tn id the Tunning at all. "Colonel Harvey was grievously wounded. He had been fighting Gover nor Wilson's battle for many year and -had Idealised his chief." Wllsoa Loses Sappoever. . . MILWAUKEE. Jan. 17,-The break be tween Governor Wilson and - Colonel George B. Harvey baa brought ' out the' leader of the old Bryan strength In Wis- N con sin against the New Jersey msn. Matt J. Regan one of the ttrongeat or. the old democratic leaders In th t-ite, ' tonight Issued a tetter to John A. Ay!-' ward of Madison, head ef the Wlleon campaign tn this Mat, declaring that' under ao circumstance would hs now aid In th campaign of th New Jersey governor. Mr. Regan wa at th cutset a Wilson man. - WaBUsre sja l.eals. ST. im'J-v-Wtenfti frtl lac, manager of tjie W.-l .American lea sue teem, arrived .m isi today and wlH-mske his hoane here-for-th res of the eeasots. fMeMsuTtiritrrove-rient tn hi .-one hint: and fleldtnaiieaartinew-s smilitxr- Wnr to new Scorning -Twcef w J o sal by til dealers. pub wyvniiwi ELLIOTT TALKS TO FARMERS OF TRI-STATE ASSOCIATION FARGO, N. D.. Jsn- li Howard Elliott president ef .th. Northern Pacific r0- ay. waa th principal peaaer at the meeting of th Tribal us Grain Growers' saaoctatioB tnaighL- 43raar Harass of Ohio addressed tha fanners la. Use after- Other speakers -nday war A. perm at Mafdeton. N- D- and Captain W. 8. bb.Sailth of Plosx City. Ia. v. .. 3 -: li . 3 Tea era! Bad that mU'iaj e-re-rwecr sneak wcB of Chamherlara' Cedgh Rem edy. They knew from lews; expertamear ta the sal of H that in cases of rsogrts aad coeds It can aiway UDOK. and that it as Lecturer Tells of . Conditions m China' Jior than Kd person at the Cnivaraitr club last night heard Dr. Edward Hume, , secretary In China to Tai college, de liver an illustrated lecture on present -conditions there. Dr. Hume, who left, China but a short while ago. I th guest " of Luther L. Kountxe during his May in Omaha, who wa hla clase-cnate at Tale, ' Dr. Hum told of th beginning of the revolution and of the verthrow ef the Mancha dynasty. He said that In his ' opinion, should a strong man be placed at ' the head ef the new refaaMlc now, ail ef ' the undeveloped natural reaoaicea at th lend could be utilised and China wouM In a short time become on of the greatast power In th wortd- Dr. Hume' remarks were Hlsctratrd with stereoptieon Hide - wklck absisnl recent picture, of th Chinese disorder. From these views It, could be seen that th Chinaman, when aroused it aa patriotic as the citizens of any country. Instead of revealing a horde of uncivil teed issvaare fighting with eeifcg vres- " ens. th slides shewed the Chinese srmies to be neatly uniformed. weD trilled and eejoipped with the latest bn piemen ts of ' Persistent Advertising Big Returaa. .. the Road to - s ,0